Parkinsons Disease Rating Scales A Literature Rev
Parkinsons Disease Rating Scales A Literature Rev
Parkinsons Disease Rating Scales A Literature Rev
Review Article
Website: Abstract: A scale is critical for an objective and standardized process in which the purpose involves measuring
DOI: differences between various individuals and determining priorities such as primary treatment goals.
10.4103/AOMD.AOMD_33_19 The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the most common Parkinson’s disease (PD)
scales already used for research and clinical practice. We searched three databases in an attempt
Received : 25 Nov, 2019 to locate existing scales about PD published until 2017 in electronic form, only the articles in English,
Revised : 02 Jan, 2020 Spanish, and Portuguese were reviewed. In sum, 114 scales were evaluated and divided into 6 types
Accepted : 13 Jan, 2020 representing a general evaluation, such as staging, health-related quality of life, evaluation of the
Published : 01 Apr, 2020 impact on activities of daily living, loss of functionality aimed at evaluation of the signs and symptoms
of the disease, evaluation of functioning and disability loss, and other specific evaluations. Other
ORCID number specific evaluations include the following: fear of falling, depression, psychosis, sleep, apathy and anhedonia, anxiety, dysautonomia, dyskinesia, fatigue, motor fluctuations, psychosocial problems,
secondary levodopa effects, Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson’s disease (SCOPA) studies, and
cognitive impairment screening. When required, more specific characteristics of each scale were
included: time to apply, the number of items, advantage, and disadvantage. In the literature, there
are a large number of scales, but the majority of them were created for other diseases and only later
studied for PD. Also, more than half have only a small number of studies with psychometric evaluation
and others can be used for only a specific portion of the general population due to their specific
feature assessment or language availability.
Key words:
Parkinson’s disease, rating, review, scale
Key Messages:
(1) In the literature, there are a large number of scales, but the majority of them were created for
other diseases with later study in Parkinson’s disease.
(2) Some of the scales need a lot of training before the application.
(3) None of the scales is perfect, and it would probably be better to use combined scales even though
we know that they overlap in some aspects.
PD is a progressive neurological disorder that gradually screened the titles and abstracts of all papers found from
results in accumulating disabilities. New finds about the initial search. Disagreements between the authors
pathophysiology and levodopa-induced motor were resolved through discussion.
complications have stimulated the development of new
drugs and surgical techniques that have changed, in many Due to a large number of published scales in the
cases, clinical outcomes throughout the last decades. In literature, we prioritized the description of only some
this way, the present therapeutic interventions demand scales in this review. This selection was based on the
valid instruments for research and clinical uses, and number of citations, reviews’ evaluation that compared
these, on their turn, should be effective enough to assess different scales, and task forces by the “The Movement
all the clinical systems of the patient with PD.[3] Thus, Disorder Society” assessing the recommendations of
it was probably the discovery of new techniques in the scales for PD.
management of PD that boosted the designing of new
scales focusing on specific points of PD based on the We excluded scales not related to PD, scales that were
needing evaluation. However, at the same time that the applied only in a small group of individuals, and scales
focus on certain characteristics of PD increased, fewer without at least one article showing the clinimetric. Also,
patients were evaluated, leading many scales to only cases that were not accessible by electronic methods,
extremely specific studies. including after a request to the authors of the study by
email, were excluded.
For the assessment of PD, there are many different
scales that propose to evaluate diverse fields of PD. Data extraction
This evaluation includes the analysis of disease staging, When provided, we extracted the author’s name, year
quality of life, activities of daily living, impairment, of publication, and country of occurrence, and the
disability, and other specific aspects. However, there is scales’ characteristics assessed were type/subtype,
still little evidence on the psychometric characteristics of time to applicate, number of items, advantages, and
most of these instruments used for this disease, and some disadvantages. The majority of the reports did not
are beneficial only for a specific group of individuals.[4] provide sufficient information about the statistical
This is supported, for example, by the fact that many methods to assess the predictive values of the scales.
scales are not appropriated for both research and clinical The data were extracted by two independent authors,
practice. Also, a significant amount of scales have no double-checked to ensure matching, and organized.
