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Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed

SQL Database
Rebecca Taft, Irfan Sharif, Andrei Matei, Nathan VanBenschoten, Jordan Lewis,
Tobias Grieger, Kai Niemi, Andy Woods, Anne Birzin, Raphael Poss, Paul Bardea,
Amruta Ranade, Ben Darnell, Bram Gruneir, Justin Jaffray,
Lucy Zhang, and Peter Mattis
[email protected]
Cockroach Labs, Inc.
We live in an increasingly interconnected world, with
many organizations operating across countries or even con-
tinents. To serve their global user base, organizations are
replacing their legacy DBMSs with cloud-based systems ca-
pable of scaling OLTP workloads to millions of users.
CockroachDB is a scalable SQL DBMS that was built from
the ground up to support these global OLTP workloads
while maintaining high availability and strong consistency.
Just like its namesake, CockroachDB is resilient to disasters
through replication and automatic recovery mechanisms.
This paper presents the design of CockroachDB and its
novel transaction model that supports consistent geo-distrib- Figure 1: A global CockroachDB cluster
uted transactions on commodity hardware. We describe how
CockroachDB replicates and distributes data to achieve fault ACM, New York, NY, USA, 17 pages.
tolerance and high performance, as well as how its distributed 3386134
SQL layer automatically scales with the size of the database
cluster while providing the standard SQL interface that users 1 INTRODUCTION
expect. Finally, we present a comprehensive performance Modern transaction processing workloads are increasingly
evaluation and share a couple of case studies of CockroachDB geo-distributed. This trend is fueled by the desire of global
users. We conclude by describing lessons learned while build- companies to not only build scalable applications, but also
ing CockroachDB over the last five years. control with fine-granularity where data resides for perfor-
mance and regulatory reasons.
ACM Reference Format:
Rebecca Taft, Irfan Sharif, Andrei Matei, Nathan VanBenschoten,
Consider, for example, a large company with a core user
Jordan Lewis, Tobias Grieger, Kai Niemi, Andy Woods, Anne Birzin, base in Europe and Australia and a fast growing user base
Raphael Poss, Paul Bardea, Amruta Ranade, Ben Darnell, Bram in the US. To power its global platform while reducing oper-
Gruneir, Justin Jaffray, Lucy Zhang, and Peter Mattis. 2020. Cock- ational costs, the company has made the strategic decision
roachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database. In Proceed- to migrate to a cloud-based database management system
ings of the 2020 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Manage- (DBMS). It has the following requirements: to comply with
ment of Data (SIGMOD’20), June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA. the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), per-
sonal data for its European users must be domiciled within
the EU. To avoid high latencies due to cross-continental com-
munication, data should reside close to the users accessing it
most frequently, and follow them (within regulatory limits)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
International 4.0 License.
if they travel. Users expect an łalways onž experience, so the
DBMS must be fault tolerant, even surviving a full regional
SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). failure. Finally, to avoid data anomalies and to simplify ap-
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6735-6/20/06. plication development, the DBMS must support SQL with serializable transactions.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA R. Taft, I. Sharif, A. Matei, N. VanBenschoten, J. Lewis, T. Grieger et al.

CockroachDB (abbrev. CRDB) is a commercial DBMS de- the database provides fault tolerance and high availability
signed to support all of the aforementioned requirements. As through replication and strategic data placement. Section 3
a case in point, the company described above is a real orga- provides a deep-dive into CRDB’s transaction model. Sec-
nization in the process of migrating their global platform to tion 4 explains how we use timestamp ordering to achieve
CRDB, and Fig. 1 shows the strategic vision for their CRDB strong consistency, even with loosely synchronized clocks
deployment. In this paper, we present the design and imple- on commodity hardware. Section 5 describes the SQL data
mentation of CRDB and explain in detail the rationale for model, planning, execution, and schema changes. Section 6
the decisions we made, as well as some lessons learned along evaluates the performance of CRDB and contains two case
the way. We explain how CRDB supports the requirements studies of CRDB usage. Section 7 summarizes our lessons
of global companies such as the one above by focusing on learned while building CRDB. Section 8 describes related
the following features: work, and Section 9 presents conclusions and future work.
(1) Fault tolerance and high availability To provide fault
tolerance, CRDB maintains at least three replicas of every
This section begins with an overview of CRDB’s archi-
partition in the database across diverse geographic zones.
tecture in Section 2.1. Sections 2.2 and 2.3 describe how the
It maintains high availability through automatic recovery
system replicates and distributes data to provide fault toler-
mechanisms whenever a node fails.
ance, high availability, and geo-distributed partitioning.
(2) Geo-distributed partitioning and replica placement
CRDB is horizontally scalable, automatically increasing 2.1 Architecture of CockroachDB
capacity and migrating data as nodes are added. By de- CRDB uses a standard shared-nothing [62] architecture,
fault it uses a set of heuristics for data placement (see in which all nodes are used for both data storage and com-
Section 2.2.3), but it also allows users to control, at a fine putation. A CRDB cluster consists of an arbitrary number
granularity, how data is partitioned across nodes and of nodes, which may be colocated in the same datacenter or
where replicas should be located. We will describe how spread across the globe. Clients can connect to any node in
users can use this feature for performance optimization the cluster.
or as part of a data domiciling strategy. Within a single node, CRDB has a layered architecture.
(3) High-performance transactions CRDB’s novel trans- We now introduce each of the layers, including concepts and
action protocol supports performant geo-distributed trans- terminology used throughout the paper.
actions that can span multiple partitions. It provides se- 2.1.1 SQL. At the highest level is the SQL layer, which is
rializable isolation using no specialized hardware; a stan- the interface for all user interactions with the database. It
dard clock synchronization mechanism such as NTP is includes the parser, optimizer, and the SQL execution engine,
sufficient. As a result, CRDB can be run on off-the-shelf which convert high-level SQL statements to low-level read
servers, including those of public and private clouds. and write requests to the underlying key-value (KV) store.
CRDB is a production-grade system that was designed to In general, the SQL layer is not aware of how data is
łmake data easyž, so in addition to the above, CRDB supports partitioned or distributed, because the layers below present
the SQL standard with a state-of-the-art query optimizer and the abstraction of a single, monolithic KV store. Section 5 will
distributed SQL execution engine. It also includes all the fea- describe how certain queries break this abstraction, however,
tures necessary for our users to run CRDB in production as a for more efficient distributed SQL computation.
system of record, including online schema changes, backup 2.1.2 Transactional KV. Requests from the SQL layer are
and restore, fast imports, JSON support, and integration with passed to the Transactional KV layer that ensures atomic-
external analytics systems. ity of changes spanning multiple KV pairs. It is also largely
All of the source code of CRDB is available on GitHub [12]. responsible for CRDB’s isolation guarantees. These atom-
The core features of the database are under a Business Source icity and isolation guarantees will be described in detail in
License (BSL), which converts to a fully open-source Apache Sections 3 and 4.
2.0 license after three years [13]. Additionally, CRDB is łcloud- 2.1.3 Distribution. This layer presents the abstraction of
neutralž, meaning a single CRDB cluster can span an arbi- a monolithic logical key space ordered by key. All data is
trary number of different public and private clouds. These addressable within this key space, whether it be system data
two features enable users to mitigate the risks of vendor lock- (used for internal data structures and metadata) or user data
in, such as reliance on proprietary extensions of SQL [6, 23] (SQL tables and indexes).
or exposure to cloud provider outages [70]. CRDB uses range-partitioning on the keys to divide the
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Sec- data into contiguous ordered chunks of size ~64 MiB, that
tion 2, we present an overview of CRDB, summarizing how are stored across the cluster. We call these chunks łRangesž.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

