The Role of Accounting Theory in The Development of Accounting Principles
The Role of Accounting Theory in The Development of Accounting Principles
The Role of Accounting Theory in The Development of Accounting Principles
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Daniël Coetsee
University of Johannesburg
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Accounting theorists agree that no comprehensive theory of accounting has yet been
developed. In the absence of such a theory, the question arises whether sufficient
accounting principles are created through accounting research. This article acknowledges
that accounting principles are not solely the result of academic research and that current
accounting practice through its standard-setting process contributes far more to the
development of accounting principles. Hence the role that accounting theory and
research should play in developing accounting principles is a vital academic question.
The discussion in the article focuses on the normative and descriptive (or the more modern
positivistic) approach to the development of accounting theory, the positivistic nature of
mainstream accounting research, a possible decision-useful theory of accounting and the role
of interpretative and critical research. All of these developments are beneficial to accounting
since they open up accounting to a diversity of research approaches that will collectively
improve the status of accounting research and possibly accounting theory. The role that these
developments fulfil in creating appropriate accounting principles, however, is debatable.
Key words
Accounting theory; Positivistic research; Interpretative research; Critical research;
Decision-usefulness theory; Mainstream accounting research
accounting principles and informing the major developments that have had a direct
standard setters’ process is thus a key influence on the status of accounting theory
academic question. today; (3) the first development – positive
A crucial dilemma in accounting research accounting theory; (4) the second
is that there is currently no comprehensive development – the decision-usefulness
theory of accounting on which accounting theory of accounting; and (5) other
research can be based (Riahi-Belkaoui developments in accounting research –
2004; Godfrey, Hodgson, Holmes & Tarca interpretative and critical research.
2006; Schroeder, Clark & Cathey 2001).
This fact was identified by the American 2 The nature of accounting
Accounting Association in 1973. In A
Statement of Accounting Theory and Theory theory and the
development of theory
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Accounting theory may also be used to explain and predicting the phenomena, and is
existing practices to obtain a better therefore more positivistic.
understanding of them. But the most important
goal of accounting theory should be to provide The result is that many accounting
a coherent set of principles that form the theorists do not distinguish between
general frame of reference for the evaluation normative and descriptive research, but
and development of sound accounting between normative and positive research
practices. (Schroeder et al. 2005; Deegan & Unerman
These two schools of accounting theory are 2006). Inanga and Schneider (2005)
grounded in the two main methodologies compare the normative and positive
for the development of theory in general theories as follows:
that is, normative and descriptive A normative theory is a goal-oriented theory
methodologies. Normative methodology that represents real world situations, not as
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questions existing theory to describe what they are, but as they should be. It is
the theory should be, while descriptive prescriptive rather than descriptive theory that
methodology investigates the underlying explains, and sets out, principles
of what ought to be. Normative theories
phenomena to describe what they are are characterised by goal assumptions
(Hendriksen 1982; Riahi-Belkaoui 2004). and deduction (Inanga & Schneider
Normative metho-dology is more 2005:231).
concerned with what the outcome should be Positive theories attempt to describe real
and is more prescriptive (Deegan & world situations as they are. Research based
Unerman 2006:10). By contrast, descriptive on positive theories involves empirical
methodology describes, explains and observations of the relevant phenomena from
predicts the underlying phenomena which a problem is defined. Data relevant to
(Deegan & Unerman 2006:8). the problem are then collected and hypotheses
formulated and tested by independent process.
Normative and descriptive metho- If the theory that results is an accurate
dologies are also distinguished by the representation (description) of the empirical
process followed to develop theory. phenomena, such a theory can be used for
Normative methodology is a deductive predictive purposes. Induction follows
empirical observation and takes the form: “if
process in which objectives are formulated,
event Y takes place, the outcome will be Z”.
from which principles are developed. The greater the number of empirical
Descriptive methodology is an inductive observations, the better supported the related
process that focuses on observations of the induction will be (Inanga & Schneider
real world. The aim of the inductive process 2005:230).
is to record the underlying phenomena. To understand the role that these
However, a third process, the predictive methodologies of development of theory
process, is sometimes identified. This play in the development of accounting
process goes further than the inductive theory it is important to note the
process in that it not only records the developments in accounting research over
observations, but also explains and predicts the last few decades.
