Astm E2099 - 1 (En) PDF
Astm E2099 - 1 (En) PDF
Astm E2099 - 1 (En) PDF
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2099
used to judge appearance of the exterior wall system. The ate. Refer to Section 8 of E 283, E 330 and E 331 for
project schedule shall allow time to design, construct and test requirements of the test specimens.
the pre-construction mockup and to implement any design
NOTE 2—Confirm the maximum size mockup that the Test Agency can
changes, fabrication changes, or modifications of planned accommodate. In some projects, multiple mockups may be necessary to
construction procedures, before construction of the exterior test all desired conditions of the project.
wall system commences.
4.2 Performance testing of pre-construction mockups veri- 5.5.1 Height—Minimum one typical floor height plus an
ties compliance with specified standards and design criteria. additional height so that typical horizontal conditions are
Performance tests in separate ASTM or other industry stan- represented. For exterior wall systems that have multi-floor
dards, are intended to represent the effects of environmental structural elements or water control systems that occur on
conditions, such as wind, rain, and temperature extremes. The alternate floors, the mockup shall include the height of the
tests provide a measure of the performance of the proposed minimum number of floors to represent one repetition of the
exterior wall system under specific and controlled conditions. exterior wall design.
The specified design and specification of the pre-construction NOTE 3—Typical details that occur adjacent to floor level, such as
mockup must be appropriate for the performance test require- horizontal gutters and anchorage to the building, should not be located
ments. Separate tests may be required for individual mockup immediately adjacent to the mockup edge, since this creates a “non-job”
materials or components. condition that can lead to misinterpretation of mockup test results.
4.3 Pre-construction mockup specimens require input from 5.5.2 Width—Minimum two repetitive widths of the exte-
Specifier, Builder and Test Agency. Coordination of their rior wall system plus an additional width so that typical vertical
efforts facilitates this process. Documentation should convey conditions are represented. Other conditions, such as corners,
the results of preconstruction mockups from one party to others end conditions and projecting bays shall be included, if
at appropriate stages in the process. practical.
4.4 The referenced standards provided in this practice iden- 5.6 Mockup Details—Provide the following details in
tify the historical standards typically utilized in pre- mockup design drawings:
construction performance testing. This practice allows for the
5.6.1 Illustrate the elevation view of the mockup in one of
development and use of other project specific test procedures
the two following ways:
for various components that encompass exterior wall systems. Designate an area of the elevation drawings which
represents the materials, height and width of the mockup.
5. Design Provide a separate mockup elevation drawing that
5.1 The Specifier is responsible for the requirements of this represents the materials, height and width of the mockup. The
section, unless stated otherwise. mockup need not be an actual representation of one area of the
5.2 Provide sufficient information on the design documents exterior wall system, but instead can combine the parts of the
to describe the materials, details and performance testing exterior wall system in a manner that represents typical
requirements of the mockup. conditions.
5.3 Mockup Materials
5.6.2 Illustrate the mockup in section and detail views
5.3.1 All framing and cladding elements of the exterior wall
sufficient to describe the details of the mockup construction.
system in accurate full size, orientation and configuration.
5.7 Mockup Testing Requirements—Specify the following
5.3.2 Color and finish of materials, if the appearance of the
testing requirements:
mockup is to be judged.
5.3.3 Joints between components. 5.7.1 Test Load—Designate test loads for the mockup based
5.3.4 Thermal insulation, if thermal testing is specified. on design wind pressures that are consistent with the corre-
5.3.5 Structural support and attachment of the exterior wall sponding area of the actual building.
system to the building frame. NOTE 4—Mockup design wind pressures are the typical highest wind
pressures for the building although not necessarily the highest “hot spot”
NOTE 1—Tolerances between elements of the exterior wail system and
wind pressures.
