Challenges in Commissioning and Operation of OASE Solvent Systems
Challenges in Commissioning and Operation of OASE Solvent Systems
Challenges in Commissioning and Operation of OASE Solvent Systems
Venkat Pattabathula
Incitec Pivot
George Colman
Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR)
which shall be purified from CO 2 , enters the ab-
he growth of ammonia industry has been sorber column at the bottom.
languishing in the USA for about 30 Treated Flash Acid
monia plants are usually designed in line with the 2-stage Absorber HP flash
LP flash Stripper
Basis of Design Information, provided by the Figure 1. Typical OASE® white configuration
main engineering company. For most plants, an
operating expenditure optimized design using a The majority of CO 2 is removed from the gas in
two-stage absorber is the preferred setup. On the the lower bulk absorber section (C1). Co-ab-
sorbed H 2 and other inert gases are released in
Cleaning of the OASE® white system can only Before starting to pre-commission, the OASE®
proceed after the following items are in place: white system, plans shall be in place to capture
the waste streams and dispose of them in accord-
a) All packing and internals have been installed
ance with company and local authority regula-
in the towers and drums.
b) All machinery is in place and all pre-commis-
sioning steps such as motor solo runs, align-
ment, lube oil system flushing, etc. have been
Case Study #2
Thinning of a pipeline due to erosion corrosion
was also reported in another plant in the semi-
lean piping downstream of a flow orifice (see
Figure 3). Also, the body of a block valve in the
Figure 2. Partial plugging of CO 2 vent silencer. same pipe showed major corrosion attack, (see
Figure 4).
Case Study #3
Corrosion occurred in another plant which re-
sulted in BASF modifying its design recommen-
dations for the metallurgy.
• Corrosion of the carbon steel parts of the
body of the semi-lean and rich control valves
(See Figure 5)
• Corrosion of packing internals (See Figure 6)
• Solids blocking exchanger inlet (See Figure
• Solids blocking plate and frame plate (See Figure 7: Solids blocking exchanger inlet.
Figure 8)
Corrective action:
• Upgrade to stainless steel material - BASF’s
Further investigation revealed that the cause was Since the nature of the curve in Figure 9 shows
most likely the gas blow through. The HP flash only a flat optimum, certain deviations of the de-
vessel wet leg drained out when the plant tripped sign Steam to Carbon Ratio can be managed by
and caused the level to remain at 55%. The fix the AGRU process, but the differential pressure
was to ensure that these transmitters were all across the stripper should be monitored to avoid
checked whenever the system tripped before re- malfunction.
Operation at capacity limit
Troubleshooting in normal Whenever the ammonia price is high, operations
operation tend to push the production capacity to the limits.
For those plants, where the AGRU is the bottle-
Higher than design steam to carbon ratio neck in the overall process, a mid- and long-term
damage of the plant can be the consequence. Of-
Many NH 3 plants are being operated with higher ten, operations try to upgrade pumps to increase
than design Steam to Carbon Ratio in the steam the lean or semi-lean amine solution flow rates.
methane reformer because operations often want A velocity of 2 m/s (6.5 ft/s) in carbon steel liquid
to minimize the risk of coking on the primary re- piping however shall not be exceeded, otherwise
forming catalyst. As a result, this can cause an erosion corrosion is likely to occur. For plants
energy oversupply to the AGRU: due to the with stainless steel piping, this criterion is not rel-
higher water content, the hot synthesis gas con- evant, except if the flanges at the vessels are
tains more energy. Figure 9 shows that a slightly made of carbon steel and the velocity limit is ex-
higher than design reboiler duty has only a mar- ceeded there. Figure 10 shows corrosion in a
ginal impact on the maximum achievable feed temporary bypass line between the absorber and
gas capacity of the AGRU. However, due to the the HP flash due to too high velocity (5.5 m/s,
increased hydraulic load in the stripper, flooding 18ft/s).
is more likely to happen. In the example of Fig-
ure 9, flooding in the stripper starts at reboiler du-
ties larger than 110% of the design value.
After over 40 years of experience in designing
and operating OASE Acid Gas removal units,
BASF continues to make changes to its proce-
dures and design practices to improve the com-
missioning and operation of Ammonia plants.
Because of the various lessons learned over the
years, BASF has recommended and implemented
Figure 11. Corrosion in CS amine solution pip- various changes to their design best practices.
ing due to too high velocity Some of these include:
The increase in temperature goes hand in hand i. Install stainless steel packing in all the
with breakthrough of the CO 2 profile (see left columns.
graph in Figure 11). Under the red curve condi- ii. Follow BASF guidelines in materials of
tions, the plant was still able to manage NH 3 pro- construction for piping, elbows, bends
duction. However due to minor local maldistri- etc.
bution effects, or splashing of the loaded amine iii. Follow BASF recommendations for
solution on the liquid re-distributors, local CO 2 amine velocity in CS piping
degassing took place. This led to severe corro- iv. Conduct routine analysis of amine
sion damage as shown in Figure 12. To avoid strength and foam tests.