User Scenarior - Draft 01

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Adelaide - Graphic Designer

“As a graphic designer, I want to be able to understand how the shades of grey's works in the
colour blindness world so that I would be able to design art works that look good in monochrome.”

Scenario 1: User An - Wants to understand colour blindness

Adelaide navigates to Adelaide takes a look Adelaide selects the Adelaide selects on
the website at the information of option on types of the VR game and gets
colour blindness colour blind to explore the colour
blindness world

Will Adelaide know Would Adelaide be We will want to show How will Adelaide
the URL or use a able to find this in the the colour palette of know how to play the
search engine? home page easily? the colour blind game?

We will want to show We will want to show What if she got

types and description the example of confuse of what she is
of colour blindness images of how colour doing?
blindness world’s
looks like

We will want to show We could provide We will show some

a short description some text and image tips on how to play
where user would be to show the user the game before the
able to explore the user starts playing
colour blindness’s
world in a VR game

We will want to have

We could provide CTA This page would be in some tips inside the
(call to action) where the main navigation game so that the user
user would be easily won’t get lost.
access to
section they would
want to know

Inside the VR we
would show her a
food festival that is in
Step monochrome. While
- How will user reach the goal
she explores the place
Question she will need to
-Question that I ask myself
exp complete some
- Would the user able to find this in the home page easily?
simple tasks. This
Comment would help the user to
- Our own note
experience how
- What We wanted to show the user colour blindess’s
exp world looks likes in a
First thing that user see in the flow
fun way.

Ques Com
Key Step
tion ment Idea
Liam - Nutritionist
“As a nutritionist, I want to be able to explore how food in the colour blindness world looks like so that
I can make a healthy diet more appealing for my children with colour blind symptoms.”

Scenario 2: User B - To be able to explore how food in the colour blindness world looks like.

Liam navigates to the Liam takes a look at Liam selects the Liam selects on the VR
website the information of option on types of game and gets to
colour blindness colour blind explore the colour
blindness world

Will Liam know the Would Liam be able to We will want to show How will Liam know
URL or use a search find this in the home the colour palette of how to play the
engine? page easily? the colour blind game?

We will want to show We will want to show What if he got

types and description the example of confuse of what he is
of colour blindness images of how colour doing?
blindness world’s
looks like

We will want to show We could provide We will show some

a short description some text and image description on how to
where user would be to show the user play the game before
able to explore the the user starts playing
colour blindness’s
world in a VR game

We will want to have

We could provide some tips inside the
some icon/button game so that the user
where user would be won’t get lost.
easily access to
section they would
want to know

Inside the VR we
would show him a
food festival that is in
Step monochrome. While
- How will user reach the goal
he explore the place
Question he will need to
-Question that I ask myself
exp complete some
- Would the user able to find this in the home page easily?
simple tasks. This
Comment would help the user to
- Our own note
experience how
- What We wanted to show the user colour blindess’s
exp world looks likes in a
First thing that user see in the flow
fun way.

Ques Com
Key Step
tion ment Idea
Evelyn - Fashion designer
“As a fashion designer, I want to be able to understand the characteristics of colour blindness so that I could
take the opportunity to raise awareness through my fashion pieces as most designers neglected
on when designing a colourful fashion piece.”

Scenario 3: User C - To be able to understand the characteristics of colour blindness.

Evelyn navigates to Evelyn takes a look at Evelyn selects the Evelyn selects on the
the website the information of option on types of VR game and gets to
colour blindness colour blind explore the colour
blindness world

Will Evelyn know the Would Evelyn be able We will want to show How will Evelyn know
URL or use a search to find this in the the colour palette of how to play the
engine? home page easily? the colour blind game?

We will want to show We will want to show What if she got

types and description the example of confuse of what she is
of colour blindness images of how colour doing?
blindness world’s
looks like

We will want to show We could provide We will show some

a short description some text and image description on how to
where user would be to show the user play the game before
able to explore the the user starts playing
colour blindness’s
world in a VR game

We will want to have

We could provide some tips inside the
some icon/button game so that the user
where user would be won’t get lost.
easily access to
section they would
want to know

Inside the VR we
would show her a
food festival that is in
Step monochrome. While
- How will user reach the goal
she explore the place
Question she will need to
-Question that I ask myself
exp complete some
- Would the user able to find this in the home page easily?
simple tasks. This
Comment would help the user to
- Our own note
experience how
- What We wanted to show the user colour blindess’s
exp world looks likes in a
First thing that user see in the flow
fun way.

Ques Com
Key Step
tion ment Idea

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