Applsci 09 00376 v2 PDF
Applsci 09 00376 v2 PDF
Applsci 09 00376 v2 PDF
Metamodelling for Design of Mechatronic and
Cyber-Physical Systems
Krzysztof Pietrusewicz
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Sikorskiego 37, 70-313 Szczecin, Poland;
[email protected]; Tel.: +48-663-398-396
Received: 30 November 2018; Accepted: 17 January 2019; Published: 22 January 2019
Featured Application: The presented results were used to design innovative mechatronic
solutions: motion control algorithm of 5-axis feed drive “X-5” processing centre owned by the
AVIA company, loading and forestry crane control system designed within the EU 7FP IAPP
project called iLOAD.
Abstract: The paper presents the issue of metamodeling of Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for
the purpose of designing complex mechatronics systems. Usually, one of the problems during the
development of such projects is an interdisciplinary character of the team that is involved in this
endeavour. The success of a complex machine project (e.g., Computer Numerically Controlled
machine (CNC), loading crane, forestry crane) often depends on a proper communication between
team members. The domain-specific modelling languages developed using one of the two approaches
discussed in the work, lead to a machine design that can be carried out much more efficiently
than with conventional approaches. Within the paper, the Meta-Object Facility (MOF) approach
to metamodeling is presented; it is much more prevalent in modern modelling software tools
than Graph-Object-Property-Relationship-Role (GOPRR). The main outcome of this work is the first
presentation of researchML modelling language that is the result of more than twenty ambitious
research and development projects. It is effectively used within new enterprises and leads to improved
traceability of the project goals. It enables for fully-featured automatic code generation which is one
of the main pillars of the agile management within mechatronic system design projects.
1. Introduction
Development of modern mechatronic systems is often attributed to the emergence of open con
trol systems for CNC machines [1–3]. The complexity of hardware and software architectures used in
real-time control systems forced many engineering fields to follow a design process that is orga nized,
systematic and well-structured. Consequently, these paradigms greatly influenced the development of
novel mechatronic systems [4–6].
Innovations in new products are foremost motivated by three principles: (1) increase in production
efficiency [7]; (2) learning curve reduction, that is, faster product adaptation by the end-user;
(3) ensuring safe operation or improvement of the overall safety conditions [8–10]. With the advent of
new technologies and the ever-increasing product complexity, the classical document-driven approach
towards governing the development process is no longer adequate. Even the nature of development
teams has changed thoroughly. They are formed by specialists with diversified areas of expertise who
are often spread around the world and work in small local teams; particular tasks are also outsourced
to third party companies. In order to aid themselves in this multifaceted task, the engineers are
increasingly exploiting modelling tools and languages.
In the presented context, model is understood as an abstract representation of a system used
in object control. Sometimes, these models also include the environment—the surroundings of the
modelled system. Closely related to the concept of model is the so called metamodel or model of a model.
It serves as a notation or language describing the model using limited semantics. Metamodels can be
either graphical or textual [11] and have been present in the engineering field for many years. But up
until recently, they were only used for description and better understanding of various phenomena
present in the environment. Today, their development is an essential step during the control system
design process [2].
Investment in the model-based development is justified in the following cases: the modelled
system is large, complex or cross-domain in nature (e.g., contains electric, hydraulic, pneumatic
components), the modelled system is miniaturized, the proof-of-concept experiments are either too
time-consuming or expensive and finally, if the developed system is to be modified in the future or is
simply unavailable or does not yet exist at the time of control system development.
In References [2,11], the importance of control system design based on models is emphasized
(i.e. the controlled object’s model and the model of algorithm). However, the use of system modelling
must be rational as it consumes both human and material resources and requires the use/presence of
sophisticated hardware, software, knowledge, skills or technical prowess of the team. Additionally,
systems that are released in one variant and are not a subject to further modifications render the
model-based approach ineffective and unnecessary as the potential gain does not outweigh the
investment cost.
Section 1 of the following work is concerned with the rationale for model-based approach
in development of mechatronic systems. Modelling of mechatronic systems compliant with the
Model-Based Design paradigm is presented in Section 2. This section also contains information about
commonly used tools, approaches and different stages of team’s immersion into the adopted paradigm.
Section 3 presents the metamodeling aspects and two most popular meta-metamodels: GOPRR
and MOF. In Section 4 two mechatronic systems projects are presented and discussed in Section 5
accordingly. Original generic workflow for Model-Based Design is proposed in Section 5. Section 6
presents researchML metamodel developed to support mechatronic and cyber-physical system design
process. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 7.
• Requirements modelling—requirements set for the system; a fusion of the adopted business
model, law regulations and identified functionalities that are necessary to meet the project’s
objectives and business goals [4,14,15];
• Interface modelling—information exchange between crucial components of the system and
between the system and external environment (including other systems) [16];
• Hardware and software modelling—models of system’s software and hardware components;
limitations must be considered that stem from the following sources: adopted business model,
functional requirements, law regulations;
• Use case modelling—definition of interactions between various client types and the system itself,
broad spectrum of use case specificity;
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Figure 1. The nine-box model for implementation of Model-Based Design concepts [7].
Figure 1. The nine-box model for implementation of Model-Based Design concepts [7].
The following benefits can be attributed to the MBD approach:
The following benefits can be attributed to the MBD approach:
1. 1.Final
Final product’s
product’s conformity
conformity to the
to the specified
specified requirements,
2. 2.Reduction
Reduction of software
of software errors,
3. Verification of the project’s goals without building a physical prototype,
4. Development of test-case scenarios and their validation in a simulation environment,
5. Easier management of complex projects.
Two important areas of mechatronic and cyber-physical systems design are represented in
Figure 1 by columns and rows. These are respectively:
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Two important areas of mechatronic and cyber-physical systems design are represented in Figure 1
by columns and rows. These are respectively:
• (I) Control algorithm modelling (open loop)—no validation support; specifications include
only operational level information;
• (II) System design simulation (closed loop)—closed loop simulations are used to provide
feedback data for designers; real-time testing before moving the control system to a target
platform allows to eliminate most errors from the final product without the risk of damaging
its physical components (e.g., sensors, actuators);
• (III) Requirements-based development—requirements management is ingrained in the
system design process;
2. Implementation of automatic code generation procedures:
• (1) Simulation—code generation supports only system and dynamic simulation calculations;
no real-time code is generated;
• (2) Real-time testing—real-time tests are additionally supported by automatic code
generation procedures;
• (3) Production code—this highest level of software development is achieved by utilizing
toolchains that support code generation for the final product directly out of the
system’s specifications.
