Package N 16A: UNIT - 6390 Etp Interconnection

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Re-FEED, EPCC of the ETP, Tender No.: RAPID/CTC/36-2014-P16A

PRPC Utilities & Facilities Sdn Bhd, PETRONAS, Malaysia



UNIT - 6390


Doc. No: 10V1141-E0001-6390-001
Version : 1

Version Date Author Reviewer Approver

0 4-Apr-15 SJ KSK RGK

1 19-Jun-15 SJ KSK RGK

Re-FEED, EPCC of the ETP, Tender No.: RAPID/CTC/36-2014-P16A
PRPC Utilities & Facilities Sdn Bhd, PETRONAS, Malaysia

Column Column Title Legend Format / Allowed Value


1 BATTERY LIMIT Defines the Battery limit Text

2 INTERFACE TIE-IN No Interface Identification number Text
3 SERVICE Identifies the service Text
4 CABLE DESCRIPTION Ientifies the type of cable Text
5 Notes Any additional data or specific Text
6 REVISION requirement
Applicable revision number Number
when modified
Re-FEED, EPCC of the ETP, Tender No.: RAPID/CTC/36-2014-P16A
PRPC Utilities & Facilities Sdn Bhd, PETRONAS, Malaysia

Interfacing unit no Reference Documents

Type of Cable Schedule Cable size Cable Location
Interface No Interface Contractor X Contractor Y Service Number list/dwg Cable type OD(mm) Cable description length(m) plan Contractor X Contractor Y Note Rev

400V power & control cable(sub 631) &

accessories for termination from
downstream of geographical limit to 400V power & control
E-201 PD 6390 6300 - - - 26/31/39/47 - - - - - 1
equipment.Also testing of corresponding cable &
cabl e from downstream of geographical

400V power & control cable(sub 631) &

accessories for termination from
downstream of geographical limit to 400V power &
E-202 PD 6390 6320 - - - 26/28/31/53 - - - - - 1
equipment.Also testing of corresponding control cable
cabl e from downstream of geographical

400V power & control cable(sub 631) &

accessories for termination from
downstream of geographical limit to 400V power & control
E-203 PD 6390 6330 equipment.Also testing of corresponding - - - 26/31 cable - - - - - 1
cabl e from downstream of geographical

400V power & control cable (sub 632)&

accessories for termination from
downstream of geographical limit to 26/28/31/36/ 400V power & control
E-204 PD 6390 6340 - - - - - - - - 1
equipment.Also testing of corresponding 47/53 cable
cabl e from downstream of geographical

400V power & control cable(sub 631) &

accessories for termination from
downstream of geographical limit to 400V power &
E-205 PD 6390 6350 - - - 26 - - - - - 1
equipment.Also testing of corresponding control cable
cabl e from downstream of geographical
Re-FEED, EPCC of the ETP, Tender No.: RAPID/CTC/36-2014-P16A
PRPC Utilities & Facilities Sdn Bhd, PETRONAS, Malaysia

Interfacing unit no Reference Documents

Type of Cable Schedule Cable size Cable Location
Interface No Interface Contractor X Contractor Y Service Number list/dwg Cable type OD(mm) Cable description length(m) plan Contractor X Contractor Y Note Rev
400V power & control cable(sub 632) &
accessories for termination from
downstream of geographical limit to 400V power &
E-206 PD 6390 6360 - - - 26/28/35 - - - - - 1
equipment.Also testing of corresponding control cable
cabl e from downstream of geographical

400V power & control cable(sub 632) &

accessories for termination from
downstream of geographical limit to 400V power &
E-207 PD 6390 6370 - - - 26/28/35 - - - - - 1
equipment.Also testing of corresponding control cable
cabl e from downstream of geographical

11kV incoming power cable 1 from

E-101 PA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor Distribution substation 622 to unit - - - - 11kV Power Cable - - - - 1
substation 631

11kV incoming power cable 2 from 450(approx.l

E-101 PA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor Distribution substation 622 to unit - - - - 11kV Power Cable - - - - 1
substation 631

11kV incoming power cable 1 from

E-102 PA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor Distribution substation 622 to unit - - - - 11kV Power Cable - - - - 1
substation 632 ength)

11kV incoming power cable 2 from 450(approx.l

E-102 PA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor Distribution substation 622 to unit - - - - 11kV Power Cable ength) - - - - 1
substation 632

Incoming supply from 11kV Emergency

E-103 PA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor distribution EDG Station 4120 A 001 11KV - - - - 415 V Power Cable - - - - - 1

Incoming supply from 11kV Emergency

E-104 PA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor distribution EDG Station 4120 A 001 11KV - - - - 11kV Power Cable - - - - - 1

Incoming supply from 11kV Emergency

E-105 PA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor distribution EDG Station 4120 A 001 11KV - - - - - - - - - - 1

E-106 GA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor Interconnection of earthing grid/pits & - - - - - - - - - - 1

accessories with the Main earthing grid

Interconnection of earthing grid/pits &

E-107 GA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor - - - - - - - - - - 1
accessories with the Main earthing grid
Re-FEED, EPCC of the ETP, Tender No.: RAPID/CTC/36-2014-P16A
PRPC Utilities & Facilities Sdn Bhd, PETRONAS, Malaysia

Interfacing unit no Reference Documents

Type of Cable Schedule Cable size Cable Location
Interface No Interface Contractor X Contractor Y Service Number list/dwg Cable type OD(mm) Cable description length(m) plan Contractor X Contractor Y Note Rev

Proper Coordination with other contractor

required for calculating & implementing the
protection setting philosophy & opearting
time of downstream for selectivity study &
E-108 SA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor overall restart scheme and ETAP model - - - - - - - - - - 1
issued for electrical network
calculation,relay coordination studies sahll
be reviewed to ensure adequate
discrimination is maintained with upstream.

All required informations w.r.t ENMCS shall

be transferred to other contractor to ensure
adequate discrimination is maintained with
E-109 EA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor upstream.Also laying of data signals hard - - - - - - - - - - 1
wired/fibre optic/serial link from Main
ENMCS to unit substation shall be carried
out by other contractor.

All required informations w.r.t Electrical

Load Shedding shall be transferred to other
contractor to ensure that the design suits
with overall load shedding
E-110 EA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor design/philosophy.Also laying of data - - - - - - - - - - 1
signals hard wired/fibre optic/serial link
from Main Substation to unit substation
shall be carried out by other contractor.

Power Supply Junction box of Low voltage

at interface point shall be provided as
E-111 LA Wabag/Muhibbah Other Contractor requested by other contractor to provide - - - - - - - - - - 1
supply to street/fence lighting.

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