Able Archer - Restructured and Revised
Able Archer - Restructured and Revised
Able Archer - Restructured and Revised
These are the Able Archer rules for Cold War miniatures Activation Options
company-level wargaming, with a new layout, a new game Activated platoons perform 1 order each, announced by the
scale, and some additional options. Players will also need player immediately prior to execution.
the unit data available with these rules. These rules are
Move and fire: Elements may move up to their movement
best used with 6mm miniatures.
allowance and fire at any point during movement if desired.
Fast move: Elements must move at least movement
It is recommended that 1” represent a distance of 33’ (10
allowance and up to 1.5x allowance and may not fire. A
m). One turn represents up to 1 minute of real time. Each
platoon may not fast move 2 turns in a row.
vehicle model represents a single vehicle, and a stand of
infantry represents a team of up to 5 soldiers. Intensive fire: All elements of the platoon may fire with a
modifier of -1 to the to-hit number and may not move.
The basic unit of maneuver is the platoon, which consists of Overwatch: Platoon may move up to half of its movement,
2-4 similar vehicles or 2-4 personnel squads. An element is and then the player announces that it will fire during a
a single base of infantry or an individual vehicle or weapon future enemy activation. The platoon’s activation is
team. temporarily suspended and marked accordingly. Platoons
on overwatch may fire at any moving element during an
Note: For smaller scale games, use the squad as the basic
enemy platoon’s activation. All elements must fire during
unit of maneuver and activate by squad rather than
the same enemy activation. Firing may be announced any
time up to the completion of an enemy’s activation or
Turn Sequence immediately afterward.
Initiative phase Troop Quality
o Any persistent effects rolls are resolved C2 Range, CQ Ratings, Training Dice, and To-Hit
and results applied. These may be executed in any Adjustments
desired order. Training C2 Range CQ Training To-hit
Rating die adjustment*
o Each player rolls 2d6 for initiative. The
Veteran 6” 6 d10 -1
player with the higher total is the initiative player Experience 4” 7 d8 0
for the turn. d
o Reinforcements may be rolled for if Green 3” 8 d6 +1
applicable. Civilian 2” 9 d5 +2
*When firing at a vehicle.
Activation phase
o Players alternate moving and firing Command and Control (C2)
platoons in the order determined by the initiative Each platoon must keep its elements within a certain
player, who may also choose which side goes first. distance (C2 range) of each other. C2 range depends on the
unit’s training. Line of sight (LoS) is not necessary to
o Unit activations alternate between
maintain C2.
players until all platoons have acted. If all have
acted on one player’s side, the other may C2 rating affects leadership and/or command modifiers for
complete its activations uninterrupted. crew quality checks. Leadership range for a
command/leader element is equal to 2x the platoon’s C2
Morale phase range in each C2 rating category.
o Companies that have crossed a morale C2 range must be verified at the beginning of a unit’s
threshold test and apply results, starting with the activation and when it attacks an enemy unit. An element
initiative player. outside C2 range upon activation must move to be within
Optional: Activation Roll C2 range of another element of the same platoon or squad
Inspired by Bob Cordery’s Portable Wargames at the end of its activation. If it cannot, it must move its full
At the beginning of each turn, each player rolls 1d3 for each available movement allowance toward another element of
available leader unit and another d3 for every 5 available the same unit.
non-leader units. The result is the number of units that can Elements outside C2 range add 1 to the to-hit number
activate during that turn. A player with veteran units rolls when attacking vehicles and use a lower training die type
twice for each activation roll, taking the higher result. when attacking infantry.
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
An infantry team >1” away from another team in the same Bogging Down
squad may not attack. Vehicles entering dangerous terrain must pass a bogging
down test by rolling 3 or above on a d10. Failure results in
The above restrictions do not apply to:
no movement. Bogged down vehicles may test again at
Fire support officer (FSO) units next activation. A roll of 1 on the 2nd or later test results in
An element within C2 range of a command/leader permanent vehicle immobilization.
An element that is the last surviving
To be considered in cover, an element’s center point must
element of its platoon
be inside the terrain feature. See above table for cover
Movement provided by each type of terrain.
Movement through friendly elements is allowed.
Elements in light cover add 1 to their to-hit number or
Movement through enemy elements is not allowed, except
defense rating, while those in hard cover add 2.
for overrun attacks.
