Scheme of Work Maths Stage 4v1
Scheme of Work Maths Stage 4v1
Scheme of Work Maths Stage 4v1
This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge as a suggested plan of delivery for Cambridge Primary Mathematics stage 4. Learning objectives for
the stage have been grouped into topic areas or ‘Units’. These have then been arranged in a recommended teaching order but you are free to teach objectives in
any order within a stage as your local requirements and resources dictate.
The scheme for Mathematics has assumed a term length of 10 weeks, with three terms per stage and three units per term. An overview of the sequence, number
and title of each unit for stage 4 can be seen in the table below.
The scheme has been based on the minimum length of a school year to allow flexibility. You should be able to add in more teaching time as necessary, to suit the
pace of your learners and to fit the work comfortably into your own term times.
Problem solving learning objectives are recurring, appearing in every unit. Activities and resources are suggested against the learning objectives to illustrate
possible methods of delivery.
There is no obligation to follow the published Cambridge Scheme of Work in order to deliver Cambridge Primary. It has been created solely to provide an
illustration of how delivery might be planned over the six stages.
A step-by-step guide to creating your own scheme of work and implementing Cambridge Primary in your school can be found in the Cambridge Primary Teacher
Guide available on the Cambridge Primary website. Blank templates are also available on the Cambridge Primary website for you to use if you wish.
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
1A Number and Problem Solving 2A Number and Problem Solving 3A Number and Problem Solving
1B Measure and Problem Solving 2B Geometry and Problem Solving 3B Measure and Problem Solving
1C Handling data and Problem Solving 2C Measure and Problem Solving 3C Handling data and Problem Solving
4Nn1 Read and write number up to Respond to oral and written questions Number cards, large 100
10000. and statements such as: What is this square, large number line.
number? Write this number.
4Nn2 Count on and back in ones, tens, Respond to oral questions at the start 100 grid, place value cards.
hundreds and thousands from four of the lesson.
digit numbers.
4Nn3 Understand what each digit Respond to oral or written questions Place value cards, large class
represents in a three or four digit and statements such as ‘What does the set and a set per pupil.
number and partition into digit 7 mean in 472?’
thousands, hundreds, tens and ‘What number needs to go in each box?
units. Explain why. * + 300 + 20 + 1 = 4321
4Nn8 Recognise the multiples of 5, 10 Using 100 square. Look, see and say. 100 square; number cards of
and 100 up to 1000. Make your calculation: multiples of 5, 10, 100 up to
Make and complete as many numbers 1000; number cards 1 -10; x
sentences as they can using the given and = cards
4Nn9 Round 3 and 4 digit numbers to the Go shopping! Price tags, sheet of labels to Needs advanced
nearest 10 or 100. Buying items and finding approximate cut out. preparation.
totals by rounding prices to nearest
V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 4 2
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
4Nn10 Position accurately numbers up to Play games with marked dice to Dice; number line marked in Number lines may
1000 on an empty number line or generate 2, 3 or 4 digit numbers. multiples of 10 or 100 need to be prepared
line marked off in multiples of 10 or
4Nn11 Estimate where 3 and 4 digit Student activity: A group of students Large numbers of 2, 3 or 4 Number lines may
numbers lie on an empty 0 – 1000. each have a 2, 3 or 4 digit number. The digit numbers; empty number need to be prepared.
rest of the class instruct the group so line 0 – 1000.
that they stand smallest to largest
number on an imaginary number line.
Take the activity to table top.
4Nn12 Compare pairs of 3 or 4 digit Filling a base board. Piles of cards (< 2 Base boards marked H. T. Base boards and cards
numbers, using the < and > signs and >, and 0-9 digit cards) are placed U.; need to be prepared
and find a number in-between each face down. The top card of each pile is < and > cards; digit cards 0 –
pair. turned over and placed on the grid to 9
make a number statement. Is it true?
Mental strategies
4Nc5 Recognise and begin to know Respond to written or oral questions. Multiplication grid.
multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 up to
the tenth multiple.
4Nc6 Add 3 or 4 small numbers, finding Using a dartboard: Make a simple Dartboard; paper ‘darts’; sticky Dartboard needs to be
pairs that equal 10 or 20. dartboard circle with 6 segments each plastic. prepared.
numbered with a single digit. Using 3 or
4 ‘darts’ how many ways can a total of
10 or 20 be made?
4Nc9 Add any pair of 2 digit numbers, Use dice to generate 2 digit numbers. Numbered dice.
choosing an appropriate strategy. Encourage different strategies.
4Nc10 Subtract any pair of 2 digit Use dice to generate 2digit numbers. Numbered dice.
numbers, choosing an appropriate Subtract one for the other using
strategy. appropriate strategy
4Nc14 Use knowledge of commutativity to Understand and use the idea of the Numbered dice.
find the easier way to multiply. commutative law (3 x 43 = 43 x 3).
Use dice to generate 1 and 2 digit
4Nc15 Understand the effect of multiplying Calculator activity: Put in any multiple of Calculator. Some students may
and dividing 3 digit numbers by 10. 10. Press the divide key and then 10. need extra practice
Press =. What do you notice? Put in using a calculator.
any number, x by 10. Press =. What do
you notice?
4Nc17 Add pairs of 3 digit numbers. Use dice to generate 3 single digits. Numbered dice.
Rearrange them to make 2 three digit
numbers and add. Repeat.
4Nc18 Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 Use dice to generate 3 single digits, Numbered dice.
digit number. rearrange them to make one 2 digit
number and one 3 digit number.
