Challenges Faced by Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students of Addis Ababa Inistute of Technology

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Addis Ababa University

Institute of Technology

School of Civil and Environmental


Challenges of Post Graduate

Geotechnical Engineering Students at Addis Ababa
institute of technology

Summited by:

Mariamawit woldegabrial

ID: - GSR/6995/09

Submitted to: Mr. Tewodros G.

Feb /2019
Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE .............................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study ....................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................... 1

1.3 Objectives of the Study .......................................................................................... 2

1.3.1 General Objectives .......................................................................................... 2

1.3.2 Specific Objectives .......................................................................................... 2

1.4 Research Questions .............................................................................................. 2

1.5 Significance of the Study ....................................................................................... 3

1.6 Scope of the Study ................................................................................................ 3

1.7 Limitation of the study ............................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................. 4

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 4

2.1 Research Approach ........................................................................................... 4

2.2 Research Design ................................................................................................ 4

2.3 Population and Sampling Techniques. ............................................................... 5

2.3.1. Target Population ........................................................................................... 5

2.3.2. Sample Size ................................................................................................... 5

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

2.3.3. Sampling Techniques ..................................................................................... 6

2.4 Types of Data and Tools/Instruments of Data Collection ................................... 6

2.5 Data Collection Procedures................................................................................ 6

2.6 Data Analysis Methods....................................................................................... 7

2.7 Ethical Considerations. .......................................................................................... 7

Reference ........................................................................................................................ 8

Annex .............................................................................................................................. 9

Annex I: Questionnaire ................................................................................................ 9

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT



1.1 Background of the Study

The College of Engineering under then Haile Selassie I University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
had few departments during the first years of its establishment. One of these departments
was the Department of Civil Engineering founded in 1955. After 21 years of educating
undergraduate students, the Department launched graduate programs in the fields of
Geotechnical and Structural Engineering in 1979.The Department took yet another big
step in the year 2005 by launching a PhD program. Finally, under the reform of the
academic and research structure of the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology [AAiT] in
2012, the Department of Civil Engineering was upgraded to the School of Civil &
Environmental Engineering (SCEE).

Even though the geotechnical department was established 40 years ago in Ethiopia, the
challenges faced from the student’s perspective or even from the teacher’s perspective
was not investigated. This paper will focus on identifying the problems that are the main
obstacles faced by post graduate students of Addis Ababa institute of technology and try
to give suggestion for better teaching and learning environment.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

According to post graduate coordinator of SCEE at least 100 students join post graduate
program in geotechnical engineering stream every year. Among those more than 50% of
the students join masters of engineering. Which means less than 50% of the students will
engage in thesis work. And from those students who join masters of science less than
13% will finish their thesis on time. Which is considerably very low compared to other
departments. Therefore, this paper will try to investigate the reason behind the above

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objectives

The objective of this research is to investigate the challenges faced by geotechnical

engineering students in Addis Ababa Institute of Technology Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives that the research study aims to accomplish are:

• to examine the effect of tight class schedule on the teaching process.

• to examine the current situation of laboratories and their effect on the
performance of the students.
• to examine the effect of shortage of class room and teaching staff if there is
• to assess the type of assessment used and its effect on teaching-learning
• to examine the effect of not learning software programs on the overall quality
of the student.

1.4 Research Questions

After its completion this research will try to answer the following questions.

I. What are the problems that are faced by post graduate geotechnical engineering
II. What is the reason behind a low number of graduates of the department?
III. How can we evaluate the quality of the course given by the teachers?
IV. Does the fact the laboratory is not fully functioning has an effect on the number of
thesis contributed from the department?

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

1.5 Significance of the Study

Program evaluation is a valuable tool for program who are seeking to strengthen the
quality of their programs and improve outcomes of their department. Program evaluation
answers basic questions about a program's effectiveness, and evaluation data can be
used to improve program services.

The findings and recommendations of this study are believed to have significant
contributions to several parties. The study will provide an input for the department of
geotechnical engineering to evaluate the teaching system they are currently using and
make amendments where necessary.

The results and recommendations of the study is expected to improve the overall quality
of the department.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study is encircled to post graduate student of geotechnical engineering students of

SCEE of AAiT. The study only focuses on the group of respondents, not less than 100
personals, from AAIT up to managerial level.

1.7 Limitation of the study

Research work needs substantial resource. Among the resource required to conduct a
study time is the major factor. In addition, since human beings tend to hide what they really
feel due to different reasons, respondents might be reluctant to provide their true feelings
as a result, conclusion of the findings might be affected. Some participants may tease
whiling responding. Lack of experience may also affect the research work.

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This chapter presents the methodology that will be employed to collect and analyze the
data required to describe the participants and answer the research questions. The
discussion includes the research design, population/sample, source and method of data
collection, variables of the study, instrumentation, and measurement of variables,
reliability and validity test.

2.1 Research Approach

Taking into account the objective of the study, the researcher will use mixed research
approach which consists of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Mixed research
approach pens door to multiple methods of data collection and helps to generate the
findings to a population and develop a detailed view of the meaning of a phenomenon or
concept for individuals (John, 2009).

Qualitative data will be collected through questionnaire & interview. Structured

questionnaire will be used to collect explanatory data and analyze the response of the

In analyzing the data, and to get a clear understanding of the problems faced by
geotechnical engineering students and evaluate the teachers according to the objective of
the curriculum, the researcher has selected quantitative research approach.

