Pregun Csaba - Water Resources Management and Water Quality Protection

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Water Resources Management and

Water Quality Protection

Dr. Pregun, Csaba

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Water Resources Management and Water Quality Protection:
Dr. Pregun, Csaba

Publication date 2011

Szerzői jog © 2011 Debreceni Egyetem. Agrár- és Gazdálkodástudományok Centruma

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............................................................................................................................................................ v
1. 1.Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1. .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2. 2.Water Resources .......................................................................................................................... 7
1. 2.1.Inventory of water at the Earth's surface. ....................................................................... 7
2. 2.2.Groundwaters .................................................................................................................. 8
3. 2.3.Geothermal conditions in Hungary ................................................................................. 9
3.1. 2.3.1.Protection of groundwaters and underground waters ..................................... 13
3. 3.Water Demands and Water Use ................................................................................................. 16
1. 3.1.Water uses .................................................................................................................... 16
1.1. 3.1.1.The general characterization of water uses .................................................... 16
1.2. 3.1.1.General characterization of abstractions ........................................................ 18
4. 4.A basic knowledge of water resources management ................................................................. 21
1. ............................................................................................................................................ 21
2. 4.1.The general structure and description of the water management system ...................... 22
3. 4.2.The concept and interpretation of water resources ....................................................... 24
4. 4.3.Characterization of water resources in terms of utilization ........................................... 25
5. 4.4.Definition of water resource management balance ....................................................... 27
5. 5.The Causes Of Water Pollution ................................................................................................ 29
1. 5.1.Sewage and Wastewater ............................................................................................... 29
2. 5.2.Industrial water and water pollution ............................................................................. 29
3. 5.3.Oil pollution ................................................................................................................. 30
3.1. 5.3.1.Types of Oil .................................................................................................. 31
3.2. 5.3.2.Wildlife and Habitat ...................................................................................... 31
4. 5.4.Atmospheric ................................................................................................................. 34
5. 5.5.Nuclear waste ............................................................................................................... 35
6. 5.6.Global Climate Change ................................................................................................. 35
7. 5.7.Eutrophication ............................................................................................................... 35
6. 6.Pollution sources ........................................................................................................................ 37
1. 6.1.Non-point source (NPS) pollution ................................................................................. 37
2. 6.2.Point Sources ................................................................................................................ 37
7. 7.Acid Rain ................................................................................................................................... 41
1. ............................................................................................................................................ 41
2. 7.1.Sources of Acid Rain .................................................................................................... 41
3. 7.2.Effects of Acid Rain on Aquatic Ecosystems ................................................................ 42
4. 7.3.Effects of Acid Rain on Soil and Plants ........................................................................ 42
5. 7.4.Effects of Acid Rain on Humans ................................................................................... 43
6. 7.5.Ways to Control and Prevent Acid Rain ....................................................................... 43
8. 9.pH effects on the aquatic environment ...................................................................................... 44
1. 8.1.pH: Percent Hydrogen ................................................................................................... 44
9. 9.Eutrophication ........................................................................................................................... 46
1. 9.1.Eutrophication processes ............................................................................................... 46
2. 9.2.Causes of Eutrophication .............................................................................................. 46
2.1. 9.2.1.Nitrates .......................................................................................................... 46
2.2. 9.2.2.Phosphates ..................................................................................................... 47
3. 9.3.Controlling Eutrophication ............................................................................................ 47
3.1. 9.3.1.Ecological consequences ............................................................................... 47
10. 10.Pollution control .................................................................................................................... 49
1. 10.1.Nonpoint Pollution Control ......................................................................................... 49
2. 10.2.Point Pollution Control ............................................................................................... 49
11. 11.Water treatment (short summary) .......................................................................................... 51
1. 11.1.Denitrification ............................................................................................................ 51
2. 11.2.Septic tanks and sewage treatment ............................................................................. 51
3. 11.3.Ozone wastewater treatment ...................................................................................... 52
4. 11.4.Industrial water treatment ........................................................................................... 53
4.1. 11.4.1.Primary treatment ........................................................................................ 54

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Water Resources Management and
Water Quality Protection

4.2. 11.4.2.Secondary treatment .................................................................................... 57

4.3. 11.4.3.Tertiary treatment ........................................................................................ 63
4.4. 11.4.4.Terms ........................................................................................................... 63
12. 12.Constructed Wetlands as natural wastewater treatment methods .......................................... 65
1. 12.1.Introduction ................................................................................................................ 65
2. 12.2.Types of constructed Wetlands ................................................................................... 65
2.1. 12.2.1.Free Water Surface Wetlands ...................................................................... 65
2.2. 12.2.2.Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB) Wetlands .............................................. 66
2.3. 12.2.3.Overview of treatment mechanisms in FWS and VSB Wetlands ............... 67
3. 12.3.Oxygen ........................................................................................................................ 68
3.1. 12.3.1.Oxygen transfer in FWS Wetlands ............................................................. 68
3.2. Oxygen transfer in VSB Wetlands ......................................................................... 69
4. 12.4.Sedimentation .............................................................................................................. 69
4.1. 12.4.1.Sedimentation (suspended solids) in FWS Wetlands ................................. 69
4.2. 12.4.2.Sedimentation (suspended solids) in VSB Wetlands ................................... 70
5. 12.5.Organic matter degradation ........................................................................................ 71
5.1. 12.5.1.Organic matter degradation in FWS Wetlands ............................................ 71
5.2. 12.5.2.Organic matter degradation in VSB Wetlands ............................................. 72
6. 12.6.Nitrogen ...................................................................................................................... 72
6.1. 12.6.1.Nitrogen cycling in FWS wetlands .............................................................. 72
6.2. 12.6.2.Nitrogen cycling in VSB Wetlands .............................................................. 74
7. 12.7.Phosphorus .................................................................................................................. 75
7.1. 12.7.1.Phosphorus cycling in FWS Wetlands ......................................................... 75
7.2. 12.7.2.Phosphorus cycling in VSB Wetlands ......................................................... 75
8. 12.8.Pathogens .................................................................................................................... 76
8.1. 12.8.1.Pathogen reduction in FWS Wetland ........................................................... 76
8.2. 12.8.2.Pathogen removal in VSB Wetlands ............................................................ 76
9. 12.9.Wetland Plants ............................................................................................................ 76
9.1. 12.9.1.Role of emergent plants in FWS Wetlands ................................................. 76
9.2. 12.9.2.Role of plants in VSB Wetlands ................................................................. 77
10. 12.10.Mosquito control (FWS) ......................................................................................... 77
11. Sulphur cycling (VSB Wetlands) ..................................................................................... 80
13. 13.The Water Framework Directive - Short description ............................................................. 82
1. 13.1.The Water Framework Directive ................................................................................. 82
1.1. 13.1.1.Other relevant policies ................................................................................. 83
2. 13.2.Assessment of ecological quality status ...................................................................... 83
3. 13.3.List of basic concepts required for the WFD ............................................................... 84
14. 14.Water quality modelling – theoretical foundation ................................................................. 87
1. 14.1.Introduction: What is the model? ............................................................................... 87
2. 14.2.Biochemical oxygen demand ...................................................................................... 87
3. 14.3.The Arrhenius equation ............................................................................................... 89
4. 14..4.Coliform ..................................................................................................................... 90
5. 14.5.Dissolved Oxygen, DO ............................................................................................... 94
6. 14.6.Nutrients - Nitrogen .................................................................................................... 96
7. 14.7.Nutrients -Phosphorus ................................................................................................. 99
8. 14.8.Heavy metals ............................................................................................................. 101
9. 14.9.Xenobiotics ............................................................................................................... 102
10. 14.10.Eutrophication Model 1 ........................................................................................ 104
15. References ................................................................................................................................ 107
1. .......................................................................................................................................... 107

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A tananyag a TÁMOP-4.1.2-08/1/A-2009-0032 pályázat keretében készült el.

A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásával valósult

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1. fejezet - 1.Introduction
Water is an essential natural resource that shapes regional landscapes and is vital for ecosystem functioning and
human well-being. At the same time, water is a resource under considerable pressure. Alterations in the
hydrologic regime due to global climatic, demographic and economic changes have serious consequences for
people and the environment.

A water cycle under stress

Human overuse of water resources, primarily for agriculture, and diffuse contamination of freshwate1 from
urban regions and from agriculture are stressing the water resources in the terrestrial water cycle (figure). As a
consequence, the ecological functions of water bodies, soils and groundwater (e.g. filtration, natural
decomposition of pollutants, buffer capacity) in the water cycle are hampered.

What constitutes water management?

Functions of water resources management are very complex tasks and may involve many different activities
conducted by many different players. The following components constitute water resources management
(Adapted from CapNet Training Manual: IWRM for RBO, June 2008):

1. Water Allocation

Allocating water to major water users and uses, maintaining minimum levels for social and environmental use
while addressing equity and development needs of society.

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2. River basin planning

Preparing and regularly updating the Basin Plan incorporating stakeholder views on development and
management priorities for the basin.

3. Stakeholder participation

Implementing stakeholder participation as a basis for decision making that takes into account the best interests
of society and the environment in the development and use of water resources in the basin.

4. Pollution control

Managing pollution using polluter pays principles and appropriate incentives to reduce most important pollution
problems and minimize environmental and social impact.

5. Monitoring

Implementing effective monitoring systems that provide essential management information and identifying and
responding to infringements of laws, regulations and permits.

6. Economic and financial management

Applying economic and financial tools for investment, cost recovery and behaviour change to support the goals
of equitable access and sustainable benefits to society form water use.

7. Information management

Providing essential data necessary to make informed and transparent decisions and development and sustainable
management of water resources in the basin.

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) has been defined by the Technical Committee of the Global
Water Partnership (GWP) as “a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of
water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable
manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.” (Technical Committee of the Global
Water Partnership – GWP).

Operationally, IWRM approaches involve applying knowledge from various disciplines as well as the insights
from diverse stakeholders to devise and implement efficient, equitable and sustainable solutions to water and
development problems. As such, IWRM is a comprehensive, participatory planning and implementation tool for
managing and developing water resources in a way that balances social and economic needs, and that ensures

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the protection of ecosystems for future generations. Water‟s many different uses-or agriculture, for healthy
ecosystems, for people and livelihoods-demands coordinated action. An IWRM approach is an open, flexible
process, bringing together decision-makers across the various sectors that impact water resources, and bringing
all stakeholders to the table to set policy and make sound, balanced decisions in response to specific water
challenges faced.

It has been agreed to consider water as a “finite and economic commodity taking into account of affordability
and equity criteria”, in order to emphasize on its scarcity in the Dublin Statement:

• Fresh water is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, development and the environment.

• Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach, involving users, planners
and policy makers at all levels.

• Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water.

• Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognized as an economic good, taking
into account of affordability and equity criteria.

One of the major fields of focus has been to increase women's involvement in drinking water and sanitation
projects, especially in the developing countries. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), UNESCO
and International Water and Sanitation Centre are some of the institutes that have undertaken research in this

Integrated Water Resources Management (Concept and Interpretation)

Integrated water resources management is the practice of making decisions and taking actions while considering
multiple viewpoints of how water should be managed. These decisions and actions relate to situations such as
river basin planning, organization of task forces, planning of new capital facilities, controlling reservoir releases,
regulating floodplains, and developing new laws and regulations. The need for multiple viewpoints is caused by
competition for water and by complex institutional constraints. The decision-making process is often lengthy
and involves many participants.

Components and Viewpoints

Integrated water resources management begins with the term "water resources management" itself, which uses
structural measures and non-structural measures to control natural and human-made water resources systems for
beneficial uses. Water-control facilities and environmental elements work together in water resources systems to
achieve water management purposes.

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Integrated water resources management considers viewpoints of human groups, factors of the human
environment, and aspects of natural water systems.

Structural components used in human-made systems control water flow and quality and include conveyance
systems (channels, canals, and pipes), diversion structures, dams and storage facilities, treatment plants,
pumping stations and hydroelectric plants, wells, and appurtenances .

Elements of natural water resources systems include the atmosphere, watersheds (drainage basins), stream
channels, wetlands, floodplains, aquifers, lakes, estuaries, seas, and the ocean. Examples of non-structural
measures, which do not require constructed facilities, are pricing schedules, zoning, incentives, public relations,
regulatory programs, and insurance.

Multiple Purposes

Integrated water resources management considers the viewpoints of water management agencies with specific
purposes, governmental and stakeholder groups, geographic regions, and disciplines of knowledge (see the
figure). These viewpoints have been described in a variety of ways. For example, Mitchell (1990) wrote that
integrated water management considers three aspects: dimensions of water (surface water and groundwater, and
quantity and quality); interactions with land and environment; and interrelationships with social and economic
development. White (1969) wrote about the "multiple purposes" and "multiple means" of water management,
and predicted that integration would create some confusion because it defies neat administrative organization.

In general, water agencies deal with water supply, wastewater and water quality services, stormwater and flood
control, hydropower, navigation, recreation, and water for the environment, fish, and wildlife. As the practice of
water resources management evolved, the term "multipurpose" (or "multiobjective") water resources
development (or management) came to refer to projects with more than one purpose. Later, the term
"comprehensive" water planning and management came into use to describe management practice that considers
different viewpoints.

Challenges to Water Management Integration

The term "functional integration" means to join purposes of water management such as to manage water supply
and wastewater within a single unit. Protecting aquatic habitat for natural and ecological systems while
managing for flood control is another example. Still another term is "conjunctive use," which usually refers to
the joint management of surface water and groundwater.

Governmental and Interest Groups

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Accommodating the views of governments and special interest groups is a challenge in integration because they
have different perspectives. Intergovernmental relationships between government agencies at the same level
include regional, state-to-state, and interagency issues. Relationships between different levels of government
include, for example, state–federal and local–state interactions.

Special interest groups range from those favouring development of resources to those favouring preservation. In
many cases, conflicts arise between the same types of interest groups, as, for example, between fly fishers and
rafters on a stream.

Geographic Regions

The views of stakeholders in different locations must be balanced, introducing a geographic dimension of
integration. Examples include issues between upstream and downstream stakeholders, issues among
stakeholders in the same region, and views of stakeholders in a basin of origin versus those in a receiving basin.
Another aspect of geographic integration is the scale of water-accounting units, such as small watershed, major
river basin, region, or state, even up to global scale.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives

The complexity of integrated water resources management requires knowledge and wisdom from different areas
of knowledge, or disciplines. Blending knowledge from engineering, law, finance, economics, politics, history,
sociology, psychology, life science, mathematics, and other fields can bring valuable knowledge about the
possibilities and consequences of decisions and actions. For example, engineering knowledge might focus on
physical infrastructure systems, whereas sociology or psychology might focus on human impacts.

Coordination and Cooperation

Coordination is an important tool of integration because the arena of water management sometimes involves
conflicting objectives. Coordinating mechanisms can be formal, such as intergovernmental agreements, or
informal, such as local watershed groups meeting voluntarily.

Cooperation is also a key element in integration, whether by formal or by informal means. Cooperation can be
any form of working together to manage water, such as in cooperative water management actions on a regional
scale, often known as "regionalization." Examples of regionalization include a regional management authority,
consolidation of systems, a central system acting as water wholesaler, joint financing of facilities, coordination
of service areas, interconnections for emergencies, and sharing of personnel, equipment, or services.

Total Water Management

Integrated water resources management can take different forms and is examined best in specific situations. In
the water-supply field, the term "integrated resource planning" has come into use to express concepts of
integration in supply development. Perhaps the most comprehensive concept for water supply is "Total Water

According to a 1996 report of the American Water Works Research Foundation, Total Water Management is the
exercise of stewardship of water resources for the greatest good of society and the environment. A basic
principle of Total Water Management is that the supply is renewable, but limited, and should be managed on a
sustainable-use basis.

Taking into consideration local and regional variations, Total Water Management:

• Encourages planning and management on a natural water systems basis through a dynamic process that adapts
to changing conditions;

• Balances competing uses of water through efficient allocation that addresses social values, cost effectiveness,
and environmental benefits and costs;

• Requires the participation of all units of government and stakeholders in decision-making through a process
of coordination and conflict resolution;

• Promotes water conservation, reuse, source protection, and supply development to enhance water quality and
quantity; and

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• Fosters public health, safety, and community goodwill.

This definition focuses on the broad aspects of water supply. Examples can be given for other situations,
including water-quality management planning, water allocation, and flood control (Grigg, 1996.). (Mitchell,
1990) (White, 1969)

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2. fejezet - 2.Water Resources
1. 2.1.Inventory of water at the Earth's surface.
Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful to humans. Uses of water include
agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. Virtually all of these human uses
require fresh water.

97% of water on the Earth is salt water, leaving only 3% as fresh water of which slightly over two thirds is
frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining unfrozen freshwater is mainly found as groundwater, with
only a small fraction present above ground or in the air. ( Table 1.)

Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world‟s supply of clean, fresh water is steadily decreasing. Water
demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world and as the world population continues to rise, so too
does the water demand. Awareness of the global importance of preserving water for ecosystem services has only
recently emerged as, during the 20th century, more than half the world‟s wetlands have been lost along with
their valuable environmental services. Biodiversity-rich freshwater ecosystems are currently declining faster
than marine or land ecosystems. The framework for allocating water resources to water users (where such a
framework exists) is known as water rights.

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2.Water Resources

Water moves from one reservoir to another by way of processes like evaporation, condensation, precipitation,
deposition, runoff, infiltration, sublimation, transpiration, melting, and groundwater flow. The oceans supply
most of the evaporated water found in the atmosphere. Of this evaporated water, only 91% of it is returned to
the ocean basins by way of precipitation. The remaining 9% is transported to areas over landmasses where
climatology factors induce the formation of precipitation. The resulting imbalance between rates of evaporation
and precipitation over land and ocean is corrected by runoff and groundwater flow to the oceans.

Water is continually cycled between its various reservoirs. This cycling occurs through the processes of
evaporation, condensation, precipitation, deposition, runoff, infiltration, sublimation, transpiration, melting, and
groundwater flow. Table 2 describes the typical residence times of water in the major reservoirs. On average
water is renewed in rivers once every 16 days. Water in the atmosphere is completely replaced once every 8
days. Slower rates of replacement occur in large lakes, glaciers, ocean bodies and groundwater. Replacement in
these reservoirs can take from hundreds to thousands of years. Some of these resources (especially groundwater)
are being used by humans at rates that far exceed their renewal times. This type of resource use is making this
type of water effectively non-renewable (Pidwirny, 2006).).

2. 2.2.Groundwaters
Sub-surface water, or groundwater, is fresh water located in the pore space of soil and rocks. It is also water that
is flowing within aquifers below the water table. Sometimes it is useful to make a distinction between sub-

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2.Water Resources

surface water that is closely associated with surface water and deep sub-surface water in an aquifer (sometimes
called "fossil water").

The Hungarian-language literature, the following terms and definitions used to apply:

One group of the good aquifers is the coarser sandy and gravel layers of the clastic basin-deposits. At larger
depth one can find sandstone instead of the loose sandy layers. These aquifers can be found in more than three
quarter of the country's area assuring everywhere the chance for local drinking water production; while from
greater depths (usually more than 500 m) the abstraction of thermal water is probable.

With wells bored into the shallow gravel aquifers along the riverbanks the filtered water of the river i.e. the
bank-filtered water is being produced. The upper layers down to the depth of 10 to 20 m are of fine-grained
formations with the possibility of local production of small discharges only. The majority of dug wells in the
villages and countryside homesteads are producing water from such formations. However at some sites these
formations have better productivity.

Water located in the deposits near the ground surface is called shallow groundwater or simple groundwater, the
water in deeper clastic sediments is called deep (sometimes: confined groundwater) groundwater or
underground water, when the temperature of the water is higher than 30 °C it is called thermal deep
groundwater, being a type of thermal waters (Csáki et al 2002).

3. 2.3.Geothermal conditions in Hungary

Geothermal gradient in Hungary is 5oC/100 m as an average (reciprocal geothermal step 20 m/°C), which is
about one and a half times as high as the worldwide average (Figure 5.).

The reason is that in the Pannonian basin including also Hungary, the Earth crust is thinner than the worldwide
average (as thick as only 24/26 km, which is thinner by about 10 km than in the neighbouring regions) thus the
hot magma is nearer the surface, and the fact that the basin is filled with deposits of good heat insulation (clays
and sands). The measured value of heat-flux is also rather high (the average of 38 measurement is 90,4
mW/m2while the mean value in the European continent is 60 mW/m2).