Ordering between Ranges is maintained in a two-level index- log entry. To prevent two replicas from acquiring leases
ing structure inside a set of system Ranges, which are cached overlapping in time, lease acquisition requests include a copy
aggressively for fast key lookups. The Distribution layer is re- of the lease believed to be valid at the time of request. As we
sponsible for identifying which Ranges should handle which will discuss in Section 4, ensuring disjoint leases is essential
subset of each query, and routes the subsets accordingly. for CRDB’s isolation guarantees.
Ranges are ~64 MiB because it is a size small enough to al- 2.2.2 Membership changes and automatic load (re)balancing.
low Ranges to quickly move between nodes but large enough Nodes can be added to or removed from running CRDB
to store a contiguous set of data likely to be accessed together. clusters, and can fail temporarily or even permanently. CRDB
Ranges start empty, grow, split when they get too large, and treats all of these scenarios similarly: they all cause load to
merge when they get too small. Ranges also split based on be redistributed across the new and/or remaining live nodes.
load to reduce hotspots and imbalances in CPU usage. For short-term failures, CRDB uses Raft to operate seam-
2.1.4 Replication. By default, each Range is replicated three lessly as long as a majority of replicas remain available. Raft
ways, with each replica stored on a different node. In Sec- ensures the election of a new leader for the Raft group if
tion 2.2, we describe how the Replication layer ensures dura- the leader fails so that transactions can continue. Affected
bility of modifications using consensus-based replication. replicas can rejoin their group once back online, and peers
2.1.5 Storage. This is the bottommost level, and represents help them catch up on missed updates by either (1) send-
a local disk-backed KV store. It provides efficient writes and ing a snapshot of the full Range data, or (2) sending a set
range scans to enable performant SQL execution. At the of missing Raft log entries to be applied. The method used
time of writing, we rely on RocksDB [54], which is well- is determined based on the number of writes that occurred
documented elsewhere, and which we treat as a black box while the replica was unavailable.
throughout the paper. For longer-term failures, CRDB automatically creates new
replicas of under-replicated Ranges (using the unaffected
2.2 Fault Tolerance and High Availability replicas as sources), and determines placement as described
CRDB guarantees fault tolerance and high availability in the next section. The node liveness data and cluster metrics
through replication of data (Section 2.2.1), automatic recov- required to make this determination are disseminated across
ery mechanisms in case of failure (Section 2.2.2), and strategic the cluster using a peer-to-peer gossip protocol.
data placement (Section 2.2.3).
2.2.3 Replica placement. CRDB has both manual and auto-
2.2.1 Replication using Raft. CRDB uses the Raft consensus matic mechanisms to control replica placement.
algorithm [46] for consistent replication. Replicas of a Range To control placement manually, users configure individual
form a Raft group, where each replica is either a long-lived nodes in CRDB with a set of attributes. These attributes may
leader coordinating all writes to the Raft group, or a follower. specify node capability (such as specialized hardware, RAM,
The unit of replication in CRDB is a command, which repre- disk type, etc.) and/or node locality (such as country, region,
sents a sequence of low-level edits to be made to the storage availability zone, etc.). When creating tables in the database,
engine. Raft maintains a consistent, ordered log of updates users can specify placement constraints and preferences as
across a Range’s replicas, and each replica individually ap- part of the schema of the table. For example, users may
plies commands to the storage engine as Raft declares them include a łregionž column in a table, which can be used to
to be committed to the Range’s log. define the partitioning for the table and also map partitions
CRDB uses Range-level leases, where a single replica in to specific geographic regions.
the Raft group (usually the Raft group leader) acts as the The other mechanism for replica placement is automatic:
leaseholder. It is the only replica allowed to serve authori- CRDB spreads replicas across failure domains (while adher-
tative up-to-date reads or propose writes to the Raft group ing to the specified constraints and preferences), to tolerate
leader. Because all writes go through the leaseholder, reads varying severities of failure modes (disk, rack, data center, or
can bypass networking round trips required by Raft without region failures). CRDB also uses various heuristics to balance
sacrificing consistency. Leases for user Ranges are tied to the load and disk utilization.
liveness of the node the leaseholder is on; to signal liveness,
nodes heartbeat a special record in a system Range every 4.5 2.3 Data Placement Policies
seconds. System Ranges in turn use expiration based leases CRDB’s replica and leaseholder placement mechanisms
which must be renewed every 9 seconds. If a replica detects allow for a wide range of possible data placement policies
that the leaseholder is not live, it tries to acquire the lease. that allow users to comply with data domiciling requirements
To ensure that only one replica holds a lease at a time, and also make trade-offs between performance and fault
lease acquisitions piggyback on Raft; replicas attempting to tolerance. Some multi-region patterns we support are listed
acquire a lease do so by committing a special lease acquisition below.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA R. Taft, I. Sharif, A. Matei, N. VanBenschoten, J. Lewis, T. Grieger et al.

• Geo-Partitioned Replicas For data with geographic ac- Algorithm 1: Transaction Coordinator
cess locality, tables can be partitioned by access location 1 inflightOps ← ∅, txnTimestamp ← now()
with each partition (set of Ranges) pinned to a specific 2 for op ← KV operation received from SQL layer
region. This makes for fast intra-region reads and intra- 3 op.ts ← txnTimestamp
region writes, as well as survival of availability zone (AZ) 4 if op.commit
failures. Region-wide failures result in unavailability for 5 op.deps ← inflightOps
data localized to the region. This policy can also be used 6 else
for enforcing data domiciling requirements. 7 op.deps ← { x ∈ inflightOps | x.key = op.key }
• Geo-Partitioned Leaseholders Leaseholders for parti- 8 inflightOps ← (inflightOps − op.deps) ∪ { op }
tions in a geo-partitioned table can be pinned to the region 9 resp ← SendToLeaseholder(op)
of access with the remaining replicas pinned to the remain- 10 if resp.ts > op.ts
ing regions. This policy enables fast intra-region reads and 11 if op.key unchanged over (txnTimestamp, resp.ts]
survival of regional failures, but comes at a cost of slower 12 txnTimestamp ← resp.ts
cross-region writes. 13 else
• Duplicated Indexes Like all other data in CRDB, Indexes 14 return transaction failed
are stored in Ranges that can be pinned to specific regions. 15 send resp to SQL layer
By duplicating indexes on a table and pinning each in- 16 if op.commit
dex’s leaseholder to a specific region, the database can 17 asynchonously notify leaseholder to commit
serve fast local reads while retaining the ability to survive
regional failures. This comes with higher write amplifica-
the coordinator employs two important optimizations: Write
tion and slower cross-region writes, but is useful for data
Pipelining and Parallel Commits. Write Pipelining allows re-
that is infrequently updated or cannot be tied to specific
turning a result without waiting for the replication of the
current operation, and Parallel Commits lets the commit
3 TRANSACTIONS operation and the write pipeline replicate in parallel. Com-
CRDB transactions can span the entire key space, touching bined, they allow many multi-statement SQL transactions to
data resident across a distributed cluster while providing complete with the latency of just one round of replication.
ACID guarantees. CRDB uses a variation of multi-version To enable the aforementioned optimizations, the coordina-
concurrency control (MVCC) to provide serializable isolation. tor tracks operations which may not have fully replicated yet
We begin by providing an overview of the transaction (Line 1). It also maintains the transaction timestamp, which
model in Section 3.1. Section 3.2 describes how we guarantee is initialized to the current time but may move forward over
transactional atomicity. In Sections 3.3 and 3.4, we describe the course of the transaction. Since CRDB uses MVCC, the
the concurrency control mechanisms that guarantee serializ- timestamp selects the point at which the transaction per-
able isolation. Finally, Section 3.5 gives an overview of how forms its reads and writes (which, thereafter, are visible to
follower replicas can serve consistent historical reads. other transactions).
Write Pipelining. Each operation includes the key that
3.1 Overview must be read or updated, as well as metadata indicating if
A SQL transaction starts at the gateway node for the SQL the transaction should commit with the current operation.
connection. This node interactively receives from and re- In case an operation does not attempt to commit (Line 6),
sponds to the SQL client and acts as the transaction coor- it’s possible to execute it immediately if it does not overlap
dinator (orchestrating and ultimately committing/aborting any earlier operation (Line 7). In this way, multiple opera-
the associated transaction). Applications typically connect tions on different keys can be łpipelinedž. If an operation
to a geographically close gateway to minimize latency. In the depends on an earlier in-flight operation, execution must
following subsection, we describe the coordinator algorithm. wait for the earlier operation to be replicated; such depen-
3.1.1 Execution at the transaction coordinator. Algorithm 1 dencies introduce a łpipeline stallž. The pipelining logic is
shows the high-level steps of the transaction from the per- outlined in Algorithm 2 (discussed below), but relies on the
spective of the coordinator. Over the course of the trans- dependencies calculated here. Additionally, the coordinator
action, the coordinator receives a series of requested KV tracks the current operation as in-flight (Line 8).
operations from the SQL layer (Line 2). Next the coordinator sends the operation to the lease-
SQL requires that a response to the current operation must holder for execution and waits for a response (Line 9). The
be returned before the next operation is issued. To avoid response may contain an incremented timestamp (Line 10),
stalling the transaction while operations are being replicated, which indicates that another transaction’s read forced the