Friendly or enemy elements do not provide cover.
Movement allowance is affected by terrain depending on
an element’s speed and mobility type. Digging in takes an entire activation and is accomplished on
a 4+ roll on d6. Dug-in units have one cover level better
Open terrain: includes fields and roads
than current (none becomes soft, soft becomes hard).
Difficult terrain: includes woods and hills; fast move not
Elements must have LoS to conduct a direct attack (see
Very difficult terrain: includes urban and shallow water; fast artillery rules for indirect attacks).
move not allowed
LoS does not exist through woods. An element within 3” of
Dangerous terrain: includes swamp and marsh; use a wood’s edge may be targeted.
movement allowance for very difficult terrain and add risk
Neither friendly nor enemy elements block LoS.
of bogging down
Movement allowance by speed and terrain category
Movement Allowance Combat
Difficul Very Infantry ranged attacks
Open t difficult One squad attacks one squad or soft vehicle per activation.
Speed terrain terrain terrain Fireteams out of C2 range or engaging a different target
Slow 6” 4” 3” may not participate.
Normal 9” 6” 4”
Fast 12” 8” 6” Range is measured from the firing element furthest from
the closest target element, or from the team closest to a
Very fast 15” 10” 7”
soft vehicle target.
To resolve attacks, roll 1 damage die for each fireteam
Terrain categories and cover levels of specific types of
participating and 1 training die for the squad (see troop
quality table). Add the highest damage die result to the
by mobility type
training die result. +1 for intensive fire orders. Add the
Mobility Type Cover
target’s defense rating to the range modifier and any cover
Terrain Type Wheeled Tracked Infantry modifiers and subtract the result from the attackers’ result.
Scrub/bush Difficult Normal Difficult Light
Consult the firefight outcomes table to determine the
Light woods,
Dangerous Difficult Difficult Light outcome (a negative number has no effect).
Heavy woods Impassable Impassable Difficult Hard Defense modifiers
Shallow water Very difficult Very difficult Difficult None Range: +1 for medium, +2 for long, +4 for maximum.
Deep water Impassablea Impassable a Impassable None
Urban Difficult Very difficult Difficult Hard Cover: +1 for soft, +2 for hard. If target squad has fireteams
Problematic Dangerous Dangerous Difficult Depends in different types, use the one providing the lowest defense
Hill Difficult Difficult Normal None modifier.
Cliff Impassable Impassable Impassable b None
Consider very difficult for amphibious vehicles. Firer damaged: +3 to defense. If large vehicle has suffered
Consider very difficult for units with alpine capabilities. weapons hit, subtract damage modifier from firing unit’s
attack roll.
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
Combat outcomes
Firefight outcomes
Missiles: Have a 360° field of fire regardless of element
Differenc Soft type. Only landed air elements may be targeted by anti-
e Infantry Vehicle tank missiles. Anti-air missiles may only be used against air
0 Suppression test Immobile elements while in the air. Guided missiles (ATGM/AAGM)
1 Suppression test +1 Damaged may be used against targets outside LoS (+2 to hit) or within
2 Morale test Destroyed 1” of occupied cover but not those >1” within cover.
3 Morale test +1 Destroyed
Each missile has a to-hit roll. For vehicles firing missiles, if
4 K1 Brewed up
the roll is >3 on-1 1d6, supply is depleted.
5 K2 Brewed up
6 K3 Brewed up Minefield: Elements entering, leaving, or passing through a
7+ K4 Brewed up minefield are attacked using the firefight outcomes table.
Resolve attacks using d6 training die. All vehicles are
Suppression test: Target squad must pass a crew quality test affected as soft targets. Type and strength of attack is
or will be suppressed. Suppression test +1 result adds 1 to scenario-specific. No avoidance test; attack is automatic.
the target number. Gas: Gas has area-of-effect and persistence values. Roll for
Morale test: Squad must take a crew quality test. Pass = removal during initiative phase on a d6 roll of 5 or 6. Attack
suppressed, fail = broken. Morale test +1 result adds 1 to profile is similar to artillery and affects targets on the
squad’s target number. ground and in the air. Affected elements are suppressed on
a failed suppression or morale test. K result automatically
K#: Remove this number of teams and squad takes morale suppresses. Suppressed vehicles operate as though
test using number of teams removed as positive modifier to damaged.
target number.