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2.Water Resources

The mean temperature is about 10 oC on the surface and with the above mentioned geothermal gradient the rock
temperature is 60 oC at the depth of 1 km and 110 oC at the depth of 2 km together with the water contained by
them. The geothermal gradient is higher than the countrywide average in the southern part of the Transdanubian
region and in the Lowland, while it is lower in the Kisalföld region and in the hilly areas of the country. The
greatest depth of the investigated aquifers of good transmissivity is 2,5 km. Temperature here is already as high
as 130-150 oC.

However the water proceeding upwards in the thermal wells cools down, thus the temperature of the water on
the surface exceeds the 100 oC in a few cases only. Steam occurrences are known only in a few not well
investigated explorations of great depth. As far as the geothermal steam occurrences of high temperature are
concerned, Hungary is not in such a favourable situation than the countries characterised by active volcanism
(e.g. Iceland, Italy, Russia (Kamchatka) etc.).

In Hungary the wells and springs of higher than 30 oC wellhead water temperature are considered as geothermal
wells or geothermal springs (thermal waters). Waters of such temperature can be explored on the 70 % of the
area of the country from the known geological formations (Liebe et al. 2001).

Bank filtered water

Groundwater sources near the surface water (e. g. watercourses), in which the produced water in excess of 50%
of surface water from the infiltration (Figure 7, 8.). Bank filtered waters are located in alluvial sediments,
terraces alluvial sediments near streams, terraces located. The intake structures and wells are installed parallel to
the river.

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2.Water Resources

Ground water

Groundwater is water in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations, beneath the ground surface but
above the first confining bed, in the unconfined aquifer.

The groundwater located in porous sedimentary aquifers of less than 20 m depth. This term may only be used in
the Hungarian scientific nomenclature and literature.

Underground Waters

The water resources underneath the first confining bed (waterproof layer), in water bearing stratums, also known
as confined aquifers (in Anglo-Saxon scientific terminology). The underground waters are located in the
stratified, granular debris, hydraulic, semi-permeable and impermeable Pleistocene and Upper Pannonian
sediments (Figure 9.):.

The underground waters are not sharply separated from the ground waters, because usually there are hydraulic
connection and geological relationship between them.

The recharge of underground waters (confined aquifers) is the slowest among the groundwater resources.

The layers of confined underground waters (in Hungarian literature) (Figure 10.):

1. Shallow artesian aquifer (20-50 m in depth)

2. Artesian aquifer (50-100 m in depth),

3. Deep artesian aquifer (100-200 m in depth),

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2.Water Resources

4. Deep artesian aquifer (200-500 m in depth),

5. Thermal artesian aquifer (> 500 m in depth).

Another main type of groundwater reservoirs is the group of karstic rocks that can be found in half of the hilly
areas amounting one fifth of Hungary's territory. These calciferous marine sediments of the Mesozoic
(limestones, dolomites) may conduct the water very well along faults, fractures and holes widened by the water
of high carbonic acid content during the process of karstification (Figure 11.).

Precipitation infiltrates mainly directly and quickly into the outcropping karstic rocks, therefore the recharge of
karstic waters is good. Karstic formations are covered by geological formations of low conductivity at many
sites also in the hilly regions while at the margins of such territories the karstic reservoir may be covered with
clastic sediments of large (sometimes several km) thickness, generally impermeable, lying directly above the
karstic formations (Figure 11). In the karstic formations at the margins of mountains and in large depth below
the ground surface in the basin-regions thermal waters can be found, part of which comes to the surface in the
form of the well known thermal karst springs.

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2.Water Resources

Subsurface flow systems, water level and pressure distribution

One can find water as old as the rocks which contain it only in a very small part of the formations introduced
above, e.g. in the confined geological structures settled in large depth. In case of marine sediments these waters
are of high salt content. Also hydrocarbons are accumulated in these closed geological structures. However in a
large portion of subsurface reservoirs water is in permanent movement, it is being recharged from the ground
surface, and moving toward the discharge areas it arrives again at the surface. The time of water exchange
(traced with various isotope tests) vary on a very wide scale from a few hours to several hundred thousands of
years. According to the radiocarbon tests the age of the water of drinking water quality stored in the sediments
in the basin-type areas is in the order of magnitude of thousand years, while the age of thermal waters at larger
depth may reach the one million year. In shallow groundwater contained by the coarser sediments near the
surface and in the bank-filtered waters along the rivers the few days old rainwater and the water of the rivers are
appearing together. Water originating from the rainfall of the last forty years can be detected through tritium
tests. With all these one can come to conclusions on the intensity of the recharge. At the average precipitation
between 500 and 700 mm/year prevailing in Hungary, infiltration is the highest in the karstic regions: 150 to 200
mm/year, in the basin-type areas of sandy topsoil it is 50 to 100 mm/year while it is only 5 to 10 mm/year or less
in the case of finer loess-silty-clayey topsoil. It comes from the foregoing that the flow velocity of groundwater
is very low: it is in the order of magnitude ranging from 0,1 to 10,0 m/year as an average, however in coarser
debris and in karstic areas it is higher; in karstic fissures the flowing water travels several hundred meters per
hour. In determining the age of karstic water the use of tracers is a widespread method: this means giving
various paints and tracers to the water when disappearing in the sinkholes and observing their appearance at the

3.1. 2.3.1.Protection of groundwaters and underground waters

We have an inevitable contact to our environment and within it to groundwater through the different ways of
utilisation of natural resources and land and are thus interfering in its original status. Our increasing demands
are not to be satisfied in harmony with natural conditions and to attain our goals we throw the ecosystem out of
balance, interfere in natural processes and equilibriums. But also in these cases it is necessary to know the risks
of an activity and to provide for the artificial protection of the different environmental elements, like

Consequently it can be stated that groundwater is simultaneously an environmental element in need of

protection and an exploitable natural resource. Therefore in the case of interventions affecting groundwater we
always have to consider the natural conditions of the given area, as well as its suitability for the utilisation in

Protection of groundwaters includes the conservation of the natural status of quantitative and qualitative
characteristics. For this purpose the following tools can be used:

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2.Water Resources

• reduction of withdrawal, stabilisation of water balance in the areas of permanently decreasing water level and
hydraulic head,

• stopping of illegal water extractions, modification of water extraction permits according to circumstances,

• survey, investigation and if needed elimination of pollution sources endangering groundwaters (Figure 12.).

In addition to legislation (acts, decrees, directives) the decline in the utilisation of fertilizers, the closing of
mines and the subsequent recultivation activities, as well as the significant decrease of water demand in the
industrial sector contributes to the improvement of groundwater quality and quantity in Hungary.

Tools of prevention are the reduction of emissions, isolation of the contaminated area at risk, i. e. the prevention
of potential contaminants getting into direct contact with the soil. Removal and/or cleaning of contaminated soil
can also prevent contaminants getting into groundwater. The setting in of underground cut-off walls or the
pumping out of groundwater and its subsequent cleaning on the surface are examples how to stop further
spreading of polluted groundwater (Figure 13.).

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2.Water Resources

Effective damage prevention or reduction measures require adequate knowledge on contaminants, on their
regional and local use, on accidents if there have been any, as well as on the characteristics, status and changes
in the status of environmental elements. Databases and monitoring systems provide the relevant information for
the modern way of environmental protection.

As shown by the above listed examples the only way to protect water as an environmental element is the
observance of rules, the evolving of an approach focused on ecology and environment and the recognition of
individual responsibility.

(Remediation booklets 5. Groundwater and land use) +

On 12 December 2006, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the new Groundwater Daughter
Directive (2006/118/EC) in accordance with Article 17 WFD. The Daughter Directive complements and
specifies the WFD on some issues. (OJ L 372, 27.12.2006, p.19)

First, it establishes EU-wide quality standards for nitrates and pesticides that must be met to comply with “good
groundwater chemical status”. In addition, Member States will have to establish national standards (threshold
values) for other pollutants on the basis of the substances of most concern for groundwater pollution on national,
regional or local. Furthermore, the criteria for identification of a sustainable, upward trend and a starting point
for trend reversal are further harmonised. Finally, it reinforces existing measures to prevent or limit inputs of
pollutants into groundwater.

On the basis of these clear rules, Member States will have to assess the groundwater environment with the
monitoring programmes that have just become operational and, where necessary, establish programmes of
measures to be included in the WFD River Basin Management Plans.

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3. fejezet - 3.Water Demands and
Water Use
1. 3.1.Water uses
1.1. 3.1.1.The general characterization of water uses

Water Utility services – public (communal) water supply (water abstraction, coverage indicators), domestic,
industrial and agricultural water use relations (Figure 16)

Agricultural water use (land use data, water consumption of irrigation and fisheries, harvested area, yields,
livestock, gross value added in production, the number of agricultural enterprises, agricultural employment,
agricultural wages) (Figure 16 and 17)

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3.Water Demands and Water Use

Industrial water use (public and own water supply utility sectors, industrial production, number of employees in
the main sectors, wages).

Hydroelectric power production (hydropower production capacity and production data, number of employees)

Shipping, cargo transit (data of quantity and value of goods and ports)

Water Travel (total spending of one tourist-day, water tourism guest nights, number of employees, water
tourism revenues)

Pond fish production, fishing (fish meal, angling volume, traffic)

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3.Water Demands and Water Use

1.2. 3.1.1.General characterization of abstractions

The development of abstraction in the following tables is presented.

Surface waters

The surface water resources of Hungary are presented on the figure 18. and 19.

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3.Water Demands and Water Use

72% of the total water abstraction occurred on the Tisza River Basin, followed by the Danube basin, the Drava
River and Balaton Lake's Basin share is negligible, below 1% of the total abstractions (Table 3.).

The own well industrial abstraction is extremely high on the Danube catchment (3568.2 million m3). The own
well industrial water production is significant in the Tisza river basin (618.3 million m3), but also high for
agricultural purposes (307.3 million m3).

The all of Tisza river hydroelectric power stations are found over Kisköre, and, accordingly, the in situ water
uses is very high on the upper stream section (13,533.2 million m3). (Table 4.)


Groundwater intake is used mainly in order to provide utilities in Hungary (communal water supply). The
Danube River Basin 174.1 million m3), the Tisza River Basin was 233.7 million m3).

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3.Water Demands and Water Use

Private water supply (own well) industrial water use of groundwater experienced the most significant amount in
the Tisza River Basin (89.4 million m3), even though own well agricultural water use is not negligible amounts.
(Danube Valley: 20.0 million m3, Tisza Valley: 44.6 million m3).

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4. fejezet - 4.A basic knowledge of
water resources management
Between the water resources and water needs (demands) often occur some tensions and conflicts. These
problems may be spatial, areal and temporal, endemic or general either.

These problems drew attention to the importance of water resource management. We have to define the concept
of water resources management.

The water resources management is the sum of the activities aimed the coordination of the naturally occurring
water resources and o social water needs (demands). With coordination we can create a well-functioning
balance between water resources and water needs.

Very important fact, that this balance quantitative and qualitative either.


Water management is a scientific, technological, economical, administrative and executive activity, which aims
at optimal phasing of the nature water cycle and the water needs of the society (Figure 20.).

Water resources management is the part of the water management system, which contents all activities of
quantitative and qualitative, temporal and spatial phasing of the water resources and water needs of the water

The water resources management includes:

• The quantitative and qualitative exploration of water resources

• Water needs and inventory records

• Measurement and matching of the water resources and water needs (demands) in a special system

• Decision support depending with light of the results

The decisions flow diagram of the water resource management is shown on the Figure 21 .

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4.A basic knowledge of water
resources management

2. 4.1.The general structure and description of the

water management system
The functions of national (central) control:

National and macro-regional water resource management, future plans and their implementation, building and
maintaining international relationships

The tasks of the regional (operational) management:

The harmonization and control of the locally occurring water demands and uses, and the water resources, and
the qualitative and quantitative water resource protection (Table ).

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4.A basic knowledge of water
resources management

Important definitions and terms

Water management unit (older denomination: water resources management unit):

This is an operational areal unit view of different water management and water resources management activities
and researches. This is a practically delimitated part of earth surface or aquifer on the river basin.

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4.A basic knowledge of water
resources management

Protective Profile: Underground limited space which environs operating or planned water intake plants, and
which has to keep in increased safety for sake of quantitative and qualitative water intake protection.

Protective Area: Area which encircles operating or planned water intake plants, and which has to keep in
increased safety for a sake of quantitative and qualitative water intake protection. If the protective profile cuts
the earth surface, the section traces out a protective area. If the protective profile does not cut the earth surface,
it has only surface projection. In this case the drinking water well has to be defended, by the allocating of
interior protection area with minimal 10 m radius.

Protective Zone:

The areas on the protective profiles and protective areas, where restrictions and prohibitions can be ordered by
the measurement of hazard.

Allocate of Protective Profiles does not executed by drinking water intake well distance, but depends on
attainment time. On the selected area the water particle (with inherent haphazard pollution) how many time (20
or 180 days, or 5 or 50 years) get to drinking water intake well.

3. 4.2.The concept and interpretation of water

Water resources: One of the most important water resources-management characters of a sort of determined
water-management unit.

There are three main sources of the national water resources:

• Precipitation, and rainfall in the country, within in borders respectively i.e. the runoff

• Transboundary watercourses inflow, surface and subsurface runoffs either.

• The groundwaters stored in geological formations

There are two types of water resources:

1. Static water resources:

The water supply which stored in geological formations, and its renewing and recharge slowly than it‟s
communal and industrial and agricultural etc water consumption. (E.g. groundwaters, artesian waters, thermal
waters etc.)

2. Dynamic water resources

The water supply which recharge and renewing more intensive than its consumption. They are precipitation,
surface runoff (rivers, creeks), and the subsurface water runoff, karstic water etc.

Static water resources (momentary): water amount in beds of rivers, lakes, and earth crust (pores, caves,
fissures) of the studied water management unit, at a given time. Standard unit: m3, km3. This idea is used for
quantitative characterisation of profound waters.

Another definition:

Static Water Resources:

• In surface waters: Cubic capacity of water in river bed or lake

• In groundwaters: Total cubic capacity of water in pores

Dynamic water resources: outgoing water amount from integrated water management unit in a temporal unit.
Standard unit: m3/s, m3/year etc. The concept of dynamic water resources is primarily use for quantitative
characterisation of surface water resources, as well as varying groundwater resources in the Earth crust.

In other definition,

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4.A basic knowledge of water
resources management

Dynamic water resources divisible in two parts:

• Own water resources: which spring up from precipitation and springs on the studied water management unit.

• Troughflow water resources: The roughly horizontal flow of water through soil or regolith (loose layer of
rocky material overlying bedrock), or surface inflow from other water management units.

Another important definition:

Dynamic Water Resources:

• Rate of water supply of a water storage layer (aquifer) or area, in determined temporal unit.

• Equal with rate of natural water use in long time periods and/or on great area.

• In absence of equilibrium shrinkage or rise of water resources occur.

• Potential dynamic water resources of rivers: average multiyear medium discharge.

The temporary variability of values of dynamic surface water resources is usually significant; therefore, they are
typified by their time functions, or typical values (e.g. extreme values or determined permanence).

The temporary changes of dynamic groundwater resources are relative slowly and more restricted, hence for its
characterisation enough their yearly or multiyear average rate.

Precipitation, surface runoff (rivers), and the subsoil water stored in geological formations (karst, groundwater,
etc) intensity significantly exceed the supply, consumption, intensity of use. These are the “dynamic water

4. 4.3.Characterization of water resources in terms of

The dynamic and the static water resources in terms of utilization is characterized by according to international
allocation of water resources and other inventions (international water licenses, restrictions, acts) we can use
only a part of water assets except for rainwater utilization.

Water inflow into the country shall be considered as used water (effluent water while rainwater is considered as
the hydrosphere distillation system qualitatively renewed

The inflow of water 80% of the three major rivers (Danube, Tisa, Drava), concentrated, while the precipitation
is more or less evenly distributed throughout the country,

The usually high degree of rain expected until the rivers came through the cross-border water resources
consumptions due to the large uncertainty, qualitatively but also quantitatively.

Water resources in lakes: the amount of outgoing water

Water resources in streams: discharge, runoff rate, rate of stream flow etc.

Surface water resources of rivers: in time constant and ever-changing natural flow, bodies of water (lakes,
reservoirs) to naturally keep water off of. These are natural water resources.

Utilizable or recoverable natural water resources, alias available natural water resources or supplies: The natural
water resources in rivers and lakes, that part which is given in the use of water to the removable.

The bed should always be a fixed water supply left, depending on the ecological requirements and the water
uses of the river bed (e.g. shipping, fishing, recreation), and reserved water content for other areas. These
expressions are: minimum acceptable flow, obligatory release (discharge) or guaranteed flow.

Reduced natural water resources: the difference between the natural water resources, and the guaranteed flow.

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4.A basic knowledge of water
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We can increase reduced natural water resources with inter basin transfer, foreign water, storage reservoir,
impounding. These are the actual utilizable water resources. Reclaimed and return waters e.g. treated sewage
waters, cooling waters etc. after industrial, agricultural and communal etc. usages contribute to the volume of
actual utilizable water resources.

The natural water resources of streams can be characterized by 80% persistence of flow discharge in the August.

This is the rate of water flow, which is lower than the values in the light of the August days of August only 20%
(6 days) occurs. The 80% flow is illustrated on Figure 22.

The natural water resources of stream flows are measured in the measuring profiles or control cross sections.
The critical or design discharges gauging the measured flows are calculated.

• The measured water flow still bears the direct and indirect effects of human interventions.

• The impact of human interventions can be estimated using mathematical statistical methods.

The minimum acceptable flow in all cases the channel should have the following reasons:

• The self-purification ability of the biota reduced, being vulnerable, and the risk of infections is rising

• The degraded aquatic biocenosyses and wetlands aesthetically ugly

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4.A basic knowledge of water
resources management

• The recreational utilization, swimming, water sports facilities, fisheries reduce due to deterioration of water

• The shipping cannot continue

• should satisfy the water needs of lower-lying areas

Water as habitat and as landscape element is increasingly appreciated.

Besides discharge the water surface, water level, water velocity, water depth (hydraulic radius, hydraulic depth),
energy losses, sediment transfer, spatial and temporal discharge fluctuations and their intensity etc. need for the
estimation of the minimum acceptable flow

Recently, a new word characterizes this water demand. This is the ecological water demand, which is can be
formulated in different branches according to needs.

Water uses all human activities which change natural character of waters

In terms of water resource management water uses all of human activity, which changes the quality or quantity
of waters.

Every legal person (legal entity) which have the right to use a certain quality and quality part of water resources,
is water user in water code terms. . These water uses may be water intake (abstraction), water importation, water
return, water level modification, or water uses in the bed.

Water demands of consumers are very variable. The concept of water utilization involves all of the
energetically, quantitative and qualitative water uses.

Two groups can be distinguished in water uses and water users:

One group of water users utilizes the water in situ, without removal (power stations, fishing, boating, recreation,
water sports, etc.).

Other water users group, who remove water from its original position, partly or completely consume it. The
return water only a part of original water intake moreover contaminated state, depending the standard and level
of sewage treatment (communal, agricultural, industrial water users) (Figure 23.).

The most important aspect in water resources management the water acquisition for communal, agricultural,
industrial water demands.

The Water Resource Management Balance

5. 4.4.Definition of water resource management

Calculation, census, comparison, and matching the available natural water resources and water demands in
special water management unit.

Utilizable water resources and .human water demands are the two beam of the water resource management
balance. Both contain several components, these components of the water resource management balance.

The frozen water resource management balance means that new water users must not enter the system.

The essence of water resource management balance is the matching of available natural water resources and
water demands i.e. scaling.

The water balance pointers or water balance indexes represent the results of calculations and matching. The
matching, the reflection of the results of water balance indicators are expressed. Two basic indicators are used.

B(t) = K(t) – I(t),

e = I(t) / K(t

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4.A basic knowledge of water
resources management


I(t) = total water demand at a given time (period)

K(t) = available water resources at the same period

The equilibrium of water resource management balance can be achieved by decreasing water demands,
increasing water resources, increasing runoff-control.

The task of environmental protection is, primarily, to reduce water demands with water savings, water-saving
technologies etc.

The task of the integrated watershed management to control and harmonize all human activities, which are
connected with water uses.

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5. fejezet - 5.The Causes Of Water
1. 5.1.Sewage and Wastewater
Domestic households, industrial and agricultural practices produce wastewater that can cause pollution of many
lakes and rivers (Figure 24.).

Sewage is the term used for wastewater that often contains faeces, urine and laundry waste.

There are billions of people on Earth, so treating sewage is a big priority.