validity in most of the countries where they are applied,
for they were not adequately adapted to the reality of Definition
a foreign population, but instead, only translated from The scales are divided into two groups by their
their original language.[5] Furthermore, it is known that methods: qualitative and quantitative methods.[6] This
many instruments destined to evaluate specific aspects study focused only on qualitative methods. These
of the disease, such as cognitive impairment, are not able methods involve subjective evaluations to inventory the
to do this in a non-biased manner. The aim of this study symptoms, signs, and functional loss.
was to describe and analyze the most common PD scales
used for research and clinical practice. In Table 1, PD scales are organized and are divided into
nine columns:
Methods (a) Type (I, II, III, …)/subtype (1, 2, 3, …) of the scale, that
is: staging (I); health-related quality of life (HRQoL) (II);
Search strategy evaluation of the impact on activities of daily living (III);
We searched three databases, Google Scholar, Health loss of functionality aimed at evaluation of the signs and
Sciences Literature (LILACS), and MEDLINE, in an symptoms of the disease (IV); evaluation of functioning
attempt to locate existing scales about PD published and disability loss (V); and other specific evaluations.
until 2017 in electronic form.. Search terms were “scale, Specific evaluations include the following: fear of falling
evaluation instruments, outcome measures, rating (1); depression (2); psychosis (3); sleep (4); apathy and
scales, validation studies, questionnaire, clinimetric, anhedonia (5); anxiety (6); dysautonomia (7); dyskinesia (8);
fatigue (9); motor fluctuations (10); psychosocial problems
reliability, and validity.” These terms were combined
(11); secondary levodopa effects (12); Scales for Outcomes
with “Parkinson and Parkinson’s disease.” in Parkinson’s disease (SCOPA) studies (13); and cognitive
impairment screening (14).
Inclusion and exclusion criteria These types and subtypes were proposed by the authors of
Original articles, case reports, case series, letters to the this review for better comprehension and understanding
editor, task forces, and poster presentations published of the differences of the scales. They represent the main
until 2017 were included in this review in English, characteristic of the scales and their use. Even though some
Spanish, and Portuguese. The two authors independently scales were not aimed for that subtype, the majority of the
studies, including the task forces published by the “The caregiver is needed. In this way, when it is obtained
Movement Disorder Society,” evaluated the scale in that by the clinical history that the patient needs his/her
manner. We tried to organize the scales proposed by other caregiver for all basic tasks or is noted a burnout of the
articles, but most of them evaluated only a small number caregiver, this scale could be useful.[23,24]
of scales that were chosen selectively. Also, in an attempt to
use these published organizations, many scales described
The fourth type is about the loss of functionality aimed at
in this article are likely to have more than one classification.
(b) Scale: Sometimes the name was not provided by the authors the evaluation of the signs and symptoms of the disease,
of the article. Therefore, we named according to the reviews which has four scales. They have good reproducibility,
cited or as was commonly named in the literature. but some drawbacks are that some symptoms could not
(c) Reference number. be analyzed. The major sample of this type is UPDRS
(d) Acronym: The acronyms provided are those provided by that captures multiple aspects of PD but fails in the
the clinimetric articles of the scale. evaluation of nonmotor symptoms and in the inadequate
(e) The number of items (items or cognitive domains): Some (ambiguities) instruction for application. Thus, before
scales when used for PD did not assess all the items that applying these scales, the researchers need to spend a
the scale has. Thus, we included only the number of items
significant quantity of time in the development of skills
that were evaluated in PD.
(f) The time required (minutes): The time was obtained from for a uniform and stable evaluation.[24-27]
the review and original articles.
(g) The advantage of the scale was compared with other scales. The fifth type is about functioning and disability, which
(h) The disadvantage of the scale was compared with other has three scales. They are short and easy but only have
scales. few studies in the literature with this type.[24]
(i) Considerations/recommendations already published by
some group in task forces or other reviews. In the sixth type, we resume the scales related to specific
analyses. This category was separated into 14 subtypes.