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

Parallel Commits Two− Phase Commit Algorithm 2: Leaseholder


(txns/ s)

1 Function Handle(op)
500 2 verify lease
0 3 wait for latches on keys of { op } ∪ op.deps
150 verify writes in op.deps are replicated


50 5 if op is not read-only
0 6 push op.ts past highest read timestamp for op.key
0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of Secondary Indexes 7 command, response ← evaluate op
8 response.ts ← op.ts
Figure 2: Performance impact of Parallel Commits
9 if not op.commit then
10 send response to coordinator
leaseholder to adjust the operation timestamp. The coordina- 11 if op is not read-only
tor then tries to adjust the transaction timestamp to match. 12 replicate and apply command
This is achieved by verifying (via a round of RPCs) that re- 13 release latches
peating the previous reads in the transaction at the new 14 if op.commit
15 send response to coordinator
timestamp will return the same value (Lines 11 and 12). If
not, the transaction fails (Lines 13 and 14) and may have to be the table has one or more secondary indexes, since index
retried. This mechanism is described in detail in Section 3.4. updates require multi-Range transactions. This shows that
Parallel Commits. Now we consider what happens when even as transactions require cross-Range coordination, their
the transaction wants to commit. Naively, it can only do so latency profiles remain constant.
once all of its writes are known to have replicated, requiring 3.1.2 Execution at the leaseholder. When the leaseholder
at least two sequential rounds of consensus. Instead, the Par- receives an operation from the coordinator (Algorithm 2),
allel Commits protocol employs a staging transaction status it first checks that its own lease is still valid (Line 2). Then
which makes the true status of the transaction conditional it acquires latches on the keys of op and all the operations
on whether all of its writes have been replicated. This avoids op depends on (Line 3), thus providing mutual exclusion be-
the extra round of consensus because the coordinator is free tween concurrent, overlapping requests. Next it verifies that
to initiate the replication of the staging status in parallel the operations op depends on have succeeded (Line 4). If it is
with the verification of the outstanding writes, which are performing a write, it also ensures that the timestamp of op
also being replicated (Line 5). Assuming both succeed, the is after any conflicting readers, incrementing it if necessary
coordinator can immediately acknowledge the transaction (Lines 5 and 6), so as not to invalidate those transactions.
as committed to the SQL layer (Line 15). Before terminating, Once the initial checks are complete, the leaseholder eval-
the coordinator asynchronously records the transaction sta- uates the operation to determine what data modifications
tus as being explicitly committed (Lines 16 and 17). This is are needed in the storage engine without actually making
done for performance reasons, and is discussed in Section 3.2, the changes (Line 7). This results in a low level command
where we also explain how a staging record is resolved after detailing the necessary changes, as well as a response for the
an untimely crash of the coordinator. client (e.g., success in case of a write, or the value in case of a
We formally verified the safety properties of Parallel Com- read). If this operation is not committing the transaction, the
mits using TLA+ [36, 38]. Specifically we verified atomicity leaseholder can respond to the coordinator without waiting
by asserting that every staging transaction was eventu- for replication (Lines 9 and 10). Write operations are then
ally either explicitly committed or aborted, regardless of replicated. After consensus is reached, each replica applies
coordinator failure, and no clients were told otherwise. We the command to its local storage engine (Lines 11 and 12).
also verified durability by asserting that committed transac- Finally, the leaseholder releases its latches and responds to
tions stayed committed. The verification code is available on the coordinator if it hasn’t already done so (Lines 13 to 15).
GitHub [14]. Note that Algorithm 2 does not delve into any details about
To demonstrate the benefits of Parallel Commits empir- the various scenarios that may occur during the evaluation
ically, we run a microbenchmark on three servers spread phase (Line 7). This is the period of time when a transaction
across three regions. The workload consists of single-row may encounter uncommitted writes from other transactions
writes to a table with ten columns and a variable number or writes so close in time to the transaction’s read timestamp
of secondary indexes on those columns. Fig. 2 shows that that it is not possible to determine the correct order of trans-
for this workload, Parallel Commits improves throughput actions. The next sections discuss these scenarios, and how
by up to 72% and reduces p50 latency by up to 47% when CRDB guarantees both atomicity and serializable isolation.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA R. Taft, I. Sharif, A. Matei, N. VanBenschoten, J. Lewis, T. Grieger et al.

