Plan A Report 2020

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2020 Plan A Report

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Whilst this report is designed to provide businesses, building it into the core strategy communities) at the heart of decision
“As we emerge from the an update on our 2019/20 activity, those rather than having it exist in parallel with our making. Our commitment is very clear:
efforts are now contextualised by the once operations. Over the past year, we have begun we will always treat people in our business
Covid-19 crisis, there will in a lifetime challenge that the Covid-19 this transition, embedding sustainability into and supply chain fairly. As we emerge
be many uncertainties, crisis has presented to our business, our business operations. This has created from the Covid-19 crisis, there will be many
our county and indeed our world. a simplified framework (on page 3) that: uncertainties, but we believe customers
but we believe customers will be looking even more to brands they
Throughout our 136 year history, M&S has –– is aligned to the business strategy;
will be looking even more faced into challenges - big and small - by
can trust and have confidence in to offer
–– has clear deliverables owned and
to brands they can trust pulling together and drawing on the strength
actioned by each business unit;
value through trading ethically. In the
coming year, we will use the new Plan A
and have confidence in of our heritage, our values, and most of
–– maintains our position as a committed framework to build a programme to
all, our people. In times such as these, our
to offer value through customers and communities rely on M&S to sustainable retailer; and engage customers and demonstrate that
M&S understands – and is taking action
trading ethically.” deliver for them and that trust is precious –– provides a programme to build on – the issues that matter most to them.
to me and to our colleagues across the competitive advantage in selected
M&S family. The whole team has rallied in areas and to engage our customers
response and the care and commitment on the issues that matter to them.
our extraordinary colleagues have shown
to our customers, their teammates and our We’ve been clear that we must continue to
communities has been inspiring to see. I have work across the wide range of environmental
never been more proud to lead this business. and social issues even as we streamline
our key Plan A targets to focus on the
Leadership on social and environmental Steve Rowe, CEO
issues that matter most to our customers,
issues remains central to our brand, our colleagues, shareholders and regulators.
promise to our customers and colleagues
and our wider commitment to the Ten In 2019, concerns about plastics, climate
Principles of the UN Global Compact. change, sustainable fashion, animal welfare
Shareholders have encouraged us to and the provenance of food continued
update them on our sustainability agenda to be a big focus. Customers have high Report contents
as part of our transformation plan and expectations of M&S quality and standards
within this report we deliver an update and maintaining their trust is critical. 01 CEO’s introduction 08 Products
on our performance in 2019/20. Our colleagues are proud to work for a 02 About this report 10 Planet
business with a long heritage of doing the 03 Our evolving framework 14 Governance
Our transformation programme aims to return right thing and our business is stronger
M&S to sustainable, profitable growth and to 04 2020 highlights 15 Climate-related
for having one of most passionate and
deliver long term value for all stakeholders. 05 Summary of Plan A disclosures
dedicated workforces in UK retail.
An important part of the transformation is performance 16 Frameworks and
the evolution of Plan A to reflect our new Covid-19 has brought a firm focus on 06 People assurance
operating model as a family of accountable how companies put the welfare of people 18 Assurance Statement
(customers, colleagues, suppliers and
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 02


was published in May 2020 and SCIENCE-BASED TARGETS
Most of the data and statements in Across all stakeholders there continues
covers our financial year from this update relate to the financial years Stores, offices, warehouses and delivery to be high levels of interest in plastic/
April 2019 to March 2020. It 2019/20, 2018/19 and the original baseline fleets operated by M&S have been packaging, food waste and sustainable
has been designed to provide year for Plan A which is 2006/07. self-certified as carbon neutral – in fashion which are all addressed in this
accordance with the British Standards update. More specialist stakeholders,
an additional level of detail to Greenhouse gas emissions for 2019/20
Institution’s PAS2060 specification – on including investors, are engaging with
supplement our 2020 Annual have been calculated using DEFRA/
30 April 2020 for the period 1 April 2019 us on the use of reporting technical
BEIS 2019 Greenhouse Gas Reporting
Report and to direct stakeholders Conversion Factors, which include a 10%
to 31 March 2020. This means that, in standards listed in the previous paragraph,
with a specialist interest in social, addition to reducing emissions significantly and human rights pressure groups and
lower carbon intensity rating for UK grid
environmental and ethical matters and purchasing renewable electricity campaign bodies are discussing supply
electricity that reduces our emissions by
tariffs, we have sourced a portfolio chain ‘worker-voice’. More recently,
to further relevant content around 16,000 tonnes CO2e compared
of high-quality carbon credits and a the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted
on our corporate website. with our 2018/19 figures. Renewable
quantity equal to the remaining gross all our stakeholders worldwide.
electricity tariffs have been calculated
carbon emissions has been retired.
The update covers a limited range in accordance with the March 2015, WRI/
of issues identified by the 2017 WBCSD Scope 2 Guidance on procured In April 2017, the Science Based Targets
renewable energy to show a market-based Initiative approved our target to reduce
refresh of our Plan A sustainability
figure alongside the legally mandated operational and value chain greenhouse
plan and is independently assured location-based data. Due to the Covid-19 gas emissions in line with current climate
by DNV GL where denoted by **. pandemic and other factors, around 3% of science to ‘well under 2 degrees’.
It includes information relating emissions, mainly from our international
to M&S operated locations and operations, have had to be estimated. REPORTING TECHNICAL STANDARDS
activities, our joint venture To provide a common index, we’ve
in India and M&S products sold also referenced the UN Sustainable
worldwide. It excludes information Development Goals (SDGs), Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability
relating to our business partners, Reporting Standards, Sustainability
franchisees and Ocado Retail. Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
and the Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD). As a
signatory to the United Nations Global
Compact, this Report forms part of our
Communication of Progress as indicated
by the Reference table on page 17. You
can find further information on our social,
environmental and ethical policies at:
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 03



