Chapter - 1: 1.1 Background of The Fieldwork Report
Chapter - 1: 1.1 Background of The Fieldwork Report
Chapter - 1: 1.1 Background of The Fieldwork Report
1.3 Noodles
It takes very little time to prepare and can be use as fried or boiled or can be
eaten as it is. It is long thin strip made of flour and water, or flour and egg paste
and it can be used in soup with sources. In Nepal it called "Chaw Chaw" and taken
'Khaja'. But it is consumed as a meal in Italy, China and other countries. It can be
taken in several ways such as chawmein, fry chawmein, Thukpa with caution of
egg, chilly, meat, cauli-flower, tomato, tomato, Venice onion, garlic, salt etc. Pre
cooked ready made noodles can be consume straightly from the packet too.
General noodles in made out of wheat flour, vegetable oil ghee, egg,
chicken, salt, breaking powder, garlic, herbs and chemicals. A now a days noodle
has become popular food and it has increased in demand. The reason for its ever
increasing consumption may be attributed to its easy availability preparation and
consumption that 10,000 tone noodles are manufactured annually in Nepal.
Various brands and types of noodles are available in Nepalese market like
RumPum, Mayos, 2Pm, Aaha, MinMin, GolMal, Lekali, RaRa and WaiWai etc.
a) Plain noodles:
This types of noodles is in unprepared condition and it takes more
time to prepare. This noodles is cheaper price in comparison than instant noodles.
Thus restaurant mostly use these noodles. It requires curry, tomato, egg or meat,
Cabbage to make ready and make tasteful.
There are more than six dozens of plain noodles produced in Nepal. They
are preferable form the view cheaper price. Some popular plain noodles in
Nepalese market udyog, anmol foods product etc.
b) Instant noodles:
This is verity of noodles which is half readymade in its nature. It
takes very little time to prepare. So, it is called instant noodles. It can be use as
boiled or fried or without cooking. This noodle is costly high than plain noodles,
but people prefer these noodles due to the time factor. We do not require or
mixture to make it ready. To make ready, noodles are boiled for two minutes and
mixtures are added to make it tasty.
Instant noodles are common junk food which can be eaten straight from the
pocket any time any where. In Nepalese society it is taken as 'Khaja' although
some time it is used in place of meal. Trekkers and mountaineers take it as meal
while trekking or expedition. This type of noodle is more popular in Nepalese
market because of its taste easiness to prepare in short time, ready made nature.
About 2 dozen brand of instant noodles are available in Nepalese market like 2
PM, RumPum, Mayos, WaiWai, MinMin, YumYum, RaRa, Aaha etc. They can be
categorized in three types as follows :
(i) According to brands:
• Domestic brand : Rara, Aaha, Hurray etc
• Foregn brand : Mayos, YumYum, WaiWai etc.
(ii) According to soup base :
• Chicken flavored : RumRum, Rara, MinMin
• Vegetable flavored : RumPum, WaiWai
(iii) According to include spice:
• Season noodles : Aaha, Big MiMi, MinMin etc.
• Snack noodles : Hurry, MiMi etc.
They should have money to spend. They should willingness to spend through
exchange relationships.
Marketing activities are part of every day life. This is the age of
marketing. All types of organizational need marketing to achieve their goods
marketing has gained a great deal of strategic importance in modern
According to W.J. Stanton - "Marketing is a total system of business
activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute wants satisfying
products, services and ideas to target markets in order to achieves
organizational objectives."
"Marketing refers to anybody or persons who are in intimate business and
carry on intensive transactions in any commodity."
- Jevons
"Marketing is the performance of activities that seek to accomplish
on organizations objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and
directing a flow of need satisfying goods and services from producer to
customer or client."
- E.Jerome Mc carthy
Kupandol and factory of the company is situated in Koshi district. The major
objectives of the company is to produce snack and to distribute different types
of noodles.
Research Methodology
2.3 Population
The population of the study is all buyers and sellers of the instant noodles in
Geetanagar area. They have different academic background, income level, sex age
and professions. The population represents the resident of Geetanagar and visitors
2.4 Sampling
The target population of this study is very large. It is almost impossible to
include the whole population in the study so, out of these population only 100
customers and 10 dealer or wholesalers have been taken from different urban
areas, and the method used for this study is judgmental sampling is that population
under study is very large time and resources constraints have compelled the
researcher to adopt judgmental sampling method.
questions were included in questionnaires. Sample of the questionnaires are
presented in the appendix no. (i).
Altogether 100 questionnaire for consumers and 10 questionnaires for
dealer or wholesaler were distributed and all of them were collected. In the process
of the data collection the research was also in touch with the responsible officers of
different brands of noodles companies.
