Investigation Report: A Smart Learning Android Application: Digital Book For Tutors

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A Smart Learning Android Application: Digital Book for Tutors


Sanjeev Napit



A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Asia Pacific University of

Technology and Innovation for the degree of

B.Sc. (Hons) IT

Supervised by Mr.Jyotir Moy Chatterjee

2nd Marker: Mr.

It's not really easy to develop a project or a product. One person must challenge themselves
and commit their greatest effort to the success of the project. However, I would like to begin
by thanking LBEF campus for giving me such a huge opportunity to challenge myself. This is
also thanks to the APU (Asia Pacific University) to support students and college for larger
projects and to help students conduct research.

This phase of the system development investigation is also very difficult to accomplish. With
my supervisor Mr. Jyotir Moy Chatterjee's guide, however, who is very keen to guide me
in the right direction, it has helped me to get this far from the project. He's a busy person, no
doubt, but when I went for his support, he never backed up.

With all this, different assessments have been conducted and examples are provided for
further assistance to the investigation report. Last but not least, I would like to express my
deepest gratitude to all the lecturers and module leaders who have also helped me to improve
this report and project on the investigation.

This project “Android Based Student-Faculty Document Sharing System” is based on

application development for an online portal between both students and faculty members.
This investigation report only follows the first seven chapters of the whole project. In these
seven chapters, the report covers the literature review, research methods, data analysis, and
technical requirements. As the proposed document sharing system in college is facing a lot of
problems and requires android based along with the web page. The survey was conducted
among different students and teachers of ‘student, teacher and other’ and it is found that they
have an interest in using in Android Based Student-Faculty Document Sharing System. With
other research and investigation, it is clear that even the teachers believe that implementing
the Android Based Student-Faculty Document Sharing System is important for their secured
and easy document sharing.
Table of Contents
1. Chapter 1: Introduction......................................................................................................1
1.1 Android Based Student-Faculty Document Sharing System.......................................1
1.2 Project Background.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Problem Context..........................................................................................................2
1.4 Rationale......................................................................................................................2
1.5 Potential benefits.........................................................................................................2
1.5.1 Tangible benefits..................................................................................................2
1.5.2 Intangible benefits................................................................................................3
1.6 Target Users.................................................................................................................3
1.7 Scope and objectives...................................................................................................3
1.7.1 Aims.....................................................................................................................3
1.7.2 Objectives.............................................................................................................3
1.7.3 Deliverables..........................................................................................................3
1.7.4 Nature of Challenges............................................................................................4
1.8 Overview of this Investigation report..........................................................................4
1.8.1 Chapter 1: Introduction........................................................................................4
1.8.2 Chapter 2: Literature Review...............................................................................4
1.8.3 Chapter 3: Technical Research.............................................................................4
1.8.4 Chapter 4: System Development and Methodologies..........................................4
1.8.5 Chapter 5: Research Method................................................................................5
1.8.6 Chapter 6: Requirement Validation.....................................................................5
1.9 Project Plan..................................................................................................................5
2. Chapter 2: Literature Review.............................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................8
2.2 Domain research..........................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Traditional document sharing system..................................................................8
2.2.2 Modern document sharing system.......................................................................8
2.3 Similar System’s..........................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Email....................................................................................................................9
2.3.2 Google Drive........................................................................................................9
2.3.3 MS Office Live....................................................................................................9
2.3.4 Dropbox................................................................................................................9
2.3.5 Box.......................................................................................................................9
2.3.6 EthosData...........................................................................................................10
2.4 Summary....................................................................................................................10
3. Chapter 3: Technical Research.........................................................................................11
3.1 Programming language chosen..................................................................................11
 Purpose of Language Chosen:...................................................................................11
3.2 IDE (Interactive Development Environment) chosen...............................................11
3.3 Database Management System chosen......................................................................12
3.4 Operating System chosen..........................................................................................12
3.5 Summary....................................................................................................................13
4. Chapter 4: System Development Methodology...............................................................14
4.1 About Methodologies................................................................................................14
4.1.1 Rapid Application Development (RAD)............................................................14
4.1.2 Waterfall.............................................................................................................15
4.2 Selected Methodology...............................................................................................15
4.3 Justification on choosing RAD..................................................................................17
5. Chapter 5: Research Methods..........................................................................................18
5.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................18
5.2 Design........................................................................................................................19
 Questionnaire and their objectives............................................................................19
5.3 Summary....................................................................................................................21
6. Chapter 6: Requirements Validation................................................................................22
6.1 Analysis of Data........................................................................................................22
6.2 Summary....................................................................................................................29
7. Chapter 7: Conclusion and Reflections............................................................................30

Figure 1: RAD Methodology...................................................................................................14

Figure 2: Waterfall...................................................................................................................15
Figure 3: RAD Prototype Model..............................................................................................15
Figure 4: Gender......................................................................................................................22
Figure 5: Age Group................................................................................................................22
Figure 6: Occupation................................................................................................................23
Figure 7: Academic Level........................................................................................................23
Figure 8: Analysis of an online document sharing system......................................................23
Figure 9: Analysis of how they share a document...................................................................24
Figure 10: Analysis of how they share their document............................................................24
Figure 11: Analysis of interested people in a student-faculty document sharing system........24
Figure 12: Analysis of the name of the other application they use to share a document.........25
Figure 13: Analysis of system necessary or not.......................................................................25
Figure 14: Analysis of Q10......................................................................................................26
Figure 15: Analysis of what new features should be added.....................................................26
Figure 16: Analysis of difficulties they face while sharing.....................................................27
Figure 17: Analysis of the problems they face while doing online sharing.............................27
Figure 18: Analysis of the problem if security is not good......................................................28
Figure 19: Analysis to notify the other organization...............................................................28
Figure 20: Analysis of whether the system should have a default support system or not.......29
1. Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1Android Based Student-Faculty Document Sharing System
This project is an online portal between both students and faculty members. This innovative
system enables the college faculty to share vital information with engineering students as
well as notifications. Together with a student login, it consists of a faculty login. Because
college faculty operates through pc and document uploading is more accessible through pc,
the faculty login is to be done through a laptop. The faculty may upload topic, syllabus
records, e notes, notifications, time schedule papers, etc. through their given login.
Documents are uploaded to various departments by professors. This system is built on an
online service that allows professors to upload data, and students can view the search and
download required files through their Android device. Here students see and download their
semester information only. Data of the rest is hidden. The faculty can access and upload/edit
records to any semester or add as required notices.