the building support should be considered and tested in a “worst-case”
condition in the mockup. 5.7.2 Tests—List the ASTM standard, other standard tests,
5.4 Mockup Systems—Elements of the exterior wall system or custom test that are to be performed on the mockup. For
that are designed to control: each test listed, identify the test procedure, test parameters, and
5.4.1 Air infiltration. pass/fail criteria, by reference to published standards or by
5.4.2 Water penetration. providing detailed descriptions. Provide the following infor-
5.4.3 Wind pressure. mation for each of the following test standards:
5.4.4 Movements of wall system due to thermal effects, ASTM E 330:
volumetric changes or building frame movements. The positive and negative test loads, the duration
5.4.5 Seismic movements, if the building is in a seismically of maximum load and the number and location of deflection
active region. measurements, as required in Section 10 of ASTM E 330. If the
5.5 Mockup Size—The mockup shall be of sufficient size to number and location of deflection measurements is not speci-
represent the following typical elements of the exterior wall fied, the Test Agency shall recommend the number and location
system including interior and exterior comers where appropri- of deflection measurements.
E 2099 Maximum deflection criteria for critical elements Test 9 - ASTM E 330 at 100% of the specified
of the mockup expressed as a dimensional unit or as a ratio of positive and negative test load
length of span. Deflection criteria expressed as a ratio of length Test 10 - ASTM E 331
of span should be calculated by the Test Agency in accordance Test 11 - ASTM E 330 at 150% of the specified
with accepted practice. positive and negative test load ASTM E 283—The test pressure difference and di- Optional Test 12 - AAMA 501.4 at 150% of the
rection of air flow, unless the default requirements are accept- specified lateral displacement
able, and the allowable air leakage rate, as required in Section
10 of E 283. 6. Construction ASTM E 331—The test pressure difference and fail- 6.1 The Builder is responsible for the requirements of this
ure criteria for ASTM E 331, unless the default requirements of section, unless stated otherwise.
Section 10 of E 331 are acceptable. 6.2 Prepare shop drawings to describe all details of the
NOTE 5—Selection of test-pressure differences is subject to the Speci- mockup. Mockup shop drawings shall be reviewed and ap-
fier’s judgement. Values of 20% of maximum positive wind pressures in proved by the Specifier and Testing Agency prior to fabricating
a range between about 0.25 kPa (5.2 lbf./ft2) to 0.70 kPa (15.0 lbf./ft2) are and constructing the mockup. When the mockup consists of
commonly used (See AAMA 501.). multiple elements, such as windows set into an opaque wall AAMA 501.1: The peak test pressure developed by system, then each element shall have shop drawings prepared
the wind generator shall be equivalent to the test pressure that fully describe the element and its interface with the
stipulated for test ASTM E 331 (, unless specified adjoining element.
otherwise. NOTE 8—It is often necessary to allow time to repeat the mockup shop ASTM tests E 547 and E 1233 in lieu of ASTM drawing review, in case the initial submittal is not acceptable to the
E 331 and E 330, respectively, can be selected if appropriate to Specifier. The effort taken in resolving issues on the mockup shop
the requirements of the exterior wall system. drawings will usually simplify review of project shop drawings. AAMA 501.4: The design displacement, unless the 6.3 Construct the mockup in accordance with the approved
default requirements (Section 7.2.5 of AAMA 501.4) are mockup shop drawings and design documents. Use the same
acceptable. supervisory personnel that will be responsible for the erection AAMA 501.5: The high temperature (exterior am- of the exterior wall system for the project so that they
bient air) low temperature (ambient air) and indoor side understand its design and construction. Build the mockup
compartment temperature, unless the default requirements specimen at the Test Agency’s laboratory, unless another
(Section 8.4 of AAMA 501.5) are acceptable. Recording of location has been specified.
interior surface temperatures (Section 5.6 of AAMA 501.5) 6.4 Coordinate with the Specifier and Test Agency when the
shall be specified if dew point calculations are required. mockup will be constructed, to allow independent observations
NOTE 6—Thermal insulation is often installed in the mockup immedi- of the mockup construction.
ately prior to performing thermal testing and removed after this test. The 6.5 At any time during the construction and testing of the
thermal insulation inhibits observation of test results in other tests. mockup if modifications are made to the mockup, notify the
Specifier and Test Agency of the nature of these changes.