Data Presentation and Analysis
This chapter incorporates data presentation and analysis. The data and
information collection from the consumers are presented and clear manner,
analysis carried out with the help of necessary table statistical tools and the
interpretation of the finding for attaining the stated objectives of the study.
20 Straight
Boiled Fried Straight
3.1.2 Noodles Consumption by Purpose
Noodles are used for multipurpose. They are used as meal as well as tiffin.
The data obtain from final consumer about their purpose of noodles have been
provided in the underneath.
Table no. 2
Classification of consuming purpose of Noodles.
Purpose No. of consumer Percentage
Meal purpose 8 8%
Tiffin purpose 72 72%
Meal and Tiffin purpose 20 20%
Total 100 100%
Noodles are specially eaten as Tiffin but sometimes people eat as meat and
both purpose out of 100 person 72 person eat only as Tiffin 20 person use for both
purpose and 8 person use for meal purpose.
Multiple bar diagram showing the classification of noodles consumption of
Figure no. 2
Classification of consuming purpose of Noodles.
80 72%
No. of Consumers
20 8%
Meal purpose Tiffin purpose Meal and Tiffin
Table no. 3
Classification of consumers by background characteristics
Classification Sub-Classification No. of respondents percentage
consuming noodles
Age Below 15 years 30 30
10-35 28 28
36-45 22 22
46 - above 20 20
Total 100 100%
Marital Status Married 46 46
Unmarried 54 54
Total 100 100%
Education Illiterate 6 6
Elementary 48 48
S.L.C 24 24
Intermediate 12 12
Bachelor above 10 10
Total 100 100%
Sex Male 48 48
Female 52 52
Total 100 100%
Profession Farmer 12 12
Student 30 30
Service holder 18 18
Business men 8 8
House wife 14 18
Other 18
Total 100 100%
Family income Below 3000 12 12
(Monthly) 3001 - 5000 34 34
5001 - 10000 32 32
10000 above 22 22
Total 100 100%
Source: Field survey, 2063
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Table no. 4
Ranking of noodle by consumers preference
No. of Respondent
Noodles Mean Rank
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Mayos 15 11 8 7 5 4 - 5.24 1
RumPum 12 13 9 8 5 2 1 5.18 2
MinMin 7 8 16 6 10 2 1 4.72 3
WaiWai 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 4.62 4
GolMol 3 5 12 11 9 8 2 4.00 5
Hits 5 6 7 8 13 7 4 3.9 6
YumYum - 3 7 10 11 6 13 3.09 7
Source: Field survey , 2063
By the over all mean ranking of various seven brands of noodles, mayos
noodles is seen to be preferred most with highest mean value 5.24. It is followed
by RumPum. The YumYum noodles having the lowest value is the least preferred
Table no. 5
Ranking of noodles brands by their availability
No. of Respondent
Noodles Mean Rank
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Mayos 21 13 11 3 2 - - 5.96 1
RumPum 19 15 8 4 3 1 - 5.80 2
MinMin 16 11 9 7 4 3 1 5.36 3
WaiWai 13 11 9 6 5 4 2 5.04 4
GolMol 11 9 13 6 4 2 8 4.82 5
Hits 6 8 12 10 4 2 8 4.28 6
YumYum 9 2 4 12 11 5 7 3.86 7
Source: Field Survey, 2063
From the table one will be able to dectear that Mayos is the noodles with
best advantages. RumPum and MinMin is also good but hits and YumYum brands
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Table no. 6
Distribution of consumer introductory sources of knowledge about
Media No. of respondents Percentage
F.M./Radio 26 26%
Television 24 24%
News paper 16 16%
Internet 9 9%
Magazine 5 5%
wall painting 7 7%
Pumplets 6 6%
Hoarding board 4 4%
Friend and family 8 8%
Cinema 2 2%
Hulak/Telephone 3 3%
Total 100 100%
Observing the table, it is found that audio media, radio is the most popular
source to make the consumers introduced with noodles nearly followed by the
audio visual media-television where as the other source being news paper and
internet. The effects of cinema and hulak is found to be of equal valuable to make
consumer knowledge about noodles.
Table no. 7
Distribution of consumer loyalty over different brands
Brands No. of consumers Percentage
Mayos 20 40
Rumpum 11 22
MinMin 4 8
WaiWai 9 12
GolMol 6 -
Hits - -
YumYum -
Total 50 100
Source : Field survey, 2063
From the field survey it is found that only a low percentage of consumer are
loyal over specific brand 75 among the loyal consumer mayos has the highest
number of consumer followed by RumPum, but Hits and YumYum has no loyal
- 12 -
3.1.8 Major Findings
1) The consumption of noodles in urban areas of Geetanagar is very popular
since it is seen that every consumer consumers noodles out of the total
potential consumers, only 100 of them in Geetanagar area selected for the
openion regaring instant noodles. It was found that 100% consumers have
been consuming noodles (Table no. 3)
2) With regard to preference consumer over different brands mayos has been
found to be the most populer brand in the market followed by RumPum
(Table no. 4)
3) Regarding the availability of different brands of noodles most of the
consumers respond that mayos is easily available among seven brands.
