Action Plan For Hearing Impairment

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Pangasinan Division II
Rosales I


1. Presently, there are just five (5) hearing impaired children enrolled and studying at Tomana Elementary School SPED Center.
2. Existence of SPED classes for Hearing Impairment in the school is not well-known in Rosales, Pangasinan and nearby municipalities.
3. There are few instructional materials used in teaching children with hearing impairment in the school.
4. Limited tie-up with agencies for the assessment of children with hearing impairment and support for the SPED programs of the school.
5. Parents and guardians and receiving teachers of CHIs lack knowledge and skill in the use of Sign Language.
 To disseminate information on the existence of SPED Program for the children with hearing impairment in our school
 To increase the number of enrolees in the Hearing Impairment Class
 To identify children with hearing impairment in Rosales, Pangasinan and nearby municipalities
 To orient all school personnel in the SPED HI Program.
 To conduct Sign Language Seminar -Training for SPED and Regular Teachers and parents/guardians of the CHIs
 To make instructional materials based on the needs of the hearing impaired children
 To establish linkages with LGU’s, NGO’s in the implementation of the SPED program and assessment of CHIs
Actions/Steps to be Undertaken Resources Time Expected Outcome Success Indicators
Human Materials Financial Frame
 Announcement through programs,  Principal,  Streamers,  SPED fund,  Year  At least 80 % of the  100% of the population
meetings and gatherings about the Teachers tarpaulin School fund, round community should be of the community shall
existence of SPED Program for the parents, informed about the have been informed
children with hearing impairment in our program. about the program.
school.  SPED fund,
 Principal,  Survey forms, School Fund  May to  At least 5 new enrolees  More than 10 children
 Tie-up with the STAC (Stimulation, Teachers List of CSNs from June should be enrolled in with hearing impairment
Therapeutic Activity Center, Rosales parents, STAC STAC the Hearing Impairment shall have been
Chapter) in recommending CHI to enrol staffs, Barangay Class enrolled
in our school Officials
School and community survey

 Interview clients together with their  SPED  Checklists,  SPED fund,  May  At least 5 children with  At least 5 children with
parents/guardian Teachers, assessment School fund, to July hearing impairment hearing impairment
 Conduct initial and informal assessment EENT Doctor, materials Donation should be assessed. shall have been
(e.g. Checklists, ballpen click test, STAC Staffs. assessed
whisper test) Parents
 Coordinate with STAC, Rosales Chapter
for their formal assessment
 Conduct a meeting with the regular  Principal,  Projector, LCD  SPED fund  Year  100% of the regular  100% of the regular
teachers to support the program Teachers screen, laptop School fund round teachers should be teachers shall have
oriented been oriented.
 Conduct a School- Based Sign Language  Principal,  Projector, LCD  SPED Fund  Teachers and parents  All teachers and
Seminar-Training for Regular and SPED SPED and Regular screen, laptop School Fund  July attending the Seminar parents will have
teachers and parents/guardians of CHI Teacher, can use Sign sufficient knowledge
Language as a means and skill in using Sign
of communication Language
 Organize SPED Classes for CHI  Principal, SPED  Curriculum,  SPED fund,  Year  Enrolled CHI will be  All CHI will move to the
teacher, parents books, School fund, round taught in the Hearing next grade level.
instructional/ Donation Impairment Class
School materials
 Prepare instructional materials needed  SPED teacher  Low-cost and  SPED fund,  Year  Production of  Instructional materials
using recycled/low-cost materials. recycled School fund, round instructional materials shall have been
materials Donation intended for CHI produced.
 Prepare program of learning  Principal,  Instructional  SPED fund,  Year  Organize SPED  All programs planned
activities SPED materials School fund, round classes for H.I shall have been
Teachers , Donation children successfully
Parents implemented
 Tap linkages to LGU’s, NGO’s in the  LGU’s, NGO’s,  Copy of SPED  Donation  Year  Establish linkages with  Full support of LGU and
implementation of SPED program Principal, SPED programs and round LGU’s, NGO’s in the NGO’s to the HI
Teacher action plan implementation of programs of the School
SPED HI program
 Classroom observation and evaluation  Division  Evaluation/  SPED fund  3rd to  All programs should be  Programs shall have
 Parents/pupils interview Coordinator in Observation School fund 4th evaluated and been supervised and
SPED, sheets, quarter recommendations are rated at least
Principal, given for further “Satisfactorily”
Sped teacher, improvement
Prepared by:


Principal II

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