Subtract the smaller from the larger.
4Nc19 Subtract pairs of 3 digit numbers. Use dice to generate 3 single digits, Numbered dice.
rearrange them to make 2 three digit
numbers, Subtract one from the other.
4Nc20 Double any 2 digit number. Go shopping: Twins go shopping and Sheets with clothing priced Sheets need to be
they like to dress alike, and eat the and sheets of food items prepared.
same food. Make a list of shopping for priced.
one of the twins. If they both go
shopping, how much will be spent?
4Nc21 Multiply multiples of 10 to 90 by a Groups of 3: chooser; operator; Number cards 1 – 9; number Cards need to be
single digit number. guesser. Chooser picks a card from a cards, multiples of 10 (10 90); prepared.
pack 1 -9 .and a card from a pack of
multiples of 10 (10 – 90) and shows
‘operator’ who calculates the answer
(using paper and pencil if necessary)
Guesser has to estimate the answer.
Discuss the outcomes. Change roles.
4Nc22 Multiply a 2 digit number by a single Groups of 3 as above. Chooser picks a Number cards 1 -9, set of 2 Cards need to be
digit number. card for a pack 1-9 and a card from a digit numbers. prepared.
pack of 2 digit numbers. Shows
operator who calculates the answer.
Guesser estimates the answer. Discuss
the outcomes. Change roles.
4Nc23 Divide 2 digit numbers by single As above but using division. Number cards appropriate to
digit numbers. the division facts.
4Nc25 Understand that the multiplication Using multiplication and division sign Multiplication and division sign
and division are the inverse function cards and a related set of number cards cards; related number cards.
of each other. ask students to make as many number
sentences as they can with just those
numbers and multiplication and division
Problem Solving
4Pt3 Check the results of adding Use this strategy as one possible
numbers by adding them in a during a calculation lesson.
different order or by subtracting one
number from the total.
4Pt4 Check subtraction by adding the Use this strategy as one possible
answer to the smaller number in the during a calculation lesson.
original calculation.
4Pt8 Estimate and approximate when Using a calculator and 2 single digit Calculator; digit cards 1 – 9.
calculating and check working. numbers, estimate the result of using
the 4 rules of number with those 2
numbers. Do the calculations on the
calculator. How close were the
estimates? Discuss differences.
4Ps1 Make up a number story for a Use dice to generate numbers and a Number dice; sign dice.
calculation. sign dice to generate the operations.
4Ps2 Explain reasons for a choice of Use during the last part of a lesson
strategy when multiplying or involving multiplication or division.
. Use during the main or last part of a
4Ps3 Choose strategies to find answers lesson involving addition and
to addition or subtraction problems; subtraction problems.
explain and show working.
4Ps4 Explore and solve number E.g. find 2 consecutive numbers with a Calculators.
problems and puzzles. total of ??
Two consecutive numbers with a
product of ??
4Ps9 Explain methods and reasoning Explain calculations that have been
orally and in writing. completed or partly completed. Develop
the use of correct vocabulary to explain.
Make hypotheses and test them Make and justify decisions Explain
out. methods and reasoning.
4Ml1 Choose and use standard metric Use correctly the abbreviations: mm Vocabulary cards of
units and their abbreviations when (millimetre), cm (centimetre), m (metre), abbreviations and the whole
estimating, measuring and recording km (kilometre), g (gram), kg (kilogram), word.
length, weight and capacity. ml (millilitre), l (litre), when answer
questions relating to measures.
4Ml2 Know and use the relationships What would you use to measure … ? Observations of
between familiar units of length, Why? Would that be a sensible students working can
mass and capacity, know the measure to use? Why/why not? be used as an
meaning of kilo-, cent-, and milli-. assessment aid.
4Ml4 Interpret intervals. Division on Choose a suitable measuring Measuring apparatus Use observation during
partially numbered scales; record instrument to measure for example: practical work as well
readings accurately. A book, a table, the classroom as questioning as an
The weight of an apple, a bag of assessment tool.
apples, a person.
The capacity of a jug, a cup, a large
bottle. Interpret and record the
4Mt1 Read and tell the time to the nearest Use the vocabulary related to time. Analogue and digital clocks.
minute on 12 hour digital and Read the time to the minute on a 12
analogue clocks. hour digital clock and on an analogue
clock. Know that 5.47 or 47 minutes
past 5 or 13 minutes to 6 are all
V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 4 9
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
4Mt3 Read simple timetables and use a Use a calendar to work out which day Examples of calendars and
calendar. of the week 26th April is; the date of the timetables.
second Wednesday in November; the
number of days from 30th June to 4th
August, and the number of weeks from
4th July to 30th October.
Use a T.V. guide to work out the length
of favourite programmes, use the class
timetable to find out how much time you
spend in a maths lesson every day,
every week.
4Mt4 Choose units of time to measure time Collect ideas to estimate or measure: Stop watches, sand timers,
intervals. The time it takes to come to school; analogue clocks with a second
The time it takes to get home; hand, and digital clocks as
The time you watch T.V. each week; examples.
How long it is until the end of the year.
What measurement of time to:
Run a race; bake a cake; eat a meal?
4Ma1 Draw rectangles and measure and Use the vocabulary of area and Rulers.
calculate their perimeters. perimeter.
Respond to questions: Draw different
rectangles with a perimeter of 32 cm.
Which has the largest area?
The perimeter of a square is 24 cm.
What is the length of 1 side? Draw 2
rectangles with the same perimeter as
the square.