Crew quality and morale
Weapon types CQ ratings are at company level. Each has a target number
Anti-personnel (AP): Affect personnel and soft vehicles but used in all CQ tests.
not armored vehicles. May be mounted on or carried by
any unit type. Reduce attack die by 1 type against soft Target numbers: Result needed on 2d6 to pass CQ test, with
vehicles. No effect on armored vehicles except in close result equal to or exceeding modified target number to
assault. pass. Modified by conditions specific to each type of test.
Result of 12 always passes, while 2 always fails.
Anti-tank (AT): Effective against armored vehicles using a
damage die roll to the impacted facing of the target’s armor Morale test: Taken at company level during morale phase
to determine penetrating damage. May not attack air by companies with half or less of original elements, and at
elements unless landed. Attacks against personnel have end of any turn in which unit began with less than half and
damage die reduced by 1 type and may not score a result received additional casualties. Failures results in all platoon
>K1. Attacks against unarmored vehicles use to to-hit operating as broken until rallied or destroyed.
damage/training mechanism (not the AFV damage table) Morale test modifiers
with attack die reduced by 1 type. CQ
Anti-air (AA): May target air units. If used against personnel, Each destroyed platoon +2
may not score a result >K1. Reduce attack die by 1 type Each squad losing ≥1/2 elements or all vehicles damaged +1
against armored targets. Each element outside C2 range +1
Weapon type modifiers Each suppressed squad +1
Target type Each command vehicle or leader team in C2 range of any -1
Weapon Soft
type Infantry armor Armored
Also taken by squads as result on firefight outcomes table
AP Normal -1 die No
unless attached to air units.
type effect
AT -1 die -1 die Normal Squad morale test modifiers
type, type CQ
K1 max Each team destroyed or outside C2 range +1
AA K1 max Normal -1 die Suppressed +1
type All teams in cover -1
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
Each command team in C2 range -1 Side: Entire 180° of left or right side of an element, based
on element’s center.
Suppression test: Use morale modifier numbers. Front/rear arcs: Encompass entire front or rear 180° based
Suppression/morale results on firing element’s center.
Suppressed: Move up to 1/2 normal movement. May Targeting arcs: Used to determine armor value to use when
choose only move/fire orders. Training die reduced by 1 resolving attack. Front, rear, left, and right arcs are
type for all purposes. May not use support weapons or any measured from the unit’s center to its respective facing.
attribute that gives a beneficial modifier or reroll for
combat. May not close assault. To-hit number
This number or a higher number must be rolled on 2d6 for
A suppressed squad receiving a suppressed result is broken. an attack to hit the target vehicle. The target’s signature
Broken: May only choose double time orders. Must move to (size) value is the base value for the to-hit number. Modify
increase distance from closest enemy unit without moving the signature according to the range and type of cover as
closer to another, or must move to cover >1” inside terrain follows:
feature. Once in cover, stop movement even if less than
RANGE: Medium +1, Long +2, Maximum +4
allowance. Destroyed if forced to leave table or if cannot
end movement in C2 range. COVER: Soft +1, hard +2
Broken squads in close combat or overrun are eliminated. Add 3 to the to-hit number if the firing element is damaged.
Vehicles in broken company may not make overrun or
Example: A tank’s target with signature 3 is in soft cover at
missile attacks, only direct fire against elements in front arc.
medium range. The to-hit number is 3 +1 for range, +1 for
A broken company is treated as a single platoon for cover = 5. The attacker need to roll 5 or higher on 2d6 to
activation. A broken unit receiving a broken result is routed make a successful attack.
and removed.
