Aetna Mental Health in The Workplace Webinar PP Deck

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Today’s speakers

Kathleen Mahieu Chris Dennis

The time is now: Taking action to MEd, MBA MD, MBA,FAPA

improve employee mental health

Society for Human Resource Management

March 11,2020 2 ©2020 Aetna Inc.

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What you’ll learn

Insights from Teladoc Health’s new international study on mental health

A strategy to create a workplace environment that promotesmental wellbeing Teladoc Health international
research study: Mental
How to approach discussions in the workplace about mentalhealth
Health in the Workplace
Best practices from employers

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Mental health conditions are common amongst employees Whether formally diagnosed or not, mental health
Research findings indicate that conditions may be under-reported andunder-diagnosed is affecting people in their workplace

Yes – I sought
31% 21%
of respondents help andreceived of people have felt burnt of people have sufferedfrom bouts of

report that they 50% a diagnosis out at work self-doubtand low confidence at work

23% have been

diagnosed with a 15%
Yes – I sought
help but as far as I am
aware, did not receive a
of people have felt stressed
of people have felt that my mental health
mental health diagnosis and anxious at work has affected my job performance
problem 33%
22% 10%
of people have felt worriedabout of people have missed work because
S10. Have you ever been diagnosed by a healthcare professional as having a mental health condition? my own mental health of my mental and emotional health
Base: All respondents (n=1000)

Q3B. Did you seek professional help for your episode(s) of poor mental health?
Base: Those who have suffered from one episode of poor mental health (n=165) Q1. Thinking about the last two weeks, how often, if at all, have you experienced each of the following? (n=1000)

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Globally, mental health is a cause of absenteeism Polling Question

% agreeing they have missed work due

to poor mental health (in past 2 weeks) What percentage of respondents believe mental health benefits at work are given thesame
2% level of importance as those for physical health?
3% 3% 3% 4%
7% 8% 7% 6% 8% All of the time

A. 56%
13% 10% 16% Often

Some of the time

B. 36%

21% 20% 21% 23%

Rarely C. 10%
Note: this can be any
Total time off due to poor
D. 25%
mental health, not
necessarilyfull days

Q1. Thinking about the last two weeks, how often, if at all, have you experienced each of the following? Please select one answer per statement.
Base: all respondents (n=3894); UK (n=1000); US (n=1000); CA (n=964); AU (n=930); Diagnosed (n=1053); Non-diagnosed (n=2742)

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In the US, many employees expect their employers to take And yet, American respondents indicate that even more
mental health seriously – and many believe that they do should be done to promote better mental health at work

of respondents said that More should be done in my workplace

53% more should be done in the

workplace to promote better
mental health
to promote better mental health

21% 23% 20% 21% 21% Strongly


of respondents believe they

33% would be more productive at

work if there was better mental
34% 33% 33% 33% 36% Tend to
health support


Q2. Using the scale below, please tell us to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements? Q2. Using the scale below, please tell us to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Base: all respondents (n=1000) Base: all respondents (n=1000)

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Polling Question Stigma remains, and few people who experienced a

mental health issue have confided in colleagues at work
What percentage of respondents feel knowledgeable about how to improve their mental health?

A. 75% supportive / close colleague at work
of respondents feel there is
B. 20% 35% stigma at work around
mental health issues 10%
confidedin a manager at work

C. 58%

D. 35% confidedin an HR representative
Q2. Using the scale below, please tell us to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Base: all respondents (n=1000)

Q7. At the time of experiencing poor mental health, which of the following, if any, did you confide in?
Base: all who have had at least one episode of poor mentalhealth (n=469)

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Sufferers do not confide in people at work due to fears In fact, many reported that they would not tell someone at
of the impact it could have on their career work if they had a mental health episode in the future
Reasons for not confidingin anyone
Don’t want other people’s professional opinion of me to be impacted 21% Don’t want other people’s professional opinion of me to be impacted 33%
The most common reason for
Be embarrassed 17% Be embarrassed 28%
being unlikely to tell anyone is:

Thought my capability would bequestioned

Concerned about how my manager would react / treat me

Don’t think I would betaken seriously



47% Think my capability would be questioned

Concerned about how my manager would react / treat me

Feel ashamed


of respondents are not likely to
fear of impact on their career* Don’t know who to speak to about it 13% tell someone at work if they Don’t think I would be taken seriously 20%
*includes: experience an episode of poor
• I didn't want other people's professional opinion of me to be impacted Feel ashamed 12% It would be career limiting 18%
• I thought my capability would bequestioned mental health in the future
• I thought it would be career limiting 10% I might lose myjob 16%
It would be career limiting
• I thought I might lose my job

I might lose my job 10% Don’t know who to speak to about it 14%

Concerned about how HR would respond 7% Concerned about how HR would respond 13%

Others 7% Others 7%

Q12. If you experience an episode of poor mental health in the future, how likely would you be to tell anyone at work? Base: all respondents (n=1000)
Q10. You have indicated that at the time of experiencing a poor mental health episode, you did not tell anyone at your workplace. What were your reasons for this?
Base: those who have had an episode of poor mental health and did not confide in work (n=883)
Q13. Why would you be unlikely to tell anyone at work about a poor mental health episode in the future? Base: those unlikely to confide (n=468)
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Inviting more open discussion about mental health

in the workplace is welcome
Research findings indicate that conditions may be under-reported and under-diagnosed

of respondents feel that

executives and leaders
of respondents said we in the workplace talking The importance of creating a
51% should be encouraged
to discuss our mental
health more openly in
46% openly about their
mental health
encourages them to feel
workplace environment that
promotes mental wellbeing
the workplace more comfortable
about their own mental

