IGCSE Syllabus Checklist - ICT (0417)
IGCSE Syllabus Checklist - ICT (0417)
IGCSE Syllabus Checklist - ICT (0417)
identify external hardware devices and peripherals (such as monitors, keyboards, mice,
printers as input and output devices and external storage devices in general)
identify the two types of software – applications software and system software
define system software (e.g. compilers, linkers, device drivers, operating systems and
1.2 the main describe the central processing unit (CPU) including its role
of computer describe internal memory, i.e. ROM and RAM and the differences between them
define input and output devices and describe the difference between them
1.3 define and describe operating systems which contain a Command Line Interface (CLI)
systems define and describe operating systems which contain a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
describe the differences, including the benefits and drawbacks, between operating systems
which contain a CLI and those which contain a GUI
1.4 types of describe the characteristics of a personal/desktop computer and its uses, both as a
computer standalone and as a networked computer
describe the characteristics of a laptop computer and what it is used for, both as a
standalone and as a networked computer
describe the characteristics of a tablet computer and what it is used for, including its ability
to use wireless technology or 3G/4G technology
describe the computer characteristics of a smartphone and what it is used for in computing
describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type of computer (as above) in
comparison with the others (as above)
1.5 impact describe how emerging technologies are having an impact on everyday life (e.g. artificial
of emerging intelligence, biometrics, vision enhancement, robotics, quantum cryptography, computer-
technologies assisted translation, 3D and holographic imaging, virtual reality)
2.1 input identify input devices and their uses, e.g. keyboard, numeric keypad, pointing devices (such
devices and as mouse, touchpad, trackerball), remote control, joystick/driving wheel, touch screen,
their uses scanners, digital cameras, microphone, sensors (general), temperature sensor, pressure
sensor, light sensor, graphics tablet, video camera, webcam
2.2 direct describe direct data entry and associated devices, e.g. magnetic stripe readers, chip and
data entry PIN readers, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) readers, Magnetic Ink Character
and Recognition/Reader (MICR), Optical Mark Recognition/Reader (OMR), Optical Character
Recognition/Reader (OCR), bar code reader
identify the advantages and disadvantages of any of the above devices in comparison with
2.3 output identify output devices and their uses, e.g. CRT monitor, TFT/LCD monitor, IPS/LCD
devices and monitor, LED monitor, touch screen (as an output device), multimedia projector, laser
their uses printer, inkjet printer, dot matrix printer, wide format printer, 3D printer, speakers, motors,
buzzers, heaters, lights/lamps
identify storage devices, their associated media and their uses, e.g.
– magnetic backing storage media: fixed hard disks and drives, portable and removable
hard disks, portable and removable hard drives, magnetic tape drives and magnetic tapes,
memory cards
– optical backing storage media (CD/DVD/Blu-ray): CD ROM/DVD ROM, CD R/DVD R, CD
RW/DVD RW, DVD RAM, Blu-ray discs
– solid state backing storage: solid state drives (SSDs), flash drives (pen drive/memory
stick/USB stick)
understand the use of other common network devices, including: network interface cards,
hubs, bridges, switches, modems
understand how to set up and configure a small network, including: access to the internet,
the use of a browser, the use of email, access to an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
network communication
– describe facsimile communication and describe the differences between physical faxing
(which does not require the use of a network) and electronic faxing (which does require the
use of a network)
– describe email communication, including the use of attachments
– describe the advantages and disadvantages of using email compared with faxing
– describe video-conferencing, including the hardware used
– describe audio-conferencing
– describe web-conferencing and how it can be linked to either video- or audio-conferencing
5.1 effects describe how there has been a reduction of employment in offices, as workers’ jobs have
of IT on been replaced by computers in a number of fields (e.g. payroll workers, typing pools, car
employment production workers)
describe how there has been an increase in employment in other fields (e.g. website
designers, computer programmers, delivery drivers in retail stores)
5.2 effects describe how the use of computers has led to a number of employees changing their
of IT on working patterns (e.g. part-time working, flexible hours, job sharing, compressed hours
patterns describe what is meant by part-time working, flexible hours, job sharing, compressed hours
5.3 describe the positive effects microprocessors have on aspects of lifestyle (e.g. the amount
microproces and use of leisure time, the degree of social interaction, the ability to leave the home)
controlled describe the negative effects microprocessors have on aspects of lifestyle (e.g. lack of
devices in exercise)
the home
5.4 potential describe repetitive strain injury (RSI) and what causes it