Areas of focus Relevant Sustainable Development Goals
– Human rights and combating modern slavery
PEOPLE – Access to employment
– Colleague health and wellbeing
Everyone can belong, and get on – Diversity and inclusion
– Accessibility
– Ethical trading standards
We want the people working in our business and our supply chains to have – Improving lives of workers in supply chains
a voice, and to progress. We support the causes our customers care about, – Community engagement
and the communities where we trade.

Areas of focus Relevant Sustainable Development Goals

– Sustainable raw materials
PRODUCT – Reducing food waste
– Animal welfare
We source with care and nothing we make will go to waste – Farming standards
– Health and nutrition

We source our products responsibly, working closely with our suppliers

to ensure high standards. We ensure no food or clothing goes to waste.

Areas of focus Relevant Sustainable Development Goals

– Net zero emissions
– Sustainable manufacturing
– Reducing, reusing and recycling packaging
Our actions today protect the planet for tomorrow – Zero waste to landfill

We are driving down greenhouse gas emissions. We reduce, reuse and recycle.
We work with the factories we source from to take good care of the planet’s natural
resources, while being open about the progress we’ve made.
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 04


Our priority this year was to evolve The new operating model will drive Community Fund to support the most
Plan A to reflect our new operating model accountability into the business units, vulnerable. As the situation developed, we Recognition
and embed the programme into the core including through the reporting on, then wanted to play our part in supporting Corporate Human Greenpeace/ Environmental
strategy rather than continuing to exist and delivery of, robust sustainability the NHS so a new partnership was Rights Benchmark Investigation Agency
in parallel with our operations. We have metrics. We will continue to be open established with NHS Charities Together. 2019 second retailer in Apparel supermarket plastic
made good progress on this objective. and honest about our progress & Agriculture packaging benchmark
In the last few months, the simplified
A detailed review of Plan A was conducted in our external reporting. 2020 fourth retailer
structure of our new Plan A operating Business Benchmark on Farm
considering the views of colleagues, Animal Welfare WWF Palm oil buyer’s
This year we have seen a step change in model helped us to deliver a quick and
customers, shareholders, pressure groups 2019 top retailer scorecard
performance on redistributing surplus coordinated response to the crisis which
and campaign bodies. We also carried 2020 top tier
food supported by digital technology is outlined in more detail on pages 50-53 Climate Change Coalition
out a benchmarking exercise against the
solutions. A bespoke app connecting of our Annual Report. As we emerge 2019 Large Business Award Access to Nutrition Initiative
wider consumer goods and retail sector. and ShareAction
all M&S stores with their local charity from the crisis, the priority is to embed The Times
As a result, a new simplified framework Supermarket Spotlight
partners was developed. This app is the new Plan A framework and set the 2019 Top 50 Employers
was developed to focus on the issues that 2020 second retailer
now embedded as a key part of daily new targets that will drive change and for Women
matter most to our customers, colleagues,
operations in all stores. As a result, a more sustainable future for M&S. Farm Animal Investment Risk
shareholders and regulators. This new Stonewall UK Workplace
we are seeing many stores more than and Return animal welfare
framework is aligned to the core strategy Equality Index
double their rates of food redistribution investor benchmark
with clear deliverables owned and actioned 2020 123rd (up from 220th)
to local community organisations. 2020 second retailer

by each business unit brought together EcoAct climate and
CDP carbon and forestry
into a shared programme to engage our Good progress has also been made on sustainability reporting
2019 B ratings
customers and report on performance at packaging with 77% of our packaging 2019 top retailer
Group level. As we neared the end of this now widely recyclable. We maintained Canopy viscose sourcing
our commitment to be carbon neutral 2020 top tier
process, the business’s focus was rightly More surplus food donated to
on managing the impacts of Covid-19 on in our UK and international operations Fashion Transparency Index
charities compared with 2017/18
colleagues, customers and communities and continue to invest in energy 2020 top tier
through the pandemic, particularly the efficiency in our store estate.
most vulnerable and healthcare workers. M&S has always played a key role

Therefore, confirmation of Group-level in harnessing our customers’ and
governance and sign-off of targets colleagues’ desire to support good causes.
will now be completed in 2020/21.
the NHS
Throughout this Covid-19 crisis, external
This report is the final update on partnerships were critical in ensuring we
performance against commitments were responding to the real needs in the
last updated in 2017. As we embed most appropriate and effective way. In the We sold over 65,000 of
sustainability activity closer to our early weeks of the crisis, our long-standing the specially designed
operations, how we measure and report partnerships with t-shirts with all profits going
against our targets is continually evolving enabled the business to respond quickly to NHS Charities Together
so the read across on performance this to the needs of grassroots communities,
year is not as straightforward as last year. with M&S kickstarting the Neighbourly
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 05