On the server, the proposed system is performed, and all files and documents are submitted
to the server. The students need to add their account to the android project, and then they can
very easily surf any information relevant to the paper. The proposed system saves the
students and faculty members considerable time.

1.2Project Background
The design and implementation of an Android Based Student-Faculty Document Sharing
System are to replace the current document records. Faculty members can directly access all
aspects of a student’s academic files and documents through a secure, online interface
embedded using. By Faculty app. previously, the college relied heavily on paper records for
this initiative. While document records are a traditional way of managed student data and
different work, there are several drawbacks to this method. First, it should be shown on the
notice board to convey information to the students and the student will be needed to visit the
notice board to check the information. It takes a very long time for the student to be given the
information. Paper records are hard to manage and to track. All of the non-value-added
activities are the physical stress needed to retrieve, alter and re-file the paper records. This
program provides a simple interface to keep information about the documents from the
students. It can be conveniently used by educational institutes or colleges to keep records of
all students’ papers. Achieving this purpose is difficult using a manual system as the
information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very
time-consuming. All these problems are solved using this app. The paper focuses on
presenting documents in an accessible and intelligible manner that provides facilities such as
profile creation of student, professor, principal, and higher authority, thus reducing
paperwork and automating the record generation process in an educational institute.
[ CITATION iji19 \l 1033 ]

All data is securely stored on the Admin controlled SQL servers, which provides the highest
possible level of security. Android is a mobile operating system built on the Linux kernel,

developed by Google. Do not require a license to create Android apps or games. Therefore
Android recommends open source software for the Eclipse IDE developers. The Web
browser for Android is an open-source engine running the Chrome browser's Toolkit with
some properties. The Android programming language is mostly Java and Extensible Mark-up
Language (XML).

1.3Problem Context

In today’s time, most of the institutes have their websites which display college information.
Students can get notifications; faculty can upload topic, syllabus records, e notes, time
schedule papers, etc. on their website. But for retrieving this information, the students have to
log in to the websites or on their mobile. The students can get notifications if they are
connected to the internet and these websites can be viewed on mobile phones as well. There
might be more problems, but the main problem is if there is no internet connection, then these
systems can’t be reached. Some issues which are in the project are:

 Feedback
The project only has some features where feedback is also one of the may feature in any
app. The system in which the result or performance of an action to change the next step
is ' returned ' (fed-back). Feedback is necessary for the functioning and survival of all
regulatory mechanisms found throughout the life and non-living nature and in human-
made systems such as education and economy. Feedback is implicit in all encounters, be
it human-to-human, human-to-machine, or machine-to-machine, as a two-way flow. It is
the information sent to an entity (individual or group) about its prior behavior in an
organizational sense so that the body can change its current and future response to
achieve the desired result. In this project, we have to say that instant feedback is not that
attractive as it played a vital role in any organization and other fields. As you can see
that the students are mainly interested in the document or any important notice from
there faculty, therefore, if they won’t be interested in feedback.

 Comment
Comments provide a forum for connecting with you and other users to the visitors of
your website. It enables them to add information, ask questions, and provide feedback on
the subject. They allow the engagement of the community around your content. If the
student is not interested in feedback, then the comment is also not a help to them.

By the implementation of this Android Based Student-Faculty Document Sharing System (In
the form of an android application), using student and faculty gain essential benefits sending,
receiving, and storing the documents. Building the Android Based Student-Faculty Document
Sharing System will reduce the paperwork and also save time and money by printing and
binding materials. Currently, we don’t have all the sources of the facility.

1.5 Potential benefits

1.5.1Tangible benefits
 The student will be able to view history or activities shared by the faculty.

 Data will be stored in-app.
 Student or Faculty member will always have access to their account.

1.5.2Intangible benefits
 A healthy and efficient sharing environment.
 Creates an open environment because users can share file any time they want.

1.6 Target Users

The product built upon Android Base as a Document Sharing System will target all the
Students and Faculty all over a particular college. Anyone who can use the internet and is
skilled full enough to make a standard account will be able to use the system as their guide
and also get access to syllabus records who are interested in view and get other services.

1.7 Scope and objectives

 The aim is to make this system helpful for both faculty and students of any institute.
 To replacing the current paper records and saving time and money to print documents.

 To allows only the registered user to login and thereby preventing unauthorized access.

 To view all the syllabus updates details.

 The usage of this application will significantly reduce time in document sharing.

 To make a quick download from anywhere using the internet.

For Student: This module is for the students. Students can register themselves in this system
by creating new accounts, and through this portal, they can share their views and documents.

1. Create a new Account

2. Login to Account
3. Share some reviews
4. Share file or documents

For Faculty: This software works exclusively for the organization faculty members, and the
faculty will upload essential documents in this module, which can then be accessed very
quickly by the students. On an everyday basis of interest and preference, the faculty may

upload or exchange documents using this program to share with a particular group or
semester as they desired.