Figure 2. The fully-featured
2. The (ideal) Model-Based
fully-featured (ideal) Model-BasedDesign
framework/toolchain/workflow. (1) (1) automatic
generation of simulation files [20,24,25]; (2) generating documentation from simulation tests; (3)tests;
of simulation files [20,24,25]; (2) generating documentation from simulation au-
(3) automatic
tomatic code generation
code generation for PLC/PAC
for PLC/PAC [23,26,27];[23,26,27]; (4) programming
(4) programming the control
the control platform; platform;
(5) Hardware-
(5) Hardware-In-the-Loop testing [28–30]; (6) virtual testing used to validate of the solution [7,18];
In-the-Loop testing [28–30]; (6) virtual testing used to validate of the solution [7,18]; (7,8) conducting
(7,8) conducting real-time testing for final system approval.
real-time testing for final system approval.
2.3. Modelling Approaches
2.3. Modelling Approaches
MBSE cannot exist without a proper work methodology. Without a workflow definition the
MBSE MBSE cannot
is nothing butexist without useful
a somewhat a proper work
set of toolsmethodology. Without
supporting selected a workflow
engineering definition
aspects. INCOSEthe
MBSE is nothing but a somewhat useful set of tools supporting selected engineering
OOSEM and MagicGrid from NoMagic are the most popular, well-defined and proven with many aspects. INCOSE
industrial caseMagicGrid
studies. from NoMagic are the most popular, well-defined and proven with many
industrial case
However, new studies.
methodologies appear, as the two methods mentioned above are not providing the
However, new methodologies
best fir for certain niches. One such appear,
exampleasisthe twoinmethods
given mentioned
Reference [18], whereabove are not providing
a methodology called
Property-Model Methodology (PMM) is introduced; it is a safety-oriented combination of aproperty-based
the best fir for certain niches. One such example is given in Reference [18], where methodology
called Property-Model
requirements and MBSE. Methodology (PMM) is introduced; it is a safety-oriented combination of
property-based requirements and MBSE.
2.3.1. INCOSE Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM)
2.3.1 INCOSE Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM)
INCOSE OOSEM is based on the functional decomposition approach. It employs the top-down
approach, OOSEM
where is based on
the modelling thetakes
order functional
place decomposition approach.
from the most general It employs
to the the top-down
most detailed areas of
approach, where the modelling order takes place from the most general to the most detailed areas of
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 8 of 40
Figure 3.
Model-Based Systems
Systems Engineering.
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Figure MagicGrid workflow
workflow [33].
Systems modellingwith
modelling withMagicGrid
defined with
with three layers
layers (Concept, Problem,Solution)
(Concept,Problem, Solution) and
fourfour system
system pillars
pillars (Requirements,Behaviour,
(Requirements, Behaviour,Structure,
Parametrics). TheThedetail
of MagicGrid
of MagicGrid allows
allows every
every teamteammembermember to precisely
to precisely shareshare information
information aboutabout their in
their tasks tasks
the in the
process. There is no need to consider the functionality of the entire system as the
There is no need to consider the functionality of the entire system as the modularity of the resulting modularity of the
solutions solutions
is highly is highly encouraged.
MagicGrid workflow
MagicGrid workflow found found in in Figure
Figure4 is
4 further expanded
is further expandedin Figure 5 in the5form
in Figure of activity
in the form of
activity diagram. It describes the decision flow after adoption of this methodology for system
diagram. It describes the decision flow after adoption of this methodology for complex complex
system development.
At the very beginning, the selected business models (B1) must be described within the set of
At the very beginning, the selected business models (B1) must be described within the set of
stakeholder needs (C1). MBSE usually results in a modular architecture that supports utilization of
stakeholder needs (C1). MBSE usually results in a modular architecture that supports utilization of
different business models for the selected subsystems. Expectations for the product/prototype and
different business models for the selected subsystems. Expectations for the product/prototype and the
the whole project are modelled with the use of SysML Requirements Diagram.
whole project are modelled with the use of SysML Requirements Diagram.
The use cases (C2) are defined in an accordance with the client’s needs and business goals. It is
The use cases (C2) are defined
one of the most important steps ininthe
an system
accordance with the
modelling client’s
process. Inneeds and business
this phase, the systemgoals. It is one
of the mostinteraction
define important scenarios
steps in the forsystem
users modelling
and otherprocess.
this phase,
is donetheregardless
system engineers define
of the later
interaction scenarios for users and other systems. This is done regardless of the later
implementation. All of the use cases are defined here (C2) no matter what their specificity is, that is, implementation.
of the and
use detailed
cases areones.
defined here (C2) no matter what their specificity is, that is, general and
a typical scenario for most of the mechatronic systems projects, definition of the use case
In a typical
model influencesscenario for moststakeholder
and updates of the mechatronic systems When
needs (C2–C1). projects, definition of
requirements theand
(C1) use use
(C2) are and updates
defined, then stakeholder needs (C2–C1).
the system realization contextWhen requirements
(C3) can begin. (C1) and use cases (C2) are
defined, then the system realization context (C3) can begin.
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Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 10 of 40
Figure5.5. MagicGrid
Figure MagicGrid process in complex
process in complex system
system design
Functional analysis (P2) takes place after acceptance of the system context. The use case definition
Functional analysis (P2) takes place after acceptance of the system context. The use case
and documentation lets the project team to analyse, identify and summarize the set of functions that
definition and documentation lets the project team to analyse, identify and summarize the set of
needs to be implemented (P2). Risk and functional analysis is crucial when working on the products
functions that needs to be implemented (P2). Risk and functional analysis is crucial when working
and must be documented precisely. The procedures and guidelines for these two issues are presented
on the products and must be documented precisely. The procedures and guidelines for these two
in books [8,9] and standards [34–36]. Information found in these sources is applicable to most of the
issues are presented in books [8,9] and standards [34–36]. Information found in these sources is
applicable to devices
most available on the market.
of the mechatronic Riskavailable
devices analysis on is heavily supported
the market. in software
Risk analysis tools for
is heavily
systems modelling.
supported in software tools for systems modelling.
Functionaland andrisk
analysis (P2)
(P2) will
will most likely result
most likely resultin inan
After realizing the complexity of the system (stakeholders usually are not familiar
After realizing the complexity of the system (stakeholders usually are not familiar with technical with technical
aspectsofofthe solution)
the solution)final clients
final can
clients drop
can dropsome
someof their
of theirrequirements
requirements(C1) or create
(C1) completely
or create completelynew
new It can It
ones. even
can influence the defined
even influence use case
the defined use model (C2).(C2).
case model
Functional analysis (P2), use cases (C2),
Functional analysis (P2), use cases (C2), model of model of business
business requirements
requirements(C1) (C1)all
formulation of the system requirements (P1). A model for P1 consists of: functional
formulation of the system requirements (P1). model for P1 consists of: functional requirements, requirements,
hardware constraints, data
constraints, measurement
data measurement and its its
and parameters (type,
parameters resolution,
(type, compliance
resolution, compliancewith
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 11 of 40
proper standards). After finalizing the P2 phase, the very next step according to Magic Grid (Figure 5)
is the definition of the communication logic between subsystems (P3).