Topic Description Measurement Progress

Contribute to society and help our customers
support causes that matter to them.
Total donated by M&S and raised by
customers and employees. £22.9m -7% on 2018/19
Funds raised by customers, suppliers
and employees. £6.6m -33% on 2018/19

Supporting local communities. Number of paid volunteering hours
provided by M&S colleagues. 46,398 -2% on 2018/19

MARKS & START Provide work placements to help disadvantaged

people in the community find employment.
Number of UK placements offered.
Percentage of participants who find work
after completion. 65%
HUMAN RIGHTS Respect and champion human rights. People in the supply chain supported by
the M&S Global Community Programme. 254,147 Since 2017
FOOD WASTE Halve UK retail food waste by 2030, maximising
donations of surplus.
Tonnes of retail food waste.  his yearour
N/A Timprove while we

Donations of surplus in meals equivalents.

5.2 million +160% on 2017/18
Carbon-neutral global operations. Net GHG emissions (carbon neutral/net zero).
Reduce M&S GHG emissions by 80%
by 2030, 90% by 2035.
Percentage change on 2006/07 baseline.
Improve UK and ROI store energy efficiency
by 50% by 2020.
Percentage change on 2006/07 baseline.
PACKAGING 100% recyclable packaging in the UK by 2022. Percentage of packaging classified as being
easily recyclable. 77%
Contribute to UK Plastics Pact nationwide targets. Progress on eliminating 8 ‘problem’ plastics by 2020.
On plan
Zero waste to landfill from M&S operated UK
and ROI stores, offices and warehouses.
Percentage sent to landfill.
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Relevant Sustainable
Development Goals Donated and funds raised Having successfully completed our trials in 2018/19 (see page 2 of our 2019
This year Last year % Plan A Performance Update), we’ve now collated all the best practices we
2019/20 2018/19 change developed ready to be used in a Transforming Communities Toolkit when
Cash £4.8m £6.0m -20% relaunched in the future.
Time £1.1m £1.2m -8%
In-kind £10.4m £7.6m +37%
Total £16.3m £14.8m +10% Our Marks & Start work experience programme has been running since
Leveraged (additional funds raised from 2004. Last year, we worked in partnership with Business in the Community,
other sources as a result of M&S activities) ^£6.6m ^£9.9m -33% The Prince’s Trust and Remploy to offer work placements at M&S stores
Grand total £22.9m £24.7m -7%
and warehouses.
This year Last year %
^ Leveraged data includes proceeds from the carrier bag charge which is much lower for 2019/20 due 2019/20 2018/19 change
to a reduction in single-use bags. 2018/19 figures have been reduced by £1.6m due to one of the
fundraising lines being incorrectly counted twice in last year’s calculation. These proceeds are used Number of work
to support existing M&S community activities. placements offered ^1,863 2,554 -27%
Percentage into work of those
Colleague volunteering who completed 65% 63% +2%
Activities included our Marks in Action UK and ROI wide volunteer week in ^ This year’s data is for the UK only.
June 2019 in which teams from 600 M&S stores supported 428 charities and
community organisations including schools, food banks, youth clubs,
scout and guide groups, and health and education charities. HUMAN RIGHTS
This year Last year %
Please see our 2020 Modern Slavery Statement
2019/20 2018/19 change
Number of paid hours of work-time volunteering 46,398 47,218 -2%

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Between April 2019 and March 2020, we directly helped 4,704 people in our
supply chains through our partnership with the Emerging Leaders training
programme (last year: 15,000). In addition, an estimated 56,875 people
have benefited indirectly according to the Emerging Leaders multiplier
methodology (last year: 177,568). This gives an overall total of 254,147
beneficiaries since 2017.

This year Last year % Progressive

2019/20 2018/19 change to date
Number of people helped directly 4,704 15,000 -69% 19,704
Number of people helped indirectly 56,875 177,568 -68% 234,443
Total number of people
helped directly and indirectly 61,579 192,568 -68% 254,147

Our most recently published data on Food

supplier ethical audits can be viewed at:
Read more


Our most recently published data on Clothing &

Home supplier ethical audits can be viewed at:
Read more

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Relevant Sustainable
Development Goals Halve UK retail food waste by 2030, maximising donations of surplus Source 100% sustainable cotton clothing
Having published our UK retail food waste data in November 2019 (see During the calendar year 2019 we adopted a policy of sourcing 100%
the table below) we are now working to improve its accuracy with a surplus sustainable cotton for M&S clothing. M&S sustainable cotton included
food app which is being used by our store colleagues to scan potential and materials sourced through the Better Cotton Initiative, organic and
actual food surplus. This will provide a more accurate measurement than recycled. We’re no longer reporting measured percentages which at
our previous data which relied on estimates and had become increasingly over 95% are difficult to
difficult to calculate due to changes in waste disposal processes. reconcile exactly across
complex global supply
As of April 2020, this surplus food app technology is now live in all M&S
operated UK stores. We will provide a more accurate figure for total
food surplus next year. Information on how we
source sustainable raw
We have also been working with our partners to increase
materials is published
the amount of surplus food donated to charities which this year totalled
online at:
2,209 tonnes, up 88% on last year and equivalent to over 5.2m meals.
Read more
This year Last year Baseline % change
2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 on 2017/18
Read more
Surplus food (in tonnes) N/A 14,991 19,016 N/A
Food surplus distributed (in tonnes) 2,209 1,177 840 +163%
Redistributed in meal equivalents
(@420g/meal) 5.2m 2.8m 2.0m +160%
*Retail food waste (in tonnes) N/A 13,814 18,176 N/A

