Public Submission: Submitter Information

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SUNSI Review Complete

Template = ADM-013
ADD: Marlayna Doell As of: 12/17/20 10:48 AM
Received: September 08, 2020
COMMENT (1427) Status: Pending_Post
3/6/2020 Tracking No. 1k4-9iun-d9v6
CITATION 85 FR 13076 Comments Due: October 21, 2020
Submission Type: Web

Docket: NRC-2020-0065
Transfer of Very Low-Level Waste to Exempt Persons for Disposal

Comment On: NRC-2020-0065-0001

Transfer of Very Low-Level Waste to Exempt Persons for Disposal

Document: NRC-2020-0065-DRAFT-1431
Comment on FR Doc # 2020-04506

Submitter Information
Name: Abigail Gindele

General Comment
I oppose the VLLW plan to reinterpret the rules to let nuclear waste go to places without a nuclear license.
Entire nuclear power reactors become waste and could get dumped as regular trash or even recycled into
things I come into contact with every day.

The proposed "reinterpretation" of NRC regulations is a clear effort to let nuclear power owners to shift legal
and financial responsibility to the public.

I oppose this pseudo-rule change that would let nuclear waste in my or other communities' local landfill or
other properties.

Sending it to hazardous or industrial waste sites is even worse because the radioactivity can react with other
chemicals, making leaks to air and water exponentially more harmful than they are already. I oppose the
exemption from nuclear regulatory control that could lead to the nuclear waste getting burned or recycled into
everyday items and building supplies.

This VLLW proposal could permit, by exemption, entire massive nuclear reactors being dumped or left as if
not radioactive.

NRC is claiming this reinterpretation is "voluntary." How will we ever know which landfills and which states
are doing it? The whole proposal is a secretive deregulation without public notice or opportunity for
individuals or communities to intervene when their landfill or other facility is applying or approved as
"specific exempt." Once approved, it would be forever allowed to take that kind of nuclear waste with no
enforcement of the very vague assumptions. 12/17/2020
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The proposed "dose limit"--really ANY dose limit--is a calculation done by applicant using unverified
assumptions to claim the site will be acceptable. It is nothing but a blank check to allow unlimited amounts of
nuclear waste out of regulatory control with no need to check or enforce radioactive leakage.

This proposal is even more bold and expansive than the many past efforts by the nuclear industry and its
"regulators" which Congress revoked in the 1992 and the public has repeatedly rejected over the decades of
the nuclear age.

Scrap this "interpretive" rule change. Keep nuclear waste under nuclear regulatory control and make the
polluters pay to try to isolate it--not release it!

Thank you, 12/17/2020

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