1. Create a new Account

2. Login to Account
3. Uploading important documents
4. Share files or materials for a particular group of students or semester.
5. Share the documents on a choice basis

For Admin: Admin takes care of all the techniques relating to uploading and de-uploading
through this app. Admin can have the right to simultaneously access both the profiles of
faculty members and the student's account without the need for a password or user ID.

1.7.4Nature of Challenges
The major challenge is to integrate all the tools of the app in a system mainframe. To function
together in a consistent flow, the unity of all programming languages has to follow specific
requirements. Another challenge is to develop a user interface that is accessible to both
students and faculty, and that still fits with other project functions. Additionally, as it is a
system for the sharing of documents, the faculty will only have a particularly important file
for a particular group of students, which needs to be secure otherwise, there is a risk that
another group will get, which is very important.

1.8 Overview of this Investigation report

1.8.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
The project is about sharing the data between the faculty and the students. The system
consists of individual faculty and students logging in. Through logging in to the faculty, the
faculty will upload notifications, e-notes, syllabus, timetable, and any other relevant

1.8.2 Chapter 2: Literature Review

Analysis and analysis of comparable structures are conducted in this section field. Including
for the proposed system, the writing surveys on comparable systems decided to improve. In
this section, there are various similar equivalent structures and space inquiries.

1.8.3 Chapter 3: Technical Research

Specialized research for the proposed framework is accomplished in this section. In
Microsoft Visual Studio, the structure will be created using the programming language c#.
The board system for the venture is selected from the MySQL server as a database. The stage
of will be used to build the structure. In this segment, all the technical component
was shown.

1.8.4 Chapter 4: System Development and Methodologies
Methodologies of creation were discussed in this section. What development methodologies
were used and what are the potential benefits of the application methodologies chosen were
discussed along with their use cases.

1.8.5 Chapter 5: Research Method

Different research techniques with their significance are depicted in this part. The
questionnaire is used to collect the research details for the proposed structure as it is usually a
natural and appropriate technique for conducting an analysis. Furthermore, the poll's plan and
structure were unmistakably represented.

1.8.6 Chapter 6: Requirement Validation

This segment is about evaluating the information that the Questionnaire has collected. The
data was gathered from various individuals that helped to reinforce the prospect of progress,
and it seems that the goal is probable.

1.9 Project Plan

Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish

Schedule Introduction to the study 12 days Thu 11/7/19 Fri 11/22/19

Background to project 2 days Thu 11/7/19 Fri 11/8/19

Problem context 1 day Sun 11/10/19 Sun 11/10/19

Rationale 1 day Mon 11/11/19 Mon 11/11/19

Potential Benefits 2 days Tue 11/12/19 Wed 11/13/19

Target users 1 day Thu 11/14/19 Thu 11/14/19

Aim and Objective 2 days Fri 11/15/19 Mon 11/18/19

Deliverables 1 day Tue 11/19/19 Tue 11/19/19

Nature of challenge 3 days Wed 11/20/19 Fri 11/22/19

Schedule Literature Review 15 days Fri 11/22/19 Tue 12/10/19

Introduction 2 day Fri 11/22/19 Fri 11/24/19

Domain Research 5 days Sun 11/25/19 Sat 11/30/19

Technical Research 5 days Sun 12/1/19 Thu 12/5/20

Conclusions 3 days Fri 12/6/19 Tue 12/10/19

Schedule System Development 11 days Fri 12/13/19 Fri 12/27/19

Introduction 2 days Fri 12/13/19 Mon 12/16/19

Manually Investigation of
6 days Tue 12/17/19 Tue 12/24/19
Scheduled methodologies

Selection Justification 3 days Wed 12/25/19 Fri 12/27/19

Schedule Research Methods 12 days Sun 12/29/19 Mon 1/13/20

Manually Introduction 3 days Sun 12/29/19 Tue 12/31/19


Design 9 days Wed 1/1/20 Mon 1/13/20

Schedule Requirement Validation 14 days Tue 12/10/19 Fri 12/27/19

Manually Analysis of Data

6 days Tue 12/10/19 Tue 12/17/19
Scheduled Collected

Introduction 2 days Thu 12/19/19 Fri 12/20/19

Questionnaire Analysis 6 days Sun 12/22/19 Fri 12/27/19

Product Implementation Plan

After the research paper has been completed, the product should developed according to the
outline objectives and specification. The following procedure will be carried out but many
changes can be carried out in the development process to meet the requirements of the

Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish

System Architecture 45 days Sun 2/16/20 Thu 4/16/20

Introduction 1 day Sun 2/16/20 Sun 2/16/20

System Design 5 days Mon 2/17/20 Fri 2/21/20

Database design 15 days Sun 2/23/20 Thu 3/12/20

Story Board 8 days Fri 3/13/20 Tue 3/24/20

Development/Deployment 16 days Wed 3/25/20 Wed 4/15/20

Project Plan 15 days Thu 4/16/20 Wed 5/6/20

Release plan 2 days Thu 4/16/20 Fri 4/17/20

Unit Testing Plan 4 days Sun 4/19/20 Wed 4/22/20

Integration Testing Plan 4 days Thu 4/23/20 Tue 4/28/20

User Acceptance Testing 5 days Wed 4/29/20 Tue 5/5/20

Implementation 15 days Tue 4/7/20 Mon 4/27/20

Business Rules 2 days Tue 4/7/20 Wed 4/8/20

Object-Oriented 4 days Thu 4/9/20 Tue 4/14/20

SQL Query 4 days Wed 4/15/20 Mon 4/20/20

System Functionality 5 days Tue 4/21/20 Mon 4/27/20

System Validation 18 days Wed 4/15/20 Fri 5/8/20

Unit Testing 4 days Wed 4/15/20 Mon 4/20/20

System Integration Testing 6 days Tue 4/21/20 Tue 4/28/20

User Acceptance Testing 6 days Wed 4/29/20 Wed 5/6/20

Conclusions 2 days Thu 5/7/20 Fri 5/8/20

Concussions & Reflection 5 days Sun 5/10/20 Thu 5/14/20

Critical Evaluation 4 days Sun 5/10/20 Wed 5/13/20

Conclusion 1 day Thu 5/14/20 Thu 5/14/20

References 4 days Fri 5/15/20 Wed 5/20/20

References 2 days Fri 5/15/20 Mon 5/18/20

Appendices 2 days Tue 5/19/20 Wed 5/20/20

2. Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The literature review is a method for giving credit to a topic that scholars have circulated,
what's more, specialists. The critical thought process of writing survey composition is to
move on to our peruser, the thoughts, and knowledge that have been spread on a theme. We
should integrate unmistakably what are the strengths and shortcomings of a particular
research theme.

2.2 Domain research

2.2.1Traditional document sharing system
File sharing applications tend to be incredibly useful. If you want to collaborate with
colleagues and exchange business documents within an enterprise, access to a shared archive
is often helpful. In the traditional way of document sharing, people use to share or submit
their files or document are by printing their records and provide in the paper base. In the past,
there used to send the data through floppy disk and DVD. It takes time and also money to buy
this item to share our document.

Usually, only a fraction of the information assets of an organization consists of structured

data, or in other words, data which is automatically stored and accessed by business
applications. The most common example of structured data is a database where detailed
information is stored using the technique of columns and rows. In comparison, unstructured
data are files that haphazardly collect on hard drives and share server directories, unrelated to
an overarching context. Unorganized information can vary from contracts, papers, and table
sheets, to presentations, videos, and pictures.[ CITATION mfi20 \l 1033 ]

2.2.2Modern document sharing system

Most businesses still rely on the business applications that were produced early in the PC
revolution, where individual staff members performed their work independently and then sent
it to their direct supervisor for approval. While rates of collaboration have increased, many
organizations continue to rely on the same programs designed for individual contributors. As
a result, the most common way to work on a single document is to send it from person to
person and try to track the most up-to-date version when you need current data. Editing and
upgrading are hard to keep up with, and team members find it hard to decide if they have the
project's latest version.

A smooth workflow integrates all people within the enterprise (including partners and
subcontractors) and allows for the easy sharing of information. For example, you might have
a field worker using an iPad to access floor plans when there is a change from one of the
designers, who then flag it back at the office to the project manager (PM). Now they have to
adjust a seamless workflow in real-time, which will allow them to do so. In using a solution
that incorporates on-premise computing capacity and cloud efficiency, they will be able to

adjust functionality without any hiccups. The PM will change the floor plan immediately,
then upload the new version to its local storage unit.[ CITATION esu20 \l 1033 ]

2.3 Similar System’s

There is some system similar to my proposed products, which may not be identical but
somehow reflect some everyday purposes. The details below are:-

E-mail remains one of the most commonly used forms of modern communication. The first
thing you're possibly doing in the morning is to grab your mobile to check your email. If
that's not the first thing you do, then you usually log in to your email client to see messages
from colleagues and customers when you arrive at the office. The most common features of
email are attachments, irrespective of whether you are using Outlook, Apple Mail or web-
based Gmail, Yahoo or Microsoft Live. A commonly used and agreed method of online
document sharing is the ability to transfer documents by emailing them to the party
concerned. There are, however, drawbacks to this approach. The lack of a good internet
connection makes the process sluggish and tedious for the sender and the receiver due to the
time it takes for the exchanged documents to upload and download. If your papers reach 20
MB, then you look at other document sharing solutions at their best.[ CITATION wik20 \l
1033 ]

2.3.2 Google Drive

Google Drive allows you to save and share up to 15 GB of free data so that you can
conveniently upload your documents, regardless of whether they are spreadsheets, word files
or presentations, copy and share a link to that file with others. No need to constantly add the
same document to multiple emails, and clog up your provider's limited space, share the
connection. However, there are drawbacks. Documents must not reach 1,024,000 characters,
regardless of several pages and font sizes, and not exceed 50 MB if converted to Google Doc.
When you share spreadsheets, then they can not have more than 400,000 cells with a limit of
256 columns per sheet and no more than 100 MB per sheet. As for restrictions on file size,
they can be no more than 10 GB per file.[ CITATION clo20 \l 1033 ]

2.3.3MS Office Live

It's a recent addition to MS Office Live. It is merely copying the Google Drive model by
allowing users to save their documents on OneDrive and share them with others. When you
run out of space in your free Google Docs account, then I recommend you use Microsoft's
free 15 GB for the sharing of documents. As for limits on file size, they can be no more than
2 GB per file.[ CITATION wik201 \l 1033 ]

In reality, Dropbox was the pioneer when it came to the storage and sharing of documents
across devices. You can drop your files in your dropbox folder, copy the connection and
share your documents with multiple parties, just like in Google Drive or OneDrive. The
amount of free space that Dropbox provides is only 2 GB which is the lowest of the
alternatives. You can't edit your documents online with DropBox, as you can with Google
Drive and OneDrive; this service is intended to store, back up, and share your data.
[ CITATION dro20 \l 1033 ]