them – hence the fact that it is often
referred to as a positive research metho-
dology (Deegan & Unerman 2006:8). 3 Major developments in
he second school of accounting theory, accounting theory
the explain-and-predict school, although Two major developments in accounting
descriptive in observing the underlying occurred in the 1960s and early 1970s, and
phenomena, focuses more on explaining these have had a significant influence on
terms of the normative approach “very little accepted theory on which research can be
concern was exhibited for the empirical based.
validity of the hypothesis on which The second development, the decision-
normative prescriptions rest” (Watts & usefulness orientation in accounting, started
Zimmerman 1986:4). Wolk et al. with research in the 1960s. The Statement
(2008:135) agree that this “postulated- of Basic Accounting Theory, generally
principle approach” had died out by 1970. referred to as ASOBAT, was issued by the
One of the main reasons why the normative American Accounting Association in 1966,
approach is not used is that there is and is regarded as the starting point of this
uncertainty about whether any particular orientation (Hicks 1966; Sterling 1967).
normative theory would be accepted by Based on this orientation, Riahi-Belkaoui
accounting scholars (Godfrey et al. 2006:8). (2004:41) describes the role of accounting
Normative research has been regarded as as follows:
“nonscientific” (Mattessich 2002:186). The The role of accounting is to produce
result of the move from normative to information about the economic behavior
positive research was that the focus in resulting from a firm’s activities within its
accounting research shifted from the environment. The result is best represented by
development of accounting principles and what the FASB calls “the information
what they should be to a more scientific
methodology of explaining and predicting Through the decision-usefulness orient-
the practice. The effect of this positive tation, the focus shifted from the principles
research methodology is discussed in of accounting to the outcome of the
section 4. accounting process – the information that is
provided. A more detailed discussion of the
According to Godfrey et al. (2006:11),
possible effects of decision-usefulness
while the emphasis in academic research
theory is provided in section 5.
remains in the area of positive accounting
theory, the profession has sought a more Over the last two decades, many scholars
normative approach by seeking theories that have been calling for accounting to enter
would unify accounting practice and make the broader research domain of the social
it more useful. However, this is not a pure sciences (Reiter & Williams 2002:602;
normative approach and the question can be Baker & Bettner 1997:294). They argue
posed whether practice is creating theory. that accounting is a human activity that
Wolk et al. (2008:93) contend that should include all research approaches
accounting standards that have developed included in the social sciences, such as
from a pragmatic process would not interpretative, critical and behaviour
research. The effect of this broader One major reason for the move away
approach to accounting research is from normative theories was the availability
discussed in section 6. of financial economics principles and
testing methods (Godfrey et al. 2006:6;
Watts & Zimmerman 1986:5). Gaffikin
4 The positive accounting (2006:n.p.), in a working paper, argues that
theory the reason for the development and
explosion of the neoempirical research
4.1 Background methods in accounting, including positive
Henning, Van Rensburg and Smit research, was
(2004:17), experts on research metho- … the development of doctoral programmes in
accounting where students were given
dologies in the social sciences, describe a
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According to Godfrey et al. (2006:261), The capital asset pricing and relationship
the efficient market hypothesis is “a models focus more on the use of accounting
prevailing paradigm in financial data to determine the relationship or
economics”, and “is based on the value of share prices, and thus not on
assumption that capital markets react in an the accounting principles themselves.
efficient and unbiased manner to publicly Holthausen and Watt (2001:62) comment as
available information” (Deegan & Unerman follows on the models used in finance:
2006:210). According to this hypothesis, The valuation models employed in the value-
accounting information is in competition relevance and capital markets literature have
with other market information to establish no role for accounting. … The valuation
share prices (Scott 2006:88). As applied to models supply no theory of accounting.
finance, the efficient market hypothesis is Value relevance research assesses how well
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setters. According to Barth et al. (2001:77), It should be noted, as Deegan and Unerman
the primary focus of financial statements is (2006:206) observe, that this definition
equity investments. Specifically, developed only one particular positive
contracting and other uses of financial theory of accounting. Boland and Gordon
statements do not eliminate the importance (1992:143) concur, stating that this
of value relevance (Barth et al. 2001:98). definition of positive accounting theory
They (2001:99) state that value relevance specifically incorporated empirical research
research is designed to assess whether based on economic explanations and
investors use particular accounting amounts predictions in accounting research in an
in valuing equity and not to estimate the attempt to explain the effect of accounting
firm value. choices.