Proper documentation of interfaces between components (P3) and optional parametrization (P4)
closes the stage of formulating problems and tasks to be solved during the implementation of the
final system.
According to MagicGrid (Figure 4) workflow, Component Structure (S3) is the first step in the
Solution layer. Definition of the components behaviour (S2) and summarizing their requirements (S1)
exhausts the set of MagicGrid methodology-based activities for system development.
• Cameo Systems Modeler (formerly known as: MagicDraw with SysML plugin); Vendor: NoMagic;
• Innoslate; Vendor: SPEC Innovations; Web:,
• Enterprise Architect with SysML plugin;Vendor: SparxSystems; Web:
• Modelio; Vendor: ModelioSoft; Web:
• Papyrus 4 SysML, Web:,
• IBM Rhapsody; Vendor: IBM; Web:
• ARTiSAN Studio; Vendor PTC; Web:
These tools are the most popular due to their advanced features and support for
team-oriented development.
Modelling software architecture and simulation research of new products including control
systems is possible due to the features present in the following applications:
Most of the integrated development environments (IDE) for industrial control systems [37]
compliant with the IEC 61131-3 standard [38] allows validation of the designed algorithms by the
means of offline or real-time simulation before it is compiled to the production code.
mechanical model (CATIA) for the construction part with ETAP software used for electrical calculations
fulfils the MBSE paradigm.
Mechatronic design of an extrusion-based additive manufacturing machine is proposed in
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 12 of 40
Reference [42]. In this work, the system design of a complex machine is conducted by integrating
several problems (construction design, control system components and control software functions) into
several problems (construction design, control system components and control software functions)
a single process. It is a good demonstration of following the MBSE workflow: starting from system’s
into a single process. It is a good demonstration of following the MBSE workflow: starting from
requirements, up to their final verification and practical application of the designed device.
system’s requirements, up to their final verification and practical application of the designed device.
3. Metamodeling. Domain-specific Modelling Languages
3. Metamodeling. Domain-specific Modelling Languages
As presented in the previous section, models can be a very powerful tool that describe the
As presented in the previous section, models can be a very powerful tool that describe the
structure, behaviour and properties of the devised systems. It is especially useful in the development
structure, behaviour and properties of the devised systems. It is especially useful in the development
of control systems for mechatronic devices. Consequently, the increasing presence of modelling
of control systems for mechatronic devices. Consequently, the increasing presence of modelling
paradigms [7] in control system design leads to a situation where defining custom modelling languages
paradigms [7] in control system design leads to a situation where defining custom modelling
is a necessity. The ability to manipulate, analyse or modify the designed models is present in the more
languages is a necessity. The ability to manipulate, analyse or modify the designed models is present
sophisticated software tools available on the market.
in the more sophisticated software tools available on the market.
If the designed models are to be useful as an analytical tool, the underlaying modelling language
If the designed models are to be useful as an analytical tool, the underlaying modelling language
must support such functionality. This means that the flexibility of design with the use of models
must support such functionality. This means that the flexibility of design with the use of models
heavily depends on the modelling language used (i.e. metamodel). If, for some reason, the currently
heavily depends on the modelling language used (i.e. metamodel). If, for some reason, the currently
used modelling tools do not offer such functionality, then one must consider switching to other
used modelling tools do not offer such functionality, then one must consider switching to other
software solutions that will support the creation of a new modelling language. In this paper, two tools
software solutions that will support the creation of a new modelling language. In this paper, two
are mentioned that represent current state-of-the-art: Enterprise Architect Ultimate Edition (MDG
tools are mentioned that represent current state-of-the-art: Enterprise Architect Ultimate Edition
Technology Builder) and MetaEdit+ 5.5.
(MDG Technology Builder) and MetaEdit+ 5.5.
3.1. Metamodeling Concepts
3.1. Metamodeling Concepts
Metamodels are used to describe the organization and structure of the created models.
Metamodels (M3)
Meta-metamodels are used
are ato describe
formal the organization
description and structure
of metamodels (M2); theyof define
the created models.
the rules Meta-
applied in
metamodels (M3) are a formal description of metamodels (M2); they define the rules applied
the metamodeling process (M2). Metamodel (M2) describes the syntax of models (M1). Additionally, in the
metamodels (M2)process (M2).
define the Metamodel
semantics (M2)(M1)
of models describes
by thethe syntax
means of modelsand
of extensions (M1). Additionally,
additional rules.
metamodels (M2) define the semantics of models (M1)
This layered approach to metamodeling is shown in Figure 6. by the means of extensions and additional
rules. This layered approach to metamodeling is shown in Figure 6.
Figure Four-layermetamodeling
metamodelingapproach. Meta-metamodel
approach. Meta-metamodel (M3) defines
(M3) abstractions
defines permitted
abstractions in
metamodeling (M2). Metamodel (M2) describes the syntax of models (M1).
in metamodeling (M2). Metamodel (M2) describes the syntax of models (M1).
(i.e. more abstract) layer. For example, semantic artefacts in the M0 layer are abstracted in
(i.e. more abstract) layer. For example, semantic artefacts in the M0 layer are abstracted in modelsmodels from
the M1 layer, which in turn conform to the metamodel from the M2
from the M1 layer, which in turn conform to the metamodel from the M2 layer: layer:
1. 1. Meta-metamodel
Meta-metamodel (M3) defines(M3) defines (M2);
metamodel metamodel (M2);
2. 2. (M2)
Metamodel Metamodel (M2)
conforms to conforms to meta-metamodel
meta-metamodel (M3); (M3);
3. Metamodel (M2) defines syntax of model (M1);
4. Model (M1) conforms to metamodel (M2);
5. Model (M1) abstracts modelling/semantic artefacts (M0);
6. Modelling artefacts (M0) implement model (M1).
Summarizing, a metamodel (M2) basically can be understood as a model defining the language
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Summarizing, a metamodel (M2) basically can be understood as a model defining the language
used to describe models (M1).
Let us take into consideration the requirement stereotype. It will be created among other meta
model stereotypes with the use of MDG Technology Builder, as shown in Figure 7.
In the first approach (Figure 7a) the enumeration stereotype req type with a list of attributes is used
for the definition of requirement’s type. In this case, the modeler (user of the metamodel) can create
unlimited number of req model instances. Modelling is constrained by the list of possible requirements’
types. On the other hand, an inexperienced engineer can model requirements without having initial
knowledge about possible types of requirements—they are built-in into the metamodel.
In the second approach (Figure 7b) there is no explicit definition of req type. Instead, a stereotyped
extension of metaclass Class is created. In this case the modeler can create unlimited number of req type
instances. One of the taggedValues (object properties) references req stereotype as a target object for
an internal association. Such approach can be used for rapid modelling by the experienced engineers.