The box is similar to Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive. It allows you to store, backup,
edit, share documents, and other data on the web. Box beats DropBox at 10 GB in the amount
of free space that it provides but falls behind Google Drive and OneDrive. As with the others,
you can copy and transfer the URL of the document you want to share with those you want to
share it with.[ CITATION Box20 \l 1033 ]

EthosData is distinct from the above providers because it is a Virtual Data Room Provider
that is used primarily by businesses who always want to have control over the information
that they share online. Given the ongoing need to share documents with others and to be
vigilant that their confidential information falls into the wrong hands, EthosData allows you
to share your documents with anyone, verify that they have accessed the documents you
exchanged and withdraw access to them at any time. As a paid service, most of their
customers are fortune 500 companies, top global law firms, and top financial institutions
worldwide. The majority of their customers opt for a fixed-rate plan that allows them to
exchange documents with unlimited users up to 10 GB. With the advanced level of
permissions that the system often allows customers to get a dedicated team to take care of all
their document sharing requirements at no extra charge.[ CITATION eth20 \l 1033 ]

2.4 Summary
The various journals, books, websites, and papers have been analyzed and summarized in
specific domain areas in the literature review section, and numerous other structures have
been compared to see the similarities and examine the common purpose. This will help in the
efficient production of the product.

3. Chapter 3: Technical Research
3.1Programming language chosen
A programming language is a code that includes a series of directions to generate a
distinctive sort of output for the machine. This language is used for programming computers.
Various types of tasks can be made with the language of programming to play an undertaking
or to get production inside a computer.

In the computer world, different types of programming languages are available. Each of these
holds other specific roles. The available language types are imperative and functional
programming language; e.g.-Backend programming language area: Python, C, C++, PHP,
JavaScript, and so on, Frontend language is Html, CSS JavaScript, and so on. Each
programming language can be used for specific purposes, using different frameworks
available on the market.

I chose to use JAVA and PHP for frontend, MySQL for database, PHP for site backend.
Nevertheless, if the construction of the structure needed to incorporate the core features,
specific other terms will be used.

 Purpose of Language Chosen:

PHP is a scripting language on the server-side. This is used to build static or dynamic sites
or applications for Android. PHP reflects the Pre-processor Hypertext that previously
served Personal Home Pages. On a server that has implemented PHP, PHP content must be
deciphered. In particular, the customer PCs that get to the content of PHP need an app or
internet browser. A PHP record includes PHP labels and ends with the ".php" integer.
Cascading Style Sheets, called CSS, is a simple design language designed to simplify the
process of creating presentable web pages.
CSS handles the appearance and feels part of a web page. Using CSS, you can monitor text
color, font style, paragraph width, how columns are arranged and laid out, what background
images or colors are used, layout designs, display differences for different devices and
screen sizes, and several other effects. [ CITATION ans19 \l 1033 ]

3.2 IDE (Interactive Development Environment) chosen

For the proposed system, I have chosen Visual Studio – Xamarin as an IDE. Xamarin, the
best free integrated development environment or IDE, was released in 2011. Xamarin has
become the most common integrated framework built for iOS, Android, and Windows by
offering an enterprise-quality, cross-platform approach. To web developers, Visual Studio is
the best tool. Not only does Microsoft have built-in software, but it also provides tools for
managing small to large teams, building services, and handling models. Platform: C # mobile
and desktop solution in one integrated development environment or IDE, with iOS, Android,
and Windows implementations. Test Cloud: Has the power of continuous cloud integration to

check the code for the internal and external teams. Insights: the application's use and the
latest trends. Improving fundamental distribution mechanisms is always prioritized. UI / UX,
consistency analyst, delivery, steady-support, and performance confirmation are among the
team members.

3.3 Database Management System chosen

A Database Management System (DBMS) can be defined as a software framework that
interfaces to capture and interpret information with the client, applications, and the database
itself. The information that is contained in the database can be modified, retrieved, and
erased, and can be of any kind such as strings, numbers, images, etc. There are four (4) kinds
of DBMS mostly available. We are DBMS oriented to Hierarchical, Social, Network, and
Object-Oriented. SQLite, MySQL, Postgre SQL, Redis, Mongo DB, Cassandra, Memcached,
Maria DB, SQLite, Influx DB, Rethink DB, Risk DB, Couch DB, Couch base, Arango DB
are a part of the broadly used database. As suggested by my research, I will use MySQL
Server as the basis for the proposed system for the executive's database. Two of the related
databases are listed below in the context of the executive.

MySQL is the architecture of the executive's open-source social database that takes a shot at
various points. It is freed from the cost open. This provides access to multi-client devices to
assist different power engines. The software can be downloaded quickly, and an occasional
scheduler can also be used to manage the errands naturally. This structure retains the property
of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Strength). Instead, it allows multi-
adaptation assistance circulating. It has module libraries that implant any program into the
database. However, this RDBMS can be used on any level, providing 24* 7 open source
support just as big business release. This underpins innovative components to ensure solitary
permitted customers access databases. MySQL can run fast setups for ace/slave replication
and provides community servers. MySQL upholds various types of information, which are
numeric character-string, bit string, Boolean, date, and time.
 Justification on Chosen Database Management System
MySQL picks the executives ' frameworks for my project over other databases. It is found
that MySQL is a linguistic framework that is perplexing where the SQL server has simpler
punctuation and is easier to use. My undertaking will be built in the Microsoft Visual Studio framework. In this way, the MySQL server is fair as a Database Management System
for my business. For my proposed system, MySQL is ideal for PHP projects. In MySQL,
when the investigation is done, it cannot be discarded in the midway. It has good security,
and some security features can also be added to prevent SQL injection.

