OT Payroll Job Order Payroll No. of DV's Reviewed No. of Payrolls Reviewed
OT Payroll Job Order Payroll No. of DV's Reviewed No. of Payrolls Reviewed
OT Payroll Job Order Payroll No. of DV's Reviewed No. of Payrolls Reviewed
I, Teresita R. Tan, Administrative Assistant II, of the Accounting Division of Finance and Administrative Service commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures
for the period July to December 2019
Administrative Assistant II
Date: ___________________________
5 - Outstanding
4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Unsatisfactory
1 - Poor
Organizational Outcome/ SUCCESS INDICATORS
Individuals Actual Accomplishments Remarks
Program Outcome (TARGETS + MEASURES)
Q1 Q2 T3 A4
Organizational Outcome
4. Enhancement of support processes for ease of operations and accountability
4.2 Provision of financial and
administrative performance of PSA
4.2.1 Ensure accurate and complete
financial services. Process various money claims To ensure that 100% of the Disbursement
received money claims with Section and
complete supporting Revenue and
documents are processed Trust Section
within three days upon
receipt Remits all deductions from To ensure that 100% of all Disbursement
salaries/wages and withholding taxes types of deductions are Section and
from creditors remitted before the Revenue and
prescribed deadline Trust Section
Alpha List
Compensation Income (Annual) No. of Alpha List :
Creditor(Monthly) Creditor Annual)
Data Entry of Creditors Creditor(Monthly)
4.7 Submission of financial and
administrative reports to oversight
agencies for compliance
4.7.1 Submit accurate, complete, and
timely financial and administrative reports
to oversight agencies for compliance.
a. Attendance to
To enhance competency of Section, Revenue
Workshops/Trainings/Seminars with
staff with at least 2 trainings and Trust and No. of Trainings Attended
Continuing Profesional Development
per year Bookkeeping
(CPD) units
Organizational Outcome/ SUCCESS INDICATORS
Individuals Actual Accomplishments Remarks
Program Outcome (TARGETS + MEASURES)
Q1 Q2 T3 A4