Sewage disposal is a major problem in developing countries as many people in these areas don‟t have access to
sanitary conditions and clean water.

Untreated sewage water in such areas can contaminate the environment and cause diseases such as diarrhoea.

Sewage in developed countries is carried away from the home quickly and hygienically through sewage pipes.

Sewage is treated in water treatment plants and the waste is often disposed into the sea.

Sewage is mainly biodegradable and most of it is broken down in the environment.

In developed countries, sewage often causes problems when people flush chemical and pharmaceutical
substances down the toilet. When people are ill, sewage often carries harmful viruses and bacteria into the
environment causing health problems.

2. 5.2.Industrial water and water pollution

Industry is a huge source of water pollution, it produces pollutants that are extremely harmful to people and the

Many industrial facilities use freshwater to carry away waste from the plant and into rivers, lakes and oceans.

Pollutants from industrial sources include:

• Asbestos – This pollutant is a serious health hazard and carcinogenic. Asbestos fibres can be inhaled and
cause illnesses such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer, intestinal cancer and liver cancer.

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5.The Causes Of Water Pollution

• Lead – This is a metallic element and can cause health and environmental problems. It is a non-biodegradable
substance so is hard to clean up once the environment is contaminated. Lead is harmful to the health of many
animals, including humans, as it can inhibit the action of bodily enzymes.

• Mercury – This is a metallic element and can cause health and environmental problems. It is a non-
biodegradable substance so is hard to clean up once the environment is contaminated. Mercury is also harmful
to animal health as it can cause illness through mercury poisoning.

• Nitrates – The increased use of fertilisers means that nitrates are more often being washed from the soil and
into rivers and lakes. This can cause eutrophication, which can be very problematic to marine environments.

• Phosphates – The increased use of fertilisers means that phosphates are more often being washed from the
soil and into rivers and lakes. This can cause eutrophication, which can be very problematic to marine

• Sulphur – This is a non-metallic substance that is harmful for marine life.

• Oils – Oil does not dissolve in water, instead it forms a thick layer on the water surface. This can stop marine
plants receiving enough light for photosynthesis. It is also harmful for fish and marine birds.

• Petrochemicals – This is formed from gas or petrol and can be toxic to marine life.

3. 5.3.Oil pollution
Waters are polluted by oil on a daily basis from oil spills, routine shipping, run-offs and dumping.

Oil spills make up about 12% of the oil that enters the ocean. The rest come from shipping travel, drains and

An oil spill from a tanker is a severe problem because there is such a huge quantity of oil being split into one

Oil spills cause a much localised problem but can be catastrophic to local marine and wildlife such as fish, birds
and sea otters.

Oil cannot dissolve in water and forms a thick sludge in the water. This suffocates fish, gets caught in the
feathers of marine birds stopping them from flying and blocks light from photosynthetic aquatic plants.

Inland waters

Oil and fuels are the second most frequent type of pollutant of inland waters.

There are measures in place to deal with oil pollution of all kinds, including mineral oils, fuel oils and vegetable
oils, and identifies possible further actions.

Oil is a highly visible pollutant that affects the water environment in a number of ways. It can reduce levels of
dissolved oxygen and affect water abstracted for our drinking water, making it unsuitable for use.

Mineral oil is a hazardous substance under the Groundwater Regulations and it‟s illegal to release it into
groundwater. It can be difficult to deal with groundwater contaminated with oil. The effects can be long term,
and include polluted surface water and drinking water supplies.

Oil can harm wildlife. Wildfowl are particularly vulnerable, both through damage to the waterproofing of their
plumage and through swallowing oil during when they preen. Mammals such as water voles may also be
affected. Fish exposed to oil aren‟t good to eat.

Oil is everywhere in society. It‟s used in large quantities, requiring an extensive distribution and storage system.
There is great potential for spills and other accidental releases. The principal causes of oil pollution are loss
from storage facilities, spills during delivery or dispensing and deliberate, illegal, disposal of waste oil to
drainage systems.

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5.The Causes Of Water Pollution

3.1. 5.3.1.Types of Oil

Very light oils (jet fuel, gasoline) are highly volatile and evaporate quickly. Very light oils are one of the most
acutely toxic oils and generally affect aquatic life (fish, invertebrates, and plants) that live in the upper water

Light oils (diesel, light crude, heating oils) are moderately volatile and can leave a residue of up to one third of
the amount spilled after several days. Light oils leave a film on intertidal resources and have the potential to
cause long-term contamination.

Medium oils (most crude oils) are less likely to mix with water and can cause severe and long-term
contamination to intertidal areas. Medium oils can also severely impact waterfowl and fur-bearing aquatic

Heavy oils (heavy crude, No. 6 fuel oil and Bunker C) do not readily mix with water and have far less
evaporation and dilution potential. These oils tend to weather slowly. Heavy oil can cause severe long-term
contamination of intertidal areas and sediments. Heavy oils have severe impacts on waterfowl and fur-bearing
aquatic mammals. Cleanup of heavy oil is difficult and usually long-term.

Very heavy oils can float, mix, sink, or hang in the water. These oils can become oil drops and mix in the water,
or accumulate on the bottom, or mix with sediment and then sink.

3.2. 5.3.2.Wildlife and Habitat

Oil causes harm to wildlife through physical contact, ingestion, inhalation and absorption. Floating oil can
contaminate plankton, which includes algae, fish eggs, and the larvae of various invertebrates. Fish that feed on
these organisms can subsequently become contaminated. Larger animals in the food chain, including bigger fish,
birds, terrestrial mammals, and even humans may then consume contaminated organisms.

Initially, oil has the greatest impacts on species that utilize the water surface, such as waterfowl and sea otters,
and species that inhabit the near shore environment. Although oil causes immediate effects throughout the entire
spill site, it is the external effects of oil on larger wildlife species that are often immediately apparent.


Aquatic algae and seaweed responds variably to oil, and oil spills may result in die-offs for some species. Algae
may die or become more abundant in response to oil spills. Although oil can prevent the germination and growth
of aquatic plants, most vegetation, including kelp, appears to recover after cleanup.

Pool of oil on a heavily impacted beach, Prince William Sound, AK. NOAA

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5.The Causes Of Water Pollution


Oil can be directly toxic to aquatic invertebrates or impact them through physical smothering, altering metabolic
and feeding rates, and altering shell formation. These toxic effects can be both acute (lethal) and chronic (sub-
lethal). Intertidal benthic (bottom dwelling) invertebrates may be especially vulnerable when oil becomes highly
concentrated along the shoreline. Additionally, sediments can become reservoirs for the spilled petroleum. Some
benthic invertebrates can survive exposure, but may accumulate high levels of contaminants in their bodies that
can be passed on to predators.


Fish can be impacted directly through uptake by the gills, ingestion of oil or oiled prey, effects on eggs and
larval survival, or changes in the ecosystem that support the fish. Adult fish may experience reduced growth,
enlarged livers, changes in heart and respiration rates, fin erosion, and reproductive impairment when exposed
to oil. Oil has the potential to impact spawning success, as eggs and larvae of many fish species, including
salmon, are highly sensitive to oil toxins.

Birds and Mammals

Physical contact with oil destroys the insulation value of fur and feathers, causing birds and fur-bearing
mammals to die of hypothermia. In cold climates, an inch diameter oil drop can be enough to kill a bird. Heavily
oiled birds can loose their ability to fly and their buoyancy, causing drowning.

In efforts to clean themselves, birds and otters ingest and inhale oil. Ingestion can kill animals immediately, but
more often results in lung, liver, and kidney damage and subsequent death. Seals and sea lions may be exposed
to oil while breathing or resting at the water‟s surface or through feeding on contaminated species.

Long-term or chronic effects on birds and aquatic mammals are less understood, but oil ingestion has been
shown to cause suppression to the immune system, organ damage, skin irritation and ulceration, damage to the
adrenal system, and behavioural changes. Damage to the immune system can lead to secondary infections that
cause death and behavioural changes may affect an individual‟s ability to find food or avoid predators. Oil also
affects animals in non-lethal ways such as impairing reproduction.

Avian and mammalian scavengers such as ravens, eagles, and foxes etc. are also exposed to oil by feeding on
carcasses of contaminated fish and wildlife.


Oil has the potential to persist in the environment long after a spill event and has been detected in sediment 30
years after a spill. Oil spills may cause shifts in population structure, species abundance and diversity, and
distribution. Habitat loss and the loss of prey items also have the potential to affect fish and wildlife populations.

Oil remains in the environment long after a spill event, especially in areas sheltered from weathering processes,
such as the subsurface sediments under gravel shorelines, and in some soft substrates. However, pelagic and
offshore communities are fairly resilient and rebound more quickly than inshore habitats. Although oil is still
present in the sediment and coastal areas 15 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound,
Alaska, some wildlife populations have recovered. It is believed that continued effects will most likely be
restricted to populations that reside or feed in isolated areas that contain oil.

The Figure 26. illustrates the types of methods which workers employ to clean-up the surface waters. (British
Petrol, Gulf of Mexico, Oil Spill 2010 – BBC)

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5.The Causes Of Water Pollution

Removing Oil from Surface Waters

Skimmers, which skate over the water, brushing up the oil are also being employed and more than 90,000
barrels of oil-water mix have been removed.

Around 190 miles of floating boom (Figure 27.) are being used as part of the efforts to stop oil reaching the
coast. A US charity is even making booms out of nylon tights, animal fur and human hair. Hair donations have
been sent from around the world to help make the special booms, which will be laid on beaches to soak up any
oil that washes ashore.

Dispersant chemicals, rather like soap, are being sprayed from ships and aircraft in an effort to help break down
the oil - which is also degraded by wind and waves.

Burning is another method used to tackle oil spills - although it can be tricky to carry out and has associated
environmental risks such as toxic smoke.

So far emergency crews have had little success in containing the spill using those methods.

New underwater technology aimed at stopping crude oil rising to the surface at the site of the leak has had some

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5.The Causes Of Water Pollution

4. 5.4.Atmospheric
Atmospheric deposition is the pollution of water caused by air pollution (Figure 28.).

Several processes can result in the formation of acid deposition. Nitrogen oxides (NO x) and sulphur dioxide
(SO2) released into the atmosphere from a variety of sources call fall to the ground simply as dry deposition.
This dry deposition can then be converted into acids when these deposited chemicals meet water.

Most wet acid deposition forms when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are converted to nitric
acid (HNO3) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) through oxidation and dissolution. Wet deposition can also form when
ammonia gas (NH3) from natural sources is converted into ammonium (NH 4).


In the atmosphere, water particles mix with carbon dioxide sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, this forms a
weak acid. Air pollution means that water vapour absorbs more of these gases and becomes even more acidic.
When it rains the water is polluted with these gases, this is called acid rain. When acid rain pollutes marine
habitats such as rivers and lakes, aquatic life is harmed (Figure 29.). Lake acidification begins with the
deposition of the by products acid precipitation (SO4 and H+ ions) in terrestrial areas located adjacent to the
water body (Figure 29.). Hydrologic processes then move these chemicals through soil and bedrock where they
can react with limestone and aluminium-containing silicate minerals. After these chemical reactions, the
leachate continues to travel until it reaches the lake. The acidity of the leachate entering lake is controlled by the
chemical composition of the effected lake's surrounding soil and bedrock. If the soil and bedrock is rich in
limestone the acidity of the infiltrate can be reduced by the buffering action of calcium and magnesium
compounds. Toxic aluminium (and some other toxic heavy metals) can leach into the lake if the soil and
bedrock is rich in aluminium-rich silicate minerals.

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5.The Causes Of Water Pollution

5. 5.5.Nuclear waste
Nuclear waste is produced from industrial, medical and scientific processes that use radioactive material.
Nuclear waste can have detrimental effects on marine habitats. Nuclear waste comes from a number of sources:

• Operations conducted by nuclear power stations produce radioactive waste. Nuclear-fuel reprocessing plants
in northern Europe are the biggest sources of man-made nuclear waste in the surrounding ocean. Radioactive
traces from these plants have been found as far away as Greenland.

• Mining and refining of uranium and thorium are also causes of marine nuclear waste.

• Waste is also produced in the nuclear fuel cycle which is used in many industrial, medical and scientific
processes (Figure 30.).

6. 5.6.Global Climate Change

An increase in water temperature can result in the death of many aquatic organisms and disrupt many marine
habitats. For example, a rise in water temperatures causes coral bleaching of reefs around the world. This is
when the coral expels the microorganisms of which it is dependent on. This can result in great damage to coral
reefs and subsequently, all the marine life that depends on it.

The rise in the Earth‟s water temperature is caused by global warming.

Global warming is a process where the average global temperature increases due to the greenhouse effect.

The burning of fossil fuel releases greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere.

This causes heat from the sun to get „trapped‟ in the Earth‟s atmosphere and consequently the global
temperature rises.

7. 5.7.Eutrophication
Causes of eutrophication are summarized on the Figure 31..

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5.The Causes Of Water Pollution

Eutrophication is when the environment becomes enriched with nutrients. This can be a problem in marine
habitats such as lakes as it can cause algal blooms.

Fertilisers are often used in farming, sometimes these fertilisers run-off into nearby water causing an increase in
nutrient levels.

This causes phytoplankton to grow and reproduce more rapidly, resulting in algal blooms.

This bloom of algae disrupts normal ecosystem functioning and causes many problems.

The algae may use up all the oxygen in the water, leaving none for other marine life. This results in the death of
many aquatic organisms such as fish, which need the oxygen in the water to live.

The bloom of algae may also block sunlight from photosynthetic marine plants under the water surface.

Some algae even produce toxins that are harmful to higher forms of life. This can cause problems along the food
chain and affect any animal that feeds on them.(I)

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6. fejezet - 6.Pollution sources
1. 6.1.Non-point source (NPS) pollution
Non-point source (NPS) pollution is water pollution affecting a water body from diffuse sources, such as
polluted runoff from agricultural areas draining into a river, or wind-borne debris blowing out to sea. Nonpoint
source pollution can be contrasted with point source pollution, where discharges occur to a body of water at a
single location, such as discharges from a chemical factory, urban runoff from a roadway storm drain, or from
ships at sea. (EPA, 2002) .

Other significant sources of runoff include hydrological and habitat modification.

Contaminated storm water washed off of parking lots, roads and highways, and lawns (often containing
fertilizers and pesticides) are called urban runoff. This runoff is often classified as a type of NPS pollution.
Some people may also consider it a point source because many times it is channelled into municipal storm drain
systems and discharged through pipes to nearby surface waters (I).

However, not all urban runoff flows through storm drain systems before entering water bodies. Some may flow
directly into water bodies, especially in developing and suburban areas. Also, unlike other types of point
sources, such as industrial discharge, wastewater plants and other operations, pollution in urban runoff cannot be
attributed to one activity or even group of activities. Therefore, because it is not caused by an easily identified
and regulated activity, urban runoff pollution sources are also often treated as true nonpoint sources as
municipalities work to abate them (I).

2. 6.2.Point Sources
Point-source pollutants in surface water and groundwater are usually found in a plume that has the highest
concentrations of the pollutant nearest the source (such as the end of a pipe or an underground injection system)
and diminishing concentrations farther away from the source. The various types of point-source pollutants found
in waters are as varied as the types of business, industry, agricultural, and urban sources that produce them.

Hydrobiological and hydrochemical conditions (abundance of biota, oxygen balance, concentration of nutrients
etc.) in the surface waters after the sewage discharge are illustrated on Figure 33.

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6.Pollution sources

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6.Pollution sources

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6.Pollution sources

Commercial and industrial businesses use hazardous materials in manufacturing or maintenance, and then
discharge various wastes from their operations. The raw materials and wastes may include pollutants such as
solvents, petroleum products (such as oil and gasoline), or heavy metals . Point sources of pollution from
agriculture may include animal feeding operations, animal waste treatment lagoons, or storage, handling,
mixing, and cleaning areas for pesticides, fertilizers, and petroleum. Municipal point sources might include
wastewater treatment plants, landfills, utility stations, motor pools, and fleet maintenance facilities.

For all of these activities, hazardous materials may be included in the raw materials used in the process as well
as in the waste stream for the facility. If the facility or operator does not handle, store, and dispose of the raw
materials and wastes properly, these pollutants could end up in the water supply. This may occur through
discharges at the end of a pipe to surface water, discharges on the ground that move through the ground with
infiltrating rainwater, or direct discharges beneath the ground surface (I).

Factories and sewage treatment plants are two common types of point sources. Factories, including oil
refineries, pulp and paper mills, and chemical, electronics and automobile manufacturers, typically discharge
one or more pollutants in their discharged waters (called effluents). Some factories discharge their effluents
directly into a water body. Others treat it themselves before it is released, and still others send their wastes to
sewage treatment plants for treatment. Sewage treatment plants treat human wastes and send the treated effluent
to a stream or river.

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7. fejezet - 7.Acid Rain
Acid deposition is the falling of acids from the atmosphere to the earth's surface. It is more commonly known as
acid rain, which occurs when the acids are contained in droplets of rain. There are two major sources of acid
rain: sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Sulphur dioxide contributes to about seventy percent of acid rain
while nitrogen oxides provide the remaining thirty percent.

2. 7.1.Sources of Acid Rain

The sources of sulphur in the atmosphere include coal combustion, smelting, organic decay, and ocean spray.
Approximately ninety percent of atmospheric sulphur results from human activities. In the atmosphere, sulphurs
dioxide combines with water vapour to form hydrogen sulphite gas: SO 2 + H2O → H2SO4. Next, hydrogen
sulphite reacts with oxygen to form sulphuric acid, a major component of acid rain: H 2SO3 + 1/2O2 → H2SO4.

The sources of nitrogen oxides include the combustion of oil, coal and natural gas, forest fires, bacterial action
in soil, volcanic gases, and lighting-induced atmospheric reactions. In the atmosphere, nitrogen monoxide reacts
with oxygen gas to form nitrogen dioxide gas: NO + 1/2O2 → NO2. Then, nitrogen dioxide reacts with water
vapour in the atmosphere to form hydrogen nitrite and hydrogen nitrate: 2NO 2 + H2O → HNO2 + HNO3.
Hydrogen nitrite and hydrogen nitrate are both acidic compounds that contribute significantly to acid rain
(Figure 40.).

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7.Acid Rain

3. 7.2.Effects of Acid Rain on Aquatic Ecosystems

Acid rain has a number of negative effects on both humans and the environment. It is especially harmful to
aquatic ecosystems, as streams, ponds, and leaks on acidic or neutral bedrock are extremely sensitive to acidic
deposition. Acid rain leaches heavy metals from bedrock, and these metals often poison fish and other aquatic

While some species of fish can survive acidic rainfall, the rapid melting of acidic snow can result in acidic
concentrations five to ten times higher than the usual acidity produced by acid rain. Acid shock produced by
such melting kills fish by altering their body chemistry, reducing oxygen intake, and disrupting muscle
conditions. In addition to emitting the gases that contribute to acid rain, coal combustion also releases mercury
into the environment. In aquatic ecosystems, this mercury is converted to methyl mercury and is absorbed by the
fatty tissues of fish. Upon eating these fish, humans may suffer nervous system and kidney ailments.

4. 7.3.Effects of Acid Rain on Soil and Plants

Equally significant are the negative effects of acid rain on soil and plants. Acid rain leaches essential plant
nutrients from the soil, causing decline in plant growth. Some of the important nutrients lost include calcium,
potassium, and magnesium. Acid rain also leaches metals such as lead and mercury from minerals. These metals
cause harm to the plants that absorb them and to the people that eat the plants.

Aluminium ions leached from the soil by acid rain damage plant roots and inhibit the plants uptake of essential
nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and water (Figure 41.).

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7.Acid Rain

While most plants struggle in highly acidic soil, some species of mosses thrive, and as a result they often
multiply and eliminate air from the soil. This further decreases the other plants' chances of survival in acidic
conditions. Finally, acid rain reduces the health of trees and vegetation so that they are susceptible to insects,
disease, drought, and severe weather.

5. 7.4.Effects of Acid Rain on Humans

The effects of acid rain on humans also deserve consideration. Toxic metals released into the environment by
acid rain may enter water supplies or accumulate in fish and crops. Acid deposition also destroys statues,
headstones, buildings, and fountains. Limestone structures are especially susceptible because they dissolve
easily in acidic solutions. Finally, acid rain lowers the productivity of fisheries, forests, and farms, lowering
profits and causing job losses in those industries.