(Table no. 5)
4) Most of the advertisement from radio and T.V. (Table no. 6)
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Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
4.1 Summary and Conclusion
Today, marketing sector is the fully changes than traditional marketing
according to the modern concept of marketing, the consumer is given the highest
priority therefore the fundamental function of the marketing is the satisfy
consumer identifying their needs wants demand and accordingly providing goods
and services.
"Instant noodles industry" is a major category of food industry in Nepal.
There are more then 27 companies in Nepal but only ten companies are fighting it
out for a share instant noodle is a common food of Nepalese society. It is taken as
a Khaja but it does not serve the purpose of a wholesome meal although sometimes
it is used as a meal. In my study it can be seen that the consumption of instant
noodles is highly ncreasing in Geetanagar. Most people respondent have consumed
noodles at least time either as a Tiffin or meal. It's future is bright.
Mayos noodle is very popular and successful noodle in market it has coverd
highest percent of market share position. The good quality and easily availability
are the main factor their market share.
In conclusion accordance with sample survey it can be said that the future
of noodles in Nepal in bright the should equally take care in quality as well as on
promotional activities along with reasonable pricing to uplift their market share.
4.2 Recommendation
1) The consumption of noodles in urban area of Geetanagar is very
popular. All types of consumer consume noodles at least one time.
Student and service holder consumers prefer to consumer more and
more because of easy availability and easily prepare able. So, instant
noodles companies should make their targets to these groups and
focus marketing strategy to them.
2) The quality of Hits and YumYum brand noodles seen 10 be inferior.
So, that it is better to improve the quality of these noodles.
3) The availability of noodles is one of the most important influencing
factors to make the decision of buying noodles for consumers so
companies should give more emphasis on it.
4) A very few consumers are found to be brand loyalty and is not so
strong. As a result no company seems succeeded to make consumer
loyal to their brand so it is advised that the companies should make
appropriate programme for product positioning to their own brand.
5) Most of the consumer is found to know about noodles and their
brands through advertising at the pioneering stage. So, manufactures
are suggested to advertise their product through popular media like
radio and T.V. rather than in magazine.
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6) Distribution network of Aaha is very poor among the other brand
noodles. So, that is should established efficient distribution network.
7) Lastly every and each competin is increasing trend so that every and
each should adopt effective marketing polices and strategy to achieve
the goal.
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Appendix - I
Name :
Sex ( ) Male ( ) Female
Education :
( ) Elementary ( ) S.L.C ( ) Intermediate
( ) Bachelor
Profession :
( ) Student ( ) Service holder ( ) Farmer
( ) Business men ( ) Other ( ) House wife
Age :
( ) Below 15 years ( ) 16-25 yrs. ( ) 26-35 yrs.
( ) 36-45 yrs. ( ) 46 yrs and above
Marital status:
( ) Married ( ) Unmarried
Family income (Monthly):
( ) 3000 below ( ) 3001-5000 ( ) 5001-10,000
1. Have you ever eaten instant noodles ?
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. How do you prefer to eat these noodles ?
( ) Boiled ( ) Friend ( ) Straight from the package
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3. Which types of meal do you eat noodles ? What time you prefer noodle for ?
( ) Lunch ( ) Tiffin ( ) Dinner
4. Who ever you think of noodles which of the following noodles comes in
your mind ?
( ) Mayos ( ) RumPum ( ) WaiWai
( ) MinMin ( ) YumYum ( ) GolMol
5. Do you usually buy the some noodles ?
( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes which one do you buy ?
( ) MinMin ( ) Mayos ( ) WaiWai
( ) YumYum ( ) GolMol
6. How did you came to know about noodles ?
( ) T.V. ( ) Radio ( ) Newspaper
( ) Cinema ( ) Pamphlets ( ) Hording board
( ) Painting ( ) Friend and family ( ) Other
7. Which of the following media do you usually spent more time in a day ?
( ) Television ( ) Radio ( ) Newspaper
( ) Magazine
8. Which brand of noodles is easily available in your place ? (Priority base)
( ) WaiWai ( ) YumYum ( ) GolMol
( ) Mayos ( ) RumPum ( ) Hits
( ) MinMin
9. Please rank the following noodles in order to your preference from 7 to 3 (7
to 1) the most preferred one and so on.
( ) Mayos ( ) RumPum ( ) Hits
( ) GolMol ( ) MinMin ( ) YumYum
( ) WaiWai
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Appendix - II
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