4Ma2 Understand that area is measured in Find areas by counting squares. Centimetre square paper.
square units e.g. cms squared.
4Ma3 Find the area of rectilinear shapes Using prepared sheets with shapes Centimetre square paper.
drawn on a square grid by counting drawn on cm square paper, ask ‘What Prepared sheets.
squares. area is shaded? Find different ways of
halving the area of a 5 x 5 grid.
Problem solving
4Pt8 Estimate and approximate when Estimate and check, using standard
calculating, and check working units measurements such as:
How tall your teacher is; how heavy a
football is; how much a bucket holds;
how long/wide your table is.
4Ps1 Make up a number story for a Solve story problems and explain and
calculation, including in the context of record how the problem was solved,
measures e.g. Measure the lengths of string
where not all are straight; change this
recipe for 5 people to a recipe for 10 (or
4Ps9 Explain methods and reasoning What would you use to measure … ?
orally and in writing; make Why? Would that be a sensible
hypotheses and test them out. measure to use? Why/why not?
Handling data
4Dh1 Answer a question by identifying Use, read and write vocabulary related A collection of questions which Allow group and class
what data to collect, organising, to data. can be used as a basis of discussion of the
presenting and interpreting data in Find the answer to a question by collecting and handling data findings. Watch to see
tables, diagrams, tally charts, collecting data quickly then make a tally which students find the
frequency tables, pictograms and bar chart. Discuss the findings. activity easy/difficult.
charts. Transfer the information to a different Use this as an
type of graph or chart. assessment
4Dh3 Use Venn or Carroll diagrams to sort Use sorting diagrams such as two-way Prepared Venn or Carroll
data and objects using 2 or 3 criteria. Venn and Carroll diagrams to show diagrams.
information about shapes or numbers.
Change the shapes or numbers and
find new rules for sorting.
Problem solving
4Ps5 Use ordered lists and tables to help Find the answer to a question by using
to solve problems systematically. data collection in another subject or as
part of a homework activity. Discuss the
4Ps9 Explain methods and reasoning Find the answer to a question by using
orally and in writing; make data collection in another subject or as
hypotheses and test them out. part of a homework activity. Discuss the
Count on and back in ones, tens, Class chanting and targeted questions. Place value chart You may need to
4Nn2 hundreds and thousands from four 1 2 3 4 5… spend some time
digit numbers. 10 20 30 40 50 … discussing the place
100 200 300 400 500 … value chart.
4Nn3 Understand what each digit Use place value (arrow) cards. Large set or teacher
represents in a three or four digit modelling. Small set for table
number and partition into thousands, top and ‘show me’ activities.
hundreds, tens and units.
4Nn7 Multiply and divide three-digit Put a number into the display, press x Calculator. Make sure that
numbers by 10 (whole number 10. What happens? Place value chart. students are familiar
answers) and understand the effect; Try with a different start number. Try 2- with how to use a
begin to multiply numbers by digit, 3-digit numbers. What happens? calculator.
100 and perform related divisions. Put a number in to the display, press /
10 What happens? What can you see?
Find a number where there is no
decimal point showing in the display.
What do you notice about those
V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 4 15
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
4Nn13 Use negative numbers in context, Use, read and write the vocabulary Number line to include
e.g. temperature. associated with negative numbers negative numbers.
Recognise positive and negative whole Blank numbers lines with only
numbers (integers) in contexts such as zero marked in the centre.
temperature, above ground and below
ground (a lift)…
Count back from any small number
through zero.
Place numbers on blank number line.
4Nn14 Recognise and extend number Count on and back: Number line.
sequences formed by counting in From any 2-digit number count in steps
steps of constant size, extending of 2, 3, 4, 5, 10. Hundred square.
beyond zero when counting back. Count back in 5s from 50
Describe, extend and explain number
sequences and patterns
Use knowledge of 2x timbale to work
out 4x table. Use 4x table to work out
8x table.
4Nn15 Recognise odd and even numbers. Give reasons why a number is odd or
even. 2-digit, 3-digit, 4-digit.
Make a general rule.
4Nn16 Make general statements about the Choose 2 even numbers and find their
sums and differences of odd and total. Is the answer odd or even?
even numbers. Choose 2 different even numbers and
repeat. Choose 3 or 4 digit even
numbers and repeat.
What do you notice?
What is the general statement you can
make about the total of even adding
even numbers?
Repeat with 2 odd numbers.
Repeat with 3 odd numbers. What
happens to the totals?
4Nn4 Use decimal notation and place Using understanding of multiplying and
value for tenths and hundredths in dividing by 10, (x a number by 10 digits
context, e.g. order amounts of move 1 one place to the left, divide by
money; convert a sum of money 10, digits move 1 place to the right)
such as £13.25 to pence, or a length Explain the place value grid which
such as 125 cm to metres; round a 1 2 3 4 5…
sum of money to the nearest pound. 10 20 30 40 50 … Place value grid
100 200 300 400 500 …
Shows multiplication by 10. What
happens when you divide by 10?
Solve problems involving money,
explaining how the problem was solved.
Mental strategies
Use 0 – 99 square as a visual model.
4Nc5 Recognise and begin to know Place counter on zero and move it in 0 – 99 hundred square – 1 for
multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 up to jumps of 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 and teacher demonstration, 1 each
the tenth multiple. 10. for table top.
This gives an early opportunity to count
forwards and backwards in various Counters.
multiples with the help of the number
square. Students record the numbers in Multiples charts.
a sequence and predict the next in the
For addition:
4Nc9 Add any pair of 2 digit numbers, Look for pairs that make a multiple of
choosing an appropriate strategy. 10 and do these first;
Start with the largest number
Partition and recombine (partition into
tens and units) Look for doubles and
near doubles.