problems identify other health issues (e.g. back problems, eye problems, headaches)
related to
describe some simple strategies for preventing these problems
use of IT
equipment evaluate the use of IT equipment and develop strategies to minimise the health risks
6 ICT applications
describe the use of internet telephony, including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
describe applications for publicity and corporate image publications (e.g. business cards,
letterheads, flyers and brochures)
6.2 data describe the use of a range of data handling applications (e.g. surveys, address lists, clubs
handling and society records, school reports and school libraries)
explain the need for conversion between analogue and digital data
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using computers in measurement rather than
6.4 describe the role of a microprocessor or computer in control applications, including the role
microproces of the pre-set value
sors in
control describe the use of computer control in applications (e.g. turtle graphics, automatic washing
machines, automatic cookers, computer controlled central heating systems, burglar alarms,
computer controlled glasshouses)
6.5 describe the use of computer modelling in spreadsheets (e.g. for personal finance
6.6 describe a range of computer controlled applications (e.g. robotics in manufacture and
applications production line control)
manufacturi discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using computer controlled systems rather
than humans
ng industries
6.7 school describe how systems are used to manage learner registration and attendance
t systems describe how systems can be used to record learner performance
describe how systems can be used for organising examinations, creating timetables and
managing teaching cover/substitution
6.8 booking identify areas where booking systems are used (e.g. travel industry, theatres and cinemas)
describe the online processing involved in booking tickets
6.9 banking describe the computer processing involved in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
describe the computer processing involved in using automatic teller machines (ATM) (e.g.
withdrawing cash, depositing cash or cheques, checking account balance, mini statements,
smartphone/cellphone recharge/top up, bill paying, money transfers, ordering paper-based
6.10 describe the contents of information systems in medicine (including patient records,
computers pharmacy records, monitoring and expert systems for diagnosis)
in medicine
describe how 3D printers can be used in producing medical aids (e.g. surgical and
diagnostic aids, development of prosthetics and medical products, tissue engineering,
artificial blood vessels and the design of medical tools and equipment)
6.11 describe the files used in libraries (e.g. records of books and borrowers)
in libraries describe the computer processing involved in the issue of books, including the use of direct
data entry methods
describe the automatic processing involved in issuing reminders for overdue books
6.12 expert identify a range of applications which use expert systems (e.g. mineral prospecting, car
systems engine fault diagnosis, medical diagnosis, chess games)
identify the components of an expert system (e.g. interactive user interface, inference
engine, rules base, knowledge base)
6.13 describe the use of point of sale (POS) terminals, how the stock file is updated
computers automatically, and how new stock can be ordered automatically
in the retail
industry describe the use of electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) terminals (e.g. the
checking of the validity of cards, the use of chip and PIN, the communication between the
supermarket computer and the bank computer)
6.14 describe how recognition systems work (e.g. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR),
recognition Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Radio
systems Frequency Identification Device (RFID))
describe how RFID and RF technology is used in a range of applications (e.g. tracking
stock, passports, automobiles, contactless payment)
6.15 describe how a workforce or member of the public can be monitored or logged
and tracking describe how the use of cookies can be used to monitor a person’s internet activity
describe the use of key-logging
6.16 satellite describe the use of different satellite systems (e.g. Global Positioning Systems (GPS),
systems satellite navigation, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), media communication systems)
system specification
– identify and justify suitable hardware for the new system
– identify and justify suitable software for the new system
7.2 design describe how it is necessary to design documents, files, forms/inputs, reports/outputs and
design validation routines (including length check, type check, format check, presence
check, check digit)
design the required data/file structures (e.g. field length, field name, data type)
testing strategies
– describe the need to test each module
– describe the need to test the whole system
– describe testing using normal data including definition and examples
– describe testing using live data including definition and examples
– describe testing using abnormal data including definition and examples
– describe testing using extreme data including definition and examples
methods of implementation
– identify suitable situations for the use of different methods of system implementation (e.g.