* Calculated by taking the total weight of unsold food collected and deducting averaged
estimations for packaging, café and other types of waste. These figures have been calculated in
conformance with the Food Loss and Waste (FLW) accounting standard based on the 2018/19 and
2017/18 financial years for all M&S operated stores in the UK. Our definition of food waste is all
Our policies on how we manage chemicals for Clothing & Home products
retail surplus food (edible and inedible) net of deductions for packaging. The weights have been

Food redistribution
calculated from disposable collections and average estimates of redistributed food provided
by our partners.

With the help of our partners

Neighbourly we donated over 5.2m
meals from our surplus food

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In January 2020, we informed our key Tier One Clothing & Home
product suppliers and key Tier Two fabric mills that, from April 2020,
Our interactive supply Our Field to Fork farming they will be required to make Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Index
chain map can be seen at: standards can be found at: Facility Environmental Module (FEM) submissions. This will cover over
50 Tier One product suppliers and around 20 Tier Two fabric mills totalling
Read more Read more
around 200 locations. We will define how we report progress in future years.
In addition, our key Tier Two fabric mills will also be required to complete
the Higg Index Facility Social and Labour Module (FSLM).


100% of M&S products to have at least one Plan A special

quality by 2020
This is the final year of our original ‘by 2020’ target for all M&S products
to have at least one special social or environmental quality. We believe
this approach has helped to drive innovation and the adoption of
best practices and we will aim to build these lessons into our future
activities. See page 12 in our 2019 Plan A Performance Update for
ANIMAL WELFARE POLICIES HEALTH & NUTRITION our last reported performance.
Read more

Our policies on animal Our policies on health & MAKING FASHION CIRCULAR
welfare can be found at: nutrition can be found at:
In 2019/20, our customers donated 1.8 million garments (last year
Read more Read more 2.8 million), mainly through our UK and ROI partnership with Oxfam.
For further information on our policies and actions to make fashion
circular and sustainable:
Read more

Our Shwopping clothes reuse
and recycling scheme has been
in operation since 2008, collecting
35 million unwanted garments
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Relevant Sustainable
Development Goals 80% reduction by 2030 compared with 2006/07, en route to a 90% M&S Group greenhouse gas emissions
reduction by 2035 (classified as being ‘well under 2°C’ by the This year Last year Baseline
Science Based Targets Initiative) 2019/20 2018/19 2006/07 % change
000t CO2e 000t CO2e 000t CO2e on 2006/07
Our Market-method emissions were 195,000 tonnes CO2e, down by 70% on
Location method (using national grid averages)
2006/07 (640,000 tonnes CO2e), putting us is in a good position to achieve
our science-based target reduction of 80% by 2030. Market-method Direct emissions from operations
emissions were up 23% on last year due to a reduced number of electricity (scope 1) 173 167 246 -30%
contracts classified as being renewable. Indirect energy emissions from
operations (scope 2) 165 193 394 -58%
Our Location-method emissions were 338,000 tonnes CO2e, down by 47%
Total of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions 338 360 640 -47%
on 2006/07 (640,000 tonnes CO2e). Around 16,000 tonnes of the reduction
achieved in 2019/20 was due to the further lowering of UK grid factors. Total Location method emissions per
1,000 sq ft of salesfloor 18 19 40 -55%
More detailed data by source covering several years can also be accessed at:
Market method (using contracted energy supplies & other instruments)
Read more Direct emissions from operations
(scope 1) 173 158 246 -30%
Indirect energy emissions from
operations (scope 2) 22 0 394 –
Total of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions 195 158 640 -70%
Total Market method emissions per
1,000 sq ft of salesfloor 10 8 40 -75%

Emissions are shown in compliance with the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and
Reporting Standard Revised and have been calculated using revised carbon conversion factors
published by BEIS in July 2019. For international electricity, 2019 IEA scope 2 factors have been used.
Additional refrigeration gases are drawn from Bitzer Report 19. This includes all activities where we
have operational control. It excludes all non-metered premises and shopping service contract
supplies. Renewable electricity tariffs have been calculated in accordance with the March 2015 WRI/
WBCSD GHG Scope 2 Guidance on procured renewable energy. We have also added a conservatively
estimated 2006/07 baseline for our international operations based on 2013/14 data. 2019/20 data for
our international operations has been estimated based on rounded 2018/19 data and accounts for 3%
of total emissions.