4Nc13 Multiply any pair of single digit Use knowledge and understanding of Tables charts.
numbers together. times tables.
4Nc14 Use knowledge of commutativity to Understand that in multiplication the Multiplication square.
find the easier way to multiply. commutative law is
3 x 25 = 25 x 3
Use what they know ( 7x3) to find what
they don’t know (3x7)
Become familiar with multiplication
square looking for patterns.
4Nc1 Derive quickly pairs of two-digit Use known number facts and place Large place value cards for
numbers with a total of 100, value to add numbers with a total of teacher modelling.
e.g. 72 + � = 100. 100. Small place value cards for
table top.
4Nc2 Derive quickly pairs of multiples of 50 Use known number facts and place
with a total of 1000, value to add numbers with a total of
e.g. 850 + � = 1000. 1000.
4Nc4 Know multiplication for 2×, 3×, 4×, Class chanting of tables with targeted
5×, 6×, 9× and 10× tables and derive questions.
division facts. 4 x 10 = 40, 40 divided by 10 = 4
Encourage looking for patterns in the
4Nc7 Add three two-digit multiples of 10, Use knowledge of addition to 10 and
e.g. 40 + 70 + 50. adjust.
4Nc8 Add and subtract near multiples of Keep in the horizontal format and Empty number line
10 or 100 to or from three-digit discuss strategies:
numbers, e.g. 367 – 198 or 278 + 49. Round up or round down and adjust
Round to nearest 10 or 100 and adjust
Partition numbers to hundreds tens and
units (367 = 300 + 60 + 7)
Add hundreds first, then tens then units
and add all three totals together.
Students should be encouraged to
derive their own strategies.
4Nc11 Find a difference between near Round up or down and adjust. Empty number line
multiples of 100, e.g. 304 – 296. Discuss other strategies. Encourage
students to find their own.
4Nc12 Subtract a small number crossing Discuss strategies: Empty number line
100, e.g. 304 – 8. Subtract 4 then 4 again.
Use an empty number line.
Encourage students to find strategies of
their own.
4Nc16 Derive quickly doubles of all whole Understand that doubling is the inverse
numbers to 50, doubles of multiples of halving (half of 20 is 10 therefore
of 10 to 500, doubles of multiples of double 10 is 20)
100 to 5000, and corresponding Doubling is x 2, halving is dividing by 2.
4Nc17 Add pairs of 3 digit numbers. Discuss strategies. Empty number line
Look for pairs that make a multiple of
10 and do these first;
Start with the largest number
Look for doubles and near doubles.
Round up or round down and adjust
Round to nearest 10 or 100 and adjust
Partition numbers to hundreds tens and
units (367 = 300 + 60 + 7)
Add hundreds first, then tens then units
and add all three totals together
Students should be encouraged to
derive their own strategies.
4Nc18 Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 Keep in horizontal format and discuss Empty number line
digit number. strategies.
Use knowledge of place value to
partition numbers.
Break numbers in to hundreds, tens
and units.
Give students opportunities to develop
their own strategies. Share them with
the rest of the class.
4Nc19 Subtract pairs of 3 digit numbers. Keep in horizontal format and discuss Empty number line
Use knowledge of place value to Place value (arrow cards
partition numbers.
Break numbers in to hundreds, tens
and units.
Give students opportunities to develop
their own strategies. Share them with
the rest of the class.
4Nc22 Multiply a 2 digit number by a single Discuss strategies. Empty number line
digit number. Use knowledge and understanding of
place value.
Rounding and adjusting.
Repeated addition (more likelihood of
Rules for multiplication (x tables).
Students share their own strategies.
4Nc24 Divide 2 digit numbers by single digit Use knowledge and understanding of
numbers. inverse operations (division is the
inverse of multiplication).
Discuss strategies.
4Nc24 Decide whether to round up or down Make sensible decisions about whether
after division to give an answer to a to round up or round down after division
problem. For example:
Rounding up:
I have 52 eggs. One box holds 6 eggs. I
will need 9 boxes.
Rounding down:
I have 52 eggs. One box holds 6 eggs. I
could only fill 8 boxes.
Problem Solving
4Pt3 Check the results of adding numbers Understand and use inverse
by adding them in a different order or operations.
by subtracting one number from the
total. Rearranging numbers to use different
4Pt8 Estimate and approximate when Explain how the estimate was made
calculating and check working. and justify why it is reasonable.
4Pt5 Check multiplication using a different Look for and devise different strategies.
technique, e.g. check
6 × 8 = 48 by doing 6 × 4 and
4Pt6 Check the result of a division using Use knowledge and understanding of
multiplication, e.g. multiply 4 by inverse operations.
12 to check 48 ÷ 4.
4Ps1 Make up a number story for a What could the story be?
calculation. 17 + 56 +34 = 107
68 – 56 +23 = 35
4Ps2 Explain reasons for a choice of Discuss strategies and give reasons for
strategy when multiplying or dividing. the choices made.
4Ps6 Describe and continue number Look for patterns and connections.
sequences, e.g. 7, 4, 1, –2 ... Devise number sequences for others
identifying the relationship between to solve
each number.
4ps4 Explore and solve number problems Use a range of word problems, logic
and puzzles. problems, finding all possibilities,
diagram problems and visual problems,
finding rules and describing patterns.
Use ordered lists and tables to help Use within data handling and problem
solve problems systematically. solving.