3.2 Atomicity Guarantees 3.3.2 Read-write conflicts. A write to a key at timestamp

An atomic commit for a transaction is achieved by consid- ta cannot be performed if there’s already been a read on the
ering all of its writes provisional until commit time. CRDB same key at a higher timestamp tb >= ta . CRDB forces the
calls these provisional values write intents. An intent is a writing transaction to advance its commit timestamp past tb .
regular MVCC KV pair, except that it is preceded by meta- 3.3.3 Write-write conflicts. A write running into an uncom-
data indicating that what follows is an intent. This metadata mitted intent with a lower timestamp will wait for the earlier
points to a transaction record, which is a special key (unique transaction to finalize (similar to write-read conflicts). If it
per transaction) that stores the current disposition of the runs into a committed value at a higher timestamp, it ad-
transaction: pending, staging, committed or aborted. The vances its timestamp past it (similar to read-write conflicts).
transaction record serves to atomically change the visibility Write-write conflicts may also lead to deadlocks in cases
of all the intents at once, and is durably stored in the same where different transactions have written intents in differ-
Range as the first write of the transaction (see Section 3.1 ent orders. CRDB employs a distributed deadlock-detection
for the protocol details). For long-running transactions, the algorithm to abort one transaction from a cycle of waiters.
coordinator periodically heartbeats the transaction record
3.4 Read Refreshes
in the pending state to assure contending transactions that
Certain types of conflicts described above require advanc-
it is still making progress.
ing the commit timestamp of a transaction. To maintain seri-
Upon encountering an intent, a reader follows the indirec-
alizability, the read timestamp must be advanced to match
tion and reads the intent’s transaction record. If the record
the commit timestamp.
indicates that the transaction is committed, the reader con-
Advancing a transaction’s read timestamp from ta to tb >
siders the intent as a regular value (and additionally deletes
ta is possible if we can prove that none of the data that the
the intent metadata). If the transaction is aborted, the in-
transaction read at ta has been updated in the interval (ta , tb ].
tent is ignored (and cleanup is performed to remove it). If
If the data has changed, the transaction needs to be restarted.
the transaction is found to be pending (indicating that the
If no results from the transaction have been delivered to the
transaction is still ongoing), then the reader blocks, waiting
client, CRDB retries the transaction internally1 . If results
for it to finalize. If the coordinator node fails, contending
have been delivered, the client is informed to discard them
transactions eventually detect that the transaction record
and restart the transaction.
has expired, and mark it aborted. If the transaction is in
To determine whether the read timestamp can be ad-
the staging state (which indicates that the transaction has
vanced, CRDB maintains the set of keys in the transaction’s
either been committed or aborted, but the reader is unsure
read set (up to a memory budget). A łread refreshž request
which), the reader attempts to abort the transaction by pre-
validates that the keys have not been updated in a given
venting one of its writes from being replicated. If all writes
timestamp interval (Algorithm 1, Lines 11 to 14). This in-
are already replicated, the transaction is in fact committed,
volves re-scanning the read set and checking whether any
and is updated to reflect that.
MVCC values fall in the given interval. This process is equiv-
3.3 Concurrency Control alent to detecting the rw-antidependencies that PostgreSQL
As discussed in Section 3.1, CRDB is an MVCC system and tracks for its implementation of SSI [8, 49]. Similar to Post-
each transaction performs its reads and writes at its commit greSQL, our implementation may allow false positives (forc-
timestamp. This results in a total ordering of all transactions ing a transaction to abort when not strictly necessary) to
in the system, representing a serializable execution. avoid the overhead of maintaining a full dependency graph.
However, conflicts between transactions may require ad- Advancing the transaction’s read timestamp is also re-
justments of the commit timestamp. We describe the situ- quired when a scan encounters an uncertain value: a value
ations in which they arise below, and note that whenever whose timestamp makes it unclear if it falls in the reader’s
the commit timestamp does change, the transaction typically past or future (see Section 4.2). In this case we also attempt
tries to prove that its prior reads remain valid at the new to perform a refresh. Assuming it is successful, the value will
timestamp (Section 3.4), in which case it can simply continue now be returned by the read.
forward at the updated timestamp.
3.5 Follower Reads
3.3.1 Write-read conflicts. A read running into an uncom-
CRDB allows non-leaseholder replicas to serve requests
mitted intent with a lower timestamp will wait for the ear-
for read-only queries with timestamps sufficiently in the
lier transaction to finalize. Waiting is implemented using
in-memory queue structures. A read running into an uncom- 1 CRDB increases the likelihood that a restarted transaction will succeed by
mitted intent with a higher timestamp ignores the intent and
deferring the restart so the original transaction can first place write locks
does not need to wait. (in the form of write intents) on the keys it intends to write to.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

past through a special ‘AS OF SYSTEM TIME’ query modifier. HLC timestamps to each message that they send and use
To enable this functionality safely, a non-leaseholder replica HLC timestamps from each message that they receive to
asked to perform a read at a given timestampT needs to know update their local clock.
that no future writes can invalidate the read retroactively. It Capturing causal relationships between events on dif-
also needs to ensure that it has all the data necessary to serve ferent nodes is critical for enforcing invariants within
the read. These conditions mean that if a follower read at CRDB. The most important of these is a lease disjoint-
timestamp T is to be served, the leaseholder must no longer ness invariant similar to that in Spanner: for each Range,
be accepting writes for timestamps T ′ ≤ T , and the follower each lease interval is disjoint from every other lease inter-
must have caught up on the prefix of the Raft log affecting val. This is enforced on cooperative lease handoff with
the MVCC snapshot at T . causality transfer through the HLC and is enforced on
To this end, each leaseholder tracks the timestamps of non-cooperative lease acquisition through a delay equal
all incoming requests and periodically emits a closed times- to the maximum clock offset between lease intervals.
tamp, the timestamp below which no further writes will be (2) HLCs provide strict monotonicity within and across
accepted. Closed timestamps, alongside Raft log indexes at restarts on a single node. Within a continuous process,
the time, are exchanged periodically between replicas. Fol- providing this property is trivial. Across restarts, this
lower replicas use the state built up from received updates to property is enforced by waiting out the maximum clock
determine if they have all the data needed to serve consistent offset upon process startup before serving any requests.
reads at a given timestamp. For efficiency reasons the closed Strictly monotonic timestamp allocation ensures that
timestamp and the corresponding log indexes are generated two causally dependent transactions originating from
at the node level (as opposed to the Range level). the same node are given timestamps that reflect their
Every node keeps a record of its latency with all other ordering in real time.
nodes in the system. When a node in the cluster receives a
(3) HLCs provide self-stabilization in the presence of iso-
read request at a sufficiently old timestamp (closed times-
lated transient clock skew fluctuations. As stated above, a
tamps typically trail current time by ~2 seconds), it forwards
node forwards its HLC upon its receipt of a network mes-
the request to the closest node with a replica of the data.
sage. The effect of this is that given sufficient intra-cluster
4 CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION communication, HLCs across nodes tend to converge and
CRDB does not rely on specialized hardware for clock syn- stabilize even if their individual physical clocks diverge.
chronization, so it can run on off-the-shelf servers in public This provides no strong guarantees but can mask clock
and private clouds with software-level clock synchronization synchronization errors in practice.
services such as NTP or Amazon Time Sync Service. 4.2 Uncertainty Intervals
In this section, we introduce the hybrid-logical clock scheme We have already discussed how the transaction model in
CRDB uses to talk about timestamp ordering (Section 4.1). We CRDB provides serializable isolation between transactions.
then discuss how this clock scheme allows loosely synchro- However, serializability on its own says nothing about how
nized clocks to efficiently provide single-key linearizability transaction ordering in the system relates to the ordering in
between transactions (Section 4.2). Finally, we explore the real time. For that, we must talk about the consistency level
behavior of CRDB when configurable clock synchronization that CRDB offers.
bounds are violated (Section 4.3). Under normal conditions, CRDB satisfies single-key lin-
4.1 Hybrid-Logical Clocks earizability for reads and writes. This means that every oper-
Each node within a CRDB cluster maintains a hybrid- ation on a given key appears to take place atomically and in
logical clock (HLC) [20], which provides timestamps that are some total linear order consistent with the real-time ordering
a combination of physical and logical time. Physical time is of those operations. Under single-key linearizability, stale
based on a node’s coarsely-synchronized system clock, and read anomalies are not possible. This is true even with loosely
logical time is based on Lamport’s clocks [37]. synchronized clocks, as long as those clocks stay within the
HLCs within a CRDB deployment are configured with configured maximum clock offset from one another.
a maximum allowable offset between their physical time Note that CRDB does not support strict serializability be-
component and that of other HLCs in the cluster. This offset cause there is no guarantee that the ordering of transactions
configuration defaults to a conservative value of 500 ms. touching disjoint key sets will match their ordering in real
Hybrid-logical clocks provide a few important properties: time. In practice, this is not a problem for applications un-
less there is an external low-latency communication channel
(1) HLCs provide causality tracking through their logical between clients that could potentially impact activity on the
component upon each inter-node exchange. Nodes attach DBMS.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA R. Taft, I. Sharif, A. Matei, N. VanBenschoten, J. Lewis, T. Grieger et al.

