Total: Macmillan English 5 Unit 4 Worksheet Student Name: Total Mark
Total: Macmillan English 5 Unit 4 Worksheet Student Name: Total Mark
Total: Macmillan English 5 Unit 4 Worksheet Student Name: Total Mark
Unit 4 worksheet
Student name:
Total mark:
Total /20
1 Complete the sentences with adverbs. Use the adjectives in the box to
make the adverbs.
1 He ran up stairs.
5 We skipped home.
Tourist 1: I’m an astronomer, where’s the best place to see the stars?
Guide: ou
Y will see the stars , if you go to the
Tourist 2: Can you tell me where I can find some local shops?
Guide: ou (1)
Y , if you go to
Na’ama Bay.
Guide: ou (5)
Y , if you go to
Fawanees Restaurant.
All tourists: Thank you! I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful time!