4Ps9 Explain methods and reasoning Bring into whole class, group and pair
orally and in writing. working.
Shapes and geometric reasoning Use, read and write the vocabulary
relating to shape
. 4Gs1 Identify, describe, visualise, draw 2D: Know that a polygon is a closed flat Rulers
and make a wider range of 2D and shape with 3 or more straight sides.
3D shapes including a range of Ask class to draw as many polygons as
quadrilaterals, the heptagon and they can within 10 minutes. Share with
tetrahedron; use pin boards to create the rest of the group.
a range of polygons. Use spotty Regular polygons have all their sides
paper to record results. and angles equal. Ask the class to draw
as many regular polygons as possible
in 10 minutes. Share with the rest of the
group. Feedback to whole class the
different types.
Sort, name and classify. Put into a table
or list or use a Carroll diagram.
3D: Know that in a polyhedron each
face is a flat surface and is a polygon;
an edge is a straight line where 2 faces
meet; a vertex is the point where 3 or
more edges meet.
Know that a prism has 2 identical ends
and the same cross section throughout.
Collect, name and describe examples.
4Gs2 Classify polygons (including a range Know the angle and side properties of
of quadrilaterals) using criteria isosceles, equilateral, scalene and right
such as the number of right angles, angle triangles. Collect and draw
whether or not they are regular examples of each.
and their symmetrical properties. Name and classify polygons according
to their properties using a Carroll
Identify particular shapes from a mixed
4Gs3 Identify and sketch lines of symmetry Identify whether examples from real life
in 2D shapes and patterns. (fabric, wallpaper, logos,
advertisements, road signs ….) have a
line of symmetry.
Design a logo with a line of symmetry/2
lines of symmetry.
Make patterns by repeatedly reflecting
4Gs5 Find examples of shapes and Design a maths trail around the
symmetry in the environment and in classroom, school, outdoors or wider
art. community identifying shapes with
symmetry. Write a ‘shape with
symmetry’ trail for others to follow.
4Gp1 Describe and identify the position of Begin to understand that 4,5 describes
a square on a grid of squares where a point found by starting from the 0,0
rows and columns are numbered and moving 4 squares across and 5
and/or lettered. squares up.
Recognise that 3,6 and 6,3 describe
different squares
Design a grid with instructions to get
from the start (own choice) to another
square. Ask the children to offer ideas
for the context (mice to a piece of
cheese, rocket to the moon, shopper to
the shop …..).
4Gp2 Know that angles are measured in Make and measure clockwise and anti-
degrees and that one whole turn is clockwise turns, describing them in
360° or four right angles; compare degrees. Use students to turn or find
and order angles less than 180°. other examples in the classroom of
things that turn (hands on a clock,
compass direction).
4Gp3 Devise the directions to give to follow Have a start point for 1 student to
a given path. stand. Rest of the class give directions
one at a time to get the student from
start to an agreed finish position. What
are the least number of instructions
4Ps7 Identify simple relationships between Make statements for the class to
shapes, e.g. these polygons explore and come to a decision about
are all regular because ... whether it is true or not.
The number of lines of reflective
symmetry in a regular polygon is equal
to the number of sides of the polygon.
4Ml1 Choose and use standard metric Use, read and write the vocabulary Labels with abbreviations
units and their abbreviations when associated with measure. matched to the metric units.
estimating, measuring and recording Use correctly the abbreviations:
length, weight and capacity. Mm (millimetre); cm (centimetre); m
(metre); km (kilometre);g (gram); kg
(kilogram); ml (millitre); l (litre) when
estimating, measuring and recording
length, weight and capacity.
4Ml2 Know and use the relationships Know the equivalent of one half, one Measuring apparatus for
between familiar units of length, quarter and three quarters and one length, mass and capacity.
mass and capacity, know the tenth of 1km in m, 1m in cm, 1kg in g
meaning of kilo-, cent-, and milli-. and 1litre in ml.
Use practical activities with jugs and
beakers to show equivalence of
capacity(1 litre), moving to exploring
one half, one quarter and three
Use practical activities tapes, metre
sticks and rulers to show equivalence of
linear measure (1 metre), moving to
exploring half, quarter and three
Repeat for mass.
4Ml4 Interpret intervals. Division on Choose a suitable measuring Measuring apparatus for
partially numbered scales; record instrument to measure: the length of length, mass and capacity
readings accurately. your hand, round your head, your pace,
the classroom, the hall, the field …..;
The weight of your book; the weight of
your bag; the weight of your friend; the
weight of the heaviest movable thing in
your classroom.
The capacity of a beaker; the capacity
of a jug; the capacity of a bottle ……
4Mt1 Read and tell the time to the nearest Use word problems to give practice and Analogue and digital clocks Putting time in the
minute on 12 hour digital and consolidation in reading and telling the context of real life
analogue clocks. time: allows students to
What time is it now? In 25 minutes we make connections to
are going to have lunch. What time will what is already
it be then? familiar. Ask them to
Lunch takes 40 minutes. What time will suggest some ideas of
it finish? their own.
I got up for school at 6.50. Breakfast
took 20 minutes; getting washed and
dressed took 18 minutes. What time
was I ready to leave for school?
Use cards that show times on both Snap cards Show the same time in
analogue and digital clocks and cards different ways: 3:45 or
that have the time in words. Shuffle 15 minutes to 4 or45
both sets and place them face down on minutes past 3.
a table. Take turns to turn over one
card from the top of each pack. If they Use am and pm
match say snap. First player to say it
wins the cards. Left over cards are
placed face up and players take turns
to choose 2 that match. The winner is
the player with most cards when all
have been taken.