The third variant (Figure 7c) is designed for the most experienced modelers. It enables complete
freedom by completely separating the requirement from the requirement type. These entities are
unrelated, the connection, however, may be made with the use of a new entity (dependency) which
can tie them together. Such freedom can prove beneficial in teams with good modelling awareness.
On the other hand, such level of flexibility is “specific” for a general use modelling language. In the
author’s opinion the approach presented in Figure 7c loses its Domain-Specific strengths.
The simple example that was presented here explains which approach to semantics one should
select based on the team’s experience in Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) creation.
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(a) (b)
Figure 7.
7. Two
Two approaches
approaches to the language design. First First approach:
approach: (a)
(a) semantic
semantic artefacts
artefacts completely
defined at
at M2
M2 level;
level; Second
Second approach:
approach: (b)(b) semantic
semantic artefacts
be created
created at
at level
level M1
M1 with
with directed
relationship; (c)
(c) semantic
semantic artefacts
artefacts to
to be
be created
created at level M1 with bi-directional relationship.
3.3. Meta-Object
3.3. Meta-Object Facility.
Facility. Graph
Graph Object
Object Property
Property Relationship
Relationship Role
In general, these two approaches are identical—the differences stem from the notation used and
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376 15 of
15 of 40
the market popularity of the modelling software that supports them.
Figure 9. 9. Metamodelingdesign
9. Metamodeling designprocess.
process.(1)(1) metamodeling
metamodeling tools;
tools; (2) modelling
(2) modelling
modelling tools;
tools; (3) solution,
(3) solution,
solution, that
Figure Metamodeling design process. (1) metamodeling tools; (2) tools; (3) that
that is, control
is, control
control systemsystem
system code;code;
code; (4,5)(4,5) evolution
(4,5) evolution
evolution of of metamodel;
of metamodel;
metamodel; (6) (6) evolution
(6) evolution
evolution of of model.
of model.
If the modelling domain undergoes some changes, for example, caused by the identification of
If the
If the modelling
modelling domain
domain undergoes
undergoes some
some changes,
changes, for
for example,
example, caused
caused byby the
the identification
identification of
new constraints, new stereotypes or the overall shift in the design philosophy, then the metamodel
new constraints,
new constraints, new
new stereotypes
stereotypes oror the
the overall
overall shift
shift in
in the
the design
design philosophy,
philosophy, then
then the
the metamodel
must be updated (M2). These modifications will be later reflected in the way how the resulting M1
must be
must be updated
updated (M2).
(M2). These
These modifications
modifications will
will be
be later
later reflected
reflected in
in the
the way
way how
how the
the resulting
resulting M1
models are designed, thus changing the nature of their implementation.
models are designed, thus changing the nature of their implementation.
models are designed, thus changing the nature of their implementation.
It can be concluded from Figure 9 that the modification of metamodel (M2) will cause changes in
It can
It can be
be concluded
concluded from
from Figure
Figure 99 that
that the
the modification
modification ofof metamodel
metamodel (M2)(M2) will
will cause
cause changes
all M1 models; they will be affected by the updated modelling language, both in the newly created
in all M1 models; they will be affected by the updated modelling language, both in the
in all M1 models; they will be affected by the updated modelling language, both in the newly created newly created
elements as well as in the already existing ones.
elements as well as in the already existing
elements as well as in the already existing ones. ones.
The metamodel
The metamodel (M2)(M2) modification
modification may
may bebe caused
caused byby analysis
analysis of
of semantic
semantic artefacts
artefacts encountered
in the M0 level (number 5 in Figure 9). Their inadequacy may lead to a conclusion
in the M0 level (number 5 in Figure 9). Their inadequacy may lead to a conclusion that the that the problem
lies in
lies in the
the metamodel
metamodel itself
itself and
and that
that the
the improvement
improvement of of these
these artefacts
artefacts may
may be
be achieved
achieved by
by changes
in the
in the M2
M2 layer.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 16 of 40
The metamodel (M2) modification may be caused by analysis of semantic artefacts encountered
in the M0 level (number 5 in Figure 9). Their inadequacy may lead to a conclusion that the problem
lies in the metamodel itself and that the improvement of these artefacts may be achieved by changes in
the M2 layer.
a. Implementation of Machinery Directive/CE, that is, IEC 61508, ISO 13849 [8–10], including
risk assessment (ISO 12100) [34],
b. Implementation aspects of ISO 26262 [21,69–73],
c. Compliance with the IEC 61131-3 standard [37,48,74–79],
d. Functional Safety analysis and documentation [9,73,80],
e. Implementation of V-model proposed in VDI 2206 [16,81,82],
f. Implementation of EAST-ADL [59,70,83–87],
g. Industry 4.0 architecture metamodel for EU companies cooperation [88–91];
4. Management:
The authors of SGAM also contributed to the RAMI 4.0 (Reference Architectural Model Industries
4.0) project [88–91], which currently is in an early development stage. RAMI 4.0 metamodel introduces
the following modelling layers: Business, Function, Informational, Communication, Integration and Asset.
It also proposes its own development process that consists of Analysis, Architecture and Design phases.
The modelling philosophy is close to the Magic Grid process. RAMI 4.0 is an example of using
metamodeling to solve a very complex problem of standardization in modelling intelligent factories
for Industry 4.0. Similarly to SGAM, the RAMI 4.0 toolbox was made available and can be downloaded
It is also noteworthy that many projects already employing the MBSE principles can be further
aided in their development by employing the metamodeling approach. One such candidate is the
robotic arm discussed at the end of previous section. A dedicated domain-specific modelling language
could be used for automatic generation of simulation scenarios for testing different control schemes.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 17 of 40
Prior to modifying the feed-drive module of a 5-axis machining centre (from rotary Permanent
Prior to modifying the feed-drive module of a 5-axis machining centre (from rotary Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motors, PMSM to Permanent Magnet Linear Motors, PMLM), a full simulation
Magnet Synchronous Motors, PMSM to Permanent Magnet Linear Motors, PMLM), a full simulation
model was automatically generated from the construction assembly model (SolidWorks CAD
model was automatically generated from the construction assembly model (SolidWorks CAD
drawings). Preparation, modification and testing were all conducted in the Simulink environment,
drawings). Preparation, modification and testing were all conducted in the Simulink environment,
thus streamlining the process. The procedure for construction optimization is shown in Figure 11.
thus streamlining the process. The procedure for construction optimization is shown in Figure 11.