The single-key linearizability property is satisfied in CRDB discussed earlier ensures that within a Range, each lease
by tracking an uncertainty interval for each transaction, interval is disjoint from every other lease interval.
within which the causal ordering between two transactions (2) Each write to a Range’s Raft log includes the sequence
is indeterminate. Upon its creation, a transaction is given a number of the Range lease that it was proposed under.
provisional commit timestamp commit_ts from the transac- Upon successful replication, the sequence number is
tion coordinator’s local HLC and an uncertainty interval of checked against the currently active lease. If they do
[commit_ts, commit_ts + max_offset]. not match, the write is rejected. Because lease changes
When a transaction encounters a value on a key at a times- for a Range are themselves written to the Range’s Raft
tamp below its provisional commit timestamp, it trivially log, only a single leaseholder is ever able to make changes
observes the value during reads and overwrites the value to a Range at a time. This is true even if multiple nodes
at a higher timestamp during writes. This alone would sat- believe they hold a valid lease simultaneously.
isfy single-key linearizability if transactions had access to a These two safeguards ensure that a pair of leaseholders
perfectly synchronized global clock. that are active concurrently cannot serve requests that would
Without global synchronization, the uncertainty interval violate serializable isolation. The first safeguard ensures that
is needed because it is possible for a transaction to receive a an incoming leaseholder cannot serve a write that invali-
provisional commit timestamp up to the cluster’s max_offset dates a read served by an outgoing leaseholder. The second
earlier than a transaction that causally preceded this new safeguard ensures that an outgoing leaseholder cannot serve
transaction in real time. When a transaction encounters a a write that invalidates a read or a write served by an incom-
value on a key at a timestamp above its provisional commit ing leaseholder. Together, these safeguards ensure that even
timestamp but within its uncertainty interval, it performs an under severe clock skew that violates maximum clock offset
uncertainty restart, moving its provisional commit timestamp bounds, CRDB provides serializable isolation.
above the uncertain value but keeping the upper bound of While isolation is maintained regardless of clock skew,
its uncertainty interval fixed. clock skew outside of the configured clock offset bounds
This corresponds to treating all values in a transaction’s can result in violations of single-key linearizability between
uncertainty window as past writes. As a result, the operations causally-dependent transactions. This is possible if the trans-
on each key performed by transactions take place in an order actions are issued through different gateway nodes whose
consistent with the real time ordering of those transactions. clocks are skewed by more than the clock offset bounds. If
4.3 Behavior under Clock Skew the gateway node for the second transaction is assigned a
To this point, we have only considered the behavior of commit_ts more than max_offset below the timestamp of the
CRDB when the configured maximum clock offset bounds first transaction, it is possible for values written by the first
are respected. It is worth also considering the behavior of transaction to be outside of the uncertainty interval of the
the system when these clock offset bounds are violated. second. This would allow the second transaction to read keys
Within a single Range, consistency is maintained through overlapping the write set of the first without actually observ-
Raft. Raft does not have a clock dependency, so the order- ing the writes. Stale reads represent a violation of single-key
ing of changes it constructs for a single Range will remain linearizability and are only prevented when clocks remain
linearizable regardless of clock skew. If all reads and writes within offset bounds.
were written to the Raft log, this would be enough to ensure To reduce the likelihood of stale reads, nodes periodically
consistency under arbitrary clock skew. However, Range measure their clock’s offset from other nodes. If any node
leases allow reads to be served from a leaseholder without exceeds the configured maximum offset by more than 80%
going through Raft. This causes complications because under compared to a majority of other nodes, it self-terminates.
sufficient clock skew, it is possible for multiple nodes to think 5 SQL
they each hold the lease for a given Range. Without extra
So far we have discussed the technical details of the Trans-
protection, this could lead to conflicting operations being
actional KV layer and layers below, but all user interac-
permitted on the two leaseholders, resulting in client-visible
tion with the database passes through the SQL layer. CRDB
isolation anomalies.
supports much of the PostgreSQL dialect of ANSI standard
CRDB employs two safeguards to ensure that such situa-
SQL [51] with some extensions (e.g., needed to support the
tions do not affect transaction isolation.
geo-distributed nature of the database).
(1) Range leases contain a start and an end timestamp. A This section describes the SQL data model and how it
leaseholder cannot serve reads for MVCC timestamps maps to the layers below (Section 5.1), the technical details
above its lease interval or writes for MVCC timestamps of SQL planning and execution (Sections 5.2 and 5.3), and
outside its lease interval. The lease disjointness invariant schema changes (Section 5.4).

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

5.1 SQL Data Model

Every SQL table and index is stored in one or more Ranges,
as described in Section 2.1. Furthermore, all user data is
stored in one or more ordered indexes, of which one is desig-
nated as the łprimaryž index. The primary index is keyed on
the primary key, and all other columns are stored in the value
(primary keys are automatically generated if not explicitly
specified by the schema). Secondary indexes are keyed on
the index key, and store the primary key columns as well
as any number of additional columns specified by the index
schema. CRDB also supports hash indexes, which can help Figure 3: Physical plan for a distributed hash join
avoid hot spots by distributing load across multiple Ranges.
an index idx(region, id) on a table t partitioned across
5.2 Query Optimizer
two regions, east and west. In this case, the query SELECT
SQL query planning is performed by a Cascades-style [27]
* FROM t WHERE id = 5 can be rewritten as SELECT *
query optimizer that uses over 200 transformation rules to
FROM t WHERE id = 5 AND (region = ’east’ OR region
explore the space of possible query execution plans.
= ’west’), thus enabling use of the index. This is similar
5.2.1 Optgen, a DSL for query transformations. Transforma- to Oracle’s index skip scan [29], but filters are determined
tion rules in CRDB are written in a domain-specific language statically from the schema rather than from histograms.
(DSL) called Optgen that provides an intuitive syntax for The optimizer also takes data distribution into account as
defining, matching, and replacing operators in a query plan part of its cost model. For some workloads, it may be ben-
tree. Optgen compiles to Go so that the transformation rules eficial to replicate a secondary index such that each region
can integrate seamlessly with the rest of the CRDB code- has its own copy (see Duplicated Indexes in Section 2.3). The
base (all of CRDB, with the exception of the storage layer, is optimizer minimizes cross-region data shuffling by assigning
implemented in Go). a cost to each index replica based on how close it is to the
For example, consider a simple Optgen rule EliminateNot: gateway node of a query.
[ EliminateNot , Normalize ]
( Not ( Not $ i n p u t : ∗ ) ) => $ i n p u t
5.3 Query Planning and Execution
SQL query execution in CRDB is executed in one of two
It matches scalar expressions containing two nested NOT modes: (1) gateway-only mode, in which the node that planned
operators, and replaces them with the input to the inner NOT. the query is responsible for all SQL processing for the query,
Transformation rules for relational expressions are more or (2) distributed mode, in which other nodes in the cluster
complex (e.g. they can call out to arbitrary Go methods), but participate in SQL processing. At the time of writing, only
all have the same structure with a łmatch patternž and a read-only queries can execute in distributed mode.
logically equivalent łreplace patternž separated by an arrow. Since the Distribution layer presents the abstraction of
EliminateNot is an example of a Normalization (rewrite) a single, monolithic key space, the SQL layer can perform
rule, in which the source expression is replaced with the read and write operations for any Range on any node. This
transformed expression. Exploration rules (such as join re- allows SQL operators to behave identically whether planned
ordering and join algorithm selection) preserve both expres- in gateway-only or distributed mode.
sions so that the optimizer can select whichever one has a The decision to distribute is made by a heuristic estimat-
lower estimated cost. Consistent with the Cascades model, ing the quantity of data that would need to be sent over the
CRDB’s optimizer uses a unified search in which application network. Queries that only read a small number of rows are
of Normalization and Exploration rules are interleaved. The executed in gateway-only mode. To produce a distributed
generated code ensures that minimal memory is allocated query plan when necessary, CRDB performs a physical plan-
for an operator until all applicable normalization rules have ning stage that transforms the query optimizer’s plan into a
been applied. directed acyclic graph (DAG) of physical SQL operators.
5.2.2 Optimizer is distribution-aware. Many of CRDB’s trans- Physical planning splits logical scan operations into mul-
formation rules can be found in other state-of-the-art query tiple TableReader operators, one for each node containing a
optimizers, but some are specific to the geo-distributed and Range read by the scan. Once the scans are segmented, the
partitioned nature of CRDB. For example, the optimizer can remaining logical operators are scheduled on the same nodes
use information about a table’s partitioning to infer addi- as the TableReaders, thus pushing down filters, joins, and
tional filters and enable more selective index scans. Consider aggregations as close to the physical data as possible.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA R. Taft, I. Sharif, A. Matei, N. VanBenschoten, J. Lewis, T. Grieger et al.