6. 7.5.Ways to Control and Prevent Acid Rain

The following is a list of strategies that can contribute to the prevention and clean-up of acid rain:

1. design more efficient automobile engines in order to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions

2. increase efficiency of power plants that burn coal in order to reduce waste that contains sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide

3. increase penalties on industries that do not meet air pollution guidelines

4. increase tax incentives to industries that do meet guidelines

5. increase funding for alternative energy sources; for example, give tax incentives to buyers of hybrid cars

6. provide tax incentives to companies that use alternative energy sources

7. add CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) to lakes suffering from acid deposition; calcium carbonate acts as a buffer,
resisting a change in pH and lessening the negative effects of acid rain

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8. fejezet - 9.pH effects on the aquatic
1. 8.1.pH: Percent Hydrogen
pH measures the concentration of hydrogen ions, or protons (H +), in a solution. The higher the proton
concentration, the more acidic the solution. The lower the proton concentration, the more basic the solution. pH
is calculated by taking the negative log of the proton concentration.

For example, if a solution had a proton concentration of 1.0 x 10 -7, the pH of that solution would be seven, or
neutral. An acidic solution, on the other hand, would have a pH in the range of zero to seven, while the pH of a
basic solution would range from seven to fourteen. Each whole number change on the pH indicates a tenfold
change in the proton concentration (Figure 42.).

For example, a solution with a pH of four is ten times more acidic as a solution with a pH of five. Some
common examples of acids include citrus fruits, vinegar, and hydrochloric acid (HCl). Some common bases
include baking soda, detergent, and household ammonia.

pH of Rainfall

Natural rainfall is slightly acidic, with a pH of about 5.6. This natural acidity results from the reaction between
carbon dioxide and water vapour in the atmosphere to produce carbonic acid: CO 2 + H2O → H2CO3. However, if
enough sulphur and nitrogen oxides are present in the atmosphere, the pH of rainfall will drop below five, and at
this point it can be classified as acid rain.

pH of Aquatic Environments

Most freshwater aquatic ecosystems have a natural pH ranging from six to eight. However, acid rain can cause
this number to decrease significantly, and in doing so can produce many harmful ecological effects.

Most fish thrive within a pH range of six to seven. However, as this pH decreases and approaches five, plankton
and mosses may invade, as these species prefer acidic conditions. Some species of fish have difficulty
competing with the plankton and mosses for light and nutrients, and as a result their populations begin to
decrease. Below a pH of five, entire populations of fish disappear, undecayed organic matter accumulates at the
bottom of the lake or stream, and mosses dominate areas near the shore. Below a pH of four-and-a-half, the
ecosystem is essentially devoid of fish.

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9.pH effects on the aquatic

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9. fejezet - 9.Eutrophication
1. 9.1.Eutrophication processes
Eutrophication occurs when large quantities of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates enter an aquatic
environment. Sources of these nutrients include animal wastes, agricultural runoff, and sewage. The ecosystem
quickly experiences an increase in photosynthetic and blue-green algae, as these organisms thrive in the
presence of the added nutrients. An algae bloom occurs as the algae accumulates into dense, visible patches near
the surface of the water, prohibiting light from penetrating deeper areas of lake or stream.

Some fish are unable to survive without this light, but for them an even more serious problem arises when the
algae begin to die. At this point, oxygen-demanding bacteria take over the ecosystem, decomposing the algae
and using up dissolved oxygen in the process. These bacteria increase the biological oxygen demand (BOD) of
the ecosystem.

BOD is the amount of oxygen required for the decomposition of organic compounds by microorganisms in a
given amount of water. It is usually measured in milligrams of oxygen consumed per litre of water. Biological
oxygen demand is important because it affects the amount of dissolved oxygen available to all species in an
aquatic ecosystem. A higher BOD indicates a lower level of dissolved oxygen. This lower concentration of
oxygen causes many fish to suffocate, and as they die, the number of oxygen-demanding decomposers increases
even more (I).

2. 9.2.Causes of Eutrophication
The two major causes of eutrophication are excess nitrates and excess phosphates in water. It is important to
study these nutrients because oftentimes, human activity is responsible for their negative effect on the

2.1. 9.2.1.Nitrates

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Nitrates (NO3-) are water-soluble (they dissolve easily in water), and are commonly applied to agricultural fields
as fertilizer. Once applied, nitrates may leach into groundwater or erode and end up in surface runoff.
Eventually, they may enter a lake, river, or stream and contribute to eutrophication. Nitrates can also vaporize
into the atmosphere, where they become a major source of acid rain. When ingested by organisms in drinking
water, nitrates bind to haemoglobin and reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the bloodstream. This form of
nitrate poisoning seems particularly prevalent among amphibians, and may be contributing to a worldwide
decline in the biodiversity of these species.

2.2. 9.2.2.Phosphates
Unlike nitrates, phosphates (PO43-), are not water-soluble; they do not usually dissolve in water. However, they
do adhere to soil particles, and as such often accumulate in soil and erode along with soil into aquatic
environments. Phosphates also form a major component of most fertilizers, and in conjunction with nitrates,
they have made agriculture the largest source of nonpoint water pollution (I).

3. 9.3.Controlling Eutrophication
3.1. 9.3.1.Ecological consequences
There are numerous outcomes to the ecosystems associated with eutrophication environments. Most of these are
viewed as unfavourable to the biota which have historically comprised a given habitat.

The general types of ecological consequences include: reduction in biodiversity, die-off of certain organisms,
reduction in visibility and mobility functions due to biotic overgrowth (which effects can interfere with plant
metabolism and with aquatic animal transport); reduction in dissolved oxygen and associated fitness reduction
in animals dependent upon oxygen levels (Figure 46.).

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In the case of utter transformation of lakes to bogs and meadows, the ecological consequences are extreme, and
result in replacement of an original ecosystem with an entirely different one; such progression occurs in the
natural world, although human induced additions of N and P greatly accelerate the progression as compared to a
natural landscape evolution. In such accelerated circumstances, organisms may not have the time needed to
migrate or adapt to the rapidly altered new environment.

Eutrophication control

The following is a list of methods that can be used to control eutrophication:

• planting vegetation along streambeds to slow erosion and absorb nutrients

• controlling application amount and timing of fertilizer

• controlling runoff from feedlots

• researching use of biological controls; for example, the process of denitrification uses specialized bacteria that
convert nitrates to harmless molecular nitrogen

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10. fejezet - 10.Pollution control
1. 10.1.Nonpoint Pollution Control
Most nonpoint water pollution results from the runoff of agricultural products such as fertilizer. The following is
a list of strategies that can control nonpoint water pollution:1. Reduce the need for fertilizer by planting crops
that absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere. Legumes such as soybeans contain specialized bacteria that "fix"
atmospheric nitrogen, converting it into usable nitrates. These legumes can be planted alternately with normal
crops. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) are typically applied to farmland as commercial fertilizer; animal
manure; or spraying of municipal or industrial wastewater (effluent) or sludge. Nutrients may also enter runoff
from crop residues, irrigation water, wildlife, and atmospheric deposition. Farmers can develop and implement
nutrient management plans to reduce excess application of nutrients (I).

1. Plant buffer zones between agricultural fields and nearby surface water. These zones prevent fertilizer from
entering the water and causing eutrophication.

2. Reduce harmful pesticide runoff by applying pesticides as sparingly as possible. To minimize pesticide
impacts, farmers may use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques (which can include biological pest
control) to maintain control over pests, reduce reliance on chemical pesticides, and protect water quality (I).

3. Control runoff of animal wastes by locating grazing areas on flat land that is removed from surface water and
flood zones.

4. Reduce soil erosion and flooding through reforestation of watersheds . To control sediment, farmers may
utilize erosion controls to reduce runoff flows and retain soil on their fields. Common techniques include
contour ploughing, crop mulching, crop rotation, planting perennial crops and installing riparian buffers (I).

2. 10.2.Point Pollution Control

Two major sources of point pollution in water are oil spills and sewage disposal. Oil spills can be cleaned up
through mechanical, chemical, and natural methods. Mechanical methods include using small boats to vacuum
up oil off the surface of the water and using large absorbent pads to soak up oil on beaches.

Chemical methods involve dispersing agents that make slicks of oil less concentrated, or congealing agents that
do just the opposite, clumping oil together so that it sinks to the bottom and does less harm. Over time, natural
forces such as winds and waves mix the oil together with water, and some bacteria are able to decompose it.
Overall, however, these methods remove only part of the oil, usually only 12-15% of what was originally
spilled. The best way to protect water from oil spills is to prevent the spills from ever occurring in the first place.
This can be done by requiring double hulls for all oil tankers and by protecting sensitive coastal areas from oil
drilling and shipping.

In urban areas, sewage flows through a network of pipes to wastewater treatment facilities. When rain causes
these sewer systems to overflow, untreated sewage is discharged directly into surface waters. The best way to
control this type of pollution may be to prevent toxic wastes from ever reaching sewage plants at all. This can be
accomplished through the following methods:

1. Requiring industries to remove all hazardous wastes from water sent to sewage treatment plants.

2. Encourage industries to reduce toxic chemical use and waste through cleaner production.

3. Encourage the use of less harmful household chemicals

4. Introduce the Water Sensitive Urban Design Methods (WSUD)

Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) is an approach to the planning and design of urban environments that
supports healthy ecosystems, lifestyles and livelihoods through smart management of all our waters.

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10.Pollution control

The three diagrams below illustrate how the water-cycle works in natural and urban areas. The diagram on the
right highlights the potential benefits of Water Sensitive Urban Design in achieving a more natural hydrologic
regime (Figure 47.).

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11. fejezet - 11.Water treatment (short
1. 11.1.Denitrification
Denitrification is an ecological approach that can be used to prevent the leaching of nitrates in soil, this in turn
stops any ground water from being contaminated with nutrients.

• Fertilisers contain nitrogen, and are often applied to crops by farmers to help plant growth and increase the

• Bacteria in the soil convert the nitrogen in the fertilizer to nitrates, making it easier for the plants to absorb.

• Immobilization is a process where the nitrates become part of the soil organic matter.

• When oxygen levels are low, another form of bacteria then turns the nitrates into gases such as nitrogen,
nitrous oxide and nitrogen dioxide.

• The conversion of these nitrates into gas is called denitrification. This prevents nitrates from leaching into the
soil and contaminating groundwater.

2. 11.2.Septic tanks and sewage treatment

Septic tanks treat sewage at the place where it is located, rather than transporting the waste through a treatment
plant or sewage system. Septic tanks are usually used to treat sewage from an individual building.

• Untreated sewage from a property flows into the septic tank and the solids are separated from the liquid.

• Solid material is separated depending on their density. Heavier particles settle at the bottom of the tank
whereas lighter particles, such as soap scum, will form a layer at the top of the tank.

• Biological processes are used to help degrade the solid materials ().

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

• The liquid then flows out of the tank into a land drainage system and the remaining solids are filtered out
(Figure 49.).

3. 11.3.Ozone wastewater treatment

Ozone wastewater treatment is a method that is increasing in popularity. An ozone generator is used to break
down pollutants in the water source.

The generators convert oxygen into ozone by using ultraviolet radiation or by an electric discharge field (Figure

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

Ozone is a very reactive gas that can oxidise bacteria, moulds, organic material and other pollutants found in

Using ozone to treat wastewater has many benefits:

• Kills bacteria effectively.

• Oxidises substances such as iron and sulphur so that they can be filtered out of the solution.

• There are no nasty odours or residues produced from the treatment.

• Ozone converts back into oxygen quickly, and leaves no trace once it has been used.

The disadvantages of using ozone as a treatment for wastewater are:

• The treatment requires energy in the form of electricity; this can cost money and cannot work when the power
is lost.

• The treatment cannot remove dissolved minerals and salts.

• Ozone treatment can sometimes produce by-products such as bromate that can harm human health if they are
not controlled.

4. 11.4.Industrial water treatment

Before raw sewage can be safely released back into the environment, it needs to be treated correctly in a water
treatment plant. In a water treatment plant, sewage goes through a number of chambers and chemical processes
to reduce the amount and toxicity of the waste.

• The sewage first goes through a primary phase. This is where some of the suspended, solid particles and
inorganic material is removed by the use of filters.

• The secondary phase of the treatment involves the reduction of organic; this is done with the use of biological
filters and processes that naturally degrade the organic waste material.

• The final stage of treatment is the tertiary phase; this stage must be done before the water can be reused.
Almost all solid particles are removed from the water and chemical additives are supplied to get rid of any
left-over impurities.

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

Sewage treatment generally involves three stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment (Figure 53.).

4.1. 11.4.1.Primary treatment

Primary treatment consists of temporarily holding the sewage in a quiescent basin where heavy solids can settle
to the bottom while oil, grease and lighter solids float to the surface. The settled and floating materials are
removed and the remaining liquid may be discharged or subjected to secondary treatment.

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

In the primary sedimentation stage, sewage flows through large tanks, commonly called “primary clarifiers” or
“primary sedimentation tanks” (Figure 56).

The tanks are used to settle sludge while grease and oils rise to the surface and are skimmed off. Primary settling
tanks are usually equipped with mechanically driven scrapers that continually drive the collected sludge towards
a hopper in the base of the tank where it is pumped to sludge treatment facilities. Grease and oil from the
floating material can sometimes be recovered for saponification.

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

The dimensions of the tank should be designed to effect removal of a high percentage of the floatables and
sludge. A typical sedimentation tank may remove from 60 to 65 percent of suspended solids, and from 30 to 35
percent of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) from the sewage.

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

4.2. 11.4.2.Secondary treatment

Secondary treatment removes dissolved and suspended biological matter. Secondary treatment is typically
performed by indigenous, water-borne micro-organisms in a managed habitat. Secondary treatment may require
a separation process to remove the micro-organisms from the treated water prior to discharge or tertiary

Secondary treatment is designed to substantially degrade the biological content of the sewage which is derived
from human waste, food waste, soaps and detergent. The majority of municipal plants treat the settled sewage
liquor using aerobic biological processes. To be effective, the biota requires both oxygen and food to live. The
bacteria and protozoa consume biodegradable soluble organic contaminants (e.g. sugars, fats, organic short-
chain carbon molecules, etc.) and bind much of the less soluble fractions into flock. Secondary treatment
systems are classified as fixed-film or suspended-growth systems (Figure 59).

Fixed-film or attached growth systems include trickling filters and rotating biological contactors, where the
biomass grows on media and the sewage passes over its surface (Figure 61).

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

Suspended-growth systems include activated sludge, where the biomass is mixed with the sewage and can be
operated in a smaller space than fixed-film systems that treat the same amount of water (Figure 65.).

However, fixed-film systems are more able to cope with drastic changes in the amount of biological material
and can provide higher removal rates for organic material and suspended solids than suspended growth systems
(Figure 66.).

Roughing filters are intended to treat particularly strong or variable organic loads, typically industrial, to allow
them to then be treated by conventional secondary treatment processes. Characteristics include filters filled with
media to which wastewater is applied. They are designed to allow high hydraulic loading and a high level of
aeration. On larger installations, air is forced through the media using blowers. The resultant wastewater is
usually within the normal range for conventional treatment processes.

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

A filter removes a small percentage of the suspended organic matter, while the majority of the organic matter
undergoes a change of character, only due to the biological oxidation and nitrification taking place in the filter.
With this aerobic oxidation and nitrification, the organic solids are converted into coagulated suspended mass,
which is heavier and bulkier, and can settle to the bottom of a tank. The effluent of the filter is therefore passed
through a sedimentation tank, called a secondary clarifier, secondary settling tank or humus tank

4.3. 11.4.3.Tertiary treatment

Tertiary treatment is sometimes defined as anything more than primary and secondary treatment in order to
allow rejection into a highly sensitive or fragile ecosystem (wetlands, estuaries, low-flow rivers, coral reefs,...).
Treated water is sometimes disinfected chemically or physically (for example, by lagoons and microfiltration)
prior to discharge into a stream, river, bay, lagoon or wetland, or it can be used for the irrigation of a golf
course, green way or park. If it is sufficiently clean, it can also be used for groundwater recharge or agricultural
purposes. The process summary of the wastewater treatment shown in Figure 71.

4.4. 11.4.4.Terms
activated sludge: sludge particles produced by the growth of microorganisms in aerated tanks as a part of the
activated sludge process to treat wastewater

aeration: exposing to circulating air; adds oxygen to the wastewater and allows other gases trapped in the
wastewater to escape (the first step in secondary treatment via activated sludge process)

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): a laboratory measurement of wastewater that is one of the main indicators
of the quantity of pollutants present; a parameter used to measure the amount of oxygen that will be consumed
by microorganisms during the biological reaction of oxygen with organic material

biosolids: sludge that is intended for beneficial use. Biosolids must meet certain government specified criteria
depending on its use (e.g., fertilizer or soil amendment).

decomposition: the process of breaking down into constituent parts or elements

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11.Water treatment (short summary)

domestic wastewater: wastewater that comes primarily from individuals, and does not generally include
industrial or agricultural wastewater

effluent: treated wastewater, flowing from a lagoon, tank, treatment process, or treatment plant

grit chamber: a chamber or tank used in primary treatment where wastewater slows down and heavy, large
solids (grit) settle out and are removed

influent: wastewater flowing into a treatment plant

lagoons (oxidation ponds or stabilization ponds): a wastewater treatment method that uses ponds to treat
wastewater. Algae grow within the lagoons and utilize sunlight to produce oxygen, which is in turn used by
microorganisms in the lagoon to break down organic material in the wastewater. Wastewater solids settle in the
lagoon, resulting in effluent that is relatively well treated, although it does contain algae.

municipal: of or relating to a municipality (city, town, etc.). Municipal wastewater is primarily domestic

primary treatment: the first stage of wastewater treatment that removes settleable or floating solids only;
generally removes 40% of the suspended solids and 30-40% of the BOD in the wastewater

secondary treatment: a type of wastewater treatment used to convert dissolved and suspended pollutants into a
form that can be removed, producing a relatively highly treated effluent. Secondary treatment normally utilizes
biological treatment processes (activated sludge, trickling filters, etc.) followed by settling tanks and will
remove approximately 85% of the BOD and TSS in wastewater. Secondary treatment for municipal wastewater
is the minimum level of treatment required by the Clean Water Act.

sedimentation: the process used in both primary and secondary wastewater treatment, that takes place when
gravity pulls particles to the bottom of a tank (also called settling).

settling tank (sedimentation tank or clarifier): a vessel in which solids settle out of water by gravity during
wastewater or drinking water treatment processes.

sludge: any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste that settles to the bottom of sedimentation tanks (in wastewater
treatment plants or drinking water treatment plants) or septic tanks.

tertiary treatment: any level of treatment beyond secondary treatment, which could include filtration, nutrient
removal (removal of nitrogen and phosphorus) and removal of toxic chemicals or metals; also called “advanced
treatment” when nutrient removal is included.

total suspended solids (TSS): a laboratory measurement of the quantity of suspended solids present in
wastewater that is one of the main indicators of the quantity of pollutants present

trickling filter process: a biological treatment process that uses coarse media (usually rock or plastic) contained
in a tank that serves as a surface on which microbiological growth occurs. Wastewater trickles over the media
and microorganisms remove the pollutants (BOD and TSS). Trickling filters are followed by settling tanks to
remove microorganisms that wash off or pass through the trickling filter media.

turbidity: the cloudy or muddy appearance of a naturally clear liquid caused by the suspension of particulate

wastewater: water that has been used for domestic or industrial purposes

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12. fejezet - 12.Constructed Wetlands
as natural wastewater treatment
1. 12.1.Introduction
Constructed wetlands are attached-growth biological filters that are distinguished from other treatment processes
by the use of plants that are adapted to grow in saturated environments. With the inclusion of plants, treatment
wetlands have the appearance of a wetland habitat, and employ many of the same biological processes found in
natural wetland ecosystems (Wallace, 2003).

Natural wetlands have historically been used as receiving bodies for effluent discharges, and their use in the
United States has been documented as early as 1912 (Kadlec R.H. and Knight R., 1996). With the advent of
wetland regulation under the Clean Water Act, natural wetlands are now rarely used for secondary treatment of
wastewater, although in certain situations, treated effluent has been applied to natural wetlands to stabilize the
wetland hydrology and create wildlife habitat (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1993a).

Unlike most treatment processes that focus on a single treatment mechanism or type of pollutant, wetlands use
numerous interdependent, symbiotic processes for concurrent removal of several different types of pollutants.
For instance, sedimentation, filtration, microbial degradation, and volatilization are among the treatment
processes that occur simultaneously in constructed wetlands.

