RP Poka Yoke
RP Poka Yoke
RP Poka Yoke
Using various tools of TQM like Kaizen, Poka yoke, JIT, JIDCO, etc.
can help companies to develop quality culture. This paper studies the
practical usage of Poka yoke.
Identification of need
Identifying Possible mistakes
Management of mistakes before satisfying needs
Poka yoke in long term saves time and releases pressure on theinds of
workers. Creativity and special skills of workers can be used for
decreasing pressure on workers.
DMAIC is the problem solving method behind Siz Sigma. the Poka
Yoke concept consists 5 DMAIC Phases :
The first phase is the Define phase of the six Sigma improvement
In this process a high level blueprint of the process is created by the
experts, it understands the need of the customers of the process.This is
an important phase in which the team frames the project which focuses
for themo and for the leadership for the organisation.
When the team starts collecting the data they focus on both the
procedure and also they measure what customer wants.
This shows that there are two main motives : Reducing the lead time and
improving the quality.
We have used Secondary Data for the paper. Secondar data refers to the
data that has already been published in the forms of articles, books etc
and has been collected by some one else earlier.
Poka yoke is one of the best tool of Total quality Management but also
have to take in view about its obstacles and challenges that is faced by
Poka yoke.
They are placed close to work where the mistakes occur mostly,
quick feedback is provided to the workers to correct the mistake
that occurred
They are part of the work process, implementing what Shingo calls
“100%” inspection.
Qualities of a Good Poka Yoke
Simple: The poka yoke should be simple as to develop and maintain the
work. This is quite important to reduce time and effort in maintaining
poka yokes and to work efficiently and effectively.
Early: A good poka yoke must be early in the process, so that it can
provide quick feedback to the mistake occurred and help in detecting the
mistakes at the moment they occur.
In the each process of poka yoke we make sure that the mistake is
eliminated from the starting of the process through which revokes are
There is a very good example to know the right analysis of Poka yoke in
the manufacturing Industry – Sim card slot in the mobile phones which
are designed in a way so that the user is allowed to insert SIM card in
the slot in a correct way only that is in the direction that has been
provided by setting a small picture beside the slot. There is no chance
for the user to make any mistake while putting the sim card on the
mobile phone . This makes the design mistake proof
Poka yoke helps people and processes to work right in the first time. It
refers to the technique that makes impossible to make mistakes. These
can drive the defects out of the products and processes and improves the
quality and reliability. It can also be used for improvements and process
designs from six-sigma Define - Measure - Analyze – Improve &
Control (DMAIC) projects. The poka yoke ideas can eliminate both the
human and machine errors.
There has been significant increase in the usage of Poka yoke technique
in the past as it is necessary for removing errors and saving time by
assuring 100% defects.
It has found that Defect Prevention and Defect Detection is being widely
The software and the manufacturing industry are the examples of defect
prevention technique.
The Defect detection is the other common method that is widely used for
mistake proofing in the industries. It uses various approaches and
strategies for executing test cases effectively. There are other method
also that have started coming into light as now there is higher
requirement for the mistake proofing , These are Smoke and
Exploratory testings.
Mostly 80% of the industries and companies have started using this
technique to eliminate the errors