3.4 Operating System chosen

An operating system (OS) is the program that deals with the different projects in a PC after
having been incorporated into it.  Linux kernel, BlackBerry QNX, Linux-libre, and MINIX 3
are the very most popular operating systems. I have picked a Linux kernel working order for
the intended layout. Android uses under the hood the Linux kernel. Since Linux is open-
source, Android developers might be able to modify the Linux kernel to suit their needs.

Linux offers Android developers a pre-constructed, already maintained core of the operating
system to start so they don't have to write their code.[ CITATION blo19 \l 1033 ]

3.5 Summary
The test focused selects the entirety of the above specific points of view. The creativity is
increasingly changing. So, for the purpose set, the most significant advances are chosen. I
chose Visual Studio–Xamarin as an IDE with MySQL for the purpose: as a database using
PHP solidity or as an operating system using the Linux kernel.

4. Chapter 4: System Development Methodology
4.1 About Methodologies
System development methodologies are promoted as a means of improving software
development process management and control, structuring and simplifying the process, and
standardizing the process and product development by defining the tasks to be carried out and
the techniques to be employed. It is often tacitly believed that using a method for system
development would increase the efficiency and consistency of the system development. There
is little scientific evidence to back this claim, however. There is an increasing body of
literature that challenges the validity of the methodologies for structured system development
(e.g., Baskerville, Travis & Truex, 1992; Fitzgerald, 1994; Keyes, 1992; Lyytinen, 1989). In
particular, current methodologies might not adequately support the changing nature of both
the system development process and product. [ CITATION stu19 \l 1033 ]

To date, most work has focused on developing new methodologies and methods to collect
and analyze plans, rather than evaluating them or using them in practice. Although they have
increased in several ways, they are mostly untested. It is not clear if they are used or how they
are used, how they are used efficiently, or whether they are useful. Much work into IS growth
implicitly assumes that methodologies are being used and that they are helpful and practical.
There are various philosophies accessible to execute in a task like Waterfall, Scrum, RAD,
Prototyping, and so on. Some of them are portrayed underneath:

4.1.1 Rapid Application Development (RAD)

It is a methodology of development that offers advanced development tools, prebuilt tools,
artifacts, and resources for collaboration. Such devices include designers of graphical user
interfaces, computer-aided software engineering, programming languages of the fourth
generation, database management system (DBMS), developers of code, object-oriented
techniques. The goal is to prioritize activities that the multiple teams will overlap and
execute. It is useful in getting thousands of applications produced quickly. It is best suited for
projects where device functionality is evident, and the project is of a small-medium scale and
short duration.

Figure 1: RAD Methodology

4.1.2 Waterfall
All projects can be better managed if they are segmented into a chunks hierarchy such as
phases, stages, activities, tasks, and steps. The simplistic rendition of this in system
development projects is called the "waterfall" methodology, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 2: Waterfall

Looking at this chart, which was for advancements in college document sharing systems,
please note this presumes that the device criteria have already been identified and
exhaustively scrubbed, which is probably the most crucial step towards project success. The
graphic still highlights some of the basic concepts of a robust methodology:

 Work is done in stages,

 Content reviews are performed in stages, and
 Reviews reflect gates of consistency and points of decision for continuation.

4.2Selected Methodology
Numerous programming development techniques exist to help programming designers create
their product products. A decent advanced model for programming advancement from setup
to dispatch should have been proficient. I can use the Rapid Application Development (RAD)
approach for my proposed system.

Figure 3: RAD Prototype Model

Rapid Application Development or RAD is an agile project management strategy that is quite
popular for software development or development of applications.

The main advantage of this particular approach is the faster turnaround of the project, which
makes it a much more attractive choice for the app developers working in a fast-paced
environment such as the development of apps. This particular rapid pace is quite feasible
through a focus on reducing the whole planning stage as well as optimizing the production of
prototypes in RAD. Through can the overall planning time as well as stressing the concept
prototypes, project managers will accurately measure the entire process and collaborate on
various changing problems and improvements in real-time. This results in more productivity,
more effective communication, and faster growth. Easily divide this cycle into four main
phases. Let us take a look at this:

 Planning of Requirements
This is equivalent to a full scoping meeting of a project. Although the planning phase is
condensed in comparison with various other methods of project management, it is a
crucial step towards the project's ultimate success. The architects, team members, and
customers collaborate during this specific stage to identify the goals and expectations for
the entire project along with the current and potential problems that need to be resolved
during the build process. Through following the method, the iOS app developers can
easily find the project's requirements.
This involves analyzing the whole of the current problem. It also consists of identifying
the objectives of the whole project and finalizing the criteria with the consent of each
stakeholder. Everyone must have an equal opportunity to determine the goals and
expectations for the entire project accurately. Through securing approval from each
stakeholder as well as developer, the teams can easily avoid any form of
miscommunication and numerous costly order changes during the build process.
 User Design
It is time to get into production after scoping out of the project, building up the entire user
interface using the various concept iterations. It is the foundation of the RAD approach,
and this is what separates it from the different strategies of project management. During
this particular phase, the customers collaborate with the developers to ensure that their
expectations during the design process are met at every single step. It is similar to
customized software development where the users can quickly check each product
prototype at each point to meet their requirements. All the bugs and problems are worked
out via an iterative process.
In reality, the developer designs a complete prototype, and then the customers check it,
and after that, they come together to collaborate easily on what worked and what did not.
This approach provides an opportunity for developers to modify the model as they go to
the stage where they get a satisfactory design. All clients and app developers are learning
from this whole process to ensure that no potential problems are slipping through the
cracks. A business that creates an Android app has to pay particular attention to the entire
user experience.