Since value relevance research is Boland and Gordon (1992) reviewed the
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could be used to test accounting principles specific reasons for the failure of
directly? The article proposed that this accounting research to improve accounting
could be a focus that accounting researchers practice. According to them (2005:227)
could debate. For instance, can a fair value there is a fundamental flaw in the
theory be developed that identifies under accounting research process as summarised
which instances fair value accounting below.
should be applied? The central problem of accounting theory is
Accounting researchers need to realise that there is no known theory to use as a
that accounting and economics are different reference for creating hypotheses or models to
be empirically researched. The absence of
disciplines. Economic theory has a role to theory can be seen in education, practice, and
play in accounting research but should not the research literature itself. Practitioners, for
be the dominant force. Accounting example, because of their training and lack of
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researchers should always understand the experience with an interest in research tend
link between accounting and economics, not to look to research findings to meet their
and how accounting information influences professional needs. Accounting researchers,
on the other hand, have created what appears
broader economic decisions. The objective
to be a highly advanced research context
of global financial reporting is to create which, in fact, is an environment dominated by
decision-useful information. Accounting sophisticated methodology, rather than theory.
and economics are related and always will The research basically emulates the hard
be – however, for accounting to prosper as sciences, which makes its pursuit academically
an academic discipline, elements acceptable, but it lacks substance. This
specifically germane to accounting also explains the failure of accounting research to
improve accounting practice.
need to be researched.
The flaw is not in the positive research
methodology itself but in the theories on
4.4 Mainstream accounting which positive research methodologies are
research based. The view expressed in this article is
Notwithstanding the critiques of the also that positive methodology is valid
economic influence, the positive methodology. The use of financial and
methodology has become the methodology economic theories in accounting research
of mainstream accounting research has a role to play, since accounting is not
(Williams 2009; Gaffikin 2006; Baker & unrelated to other disciplines. However, for
Bettner 1997). According to Ryan, Scapens accounting researchers to fulfil a more
and Theobald (2002:41), mainstream prominent role in the development of
accounting research is primarily concerned accounting principles, hypotheses based on
with the functioning of accounting. They the underlying principles of accounting
(2002:41) explain it as follows: need to be identified as input into any
Such work starts from an objective view of positivistic research methodology.
society, regards individual behavior as Positive accounting research seeks to
deterministic, uses empirical observations and
explain and predict accounting practices
a positive research methodology.
and accounting policy choices and is not
As Boland and Gordon (1992) state above, focused on establishing the principles of
positive methodology is a valid research accounting. Baker and Bettner (1997:293)
methodology that can be applied in further state the following:
accounting research. In accepting the
Additionally, we argue that the type of
validity of positive research methodology, research prevalent in mainstream accounting
Inanga and Schneider (2005) advance journals, which is characterized by a positivist
fundamental accounting researchers to seek gaining new ground with the initial chapters in
other avenues that could contribute to the the conceptual framework that the IASB and
core of accounting itself. the FASB have recently published (IASB,
2006). Unlike in previous eras, this new
framework seems set to expunge stewardship
5 The effect of the decision- reporting and remains largely indifferent to
the information needs of any other
usefulness theory stakeholders apart from finance capitalists).
The argument for accepting the decision-
5.1 Nature and development usefulness approach was that if
As mentioned earlier, the decision- theoretically correct financial statements
usefulness approach started in the 1960s. cannot be prepared then they should at least
ASOBAT, issued in 1966, is regarded as be more useful (Scott 2006:51). The
the starting point of this approach (Hicks question is whether historical cost
1966; Sterling 1967). ASOBAT defines information (which is useful for assessing
accounting as follows (as cited in Riahi- stewardship) is useful for making economic
Belkaoui 2004:38): decisions (Deegan & Unerman, 2006:178).
… the process of identifying, measuring, and This approach started with the question on
communicating economic information to how the financial statements based on
permit informed judgments and decisions by historical cost could be made more useful
users of information. (Scott 2006:51). Decision usefulness is thus
Although this definition still refers to the starting point of the debate on how fair
accounting as a process, it introduces the value or other valuations should be
purpose of the communication process: “to incorporated into financial reporting, a
permit informed judgments and decisions debate that is still relevant today.
by users of information”. The Trueblood From an academic perspective, the
Commission Report in 1973 reinforced the question needs to be asked whether an
decision-usefulness approach by asserting adequate decision-usefulness theory of
that the basic objective of financial accounting has been developed on which
statements future research, such as positivistic
… is to provide information useful for making research, can be based. The question is
economic decisions (Wolk et al., 2008:160). whether the decision-usefulness approach
These developments resulted in both the adopted by the FASB and IASB can be
FASB and IASB adopting the decision- regarded as establishing a theory of
usefulness objective in their conceptual accounting.
