By Suaybaguio, Zyrah Gwen I. - Group 2, Assistant Leader
By Suaybaguio, Zyrah Gwen I. - Group 2, Assistant Leader
By Suaybaguio, Zyrah Gwen I. - Group 2, Assistant Leader
The authors set the context for the importance of the study, specifying how significant of
The objectives of the study are also clearly stated under it.
The problems stated are also clear reflections of the objective of the study.
In this section of the paper, it would have been helpful for the readers to be able to look
into the crucial factors that they are saying that the study would be able to deal and address.
The authors mentioned important studies and existing research that are significant to the
conduct and emancipation of their study. These statements contributed to the overall
understanding of the subject and to the reasoning for setting up the problem statement. Making
use of sectioned titles would’ve supply an easier and more organized read.
The authors present a model that would take in regard an all-detail consideration based on
block models of both open pit and underground mining that has not been incorporated in
previous studies. They introduced the main factors and activities that need to be taken into
The authors stated quite a vague conclusion and material’s handling costing. A use of a case
study or conceived data would have presented the efficiency of their presented model as well as the
There are a few articles or references mentioned compared to the complexity of the study
being considered. It is also difficult to look up such resources since the authors did not organize them
in a technical manner.