Multi-weapon attack: If all weapon fire at same target, all
Rally: Last action of a suppressed/broken unit’s activation. use the same to-hit roll to determine hits, even if the to-hit
Must pass CQ morale test with modifiers. Failure has no number is different for each weapon. Use the maximal
effect. value (see example). If they fire at different targets,
Command and leadership determine separate to-hit numbers for each. Each weapon
Command vehicles: Give morale bonus to their company if may make only 1 to-hit attempt per activation.
all platoons have an element within C2 leadership range, Example: A tank targeting a truck with signature 4 in soft
which is 2x that of normal C2 range. Command vehicles cover is at short range with its main cannon but long range
may share activation with a different platoon each turn. with its machine gun. An attack with only the main cannon
Leader teams: Are part of any platoon within C2 range. May has a to-hit number of 5 (4 +1 for cover), while an attack
not be targeted but may be removed as casualties by with both weapons uses the to-hit number of the machine
owner’s choice (morale test still required, but do not count gun, which is 7 (4 +1 for cover, +2 for range).
as casualties for morale purposes). Must be removed if a Damage assessment
squad in C2 range is completely eliminated or if all squads Find the armor value corresponding to the target arc (front,
of their platoon or company are eliminated. side, rear). If the to-hit roll is odd, use the hull value for that
target arc; if even, use the turret value if applicable. Roll the
firing weapon’s damage die (d6, d8, d10). If result
Vehicle ranged attacks equals/exceeds the armor value of the target arc, the armor
Targeting is penetrated.
Each element in a platoon attacks individually and may Example: A tank with front armor value 5 is hit by a cannon
target a different element, the same element, or elements with d10 damage die. Penetration requires d10 ≥ 5.
in different platoons. Vehicles with multiple weapons may
If penetrated, roll d10 on the AFV damage table and apply
fire all at 1 or different elements in 1 activation, as long as
the result.
the target is in the vehicle’s firing arc.
AFV damage
Firing and target arcs
Element must be in firing arc to be targeted. d10= Result
1 Immobilized
Fixed forward or rear: May fire at target within 90° arc 2-4 Damaged
centered on front or rear of firing element.
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
Requires base-to-base contact of 1 squad with vehicle. firing after the first vehicle. Each weapon rolls damage
Teams in C2 range may participate. Roll and add damage individually.
die to training die and compare to target’s defense rating.
Amphibious: Vehicle may move through deep water as if
Add cover modifiers. Use soft vehicle column on the
very difficult terrain.
firefight outcomes table for both soft and armored vehicles.
Vehicle may not return fire until its own activation unless it Chaff pod: Add d3 to the to-hit number when firing at
has a close defense system or had overwatch orders. element equipped with chaff pod.
Overrun attacks Command vehicle: May call artillery fire and gives morale
May only be conducted as AP attacks against infantry or bonus to company/battalion to which assigned.
soft vehicles in open/clear terrain. Move in base-to-base FSO: May call artillery fire. Reduces scatter by half;
contact with ≥1 element and expend additional 2” of increases avoidance test target number by 1.
movement allowance. Each vehicle may make one overrun
during its activation (can be separate targets and at Radar: Reroll 1 failed to-hit roll against air units.
different times). Vehicles may continue movement if Recon vehicle: Any enemy element within 12” of the recon
additional movement is available. Overrun may not be vehicle may be targeted by any friendly element with -1
conducted while moving double time. bonus to hit.
Vehicles conducting overrun may use any weapons not Tank hunter: Reroll missed to-hit roll of any anti-tank attack
already used during same activation. If using multiple unless a 2 was rolled. Add 1 to squad’s close-assault dice
weapons, roll each damage die separately using same total.
training roll for each. Increase AP damage die type by 1
Transport: Can transport the listed number of infantry
during overrun. Do not decrease AT damage die type during
Air units
Overrun results from the firefight outcomes table are
A command team must pass a CQ test (≥6) to call air units
applied immediately. If no result, target may immediately
to the table. May be called once per turn. If successful, air
close assault the overrunning vehicle.
units arrive next turn. If unsuccessful, may try on
Vehicle statistics subsequent turns. If roll 12, air units arrive the same turn.
Signature: Represents physical size as well as the heat and Deployment is on table edge of choice.
electronic noise. The higher the signature, the smaller its
CQ adjustment for calling air units
size and noise factor, and the harder it is to hit.
Movement: Represents mobility and speed. Calling unit is a platoon leader +1
Defense: Represents ability to withstand close assaults by Deploying on table edge other than +1
infantry. baseline
Calling unit is FSO or battalion commander -1
Weapon stats: Each weapon has statistics for type of die
used to determine damage (d6, d8, or d10) and range
(short, medium, long, or maximum). Airplanes: Must move ≥1/2 available movement each
activation. May not receive intensive fire or overwatch
Armor stats: Represent ability to withstand weapons fire on
the front, side, and rear of hull and turret if applicable.