Discussion The first subtype is about fear of falling, which has four
scales. There are a small number of studies analyzing
The first type of scale is about the staging of PD; the only these scales together, but they have marked differences in
scale until the present moment is Hoehn and Yahr Scale language and some specific details. The articles suggest
that is simple and quick but has low sensitivity in early that FES-I and mSAFFE should be used for the evaluation
stages. These scales are recommended in demographic of activity avoidance due to the risk of falling.[28-35]
presentations of patients and are useful for defining
inclusion and exclusion criteria. In this way, they are one The second subtype is about depression, which has 12
of the fast and easy methods for separating the patients scales. These scales are not specifically made to PD,
in subgroups, when a general analysis is required.[6,7] but the majority of them are easy and quick. Probably,
the best scale to use is the GDS-30 because it is simple,
The second type is HRQoL, which has nine commonly does not have copyright restriction, and is efficient in
used scales. They can be divided into specific and screening depression of PD. However, some have the
generic scales. The specific scales have problems with most specific use: self-administered analysis (BDI),
their restriction in some characteristics of PD as they distinguish depression from dementia (GDS-30), the
superficially or not measure important areas such as severity of depression (IDS-SR, IDS-C), treatment
self-image, sexual function, or the role functionality of efficacy (HAM-D-17), and for more etiological approach
the individual. To be more specific, we cannot take a (MADRS).[36-50]
clear picture of the patient’s overall health. However,
the recommendations are using this type: if an initial The third subtype is psychosis, which has 11 scales. These
evaluation, PDQ-39 and PDQL[8-10] are useful, but if the are divided into specific and generalized scales. The
areas of potential problems need to be identified, PIMS majority of these scales are classified as recommended
should be used.[11] The SIP has the broadest measure or suggested for Parkinson’s psychosis. The most used
among HRQoL. Also, it has important questions about scale is BPRS, but it has some drawbacks when the
writing and sexual dysfunction, but this will be time- characterization of psychotic phenomena is needed.[50,51]
consuming (30 min). It is worth mentioning that PLQ can
be used only in the German population.[12-22] The fourth subtype is about sleep, which has six scales.
These scales are simple and quick. They distinguish in
The third type is an evaluation of the impact on the specific uses such as a focus in nocturnal sleep (PDSS),
activity of daily living, which has four scales. They are sleep habits (PSQI), alertness at time of administration
easy and quick, but the clinimetric properties to PD have (SSS), sleep at a specific point (KSS), sleep in the specific
never been established. The most important use of these eight situations (ESS), and patients at risk of sudden sleep
scales is when an evaluation of the patient and his/her while driving (ISCS).[51-64]
(b) Webster Scale 24,26 – 10 – Evaluates better functionality Scarce data on its validity
than disability
(c) Parkinson’s Disease 24 PDIS 10 – Questionable validity It has only one
Impairment Scale study
(d) Unified Parkinson’s 27 UPDRS 42 10–20 A compound scale used to Has absence of screening
Disease Rating Scale capture multiple aspects of questions on several
PD (motor and nonmotor important nonmotor aspects
symptoms) of PD, ambiguities in the
written text, and inadequate
instructions for raters
(V) Evaluation (a) Short Parkinson’s 24 SPES 25 7–10 Short and easy Few studies
of functioning Evaluation Scale
and disability
Table 1: Continue
Types and Scale Reference Acronym Number of Time Advantage Disadvantage Considerations/
Subtypes items (items required recommendations
or cognitive (min)
(b) University of California 24 UCLA 21 10–15 Moderate-to-good inter-rater No evidence published, few
Los Angeles Scale reliability studies
(c) New York University 24 NYU 6 7–10 Low validity, few studies
Parkinson’s Disease
(VI) Other
(1) Fear of (a) Falls Efficacy Scale- 28-30 FES-I 16 10 Several languages Evaluates concerns
falling International about falling,
favored the choice