Q2. Using the scale below, please tell us to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Base: all respondents (n=1000)

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One in five impacts 100 percent

Rise in U.S. workers with
symptoms of depression
from 2014 to2018(1)
• One in five American adults experience a mental
health issue each year

Poor mental health impacts employee

<50% Of people with mental illness
• But mental health issues have a far greater
and business performance – Employees may be preoccupied with a loved
37% Of workers said their work
environment contributed to
one’s mental health issues
their mental health – Staff have to compensate for a coworker who
fails to perform
– Mental health issues can lead to stress,
$300b Cost to employers for
stress-relatedhealthcare burnout, absences and health concerns for
and missed work(4) others
(1) Prevalence of depression symptoms study, Happify Health, 2019.
(2) National Institute of Mental Health. Mental Health Information: Statistics. Updated February 2019. Accessed February 21, 2020.
(3) Mind Share Partners’ Mental Health at Work: 2019 report
(4) Statistic Brain Research Institute, American Institute of Stress, NY. Date
research was conducted: May 18, 2017.

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Implementing a strategy that makes a difference


For every $1 invested in

treatment for common mental
Management Identification health disorders, there is a
return of $4 in improved health
and productivity (World Health
Organization) Create an environment that Develop skills that build Create awareness and eliminate
promotes mental wellbeing protective factors stigma
• Leadership commitment, • Resilience • Establish Employee Resource
Intervention Groups for mental health
openness, and acceptance • Healthy behaviors and
• Workplace practices and habits • Develop trained networks,
policies • Communication skills ambassadors, or champions to
Establish goals and measure results
allow for open conversations
• Sense of community about mental health
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Give employees support and confidence to address mental health in the workplace

of people who
Campaigns acknowledged
Peer networks Maximize the Make it easier to Consider on-site Engage Support families needing
Employee access evidence- support services primary care and caregivers
Training Assistance based care mental health
Program care didn’t
initiate it1
Predictive analytics

1Chekroud, A. M., Foster, D., Zheutlin, A. B., Gerhard, D. M., Roy, B., Koutsouleris, N., Krystal, J. H. (2018). Predicting barriers to treatment for depression in a U.S. national sample: A cross-sectional, proof-of-
concept study. Psychiatric Services, 69(8):927-934.

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Polling Question
Does your organization offer any of the following virtual care solutions for behavioral health?

A. Televideo

B. Chat therapy

C. Digital therapeutics to treat depression and anxiety

High quality Care Proactive Peer support Workplace
D. Digital apps that build resilience and emotional wellbeing evidence- management identification to promote support for
based care support and recovery and return-to-
E. Online self-directed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
relapse/crisis wellbeing work

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Establish goals and measurable business objectives

Workplace Health and Wellbeing

measures program measures
Employee engagement Participation in health and
Absenteeism wellbeingprograms
Pre- andpost-participation
Short- andlong-term improvements/changes
Cost/utilization ofbehavioral
Opening discussions about
Safety health resources, including
digital and telehealth
mental health
Health carecost/utilization;

Strongeroutcomes requiresustainedlong-term
commitment and investments

Source: The ROI in w orkplace mental health programs: Good for people, good
25 ©2020 Aetna Inc. 26 ©2020 Aetna Inc.
for business. Deloitte Insights, November 2019

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Spectrum of unwellness Soft signs of mental illness on observation

Appearance:Decline in hygiene

Behavior: Slowing down

Speech: Increasedlatency in responses

and brief responses
Well Early Signs Unwell
Mood: Sad mood that is restricted in range

Thought process: Not linear or goal directed

Thought content: Negative thoughts

Cognition: Difficulties with memory ormaintaining


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Signs of mental illness in function Normalizing the conversation

• Decline in work performance

Raise awareness “Not surprisingly, stigma is the
• Engage leaders to share biggest obstacle in obtaining help
• Interpersonal conflicts for mental health problems. The
• Leverage internal resources(blog, intranet)
• Taking frequent breaks and events (Town Hall) belief is pervasive and persistent
that raising your hand for help with
• Staying late to finish work Remind of benefits available to help
a diagnosis or treatment for
• Late for work and leavingearly • Virtual care, EAP, other benefits depression, PTSD, bipolar or other
• Unplanned absences Educate how to have meaningful discussions
mental health issue will only be
career limiting.”
• Listen and Acknowledge
—John Oldham, M.D.
• Empathize and remain non-judgemental

• Reassure and perhaps share

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Employer best practices: virtual care as part of an

overall mental wellbeing strategy

On-site counselors Referral from health plan Build champions across

concierge & EAP departments to share
Best practices from with colleagues


Strategically weave Registrationcampaigns Messaging around life

messaging into all benefits triggers (retirement)

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Gain access to the full research report and conversation guide


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Thank you



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