It consists of the following steps:
1. A construction assembly of 5-axis milling machine in the form of CAD drawings (M1) is
transformed (Simscape Multibody Link, MathWorks, M2 definitions) into a simplified multi-body
dynamic model (M1);
2. The simplified multi-body model is extended with models of actuators, friction, dynamics and
control. The resulting full Simulink model can be used for virtual verification and validation (M1
level for conducting calculations at M0 level);
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 18 of 40
3. Optimization follows in which the constraints are considered, that is, dynamic stiffness,
geometrical errors, 10. AVIA X-5
volumetric machining
errors, integralcentre andcontroller’s
errors; its SolidWorks model.
gains are tuned in accordance
with the type of motor used (PMSM/PMLM);
Prior to modifying the feed-drive module of a 5-axis machining centre (from rotary Permanent
4. The construction assembly is modified; different variants of measurements, actuator types are
Magnet Synchronous Motors, PMSM to Permanent Magnet Linear Motors, PMLM), a full simulation
considered. The assembly is updated and the process falls back to Step 2.
model was automatically generated from the construction assembly model (SolidWorks CAD
drawings). Preparation,
The final modification
machine design and testing
was achieved were all iterations
after multiple conductedofinthethe Simulink environment,
optimization process.
thus streamlining the process. The procedure for construction optimization is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11.
Figure AVIA X-5 machining centre virtual optimization workflow.
11. AVIA workflow.
In the AVIA X-5 project the economic factor was the dominant issue in Model-Based Design.
The chassis of a milling machine as big as X-5 model takes at least one year to produce (iron
casting and later processing, mounting actuators and control system, integration of all of the
components). Constructing multiple physical prototypes would be costly and time-consuming.
For comparison, three virtual prototypes were created in just three months. This was preceded
by one month of team’s effort to learn the MBD workflow. The team members’ (one automation
engineer, two mechanical engineers) prior experience with software tools like SolidWorks (CAD) and
Matlab/Simulink (modelling and simulation) certainly shortened this adoption time.
The workflow presented in Figure 11 was proposed by the team leader and was not discussed
within the team. At that time (2012), it seemed that it was the best solution to the problem
considering the software available to the academic partner. No formal methodology was applied
for the project’s management.
The MBD approach proved to be very effective for such a small team of engineers—only 3 people
were involved at any time. Models of dynamics were created after analysis of data that was acquired
by diagnostic features present in iTNC530 control system (Figure 12). This was done for the variant
with PMSM motors.
within the team. At that time (2012), it seemed that it was the best solution to the problem considering
the software available to the academic partner. No formal methodology was applied for the project’s
The MBD approach proved to be very effective for such a small team of engineers—only 3 people
were involved at any time. Models of dynamics were created after analysis of data that was acquired
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 19 of 40
by diagnostic features present in iTNC530 control system (Figure 12). This was done for the variant
with PMSM motors.
Figure TNCScope
12.12. TNCScopesoftware screenshot—acquired
software data signals
screenshot—acquired with the
data signals usethe
with of diagnostic connection
use of diagnostic
the iTNC530 control
of the system
iTNC530 (Ethernet
control systemTCP/IP; 600TCP/IP;
(Ethernet µs sampling
600 µs time).
sampling time).
An optimal solution was found—it was a construction with XY tool table employing linear
motors. Four PMLM motors were mounted in parallel in Y axis; another two were put parallelly
in X axis. Using the PMLM motors in Z axis was proven to be economically infeasible; instead,
PMSM motors were proposed. The final chassis design was too complex and implementing additional
safety precautions only increased the already high cost of the machine. However, these measures were
necessary as they prevented machine damage in case of power outage.
As already mentioned, due to the approach taken, there was no need to create a physical prototype.
Cost to produce one unit was estimated to be 250,000 EUR. Instead, during the project three virtual
prototypes were created and tested.
industrial partners (CARGOTEC NL, PL, SE) strongly involved in the load handling markets and three
academic partners (two from Poland, one from Sweden) that had complementary experience.
The project lasted for four years and during this time, an extended training was provided to three
novice researchers, five experienced researchers from the partnered institutions and three experienced
researchers recruited from outside the consortium. Additionally, a total of 135 months in secondments
was planned.
Within “Work Package 1. New control system” the project team was concerned with the
development of new way of operating the loader crane, as shown in Figure 13.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 20 of 40
Figure 13.HIAB
Normally, such operation is conducted by by controlling
controlling separate
separate cylinders
cylinders (SLEW_CONTROL,
Resulting CRANE_TIP – XYZ is normally an output of the system. The proposed approach was in
– XYZ is normally an output of the system. The proposed approach was to operate to
operate inspace in such
Cartesian a way,
space that CRANE_TIP
in such – XYZ was a reference
a way, that CRANE_TIP – XYZ was value for the control
a reference value system.
for the
This is similar
control to the Crane
system. ThisTip Control
is from HIAB
similar to (,
the Crane Tip Control from HIAB
extending the approach with automatic SLEW_CONTROL calculation
(, extending the approach with automatic (HIAB solution operates in
XZ plane).
SLEW_CONTROL calculation (HIAB solution operates in XZ plane).
Virtual verification
Virtual verificationand
validation testtest
stand prepared
stand during
prepared WorkWork
during Package 1 activities
Package is shown
1 activities is
in Figure
shown in 14. Due14.
Figure to Due
the project’s confidentiality
to the project’s only general
confidentiality view can
only general be published.
view can be published.
Physical user interface (i.e. operator’s panel) is used to operate the virtual control system model
combined with the simplified crane construction model imported to the Simulink environment from
CAD drawings.
Figure 15 depicts one of many tested workflows for control system development. This toolchain
combines Control System Design Application (prepared with the use of Qt framework) with
custom modelling languages (SpecScop) for system specification. Matlab/Simulink was used for
implementation of every system component (hydraulic, mechanical, sensors, digital/logic/safety
related control and continuous control). Python scripts were prepared for automatization of CodeSys
configuration and PLC programming procedures. For automatic documentation generation regular
expressions and Latex were used.
Resulting CRANE_TIP – XYZ is normally an output of the system. The proposed approach was to
operate in Cartesian space in such a way, that CRANE_TIP – XYZ was a reference value for the
control system. This is similar to the Crane Tip Control from HIAB
(, extending the approach with automatic
SLEW_CONTROL calculation (HIAB solution operates in XZ plane).
Appl. Sci.
Sci. 2019, 9,
2019, 376
376 21 of
21 of 40
Virtual and validation test stand prepared during Work Package 1 activities is
shown in Figure 14. Due to the project’s confidentiality only general view can be published.
Physical user interface (i.e. operator’s panel) is used to operate the virtual control system model
combined with the simplified crane construction model imported to the Simulink environment from
CAD drawings.
Figure 15 depicts one of many tested workflows for control system development. This toolchain
combines Control System Design Application (prepared with the use of Qt framework) with custom
modelling languages (SpecScop) for system specification. Matlab/Simulink was used for
implementation of every system component (hydraulic, mechanical, sensors, digital/logic/safety
related control and continuous control). Python scripts were prepared for automatization of CodeSys
configuration and PLC programming procedures. For automatic documentation generation regular
expressions and Latex were used.