organisations or departments within organisations which need a quick changeover,
organisations or departments within organisations which cannot afford to lose data)
– describe advantages and disadvantages of each method of implementation
8.1 physical describe common physical safety issues and what causes them, e.g. electrocution from
safety spilling drinks, fire from sockets being overloaded or equipment overheating, tripping over
trailing cables
evaluate own use of IT equipment and develop strategies to minimise the potential safety
explain how to avoid inappropriate disclosure of personal data including: own name,
address, school name, a picture in school uniform
evaluate own use of the internet and use strategies to minimise the potential dangers, e.g.
only using websites recommended by teachers, only using a learner-friendly search engine
evaluate own use of email and use strategies to minimise the potential dangers, including
only emailing people already known, thinking before opening an email from an unknown
person, never emailing the school’s name or a picture of a learner in school uniform
evaluate own use of social media/networking sites, instant messaging and internet chat
rooms and use strategies to minimise the potential dangers, including: knowing how to
block and report unwanted users, never arranging to meet anyone alone, always telling an
adult first and meeting in a public place, avoiding the misuse of images, using appropriate
language, respecting confidentiality
describe measures which should be taken when playing games on the internet (including
not using real names)
9 Audience
9.1 show a clear sense of audience when planning and creating ICT solutions
appreciation analyse the needs of an audience
9.2 legal, explain the need for copyright legislation and the principles of copyright relating to computer
moral, software (e.g. software piracy)
ethical and
cultural describe methods that software producers employ to prevent software copyright being
discuss the legal, moral, ethical and cultural implications of creating an ICT solution
create ICT solutions that are responsive to and respectful of the needs of the audience
discuss why the internet is not policed (although legislation is enforced in some countries)
and the effects of this, including the existence of inappropriate sites
10 Communication
10.1 describe the constraints that affect the use of email, including: the laws within a country,
communicati acceptable language, copyright, local guidelines set by an employer, the need for security,
on with netiquette, password protection
other ICT
define the term spam
users using
email explain why spam needs to be prevented
11 File management
11.1 manage identify different file types and their use(s), for example: css, csv, gif, htm, jpg, pdf, png, rtf,
files txt, zip
save and print files in a variety of formats, including: a draft document, final copy,
screenshots, database reports, data table, graph/chart, a web page in browser view, a web
page in HTML view
save and export data into file formats for your applications packages, e.g. .doc, .docx,
.xls, .sdb, .sdc, .rtf, .ppt
save and export data into generic file formats, including: .csv, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, .css, .htm
11.2 reduce explain the need to reduce file sizes for storage or transmission
file sizes for
storage or identify where it will be necessary to reduce file sizes for storage or transmission
reduce file sizes using file compression
12 Images
use software tools to place and edit an image to meet the requirements of its intended
application and audience
13 Layout
use software tools to prepare a basic document to match the purpose and target audience
– create a new document or, where appropriate, open an existing document
– enter text and numbers
– use editing techniques to manipulate text and numbers, including: highlight, delete, move,
cut, copy, paste, drag and drop
– place objects into the document from a variety of sources, including: text, image,
screenshot, spreadsheet extract, database extract, clip art or chart
– create a table with a specified number of rows and columns
– format a table and its contents
– place text or objects in a table
– wrap text around a table, chart or image, including: above, below, square and tight
use software tools to use headers and footers appropriately within a range of software
– create headers and footers
– align consistently within a document the contents of the header and footer including: to
left margin, right margin and centre of the page
– place automated objects in headers and footers, including: automated file information,
automated page numbering, text, date, time
– explain why headers and footers are needed
14 Styles
understand the purpose of a corporate house style and ensure that all work produced
matches this
– produce documents which conform to a corporate house style
– explain what is meant by corporate branding/house style
apply styles to ensure consistency of presentation
– explain why consistent styles are required
– apply consistent styles using a variety of application packages
– ensure that page/slide layout is consistent, including: font styles, text alignment, spacing