2. 12.2.Types of constructed Wetlands

Constructed wetlands are man-made systems that have been designed to emphasize specific characteristics of
the wetland habitat in order to improve their treatment capacity. To date, three major types of constructed
wetland reactors have been developed and are in widespread use:

1. Free Water Surface (FWS) wetlands have exposed water bodies and are similar to natural marshes.

2. Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB) wetlands employ a gravel bed planted with wetland vegetation. The water
is kept below the surface of the gravel, and flows horizontally from the inlet to the outlet.

3. Vertical Flow (VF) wetlands distribute water across the surface of a sand or gravel bed. The water percolates
down through the plant root zone. A Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland is a filter bed that is planted with
aquatic plants. Wastewater is poured or dosed onto the wetland surface from above using a mechanical
dosing system. The water flows vertically down through the filter matrix. The important difference between a
vertical and horizontal wetland is not simply the direction of the flow path, but rather the aerobic conditions.

Hereinafter referred to as the FWS and VSB wetlands are described and compared.

2.1. 12.2.1.Free Water Surface Wetlands

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These wetlands have a combination of open water areas with some floating vegetation as well as emergent
plants rooted in the soil bottom. Depending upon local regulations and soil conditions, berms, dikes, and liners
are used to control flow and infiltration. As the wastewater flows through the leaves and stems of plants it is
treated by the processes of sedimentation, filtration, oxidation, reduction, adsorption, and precipitation (United
States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000).

Since FWS constructed wetlands closely resemble natural wetlands it should be no surprise they invariably
attract a wide variety of wildlife, namely, protozoa, insects, mollusks, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and
mammals (Kadlec R.H. and Knight R., 1996; Knight R.L. et al., 1993). Because of the potential for pathogen
exposure, FWS wetlands are rarely used for secondary treatment (United States Environmental Protection
Agency, 2002). The most common applications for FWS wetlands it to polish effluent from a lagoon, trickling
filter, activated sludge, or other secondary treatment process.

Generally FWS are more suitable in warmer climates, because biological decomposition rates are temperature
dependent, decreasing with decreasing water temperature. In addition if ice covers the open water surface the
transfer of oxygen from the atmosphere is reduced (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000)

2.2. 12.2.2.Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB) Wetlands

Vegetated submerged Bed (VSB) constructed wetlands (also known as subsurface flow wetlands) consist of
gravel and soil beds planted with wetland vegetation. They are typically designed to treat primary effluent up to
secondary standards. In contrast to the FWS wetland, the wastewater stays beneath the surface of the media,
flows in contact with the roots and rhizomes of the plants. Because the water is not exposed during the treatment
process, the risk of pathogen exposure is minimized, and properly operated VSB‟s do not provide suitable
habitat for mosquitoes and other vectors.

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A typical conventional VSB, as depicted above, contains inlet piping, clay or synthetic membrane liner, filter
media, emergent vegetation, berms, and outlet piping with water level control. They are generally low in cost
and maintenance requirements, and are most commonly used for single-family homes.

2.3. 12.2.3.Overview of treatment mechanisms in FWS and VSB

FWS wetlands can be thought of as having three major components (Breen P.F., 1990):

• A fixed component, which includes the wetland substrate, wetland vegetation, accumulated detritus and litter,
and microbial biofilms (which consist of an interaction of bacteria, algae, and microfauna.

• A water component, which includes the influent, the water column in the wetland, the effluent, and their
associated pollutants.

• An atmospheric component, which regulates the movement of gases into and out of the water column.

Desirable processes directly involve, or are part of a pathway those transfers or stores pollutants from the water
component to the fixed component (i.e. to the wetland substrate, vegetation, and biofilms). Sedimentation,
aggregation, adsorption, precipitation, volatilization, and biological uptake, and many other processes occurring
in constructed wetlands are desirable.

Undesirable processes generally involve the transfer of pollutants from the fixed component back to the water
component. These pollutants then have the potential to be retained within the effluent discharge from the

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wetland. Resuspension of bed particulates, particle shearing due to high flow velocities, and excessive algae
growth are examples of undesirable processes. (Sinclair Knight Mertz, 2000).

Similar to FWS wetlands, VSB wetlands have fixed, water, and atmospheric components. The primary
difference is that in a VSB, the flow is forced through the gravel matrix (fixed component). This places the
water in intimate contact with the gravel matrix, restricts the influence of the vegetation to the belowground root
structures, and restricts gas exchange with the atmospheric component (Table 5.).

3. 12.3.Oxygen
3.1. 12.3.1.Oxygen transfer in FWS Wetlands
Organic matter breakdown (BOD reduction) may occur via either aerobic or anaerobic processes. The balance
between aerobic and anaerobic conditions is determined by the pollutant mass loading to the wetland and the
degree of oxygen transfer within the wetland.

The pollutant mass loading is determined by the wastewater characteristics and the method of loading the
wastewater into the wetland. The oxygen demand is greatest at the point of wastewater application. With plug
flow designs, wastewater is typically applied only at the inlet end of the wetland. This can lead to low dissolved
oxygen levels that are favourable for mosquito growth (see Section 2.11). (Greenway M. and Chapman H.,
2002). Consequently, feeding influent from multiple points (step feeding) and/or recirculating the flow within
the FWS will maintain more uniform dissolved oxygen levels (Tchobanoglous G., 1987). It is important to note
that in a multiple inlet design, all inlets must be located in a manner to assure the same sequential treatment
zones (vegetated zone, open zone, vegetated zone) is available downstream of each inlet point (United States
Environmental Protection Agency, 2000).

Oxygen is supplied to the FWS wetland through three passive mechanisms:

1. Atmospheric diffusion

2. Phytoplankton (algae) photosynthesis

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3. Plant-mediated oxygen transfer

FWS wetlands can also be mechanically aerated to increase oxygen transfer.

Atmospheric diffusion is the transfer of oxygen into the water column from the atmosphere. This mechanism is
greatly influenced by the degree of wind-induced mixing that occurs in the wetland. Wind and wave action is
markedly decreased when emergent plants are present in the wetland.

Phytoplankton (algae) photosynthesis is the major oxygen transfer mechanism in FWS wetlands. Open water
areas of the wetland that support the growth of suspended phytoplankton, as well as biofilms on plants and
detritus, transfer oxygen directly to the water column during photosynthesis. Consequently, there are wide
fluctuations in dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH levels as the wetland swings from day to night. These areas
function very similarly to facultative lagoons. During daylight hours, DO levels in open water areas are elevated
by phytoplankton and may exceed saturation limits (Hammer D.A., 1994; Gearheart R.A. et al., 1992).

Plant-mediated oxygen transfer is the transfer of oxygen from the stem and leaf tissues of emergent wetland
plants to the root structures (Brix H., 1997). In the case of FWS, this transfer mechanism is very small compared
to the applied pollutant oxygen demand, and any diffusion of oxygen from the root hairs is into the wetland
substrate, which is not part of the main water flow path. Consequently, plant mediated oxygen transfer is
negligible in FWS wetlands.

3.2. Oxygen transfer in VSB Wetlands

Because the wetland vegetation essentially contributes no oxygen to the water column, this leaves atmospheric
diffusion as the remaining oxygen transfer mechanism. Oxygen transfer at the surface of the water column is
approximately 3.8g/m2d (38 kg/ha d) (Brix H. and Schierup H., 1990; Hiley P.D., 1994). Air movement at the
water surface is impeded by the gravel matrix. Accumulations of leaf litter, insulating mulch, and root biomass
(Whitney D. et al., 2003) further restrict oxygen transfer. Consequently, conventional VSB systems have a
reducing environment throughout the gravel bed. These systems can remove organic matter (BOD)
anaerobically, but cannot supply adequate oxygen for nitrification unless very large bed areas, in excess of 10
m2per person per day, are used (Geller G., 1996).

VSB‟s are used as a denitrification process in Europe to remove nitrogen from nitrified trickling filter or vertical
flow wetland effluent (Jenssen P.D. et al., 2002;Cooper P.F. et aL., 1999).

The lack of oxygen transfer has lead to the development of enhanced VSB processes that retain the advantages
of conventional VSB‟s (no pathogen exposure, cold climate operation, small footprint area) but provide
sufficient oxygen transfer for nitrification and aerobic BOD removal. These are generally available in the United
States as patented processes. Two major types of enhanced VSB processes are available. The first type use
frequent water level fluctuation (tidal flow) to induce hydrodynamic movement of air into the gravel bed and
oxidize exposed biofilm surfaces (Behrends L., 1999; Zoeller K.E. and Byers M.E., 1999). The second type
employs direct aeration of the water column within the gravel bed (Wallace S., 2001; Kickuth R. and et al.,

4. 12.4.Sedimentation
4.1. 12.4.1.Sedimentation (suspended solids) in FWS Wetlands
FWS wetland systems are generally very efficient (greater than 90%) in removing suspended solids from the
influent wastewater, but the overall picture is complicated by the ability of wetlands to produce and resuspended
previously settled solids.

Suspended solids are removed by settling (discrete and flocculent) as well as filtration/interception. Suspended
solids are produced primarily by algae growing in open water portions of the FWS, but resuspension of particles
can result from animal activity in the wetland.

Sedimentation (Discrete Particle Settling)

The largest and heaviest particles will predominantly settle out in the inlet open water zone. Slightly smaller and
lighter particles may only settle out after flowing into the wetland vegetation. Wetland vegetation promotes this

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enhanced sedimentation by reducing water column mixing and resuspension of particles from the sediment

Aggregation (Flocculation)

Aggregation is a process by which particles naturally tend to flocculate. The degree to which aggregation will
occur is determined by a balance between particle attraction (controlled by surface chemistry characteristics)
and the strength of the shear forces on the particles. Shear forces within the water column are a function of
mixing and turbulence. Emergent and submerged plants within the water column greatly reduce shear forces,
resulting in enhanced settling performance.


The smallest particles (bacteria, colloids, etc.) may not aggregate enough to settle out in the detention time
available in the wetland. For these particles, the only removal mechanism available is interception by surfaces
within the water column. The main surfaces in the water column are the biofilms growing on emergent wetland
plants and associated leaf litter and detritus.


In quiescent regions of the FWS, predation of suspended solids (phytoplankton and zooplankton) will occur
(Gearheart R.A. et al., 1992), since FWS will support populations of rotifers and other higher organisms.


Wetland designs that provide habitat for aquatic vertebrates, such as muskrats, nutria and carp, may experience
resuspension of settled particulates due to the activities of these animals (Hey D.L. et al., 1994)


Open water areas within the FWS will promote the production of suspended solids by algae. Consequently, most
FWS designs employ a zone of emergent vegetation near the wetland outlet in order to minimize the production
of suspended solids in the outlet zone where they could become entrained in the effluent (United States
Environmental Protection Agency, 2000)

4.2. 12.4.2.Sedimentation (suspended solids) in VSB Wetlands

Suspended solids are removed by the sedimentation, aggregation, and filtration/interception mechanisms
discussed for FWS wetlands. However, in VSB‟s wind, wave, and animal-induced mixing of the water column
does not occur, so resuspension is minimal.

Because VSB‟s are extremely efficient in trapping suspended solids, these solids will accumulate in the
interstitial spaces within the gravel matrix. Inorganic solids will continue to accumulate, and trapped non-
refractory organic solids will slowly decompose (using anaerobic processes). Accumulation of inorganic and
refractory organic (non biodegradable (solids) will eventually lead to plugging of the inlet section of the bed.
However, if the organic loading is at a rate at which degradable organic matter accumulates faster than the rate
of decomposition, bed plugging is greatly accelerated. This has lead some designers to recommend that
suspended solids loading be limited to less than 40 g m-2d-1of cross-sectional area (Bavor H.J. and Schulz T.J.,
1993), while other designers apply a factor of safety to the hydraulic conductivity (Kadlec R.H. and Knight R.,
1996), while others recommend that waste streams high in suspended solids, such as algae-laden lagoon
effluent, not be treated in VSB‟s (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000). Trapping of solids
within the bed will affect the hydraulic conductivity of the media as discussed in Section 3.2.

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Where Zone 1 = 1% of clean bed hydraulic conductivity; Zone 2 = 10% of clean bed hydraulic conductivity.

5. 12.5.Organic matter degradation

5.1. 12.5.1.Organic matter degradation in FWS Wetlands
Wastewater contains a wide range of organic carbon compounds (and other oxygen demanding substances) that
varies from being readily biodegradable to highly refractory. Organic compounds are also present in both
soluble and particulate forms.

Particulate matter is removed by the mechanism discussed for suspended solids. Soluble (dissolved) compounds
are removed by bacterial biofilms growing on the emergent wetland plants and associated leaf litter, as well as
suspended phytoplankton growing in the water column. Readily degradable soluble compounds will be removed
first, with more refractory compounds taking longer to degrade, resulting in further penetration down the length
of the wetland cell.

In addition to the external organic matter load exerted by the wastewater loading, FWS wetlands have additional
organic matter loads. The most significant of these is the growth, dieback, and decomposition of leaf litter
associated with the wetland plants.

The nature of these two organic matter loadings is very different. Organic matter in domestic wastewater tends
to contain readily degradable compounds (industrial sources will vary widely in the degradability). However,
leaf litter and detritus may be quite refractory and will only be broken down slowly, exerting a low-level
“background” BOD. Consequently, wetlands that receive no wastewater loading will still discharge low levels
of BOD, generally in the range of 3 to 5 mg/L (Crites R. and Tchobanoglous G., 2002; Kadlec R.H. and Knight
R., 1996).

The type of decomposition (aerobic or anaerobic) is determined by the balance between the organic matter loads
(internal and external) and the oxygen transfer rate of the wetland. If the oxygen transfer rate is sufficient to
satisfy the oxygen demand exerted by the organic matter loads, aerobic conditions will prevail. Aerobic
decomposition tends to be rapid, with little accumulation of organic matter within the wetland. If oxygen
transfer rates cannot satisfy the oxygen demands, anaerobic conditions will result. Anaerobic decomposition is
slower and tends to result in the accumulation of organic matter within the detritus layer of the wetland.

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5.2. 12.5.2.Organic matter degradation in VSB Wetlands

Particulate matter is removed by the mechanisms discussed for suspended solids above.

Soluble dissolved compounds are removed by microbial biofilms present on the gravel media and plant roots.
Readily degradable compounds will be removed first, with more refractory compounds taking longer to degrade,
and penetrating further down the VSB.

Due to the minimal oxygen transfer that occurs in conventional VSB‟s, this is primarily an anaerobic process.

In addition to the organic matter load exerted by the wastewater, plant biomass will be retained on the surface of
the gravel bed. This material will slowly decompose (faster in wet climates, slower in dry climates) and exert a
secondary organic load on the system. This results in a low level “background” BOD, which is estimated to be
in the range of 2 to 7 mg/L (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1993b).

In some cold-climate applications, additional mulch material may be deliberately placed on top of the gravel
layer as an insulating layer. If this material is not well decomposed, it too will exert a secondary organic
loading, elevating the “background” BOD level.

6. 12.6.Nitrogen
6.1. 12.6.1.Nitrogen cycling in FWS wetlands
Nitrogen can exist in many different forms (organic matter, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, or nitrogen gas) depending
on the oxidation/reduction (redox) conditions in the wetland, which is a result of the oxygen transfer rate and
organic matter loadings (internal and external). In nature, nitrogen is cycled between organic and inorganic
forms by the pathways shown in Figure 79.

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Virtually all nitrogen present in domestic wastewater is in the form of organic nitrogen or ammonia.
Mineralization (ammonification) is the process under which organic nitrogen

is converted to ammonia. Mineralization can occur under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Eventually all organic
nitrogen is broken down into ammonia, either in the septic tank or in subsequent pre-treatment or soil-based
treatment processes.

Under aqueous conditions, ammonia (NH3) rapidly hydrolyzes to the ammonium ion (NH 4+) as follows
(Snoeyink V.L. and Jenkins D., 1980):
NH3 + H2 4 OH-

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For practical purposes, almost all nitrogen can be considered to be in the ammonium (NH 4+) form before further
treatment can occur.


Nitrification is usually defined as the biological oxidation of ammonium to nitrate with nitrite as an intermediate
reaction product. The nitrifying bacteria consume oxygen, and derive energy from, the oxidation of ammonium
to nitrite and the subsequent oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (IWA Specialist Group on Use of Macrophytes in
Water Pollution Control, 2000). The oxidation of ammonium to nitrate is a two-step process and can be written

NH4+ + 1,5 O2 2
+ 2H++ H2ONitrosomonas

NO2-+0,5O2 3

Sum. NH4+ + 2 O2 3
+ 2H++ H2O

The first step, the oxidation of ammonium to nitrate, is accomplished by strictly aerobic Nitrosomonas bacteria.
Because these are strict aerobes, dissolved oxygen levels of at least 1.5 mg/L are recommended for nitrifying
processes (Wolverton B.C., 1987). The second step, the oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, is accomplished by the
bacteria Nitrobacteria winogradskyi (IWA Specialist Group on Use of Macrophytes in Water Pollution Control,
2000). Because acidity (H+ions) are produced, there must be sufficient alkalinity present in the water to prevent
the pH from dropping, as low pH values will affect the bacteria.


When the oxygen within the system has been depleted, bacteria are capable of utilizing the oxygen present in the
nitrate (NO3-) ion as an alternate electron acceptor for metabolic purposes. This reaction is irreversible and
occurs in the presence of available organic carbon under anaerobic or anoxic conditions (E h= +350 to +100 mV).
Denitrification results in the production of nitrogen or nitrogen oxide gases, which vent from the water column.
The nitrogen gas pathway is illustrated below:

6 (CH2O) + 4 NO3 2 2N2 + 6H2O

This biodegradable organic matter can be provided by a separate chemical feed (i.e. methanol), or in some
systems, the use of the influent CBOD. The presence of an organic carbon source is necessary for denitrification
to occur. The carbon source present in most FWS wetland systems is from plant litter and natural detritus (Liehr
R.K. and et al., 2000). The denitrification reaction takes place primarily in the wetland sediments and in the
periphyton films on the submerged vegetation (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000)

Because this reaction takes place under reducing conditions, additional organic matter (CBOD) is usually
necessary to remove dissolved oxygen and lower the redox potential (Eh) to allow denitrification to occur. There
are approximately 17 genera of bacteria capable of denitrification (IWA Specialist Group on Use of
Macrophytes in Water Pollution Control, 2000). As a result of the denitrification process, gas in the form of
nitrogen (N2) or nitrogen oxides is formed. This nitrogen gas vents out of the water column into the atmosphere,
removing the nitrogen from aqueous solution.

6.2. 12.6.2.Nitrogen cycling in VSB Wetlands

The nitrogen present in domestic wastewater will be primarily in the protienaceous matter and urea. If a septic
tank is used for pre-treatment, protein and urea will be broken down to ammonia, present in the water as
ammonium (NH4+). Since VSB systems are predominantly anaerobic, any remaining organic nitrogen would be
changed to ammonium (NH4+) by ammonification.

Due to the limited oxygen transfer in conventional VSB systems, ammonia is typically the end product for
nitrogen if septic tank effluent is the feed source(Vymazal J. et al., 1998), unless VSB‟s that are very large, in
excess of 10 m2per person per day, are used (Geller G., 1996). If further pre-treatment (nitrification) is provided
prior to the VSB, denitrification can be achieved provided there is sufficient organic carbon available (Platzer
C., 1996; Cooper P.F., 2001).

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Plant harvesting in only marginally successful in removing applied nutrients (lower than10% of applied nitrogen
and lower than 5% of applied phosphorus) and is generally not considered a cost-effective nutrient removal
technique (Kuusemets V. et al., 2002).

7. 12.7.Phosphorus
7.1. 12.7.1.Phosphorus cycling in FWS Wetlands
Phosphorus is one of the most important elements in the natural ecosystem, and occurs in wastewater in soluble
or particulate form. Phosphorus is often the limiting nutrient in the eutrophication of fresh water systems and
can have large impacts on downstream receiving waters. Due to the phosphorus and nitrogen loadings in
constructed wetlands, they are extremely nutrient enriched (eutrophied) compared to natural wetland systems.
Initial phosphorus removal is through sorption onto exchange sites within the wetland sediments; however this
storage compartment is quickly exhausted under normal phosphorus loadings (Kadlec R.H. and Knight R.,

Sustainable removal in a FWS wetland is by accretion on and burial in the bottom sediments (Craft C.B. and
Richardson C.J., 1993).