(b) Swedish FES 28,31-32 FES(S) 13 3–5 Used to Swedish people Further studies are needed to Evaluates fall-
verify the validity related self-efficacy;
it is an FES
translated into
(c) Activities-Specific Balance 28,33-34 ABC 16 5–10 Wider continuum of activity Ceiling and floor effects in Evaluates balance
Confidence Scale difficulty and more detailed item some reports confidence
descriptors than FES-I
(d) Modified Survey of 28,35 mSAFFE 17 A better choice for active and Less established than FES-I Evaluates activity
Activities and Fear of falling independent community- avoidance due
in the Elderly dwelling older adults to risk of falling,
favored the choice
[Downloaded free from on Monday, May 11, 2020, IP:]
(2) Depression (a) Beck Depression 36,46,47 BDI 21 5–10 Assesses the intensity of Does not reflect a particular Designed to be
Inventory depression, today theory of depression administered by
trained interviewers;
it is most often self-
(b) Center for Epidemiological 37,46,47 CESD-R 20 3 In the past week Few data need more studies
Studies Depression Rating
Scale – Revised
Pitton Rissardo and Fornari Caprara: Parkinson’s disease rating scales
(c) 30-Item Geriatric 40,46,47 GDS-30 30 3 Simple and fast, the most Only elderly people, limited Designed to
Depression Scale efficient depression screening content validity, and appears identify depression
scale to use in PD and no insensitive at the end of the in the elderly by
copyright restriction depression severity spectrum distinguishing
symptoms of
depression and
dementia. -Not used
in severe cognitive
(h) Montgomery–Asberg 41,46,47 MADRS 10 15 Measures the of severity of Further studies are required More etiological
Depression Rating Scale depressive symptoms approach
(i) Zung Self-Rating 44,45,47 SDS 20 10 Short and more easily More confusing than GDS-30,
Depression Scale comprehended few studies confirm validity
to PD, and a large number
of somatic items are likely to
infiltrate depression rates
(j) Hospital Anxiety and 40,47 HADS 14 1–2 Easy and fast, excellent to use Has large effect sizes as Evaluates 7-item
Depression Scale in primary care to measuring compared to others and depression and
Pitton Rissardo and Fornari Caprara: Parkinson’s disease rating scales
Table 1: Continue
Types and Scale Reference Acronym Number of Time Advantage Disadvantage Considerations/
Subtypes items (items required recommendations
or cognitive (min)
(l) Major Depression 42,48 MDI 10 5–10 Better than SDS to measure the Emphasizes the intensity of Diagnosis of
Inventory ICD-10 severity of the depression mood symptoms rather than major depression,
its frequency according to either
the DSM-IV criteria
or the ICD-10
(3) Psychosis (a) Parkinson Psychosis 50 PPRS 7 5–15 Specifically to assess psychosis Fails to capture Suggested
Rating Scale in PD, short heterogeneous psychosis
in PD
(b) Parkinson Psychosis 50 PPQ 14 5–15 Specifically to PD, cataloging Does not include all Suggested
Questionnaire discrete psychotic phenomena hallucination phenomena;
delusions are more detailed
than hallucinations, although
they are less common in PD
(c) Rush Hallucination 50 – 53 >30 Covers the past 1 month Severity is based on Listed
Inventory emotional association;
delusions are not included
(d) Baylor Parkinson’s 50 – 6 5–15 Easy and quick Rate symptom’s frequency Listed
Disease Hallucination seems disproportionate
(e) Neuropsychiatric 50 NPI 12 15–30 Many strengths: efficient Its development as an Recommended
Inventory administration, separating instrument to evaluate
symptom’s frequency, some patients with dementia limits
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(h) Positive and Negative 50 PANSS 30 >30 Detailed definitions, the positive Constructed specifically to Recommended
Syndrome Scale scale also includes behavioral schizophrenia, long and
phenomena complex
(i) Schedule Assessment of 50 SAPS 34 >30 Easy and clear Developed to patients with Recommended
Positive Symptoms schizophrenia
(j) Nurses’ Observation Scale 51 NOSIE-30 30 5–15 Brief and simple, largely used Described to schizophrenic; Listed
for Inpatient Evaluation studies some of the items can be
(f) Inappropriate Sleep 62 ISCS 12 2–5 The ISCS is used to capture The clinimetric properties of Identifies patients at
Composite Score excessive daytime sleepiness the ISCS are unknown and risk of sudden onset
appearing even in active it has not been used in a of sleep (SOS)