Fig. 3 shows an example of a distributed hash join across

Throughput per vCPU

● OLTP Inserts OLTP Point Selects
the primary indexes of two tables, a and b, on a 3 node cluster

(txns/ s/ vCPU)
5000 Vertical Scaling Horizontal Scaling
in which node 2 holds the requested Ranges of b, but the 3000
Ranges of a are split between nodes 1 and 3. The scanned 2000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

data is shuffled by hash to all nodes involved in the scan, 0
joined with a node-local hash join operator, and sent back 6 12 24 48 108 216 432 864 1728
to the gateway node, which unions the results and returns vCPUs (log scale)

them to the SQL client. This kind of figure can be produced Figure 4: Maximum throughput per vCPU for Sys-
by the database for any query using the EXPLAIN(distsql) bench workloads with varying number of vCPUs
command on the query.
Within a data stream, CRDB uses one of two different asynchronously transition to a new table schema at different
execution engines depending on input cardinality and plan times.
complexity: a row-at-a-time engine or a vectorized engine. CRDB implements the solution used by F1 [52] by follow-
ing a protocol that decomposes each schema change into a
5.3.1 Row-at-a-time execution engine. CRDB’s primary ex-
sequence of incremental changes. In this protocol, the addi-
ecution engine is based on the Volcano [26] iterator model
tion of a secondary index requires two intermediate schema
and processes a single row at a time. Every supported SQL
versions between the initial and final ones to ensure that the
feature in CRDB is implemented in this execution engine,
index is being updated on writes across the entire cluster
including joins, aggregations, sorts, window functions, etc.
before it becomes available for reads. If we enforce the in-
5.3.2 Vectorized execution engine. CRDB can execute a sub- variant that there are at most two successive versions of a
set of SQL queries using a vectorized execution engine that schema used in the cluster at all times, then the database will
was inspired by MonetDB/X100 [7]. The vectorized engine remain in a consistent state throughout the schema change.
operates on column-oriented batches of data instead of rows.
If the vectorized engine is chosen, data from disk is trans- 6 EVALUATION
posed from row to column format as it is being read from This section evaluates the performance of CRDB along a
CRDB’s KV layer, and transposed again from column to row number of axes. We begin by examining the scalability of
format right before it is sent back to the end user. The over- CRDB with various workload characteristics (Section 6.1).
head of this process is minimal. We follow with a study of CRDB’s performance in a multi-
In contrast to the row-at-a-time engine, operators imple- region deployment under various disaster scenarios (Sec-
mented in the vectorized engine are monomorphized on all tion 6.2). Next, we compare the performance of CRDB to
SQL data types that they support to drastically reduce the Spanner (Section 6.3). We conclude with several examples of
interpreter overhead inherent in the row-at-a-time iterator external CRDB usage (Section 6.4). Unless otherwise noted,
model. Since CRDB is written in Go, which does not support we use CRDB v19.2.2 in all experiments.
generics with specialization, this monomorphization is done 6.1 Scalability of CockroachDB
using templated code generation.
6.1.1 Vertical and horizontal scalability. We evaluate the
All of CRDB’s vectorized operators can handle the pres-
vertical and horizontal scalability of CRDB on łembarrass-
ence of a selection vector, a tightly-packed array of indices
ingly parallelž workloads by running two benchmarks from
into the data columns that have not yet been filtered out
the Sysbench OLTP suite [33]. Fig. 4 shows that throughput
by previous operators. The selection vector is used to avoid
per vCPU (for both reads and writes) stays nearly constant
expensive physical removal of data after selection operators.
as the number of vCPUs increases. The left-hand side of the
Complex operators such as merge joins use monomorphiza-
chart demonstrates vertical scalability, with experiments run
tion to generate multiple inner loops depending on whether
on a three node cluster with varying AWS instance types
a selection vector is present or not.
(c5d.large, c5d.xlarge, c5d.2xlarge, c5d.4xlarge, and
The optimizations described above result in a speedup of
c5d.9xlarge with 2, 4, 8, 16, and 36 vCPUs respectively).
over two orders of magnitude for individual operators, and
The right-hand side of the chart demonstrates horizontal
up to 4x on queries in the TPC-H [69] benchmark.
scalability, with experiments run on c5d.9xlarge instances
5.4 Schema Changes with the cluster size varying from 3 to 48 nodes. All clusters
CRDB performs schema changes, such as the addition of span three AZs in us-east-1, and each point represents the
columns or secondary indexes, using a protocol that allows average over three runs. Each experiment uses 4 tables per
tables to remain online (i.e., able to serve reads and writes) node and 1,000,000 rows per table, resulting in ~38 GB of
during the schema change, and allows different nodes to data on the 48 node cluster.

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1 Percentage of Remote 0% Geo− Part. Leaseholders Geo− Part. Replicas w/ Dup. Index
Replication Factor 3 10% Geo− Part. Replicas Unpartitioned
● 5 New Order Transactions 100%

Maximum tpmC

100,000 9000
75,000 6000

(ms, log scale)

p90 Latency

50,000 ● 8000

25,000 ●
● ● 2000
● ●
0 500
1 3 6 12 24 48 0 20 40 60
Nodes Elapsed time (minutes)

Figure 5: Maximum tpmC with varying % of remote Figure 6: Multi-region cluster performance with vari-
transactions, cluster sizes, and replication factors ous placement policies and AZ/region failures

Warehouses Amazon Aurora is a commercial database for OLTP work-

1,000 10,000 100,000 loads that is also designed to be scalable and fault toler-
CockroachDB ant [72]. In contrast to CRDB, single-master Aurora only
Max tpmC 12,474 124,036 1,245,462
achieves 7.3% efficiency with 10,000 warehouses [55]. AWS
Efficiency 97.0% 96.5% 98.8%
NewOrder p90 latency 39.8 ms 436.2 ms 486.5 ms has not published TPC-C numbers for multi-master Au-
Machine type (AWS) c5d.4xlarge c5d.4xlarge c5d.9xlarge rora [3].
Node count 3 15 81
Amazon Aurora [55]
6.2 Multi-region Availability and
Max tpmC 12,582 9,406 - Performance
Efficiency 97.8% 7.3% - To illustrate the trade-offs made between performance
Latency, machine type, and node count not reported and fault tolerance by different data placement policies (Sec-
Table 1: TPC-C benchmark environment and results tion 2.3), we measure TPC-C 1,000 performance against a
multi-region CRDB cluster as we induce AZ and region fail-
6.1.2 Scalability with cross-node coordination. To evaluate ures. This experiment uses 9 n1-standard-4 GCP machines
the scalability of CRDB with varying amounts of cross-node deployed across three regions in the US, in addition to work-
coordination, we run TPC-C [68] with a variable percent- load generators per region.
age of remote warehouses in New Order transactions. Since The periods between the dashed lines in Fig. 6 represent,
replication also causes cross-node coordination, we addition- in order, an AZ failure and recovery, and a region-wide fail-
ally vary the replication factor. Fig. 5 shows that in these ure and recovery. On failure, requests are routed to fallback
experiments, the overhead of replication can reduce through- AZs (either in the same region or another, depending on the
put by up to 48% for three replicas or 57% for five replicas, policy). Tables and indexes are partitioned by warehouse for
and distributed transactions may further reduce through- partitioned policies. For the duplicated indexes policy, the
put by up to 46%. Despite these overheads, all workloads read-only items table is replicated to every region.
scale linearly with increasing cluster sizes. This experiment We verify that all policies are able to tolerate AZ fail-
uses n1-standard-4 GCP machines [25] (4 vCPUs each). ures. The slight performance degradation during an AZ fail-
Each point represents the average over three runs, where ure is due to the remaining AZs being overloaded. Of the
each run finds the maximum tpmC sustained for at least ten four policies, only geo-partitioned leaseholders is tolerant
minutes. Since throughput in TPC-C scales with data size, to region-wide failures. This translates to a higher sustained
the largest experiments shown here use 10,000 warehouses, throughput during region-wide failures, but comes at a cost
corresponding to 800 GB of data. of higher p90 latencies during stable operation and recov-
6.1.3 TPC-C performance comparison with Amazon Aurora. ery (compared to the geo-partitioned replicas variants). The
To demonstrate scalability on an industry-standard bench- slower recovery period is due to the primary region catching
mark, we run TPC-C with 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000 ware- up on missed writes. The performance degradation during
houses on CRDB v19.2.0. As shown in Table 1, CRDB scales region failures, depending on the policy, can be attributed
to support up to 100,000 warehouses, corresponding to 50 to either blocked remote warehouse transactions, or clients
billion rows and 8 TB of data, at near-maximum efficiency. having to cross region boundaries to issue queries. Under
All experiments comply with the TPC-C spec (including wait stable conditions, the duplicated indexes policy maintains
times and the use of foreign keys). the lowest p90 latencies.

