TN DAS164 How To Copy The Configuration of A DA Server From One Machine To Another
TN DAS164 How To Copy The Configuration of A DA Server From One Machine To Another
TN DAS164 How To Copy The Configuration of A DA Server From One Machine To Another
Machine to Another
Updated: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 11:58:21 GMT
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5. Open the SMC and navigate to the DASABCIP DA Server under the DA Server Manager or Operations Integration
Manager and you should see all of the configured PLCs, etc.
This process works for all DA Servers. You would just copy the appropriate aacfg file from the appropriate folder under
c:\ProgramData\Wonderware\DAServer path. For example, to copy the configuration for a DASMBTCP DA server it
would be the DASMBTCP.aacfg file from c:\ProgramData\Wonderware\DAServer\DASMBTCP\
On some systems you can’t see the ProgramData folder off the c: drive. You can either manually enter the path as
shown below in the Windows Explorer path dialog, or you can turn on the view to ProgramData from the View Options
menu in Windows Explorer (see 2nd screen shot below)…
Updated: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 11:58:21 GMT
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