4Mt2 Use AM, PM and 12 hour digital Link this with 4Mt1 and use am and pm
clock notation. on the snap cards.
4Mt3 Read simple timetables and use a Using this year’s calendar ask: Calendars
calendar. Which day of the week is your birthday?
Which day of the week is your friend’s Timetables
What is the date of the second Friday in
How many days between your birthday
until your friend’s birthday?
How many weeks from the 3rd July to
18th September?
4Mt4 Choose units of time to measure Suggest things or events that you
time intervals. would measure in: hours, minutes,
seconds, days, weeks, months, years.
4Ma1 Draw rectangles and measure and Discuss the meaning of perimeter. Drawn rectangles, enough
calculate their perimeters. Give students examples of rectangles. different ones for each
‘Draw round your rectangle, keeping member of the group
your pencil on the edge. How far did
your pencil go? Measure the distance
and record’
Change rectangles between the group,
Are all the measurements the same for
each rectangle If there are any that are
very different, spend time discussing
the reasons why this could be. Allow
students to re-measure.
Allow students to draw their own
rectangles and pass them around the
group to be measured.
4Ma2 Understand that area is measured in Do all rectangles with the same Cm square paper
square units e.g. cms squared. perimeter look the same? How many Rulers
different rectangles can be drawn with
the same perimeter?
4Ma3 Find the area of rectilinear shapes Using square paper draw different Cm square paper
drawn on a square grid by counting rectangles with the same perimeter to Rulers
squares. find the one with the largest area Greetings cards, books …..
Using materials such as greetings
cards, books, rulers ….. draw round an
object onto cm square paper and find
the area by counting the squares inside
the perimeter.
Problem solving
4Nn7 Multiply and divide three-digit Put a number into the display, press x Calculator Students need to know
numbers by 10 (whole number 10. What happens? Place value chart how to use a calculator
answers) and understand the effect; Try with a different start number. Try 2- and read the place
begin to multiply numbers by digit, 3-digit numbers. What happens? value chart
100 and perform related divisions. Put a number in to the display, press /
10 What happens? What can you see?
Find a number where there is no
decimal point showing in the display.
What do you notice about those
Put a number into the display. Press x
100. What do you notice? Try another
number. Does the same thing happen?
Put a number in the display. Press x
100. Record your start number and the
answer. Press /100. What do you
4Nn13 Use negative numbers in context, Use, read and write the vocabulary Number line to include Using real life contexts
e.g. temperature. associated with negative numbers negative numbers. can help students to
Recognise positive and negative whole Blank numbers lines with only make connections.
numbers (integers) in contexts such as zero marked in the centre.
temperature, above ground and below
ground (a lift), …….
Count back from any small number
through zero.
Place numbers on blank number line
Use thermometers to take body
temperature, inside the classroom,
outside, Put temperatures in order,
lowest first.
4Nn14 Recognise and extend number Count on and back: Number line.
sequences formed by counting in From any 2-digit number count in steps
steps of constant size, extending of 2, 3, 4, 5, 10. Hundred square.
beyond zero when counting back. Count back in 5s from 50
Describe, extend and explain number
sequences and patterns.
Use knowledge of 2x timbale to work
out 4x table. Use 4 x table to work out
8x table.
4Nn15 Recognise odd and even numbers. Give reasons why a number is odd or
even. 2-digit, 3-digit, 4-digit.
Make a general rule.
4Nn16 Make general statements about the Choose 2 even numbers and find their
sums and differences of odd and total. Is the answer odd or even?
even numbers. Choose 2 different even number and
repeat. Choose 3 or 4 digit even
numbers and repeat.
What do you notice?
What is the general statement you can
make about the total of even adding
even numbers?
Repeat with 2 odd numbers.
Repeat with 3 odd numbers. What
happens to the totals?
Gather information from the rest of your Encouraging students
group. to reason can develop
Make a general statement about their thinking.
addition of 2, or 3 odd numbers.
4Nn4 Use decimal notation and place Using understanding of multiplying and Place value grid
value for tenths and hundredths in dividing by 10, (x a number by 10 digits
context, e.g. order amounts of move 1 one place to the left, divide by
money; convert a sum of money 10, digits move 1 place to the right)
such Explain the place value grid which
as £13.25 to pence, or a length such 1 2 3 4 5…
as 125 cm to metres; round a sum of 10 20 30 40 50 …
money to the nearest pound. 100 200 300 400 500 …
Shows multiplication by 10. What
happens when you divide by 10?
Solve problems involving money,
explaining how the problem was solved.
4Nn6 Find multiples of 10, 100, 1000 Use knowledge and understanding of Place value (arrow) cards
more/less than numbers of up to four place value.
digits, e.g. 3407 + 20 = 3427. Use place value cards to change digits.
4Nn17 Order and compare two or more Revise the meaning of denominator Empty number line
fractions with the same denominator and numerator. Revise what each Fraction cards.
(halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, stands for. Arrange fraction cards on a
eighths or tenths). number line/fraction line/blank number
Which fraction is greater? How do you
4Nn18 Recognise the equivalence between: Using a multiplication square look Multiplication square
½; 4/8; and 5/10; ¼; 2/8; 1/5 and 2/10 across any 2 rows which are next to
each other. What do you notice?
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 …..
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Read them as fractions. What do you
Is this true for any 2 rows?
Cut along the rows and place one
above another. Read from left to right.
Are they all equivalent fractions?