 Swift Construction
This process takes the various designs and different test structures from the entire design
phase and then transforms them into a full working model. Because most kinks and
improvements are resolved during the comprehensive iterative design phase, the app
developers can quickly build a working model much faster than they might have by
adopting any conventional project management strategy.
It can be broken down into the planning for rapid construction as well as the creation of
programs and applications. Then coding and a unit, integration along with system testing
are followed. In this particular stage, the application development team of coders, testers,
and developers collectively work together to ensure that everything works reasonably
well and that the result meets the client's standards as well as goals. It is a significant step
as the client can still provide feedback throughout the entire process. The client should
propose changes, enhancements, and even new ideas that can address the various
problems as they continue to come. This helps a mobile app development company to
produce the project's ideal working model rapidly.

 The Cutover
It is, in reality, a process of implementation in which the full finished product is set to
launch. This consists of data transfer, switching and upgrading to the new system, and
user training. The final changes are made adequately while the customers and coders
continue to look for flaws throughout the program.

4.3 Justification on choosing RAD

RAS is one of the most popular app development methodologies with different benefits for
both app development teams, such as iOS app developers and their customers. Some of the
advantages to it are:

 It allows you to split the whole project into far smaller and more manageable tasks.
 The whole task-oriented framework better helps project managers to efficiently
maximize the team's productivity by assigning various tasks according to the
members ' specialties and expertise.
 Clients will operate in a much shorter time frame on the whole working product being
 Constant contact, as well as continuous feedback among the team members, both
increase the overall design productivity and build process.

5.Chapter 5: Research Methods
5.1 Introduction
Research methods are a broad term. While data collection methods and data analysis
represent the core of research methods, you will need to address a range of additional
elements within your research scope. Research theory, research styles, research strategy, data
collection techniques, sampling, and ethical issues are among the essential aspects of research
methodology required to be addressed in a business dissertation at the Bachelor, Masters, and
others levels.

Gathering information for the proposed framework, "Android-based Student-Faculty

Document Sharing System," is a significant step forward in completing the task. It must be
done towards the undertaking's commencement. Awareness of social incentives will help me
to find the appropriate answers and strategies for my undertaking problems. It will also help
me determine target customers for my proposed framework. Information assortment will
foster and improve decision-making procedures and build the item's character — the
knowledge assortment approach changes, as demonstrated by a person or an association's
target or objective. The knowledge collection has different strategies available. They are
Questionnaires, Interviews, and Surveys.

 Observation
It is non-exploratory research in which a specialist watches progressive behavior, which
is usually taking place. Gathering information is the straightest strategy. No specialized
knowledge is required for this kind of research to be carried out. This technique offers
information more clarity than other plans.
 Questionnaire
It is an essential strategy for leading examination where a progression of inquiries to
gather data from the respondents is posed. This technique is an economical and useful
information-gathering method. Collecting information or the results is a brisk technique.
This technique will help us gather information from massive crowds or target clients.
 Interview
It is the joint process between the questioner and interviewee that can be established. It is
one of the critical methods for analyzing problems inside and out the way. It will get data
about close to home inclination, conclusions, and discernments. Through this strategy,
increasingly formulated questions will effectively be posed.
 Survey
This is the way to collect data from the response of an abnormal individual to the
questions asked. Online reviews, email overviews, paper tests, phone studies, and eye-to-
eye interaction with feedback should be possible in research. It is a standard information-
gathering technique. It gives the ability to be broad and depicts the attributes of a vast

5.2 Design

 Questionnaire and their objectives

1. Gender

 Male
 Female
 Other:

2. Age Group

 Below 16
 17-29
 Above 30

3. Occupation

 Student
 Teacher
 Other:

4. Academic Level

 Higher Secondary
 Bachelors
 Master
 Other:

Objective: All of the above inquiries are queries concerning parts. The fundamental goal of
the above-mentioned inquiries is to uncover relevant data about the intended interest groups.
Furthermore, the inquiries think about the viewpoint of groups of people of different gender,
ages, occupations, and academic level.

5. Have you ever use an online document sharing system?

 Yes
 No

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find if they use another similar system.

6. How would you share a document?

 Online
 With Pen-drive
 Printing document
 All of the above
 None of above

Objective: The main aim of this query is to find out what type of service they use. To test
whether most people rely mostly on one or more devices.

7. If none though what you share you're documenting?

Objective: The main purpose of this query is to find out what type of another service they use
other than in question 6.

8. How interested would you say you are in this student-faculty document sharing system?

 Extremely Interested
 Interested
 Not Interested

Objective: The objective here is to find out if they are Interested or Not in this sharing

9. What is the name of the application that you use to share a document?

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find what kind of online service they are
using to share their documents.

10. Do you think the student-faculty document sharing system is necessary?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find that the student-faculty document
sharing system is necessary or not on their view.

11. If yes/no why? (Regarding Q10)

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find the reason why they agree or
disagree with question 10.

12. What feature should be added in order to make the system better?

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find a nice and new idea of adding or
improving the project more successfully.

13. What are the difficulties you face while sharing a document with others?

Objective: The main mission is to find the real problem they face and try to solve the
problem in the modified product.

14. What are the problems you face while doing online sharing?

 Internet problem
 File Error message
 Limited file size
 Can't upgrade or delete false email
 Other

Objective: The objective here is to find what problem they are facing on online sharing apps
on-site so, we can improve or make sure not to make the same error in our product.

15. What shorts of the problem there will be if the security is not that good in the document
sharing system?

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find the problem if the security is not

16. Do you think we should notify the other organization to use other than school, college
and any institute for this app?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find if this app is okay to use in any field
or not.

