06 Unit 6. Lesson 1

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Jim’s day

Unit 6 Lesson 1

Dear students, today we’ll be talking about things we do everday.
Dragi učenici, danas ćemo govoriti o aktivnostima koje radimo svaki dan.

Think about the following questions:

● Do you know what a daily routine is?
● What is your daily routine?
● At what time do you usually wake up?
● What do you do after you wake up?
● At what time do you usually go to school?
Razmislite o sljedećim pitanjima:
● Znate li što je dnevna rutina?
● At what time do you usually come back
● Što je vaša dnevna rutina?
● Kada se obično budite?
● What do you do after school?
● Što radite nakon što se probudite?
● U koliko sati obično idete u školu?
● U koliko sati se obično vraćate iz škole?
● Što radite poslije škole?


01 Play the recording or the video I’ve sent and listen to the
phrases. Then copy the phrases in your notebook.
Pustite snimak s CDa ili video koji sam poslala i poslušajte fraze.
02 Potom prepišite fraze u vašu bilježnicu.


tuširati se oprati zube obući se doručkovati

počešljati se probuditi se voziti se busem proštetati do škole


Listen to the video and
follow the text in your
Class Books.
Poslušajte video koji sam vam
poslala i pratite tekst u vašim
01 Think about the following questions to check
your understanding of the text:
● Who sent an e-mail to Amy?
02 ● What does he do?
● What’s a jackaroo?
● What does Amy’s cousin do everday?
03 ● Is his job dangerous?

Razmislite o sljedećim pitanjima kako biste

provjerili vaše razumijevanje teksta:
● Od koga je Amy dobila e-mail?
● Što on radi?
● Što je to ‘jackaroo’ ?
● Što Amyin rođak radi svaki dan?
● Je li njegov posao opasan?
01 Now take a look at these sentences.
We use Present Simple to express habits and repeated actions we do
02 Sada pogledajte ove rečenice. Present Simple glagolsko vrijeme koristimo kako
bismo opisali navike i radnje koje ponavljamo svaki dan.


▪ I get up early every morning.

▪ What time do you go to
▪ I don’t eat breakfast before school?
▪ Do you walk to school?
▪ He goes to school by bus.
▪ Does your friend walk with
▪ He doesn’t walk to school. you to school?
Now we’re going to
write about our own
daily routines.

Sada ćemo pisati o našim

dnevnim rutinama.
01 For example this is my daily routine .
Naprimjer, ovo je moja dnevna rutina,

Everyday I wake up at six o’clock.
03 I get up, have a shower and brush my teeth.
Then I brush my hair, get dressed and put on my
After I have breakfast, I make myself a cup of coffee
and drink it while I look at the classes I have that day.
I drive to work at quarter past seven.
I get home at around twelve o’clock and watch some
YouTube to relax.
After that I sit in front of my computer and do some
more work.
I usually go to bed at eleven or twelve o’clock.
01 Now write about your own daily
routine in your notebooks.
Sada opišite vašu dnevnu rutinu u vaše
Use these questions as a guide:
Možete koristiti ova pitanja kao vodič pri pisanju:
03 • When do you usually wake up?
• What do you do after you wake up?
• When do you usually go to school?
• How do you go to school?
• When do you get back home?
• What do you do after you get back home?
• When do you usually go to bed?

Write 5-10 sentences about your daily routine.

Napišite 5-10 rečenica o vašoj dnevnoj rutini.



As always, if you
have any
questions – feel
free to ask them
on Teams!
Kao i uvijek, ukoliko imate
nekih pitanja – slobodno me
pitajte na Teamsu.

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