5.7.3 Order of Tests—List the order that the tests are to be Maintain a record of all changes and when they were per-
performed. If no order is specified, the following test order, formed during the mockup process.
exclusive of the optional tests, shall be used by the Test 6.6 Attend the mockup testing. Make any necessary repairs
Agency: or modifications to the mockup as agreed to by the parties
NOTE 7—Repeat tests are frequently specified to verify performance during the testing process.
after a particular test, such as a structural performance or thermal cycling
test that imposes movements on the mockup. 7. Testing Prior to testing, unlock, fully open, close and lock 7.1 The Test Agency is responsible for the requirements of
operable windows, doors or other operable portions of the this section, unless stated otherwise.
mockup for a minimum of 5 cycles. If repairs or adjustments 7.2 The Test Agency shall be independent of the Specifier
are necessary repeat cycling after repairs or adjustments. and the Builder, unless stipulated otherwise.
Report the repairs or adjustments made prior to testing. 7.3 Review the specified mockup and test program and Test 1 - ASTM E 330 at 50% of the specified notify the Specifier if laboratory equipment or space is not
positive test load adequate to perform the specified testing. Test 2 - ASTM E 283 7.4 Provide the Builder with information during shop draw- Test 3 - ASTM E 331 ing preparation as described in 6.2 in regards to the laboratory Optional Test 4 - AAMA 501.1 test frame to accommodate the prescribed test criteria and how Optional Test 5 - AAMA 501.4 at 100% of the the mockup should be connected to the test frame.
specified lateral displacement 7.5 Provide the Specifier for review with a written proposed Optional Test 6 - AAMA 501.5 test program and procedure that confirms the specified require- Should Optional Test 5 or 6 be selected, add Test 7 ments. Where requirements are not specified, stipulate the
- ASTM E 283 and Test 8 - ASTM E 331 default requirements.
E 2099
NOTE 9—The Specifier should recognize that changing specified or for detailed drawing requirements, unless stipulated otherwise.
default requirements can impact the cost and time-frame of the exterior The report shall state whether the specimen passed or failed
wall system. each test. The report shall provide all recorded data. Location
7.6 Coordinate with the Specifier and Builder when the of recorded measurement shall be shown on the record shop
mockup will be tested, to allow independent observations of drawings.
the mockup testing. If Specifier provides notification of intent 8.2 All test results shall be submitted simultaneously to the
to observe, do not proceed with testing without Specifier or his Specifier and Builder, including preliminary reports.
approved representative in attendance. 8.3 The Builder shall provide shop drawings that record all
7.7 Conduct the specified tests in accordance with the modifications made during the mockup process for approval by
requirements of the specified test methods and the specified the Specifier. These shop drawings shall fulfill the detail
order of tests. If during the testing it is apparent that changes drawing requirements of Section 13.1.3 of ASTM E 283,
are necessary to the test program, notify the Specifier and Section 12.1.3 of ASTM E 330 and Section 12.1.3 of ASTM
Builder’s observers on-site for their approval before proceed- E 331. All changes shall be clearly noted by means of bubbling
ing. If either the Specifier or the Builder does not have an or other appropriate drawing technique. These drawings shall
observer on-site, the Test Agency can proceed with necessary be provided to the Test Agency for incorporation or reference
modifications. Any modification should be reported in final with their report.
documentation. 8.4 The Specifier shall judge the appearance of the mockup,
7.8 In the event that water leakage is encountered during the if color and finish were specified (see 5.3.2). The appearance
water testing directly after either a structural or displacement should be judged either acceptable or not acceptable. If judged
test, the mockup shall be repaired and subjected to the same not acceptable, the Specifier shall state in writing what changes
structural or displacement test prior to the retest for water are necessary to create acceptable appearance.
leakage. No additional deflection readings need to be taken 8.5 The Builder shall review submitted reports and shall
during the repeat of the structural or displacement testing, certify that modifications noted in the reports will be incorpo-
unless structural changes have been performed on the mockup. rated on the exterior wall system.
8. Documentation 9. Keywords
8.1 The Test Agency shall provide a written report that 9.1 buildings; exterior wall systems; laboratory;
satisfies the reporting requirements of the specified tests except pre-construction
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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