III. Law On Pledge and Mortgage Notes PDF
III. Law On Pledge and Mortgage Notes PDF
III. Law On Pledge and Mortgage Notes PDF
1. Essential requisites of the contracts of pledge, real estate mortgage and chattel mortgage
b. That the pledgor or mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing pledged or mortgaged
even if the pledgor or mortgagor is not the principal debtor.
i. Period the pledgor or mortgagor required to be the owner of the thing pledged or
mortgaged for the validity of contract of pledge or mortgage
1. At the time the contract of pledge or mortgage is constituted or perfected
c. That the persons constituting the pledge or mortgage have the free disposal of their
property, and in the absence thereof, that they be legally authorized for the purpose.
d. That when the principal obligation becomes due, the things in which the pledge or
mortgage consists may be alienated for the payment of the creditor.
i. Pactum Commissorium is a stipulation whereby the thing pledged or mortgaged shall
automatically become the property of the creditor in the event of non-payment of the
secured debt within the term fixed. This stipulation is null and void for being contrary to
law and public policy. However, the contract of loan and contract of pledge or mortgage
remain to be valid.
ii. Dacion en Pago is a special mode of payment whereby the debtor voluntarily delivers
and transfers the ownership of a noncash asset, either collateral or not, in full
satisfaction of a debt in money at the time of its maturity date.
2. The following are the instances where the thing pledged or mortgaged may be sold or alienated
in public auction for the payment of the secured contract of loan or principal obligations
a. If the pledgor or mortgagor fails to fulfill certain conditions and such violation would make the
debt due and demandable.
b. If the debtor has lost the right to make use of the period or where there is an acceleration clause
in the payment of installment.
c. Upon default to pay the obligation at maturity.
9. Form of contract of pledge for validity or to bind contracting parties vs. form of contract of
pledge to bind third persons - Contract of pledge may be in any form for its validity to bind
contracting parties because it is a real contract perfected by the delivery of the thing pledged but it must
be notarized with the description of the thing pledged and its date stated in the notarized contract in
order to bind third persons.
10. Nature of a contract to constitute a pledge vs. nature of contract of pledge - Contract to constitute
a pledge is a consensual contract perfected by mere consent while contract of pledge is a real contract
perfected by the delivery of the thing pledged.
15. Instances when a third person-pledgor who pledges his own movable property to secure the
debt of another person shall be released from liability and may ask for the return of his pledged
personal property from the pledgee
a. If the creditor voluntarily accepts immovable or other property in payment of the debt even if the
creditor thereafter loses the same by eviction.
b. If an extension of time is granted to the debtor by the creditor without pledgor’s consent.
c. If through some act of the creditor, the pledgor cannot be subrogated to the rights, mortgages
and preferences of the creditor.
d. If the thing pledged is deteriorated on the fault of the pledgee.
16. Public Sale of Pledged Personal or Movable Property refers to the remedy available to the pledgee
by which he subjects the property pledged to sale for the satisfaction of the obligation secured when the
principal obligation is not paid when due or when there is any violation of any condition, stipulation or
warranty by the pledgor.
17. Formalities required for the sale of the thing pledged in case of failure of the debtor to pay the
principal obligation
a. It must be by public auction.
b. It must be through a notary public.
c. There must be a notice to the debtor and the owner of the thing pledged, stating the amount for
which the public sale is to be held.
i. When the principal obligation or contract of loan secured by the contract of pledge is
b. Direct Modes of Extinguishment of contract of pledge that do not extinguish the secured
contract of loan
c. Direct Modes of Extinguishment of contract of pledge that also extinguish the secured
contract of loan
i. Sale of the thing pledged regardless of the net proceeds of the sale.
a. The pledgee can never recover the deficiency despite stipulation for
recovery. Any stipulation for recovery of deficiency is null and void.
ii. Appropriation of the thing pledged by the pledgee if the thing pledged is not sold in at
least two public auctions.
I. A stipulation which provides that the pledge is not extinguished by the return of the thing pledged.
II. A stipulation allowing the automatic appropriation by the pledgee of the thing pledged in case of
default of the debtor.
III. A stipulation for the recovery of deficiency in case the proceeds from the sale of the thing pledged is
less than the amount of the obligation.