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For the eighth year, we achieved carbon neutrality by a combination of By 2020, we aim to improve energy efficiency in M&S operated stores
reductions, procuring renewable energy, and purchasing and retiring in the UK and ROI by 50% compared with 2006/07
high-quality carbon offsets. As a signatory to the United Nation’s Climate Store energy efficiency was 44% improved at 37.8 KWh/sq ft, compared
Neutral Now initiative, we procured 10% of the offsets retired for 2019/20, to 67.9KWh per sq ft in 2006/07. Gas usage included in our calculation
through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) process. has been adjusted using standard degree days to reflect changes in the
Read more number of cold days (39.8 kWh/sq ft before adjustment). This modest
progress is due to a number of factors, including the opening of more
energy-intensive food footage in stores which cancelled out some
improvements in efficiency. Without this change in store footage
M&S Group CO2e emissions usage towards a greater proportion of food, overall performance
This year Last year Baseline would have been very close to the original 50% improvement target.
2019/20 2018/19 2006/07 % change
000t CO2e 000t CO2e 000t CO2e on 2006/07 Energy efficiency in our warehouses was improved by 47% at 14.1 kWh/sq ft
Carbon offsets purchased and retired 195 158 0 – compared with 2006/07: 26.4 kWh/sq ft and in our offices by 6% at 46.6 kWh/
Total net emissions 0 0 640 – sq ft (2006/07: 49.4 kWh/sq ft).
Total net emissions per 1,000
sq ft of salesfloor 0 0 40 – UK and ROI energy efficiency: total store energy usage in kWh/sq ft

RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY** Target This year Last year Baseline % change

2020 2019/20 2018/19 2006/07 on 2006/07

This year, 86% of the electricity purchased for M&S operated stores, 34.0 37.8 41.2 67.9 -44%
offices and warehouses worldwide came from on-site generation or green
tariff renewable sources. This is down from 100% last year due to the
exclusion of international stores, Food warehouses and some Clothing INTERNATIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY**
& Home warehouses where renewable electricity tariffs are not in place.
By 2020, we aim to improve energy efficiency in M&S operated
international stores and warehouses outside of ROI by 30%
compared to 2013/14
Last year we operated stores in the Czech Republic, Greece and a joint-
venture business in India. Around a quarter of these international stores’
total footage uses energy provided by the landlord and is outside our
operational control.
2019/20 data was not available and has been estimated based on rounded
2018/19 values and as such no further progress from last year is shown.

International stores (outside of ROI): total store energy usage in KWh/ sq ft

Target Est. this year Last year Baseline % change

2020 2019/20 2018/19 2013/14 on 2013/14
19.5 20.9 20.9 27.9 -25%

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By 2025, we aim to reduce refrigeration gas carbon emissions

by 80% in all M&S operated stores in the UK and ROI
This year, our emissions from UK and ROI refrigeration and air-
conditioning were 47,000 tonnes CO2e which were up 15% on last
year due to several leakages. Allowing for increases in store footage,
emissions were down 72% at 2.6 tonnes CO2e/1,000 sq ft compared
with our baseline (2006/07: 9.4 tonnes CO2e/1,000 sq ft).

UK and ROI store refrigeration and air-conditioning emissions

in tonnes CO2e per 1,000 sq ft

Target This year Last year Baseline % change

2020 2019/20 2018/19 2006/07 on 2006/07
1.9 2.6 2.4 9.4 -72%

119 M&S stores have HFC-free salesfloor refrigeration systems.

Clothing & Home store delivery fuel efficiency data**

This year Last year Baseline % change
2019/20 2018/19 2006/07 on 2006/07
Litres of fuel 2.5m 2.5m 4.3m -42%
Litres of fuel/1,000 singles 10 10 10 Level

Food store delivery fuel efficiency data**

This year Last year Baseline % change
2019/20 2018/19 2006/07 on 2006/07
Litres of fuel 17.6m 17.2m 15.0m +17%
Litres per store per month 1,366 1,357 2,556 -47%

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100% recyclable plastic packaging in the UK by 2022 Zero waste to landfill policy for M&S operated stores, warehouses
Contribute to the UK Plastics Pact’s nationwide targets (by 2025, and offices in the UK and ROI
100% of plastic packaging will be widely recycled, reused or composted. In 2019/20, our UK and ROI operations generated 65,000 tonnes of waste
Problematic or unnecessary packaging will be eliminated). materials on a like-for-like basis. This was down 11% on last year. None went
To ensure all M&S packaging that ends up with our customers is easy to to landfill.
recycle, we are aiming for it to be classified as ‘widely recycled’ or ‘recycled
in-store’. The figures below show how much of our current packaging as UK and ROI store, office and warehouse waste in 000 tonnes
used in the 2019 calendar year is measured as recyclable in the UK
compared with 2018. We believe that the percentage of plastic packaging This year Last year %
that is widely recycled is understated and we continue to improve the 2019/20 2018/19 change
accuracy of our database. Total waste ^^65 73 -11%
Waste to landfill 0 0 –
^All materials that ^^Plastic that is
are widely recycled widely recycled Percentage recycled or recovered ^100% 100% –
(by weight) (by weight)
^ Includes a wide range of recycling technologies with energy-from-waste as a last option.
2019 2018 2019 2018 ^^ We believe that lower weights maybe due to the transition to a new service provider.
Total sales packaging 77% 70% 45% 30%
Food sales packaging 81% 74% 52% 31% WATER
Clothing & Home sales packaging 47% 48% 7% 1%
As a retailer, we use relatively small and unchanged amounts of water
^ Includes all packaging that ends up with our customers with the exception of carrier bags.
^^ Undefined types of plastic have been considered as not recyclable.
every year, of around one million m3. For this reason, our main actions
on water are as part of raw material sourcing and supply chain
We’re members of the UK Plastics Pact which is working towards management activities.
100% widely recyled, reusable or compostable by 2025. To speed up
the process, in January 2019 we launched an in-store plastic-take-back
scheme which is now in 16 locations. We still intend to extend these
facilities to all UK stores.
As part of our membership of the UK Plastics Pact collaboration, by
the end of 2020 we’re committed to phasing out eight problem single-
use plastic items: cutlery, polystyrene food and drinks containers,
cotton buds with plastic stems, stirrers, oxo-degradable plastics,
straws, PVC packaging, and plates and bowls. In 2019, we submitted
data showing good progress and believe we will have achieved these
phase-out’s by the end of 2020. In addition, it is part of our packaging
strategy to replace all non-recyclable black trays made from a
type of plastic called CPET plastic with recyclable alternatives.