Removal rates by sediment accretion are a function of phosphorus loading, wetland size, climate, and vegetation
type. In a FWS wetland in northern Michigan, Kadlec determined that about 20% of the phosphorus stored in
the biomachine was buried in sediments (Kadlec R.H., 1997), supporting a phosphorus removal rate of
approximately 4 g•m-2•yr-1.

In an evaluation of 13 natural wetlands supporting submerged aquatic vegetation in Florida, Knight et al.
determined the mean phosphorus removal rate to be 1.2 g•m-2•yr-1(Knight R.L. et al., 2003). Review of the
current literature suggests a mean removal rate of approximately 1 g•m -2•yr-1(Vymazal J., 2001) for sediment

7.2. 12.7.2.Phosphorus cycling in VSB Wetlands

Generally speaking, VSB‟s are not considered to be a phosphorus removal process. The plant component of a
VSB reaches equilibrium with the applied phosphorus in the first few growing seasons. Once net plant uptake is
exhausted, the remaining mechanisms are sedimentation and adsorption onto the gravel matrix.

Adsorption sites onto the gravel matrix are typically exhausted in the first few months of operation. The
exception to this is manmade expanded-clay or –shale aggregates that have much higher phosphorus sorption
capacities (Zhu T. et al., 1997). This material is commonly used for VSB systems in Norway (Jenssen P. et al.,

The remaining mechanism, sedimentation, accounts for the majority of phosphorus removal in conventional
VSB systems

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8. 12.8.Pathogens
8.1. 12.8.1.Pathogen reduction in FWS Wetland
Intestinal organisms entering the FWS wetland, immediately find themselves in a very hostile environment.
Thrust into lower temperatures in an environment with intense predation, most will not survive. Some may be
incorporated within TSS (total suspended solids) and be removed by sedimentation, interception, and sorption
(United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000). In addition, if the organisms are at or near the water
surface, UV radiation will reduce their numbers significantly. Collectively, these combined removal
mechanisms can achieve reductions in faecal coliform bacteria in the 90-99% range (Crites R. and
Tchobanoglous G., 2002).

However, FWS wetlands provide habitat to waterfowl and wildlife that produce faecal coliform bacteria. While
effluent from a FWS wetland will have low levels of faecal coliforms (less than 1,000 CFU/100 mL), the final
effluent will likely require disinfection if discharged to a surface water with a 200 CFU/100 mL effluent limit
(CFU=colony-forming unit, measure of viable bacterial or fungal numbers) (United States Environmental
Protection Agency, 2000; Kadlec R.H. and Knight R., 1996).

8.2. 12.8.2.Pathogen removal in VSB Wetlands

VSB‟s are considered to be an effective pathogen reduction process, although very little research has been done
on individual removal mechanisms.

For relatively large structures such as helminth ova, sedimentation, filtration and interception are dominant
removal processes. By contrast, adsorption and natural die-off are far more important for removal of bacteria
and viruses.

Typical removal rates are 98-99% for total and faecal coliforms (Gerba C.P. et al., 1999), 95-99% for viruses
(Gersberg R.M. et al., 1989), and 93-99% for helminthes ova (Mandi L. et al., 1998; Stott R. et al., 2002)

However, to meet a faecal coliform limit of 200 CFU/100 mL for a surface water discharge, effluent from a
VSB will likely require disinfection or another pathogen reduction process (Iowa Department of Natural
Resources, 2001).

9. 12.9.Wetland Plants
9.1. 12.9.1.Role of emergent plants in FWS Wetlands
Although emergent plants are directly mentioned in two of the mechanisms listed in Table 2.1, they influence a
range of wetland treatment mechanisms (Sinclair Knight Mertz, 2000; United States Environmental Protection
Agency, 2000):

• Increase sedimentation by reducing water column mixing and resuspension

• Provide surface area in the water column to increase biofilm biomass and pollutant uptake.

• Increase the removal of particles from the water column by increasing biofilm and plant surfaces available for
particle interception.

• Provide shade from the plant canopy over the water column to reduce algae growth.

• Containing and preserving duckweed fronds which greatly limit reaeration and light penetration into the water

• Structurally cause flocculation of smaller colloidal particles into larger, settleable particles

Since biological transformations within the wetland are largely a function of available biofilm area, the creation
of surface area by emergent aquatic plants and associated leaf litter is an important contribution to the treatment
process. One method to assess the relative contribution of the plants is to measure the amount of surface area

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available per square foot of wetland (specific surface area). For instance, a waste stabilization pond would have
a specific surface area of 1 ft2/ft2since the only surface area available is the pond bottom.

9.2. 12.9.2.Role of plants in VSB Wetlands

Because the flow in a VSB is through the gravel matrix, the only interaction between the water being treated and
the plants is within the plant root zone (rhizosphere). Within the rhizosphere, wetland plants affect the
environment immediately surrounding the roots by developing symbiotic relationships with bacteria and fungi,
excretion of root exudates, and oxygen transfer.

Oxygen transfer by plants was initially thought to be a dominant mechanism in VSB treatment (Kickuth R. and
et al., 1987), but later research has demonstrated that the vast majority of the oxygen translocated by the plant is
used for root metabolism, and the amount released to the rhizosphere is exceedingly small, about 0.02 g m -2d-
(Wu M.-Y. et aL., 2001; Brix H. and Schierup H., 1990).

Consequently, the concept of the plants as “solar powered aerators” has been abandoned by most modern
designers, and current design guidelines recommend assuming that no oxygen is delivered to the wastewater by
the plant roots (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000).

Within the plant, there is diffusive resistance to oxygen transport (Armstrong J. and Armstrong W., 1990) and
consequently there limits as to how far plants can propagate their root systems in a highly reducing
environment. (Armstrong J. et al., 1990).

For VSB‟s receiving anaerobic influent (i.e. wastewater from a septic tank) root growth will preferentially occur
at the top of the water column, which can create preferential flow paths through the lower section of the gravel
bed (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000). This short circuiting can be exacerbated by density
gradients in the wastewater (Rash J.K. and Liehr S.K., 1999). Root penetration throughout the gravel bed is may
only potentially occur in systems that receive low oxygen demands (i.e. a nitrified influent), or have some other
means of supplemental oxygen transfer (Matthys A., 1999; Behrends L. et al., 1996).

10. 12.10.Mosquito control (FWS)

FWS wetlands provide habitat for mosquitoes, and it is incumbent on the wetland designer to design systems
that provide for effective mosquito control. Due to their ubiquitous nature, mosquitoes can and will find and use
FWS habitats.

The mosquito life cycle is broken down into four stages (Figure 82).

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The first is the egg, which we know is laid in still water breeding grounds by adult mosquitoes. These eggs
remain on the surface of the water until they hatch into larva. In the larva stage several layers of skin are shed.
This stage can range from days to weeks. The larva change into pupa and in this stage the mosquito becomes an
adult over the course of a few days. Now that the mosquito is fully developed, it begins searching for food and a
mate. Full of plant nectar and done with her business the female mosquito begins looking for the protein
necessary for her to lay eggs and continue the life cycle. The mosquito‟s protein source is blood.

The goal of mosquito control in FWS design is to create conditions favourable for mosquito larvae predators,
such that very few of the eggs that hatch survive to become adult mosquitoes (Figure 83).

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Predators of mosquito larvae include crustaceans (copepods, triops, swamp crayfish), coleopterans (whirligig
beetles, hydrophilidae and dytiscidae beetle larvae), dragon fly and damsel fly nymphs, hemipterans (back
swimmers), water scorpions, and the surface dwelling mesovilids (water treaders) (Greenway M. and Chapman
H., 2002), although the most commonly used predator is the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki, Figure 84 and

Generally, mosquitoes are favoured when access by predators is restricted by one of the following:

• Low dissolved oxygen levels.

• Plant bridging.

• Physical isolation

Low Dissolved Oxygen

Low dissolved oxygen restricts access to larvae sites by Gambusia and other predator organisms. Loadings to
FWS wetlands of less than 100 lb BOD /ac-d (Crites R. and Tchobanoglous G., 2002) is recommended to
maintain aerobic conditions, as is step feeding (Tchobanoglous G., 1987; Stowell R. et al., 1985).

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12.Constructed Wetlands as natural
wastewater treatment methods

Plant Bridging

Heavy accumulation of plant detritus results in areas where mosquito larvae are sheltered from predators. Open
water areas with water depths greater than 30 to 40 cm rarely support mosquitoes (Sinclair Knight Mertz, 2000),
and these areas can be designed as deep water refugia for mosquitofish and other predators. Mosquito
production is greatest in thick, heavy monotypic stands of vegetation. Varying water depth and creating open
water areas reduces mosquito production. Conversion of the emergent plant zone in a FWS wetland in
California to 50% open water resulted in only 25% mosquito production; converting the remaining emergent
vegetation zones to a “hummock” design (12‟ x 5‟) to allow better predator access resulted in only 2% mosquito
production (Thullen J. et al., 2002).

11. Sulphur cycling (VSB Wetlands)

Sulphur is not a regulated parameter in effluent discharges; however reduced sulphur can represent a source of
maintenance headaches, a large oxygen demand, and a safety issue.

Sulphate is the most common anion in surface waters. Sulphate reduction is an indicator of anaerobic conditions
and sulphide oxidation is an indicator of aerobic conditions (Figure 86).

The sulphate reducers include Desulphovibrio, Desulphobulbus, and Desulphobacterium. In the absence of
oxygen and nitrates, these anaerobic bacteria use sulphate as the terminal electron acceptor, and convert sulphate
to sulphide and hydrogen sulphide in accordance with the following reactions:

SO4-2 2-
+ CO2 + H2O

S2++ H- 2S

One mg/L of sulphate (SO4) will yield approximately 0.33 mg/L of hydrogen sulphide (H 2S). H2S is a colourless
gas with the characteristic odour of rotten eggs. Accumulation of this gas in manholes, wet wells, and valve
vaults can present a serious threat to treatment plant operators.

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12.Constructed Wetlands as natural
wastewater treatment methods

The presence of sulphate in the influent water represents an alternative oxygen supply (similar to nitrate). The
presence of sulphide in the influent water represents an additional oxygen demand (in addition to BOD and
ammonia). Because of the reducing conditions prevalent in VSB systems, sulphide oxidation can compete
effectively with nitrification.

Some wetland systems are deliberately designed to reduce sulphate to sulphide in order to remove heavy metals
(Eger P., 1992). Many metals form highly insoluble sulphide precipitates, as illustrated in Table 6 and Figure 87
(Palmer et al., 1988):

A peat-bed subsurface flow wetland has been used since 1986 to remove copper and nickel from mine drainage
at the LTV Dunka Mine near Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota (Eger P. and Lapakko, 1989; Frostman, 1993).

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13. fejezet - 13.The Water Framework
Directive - Short description
1. 13.1.The Water Framework Directive
The Water Framework Directive establishes a legal framework to protect and restore clean water in sufficient
quantity across Europe. It has been hailed as a front runner in integrated water management in the world because
it introduces a number of generally agreed principle and concepts into a binding regulatory instrument. In
particular, it provides for:

Sustainable approach to manage an essential resource: It not only considers water as a valuable ecosystem, it
also recognizes the economy and human health depending on it.

Holistic ecosystem protection: It ensures that the fresh and coastal water environment is to be protected in its
entirety, meaning all rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal and ground waters are covered.

Ambitious objectives, flexible means: The achievement of “good status” by 2015 will ensure satisfying human
needs, ecosystem functioning and biodiversity protection. These objectives are concrete, comparable and
ambitious. For water dependent ecosystems, the WFD objectives is more ambitious than the 2010 target of
halting biodiversity loss, because it introduces a "no deterioration obligation" which should apply since 2003
and requires restoration of degraded water ecosystems by 2015 as a rule. At the same time, the Directive
provides flexibility in achieving them in the most cost effective way and introduces a possibility for priority
setting in the planning (e.g. through justified exemptions).

Integration of planning: The planning process for the establishment of river basin management plans needs to be
coordinated to ultimately achieve the WFD objectives. Whilst the WFD mainly describes water quality aspects
for surface waters, it is a mandatory prerequisite to integrate water quantity planning aspects (mainly flood risk
and drought management). Groundwater quantity aspects are already part of the WFD. At the same time,
sectorial integration is essential, in particular with plans and programs in the field of agriculture, rural and
regional development, land use, navigation, hydropower and last, but not least, research.

The right geographical scale: The natural area for water management is the catchment area (Or river basin,
which both describe the drainage area of rainwater from the mountains to the sea.). Since it cuts across
administrative boundaries, water management requires close cooperation between all administrations and
institutions involved. This is particularly challenging for transboundary and international rivers. The Directive
makes this cooperation mandatory within and between the Member States and encourages it with countries
outside the EU (See WFD Article 3.3 and 3.5 for details on the extent of international cooperation.). Together
with the above-mentioned planning aspects, this component ensures true horizontal and vertical integration.

Polluter pays principle: The introduction of water pricing policies with the element of cost recovery and the
cost-effectiveness provisions are milestones in application of economic instruments for the benefit of the
environment. This will contribute to sustainable management of scarce resources.

Participatory processes: In anticipating the Åarhus ratification of the EU, the WFD ensures the active
participation of all businesses, farmers and other stakeholders, environment NGOs and local communities in
gulation and streamlining: The WFD and its related directives (see
below) repeal 12 directives from the Seventies and Eighties which created a well intended but fragmented and
burdensome regulatory system. The WFD creates synergies, increases protection and streamlines efforts.

The timetable for implementation is set out below. In most cases, Member States have an additional three
months to report the progress in the implementation of a particular aspect to the Commission. Only for Article 3,
the reporting deadline was six months after the date of implementation.

This report focuses on the first steps in the implementation, the legal transposition and the reports on Article 3
and Article 5 implementation. The next milestone is the setting up of the monitoring networks (cf. Article 8 and
15 WFD) for which Member States are required to report to the Commission by 22 March 2007. The progress of
this reporting obligation can be followed through WISE. The Commission will summarise the implementation
progress on the monitoring networks at the latest in December 2009.

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13.The Water Framework Directive -
Short description

In summary, the WFD introduces objectives and management which aim at creating a win-win situation
between ecology and economy at the appropriate geographical scale and therefore truly achieving a sustainable
and integrated water resource management.

1.1. 13.1.1.Other relevant policies

In addition to the above-mentioned policies, there is a significant number of policy areas and EU legislation
which contribute to water protection and thereby to the achievement of the WFD objectives. A short summary
will be provided here without necessarily being exhaustive. A more detailed overview is compiled in Annex 1.
In addition, the Impact Assessment on the recent Commission proposal on priority substances gives more
detailed information specifically on Community-wide pollution control measures (See Annex 5 of
SEC(2006)947 final). There are several other pieces of water and public health legislation, which are the
essential backbone for the WFD. In particular, the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC), the
Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC), the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC repealing 76/160/EEC) and the
Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) should be mentioned. The full implementation of these directives is an
indispensable requirement for the achievement of the WFD objectives.

Similarly, several other pieces of environment legislation, in particular, e.g., the Directive on integrated
pollution prevention and control (96/61/EC); the Habitats and Birds Directives, the pesticides and biocides
legislation, the Mining Waste Directive and the Seveso and Environmental Liability Directives, to name a few,
are essential for sustainable water protection.

The contribution that other EU policies are making towards sustainable water management needs to be
strengthened. The most significant Community policies in this respect are agriculture, fisheries, regions and
cohesion, transport, energy, chemicals, competition, external relations and research.

Over the past years, significant successes have been achieved which are documented in various documents (I).
However, there remains further work to enhance the integration of the WFD into these other policies if the
objectives were to be achieved in time (COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Towards Sustainable Water Management in the European

2. 13.2.Assessment of ecological quality status

The aim of the WFD is to create a European framework for the protection of inland surface waters, transitional
waters, coastal waters and groundwater (EU Water Framework Directive, 2000). Its principal objective is to
protect, enhance and restore all bodies of surface waters with the aim of achieving a good status by 2015 (WFD
Article 4).

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13.The Water Framework Directive -
Short description

The WFD requires member states to assess the ecological quality status (EcoQ) of their water bodies (Article 8).
The EcoQ is based on the status of biological quality elements supported by hydromorphological and
chemical/physicochemical quality elements. Consequently, the implementation of the WFD requires appropriate
and standardised methods to assess ecological status. The four biological elements to be considered in rivers are
(1) phytoplankton, (2) phytobenthos and macrophytes, (3) benthic invertebrate fauna and (4) fish fauna.

The WFD prescribes the following steps for ecological status assessment (Figure 88):

Initially, river types have to be defined. Each type is described by abiotic parameters (System A or B, WFD
Annex II 1.2) and verified by the biota. For each type, reference conditions with no or only very minor
anthropogenic alterations have to be defined for each biological quality element. Reference conditions may be
derived from actual data, historical data or modelling techniques. Finally, an assessment method for each quality
element has to be developed.

The assessment of a specific site is based on its deviation from type-specific reference conditions. The status of
the fish fauna should be assessed with the following criteria: species composition, abundance, sensitive species,
age structure and reproduction (Annex V 1.2.1). The WFD distinguishes between five levels of ecological
status: (1) high status, (2) good status, (3) moderate status, (4) poor status and (5) bad status. The approach
adopted by the FAME project was designed to follow the principles of the WFD summarized briefly here (see
Part II).

3. 13.3.List of basic concepts required for the WFD

Definitions and terms (Article 2)

For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions shall apply:

(1) "Surface water" means inland waters, except groundwater; transitional waters and coastal waters, except in
respect of chemical status for which it shall also include territorial waters.

(2) "Groundwater" means all water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct
contact with the ground or subsoil.

(3) "Inland water" means all standing or flowing water on the surface of the land, and all groundwater on the
landward side of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured.

(4) "River" means a body of inland water flowing for the most part on the surface of the land but which may
flow underground for part of its course.

(5) "Lake" means a body of standing inland surface water.

(6) "Transitional waters" are bodies of surface water in the vicinity of river mouths which are partly saline in
character as a result of their proximity to coastal waters but which are substantially influenced by freshwater

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13.The Water Framework Directive -
Short description

(7) "Coastal water" means surface water on the land ward side of a line, every point of which is at a distance of
one nautical mile on these award side from the nearest point of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial
waters is measured, extending where appropriate up to the outer limit of transitional waters.

(8) "Artificial water body" means a body of surface water created by human activity.

(9) "Heavily modified water body" means a body of surface water which as a result of physical alterations by
human activity is substantially changed in character, as designated by the Member State in accordance with the
provisions of Annex II.

(10) "Body of surface water" means a discrete and significant element of surface water such as a lake, a
reservoir, a stream, river or canal, part of a stream, river or canal, a transitional water or a stretch of coastal

(11) "Aquifer" means a subsurface layer or layers of rock or other geological strata of sufficient porosity and
permeability to allow either a significant flow of groundwater or the abstraction of significant quantities of

(12) "Body of groundwater" means a distinct volume of groundwater within an aquifer or aquifers.

(13) "River basin" means the area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams,
rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta

(14) "Sub-basin" means the area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a series of streams, rivers
and, possibly, lakes to a particular point in water course (normally a lake or a river confluence).

(15) "River basin district" means the area of land and sea, made up of one or more neighbouring river basins
together with their associated groundwaters and coastal waters, which is identified under Article 3(1) as the
main unit for management of river basins.

(16) "Competent Authority" means an authority or authorities identified under Article 3 (2) or 3 (3).

(17) "Surface water status" is the general expression of the status of a body of surface water, determined by the
poorer of its ecological status and its chemical status

(18) "Good surface water status" means the status achieved by a surface water body when both its ecological
status and its chemical status are at least "good".

(19) "Groundwater status" is the general expression of the status of a body of groundwater, determined by the
poorer of its quantitative status and its chemical status.

(20) "Good groundwater status" means the status achieved by a groundwater body when both its quantitative
status and its chemical status are at least "good".

(21) "Ecological status" is an expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems
associated with surface waters, classified in accordance with Annex V.

(22) "Good ecological status" is the status of a body of surface water, so classified in accordance with Annex V.

(23) "Good ecological potential" is the status of a heavily modified or an artificial body of water, so classified in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Annex V.

(24) "Good surface water chemical status" means the chemical status required to meet the environmental
objectives for surface waters established in Article 4 (1) (a), that is the chemical status achieved by a body of
surface water in which concentrations of pollutants do not exceed the environmental quality standards
established in Annex IX and under Article 16 (7), and under other relevant Community legislation setting
environmental quality standards at Community level.

(25) "Good groundwater chemical status" is the chemical status of a body of groundwater, which meets all the
conditions set out in table 2.3.2 of Annex V.