17. Do you think this system should have a default support system?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

Objective: The main objective of this question is to find if people like to get help from admin
or not.

5.3 Summary
In this particular part, I examined the way in which research questions can also be
recognized, choosing suitable procedures. It distinguishes the significance of different
research strategies and the related advantages and confines. A description of proper
information assortment techniques such as summary, survey, conference, and interpretation is
studied. For this section, the look at strategy structure is also remembered. The questionnaire
is included with their destinations, in turn.

6.Chapter 6: Requirements Validation
6.1 Analysis of Data
For the research, I have taken a Twenty-Five (25) online survey and Fifteen (15) offline
surveys from the questionnaire. The data are collected and analyzed below.

Response Analysis
1. Gender

Figure 4: Gender

The above pie-chart shows the percentage value of the individual type of gender. The chart
clearly shows the number of males is higher as per the survey.
2. Age Group

Figure 5: Age Group

The above chart graph shows the different age groups. Most of the people are form the age
of 17-29 years.

3. Occupation

Figure 6: Occupation

The above chart graph shows a different occupation. Most of the people are a student.
4. Academic Level

Figure 7: Academic Level

The above chart graph shows the academic level. The chart clearly shows the number of
Bachelors is higher as per the survey.
5. Have you ever use an online document sharing system?

Figure 8: Analysis of an online document sharing system

The above chart graph shows the user using an online document sharing system or not.
The chart clearly shows the number of using other online document sharing systems is
higher as per the survey.
6. How would you share a document?

Figure 9: Analysis of how they share a document.

Figure 6 shows how would they share their document. In the graph, it shows most of the
respondents are All of the above. However, most of them use online sharing system.

7. If none though what you share you're documenting?

Figure 10: Analysis of how they share their document.

The above one use writes “I use all” which means all of them who fill there form for
survey use a different type of sharing method.
8. How interested would you say you are in this student-faculty document sharing system?

Figure 11: Analysis of interested people in a student-faculty document sharing system

The above chart shows 56% of the people are interested in a student-faculty document
sharing system.
9. What is the name of the application that you use to share a document?

Figure 12: Analysis of the name of the other application they use to share a document.

The above figure shows the name of the application that they use to share a document.

10. Do you think the student-faculty document sharing system is necessary?

Figure 13: Analysis of system necessary or not.

The above chart shows the student-faculty document sharing system is necessary or not.
The chart clearly shows the 68% put on yes and 32 on maybe as per the survey.

11. If yes/no why? (Regarding Q10)

Figure 14: Analysis of Q10.

The above figure shows the reason for yes or no from question 10. Among Twenty-Five
(25) online survey 12 have given their reason which is shown in the above figure.

12. What feature should be added in order to make the system better?

Figure 15: Analysis of what new features should be added.

The above figure shows what features should be added in order to make the system more
better. Among Twenty-Five (25) online survey 12 have given their reason which is shown
in the above figure.

13. What are the difficulties you face while sharing a document with others?

Figure 16: Analysis of difficulties they face while sharing.

The above figure shows the difficulties that people face while sharing a document with
others. Among Twenty-Five (25) online survey only 7 have given there answer which are
shown in the above figure.

14. What are the problems you face while doing online sharing?

Figure 17: Analysis of the problems they face while doing online sharing.

The above chart shows the problems which people face while sharing a document or any
other file online. Among Twenty-Five (25) online survey 19 have given their response
which is shown in the above figure.

15. What shorts of the problem there will be if the security is not that good in the document
sharing system?

Figure 18: Analysis of the problem if security is not good.

The above figure shows the problem if the security is not good in the document sharing

16. Do you think we should notify the other organization to use other than school, college
and any institute for this app?

Figure 19: Analysis to notify the other organization.

The above chart shows to notify the other area other than education like a bank, IT office
and other where document sharing system is necessary.

17. Do you think this system should have default support system?
Figure 20: Analysis of whether the system should have a default support system or not.

The above chart shows that the system should have a default support system or not which
would help in offline mode too.

6.2 Summary
To sum up all the requirement validations, the analysis is made through the quantitative
method. The analysis shows that most people are interested in using the student-faculty
document sharing system. Most of them are using online methods to share their data with
others. Hence, it is found that the scenario of a student-faculty document sharing system in
Nepal is growing day by day.

Most importantly, this analysis shows that the need for a student-faculty document sharing
system is important and necessary for the institutes. So, this project will be able to contribute
to promoting the student-faculty document sharing system.

There were a lot of different things found after the research which makes the project even
more complicated. However, with different data, and after analyzing them, it was found that
the project is in the right direction as well as the analyzed report also indicates that the
current Nepal scenario needs more deliverables and goals. Nevertheless, in the future, the
further improvement of the deliverables will continue.

7.Chapter 7: Conclusion and Reflections
In summarizing all of this project's research process, there were a lot of new learning
opportunities and learned from this research report. This study discusses various areas, and it
is only the project's first step. More than half of this system development technique has been
done with the improvement. At the end of the first leg, the key accomplishment is similar
system discovery, domain testing, data collection, and study.

The project aims is to replacing the current paper records and saving time and money to print
documents and to make this system helpful for both faculty and students of any institute. The
investigation for this is done relating to the project aim, objective and deliverables so, the
available research and survey may not be enough to develop a complete application however,
further research and investigation will be carried out if necessary.

Proper research and analysis are the secrets to any project's success so the research and
design process was conducted with full attention. However, some holes may have been
overlooked so far, but if they cause problems in the future, proper research and design will be
undertaken to complete the project again.

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