During Work Package 2 of the iLOAD project, SpecScop metamodel and framework were
proposed and prepared with the use of MetaEdit+ software. The main purpose of this simple Domain-
Specific Language was to hasten the development of Matlab/Simulink libraries by team member’s not
experienced with Mathworks software tools.
In the iLOAD project, the most important MBD features present during project development,
process development and their management, were:
1. Product aspect—prototyping of new control system functions for loading task without the
need to build costly physical prototypes,
2. Process aspect—possibility of quick reconfiguration of a chosen control system element. This
demand was caused by the ever-changing or yet unpublished, operational safety
3. ManagementFigure aspect—improvements in monitoring and management of EU projects. A
14. Virtual verification and validation of control system.
Figure 14. Virtual verification and validation of control system.
Figure 15. One of the toolchains validated at West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin,
Figure 15.
within theiLOAD
the iLOADproject.
Matlab/Simulink, CodeSys
Latex/MikTeX, QtQt framework,
framework, Python.
The MBD Work Package
approach 2 of theproject
in iLOAD iLOAD wasproject,
used bySpecScop metamodel
a team with and At
16 members. framework were
the beginning,
only three and prepared
of the withhad
participants theany
of MetaEdit+
experiencesoftware. The main
or were trained in thepurpose of thisDSL
areas of MBD, simple
Domain-Specific Language was to hasten the development of Matlab/Simulink libraries
MBSE. However, for the rest of the team, experience from previous projects [22,85–87,103,104] was by team
proven to not experiencedAfter
be invaluable. with 12
Mathworks software
months, all of thetools.
participants (i.e. institutional and individual)
In the iLOAD project, the most important MBD features
were familiar with intricacies of the Model-Based Design approach present during
in their project
area of development,
process development and their management,
1. Product Aspect—3 team members were:
2. Process Aspect—8 team members
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 22 of 40
1. Product aspect—prototyping of new control system functions for loading task without the need
to build costly physical prototypes,
2. Process aspect—possibility of quick reconfiguration of a chosen control system element.
This demand was caused by the ever-changing or yet unpublished, operational safety regulations,
3. Management aspect—improvements in monitoring and management of EU projects. A necessity,
considering the rotation of team members.
The MBD approach in iLOAD project was used by a team with 16 members. At the beginning,
only three of the participants had any prior experience or were trained in the areas of MBD, DSL and
MBSE. However, for the rest of the team, experience from previous projects [22,85–87,103,104] was
proven to be invaluable. After 12 months, all of the participants (i.e. institutional and individual) were
familiar with intricacies of the Model-Based Design approach in their area of expertise:
1. Product Aspect—3 team members
2. Process Aspect—8 team members
3. Management Aspect—4 team members
4. Full MBD knowledge—3 team members
Applying the Model-Based Design to new areas was preceded by mini-projects; they served as
an introduction to rules, methodology and tools of MBD. Domain specific languages were also designed
as a consequence of these projects.
During product development the workflow presented in Figure 15 was picked. It was chosen
from many other variants as the most attractive from an academic standpoint and also offered the
most robust framework. It would require (if it was implemented, that is) many years of prior work
before its full implementation in the industry context. With the addition of new features in PLC/PAC
IDEs, commercial involvement in developing custom tools for automatic generation of artefacts (e.g.,
hardware configuration, software configuration) is not that attractive anymore. Producers of PLC/PAC
systems offer fully-featured solutions for their platforms [23].
As a result of applying the MBD approach at MBD-9 level (Figure 1), target goals for the project
were reached:
1. New control features lead to 30% faster adaptation of the designed product by inexperienced
operators—the learning curve was successfully reduced. A test scenario was specially designed
to verify this target goal;
2. Movement precision was greatly improved in comparison to the previously applied
control system;
3. Modular architecture of the control system lead to parallel development of system’s algo rithms.
This resulted in a faster implementation of new control functions.
Applying the Model-Based Design approach paved a new way of cooperation between the industrial
and academia partners. It was later continued in the ARControl initiative "Application of expanded
reality, interactive systems and voice operator interface in control of lifting devices” and was financed
under grant agreement no. 245598, Innotech, National Centre of Research and Development, Poland,
2015–2017. Additionally, a scope of minimal knowledge, competence and skills was defined in order
to realize projects in the Model-Based Design paradigm. It was concluded that the universities’ curricula
were inadequate and this sentiment was expressed by all the participating team members of different
nationalities and backgrounds. It was a very important experience for the author and made him
refocus his didactic approach to teaching automatics and robotics.
In the case of AVIA X-5 project, much of the focus was devoted to analysis and modelling of the
machine’s control system for movement control (Functional analysis P2, Component behaviour S2,
Component structure S3).
In the iLOAD project the shift was made towards integration of the entire design process,
from the requirements to the final solution: Stakeholder needs (C1), Use cases (C2), System context
(C3), Functional analysis (P2), Component behaviour (S2), Component structure (S3), Component
parameters (S4).
In Tables 1 and 2, the selected aspects of modelling, metamodeling and chosen MBD features are
presented for both projects.
The main conclusion of the data presented in Table 1 is that requirements engineering and
monitoring should be considered regardless of the problem that is solved with the use of Model-Based
Systems Engineering. Domain-Specific Languages must include this important part of system design.
In Table 2, the most important aspects of metamodeling used in AVIA X-5 and iLOAD projects
are presented. For each project a different toolchain was prepared:
a. SolidWorks CAD drawings (M1) converted with Simscape Multibody Link (M2) into
Simulink models (M1);
b. Simulink models (M1) executed during dynamic simulations (M0);
c. Documents/reports (M0) generated out of the Simulink models (M1);
d. Results from calculations (M0) used for manual update of the construction model (M1);
a. Modelling language SpecScop (M2) used for specification of system components (M1);
b. Automatic Matlab/Simulink generation (M2) of simulation models (M1) from specifications
(M1); functionality implemented directly in Matlab/Simulink;
c. Libraries (M1) of components created in Matlab/Simulink are automatically updated (M2)
with new specifications (M1);
d. Control system code (M0) generated from models (M1);
e. Dynamic simulation (M0) conducted with predefined, parametrized models (M1);
f. General/detailed documentation (M0) automatically generated from models (M1).
Table 1. Cont.
In the AVIA X-5 project the toolchain was quite expensive and offered predefined metamodels
and ready-to-use generators. Flexibility of development was constrained by the project’s budget.
Within the iLOAD project a custom toolchain was designed, developed and later used for achieving
project goals at each stage. It was much more time-consuming to prepare the toolchain’s modules but
the resulting flexibility was greater.
Table 3 presents the most important factors related to teams that participated in each of the projects.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 25 of 40
5. Discussion
From the point of view of MBD and MBSE approaches, the most valuable part of the presented
projects was the integration of engineers with different backgrounds and transfer of knowledge
that followed.