20. Legal Pledge is a type of pledge which refers to the right of a person to retain a thing until he receives
payment of his claim.
a. The deficiency in foreclosure sale in contract of pledge can never be recovered by the pledgee
but the deficiency in public sale in legal pledge can be recovered by the creditor.
b. The excess in foreclosure sale in contract of pledge will generally go to the pledgee in the
absence of stipulation to the contrary but the excess in the public sale in legal pledge will go to
the debtor.
a. Mortgagor refers to the party who mortgaged his immovable or real property to secure the
payment of the principal contract of loan. The mortgagor may be the principal debtor or third
b. Mortgagee refers to the party whose loan receivable is secured by the mortgaged immovable or
real property.
a. Conventional real estate mortgage is one which is created by the agreement of the parties.
c. Equitable mortgage is one which although lacks certain formality, form or words or other
requisites provided by statute, but the facts show the intention of the parties to charge the real
property as a security for a debt and contains nothing contrary to law. The remedy of the injured
party is to file an action for reformation of instrument.
29. Form of a contract of real estate mortgage for validity vs. Form of a contract of real estate
mortgage to bind third persons - Contract of real estate mortgage may be in any form for its validity
to bind contracting parties because it is a consensual contract perfected by mere consent but it must be
notarized and registered with Registry of Deeds in order to affect or to bind third persons.
30. Foreclosure of real estate mortgage refers to the remedy available to the mortgagee by which he
subjects the property mortgaged to sale for the satisfaction of the obligation secured when the principal
obligation is not paid when due or when there is any violation of any condition, stipulation or warranty
by the mortgagor.
a. Judicial Foreclosure is a type of foreclosure made through the filling of a petition in court
under Rule 68 of Rules of Court and availed of when the deed of real estate mortgage does not
contain a special power of attorney (SPA) authorizing the mortgagee-creditor to foreclosure it
i. Equity of Redemption – The judgment debtor/mortgagor has a period of not less than
90 days nor more than 120 days from the entry of judgment to pay his liability to prevent
the public sale of his mortgaged property. This period of equity of redemption in judicial
foreclosure is extended by the Supreme Court even after the public auction of
mortgaged property as long as it is exercised before the order of the court confirming the
public sale of the mortgaged property.
b. Extrajudicial Foreclosure is a type of foreclosure made in compliance with Act No. 3135 (Real
Estate Mortgage Law) and available when there is a stipulation in the mortgage contract that the
mortgage may be foreclosed extrajudicially or when such foreclosure sale is made under a
special power of attorney inserted in the contract of mortgage.
i. Equity of Redemption – The mortgagor may pay his obligation to prevent the public
sale of his property in the grace period given by the mortgagee.
ii. Right of Redemption – The mortgagor may repurchase the property sold in public
auction within a period of:
2. Exceptionally within 3 months or 90 days from public sale if these two requisites
are present: (1) the mortgagee is a bank and (2) the mortgagor is a juridical or
artificial person.
I. A stipulation which provides for tipo or upset price in the foreclosure sale of mortgaged property. A
tipo or upset price is a maximum limit as to the selling price in the public sale of mortgaged
property. It is void because the mortgaged property must be sold to the highest bidder and there
must be no maximum limitation on the price.
II. A stipulation allowing the automatic appropriation by the mortgagee of the thing mortgaged in case
of default of the debtor.
III. A stipulation prohibiting the mortgagor from disposing or selling his property.
a. Mortgagor refers to the party who mortgaged his movable or personal property to secure the
payment of the principal contract of loan. The mortgagor may be the principal debtor or third
b. Mortgagee refers to the party whose loan receivable is secured by the mortgaged movable or
personal property.
39. Form of a contract of chattel mortgage for validity vs. Form of a contract of chattel mortgage to
bind third persons - Contract of chattel mortgage must be registered before chattel mortgage registry
in order to bind contracting parties because it is a formal or solemn contract but it must be
accompanied by affidavit of good faith in order to affect or to bind third persons.
40. Affidavit of Good faith is an affidavit attached to a deed of chattel mortgage which states that the
parties swear that the mortgage is made for the purpose of securing the obligations specified in the
conditions thereof, and for no other purposes, and that the same is a just and valid obligation and not
one entered into for purposes of fraud.
44. Antichresis is a contract whereby the creditor acquires the right to receive the fruits of an immovable
of his debtor, with the obligation to apply them to the payment of the interest, if owing, and thereafter to
the principal of his credit. It is a formal contract perfected by the execution of the written instrument
containing the antichretic agreement together with the amount of the principal and interest of the loan