Zoe Martin - Types of Energy Note Catcher

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Types of Energy Note Catcher - Zoe Martin 

Type of Energy  Definition of Type of Energy  Two examples of energy transfer  Two ways this type of energy is  Two images depicting this type 
for this type of energy  used in the real world  of energy 

1. Kinetic  Kinetic energy is energy in motion  One:​ Potential energy is very  One: ​we use this energy everyday   
or moving. The opposite of  often transferred into kinetic  in the real world, because every 
potential.  energy, for example when you’re  day we move or things around us 
on a roller coaster you gain  move by using kinetic energy. We 
potential energy as you climb up  use it by walking, running, and 
a drop. But when you reach the  moving. 
top you have full potential energy   
and then you start going down  Two: a​ second way we use 
the drop, the potential energy is  kinetic energy everyday is in 
released and turned into Kinetic  sports in our homes, such as 
energy.   typing on a keyboard, using 
  kitchen appliances, and turning a   
Two: C​ hemical energy can  doorknob.    
convert into Kinetic energy. Food 
contains chemical energy, when 
we put that into our bodies it fuels 
us and helps us to be active. 
When we move around and are 
active we are showing and using   
kinetic energy. Therefore, 
chemical energy changes to 
kinetic very easily.  

2. Potential  Potential energy is stored energy,  One: ​Potential energy is often  One: ​we use potential energy 
and the opposite of kinetic. It is  transferred to kinetic energy. Say  everyday, we see potential energy 
energy that is not in motion.   if you were to drop something,  when we are driving and come to 
when you hold it above the  a stop at a light or a stop sign.  
ground the object has potential   
energy. When you let go of the  Two: a​ nother place we see use 
object and it starts to move, it  potential energy is when you are 
now has kinetic energy. When it  about to go down a slide and are 
reaches the floor, or stops  at the very top of it.    
moving.. it has potential energy   
Two: a​ nother way that we see 
potential energy is when you go 
up a hill, once you reach the top 
you have gained potential energy. 

3. Electrical  Electrical energy is energy that's  One: ​an example is when nuclear  One: ​we use electrical energy so 
being stored in charged particles  energy transfers into electrical  much every single day, we use it 
with an electric field. Electrical  energy by using a nuclear power  as heating, cooling, refrigerating, 
energy is derived from electrical  plant, and then it travels to power  electronics, and more. 
kinetic or potential energy.   homes, schools, and buildings.    
  Two: w​ e use electrical energy for 
Two: a​ second example is when  public transportation and 
you plug in a light, the electrical  electrical car charging.  
energy is changing to light   

4. Chemical  Chemical energy is stored in  One:​ chemical energy transfers to  One: ​we use chemical energy 
atoms and molecules. The energy  kinetic energy while playing  when we consume food 
is released when a chemical  sports. Food is stored chemical   
reaction takes place.  energy, when you consume food  Two: w​ e use chemical energy to 
it fuels you to be energized. When  power fireplaces and battery 
you start to run and play the  powered machines. 
chemical energy is changing into   
kinetic energy.    

Two: b ​ atteries store chemical   
energy inside of them, when the   
batteries are put into something   
to power it, it converts the   
chemical energy into electrical   

5. Thermal  Thermal/Heat energy is  One: ​My first example is when  One:​ when we turn on the stove 
generated by atoms rubbing  you plug in a toaster, electrical  chemical energy is converted into 
against each other.  energy is getting converted into  thermal energy which we then 
heat/thermal energy.  use to cook food.  
Two: w​ hen the sun hits solar  Two:​ we use thermal energy if 
panels, it changes from heat  you have solar panels on your 
energy into electrical energy.  roof, and it helps us to power our   

6. Nuclear  Nuclear energy is created by  One:​ an example of nuclear  One: ​we use nuclear energy to 
splitting atoms, often found in  energy changing into electrical  power electrical generators which 
nuclear power plants.   energy is through power plants. In  gives us electricity.   
the beginning nuclear energy   
boils water that creates steam to  Two: N​ uclear energy helps us to 
blow a turbine that then  power homes, schools,   
generates electrical energy.   businesses, and buildings 
Two: N​ uclear energy changes to 
heat energy when it boils the 
water… I think. 

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