(26) "Quantitative status" is an expression of the degree to which a body of groundwater is affected by direct
and indirect abstractions.

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13.The Water Framework Directive -
Short description

(27) "Available groundwater resource" means the long-term annual average rate of overall recharge of the body
of groundwater less the long-term annual rate of flow required to achieve the ecological quality objectives for
associated surface waters specified under Article 4, to avoid any significant diminution in the ecological status
of such waters and to avoid any significant damage to associated terrestrial ecosystems.

(28) "Good quantitative status" is the status defined in table 2.1.2 of Annex V.

(29) "Hazardous substances" means substances or groups of substances that are toxic, persistent and liable to
bio-accumulate, and other substances or groups of substances which give rise to an equivalent level of concern.

(30) "Priority substances" means substances identified in accordance with Article 16(2) and listed in Annex X.
Among these substances there are "priority hazardous substances" which means substances identified in
accordance with Article 16 (3) and (6) for which measures have to be taken in accordance with Article 16 (1)
and (8).

(31) "Pollutant" means any substance liable to cause pollution, in particular those listed in Annex VIII.

(32) "Direct discharge to groundwater" means discharge of pollutants into groundwater without percolation
throughout the soil or subsoil.

(33) "Pollution" means the direct or indirect introduction, as a result of human activity, of substances or heat
into the air, water or land which may be harmful to human health or the quality of aquatic ecosystems or
terrestrial ecosystems directly depending on aquatic ecosystems, which result in damage to material property, or
which impair or interfere with amenities and other legitimate uses of the environment.

(34) "Environmental objectives" means the objectives set out in Article 4.

(35) "Environmental quality standard" means the concentration of a particular pollutant or group of pollutants in
water, sediment or biota which should not be exceeded in order to protect human health and the environment.

(36) "Combined approach" means the control of discharges and emissions into surface waters according to the
approach set out in Article 10.

(37) "Water intended for human consumption" has the same meaning as under Directive 80/778/EEC, as
amended by Directive 98/83/EC

(38) "Water services" means all services which provide, for households, public institutions or any economic

(a) abstraction, impoundment, storage, treatment and distribution of surface water or groundwater,

(b) waste-water collection and treatment facilities which subsequently discharge into surface water.

(39) "Water use" means water services together with any other activity identified under Article 5 and Annex II
having a significant impact on the status of water. This concept applies for the purposes of Article 1 and of the
economic analysis carried out according to Article 5 and Annex III, point (b).

(40) "Emission limit values" means the mass, expressed in terms of certain specific parameters, concentration
and/or level of an emission, which may not be exceeded during any one or more periods of time. Emission limit
values may also be laid down for certain groups, families or categories of substances, in particular for those
identified under Article 16 The emission limit values for substances shall normally apply at the point where the
emissions leave the installation, dilution being disregarded when determining them. With regard to indirect
releases into water, the effect of a waste-water treatment plant may be taken into account when determining the
emission limit values of the installations involved, provided that an equivalent level is guaranteed for protection
of the environment as a whole and provided that this does not lead to higher levels of pollution in the

(41) "Emission controls" are controls requiring a specific emission limitation, for instance an emission limit
value, or otherwise specifying limits or conditions on the effects, nature or other characteristics of an emission
or operating conditions which affect emissions. Use of the term "emission control" in this Directive in respect of
the provisions of any other Directive shall not be held as reinterpreting those provisions in any respect.

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14. fejezet - 14.Water quality
modelling – theoretical foundation
1. 14.1.Introduction: What is the model?
A model is the replica of the actual existing objects, the SYSTEM, which behaves in respect to certain
properties and functions, and only in respect to those properties and functions, as the prototype. The model can
be physical or theoretical. An example of the first one is the toy car of your child. An example of the other one
is your mind that predicts -sometimes surprisingly well- on the basis of past experiences the likely outcome of
certain events, the responses of systems around you.

When one formulates these input-response relationships in mathematical terms, one creates a mathematical
model that simulates the system's behaviour.

When one programmes a computer to carry out the respective calculations involved in your model then you
have a computer model that has one great advantage and its is the speed of the calculation, and only that.

However computer models have a great disadvantage too. Namely; lot of people tend to believe that computer
models give answers to all problems even if they were not calibrated with and verified against appropriately
reliable data of reasonable abundance. This is not the case and in the lack of appropriate data computer models
remain simple computer toys, which are by no means any better or more useful than the computer games of our

With other words it means that one has to carry out painstakingly all the steps of a systems approach, as
specified above, before one can construct a reliable and useful model of the system in concern.

A crucial element in the series of complex activities of planning and implementing water pollution control
actions is the quantitative determination and description of the cause-and-effect relationships between human
activities and the state (the response) of the aquatic system, its quantity and quality. These activities together can
be termed the modelling of aquatic systems (hydrological, hydraulic and water quality modelling). These
activities are aimed at calculating the joint effect (the impact) of natural and anthropogenic processes on the
state of water systems. (by Géza Jolánkai)

2. 14.2.Biochemical oxygen demand

Biochemical oxygen demand or BOD is a chemical procedure for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen
needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given
water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. It is not a precise quantitative test, although it is
widely used as an indication of the organic quality of water (Clair et al. 2003). It is most commonly expressed in
milligrams of oxygen consumed per litre of sample during 5 days of incubation at 20 °C and is often used as a
robust surrogate of the degree of organic pollution of water.

The carbonaceous biological oxygen demand is an expression of the water‟s organic matter content. That is to
say the biodegradable part of the organic matter which gives rise to oxygen consumption. The organic matter
content is measured by registering the oxygen consumed during the degradation for a period of 5 days. The
BOD units are therefore gO2/m3.

Degradation in the environment of the organic matter expressed as BOD gives rise to an equivalent consumption
of oxygen. The BOD degradation terms will therefore be part of the oxygen balance (see Dissolved Oxygen)
(Figure 89).

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

Degradation of BOD is also a source of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) since these are part of the organic
matter. The inorganic nutrients (ammonia) being products of the BOD degradation can be oxidised and give rise
to an additional oxygen consumption (see Nutrients).

The oxygen consumption and the nutrient production of the BOD degradation have no direct influence on the
BOD degradation and on the mass balance of BOD itself. However, the modelling of BOD is an interrelated part
of the dissolved oxygen (DO) modelling and the BOD degradation stops if the water becomes anaerobic, i.e. DO
= ZERO. The differential equation(s) describing the BOD variations and the differential equation for oxygen are
coupled and solved simultaneously.

The set of two differential equations (one for BOD and one for oxygen) represents the simplest BOD-DO

At a more complex level, the BOD-DO model can include the production of nutrients during degradation of
organic matter as well as the processes changing the oxidation level of the nitrogen. The consequences of these
changes in oxidation levels for the oxygen balance are also included. This is described in detail under Nutrients.
At the most complex levels three fractions of BOD are considered: dissolved BOD (BODd), suspended BOD
(BODs) and deposited BOD (BODb).

The BOD in treated wastewater will be dissolved and/or suspended. The distribution between these two
fractions will depend on the type of treatment plant. The ratio of dissolved BOD to suspended BOD will
typically be in the range 1:1.5 - 1:1 for mechanically treated wastewater and around 2:1 for wastewater treated
additionally by chemical precipitation.

The degradation of organic matter can be described by first order kinetics. All three fractions of BOD will be
subject to decay though possibly at different rates.

The degradation of organic matter is temperature dependent. An Arrhenius expression is used to describe the
temperature dependence and Arrhenius temperature coefficients are specified for one or three BOD fractions
depending on the model level. The input degradation constants must be specified for conditions at 20 oC.

In addition to the loss by decay, suspended BOD will be lost by deposition and resuspension from the bottom
into the water is assumed to occur. The deposition will stop at water velocities above a certain critical velocity
for deposition (Ucrit) and resuspension will only take place at water velocities above this critical value.

Recommended values

The values of the BOD decay rates depend on the nature of the organic matter. Organic matter can originate
from household as well as industrial wastewater. The processes of wastewater treatment plants will also
influence the degradability of the effluents. The most readily degradable components will decompose in the
treatment plant depending on the processes in the treatment plant in question.

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

The reported range of BOD decay rates is given by: 0.1 - 1.5 (1/day) (Jørgensen, 1979, see References).

The variability of the degradability of industrial wastewater is extensive, ranging from relatively easily
degradable waste from food industries to more persistent wastewater from e.g. pulp mills. As examples, the
decay rate of BOD for wastewater from a sugar refinery was found to be 0.75 (1/day) (Water Quality Institute,
1984, see References) and for a sulphite pulp mill to be 0.25 (1/day) (Nyholm et. al., 1991, see References).

Reported ranges of the temperature coefficient for degradation of organic matter in water are 1.02 - 1.09
(Jørgensen, 1979, see References). A typical value would be 1.07.

The suspended organic matter (BOD) in the environment at some distance from the outlet point consists of
particles in the range 1 - 10 μm. The deposition rates for this range of particles of organic material lie between
0.07 - 0.7 (m/day). A typical value would be 0.2 (m/day) corresponding to a particle size of 5 μm.

Typical values for the resuspension rate of BOD from the bed are difficult to specify. The rate has to be
determined by calibrating the model to measured values or from experience of resuspension in similar

3. 14.3.The Arrhenius equation

The Arrhenius equation is a simple, but remarkably accurate, formula for the temperature dependence of the
reaction rate constant, and therefore, rate of a chemical reaction. The equation was first proposed by the Dutch
chemist J. H. van‟t Hoff in 1884; five years later in 1889, the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius provided a
physical justification and interpretation for it. Nowadays it is best seen as an empirical relationship. It can be
used to model the temperature-variance of diffusion coefficients, population of crystal vacancies, creep rates,
and many other thermally-induced processes/reactions.

A historically useful generalization supported by the Arrhenius equation is that, for many common chemical
reactions at room temperature, the reaction rate doubles for every 10 degree Celsius increase in temperature.

In short, the Arrhenius equation gives "the dependence of the rate constant k of chemical reactions on the
temperature T (in absolute temperature, such as Kelvin or degrees Rankin) and activation energy „Ea”, as shown

K = Ae -Ea/RTwhere

A is the pre-exponential factor or simply the prefactor and R is the gas constant. The units of the pre-exponential
factor are identical to those of the rate constant and will vary depending on the order of the reaction. If the
reaction is first order it has the units s-1, and for that reason it is often called the frequency factor or attempt
frequency of the reaction (Figure 90).

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

Most simply, k is the number of collisions that result in a reaction per second, A is the total number of collisions
(leading to a reaction or not) per second and e -Ea/RT is the probability that any given collision will result in a

When the activation energy is given in molecular units instead of molar units, e.g., joules per molecule instead
of joules per mole, the Boltzmann constant is used instead of the gas constant. It can be seen that either
increasing the temperature or decreasing the activation energy (for example through the use of catalysts) will
result in an increase in rate of reaction.

4. 14..4.Coliform
General description

Most pathogenic micro-organisms are usually unable to multiply or survive for extensive periods in the aquatic
environment. Sedimentation, starvation, sunlight, pH, temperature plus competition with and predation from
other microorganisms are factors involved in the decay of pathogenic bacteria from the aquatic environment.

Escherichia coli (E.coli) is one of the dominant species in faeces from human and warm-blooded animals. The
organism itself is normally considered non-pathogenic, but is very often used as indicator for faecal pollution
and hence a potential for the presence of real pathogenic organisms (Figure 91).

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

(Escherichia coli can generally cause several intestinal and extra-intestinal infections such as urinary tract
infections, meningitis, peritonitis, mastitis, septicaemia and pneumonia. E. coli is often the causative agent of
Traveller‟s diarrhoea. The primary source of infection is ingestion of faecal contaminated food or water.)

Two methodologically defined groups of coliforms are distinguished: 'total coliforms' and 'faecal coliforms'. The
concept 'total coliforms' may include a wide range of bacterial genera, of which many are not specific of faecal
contamination. Although 'faecal coliforms' are more specific it may encompass a number of other bacteria
besides E. coli. Experiments with pure cultures of E.coli can therefore not be expected to reproduce exactly the
behaviour of neither 'total coliforms' nor 'faecal coliforms'.

Enteric bacteria die-off can be modelled very well by a first order reaction (decay) (Crane and Moore, 1986).
However, the die-off rate constant or decay rate is highly variable due to interaction by environmental factors on
bacterial die-off. The main factors are presumably light, temperature and salinity (Mancini, 1978).

Model studies as well as field studies have formed the basis for establishing the above equation (Evison, (1988);
Gameson, (1986). The experiments of Evison (1988), among other things, concentrated on the effects of light,
temperature and salinity. Numerous field studies in British coastal waters reported by Gameson (1986) focused
on the role of solar radiation. Besides the coefficients of the equation above, the model input parameters of the
coliform mortality model are the maximum insolation (Kw/m²) at noon (converted from KJ/m² specified in the
menu for temperature) and the light attenuation coefficient (m-1) of the water column. The light intensity at a
given time of the day is calculated assuming a sinusoidal variation of the light intensity over the day. The mean
light intensity is found by integrating over the depth.

A huge amount of data has been examined by Mancini (1978) with the purpose of establishing a mathematical
expression for the first order decay rate of coliforms.

The decay rate at 20ºC, fresh water and darkness were estimated at 0.8 (1/day) and the temperature coefficient at
1.07. These values are applied as default values. The value for marine water is calculated automatically from the
user specified salinity and salinity coefficient. The light coefficient has been estimated from the field studies of
Gameson (1986). The reported light intensities and resulting decay rates (or rather T90 values) are shown in
Figure 92. The T90 value (the time elapsed until 90% of the coliforms are dead) is related to the first order decay
rate by:

The light coefficient is from the slope of the straight line in Figure 92. found to be 1I = 7.4.

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

Mancini (1978) also includes a plot of the observed versus calculated decay rates, which is included here. This
figure gives a good indication of the range of decay rates to be expected.

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

Day Length

The calculation of the light climate affecting the primary producers in the water column in ecological models
usually consists of two parts, the irradiant energy at the water surface and, from that, the determination of
underwater light.

At a given latitude and a given day of the year the WQ module of the MIKE 11 system calculates the daily
varying irradiant energy at the water surface based on the day length, i.e. the daily cycle due to the earth's
rotation and the user specified maximum solar insolation at noon.

The day length is calculated based on the variation of total solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere
prescribed by Evans and Parslow (1985).

They calculate the radiance according to standard trigonometric/astronomical formulae, where declination, i.e.
the sun angle at the equator at a given day (L) and day length, (2 τ ) is described as

δ= -0.407. cos(2π.T), T = day no/356

2τ= arccos (-tan(δ).tan(φ)), φ= latitude in radians

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

5. 14.5.Dissolved Oxygen, DO
General description

The main reason for modelling the dissolved oxygen concentration is to ensure that it is above acceptable levels
for biota in the area under consideration.

Oxygen in the aquatic environment is produced by photosynthesis of algae and plants and consumed by
respiration of plants, animals and bacteria, BOD degradation, sediment oxygen demand and oxidation of
nitrogen compounds. In addition, dissolved oxygen is re-aerated through interchange with the atmosphere
(Figure 94.).

The number of oxygen affecting processes is different and the combination of the processes varies.

The simplest level describes the oxygen concentration as a function of the naturally occurring processes
(photosynthesis, respiration and reaeration) and degradation of organic matter (BOD). The complexity is then
first increased by adding the interaction with the riverbed (by introducing a sediment oxygen demand) and
second by including nutrients, e.g. the nitrification of ammonia to nitrate.

The processes involved in modelling DO without considering the effects of nutrients are shown in Figure 95.

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theoretical foundation

Degradation of the discharged BOD gives rise to an oxygen demand of exactly the same value as in the BOD
balance (for details see under Biological Oxygen Demand).

The sediment has a basic oxygen demand (gO2/m²/day) from degradation of organic matter besides the oxygen
demand from deposited BOD originating from pollution sources. This natural organic matter can include
deposited microscopic algae as well as plant material and other organisms.

The sediment oxygen demand is temperature dependent described by an Arrhenius expression and the Arrhenius
temperature coefficient 11 (see Temperature Dependence).

For the simple WQ model at levels 2 and 4 the sediment oxygen demand includes the basic or natural oxygen
demand as well as the oxygen demand from deposited BOD originating from pollution sources. At the more
complex model levels 5 and 6, the sediment oxygen demand is assumed to be the basic/natural oxygen demand
only. The oxygen demand from deposited BOD is taken into account by the state variable for deposited BOD.

The oxygen producing process of photosynthesis by algae and, possibly, macrophytes (if present) is time
varying (over the day). The yearly variations follow the light and temperature changes of the year. In addition,
there is a diurnal variation, which has its maximum at noon and follows the sinusoidal variation of daily light
intensity. The parameter to be specified is the maximum production at noon (gO 2/m²/day) at the relevant time of
the year.

Photosynthesis takes place during the day-time only. The actual day length automatically calculated by MIKE
11 depends on the time of the year and the latitude (user specified), (see Day Length).

Concurrent with the oxygen producing photosynthesis is the oxygen consuming respiration by plants, bacteria
and animals. Whereas the oxygen production only occurs in daytime, the respiration processes continue
throughout the day and night. The respiration is temperature dependent described by the Arrhenius expression
and an Arrhenius temperature coefficient θ2. In addition to the temperature coefficient, the respiration rate at
20°C has to be given.

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theoretical foundation

The WQ model at levels 3, 4 and 6 includes the oxygen consumption due to oxidation of ammonia to nitrate (the
nitrification process). The nitrification is described as a first order process. The decay of ammonia gives rise to
an oxygen demand of two moles of oxygen per mole of nitrogen oxidised.

Multiplying this with the mole weights of oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N) gives the 'yield' factor describing the
amount of oxygen used at nitrification. The re-aeration process expresses the re-aeration related to the saturation
concentration of oxygen. At concentrations lower than the saturation level, oxygen is transferred from the air to
the water phase at a specific rate. If the concentration becomes higher than the saturation level, oxygen will
similarly be transferred to the air. The re-aeration rate (the transfer rate) is determined from water depth, water
velocity and river slope.

The User specified values specific for the oxygen processes are summarised below:

Pmax= Rate of oxygen production by photosynthesis (gO 2/m/day).

R20 = Respiration rate at 20°C (gO2/m/day).

θ2 = Arrhenius temperature coefficient for respiration.

B1 = Sediment oxygen demand; the total oxygen demand for the model levels the basic/natural oxygen demand

θ1 = Arrhenius temperature coefficient for oxygen demand.

Y1 = Factor describing the amount of oxygen consumed by nitrification (gO 2/gNH3-N).

Recommended values

The biological processes of photosynthesis and respiration show a yearly variation and, additionally, a diurnal
variation of the photosynthetic oxygen production. The model determines the diurnal variation. The user
specified values required are the daily maximum of photosynthesis and the constant respiration (constant over
the day). Typical values of oxygen production in the growth season will be 1.75 - 7.0 gO2/m²/day corresponding
to a primary production of 0.5 - 2.0 gC/m²/day. The respiration rate will typically be around 1.0 - 5.0 gO2/
m²/day. A typical value for the temperature coefficient of respiration will be 1.08 (Jørgensen, 1979, see

The natural sediment oxygen demand, e.g. the oxygen consumption from organic matter not originating from
pollution sources, is typically in the range 0.2 - 1.0 gO2/m²/day. These values are valid for 'sandy bottom'
(Jørgensen, 1979). The same reference states values for 'estuary mud' and 'aged sewage sludge' in the range 1 - 2
gO2/m²/day, but these types of sediment are definitely affected by pollution sources. A value of 0.5 gO2/m²/day
is recommended for the natural sediment oxygen demand and a value of 1.5 gO2/m²/day for the total oxygen
demand in the lower model levels. A temperature coefficient of 1.07 is typical.

The yield factor for nitrification, i.e. the stoichiometric conditions and the molar weights determine the amount
of oxygen consumed by nitrification. Two moles of oxygen are consumed per mole of ammonia oxidised.
Multiplying with the molar weight of oxygen (32) and dividing by the molar weight of nitrogen (14) gives a
yield factor of 4.57 (gO2/gNH3-N).

Remarks and hints

To specify the parameters for oxygen production, respiration rate and sediment oxygen demand, in units of
gO2/m2/day, it is necessary to consider the integrated (or total) value over a typical water column (with
1m2ground area) within the specific model area.

6. 14.6.Nutrients - Nitrogen
General Description

The nutrients considered are the inorganic nitrogen forms of and phosphorus.

All details about phosphorus can be found under the Phosphorus heading.