between lines, spacing between paragraphs, spacing before and after headings – create
and apply an appropriate style, including: font type (serif, sans serif), point size, font colour,
alignment, line spacing, style of bullets, text alignment to the left, right, centre or fully
justified – select an appropriate font style for a task, taking into account the audience – use
text enhancement, including: bold, underline, italic, highlight
– create and apply paragraph style(s) with a new style name to match the corporate house
15 Proofing
15.1 use software tools to ensure that all work produced contains as few errors as possible
software – explain why the automated suggestions given by spell check software do not always give
tools the correct response
– use automated tools, including spell check facilities, to remove errors
– use validation routines to minimise errors
– explain why validation checks must be appropriate to the data that is being checked
– define the term verification
– describe visual verification (i.e. visual comparison of data entered with a data source)
– describe double data entry (i.e. entering data twice and the computer compares the two
sets of data, either by comparing them after data has been entered or by comparing them
during data entry)
– explain the need for validation as well as verification
17 Document production
18 Data manipulation
18.1 create a design and use suitable software tools to create an appropriate database record structure
database – define the terms flat file database and relational database
structure – explain where it would be appropriate to select a flat file database or a relational database
– assign appropriate data types to fields, including: text, numeric (integer, decimal,
percentage, currency), date/time, Boolean/logical (–1/0, yes/no, true/false)
– explain that other field types such as placeholders for media, including images, sound
bites and video clips are used in commercial databases
– use short, meaningful file and field names
– format fields and identify sub-types, including: specifying the number of decimal places,
specifying a particular currency
– identify the structure of external data with different file types, including: .csv, .txt, .rtf
– locate, open and import data from an existing file
– define and understand the terms primary key and foreign key and their role in a relational
– create a relationship between two or three tables
– discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using relational tables rather than a flat file
design and use suitable software tools to create a data entry form appropriate to purpose
and audience
– understand the key features of form design
– create a data entry form to meet the needs of the audience
– create a data entry form with all fields included to match the purpose of the task
– create an appropriate data entry form, including: appropriate font styles and sizes,
spacing between fields, character spacing of individual fields, use of white space, radio
buttons, drop down menus, highlighting key fields
18.2 use arithmetic operations or numeric functions to perform calculations within a database –
manipulate create a calculated field
data – perform calculations at run time using formulae and functions, including: addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, sum, average, maximum, minimum, count
use suitable software tools to produce reports to display data appropriate to purpose and
– produce reports to display all the required data and labels in full where required
– use appropriate headers and footers within a database report, including: report header,
report footer, page header, page footer
– set report titles
– produce different output layouts as required, including: tabular format, labels
– align data and labels appropriately, including: right aligning numeric data and decimal
– format numeric data, including: number of decimal places, variety of currencies,
percentage, as required by the task
– show and hide data and labels within a report, as necessary
– export data for use in another application
19 Presentations
use a master slide to appropriately place objects and set suitable styles to meet the needs
of the audience
– identify the need for consistency of presentation, in terms of styles, point sizes, colour
schemes, transitions and animations
– use the master slide to place objects appropriately, including: images, text, logos, slide
footers, automated slide numbering
– use the master slide to set font styles, heading styles and colour schemes, as required by
the audience
– manipulate and use specified areas for headings, subheadings, bullets, images, charts,
colours, text boxes, presenter notes, audience notes, as appropriate
use suitable software tools to create presentation slides to meet the needs of the audience
– insert a new slide, when required, selecting the appropriate slide type for the purpose
– place text on the slides including: headings, subheadings, bulleted lists, where
– apply consistent styles using available software tools, including: select from the
presentation colour scheme, the use of text enhancement
– place appropriate images on the slides, including: still images, video clips, animated
– place sound within a slide