Many scholars call for a focus on the reasons why they acted in a certain way.
broader social effect of accounting. Baker Interpretative research offers insights into
and Bettner (1997:307) believe that how a given person, in a given context,
accounting has an effect on social issues makes sense of a given phenomena. It is not
such as distribution of wealth, social theory driven by setting and testing
justice, political ideology and hypotheses. It reports on the theory
environmental degradation. They and others identified. For instance, grounded theory
(Macintosh, 2004; Broadbent, 2002) call for undergoes a consistent process of
the use of interpretive and critical conceptualisation of data until a basic
perspectives to understand the impact of theory emerges.
accounting on people. Gaffikin (2006:n.p.)
In a polyphonic debate conducted in
concurs, and explains as follows:
2006, many accounting researchers
Consequently, rather than attempting to discussed the future of interpretative
recreate the methods of the natural sciences, it
accounting research (Ahrens et al. 2008).
is more appropriate that accounting turn to
the methods that recognise the human aspects These authors (2008:841) explain the
of the discipline rather than claim an purpose of this debate as follows:
intellectual status akin to the natural sciences. In the literature, interpretive accounting
The question is not only how interpretative research is frequently characterized by what it
is not, i.e., “non-mainstream” or alternative.
and critical research can contribute to the
We are concerned by this lack of an
broader social effects of accounting, but independent intellectual identity. We thus
whether such research can contribute to thought of creating an opportunity to discuss
establish consistent principles of in a small group what we view collectively as
accounting. It has been posited above that valuable in our research. We are looking to
grounded theory, which is part of establish a more positive identity for ourselves
interpretative research, may be helpful in as scholars interested in the interpretation of
accounting practices. This seems appropriate
establishing such principles. The issue is because there is, by now, a very significant
that accounting researchers have battled to body of work that could be loosely labeled as
define interpretative research (Ahrens et al. “interpretative accounting research”. What
2008). Accounting academics explain seems so far to be lacking, however, is a
interpretative research rather loosely: shared intellectual agenda that would allow
for a clearer articulation of the achievements
This research is concerned with understanding
of interpretative research. Two issues that we
the social world, and includes work that seeks
to understand the social nature of accounting would see important for this effort are to
reconnect interpretative research with
practice (Ryan et al. 2002:42).
accounting technique and to explore points of … the critical accounting project challenges
contact with functionalist accounting thought. the manner in which accounting has
The reconnection to accounting as a conventionally privileged technical issues and
knowledges over those demonstrating that the
discipline itself (Ahrens et al. 2008:846 & accounting is not created in a social vacuum
848) is a positive development and may and as a result of which much of it may be
contribute to the development of accounting highly contestable. The emergence of a
as a research discipline. Interpretative complementary set of critical insights is now
research could be attractive in the pragmatic widely recognised as a sign of accounting’s
and political process of standard setting to maturity as an academic discipline, as well as
providing a basis for developing accounting as
establish the reasons behind this
a set of socially responsible practices.
consultative process. This article therefore
concurs that the nature and intellectual The main issue in critical research is
that the researcher must reveal his or
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG At 22:12 24 February 2016 (PT)
domain of the social sciences, since it is on how interpretative and critical research
acknowledged that accounting is a social can be incorporated into the fundamentals
activity. These scholars believe that the of accounting.
positivistic nature of mainstream All of these developments are beneficial
accounting research is not the only to accounting since they break the
acceptable research methodology for stranglehold of the positivistic regime and
accounting research. The development of open accounting up to a diversity of
accounting principles by the standard research approaches that will collectively
setters is a pragmatic and political process improve the status of accounting research
based on human intervention. Hence both and possibly accounting theory. The issue,
interpretative and critical research can fulfil however, is whether all of this will lead to
a role in developing accounting principles the development of solid accounting
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approaches should not be limited to the gap between accounting practice and
broader social aspects of accounting only, research will continue to widen.
but can be used to evaluate the principles of
accounting itself. Ongoing debate is needed
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