2.2 Research Design

The research design adopted was descriptive survey design. According to Cooper and
Schindler (2000), a descriptive survey research design is concerned with finding out the;
the reason behind the problems the students face. Furthermore, a research design is
structured, has investigative questions and part of formal studies. The design was

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

appropriate because the main interest was to explore the viable relationship and describe
how the factors support matters under investigation.

Descriptive survey design method provides quantitative data from cross section of the
chosen population. This design provided further insight into research problem by
describing the variables of interest.

2.3 Population and Sampling Techniques.

2.3.1. Target Population

The target population of this study are postgraduate students and other responsible bodies
of geotechnical engineering stream.

2.3.2. Sample Size

Total sample population will be the students which will be available at the school and
according to the post graduate coordinator there are at least 100 hundred post graduate
students, which are sponsor of MOE, ERA and extension students. The sample size is
calculated based on the formula developed by Israel (2009), at +/- 5% level of precision



N= sample population e2 = the

desired level of precision

N = total population


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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

100/ (1+100*(0.05)2)

n= 80

A sample size of 80 was selected from a total population of 100 students. The
researcher believed the sample size is sufficient and representative of the entire
population. Therefore, by using the above formula, the sample size of the study will be 80
and questioners will be distributed accordingly.

2.3.3. Sampling Techniques

In this study, the researcher will employ simple random sampling to select respondents.
The researcher will use this sampling method because this technique gives equal chance
for all respondents to be included in the sample. A total of 80 students will be randomly
selected from the university.

2.4 Types of Data and Tools/Instruments of Data Collection

The researcher will use both primary and secondary data collection method. Primary data
will be collected to obtain firsthand information on the specific research questions. And
secondary data will be used to support the facts acquired through primary data. As for
primary data questionnaire and interview and will be used.

The researcher will conduct an interview with structured questions. Structured

Questionnaire will be used in order to reach wide range of respondents so that, acquire
information to examine and explain the relationships between variables. The questions
will be framed using Likert’s scale of measurement ranging from strongly agree to strongly
disagree (Strongly agree 5, Agree 4, Neutral 3, Disagree 2 and Strongly Disagree 1). The
survey questionnaire will have 2 parts; part 1, to capture basic demographic information
of respondent. part 2, understand the challenges faced by the post graduate geotechnical

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

2.5 Data Collection Procedures

The developed questionnaire will be distributed to all 80 students available at the

university. The semi-structured interview will be administered to the respondents through
personal contact by the researcher. Note pad will be used to gather the information.

2.6 Data Analysis Methods.

The data gathered through interview will be analyzed in descriptive manner. The data
collected using questionnaire will be analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics.

2.7 Ethical Considerations.

Respondents will be assured the confidentiality and anonymity of their response and
informed purpose and objectives of the study on the cover letter attached with each

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT


[1]. Armstrong, (2005), Managing Performance:

[2]. John, (2005), An Introduction to Human Resource Management 2 nd Edition, Great
Britain: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
[3]. John (2009), Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approach 3rdEdition,
United State of America: SAGE Publication Inc.
[4]. Kahn (2010), Evaluating Incentives Packages in Tanzania: A Dissertation for the
Award of MBA (HRM) at University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
[5]. Kothari (2004), Research Methodology: Methods and techniques2 nd revised
edition, India: New Age International (P) Limited, Published.

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Annex I: Questionnaire

Addis Ababa institute of technology

Dear respondents;

This research is to assesses the problems one face as post graduate student of
geotechnical engineering department of Addis Ababa institute of technology.

Please note that this questionnaire is developed to be anonymous and there will be
no way of disclosing the Information you provide to anyone.

Kindly, I request your corporation to properly complete all items covered in the
questionnaire since your genuine feedback is of utmost importance in determining the
study outcome.

Thank you for sharing your valuable time and experience in completing the

If you be in need of any further information and clarification about the study whatsoever;
please do not hesitate to contact me through this address,

Kind regards,

Mariamawit weldegabrial

Tel; +251912210852

Email; [email protected]

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Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT


o Please do not write your name

o Put “X” mark in the box to the point which highly reflect your idea

o Thank you!


1; position in the school Student graduate

2. Sex: Male Female

2. Age: _____________

The following questions are presented on a five-point Likert scale.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree

No Item 5 4 3 2 1
1 The teacher Aligns classroom instruction with local
standards and district curriculum

2 Uses research-based instructional strategies that

address the full range of cognitive levels

3 Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in

adjusting instruction to meet student needs

4 Engages students in varied experiences that meet

diverse needs and promote social, emotional, and
academic growth.
Challenges of Post Graduate Geotechnical Engineering Students: Case Study AAiT

Mariamawit W.

5 Connects students’ prior knowledge, life experiences,

and interests in the instructional process.

6 Uses available resources, including technologies, in the

delivery of instruction.

7 Communicates assessment criteria and standards to all


8 Understands and uses the results of multiple

assessments to evaluate the course

9 Provides substantive, timely, and constructive

feedback to students

10 Works with other staff and leadership in analysis of

student progress

11 The laboratory is fully functional

12 The technicians are available most of the time and are


13 I feel comfortable raising question and discussing in with

the lecturer.

If there is anything you like to add, use the space provided below.


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