situations non-PD population, restricted while driving
to evaluating severe daytime
(5) Apathy and (a) Apathy Evaluation Scale 66,67 AES 18 10–20 Assesses the severity of Problems with validation Suggested
anhedonia apathetic symptoms and may due to lack of consensus on
also be used to follow changes diagnostic criteria
Pitton Rissardo and Fornari Caprara: Parkinson’s disease rating scales
Table 1: Continue
Types and Scale Reference Acronym Number of Time Advantage Disadvantage Considerations/
Subtypes items (items required recommendations
or cognitive (min)
(e) Chapman Scales 65,66 – 61 Undefined Most widely used instrument to Problems with validation Listed
for Physical and Social measure anhedonia in patients due to lack of consensus on
Anhedonia with psychiatric diseases diagnostic criteria. The single
study that used the scales in
PD patients concluded that
the scale was not useful
(f) Snaith–Hamilton Pleasure 66 SHAPS 14 Undefined Shorter and simple Problems with validation Suggested
Scale due to lack of consensus on
diagnostic criteria
(6) Anxiety (a) Anxiety Status Inventory 69 ASI 20 Undefined More commonly used in Poorly clinimetric properties Suggested
epidemiological studies of recording the
anxiety in PD presence of anxiety
(b) Zung Self-Rated Anxiety 69,71 SAS 20 5–10 Poorly clinimetric properties Suggested
Scale recording the
presence of anxiety
(c) Beck Anxiety Inventory 69 BAI 21 5–10 Used to screening for symptoms Less suitable to screen for Suggested
of panic attacks in patients with other anxiety disorders
(d) Spielberger State-Trait 69,70 STAI 40 10 Brief and easy No validation for PD and does Suggested
Anxiety Inventory not cover all symptoms of
GAD and panic disorder
(e) Hamilton Anxiety Rating 69,71 HAS It has already been
Scale described
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(c) Freiburg Questionnaire 72,76 – 5 Undefined Short and easy Was not used in other studies Listed
and not validated
(d) Hobson Scale 72,73 – 23 Undefined Designed to estimate the Listed
prevalence of bladder and
autonomic symptoms
(e) l-threo-3,4- 72,74 l-threo-DOPS 10 Undefined Has not yet been used by Listed
Dihydroxyphenylserine Scale other groups
(f) Non-Motor Symptoms 72 NMS-Quest 30 5–7 Easy to score It is not a rating scale It is the first
Questionnaire for Parkinson’s validated tool to
Disease screen for the
presence of NMS
in PD
(c) Lang-Fahn Activities of 87,93 LFADLDS 5 5 Brief and easy On the basis of retrospective Suggested
Day Living Dyskinesia Scale recall of patient, no quality of
life assessment of the impact
of dyskinesia is provided
(d) Obeso Dyskinesia Rating 87,90 CAPIT 3 2 Easy and clear Problems with time frame Suggested
(e) Parkinson Disease 87,91 PDYS-26 26 10 Specifically made for patients Potential redundancy on Suggested as
Dyskinesia Scale with PD and easy to use modalities of activity a measure for
assessing the
Pitton Rissardo and Fornari Caprara: Parkinson’s disease rating scales
patient’s perception
of functional impact
from dyskinesia
in PD
(f) Rush Dyskinesia Rating 87,88 RDRS 3 5 Assesses functional disability of Assessments are performed Recommended
Scale dyskinesia at the single time points and
the evaluation time point may
or may not reflect the rest, no
consideration made for pain
or discomfort of the day.
(g) Unified Dyskinesia Rating 87,89 UDysRS 26 15 Comprehensive rating tool Has not been studied by Suggested
Scale other groups
Table 1: Continue
Types and Scale Reference Acronym Number of Time Advantage Disadvantage Considerations/
Subtypes items (items required recommendations
or cognitive (min)
(9) Fatigue (a) Chalder Fatigue 77,81,86 CFQ 14 3–5 Rather than a measure of Few studies to Parkinson Developed to
Questionnaire impact or consequence, and assess disabling
has physical and mental fatigue severity
domains. in hospital and
(b) Clinical Global Impression 78 CGIS x x It has already been
Scale described. Listed to
evaluate fatigue
(c) Fatigue Assessment 78,79 FAI 29 5–10 Various aspects of fatigue and Insufficient data to support Suggested,
Inventory allows comparison between the validity expanded version of
different disease groups the FSS
(d) Fatigue Impact Scale for 78,80 D-FIS 8 2–3 Emphasizes the impact of Little validation studies in PD D-FIS is a listed
Daily Use fatigue rather than the perceived scale for screening
severity for fatigue and