Planes move at attack level or cruise level. If targeting a
Systems: Some vehicles are equipped with single-use
plane at cruise level, add 1 range band (maximum range
systems such as smoke launchers. Systems statistics are
becomes out of range).
applied to platoon rather than individual vehicles, so 8
smoke launchers should be distributed among all vehicles in Planes switching levels use 1/4 movement allowance.
a platoon. Planes may turn ≤90° after moving straight 1” for signature
Vehicle systems and weapons 4-6 or 2” for signature 3. Double this distance if the plane is
Advanced armor: Hits by an anti-tank missiles are negated damaged. Multiple turns per activation are allowed, each
with a roll of 7 or higher on 2d6. following this straight distance.
Advanced fire control: All non-damaged vehicles of a Missiles and bombs carried by planes are in limited supply.
platoon fire at same enemy element using a single to-hit Helicopters: May begin deployment on-table at any edge
roll. Subtract 1 from the to-hit number for each vehicle after all other units have been deployed.
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
Movement between floors or in/out of a building takes 1/2
Units on a hill >1” from an edge have no LoS to units not on
the hill. Hills do not provide cover.
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
C2 Range, CQ Ratings, Training Dice, and To-Hit Adjustments Weapon type modifiers
Training C2 Range CQ Rating Training To-hit Target type
die adjustment* Weapon Soft
Veteran 6” 6 d10 -1 type Infantry armor Armored
Experienced 4” 7 d8 0 AP Normal -1 die No effect
Green 3” 8 d6 +1 type
Civilian 2” 9 d5 +2 AT -1 die -1 die Normal
*When firing at a vehicle. type, K1 type
Movement allowance by speed and terrain category AA K1 max Normal -1 die
Movement Allowance type
Open Difficult difficult Morale test modifiers
Speed terrain terrain terrain
Slow 6” 4” 3”
Each destroyed platoon +2
Normal 9” 6” 4”
Each squad losing ≥1/2 elements or all vehicles damaged +1
Fast 12” 8” 6”
Each element outside C2 range +1
Very fast 15” 10” 7”
Each suppressed squad +1
Each command vehicle or leader team in C2 range of any platoon -1
Terrain categories and cover levels of specific types of terrain
by mobility type Squad morale test modifiers
Mobility Type Cover CQ
Terrain Type Wheeled Tracked Infantry Each team destroyed or outside C2 range +1
Scrub/bush Difficult Normal Difficult Light Suppressed +1
Light woods, All teams in cover -1
Dangerous Difficult Difficult Light Each command team in C2 range -1
Heavy woods Impassable Impassable Difficult Hard
Shallow water Very difficult Very difficult Difficult None AFV damage
Deep water Impassablea Impassable a Impassable None d10= Result
Urban Difficult Very difficult Difficult Hard 1 Immobilized
Problematic Dangerous Dangerous Difficult Depends 2-4 Damaged
Hill Difficult Difficult Normal None 5-7 Destroyed
Cliff Impassable Impassable Impassable b None 8+ Brewed up
Consider very difficult for amphibious vehicles.
Consider very difficult for units with alpine capabilities. CQ adjustment for calling air units
Calling unit is a platoon leader +1
Firefight outcomes
Deploying on table edge other than baseline +1
Difference Infantry Soft Vehicle Calling unit is FSO or battalion commander -1
0 Suppression test Immobile
1 Suppression test +1 Damaged
2 Morale test Destroyed Avoidance test modifiers
3 Morale test +1 Destroyed DRM
4 K1 Brewed up Used intensive fire in activation +2
5 K2 Brewed up Infantry unit +1
6 K3 Brewed up Each team over 1 in area of effect +1
7+ K4 Brewed up Under overwatch orders +1
Firer at long range -1
Used double time in activation -1
In soft cover -1
In hard cover -2
Passenger casualties
d10= Team destroyed if
1-3 Transport damaged
1-6 Transport destroyed
1-10 Transport brewed up
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.
ABLE ARCHER (restructured and revised)
Able Archer rules by Jan Hayden Juklíček. Rescaling inspired by Mako11 at The Miniatures Page.