Lesson 5 Contemporary Art and Performance Art
Lesson 5 Contemporary Art and Performance Art
Lesson 5 Contemporary Art and Performance Art
World events in the mid-20th century immensely influenced the course of human life and, with
it, the course of art history. World War I (1913-1914) and World War II (1941-1945), in
particular, shifted the political, economic, and cultural world stage away from Europe and on to
the “New World” continent, America.
Learning outcomes
You will answer activities which will assess your prior knowledge. At the end of the phase, you
will be assessed again to check your knowledge about the concepts and information learned.
Lets try this
Activity 1
In the 1920s and 1930s, aspiring young American painters, sculptors, and writers sailed to
Europe to expand their horizons. But during the dark days of World War II, a reverse migration
brought European scientists, architects, and artists to American shores. New York, in particular,
became a haven for the newly-arrived artists and their American counterparts.
Action Painting
Conceptual Art
Pop Art
Activity 2
2. 5.
Lets do more
1. Prepare your materials – 1 whole cartolina or 1 whole box board; old colored magazines,
newspapers, or calendars; scissors; glue or paste; watercolors, acrylic paints, poster colors,
crayons, or pastels; #8 paintbrushes and/or sponges.
2. Select a “popular” subject for your artwork (e.g., a product, a celebrity, a movie or television
character, a sport, a place, a brand name, etc.). Plan how this will be depicted using your
available materials.
3. Cut out images, letters, etc. from the magazines, newspapers, or calendars, and glue or paste
them on the cartolina or board. Color the surrounding background with watercolors, poster
colors, or any available paints. You may add details with crayons or pastels.
3. Neodadaism
4. Conceptual art
5. Pop art
8. What were two of the art movements that emerged from The New York
10.Who was the artist who became famous for his action painting style?
Answer key
Activity 2
1. Pop art
2. Conceptual art
3. Color field painting
4. Op art
5. Neodadaism
6. Action painting
Actiivty 3
Test ourselves
1. huge canvases spread on the floor, splattering, squirting, and dribbling paint with
(seemingly) no pre-planned pattern or design in mind.
2. large expanses of unmodulated color covering the greater part of the canvas.
3. seemed to enjoy nonsense for its own sake and simply wanted to laugh at the world.
4. they brought their artistic ideas to life temporarily, using such unusual materials as
grease, blocks of ice, food, even just plain dirt.
5. It is characterized by the inclusion of image from popular mass culture such as
advertisement comic books , famous people, and ordinary cultural object.
6. the angry, serious tone of the original dadaists, the neodadaists seemed to enjoy nonsense for
its own sake and simply wanted to laugh at the world.
7. advertisement comic books , famous people, and ordinary cultural object.
8. Action art painting and Color field painting
9. 1950s
10. Jackson Pollock