– place charts imported from a spreadsheet
– place other objects including: symbols, lines, arrows, call out boxes
– create consistent transitions between pages
– create consistent animation facilities on text, images and other objects
use suitable software tools to display the presentation in a variety of formats, including:
looped on-screen carousel, controlled presentation, presenter notes, audience notes, taking
into account the needs of the audience
20 Data analysis
20.2 test the devise suitable test plans and test the data to demonstrate that the model works
data model – define the terms: testing, test data, expected outcome, actual outcome, normal data,
abnormal data, extreme data, what-if
– explain the need to test a model before it is used
– select appropriate test data to thoroughly test a data model
– justify the choice of test data
– calculate the expected outcomes before testing the model
– test the model, correcting errors and re-testing, where appropriate
– test the model by the use of what-ifs
sort data using a single criterion and using multiple criteria into ascending or descending
order, as required
20.4 present use software tools to adjust the display features in a spreadsheet
data – adjust row height, column width and cell sizes so that all data, labels, and formulae are
fully visible
– wrap text within cells so that all data are fully visible
– hide and display rows and columns, where appropriate
– use features to enhance a spreadsheet, including: text colour, cell colour, bold, underline,
italic and shading to meet the needs of the audience
– format numeric data to display the number of decimal places, a variety of different
currency values, percentages, as appropriate
– set the spreadsheet to display formulae and values
– set the page orientation to portrait or landscape, as necessary
– set the page layout so that it prints on a specified number of pages
– use conditional formatting appropriately to change display format depending upon the
contents of a cell
21 Website authoring
21.1 web identify and describe the three web development layers
layers understand the function of: content layer to enter the content and create the structure of a
web page; presentation layer to display and format elements within a web page; behaviour
layer to enter scripting language to elements within a web page
21.2 create a use software tools to create the content layer of a web page to meet the needs of the
web page audience
– explain the purpose of the head and body sections of a web page
– place appropriate elements in the head section of a web page, including: page title,
attached stylesheets
– place appropriate elements in the body section of a web page
– explain why tables are used to structure elements within a web page
– insert a table, including: table header, table rows, table data
– use appropriate table attributes, including: to adjust cells to span more than one
row/column, to set table and cell sizes in terms of pixels and/or % values, to apply styles to
tables, to meet the needs of the audience
21.2 create a use software tools to create navigation within a web page and between web pages
web page – describe the function of a hyperlink
continued – describe the concept of a bookmark and methods of creating a bookmark within a web
– describe the function of an anchor and why it is rarely seen from the browser view
– define and understand the terms relative file path and absolute file path
– explain why absolute file paths must not be used for hyperlinks to locally saved web
– use an object’s id attribute to create a bookmark within a web page
– create an anchor within a web page
– create hyperlinks from: text, images
– create hyperlinks, where appropriate, to: bookmarks on the same page, other locally
stored web pages, a website using the URL, send mail to a specified email address, open
in a specified location including: the same window, a new window, with a window named as
21.3 use use software tools to create the presentation layer of a web page
stylesheets – explain what is meant by the term cascading stylesheets
– explain the difference between attached stylesheets and inline style attributes
– explain the hierarchy of multiple attached stylesheets and inline styles within a web page
– explain the difference between a style and a class
– create generic external styles and inline style attributes, including: background properties
(e.g. colour, images), font properties (e.g. style, typeface), table properties (e.g.
background colour, horizontal and vertical alignment, spacing, padding, borders: including
collapsed, border thickness, visible/invisible)
– create external styles to be tagged in a web page including: h1, h2, h3, p, li, as required –
specify the font appearance for each style, including features such as: font family, size,
colour, alignment, bold and italic
– save styles in cascading stylesheet format
– explain why relative file paths must be used for attached stylesheets
– attach an external stylesheet to a web page using a relative file path
– attach comments to an external stylesheet
test a website
– create a test plan to test a website including: web page elements are visible, navigation
within/from a web page
– justify the choice of test plan