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

The nitrogen cycle starts with an assimilation of free nitrogen from the atmosphere (e.g. by blue green algae) or
uptake by algae and plants of ammonia from the water.

Degradation of dead organic matter leads to a release of the organic bound nitrogen in the form of ammonia
(ammonification) (Figure 96.).

The degrading bacteria, however, utilise some of the nitrogen for their own growth. The rest of the ammonia
released by ammonification or discharged from pollution sources can be taken up by plants or nitrified by
nitrifying bacteria to nitrate. The nitrate is eventually transformed into free nitrogen by a denitrification process.
The principles of this cycle are illustrated in Figure 97.

The assimilation, ammonification and nitrification are all processes taking place in the aerated zones of the
water. Denitrification is an anaerobic process requiring anoxic conditions. These conditions can be found in the
sediment and in bacteria films on plants.

The processes in the ammonia balance include:

1. BOD decay, a source of ammonia found by applying a yield factor (gNH 3-N/gO2) to the BOD decay terms
from the BOD balances;

2. uptake of nitrogen by bacteria as an integrated part of the BOD decay. The uptake is a constant part of the
BOD decay (unit: gNH3-N/gO2);

3. uptake by plants as part of the photosynthesis and respiration. A constant amount of ammonia is taken up per
gram of net production of oxygen (photosynthesis minus respiration). During the night-time the ammonia
uptake by plants is assumed to be constant;

4. nitrification, the consumption ammonia by a chemical reaction where ammonia is transformed to nitrate. The
nitrification process takes place in bacteria films on stones or plant leaves and can therefore be restricted by
the transport resistance through this film. The reaction order of the nitrification can either be chosen as an

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

ordinary first order reaction or a combination of a film resistance and a zero order process, which results in
an apparent ´ order process.

The modelling of nitrification hereby includes a first order decay constant and an Arrhenius temperature
coefficient since the reaction is temperature dependent.

The User specified values for the ammonia processes are summarised below:

Yd = Yield factor for release of ammonia by ammonification of dissolved BOD.

Ys = Yield factor for release of ammonia by ammonification of suspended BOD.

Yb = Yield factor for release of ammonia by ammonification of deposited BOD.

U1 = Uptake by plants (gNH3-N/gO2) during photosynthesis

U2 = Uptake by bacteria (gNH3-N/gO2) during BOD decay

n1 = Order of nitrification reaction

K4 = Nitrification rate constant (1/day for 1st order process and (g/m³)´/day) for film resisted transport)

θ4 = Arrhenius temperature coefficient of nitrification

The processes included in the nitrate balance are:

1. nitrification as a source of nitrate. This is described above as part of the ammonia balance;

2. denitrification, by which nitrate is transformed to free atmospheric nitrogen. The denitrification is an

anaerobic process taking place in bacteria films on plants and in the sediment. The denitrification is described
by a temperature dependent first order reaction or a combination of a transport resistance combined with a
first order reaction in the film (resulting in an apparent ´ order reaction). A first or half order decay rate
constant for denitrification and an Arrhenius temperature coefficient have to be specified.

The User specified values specific for the nitrate processes are:

n2= Order of denitrification reaction

K6 = First or half order denitrification rate (1/day and (g/m³)´/day, respectively)

θ5 = Arrhenius temperature coefficient for denitrification.

Recommended values

A number of the parameters for the nutrient modelling are determined by stoichiometric conditions. These
should not be changed unless direct measurements or other detailed studies indicate the need for other values to
be used. These parameters are the uptake of ammonia by plants and bacteria. Recommended values are:

Uptake of ammonia in plants: 0.066 gNH3-N/gO2 and in bacteria: 0.109 gNH3-N/gO2

(Warwick and McDonnel, 1983, see References)

The yield factor for release of ammonia by degradation of BOD is dependent on the organic material in
question. The organic material will be, in most cases, treated or untreated wastewater. The nitrogen content of
wastewater will be dependent on whether the wastewater is treated and on the manner of treatment. Values for
raw sewage and for biologically treated wastewater are shown below. The values are estimated from data for a
Danish experimental wastewater treatment plant, where all relevant parameters in different stages of the
treatment process have been measured frequently. The values are typical for Danish wastewater.

Yield factors for release of ammonia by BOD degradation:

• Raw sewage: 0.065 gNH3-N/gO2 (range: 0.01-0.1)

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

• Biologically treated: 0.3 gNH3-N/gO2 (range: 0.1-0.6)

Two reaction rates have to be specified for nitrogen: the nitrification rate and the denitrification rate, along with
the corresponding temperature coefficients.

For nitrification the reaction rate (first order) will be in the range 0.01-0.3 (1/day). A typical value of 0.05
(1/day) and a temperature coefficient of 1.088 are suggested (Jørgensen, 1979, see References).

The value of the denitrification rate (first order reaction) will be in the interval 0.05-0.3 (1/day) with a typical
value of 0.1 and a temperature coefficient of 1.16 (Jørgensen, 1979, see References). A typical value for the
denitrification rate for the half order reaction is (1/d, (g/m³)´) and for the nitrification 5(1/d, (g/m³)´.

7. 14.7.Nutrients -Phosphorus
General Description

The processes influencing the concentration of dissolved phosphorus (OP) are release of inorganic phosphorus,
adsorption of dissolved phosphorus, phosphorus uptake by vegetation and degradation of BOD. The processes
influencing the concentration of particulate inorganic phosphorus (PP) are its deposition and resuspension and
the release and adsorption of dissolved phosphorus. Particulate organic phosphorus is not described explicitly as
a state variable, but is related to the concentration of organic material measured as BOD, which in turn is
expressed as a function of the BOD decay rate and the suspension and deposition of sediment with attached
BOD. The principles of this cycle are illustrated in

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theoretical foundation

The processes involved in the phosphorus balance are then:

• The release of organic bound phosphorus by degradation of organic matter (BOD) resulting in dissolved
phosphate. A yield factor (gP/gO2) is applied on the BOD decay terms from the BOD balances. This yield
factor expresses the phosphorus content of the organic matter.

• Uptake of phosphorus as part of the photosynthesis and respiration. A constant value is multiplied with the
net production of oxygen (photosynthesis minus respiration) (unit: gP/gO 2).

• The release of dissolved phosphorus from inorganic particulate bound phosphorus (PP). A rate constant
(1/day) and a Temperature Dependence are applied in the process description.

• Adsorption of dissolved phosphorus to particles (formation of particulate phosphorus). The process is based
on a rate constant (1/day) and a Temperature Dependence.

• Resuspension or sedimentation of particulate phosphorus. A critical flow velocity (m/sec) where resuspension
= sedimentation in combination with suspension/deposition rates (m/day) are included in the description. If
the actual flow velocity exceeds the critical value resuspension takes place (and sedimentation = O). On the
other hand, if the velocity is lower than this value sedimentation occurs (and resuspension= O).

The user specified values for the phosphorus processes are summarised below:

Y3= yield factor (gP/gO2) for release of inorganic phosphorus by degradation of BOD

U3= uptake of inorganic phosphorus by plants (gP/gO2) during photosynthesis

K7= rate constant (1/day) for release of dissolved phosphorus from particulate phosphorus

θ7= Arrhenius temperature coefficient of release

K8= rate constant (1/day) for adsorption of dissolved phosphorus to particulates

θ8= Arrhenius temperature coefficient of adsorption

S2= Resuspension rate (m/day) for particulate phosphorus

K6= Sedimentation rate (m/day) for particulate phosphorus

U2 = Critical flow velocity (m/sec) for resuspension/sedimentation of particulate phosphorus

Recommended values

The parameter of the phosphorus model is determined by stoichiometric conditions. It should not be changed
unless direct measurements or other detailed studies give indication for other values to be used. Recommended
value is:

Uptake of phosphorus: 0.0091 gP/gO2(Warwick and McDonnel, 1983).

The yield factor for release of phosphorus by degradation of BOD is depending on the organic material in
question. The organic material will probably, in most cases, be wastewater, treated or untreated. The phosphorus
content of wastewater will be dependent on whether the wastewater is treated and on the way of treatment.
Values for raw sewage and for biologically treated wastewater are shown below. The values are estimated using
data from a Danish experimental wastewater treatment plant, where all relevant parameters in different stages of
the treatment process have been measured frequently. The values are typical for Danish wastewater.

Yield factors for release of phosphorus by BOD degradation:

Raw sewage: 0.014 gP/gO2 (range: 0.003-0.03)

Biologically treated: 0.06 gP/gO2 (range: 0.01-0.09)


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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

For river stretches specified as wetlands, alternative processes for some of the water quality components can be
activated. For shallow water bodies with a relative high residence time such as floodplains, wet meadows or
constructed wetlands, terrestrial processes will to a large extent influence the WQ processes. Wetlands can be
defined as buffer zones between the terrestrial and aquatic environment, which calls for a dedicated process

Specifically, the nitrification-denitrification processes act differently. Further, the influence of plants on the
water quality can be significant. For particulate matter, settling processes will be related to the type and biomass
of vegetation (which will vary over the season). Also the immobilisation of nutrients to sediment/peat can be
important for the water quality.

The applied model constitutes a dedicated wetland model for the temperate region (Dørge, 1994). The wetland
model is an integral part of the WQ model. It is possible to define selected branches for which wetland
processes are activated, and balance the wetland processes with WQ processes occurring in the open channel
(main river). This means that the combined effect of wetland processes, dominating in the shallow part of the
river section, and WQ processes, occurring in the main river, can be calculated.

8. 14.8.Heavy metals
Theoretical aspects of heavy metal spreading

Heavy metals in the aquatic environment will be found dissolved in the water or attached to suspended matter.
The extent to which a heavy metal is bound to the suspended matter differs from metal to metal and it also
depends on the nature of the suspended particles. The adsorption to suspended matter leads to sedimentation of
heavy metal, which will often look like a disappearance. It is rather just a transport out of the water column into
the sediment. This apparent cleaning of the water is often called "scavenging" (Nyffeler, 1986).

The heavy metals will reappear in the sediment together with the sedimented particles. Heavy metals can remain
in the sediment attached to the particles even long time after the pollution has stopped (de Bruijn 1989).

In the sediment the conditions for adsorption are very different from the water phase conditions, due to
differences in particle concentration. The heavy metal concentration in the pore water of the sediment will
therefore differ from the water column concentration resulting in diffusive transport between sediment and
water. This is one of the mechanisms by which heavy metals are transported from polluted sediment to more
clean water. The other mechanism is resuspension of the sediment (Figure 99.).

The consequences of discharging heavy metal into the aquatic environment or the mobility of metal from
formerly polluted sediment can be predicted by modelling the mechanisms governing the transport of heavy
metals. On a molecular level these mechanisms are numerous, but in a macroscopic scale a limited number of
overall processes seem to be governing (Honeyman and Santschi, 1988; Anderson, 1987):

1. The adsorption and desorption of metal

2. The sedimentation and resuspension of particulate metal

3. The diffusive transport of dissolved metal at the sediment/ water interface

4. The transport of dissolved and particulate metal in the water column by advection and dispersion.

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theoretical foundation

Adsorption and desorption are reverse reactions for the transition of metal between solute (Cw, concentration in
water, g/m3) and solid (Cs, concentration on solid, g/g) phases:

orption and the reverse reaction (←) is the desorption.

Due to differences in the characteristics of the particulate matter in the water column and the sediment, the
adsorption and desorption processes can be different in the sediment and the water column respectively.

The suspended matter and the metal attached to it can settle and be resuspended depending on the hydraulic
conditions. This exchange of particles between water and sediment is one way of exchanging heavy metal. The
other is the diffusive transport between water and pore water due to concentration differences (Santschi, 1988).

The balance for suspended solids in the water phase includes settling, resuspension and production of particles
(e.g. detritus (degrading biomass) or micro algae).

The direct exchange of metals between water and pore water is assumed to be a diffusive process, driven by the
concentration gradient over a thin stagnant water layer at the water/sediment interface (Jørgensen, 1979;
Nyffeler, 1986; Santschi, 1987).

The effects on adsorption/desorption of variations in pH, redox conditions, salinity and temperature are
modelled by multiplying the adsorption/desorption constants by functions describing the dependence of each of
these four parameters. Since the dependence on environmental conditions varies between metals there is no
general function for all metals.

Concerning the pH dependence three different functions are provided, whereas only one for redox potential, one
for salinity and one for temperature have been found necessary.

9. 14.9.Xenobiotics
Theoretical aspects of xenobiotic spreading

A xenobiotic is a chemical which is found in an organism but which is not normally produced or expected to be
present in it. It can also cover substances which are present in much higher concentrations than are usual.
Specifically, drugs such as antibiotics are xenobiotics in humans because the human body does not produce
them itself, nor are they part of a normal diet.

Natural compounds can also become xenobiotics if they are taken up by another organism, such as the uptake of
natural human hormones by fish found downstream of sewage treatment plant outfalls, or the chemical defences
produced by some organisms as protection against predators.

However, the term xenobiotics is very often used in the context of pollutants such as dioxins and
polychlorinated biphenyls and their effect on the biota, because xenobiotics are understood as substances foreign
to an entire biological system, i.e. artificial substances, which did not exist in nature before their synthesis by
humans (Figure 100.).

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

Xenobiotics in the aquatic environment will be found dissolved in the water or attached to suspended matter.
The extent to which a xenobiotic is bound to the suspended matter differs from xenobiotic to xenobiotic and it
also depends on the nature of the suspended particles. The adsorption to suspended matter leads to
sedimentation of xenobiotic, which will often look like a disappearance. It is rather just a transport out of the
water column into the sediment. This apparent cleaning of the water is often called "scavenging" (Nyffeler,

The xenobiotics will reappear in the sediment together with the sedimented particles. Xenobiotics can remain in
the sediment attached to the particles even long time after the pollution has stopped (de Bruijn 1989).

In the sediment the conditions for adsorption are very different from the water phase conditions, due to
differences in particle concentration. The xenobiotic concentration in the pore water of the sediment will
therefore differ from the water column concentration resulting in diffusive transport between sediment and
water. This is one of the mechanisms by which xenobiotics are transported from polluted sediment to more
clean water. The other mechanism is resuspension of the sediment.

The consequences of discharging xenobiotic into the aquatic environment or the mobility of xenobiotic from
formerly polluted sediment can be predicted by modelling the mechanisms governing the transport of
xenobiotics. On a molecular level these mechanisms are numerous, but in a macroscopic scale a limited number
of overall processes seem to be governing (Honeyman and Santschi, 1988; Anderson, 1987):

1. The adsorption and desorption of xenobiotic

2. The sedimentation and resuspension of particulate xenobiotic

3. The diffusive transport of dissolved xenobiotic at the sediment/ water interface

4. Biodegradation

5. Photolysis

6. Hydrolysis.

7. Evaporation of dissolved xenobiotic

8. The transport of dissolved and particulate xenobiotic in the water column by advection and dispersion.

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theoretical foundation

The xenobiotic ECO Lab template itself accounts for the first 7 mentioned overall processes, whereas the
advection-dispersion process is calculated in the software product that has ECO Lab implemented: for instance
MIKE 11 or MIKE 21. So the scientific documentation for the

10. 14.10.Eutrophication Model 1

Including Sediment and Benthic Vegetation – ECO Lab Template

Scientific description

ECOLab is a numerical lab for Ecological Modelling. It is a generic and open tool for customizing aquatic
ecosystem models to describe water quality and eutrophication amongst others. DHI‟s expertise and knowhow
concerning ecological modelling has been collected in predefined ecosystem descriptions (ECOLab templates)
to be loaded and used in ECOLab. So the ECOLab templates describe physical, chemical and biological
processes related to environmental problems and water pollution. The following is a description of the DHI
Eutrophication Model 1 including an extended description of sediment and benthic vegetation.

The template is used in investigations of eutrophication effects and as an instrument in environmental impact
assessments. The eutrophication modelling can be applied in environmental impact assessments considering:

• pollution sources such as domestic and industrial sewage and agricultural run-off

• cooling water outlets from power plants resulting in excess temperatures

• physical conditions such as sediment loads and change in bed topography affecting especially the benthic

The aim of using eutrophication modelling as an instrument in environmental impact assessment studies is to
obtain, most efficiently in relation to economy and technology, the optimal solution with regards to ecology and
the human environment.

The Eutrophication Model 1 describes nutrient cycling, phytoplankton and zooplankton growth, growth and
distribution of rooted vegetation and macro algae in addition to simulating oxygen conditions.

The model results describe the concentrations of phytoplankton, chlorophyll-a, zooplankton, organic matter
(detritus), organic and inorganic nutrients, oxygen and the area-based biomass of benthic vegetation over time.
In addition, a number of derived variables are stored: primary production, total nitrogen and phosphorus
concentrations, sediment oxygen demand and secchi disc depth.

The Eutrophication Model 1 is integrated with the advection-dispersion module which describes the physical
transport processes at each grid-point covering the area of interest. Other data required are concentrations at
model boundaries, flow and concentrations from pollution sources, water temperature and irradiance etc.


The DHI Eutrophication Model 1 template can be applied in a range of environmental investigations:

• Studies where the effects of alternative nutrient loading scenarios are compared and/or different waste water
treatment strategies are evaluated

• Studies of oxygen depletion

• Studies of the effects of the discharge of cooling water

• Comparisons of the environmental consequences of different construction concepts for harbours, bridges etc.

• Evaluation of the environmental consequences of developing new urban and industrial areas.

Mathematical Formulations

The Eutrophication Model 1 is coupled to the advection modules of DHI hydraulic engines in order to simulate
the simultaneous processes of transport, dispersion and biological/biochemical processes.

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theoretical foundation

The eutrophication model 1 incl. sediment and benthic vegetation results in a system of 25 differential equations
describing the variations for 12 standard state variables and the extended description of macroalgae and rooted
vegetation includes additional 4 state variables and the extended description of the sediment includes additional
9 state variables.

The first 11 state variables are found in the pelagic system and are so-called advective state variables. The
additional state variables belong to the benthic system. The benthic vegetation is attached to the sea bed, stones
or the like. It is, therefore, not subject to transport by water movements or to dispersion. The sediment state
variables are not subject to transport either.

The standard 12 state variables of the Eutrophication Model 1 are:

• Phytoplankton carbon (PC) (gC/m3)

• Phytoplankton nitrogen (PN) (gN/m3)

• Phytoplankton phosphorus (PP) (gP/m3)

• Chlorophyll-a (CH) (g/m3)

• Zooplankton (ZC) (gC/m3)

• Detritus carbon (DC) (gC/m3)

• Detritus nitrogen (DN) (gN/m3)

• Detritus phosphorus (DP) (gP/m3)

• Inorganic nitrogen (IN) (gN/m3)

• Inorganic phosphorus (IP) (gP/m3)

• Dissolved oxygen (DO) (g/m3)

• Benthic vegetation carbon (BC) (gC/m2)

The extended description of the benthic system (macroalgae and rooted vegetation) includes 4 more state

• Benthic vegetation nitrogen (BN) (gN/m2)

• Benthic vegetation phosphorus (BP) (gP/m2)

• Eelgrass carbon (EC) (gC/m2)

• Eelgrass shoot numbers pr m2(No/m2)

The extended description of the sediment includes the 9 state variables:

• KDOX, depth of NO3penetration in sediment (m)

• SIP, Sediment phosphate in pore water (gP/m3)

• SPIM, Sediment P, immobile fraction (gP/m2)

• FESP, Sediment iron absorbed P (gP/m2)

• SOP, Sediment organic P (gP/m2)

• SON, Sediment organic NN (gN/m2)

• SNH, Sediment ammonia NH4-N in pore water (gN/m3)

• SNO3, NO3-N in Surface sediment pore water (gN/m3)

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14.Water quality modelling –
theoretical foundation

• SNIM, Sediment N, immobile fraction (gN/m2)

The processes and transfer of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the Eutrophication model system is illustrated
in Figure 101.

Also included in the model is an oxygen balance.

The processes describing the variations of the components in time and space are dependent on external factors
such as the salinity, water temperature, the light influx, and the discharges.

The salinity and water temperature can be results of MIKE 21/3 AD simulations or be user specified values. The
first possibility is especially relevant for cooling water investigations whereas the latter possibility often is used
in areas where only natural variations in temperature are seen.

The mathematical formulations of the biological and chemical processes and transformations for each state
variable are described one by one below. The differential equations are 1st order, ordinary and coupled.

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15. fejezet - References

Grigg, N. S. (1996.): Water Resources Management: Principles, Regulations, and Cases. New York: McGraw-

Mitchell, B.( 1990): "Integrated Water Management." In Integrated Water Management: International
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