4Nn19 Use equivalence to help order Use the multiples square. Remind Empty number line
fractions, e.g. 7/10 and 3/4 students about the notation and the tem
numerator and denominator. Cover up Multiples square
all the multiples except the top 2 rows.
Look see and say about the top 2 rows. Calculator
(The numbers on the second row are
double those on the top row).Select a
pair of numbers to make a fraction.
What do you notice? Divide the
numerator by the denominator (0.5).
Repeat until all pairs have been used.
All have the decimal 0.5 after division.
Therefore they are all equivalent.
Use different rows and knowledge of
decimals to order fractions on an empty
number line
4Nn20 Understand the equivalence between Give each pair of students a calculator Calculator
one-place decimals and fractions in between them, a set of fraction cards Pack of fraction cards 1/10 ….
tenths. and a set of decimal cards. Place the 10/
fractions cards face down on the table. Decimal cards 0.1 … 1
Take turns to turn over the top card and
using the calculator divide the
numerator by the denominator. Find the
decimal card that matches the fraction
card. Repeat until all of the cards have
been used.
4Nn22 Recognise the equivalence between Use knowledge and understanding of Calculators.
the decimal fraction and vulgar use of calculator to convert vulgar Place value cards with
fraction forms of halves, quarters, fractions to decimal fractions. decimal point.
tenths and hundredths.
4Nn23 Recognise mixed numbers, e.g. 5 ¾ Recognise that 5¾ is more than 5 but Number line
and order these on a number line less than 6.
Recognise that 5¾ is more than 5½.
Recognise that 5¼ is more than 5 but
less than 5½
4Nn24 Relate finding fractions to division. Understand that finding ½ is the same Calculator
as dividing by 2.
Recognise that when 1 pizza is divided
equally into 4, each person gets ¼
4Nn25 Find halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, Recognise that shapes have to be Calculator
eighths and tenths of shapes and divided into the same number of equal
numbers. parts as the denominator. Recognise Regular shapes
that the numerator refers to the number
of parts out of the whole.
Understand that finding one eighth is
equivalent to dividing by 8, so 1/8 of 24
is 3.
Mental strategies
4Nc1 Derive quickly pairs of two-digit Use known number facts and place
numbers with a total of 100, value to add numbers with a total of
e.g. 72 + � = 100. 100.
4Nc2 Derive quickly pairs of multiples of 50 Use known number facts and place
with a total of 1000, value to add numbers with a total of
e.g. 850 + � = 1000 1000.
4Nc4 Know multiplication for 2×, 3×, 4×, Class chanting of tables with targeted
5×, 6×, 9× and 10× tables and questions
derive division facts. 4 x 10 = 40, 40 divided by 10 = 4
Encourage looking for patterns in the
4Nc7 Add three two-digit multiples of 10, Use knowledge of addition to 10 and
e.g. 40 + 70 + 50. adjust.
4Nc8 Add and subtract near multiples of Keep in the horizontal format and
10 or 100 to or from three-digit discuss strategies:
numbers, e.g. 367 – 198 or 278 + 49. Round up or round down and adjust
Round to nearest 10 or 100 and adjust
Partition numbers to hundreds tens and
units (367 = 300 + 60 + 7)
Add hundreds first, then tens then units
and add all three totals together
Students should be encouraged to
derive their own strategies.
4Nc16 Derive quickly doubles of all whole Understand that doubling is the inverse
numbers to 50, doubles of of halving (half of 20 is 10 therefore
multiples of 10 to 500, doubles of double 10 is 20).
multiples of 100 to 5000, and Doubling is x 2, halving is dividing by 2.
corresponding halves.
4Nc24 Decide whether to round up or down Make sensible decisions about whether
after division to give an answer to a to round up or round down after division
problem. Revise the problem from before. For
Rounding up:
I have 153 flowers. One box holds 50
flowers. I will need 4 boxes.
Rounding down:
I have 153 flowers. One box holds 50
flowers. I could only fill 3 boxes.
Set new problems and ask students to
make problems of their own.
Problem Solving
4Pt3 Check the results of adding numbers Understand and use inverse operations
by adding them in a different order or
by subtracting one number from the Rearranging numbers to use different
total. strategies.
4Pt8 Estimate and approximate when Explain how the estimate was made
calculating and check working. and justify why it is reasonable.
4Pt5 Check multiplication using a different Look for and devise different strategies.
technique, e.g. check
6 × 8 = 48 by doing 6 × 4 and
4Pt6 Check the result of a division using Use knowledge and understanding of
multiplication, e.g. multiply 4 by inverse operations.
12 to check 48 ÷ 4.
4Ps1 Make up a number story for a What could the story be?
calculation. 43 – 67 = -24
17 divided by 2 = 8 remainder 1
Make up more stories
4Ps2 Explain reasons for a choice of Discuss strategies and give reasons for
strategy when multiplying or dividing. the choices made.
4Ps6 Describe and continue number Look for patterns and connections.
sequences, e.g. 7, 4, 1, –2 ... Devise number sequences for others to
identifying the relationship between solve.
each number.
4Ps4 Explore and solve number problems Use a range of word problems, logic
and puzzles. problems, finding all possibilities,
diagram problems and visual problems,
finding rules and describing patterns.
4Ps5 Use ordered lists and tables to help Use within data handling and problem
solve problems systematically. solving.
4Ps9 Explain methods and reasoning Bring into whole class, group and pair
orally and in writing. working.