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In the 2019 Annual Report we said our In the last 12 months, a detailed review Sustainability is core to the M&S brand As we emerge from the Covid-19 crisis,
priority was to evolve Plan A to reflect of Plan A was conducted by the central and the Plan A framework brings together the priority is to confirm Group-level
our new operating model and embed the Plan A team. This involved benchmarking individual business unit strategies into governance and sign-off on targets.
programme into the core strategy rather across the wider retail and consumer a shared programme to engage our This will be completed in 2020/21.
than continuing to exist in parallel with our products sector, considering the views customers and enable us to report on
operations. This year’s Annual Report 2020 of pressure groups and campaign performance at Group level. The CEO has
provides an update on progress against bodies, colleagues and customers. ultimate accountability for sustainability
this objective. We have started the As a result, a new simplified framework in M&S and the managing directors of
transition to a new Plan A operating was developed to focus on the issues the business will have responsibility for
model – with a leaner central sustainability that matter most to our customers, setting new performance metrics to drive
team, reporting to the General Counsel, colleagues, shareholders and regulators. behavioural change and ensure their
who will be accountable for the governance M&S remains committed to maintaining our business operates in a more sustainable
and reporting of a simplified Plan A engagement in many collaborative efforts way. The newly formed Executive
framework that: on environmental and social issues, but Committee, as M&S’s senior leadership
we will now focus on fewer key targets to team with responsibility for the day-to-
–– is aligned to the business strategy;
drive change in M&S. This new streamlined day operation of the business, will be
–– has clear deliverables owned and framework has been signed off by the accountable for the whole programme in
actioned by each business unit; M&S Operating Committee and CEO. addition to compliance with M&S policies
–– maintains our position as a committed and regulations to help drive change
sustainable retailer; and and a more sustainable future for M&S.

–– provides a programme to build

competitive advantage in selected
areas and to engage our customers
on the issues that matter to them.
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 15



At present, M&S has not designated climate-related risk as being among our principal uncertainties, but we acknowledge the long-term implications and
Relevant Sustainable are already taking action. Climate experts (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) believe that all possible temperature scenarios up to 2030 will
Development Goals be similar. However, after 2030 there could then be significant differences in impact depending on whether 1.5°C, 2°C or over 4°C scenarios are applied.
Using the Carbon Disclosure Projects framework for reference, our review of possible impacts and current actions is shown below.

Up to 2030 Post 2030 Actions taken to date

REPUTATION Growing stakeholder expectations of Behaviour on climate-related matters –– We’ve had Carbon-neutral/net
responsible corporate behaviour. could become critical to corporate zero global operations since 2014.
reputation. –– We published an approved Science
A full description of our principal
Based Target (SBT) for reducing
risks and risk management process greenhouse gas emissions in 2017.
can be found in our 2020 Annual
Report on pages 33–42.
REGULATION Additional regulatory requirements on Carbon taxes and regulatory policy –– Streamlined Energy & Carbon
reporting and taxes applying to cross-border interventions could be critical in Reporting (SECR) and TCFD
trade or consumption (e.g. meat tax). defining business models. included in 2020 M&S reports.

PHYSICAL Low-level risk of disruption from severe Increasing risk of disruptions from –– Climate risk tool developed in 2015
ASSETS weather patterns. severe weather and potential stranded to assess climate-related risks
assets in areas designated as managed across new and existing stores.
flood retreats.

SUPPLY CHAIN Low-level risk of disruption to continuity High levels of disruption to global –– We are participating in a range
CONTINUITY of global Food and Clothing & Home supply chains will require flexible and of collaborative supply chain
supply chains. agile sourcing strategies. programmes including the
Sustainable Clothing Action Plan,
Sustainable Apparel Coalition,
Courtauld 2025 and Target,
Measure, Act.

PRODUCTS Changes in customer demand for High-carbon goods and services –– We launched Plant Kitchen food and
AND SERVICES products and services. become socially unacceptable. Vegan clothing and footwear ranges
in 2019.
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 16



Launched in 2015, the 17 SDGs form a shared global agenda for environmental improvement, social empowerment and greater equality.
This table shows how the M&S business aligns with these Goals and how Plan A addresses 14 of them. Goal number 17, on Partnerships, underpins all of these.

