Intrigue Her On The Opener (With - Meta Pacing - ) - Girls Chase
Intrigue Her On The Opener (With - Meta Pacing - ) - Girls Chase
Intrigue Her On The Opener (With - Meta Pacing - ) - Girls Chase
Open a new conversa on with a girl already curious about you… by going straight to the meta level from the outset of the conversa on.
Have you ever struggled to get a new interac on going smoothly (//
and-take-more-lovers)? Don’t worry; this is a common challenge faced by students of the game as well as experienced
If you discover how to talk to women (// in ways
that will get them immersed in the ensuing conversa on, this founda on will enable you to lead more babes through each
phase of seduc on (// sm-pt-5-transi on-phases-seduc on).
So, prepare yourself to learn another smooth way to start fascina ng conversa ons (//
talk-girls-campus-and-start-fascina ng-conversa ons) with new girls.
In today’s ar cle, we will also examine mul ple tools to help you meet smooth (//
smooth-and-sweep-women-their-feet) in a wide variety of scenarios and venues. By the me you’ve finished reading, you will
feel more equipped to make strong first impressions (// during
the day, out at night, or even if you decide to approach a group.
If you’re reading this ar cle and have already racked up a fair amount of experience in pickup, III. What Is Meta Pacing?
you may already know that seduc on begins before you open your mouth to deliver the IV. Imagina ve Ques ons
opener. In fact, your seduc ons start the moment you enter the awareness radii
V. Prac ce
(// ced-rewardpunish-and-more) of
the gorgeous girls you desire.
This is why your nonverbal narra ve, or story you tell each woman with your entrance and presence, is vital.
If this concept is new, remember that a well-structured nonverbal narra ve will catch a new woman’s a en on, increase her
compliance levels, and make her curious about you (// ps-make-her-curious).
Examples of effec ve tools for building your nonverbal narra ves include:
Pre-opening (//
A en on grabs (// cs-tuesdays-a en on-grabs-elicit-approach-invita ons)
Hover and disqualify (//
Making the right impressions (// ced-and-make-right-impression-girls)
Today we’ll take a look at a pragma c and versa le nonverbal narra ve to help you reach the hook point with new girls
consistently when day gaming, night gaming, or cross gaming (// lefield-
use-truisms) What comes next must either be an instantly relatable ques on or an emo onally irresis ble perspec ve —
although if you make a habit of choosing words deliberately, it becomes easier to build sentences with both these pillars.
You want women to agree right away or become so curious they ask you to elaborate
3. Metaframe control: By this point, you’ve already captured her a en on, so take your
me as you describe this transcendent point of view. While you can use the example
above in many venues (//, from parks to
beaches, to coffee shops, shopping malls, nightlife lounges, and dive bars, you need to
understand the underlying tac cs that give shape to any example of meta frame
control. Prac ce these by making immersive references to emo onal
(// onal-cres ng-what-it-and-how-use-it) or
sensory aspects of the environment you both share. Or, if you’re an ambi ous
conversa onalist (// onalist), consider
describing topics using the contrast technique
(// ract-her-harder-nlp-contrast-technique), also
key elements of your interac ons with girls as they unfold. Give yourself opportuni es
to explore topics like mee ng new people and self-discovery, da ng and rela onships,
connec on, and sexual standards (//
sexual-prize-showing-her-your-sexual-standards#standards) “Ugh, girls keep tex ng me...see?”
Meta pacing is an extremely versa le conversa on tool, so we’ll look at helpful ps to help
you harness your unique point of view and create your personal applica ons of this verbal strategy. First, let’s finish today’s
example and discuss how you can follow up (//
conversa on) with this opener adeptly.
Imaginative Questions
A great tac c for following up a meta pace opener is with a ques on.
But not just any boring old ques on. Instead, you ask an imagina ve ques on.
So far, your interac on has effortlessly combined verbal and nonverbal game to immerse her in a compelling, shared narra ve.
So now you want to give her a chance to contribute.
Since her emo ons and imagina on will be ac vated, you just point them in a pragma c direc on.
Here’s an example:
You: Let’s say you were going to plan a trip to finally get away from it all. And you also won the lo ery so you could travel
to any place in the world. Where would you go?
This imagina ve ques on makes ge ng to know her feel like an adventure (//
long-taste-adventure) and steers her mind toward traveling (//
interna onal-friends-benefits), a topic where you can use sexually (//
turn-women)-charged meta frame control like:
The Tourist Frame (// on-gambit-tourist-frame)
The Culture Shock (// on-gambit-culture-shock)
Make the most of your imagina ve ques ons by connec ng them to subtopics in your conversa ons.
(// ons-smoothly-and-freestyle-epic-verbal-game)
Now, suppose a seducer named Jack reads this ar cle and decides to give our tools a try. He spots a group of three gorgeous
girls while rolling solo at a nightclub (// and makes his
entrance with great ming.
He con nues with the strategy un l:
Jack: ...Suddenly you get a text. And it’s like - ugh, can I live?
Kate: So, who texted you?
Jack: Well, to make what could be an absurdly long story short. [Pause] Somebody I used to know reached out to me.
And I would have just preferred it if they hadn’t
Jessica: C’mon, you have to tell us (// ng-vs-trading-informa on) who texted you!
Kate: Who was it?!
Olivia: You can tell us who it was!
Jack: Alright, it was my ex
Olivia: How long were you together?
Jack: Good ques on. You know, when most people leave a rela onship, you kind of get into this headspace where you
want to re-discover your interests, start exploring some new connec ons and do the things you enjoy your own
person. Does this make sense?
And that’s when the conversa on starts to get juicier.
Choose adjec ves and adverbs to paint pictures in the minds and memories of your listeners, so if you follow up some
meta frame control with “does this make sense?” it becomes an imagina ve ques on. And that’ll be the moment where
your conversa ons with beau ful new girls start ge ng juicier too.
We covered lots of ground today so let’s review.
As we discussed, it takes a skillful combina on of verbal and nonverbal game to cra first impressions solid enough to catapult
a seducer to the hook point (// with consistency. This
impression — your nonverbal narra ve — begins once you enter the awareness radius
(// ced-rewardpunish-and-more) of a girl you want to approach.
The more you prac ce that imagina ve exercise we touched on, the easier it will become for you to subcommunicate
(// your social value as a prize
(// who gets chased
(// ng-girls-chase-framing). So, get familiar with this process as you prac ce it at
home (// and those moments before making your
cold approach entrance. Eventually, just glancing at your phone will bring the expression out of you without any extra effort
While meta pacing is a fairly advanced technique, you can use it as a game student in any stage of your seducer’s journey
(// st) by following the steps in this ar cle. Also important:
make sure to see the room (//, as this will increase your understanding of meta
frame control, so it’s easier to create your examples as your experience grows.
Another part of this process: consider how you deliver the meta pace opener.
Frankly, there’s variety in an a rac ve delivery (h ps:///content/if-you-want-do-well-girls-fundamentals-are-everything).
My personal favorite is a slightly amused tonality and a playful touch of irony in my voice since these are emo ons that join me
naturally and ins nc vely a er I’ve made the right facial expressions (//
drive-women-wild). Feel free to use this style or discover another that suits you.
Then once you’ve immersed her in your enlightened perspec ve, just follow up with an imagina ve ques on, and you’ll be off
to the races. See how many different venues you can dominate (//
Happy hun ng.
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Daniel Adebayo
Daniel Adebayo made the far trek from sunny Nigeria to frosty Canada for school. There, he leverages a strong drive for success as he applies himself to
both his university studies and roman c pursuits.
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