suggested a
measure for daily
assessment of
fatigue severity
(e) Fatigue Severity Inventory 78 FSI 33 5 Diversity of aspects related to Has not been formally Listed
fatigue validated and most of its
psychometric properties are
[Downloaded free from on Monday, May 11, 2020, IP:]
(f) Fatigue Severity Scale 78,82 FSS 9 2–3 Brief and easy to use, and Does not provide a definition Recommended
translates to various language of the underlying variable it scale for screening
intends to measure. and severity rating
(g) Functional Assessment 78,85 FACIT-F 13 5–10 Brief and easy to use, and Does not provide a clear Recommended
of Chronic Illness Therapy translates to various language definition of the underlying scale for screening
Fatigue Scale variable it intends to measure and suggested
scale for severity
(h) Multidimensional Fatigue 78 MFI 20 10 Short scale with good The proposed factor structure Suggested
Pitton Rissardo and Fornari Caprara: Parkinson’s disease rating scales
levodopa Symptom Inventory help clinicians assess and track measure changes
effects the symptom-related disease in symptoms and
status of patients. side effects over
time as treatment
(13) SCOPA (a) Scale for Outcome in 104 SCOPA-AUT 25 10 Focused on the content and
studies Parkinson's Disease – the clinical applicability of the
Autonomic Dysfunction questionnaire, specifically made
to PD
Pitton Rissardo and Fornari Caprara: Parkinson’s disease rating scales
(b) Scale for outcome in 105,109 SCOPA-COG 10 10–15 Short, reliable, and valid,
Parkinson's Disease – specifically to PD
(c) Scale for Outcome in 108 SCOPA- Motor 21 8 Shorter as compared with
Parkinson’s Disease – Motor Scale UPDRS, specifically made to
Scale PD
(d) Scale for Outcome 108 SCOPA-PC 12 10 Shorter, specifically made to Although SCOPA-COG was
in Parkinson's Disease - PD, more likely to be sensitive developed specifically for
Psychiatric Complication to early cognitive changes in the a PD population, it has not
PD population than the MMSE been used extensively in PD.
Table 1: Continue
Types and Scale Reference Acronym Number of Time Advantage Disadvantage Considerations/
Subtypes items (items required recommendations
or cognitive (min)
(e) Scale for Outcome in 103 SCOPA-Sleep 11 8 A specific PD rating scale Without exploring potential Asses nocturnal
Parkinson's Disease – Sleep causes of sleep disorders and sleep disorders
Scale somnolence and daytime
(14) Cognitive (a) Addenbrooke’s Cognitive 109,119 ACE 6 CD 15–20 Not specifically to PD
impairment Examination
(b) Cambridge Cognitive 117,119 CAMCOG 8CD 25–30 Not specifically to PD, lengthy Assesses cognitive
Assessment function and
screening for
(c) Dementia Rating Scale 112,113,119 DRS 5CD 15–30 Available in many languages
(d) Mini-Mental Parkinson 118,119 MMP 7CD 10 Quick and useful in detecting an Heavy representation of the
early cognitive change orientation item, which is also
the item contributing least to
scale variance, and a lack
of cortical items, and needs
more studies
(e) Mini-Mental State 111,112,119 MMSE 11 10 Easy and clear, most widely Has not adequate
Examination used screening tool for psychometric to detect mild
detecting dementia cognitive impairment in PD
and does not measure some
cognitive functions that are
[Downloaded free from on Monday, May 11, 2020, IP:]
commonly impaired in PD
(f) Montreal Cognitive 110,111,119 MOCA 1CD 10 Easy and clear, has adequate Needs a population with
Assessment psychometric to detect mild greater knowledge than for
cognitive impairment in PD, and the MMSE
available in many languages
(g) Parkinson 115,116,119 PANDA 5CD 8–10 Specifically made to PD, Needs more clinimetric
Neuropsychometric Dementia superiority to MMSE evaluation
Pitton Rissardo and Fornari Caprara: Parkinson’s disease rating scales
CD = cognitive domains, I = items, min = minutes, MDRS = mattis dementia rating scale, PD = Parkinson’s disease
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The fifth subtype is about apathy and anhedonia, need more studies. CAPSIT-PD diary has a registry for
which has six scales. These are divided into specific patients with PD subjected to functional neurosurgery; it
and generalized scales. The majority of the scales have is recommended and was published providing minimum
problems with their validation and they have been used requirements for a common patient evaluation control.
