Data Mining For Sale Predication
Data Mining For Sale Predication
Data Mining For Sale Predication
Although there are many forecasting models for determining sales in tourism
industry, data mining techniques have been considered the best technique for
forecasting sales in tourism industry. Data mining isdefined as the process of
finding out useful patterns, correlations, and rules, which are not
knownpreviously, by filtering through a large amount of data stored in some
In this system two data sets are considered in prediction of sales in tourism
industry. The two data sets are –
Orders count data
Sentiment analysis of comments
Here the orders table is scanned to find out how many times a particular package
is been preferred by the user. The counting is then done to find out the
preferences of the users from the orders table.
Second is the sentiment analysis where the words entered in the comments by
the users are being scanned to find out whether the word is positive or negative.
Accordingly the scores are assigned. After the scores are assigned they are added
up to find out the rating.
Thus the two data sets used here are orders table and the comments table
in the process of predicting sales in tourism industry.
Add Packages- Here the admin will add place details along with other
package information.
Add reviews-Admin can add reviews
View Reviews- Admin can view the reviews
Sales report- Graphical representation of the sales report is made available
to the user
View Packages-Here the user can view the packages added by the admin
and can book the same
Send Feedback – here the user can add feedback
Software Requirements:
Windows 7 or higher.
SQL 2008
Visual studio 2010
Hardware Components:
Processor – i3
Hard Disk – 5 GB
Memory – 1GB RAM
The system is useful for tourists as it helps them to search for more
valuable places.
This system can be used by tourists to decide their place preferences