Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Focus or Thesis The thesis The thesis The thesis The thesis
Statement statement statement names statement outlines statement does
names the the topic of the some or all of the not name the
topic of the essay. main points to be topic AND does
essay and discussed but does not preview what
outlines the not name the will be discussed.
main points to topic.
be discussed.
Evidence and All of the Most of the At least one of the Evidence and
Examples evidence and evidence and pieces of evidence examples are
examples are examples are and examples is NOT relevant or
specific, specific, relevant and from from the
relevant and relevant, and the documents documents
are directly from the provided, and has provided
from the documents an explanation that AND/OR are not
documents provided. shows how that explained.
provided. Explanations are piece of evidence
Explanations given that show supports the
are given that how each piece author's position.
show how of evidence
each piece of supports the
evidence author's position.
supports the
Sources All sources All sources used Most sources used Many sources are
used for for quotes, for quotes, suspect (not
quotes, statistics and statistics and facts credible)
statistics and facts are credible are credible and AND/OR are not
facts are and most are cited correctly. cited correctly.
credible and cited correctly.
cited correctly.
Grammar & Author makes Author makes Author makes 3-4 Author makes
Mechanics no errors in 1-2 errors in errors in grammar more than 4
grammar or grammar or or spelling that errors in grammar
spelling that spelling that distract the reader or spelling that
distract the distract the from the content. distract the reader
reader from reader from the There are a few from the content.
the content. content. There errors in There are several
There are no are 1-2 errors in capitalization errors in
errors in capitalization or and/or punctuation capitalization
capitalization punctuation, but that catch the and/or
or punctuation, the essay is still reader's attention punctuation that
so the essay is easy to read. and interrupt the catch the reader's
exceptionally flow. attention and
easy to read interrupt the flow