The projects presented in the third section opened the discussion on generic problems of
metamodeling utilization for development of mechatronic and cyber-physical systems. The methods
proposed in this section can improve the quality and efficiency of these processes.
Table 1 which summarizes the modelling effort in AVIA X-5 and iLOAD projects leads to the
following conclusions:
1. Control systems prototyping is a very important aspect in machine design. The same can be said
about simulations conducted in a closed loop. Essential information is gathered that can help to
evaluate the feasibility of the proposed design.
2. Requirements engineering is essential for testing the product both in simulations and in
a real environment.
3. The rationale for employing the Model-Based Design increases with the number of requirements
and standards that the product must adhere to.
4. Model-Based Design is especially useful in projects which involve different participating parties.
In the case of the projects presented in the previous section, the cooperation involved
representatives from industry and academia. It benefitted everyone and resulted in deeper
understanding of the encountered problems.
1. Using metamodels that are already built-in the utilized tools (AVIA X-5 Project) allows to solve
complex problems without the need to modify the modelling process.
2. Possibility of metamodel modification and creation of custom generators (iLOAD Project)
opens limitless possibilities in the area of project process creation. However, this is only
possible with personnel that is experienced in the field of model design. These engineers are
called metamodellers.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 26 of 40
3. Utilization of commercially available tools for modelling and requirement management is quickly
becoming burdensome for the users. The offered functionality soon becomes inadequate to fully
describe the modelled process.
4. Parametrization and multi-criterion optimization of systems with multi-source requirements
is possible only when custom-made modelling languages are created; these languages must
consider the requirements’ parameters and relations between them and systems’ components
or documentation.
5. Metamodeling allows to apply a hybrid approach to project management. This means
interspersing heuristic and standard methods within one management process.
Table 3 provides information for teams that are interested in implementing the Model-Based Design
in their projects:
1. Several years of experience in a given problem domain is required in order to properly apply
Model-Based Design. The benefits of the MBD approach cannot be fully appreciated without
complete knowledge of the field in which it is applied.
2. Full knowledge of all MBD aspects is not required when it is adopted for the first
time—simultaneous and effective implementation of its every feature is impossible.
3. Some aspects of Model-Based Design can be used even in small groups; with larger teams the
payoff is even bigger as more MBD elements are used.
4. Motivation for applying Model-Based Design in mechatronic and cyber-physical systems is often
independent from the product itself. It can be a result of research and development projects in
which industry and academia partners cooperate to create new products or processes. This is
an unusual order-of-business for both parties, additionally limited by the specifics of research
program and its funding.
5. The issues caused by changes in team’s personnel also prove the Model-Based Design to be
beneficial. It enables seamless introduction of new employees into the project and enables safe
continuation whenever a more experienced team member leaves.
6. Model-Based Design improves communication between the stakeholders and the project team that
designs the system in question.
1. Introduce MagicGrid process (including VDI 2206 [81] V-model approach at each stage, no matter
if modelling requirements, use cases, system architecture or functions),
2. Define Domain-Specific Language use cases for the project,
3. Propose initial version of the language; model part of the system as a pilot sub-project,
4. Update modelling language, define abstraction levels/layers for modelling,
5. Define scope for code/documentation generation,
6. Define scope for data import/export and select candidate objects,
7. Model most of the system and close code/documentation generation loops,
8. Integrate the proposed modelling language with project management methodology, for example,
SCRUM, Project Cycle Management or propose custom modelling process.
This workflow provides a generic approach for complex (mechatronic and cyber-physical [82,106–108])
system design. One can combine General Purpose Modelling Languages (UML, SysML [5]) with
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 27 of 40
Domain-Specific Languages within a single ecosystem. Using only general-purpose languages is far less
effective even when a precise methodology (INCOSE or MagicGrid) is applied.
Metamodeling of Domain-Specific Languages strongly supports:
During work on modelling languages in the mechatronic projects presented in this paper,
the following problems were identified:
1. Utilization of General Purpose Languages (UML, SysML) takes a lot of time compared with
Domain-Specific Languages. This is true even for languages that take basic concepts from SysML
(like Requirement or Use Case). This conclusion is similar to [109],
2. Issues were observed with engineers that observe their increasing efficiency—they are exhibiting
problematic social behaviour that stems from the increased quality and efficiency. This is
a common problem in digitalization projects, when engineers are forced to use new toolchains
which are usually far more efficient than the currently used. This problem, however, is outside
the scope of this paper and needs further research.
Experience collected from over 20 research projects (including AVIA X-5 and iLOAD) in which
selected elements of Model-Based Design were applied, culminated in a decision in 2014 to develop
a modelling language that would support effective project management. The main goal was to
intertwine a heuristic methodology with a well-rounded, popular counterpart that is often used in
software development projects, including embedded systems [110].
The result of this effort is the researchML language. The language extends processes like Magic Grid
or INCOSE by expanding SysML and attempts to improve management of companies and research
projects. Its structure offers a manageable way to track the team’s qualities and current workload.
Moreover, it can be used to quickly build project portfolios for potential investors. It is the main
scientific contribution of this paper.
6. ResearchML
ResearchML was developed in 2016 and was a response to the increasing need for organizing the
procedures for management of purely scientific and R&D projects developed by the team working in
Mechatronics Centre at West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin. The type of activities
pursued by project members varied greatly, partly due to differences in research interests, experience
and broad scope of the realized projects. These factors posed an increasing difficulty in managing such
a varied team and hindered the realization of projects.
Additionally, the legislation changes in Poland and demographic decline heavily influenced the
team’s efficiency and quality of work. The team conducted multiple projects in 2006–2016 aimed
at improving the control systems of CNC machines. The increase in the number of projects and,
consequently, the number of tasks each team member was responsible for, had led to a conclusion that
a modelling language was needed in order to improve the team’s management.
• reporting,
• preparing grant applications,
• storage and organization of project’s information,
• project management,
• management and organization of research infrastructure,
• monitoring workload of each project member,
• career development plan for employees, training plans for acquiring new skills.
List of objects, relationships and target object roles is presented in Figure 17. It is preferable
for relationships within abstraction levels to be contained in metamodel and in objects (stereotypes).
In this case the creation of generators is straightforward. Relationships going beyond the abstraction
levels should be modelled at the M1 level—the resulting language and generated models are then
easier to implement.
ProjectDesign Level, Functional
Implementation Project Design
Level, Relationships
At this information about theprocess
level, the MagicGrid organization
can beof utilized;
project isalternatively,
found here (stereotypes: goal, goal
SysML language type,
or any
project phase, project implementation rate, project rate type, project rate value, project
domain-specific solution can be applied. Two stereotypes are utilized in researchML for model-basedrole, project
task, researcher,
requirement risk, risk type,
management: workload,
requirement andworkload set).
relationship. The These allow
former to define
is the generalthe project’s timetable,
requirement object,
the latter defines the relationships between requirements and architecture objects. Also, relationships
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 31 of 40
team members, the workload of specific team members in this specific project as well as the other ones
(that is, if the presented approach is applied to manage the portfolio of all projects).