4Ml1 Choose and use standard metric Use, read and write the vocabulary Labels with abbreviations Add illustrations to the
units and their abbreviations when associated with measure. matched to the metric units. labels for those
estimating, measuring and Use correctly the abbreviations: students who may find
recording length, weight and Mm (millimetre); cm (centimetre); m reading difficult. This
capacity. (metre); km (kilometre);g (gram); kg will help them to make
(kilogram); ml (millitre); l (litre) when connections.
estimating, measuring and recording
length, weight and capacity
4Ml2 Know and use the relationships Know the equivalent of one half, one Measuring apparatus for Making the activity
between familiar units of length, quarter and three quarters and one length, mass and capacity. practical will
mass and capacity, know the tenth of 1km in m, 1m in cm, 1kg in g particularly help those
meaning of kilo-, cent-, and milli-. and 1litre in ml. students who find
Use practical activities with jugs and working in the abstract
beakers to show equivalence of difficult.
capacity (1 litre), moving to exploring
one half, one quarter and three
Use practical activities tapes, metre
sticks and rulers to show equivalence of
linear measure (1 metre), moving to
exploring half, quarter and three
Repeat for mass.
4Ml4 Interpret intervals. Division on Choose a suitable measuring Measuring apparatus for These ideas are best
partially numbered scales; record instrument to measure: the length of length, mass and capacity. done practically to help
readings accurately. your smallest finger, round a football, students develop their
your footstep, the corridor, the hall, the knowledge, skills and
field, your bedroom …..; understanding.
The weight of more than 1 book. What
happens if you change the books?; the
weight of your shoes. Do all pairs of
shoes weigh the same?; the weight of
your friend; the weight of you and your
friend. the weight of the lightest thing in
your classroom. Has anyone found
anything lighter?
The capacity of a beaker; the capacity
of a jug; the capacity of a bottle …..,
4Mt1 Read and tell the time to the Use word problems to give practice and Analogue and digital clocks. Break word problems
nearest minute on 12 hour digital consolidation in reading and telling the into smaller units for
and analogue clocks. time: some students.
What time is it now? In 13 minutes we
are going to have lunch. What time will
it be then?
I can eat my lunch in 21 minutes. What
time will I finish?
I got up for school at 15 minutes to 7.
Breakfast took 20 minutes; getting
washed and dressed took 18 minutes.
What time was I ready to leave for
4Mt2 Use AM, PM and 12 hour digital Link this with 4Mt1 and use am and pm
clock notation. on the snap cards.
4Mt3 Read simple timetables and use a Using this year’s calendar ask:
calendar. Which day of the week did we start
Which day of the week will we finish
school this term? Calendars.
What is the date of the second Tuesday
in March? Timetables.
How many days between starting
school this term and ending school?
How many weeks?
How many days from the 15th May to
26th April next year?
4Mt4 Choose units of time to measure Use a different class timetable to see
time intervals. how much time they spend on each
subject in a day.
How much time a week? How much
time a term? How much time a year?
4Ma1 Draw rectangles and measure and Discuss the meaning of perimeter. Drawn rectangles, enough
calculate their perimeters. Give students examples of rectangles. different ones for each
‘Draw round your rectangle, keeping member of the group.
your pencil on the edge. How far did
your pencil go? Measure the distance
and record’
Change rectangles between the group,
Are all the measurements the same for
each rectangle If there are any that are
very different, spend time discussing
the reasons why this could be. Allow
students to re-measure.
Allow students to draw their own
rectangles and pass them around the
group to be measured.
4Ma2 Understand that area is measured Do all rectangles with the same Cm square paper.
in square units e.g. cms squared. perimeter look the same? How many Rulers.
different rectangles can be drawn with
the same perimeter?
What length of sides will give the
largest area?
4Ma3 Find the area of rectilinear shapes Using square paper draw different Cm square paper.
drawn on a square grid by counting rectangles with the same perimeter to Rulers.
squares. find the one with the largest area Greetings cards, books.
Problem solving
4Ps1 Make up a number story for a What if a jug has half a litre and you
calculation, including in the context pour in another half a litre, but you spill
of measures. three quarters of a litre. How much is
left? How do you know?
Ask students to devise problems for the
rest of the class.
Handling data
4Dh1 Answer a question by identifying Set problems or puzzles that involves Using student interest
what data to collect, organising, collecting data. Link with student may generate more
presenting and interpreting data in interest and events in the school or discussion. Encourage
tables, diagrams, tally charts, wider community: them to question and
frequency tables, pictograms and bar Use a tally chart for data that can be debate the relative
charts. collected quickly ‘Where would you like merits of each type of
to visit?’ Discuss the findings representation of data.
When is it better to use
Make a pictogram, where the symbol one rather than
represents several units ‘I think that ice another? Does it
cream is our favourite dessert. How matter? Why?
could we find out?’ Discuss strategies
and then the findings
4Dh3 Use Venn or Carroll diagrams to sort Use sorting diagrams such as Venn
data and objects using 2 or 3 criteria. and Carroll diagrams to display
information (shapes, numbers, sorting
resources …..)
Ask students to offer their own ideas.
Problem solving
4Ps5 Use ordered lists and tables to help Link with 4Dh1. Use for data that can
to solve problems systematically. be collected quickly in the first instance,
then use for more sustained
investigations. Discuss how important
being systematic is when dealing with
4Ps4 Explain methods and reasoning Integrate this with all aspects of Encourage students to
orally and in writing; make handling data. discuss their methods
hypotheses and test them out. of data collection, their
findings and their
representations. Pair
or small group would
work well for this,
followed by whole
class discussion.