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA R. Taft, I. Sharif, A. Matei, N. VanBenschoten, J. Lewis, T. Grieger et al.

CRDB 4 vCPUs CRDB 16 vCPUs made this feasible. To survive regional failure, they opted
CRDB 8 vCPUs Spanner 95th Percentile for the geo-partitioned leaseholders policy. Writes would
60,000 99th Percentile
need to cross region boundaries to achieve quorum, but read
Throughput (txns/ s)

3 Servers
40,000 Reads Updates
performance would be local.

Latency (ms)
0 8 6.4.2 Global platform for an online gaming company. An
6 online gaming company processing 30-40 million financial

15 Servers
200,000 4
100,000 2 transactions per day was looking for a database for their
r r
global platform. They had strict requirements on data com-
A B C D E F DB nne RDB nne pliance, consistency, performance and service availability.
YCSB Workload CR Spa C Sp a
With their core user base in Europe and Australia, and a fast
Figure 7: Throughput of CRDB and Spanner on YCSB growing user base in the US, they sought to isolate failure do-
A-F, Latency of CRDB and Spanner under light load mains and pin user data to specific localities for compliance
and low latencies.
6.3 Comparison with Spanner CRDB’s architecture was a good fit for their requirements,
Fig. 7 compares CRDB’s performance against Cloud Span- and is now a strategic component in their long term roadmap.
ner’s on the YCSB [16] benchmark suite2 . As Spanner is a Fig. 1 shows the vision for their CRDB deployment.
managed service, it does not reveal its hardware configura-
tion. We therefore compare against several CRDB configu- 7 LESSONS LEARNED
rations (4, 8 and 16 vCPUs per node). For reference, three This section details some lessons learned over the last five
n2-standard-8 GCP VMs (8 vCPUs each) with local storage years of building CRDB and hardening it as a production-
cost within 0.2% of a one łnodež Spanner instance (consisting grade system.
of three replicas). In all tests, replicas are spread across three 7.1 Raft Made Live
AZs in a single region. We initially chose Raft as the consensus algorithm for
For most YSCB workloads, CRDB shows significantly higher CRDB due to its supposed ease of use and the precise de-
throughput. Both systems demonstrate horizontal scalability scription of its implementation [46]. In practice, we have
as the cluster size increases. One exception is Workload A found there are several challenges in using Raft in a complex
(update-heavy, zipfian distribution of keys), on which CRDB system like CRDB.
does not scale well because of the workload’s high contention
7.1.1 Reducing the Chatter. Raft leaders send periodic heart-
profile3 . We also include a test of the latency of reads and
beats to each follower to maintain their leadership. As a
writes performed by YCSB under light load. CRDB shows
large CRDB deployment may need to maintain hundreds of
significantly lower latencies at all percentiles, which we at-
thousands of consensus groups (one per Range), this commu-
tribute in part to Spanner’s commit-wait. Latency results
nication becomes expensive. To mitigate this overhead, we
under heavy load are noisy but show a similar trend, so we
made two changes to the basic protocol: (1) we coalesce the
omit them due to space constraints.
heartbeat messages into one per node to save on the per-RPC
6.4 Usage Case Studies overhead, and (2) we pause Raft groups which have seen no
CRDB is used by thousands of organizations. In this sec- recent write activity.
tion we outline two specific case studies of CRDB usage. 7.1.2 Joint Consensus. Raft’s default membership change
6.4.1 Virtual customer support agent for a telecom provider. protocol is simple to implement but allows for only a sin-
A US-based telecom provider wanted to reduce its customer gle addition or removal of a member at a time. It turns out
service costs by building a virtual agent to provide 24/7 sup- that this is problematic for availability guarantees during
port to their customers. The agent relied on recording cus- rebalancing operations (i.e. moving a replica from one node
tomer conversation metadata in a sessions database. The to another). For example, in a three-region deployment con-
team chose CRDB for this system due to its strong consis- strained to one replica per region, rebalancing requires either
tency, regional failure tolerance, and performance for geo- (1) temporarily dropping down to two replicas, or (2) tem-
distributed clusters. porarily increasing to four replicas, with two in one region.
For financial reasons, the team deployed a multi-region Both intermediate configurations lose availability during a
CRDB cluster split across their own on-prem data center single region outage.
and AWS regions. CRDB’s support for hybrid deployments To solve this problem, we implemented atomic replication
2 We
changes (called Joint Consensus) as detailed in [46]. In Joint
use the official YCSB generator[76] with Spanner and JDBC clients.
3 We Consensus, an intermediate configuration exists, but requires
expect significant improvement for such workloads with optional read
locking upcoming in the 20.1 release. instead the quorum of both the old and new majority for