6.3.2. Two-way
6.3.2. Two-way Data
Data Exchange
Exchange with
with Model’s
Model’s Environment
Even the
Even themost
advanced and
and automated
automated procedure
procedure of documentation
of documentation generation
generation is stillisis still
a one-is
a one-way process. Projects realized in teams often require a two-way data exchange
way process. Projects realized in teams often require a two-way data exchange between the model between the
and and external
external software
software solutions
solutions (e.g. (e.g.,
otherother models
models created
created with
with thesame
the samelanguage,
language, simulation
software, CAD software, control system design software). Whenever a necessity for actualization
software, CAD software, control system design software). Whenever a necessity for actualization of of
large number of parameters exists, then a data exchange between the model and its environment
large number of parameters exists, then a data exchange between the model and its environment is is
worth considering.
considering. The
The workflow
workflow of of such
such integration
integration is
is presented
presented in
in Figure
Figure 20.
Metamodel (objects, properties, M2) should be designed in a way that allows straightforward
Metamodel (objects, properties, M2) should be designed in a way that allows straightforward
import and export of large amounts of data by the means of M0-level files. Only then, the usage of
import and export of large amounts of data by the means of M0-level files. Only then, the usage of
modelling tool (M1) is effective.
modelling tool (M1) is effective.
The data exchange specification was defined at M2 level and not in generators. The developed
The data exchange specification was defined at M2 level and not in generators. The developed
modelling language (step 1 in Figure 20) defines data export (step 2 in Figure 20) from model (M1) to
modelling language (step 1 in Figure 20) defines data export (step 2 in Figure 20) from model (M1) to
data files (M0) and allows information exchange between IT systems and other software solutions.
data files (M0) and allows information exchange between IT systems and other software solutions.
Data files (M0) may be actualized or updated with new objects; importing the data from an external
source (step 3 in Figure 20) causes actualization of all objects present in the model. This could also lead
to creation of new objects. It is of upmost importance to be careful during the data import. A mass
import of new objects or actualization of the already existing ones will most likely lead to major
problems, (e.g., loss of information in the model).
7. Conclusions
To summarize, Model-Based Design is very useful for designing mechatronic and cyber-physical
systems. It expands upon the Model-Driven Engineering paradigm and allows for effective solving
of problems in prototyping, development, standardization and management of projects—issues that
often haunt the creation of such systems.
Model-Based Design supports all areas of systems’ development allowing for employing advanced
data analytics. A novelty in this approach is the analysis of relations directly between the objects and
not only their parameters. This approach in a much greater scale leads to fulfilment of business goals
that are set for such projects.
However, implementing the Model-Based Design in team environment is not an easy task.
Prior experience in document-based approach leads to reluctance when exploring the possibility of
shifting to model-based development, even though the latter offers an increase in overall productivity.
On the way to full implementation of the Model-Based Design paradigm, the human factor may be the
hardest to overcome. The cultural, nationality and education backgrounds, as well as experience of the
engineers are major issues whenever a practical implementation takes place. All of these problems
were observed during the realization of the iLOAD project.
Another issue is a high initial cost, usually in three areas: (1) software and hardware, (2) training,
(3) external consultations. That last problem stems from the fact that it is highly unlikely that a major
shift (i.e. adoption of new methodology) is initiated from within the company—it often lacks the
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 376 34 of 40
qualified personnel. It is also the reason why projects involving the academia and industry partners
are so valuable.
Also, the first problem may be somewhat averted by adopting the MBD approach in a systematic
fashion. Beginning from MBD-1 (Figure 1) up to MBD-3, then moving to MBD-4 and MBD-6. Finally,
reaching the last layer concerned with the requirements management and moving forward on it
(MBD-7 to MBD-9). The process, however, should not be rushed—time is needed for the methodology
to take roots and for the processes to be understood by all team members. Only then, any investments
in software, hardware, training and external consulting can be considered. The initial reluctance must
also be combatted by appointing project leaders that are willing to put through the new approach in
a controlled and organized manner.
As a result, the author expects that the methodology presented in this paper will be increasingly
popular in management of cyber-physical and mechatronic projects—especially in mixed teams
where representatives from academia and industry are present. The problem of designing functional
system safety or more generally, multi-criterion constraints that stem from multiple sources are the
new challenges for MBD. These problems are essential when considering the rise of Industry 4.0,
development of autonomous vehicles and cooperative robotics.
In this work, a relatively novel approach for scientific research was also presented – Model-Based
Management. A relational approach allows for tackling the problems that were previously out of reach,
for example, similarity analysis of chosen safety functionalism. The strengths of this approach can be
attributed to an effective analysis of large data sets.
This paper also confirms the scalability of the approach for more abstract problems, that is,
from operational to strategic planning. The implementation of researchML language uses SysML
language or other Domain-Specific Languages that are compatible with the 8-steps workflow presented
in the discussion (Section 5).
When applying researchML to the strategic management of projects, the following workflows can
be considered:
1. Top-down—from more abstract layers/levels to precise definitions of properties and objects;
2. Bottom-up—from precise definitions of properties and objects to more abstract levels including
project architecture;
3. Free—new objects are created when needed;
Finally, the researchML implementation fully supports agile project management. It is a big
advantage of the proposed modelling language and is caused by the domain-specific approach to
its design.
Concepts, workflows, methods and language researchML presented in the paper are applied in
current projects: “Development of devices for medical rehabilitation supported by telemedicine (ARM)”
(EU co-financing under grant agreement no. RPZP.01.01.00-32-0030/17), “RapidSteel—development
of an integrated chain of tools to optimize and automate the design process and robotize the
production of heavy-duty components (RapidSteel)” (EU co-financing under grant agreement
no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0441/18), “ZUT 2.0—Modern Integrated University” (EU co-financing under
grant agreement no. POWR.03.05.00-00-Z205/17) and “Development of a model concept for the
categorization and parameterization of elements of the digital innovation hub network (DIH) and
a feasibility study” (grant financed by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Poland).
In forthcoming works author of presented here paper is planning to present newly proposed
metamodel RAMIF (Reference Architecture Metamodel for Industry of the Future). It will be application of
RAMI 4.0 metamodel for discussion on Industry 4.0 complexity issues in Poland.
Funding: Presented here research received no external funding. It is inspired, among the others by the works
initiated in project “iLoad – Partnership for developing energy efficient intelligent load handling system” Marie
Curie 7PR, FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP (Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways) grant number 324496
and “Family of high-performance, universal 5-axis machining centers type X-5” Innotech In-Tech, research and
development grant number 158356.
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