PEOPLE –– Our greatest contribution –– We want our workforce –– M&S employability –– We aim to be an –– Store closures impacting
to eradicating poverty and to reflect the diversity programmes (Marks & inclusive business that negatively on town
hunger will be through of the communities in Start) will continue to help empowers colleagues centre social wellbeing:
championing human which we trade. We run disadvantaged parts of and those working in
• We’ll relocate
rights, inclusivity and programmes to combat society into employment. our supply chains.
colleagues to nearby
fair pay across supply gender discrimination and
stores where possible
chains. In addition, any work to promote gender
and continue to run
edible surplus food equality at our suppliers.
from our stores will be
consumed by people.

PRODUCT –– We sell a range of different –– Supply chain production –– As a retailer, our main –– Depletion of natural –– Depletion of natural –– Depletion of natural
food and drinks including processes can degrade contribution will be as a resources through resources through the habitats through
those that should be local community’s catalyst for product and the production of production of M&S the production of
consumed in moderation accessibility and supply chain management M&S products: seafood products: M&S products:
such as indulgent quality of water: innovation by developing
• We’ll ensure all • We’ll ensure all marine- • We’ll ensure raw
treats and alcohol: new standards of social
• We’ll use sustainability packaging is easy to based raw materials materials are
and environmental
• We aim to provide our standards and recycle and we will halve respect ecosystem sustainably sourced.
customers with healthy partnerships to improve food waste. sustainability standards.
choice food products and water efficiency and
information to maintain a stewardship across our
healthy lifestyle. supply chains.

PLANET –– We’ll continue to improve –– Greenhouse gas emissions

our energy efficiency. contributing to climate
We’ll also support change from M&S and
the development of supplier operations:
renewable energy markets
• We’ll maintain our position
by procurement.
of operational carbon
neutrality while also
achieving a Science Based
Target for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions
by 80% by 2030 and by
90% by 2035.
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 17


This table provides GRI, United Nations Global Compact and SASB content inclusion references to assist those who wish to use this Plan A Report for benchmarking purposes.

Description GRI Standards 2018 UN Global Compact Ten Principles SASB Inclusion Page

General disclosures 102 – – Yes p02 and AR

Additional material topics – – Health & nutrition Partial p09
Economic performance 201 – – Yes AR
Market presence 202 – – Yes AR
Materials 301 Environment Materials/chemicals Partial p08
Energy 302 Environment Energy Yes p11 and AR
Water 303 Environment – Partial p13
Biodiversity 304 Environment Materials Partial p08–09
Emissions 305 Environment Refrigeration & fleet Yes p10–12
Effluent and waste 306 Environment Food waste Yes p08, 13
Supplier environmental assessment 308 Environment Higg Index Partial p09
Labour/employment 308/401 Human rights/Labour Labour Partial AR
Diversity/non-discrimation/ 405/406/407/408/409 Human rights/Labour Labour Partial AR and MSS
freedom of association/child labour/forced labour
Communities 413 Human rights/Labour – Yes p06
Supplier social assessment 414 Human rights/Labour Labour Yes p06
Political donations 415 – – Yes AR

AR 2020 Annual Report

MSS Modern Slavery Statement
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 18


Marks and Spencer plc Without affecting our Assurance Packaging has always been a material issue COMPLETENESS
(“M&S”) commissioned Opinion, we also provide the for M&S and plastic packaging in particular
has become more important to How much of all the information that
DNV GL Business Assurance following observations: stakeholders. M&S have responded by has been identified as material to the
Services UK Limited setting targets and reporting its progress organisation and its stakeholders
(“DNV GL”, “we”, or “us”) against them. Going forward, M&S will need
to undertake independent The participation of stakeholders to focus its management approach to drive M&S is in the process of simplifying
assurance of the 2020 in developing and achieving an the performance improvements needed to Plan A. As a result, the number of Plan A
accountable and strategic response meet these targets. commitments and Plan A performance
Plan A Report (the “Report”) updates included in the Report has
to sustainability. As the governance for the central
for the 52 weeks ended reduced from 79 to 27. Nevertheless,
We saw evidence of M&S engagement and framework develops, we recommend that
28th March 2020. partnerships with external stakeholders for the management approach for reporting
material topics no longer included in the
Report were signposted, for instance the
the Selected Performance Information we material topics is formally agreed.
inclusion of People and HR performance
reviewed including Marks & Start, Plastics, Once finalised, we recommend M&S information in the Annual Report.
Our Assurance Opinion: Food Waste, Community Donations and publish details of the materiality work
the Global Community Programme. As the central framework develops, we
–– On the basis of the work it has undertaken to help stakeholders
recommend all agreed material topics
undertaken, nothing came to M&S is simplifying Plan A around a new understand how material issues have
are included in future Reports.
our attention to suggest that the central framework to better reflect its fed into the development of the
Report does not properly describe operating model. As the central framework central framework.
M&S adherence to the Principles evolves over the next reporting cycle, we
of stakeholder inclusiveness, recommend the outcome of engagement SUSTAINABILITY CONTEXT The accuracy and comparability of
materiality, sustainability with priority stakeholders (customers,
The presentation of the organisation’s information presented in the Report,
context, completeness, colleagues, suppliers, investors, as well as the quality of underlying
performance in the wider context of
reliability and quality. Government, regulators and wider civil data management systems.
society) is communicated externally. During the review of Selected Performance
–– In terms of reliability of the M&S continues to align the Report
Selected Performance Information, Information, all the material errors we
MATERIALITY with global standards and map its
nothing came to our attention to identified were corrected by M&S prior
achievements against the SDGs, in line with
suggest that this data has not been The process for determining the to publication.
reporting good practice. M&S may wish to
properly collated from information issues that are most relevant to an consider using the SDGs as a framework to For International Energy Efficiency, data for
reported at operational level, organisation and its stakeholders. raise ambition on its most material topics. the reporting period was unavailable and so
nor that the assumptions used For the Selected Performance M&S disclosed that it published the previous
were inappropriate. Information we reviewed, we found that year’s data instead. This will limit the ability
the management approach for issues of M&S and its stakeholders to meaningfully
M&S has reported on for many years gauge performance for the reporting
was well embedded within the business. period. Consequently, we recommend
using actual data for future reporting.
Overview People Products Planet Governance Frameworks and assurance M&S Plan A Report 2020 19