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

writes; this means unavailability will result only if either the Early versions of CRDB replicated requests received via
old or new majority fails. The reconfiguration protocol used the KV API directly and evaluated them locally on each
by Apache ZooKeeper [59] is similar. peer. That is, each request was: (1) proposed to raft (on the
We found that implementation of Joint Consensus was leaseholder), (2) evaluated (on each replica), and (3) applied
not significantly more complex than the default protocol, so (on each replica).
we recommend that all production-grade Raft-based systems To maintain consistency, a Range’s replicas must contain
use Joint Consensus instead. identical data. Unfortunately, code changes in (2) and (3) were
7.2 Removal of Snapshot Isolation likely to introduce divergences between replicas running on
old and new versions of the system. To address this class
CRDB originally offered two isolation levels, SNAPSHOT
of problems, we moved the evaluation stage first, and now
and SERIALIZABLE. We made SERIALIZABLE the default be-
propose the effect of an evaluated request, rather than the
cause we believe that application developers should not have
request itself.
to worry about write skew anomalies, and in our implemen-
tation the performance advantage of the weaker isolation 7.5 Follow the Workload
level was small. Still, we wanted to make the option of snap- łFollow the Workloadž is a mechanism we built to automat-
shot isolation available for users who wanted to use it to ically move leaseholders physically closer to users accessing
minimize the need for transaction retries. the data. It was designed for workloads with shifting access
Since CRDB was primarily designed for SERIALIZABLE, localities where CRDB would attempt to dynamically opti-
we initially expected that offering just snapshot isolation by mize read latency, but we’ve found it to be rarely used in
removing the check for write skews would be simple. How- practice. CRDB’s manual controls over replica placement
ever, this proved not to be the case. The only safe mechanism prove sufficient for most operators who can fine tune ac-
to enforce strong consistency under snapshot isolation is pes- cess patterns for expected workloads. Adaptive techniques
simistic locking, via the explicit locking modifiers FOR SHARE in databases [47] are difficult to get right for a general pur-
and FOR UPDATE on queries. To guarantee strong consistency pose system, and are either too aggressive or too slow to
across concurrent mixed isolation levels, CRDB would need respond. Operators favor consistency in performance; the
to introduce pessimistic locking for any row updates, even unpredictability in this dynamic scheme hindered adoption.
for SERIALIZABLE transactions. To avoid this pessimization
of the common path, we opted to eschew true support for 8 RELATED WORK
SNAPSHOT, keeping it as an alias to SERIALIZABLE instead. Distributed transaction models. There has been a great
deal of work both in industry and in the literature to support
7.3 Postgres Compatibility distributed transactions with varying levels of consistency
We chose to adopt PostgreSQL’s SQL dialect and network and scalability. Over the years, many systems with reduced
protocol in CRDB to capitalize on the ecosystem of client dri- consistency levels have been proposed with the goal of over-
vers. This choice initially boosted adoption and still results coming the scalability challenges of traditional relational
today in enhanced focus and decision-making in the engi- database systems [5, 15, 19, 32, 35, 44, 61, 64, 71]. For many
neering team [50]. However, CRDB behaves differently from applications, however, isolation levels below serializable per-
PostgreSQL in ways that require intervention in client-side mit dangerous anomalies, which may manifest as security
code. For example, clients must perform transaction retries vulnerabilities [73]. CRDB was designed with the philosophy
after an MVCC conflict and configure result paging. Reusing that it is better to eliminate these anomalies altogether than
PostgreSQL drivers as-is requires us to teach developers how expect developers to handle them at the application level.
to deploy CRDB-specific code at a higher level, anew in every Spanner [4, 17] is a SQL system that provides the strongest
application. This is a recurring source of friction which we isolation level, strict serializability [30]. It achieves this by ac-
had not anticipated. As a result, we are now considering the quiring read locks in all read-write transactions and waiting
gradual introduction of CRDB-specific client drivers. out the clock uncertainty window (the maximum clock offset
7.4 Pitfalls of Version Upgrades between nodes in the cluster) on every commit. CRDB’s trans-
A clear upgrade path between versions with near-zero- action protocol is significantly different from Spanner’s; it
downtime is an indispensable property of a system that uses pessimistic write locks, but otherwise it is an optimistic
prides itself on its operational simplicity. In CRDB, an up- protocol with a łread refreshž mechanism that increases the
grade consists of a rolling restart into the new binary. Run- commit timestamp of a transaction if it observes a conflicting
ning a mixed-version cluster introduces additional complex- write within the clock uncertainty window. This approach
ity into an already complex system and can potentially in- provides serializable isolation and has lower latency than
troduce serious bugs. Spanner’s protocol for workloads with low contention. It

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA R. Taft, I. Sharif, A. Matei, N. VanBenschoten, J. Lewis, T. Grieger et al.

may require more transaction retries for highly contended spanning three AZs, but until recently [3], a single failure
workloads, however, and for this reason future versions of could cause the database to become temporarily unavailable
CRDB will include support for pessimistic read locks. Note for writes. It can only be deployed on AWS. F1 [52, 60] is a
that Spanner’s protocol is only practical in environments federated SQL query processing platform from Google, and
where specialized hardware is available to bound the un- was a source of inspiration for CRDB’s distributed execution
certainty window to a few milliseconds. CRDB’s protocol engine and online schema change infrastructure. F1 is not
functions in any public or private cloud. publicly available on GCP, but is used internally through-
Calvin [66], FaunaDB [22] and SLOG [53] provide strict se- out Google. TiDB [67] is an open-source distributed SQL
rializability, but because their deterministic execution frame- DBMS that is compatible with the MySQL wire protocol and
work requires the read/write sets up front, they do not sup- is designed to support HTAP workloads. NuoDB [45] is a pro-
port conversational SQL. H-Store [31] and VoltDB [63] are prietary NewSQL database that scales storage independently
main-memory databases that support serializable isolation from the transaction and caching layer. Unlike CRDB, these
and are optimized for partitionable workloads, but perform systems are not optimized for geo-distributed workloads
poorly on workloads with many cross-partition transac- and only support snapshot isolation. FoundationDB [24] is
tions since distributed transactions are processed by a sin- an open-source key-value store from Apple that supports
gle thread [79]. L-Store [39] and G-Store [18] alleviate this strictly serializable isolation. Apple’s FoundationDB Record
problem by committing all transactions locally, but require Layer [10] supports a subset of SQL.
relocating data on-the-fly if it is not already colocated.
Recent work has explored minimizing the commit time 9 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE OUTLOOK
of geo-distributed transactions [21, 28, 34, 41ś43, 75, 78]. CockroachDB is a source-available, scalable SQL database
Similar to many of these approaches, CRDB can commit designed to łmake data easyž. Our novel transaction proto-
transactions in one round-trip between data centers in the col achieves serializable isolation at scale without the use
common case, corresponding to one round-trip of distributed of specialized hardware. Consensus-based replication pro-
consensus. Unlike systems that require global consensus or vides fault tolerance and high availability, as well as per-
a single master region for ordering multi-partition trans- formance optimizations for local reads from both the lease-
actions [22, 53, 66], CRDB requires consensus only from holder (leader) and follower replicas. Geo-partitioning and
partitions written in the transaction. follow-the-workload features ensure that data is located clos-
Distributed data placement. Several papers have con- est to the users accessing it, minimizing latency due to WAN
sidered how to place data in a geo-distributed cluster. Some [2, round trip requests. Finally, CockroachDB’s SQL layer pro-
9, 48, 58, 77] minimize transaction latency while maximizing vides users the flexibility and familiarity of SQL, while still
availability, adhering to fault tolerance requirements, and/or taking advantage of the distributed nature of CockroachDB
balancing load. Others [40, 74] minimize cost while adhering for scalability and performance.
to latency SLOs. CRDB gives users control by supporting CockroachDB is already providing value to thousands of
different data placement policies. organizations, but we are continuing to iterate on the design
Another body of work considers load-based re-partitioning and improve the software with each release. Our upcom-
and placement of data. Slicer [1] performs range partitioning ing releases will include a completely redesigned storage
of hashed keys, and splits/merges ranges based on load. Other layer, geo-aware query optimizations, and numerous im-
systems [56, 57, 65] support fine-grained repartitioning to provements to other parts of the system. Looking further
alleviate hot spots and/or colocate frequently co-accessed ahead, we plan to improve support for operational automa-
data. Similar to that work, CRDB range-partitions based on tion, paving the way for a future in which databases can
the original keys, resulting in better locality for range scans be truly łserverlessž from a user’s perspective. We have al-
than Slicer, but susceptibility to hot spots. To alleviate hot ready released a fully managed service [11], but much work
spots, it can also partition on hashed keys. Like Slicer, CRDB remains to insulate users from the operational details. Dis-
splits, merges, and moves Ranges to balance load. aggregated storage, on-demand scaling, and usage-based
Commercial Distributed OLTP DBMSs. CRDB is one pricing are just some of the areas we will need to develop.
of many distributed DBMS offerings on the market today Making a geo-distributed database perform well in such an
for OLTP workloads, each providing different features and environment is a problem ripe for independent research.
consistency guarantees. Spanner, FaunaDB, and VoltDB, as We look forward to supporting and participating in it, and
well as the various NoSQL systems were discussed above. furthering our mission to łmake data easyž.
Amazon Aurora [72] is a distributed SQL DBMS which repli-
cates by writing the database’s redo log to shared storage. It
supports high availability of read requests with six replicas

Industry 3: Cloud and Distributed Databases SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database SIGMOD’20, June 14ś19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA

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