in a few studies. The only recommended scale is AS that The other two classified as recommended scales and easy
also has problems with validation, but it is specifically to apply are HPDD and WOQ-19.[97-102]
developed for PD. The scales AES and AI are used to
assess the severity, and the AES is used to follow the The 13th subtype is about SCOPA studies. SCOPA
changes of apathy during treatment.[65-67] is a large research project on Scales for Outcomes in
Parkinson’s disease. This study has five scales. SCOPA-
The sixth subtype is about anxiety, which has six scales. AUT is an autonomic scale, which focuses on the clinical
These scales have poorly clinimetric properties. One of applicability of the questionnaire. SCOPA-COG is to
the most used scales is ASI that has 20 items and whose evaluate cognition, which is short, reliable, and valid.
application time is undetermined. The BAI is more used SCOPA-Motor Scale is to evaluate motor symptoms
to assess panic attacks in PD.[68-71] and is quick compared with UPDRS. SCOPA-PC is to
evaluate psychiatric complications; it is relatively short
The seventh subtype is about dysautonomia, which has and is more likely to be sensitive to early cognitive
nine scales. These scales were used only in a few studies, changes in the PD population than the MMSE. SCOPA-
so their clinimetric properties are not consolidated. Sleep assesses nocturnal sleep disorders and daytime
The recommended (but with some limitations) scale to somnolence.[60,103-108]
evaluate dysautonomia are COMPASS, because it has
high accuracy in the definition of autonomic symptoms The 14th subtype is about cognitive impairment screening,
in PD but is much complex and large as compared to the which has 10 scales. These scales are easy and quick.
other scales of evaluation of dysautonomia.[72-76] The best scales are PDD-SS, mattis dementia rating
scale (MDRS), and MMSE. The MMSE is the widely
The eighth subtype is dyskinesia, which has seven scales. used screening measure for detecting dementia, but the
All of them can assess dyskinesia and are useful to clinimetric evaluation in PD to detect mild cognitive
clinician, brief, and simple to apply. The problems with impairment has not been adequately stabilized. The MOCA
these scales are that these are used only in a few studies has more adequate clinimetric properties, but a higher
and their clinimetric properties are not consolidated. The formal knowledge is required compared to the MMSE.[109-122]
recommended scales are AIMS and RDS. The AIMS is
best to assess the severity of dyskinesia and the RDS to
assess functional disability, but the time spent to apply
the AIMS is about twice the RDS.[77-84] In sum, 114 scales are evaluated in Table 1 and divided
into 6 types. In the literature, there are a large number of
The ninth subtype is about fatigue, which has 10 scales.
scales and every year more and more scales are published
These scales are brief and easy, but have problems with
for the assessment of PD. However, the majority of them
clinimetric evaluation because of few studies and not
have only a small number of studies with psychometric
clearly defining the variable that it intends to measure.
evaluation, and others can be used for only a specific
The recommended scales to screening the fatigue are
portion of the general population due to their characteristic
FSS, FACIT-F, and PFS-16 (made specific to PD); the
features such as language availability. Also, some of the
only one scale recommended to evaluate the severity
newly developed scales are incorporating part of other
is FSS.[85-94]
ratings instead of only citing them; this gives the medical
The 10th subtype is about psychosocial problems. This literature a confusing assessment, when evaluating these
subtype has only one scale, the Belastungsfragebogen grading systems, and turns them into long, confusing,
Parkinson Kurzversion (BELA-P-k). This scale has only and difficult to apply clinically. Therefore, we believe
a few studies and is in German.[95] that instead of developing new scales, the studies should
focus on the clinimetric evaluation, and assess these
The 11th subtype is about levodopa secondary effects. scales in different ethnic origins translating the scales and
This subtype has only one scale, the Parkinson’s Disease evaluating their quality.
Symptom Inventory (PDSI). It is useful for helping
clinicians to measure changes in symptoms and side Financial support and sponsorship
effects over the treatment time, but it has few studies.[96] Nil.
39. Rush AJ, Gullion CM, Basco MR, Jarrett RB, Trivedi MH. The 60. Martinez-Martin P, Visser M, Rodriguez-Blazquez C, Marinus J,
Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS): Psychometric Chaudhuri KR, van Hilten JJ; SCOPA-Propark Group; ELEP
properties. Psychol Med 1996;26:477-86. Group. SCOPA-Sleep and PDSS: Two scales for assessment of
40. Smarr KL, Keefer AL. Measures of depression and depressive sleep disorder in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 2008;23:1681-8.
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