For Refrigeration and the Global DATA IN SCOPE These commitments and indicators RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTORS OF
Community Programme, M&S relies upon were selected based on materiality at M&S AND OF THE ASSURANCE PROVIDERS
external partners to provide performance We evaluated the 2020 narrative and a consolidated corporate level; and
data. Because we found material errors performance data for 7 Plan A commitments The Directors of M&S have sole responsibility for the
and 12 Plan A performance updates, –– Visits to the Waterside Support Centre preparation of the Report. In performing our assurance work,
in the consolidation of this data, we
annotated with ‘**’ in the Report (together in London, United Kingdom to review our responsibility is to the management of M&S; however, our
recommend M&S works with its external statement represents our independent opinion and is intended
the “Selected Performance Information”), processes and systems for gathering,
partners to monitor the performance and to inform all stakeholders. DNV GL was not involved in the
using the reliability principle together with preparing and consolidating the
accuracy of data throughout the year, to preparation of any statements or data included in the Report
M&S Basis of Reporting for how the data is Selected Performance Information,
reduce the risk of future misstatements. except for this Independent Assurance Statement.
measured, recorded and reported. including sample checking of source
The reliability and quality of performance data and data consolidation. DNV GL’s assurance engagements are based on the assumption
data and accompanying narrative in the BASIS OF OUR OPINION that the data and information provided by the client to us as part
For and on behalf of DNV GL Business of our review have been provided in good faith. DNV GL expressly
Report should be underpinned by robust
A multi-disciplinary team of sustainability Assurance Services UK Limited disclaims any liability or co-responsibility for any decision a
data collection processes including
and assurance specialists were scheduled person or an entity may make based on this Independent
periodic reviews, checks against source London, UK
to perform work at the Waterside Support Assurance Statement.
evidence and formal sign-off. This is 3 June 2020
applied to several topics, but is not Centre in London. Due to Covid-19
systematically implemented across all. related travel restrictions, this work was LEVEL OF ASSURANCE
We recommend that these processes form conducted remotely. We undertook the
following activities: We planned and performed our work to obtain the evidence
part of the new performance metrics we considered necessary to provide a basis for our Assurance
agreed as part of the central framework. –– Review of the current sustainability Opinion. We are providing a ‘limited level’ of assurance.
issues that could affect M&S and are A ‘reasonable level’ of assurance would have required
SCOPE AND APPROACH of interest to stakeholders; additional work at Group and site level to gain further
Gareth Manning evidence to support the basis of our Assurance Opinion.
We performed our work using DNV GL’s –– Review of the M&S approach to
assurance methodology VeriSustain™, which stakeholder engagement and Principal Consultant and
is based on our professional experience, recent outputs; Lead Assuror UK Sustainability, INDEPENDENCE
international assurance best practice DNV GL – Business Assurance
–– Review of information provided to us by DNV GL’s established policies and procedures are designed to
including the International Standard on ensure that DNV GL, its personnel and, where applicable, others
M&S on its reporting and management
Assurance Engagements 3000 (“ISAE are subject to independence requirements (including personnel
processes relating to the Principles;
3000”), and the Global Reporting Initiative of other entities of DNV GL) and maintain independence where
(“GRI”) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. –– Interviews with selected senior managers required by relevant ethical requirements. This engagement
We evaluated the Report for adherence to responsible for management of work was carried out by an independent team of sustainability
the VeriSustain™ Principles (the “Principles”) sustainability issues, selected in assurance professionals. We have no other contract with M&S.
of stakeholder inclusiveness, materiality, conjunction with DNV GL, and review
sustainability context, completeness, of selected evidence to support Shaun Walden DNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE
reliability and quality. issues discussed; Principal Consultant and
DNV GL Business Assurance Services UK Limited is part of
We understand that the reported financial –– Interviews with content and data owners Reviewer UK Sustainability, DNV GL – Business Assurance, a global provider of certification,
data and information are based on data and review of progress made in relation DNV GL – Business Assurance verification, assessment and training services, helping
from M&S Annual Report and Accounts, to Selected Performance Information, customers to build sustainable business performance.
which are subject to a separate annotated with ‘**’ in the Report, and
independent audit process. The review review of how related data is measured,
of financial data taken from the Annual recorded and reported using the
Report and Accounts is not within the reliability and quality principle together
scope of our work. with M&S data protocols.
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