Wednesday, 29 August 2007: Cathedral Window Quilt Tutorial
Wednesday, 29 August 2007: Cathedral Window Quilt Tutorial
Wednesday, 29 August 2007: Cathedral Window Quilt Tutorial
The Cathedral Window Quilt pattern is gorgeous. The Origami-like folding of fabric, the
jewel like tones of the "windows", the layers of fabric and stitching - all combine to create an
amazing, complex looking quilt. The reality is that the process is not that hard, and with a
little learning and patience, you can do it quite easily.
The Cathedral Window quilt is a quilt-as-you-go project, meaning that there is no backing or
quilting to be done once you have finished the quilt top. The quilt simply grows and grows as
you make it, and once you've done enough squares to be satisfied, it's done. Brilliant. I am a
woman of notoriously low patience, and I've taken to this quilt project with gusto and
enthusiasm..... a good point for those of you out there that can't possibly believe that you'll
have enough patience to make a whole quilt yourself!
First, a word about materials. Traditionally, these quilts were made predominantly from
muslin, with calico or cotton scraps used for the "windows", which meant that when the quilt
was held up to the light, it created that "stained glass window" effect that the quilt does so
Muslin, however, won't keep you warm at night, and this quilt works much easier if the base
fabric you use is closely woven, keeping it's shape well during the ironing and folding
By all means, use muslin if you want, but make sure you buy a muslin that is closely woven if
you can. My first attempt at this quilt was made with a light weight linen, and it was an
unmitigated disaster. The fabric just wouldn't stay where I put it..... if in doubt, make a couple
of squares and see how you go! Make sure you keep in mind that you will have to hand sew
through at least four layers of your base fabric, so a light weight cotton is ideal.
This quilt works really well as a charm quilt, so any scraps of cotton prints you have lying
around in your stash will be well served by this pattern.....otherwise, you can think about the
design a little more if you want. This pattern calls for charm squares of about 3 1/2 inches
square for the "windows". You have the option of putting a different fabric in each window,
creating a pattern, or doing what I'm doing, which is alternating rows of charm squares in
bright prints with rows of the plain white cotton I'm using as the backing fabric. As with all
quilts, imagination and individuality reign supreme. Do what you will!
The pattern here is for a 9 inch square, which is folded and pressed into a block which will
give you a 3 inch 'window'. Four of these blocks sewn together result in a 9 inch block again,
with which you will build your quilt.
Using this pattern, I have used 10 metres of white, 100% cotton broadcloth (double blocked,
also known as quilters homespun) for the backing fabric. Even though my quilt is still in
progress, I think this will give me a finished quilt the size of your average throw rug or lap
quilt, enough to wrap around yourself, but not enough to cover the bed. A good rule of thumb
is to buy fabric four times the size of the quilt you want to make. This should be more than
enough to get your quilt made, and it's better to have too much fabric than not enough!
I've also used random bits of fabric from my stash, as well as about a metre of cotton batting.
If you want to make a larger quilt, I would recommend increasing the size of the starter block,
so your quilt yeilds larger 'windows', and making the quilt grow faster.
From your backing fabric, cut out some squares, leaving an allowance of about 2cm around
the outside of the template. I recommend cutting out six squares to start, which will quilt up
into a nice, rectangular shape, and if you decide you hate it by the time you're finished, you
can make a cushion cover out of it.
Take one of the squares, and place the template on top of it.
You need to mitre the corners - do this by folding each corner over the template card and
ironing it down.
The next step is the fold over the edges of the fabric, ironing them down to create mitred
corners. This tucks all the raw edges inside the quilt, preventing any fraying, or raw edges in
the finished piece. This is one of the steps I have devised for myself, just to achieve a neater
finish. Don't freak out of your corners aren't perfectly mitred - they will be folded in again,
and won't affect to finished quilt too much.
Once the edges have been pressed, it should look like this:
Take each corner, and fold in towards the middle, keeping those pressed edges tucked in
neatly. Press flat.
Try as best you can to keep the outside corners neat - this will help the overall look of your
quilt later on.
The first fold should look like this when finished:
Then do the same thing again - taking the outside corners, and folding them into the centre to
make a smaller square - again, taking care to make the outside corners as neat as possible.
Press flat, and put aside.
Some people recommend loosely tacking the four pieces down, but I found this hindered my
progress later on, I just stack them in a pile, facing down, like this:
(sorry about the change in the light - I took the next few photos in my sewing room, where the
light is not so good....)
Repeat the steps for each of your squares.
Once you have a pile ready for sewing together, take two squares, and line up two triangles at
the edges, like this:
Now you want to sew the two triangles together along the crease at the sides, matching up the
corners as well as you can. Some people hand stitch this part, but machine stitching is totally
acceptable, not to mention quicker!
Once you have stitched the triangles together, you are ready to start putting the 'window' in.
Pin down the loose triangles around the window, and flatten down the stitched together
triangles, like this:
The centre of that diamond in the middle is where the window will go. You'll need to measure
that diamond shape to determine the size of the fabric for the window. On my quilt, the
window is approx. 2 1/2 inches square. Make a template to the size of the window, and cut
your window fabric a little larger than that, like this:
Here, I have made another modification - because I want my quilt to be as warm as possible, I
have decided to include batting in this step. Basically I just cut a sqaure of batting to the size
of the window, and insert it with the window fabric, like this:
Whether you decide to use the batting or not, is up to you - the next few steps remain the
Finger press the edges of the window fabric over, and place the fabric right side up on top of
the diamond shaped window section of your quilt block.
Then, fold over each edge of the white backing fabric, so it 'frames' the window, pinning each
side down as you go:
Now, stitch the 'frame' down, using whatever stitch method you prefer - if you are working
with light weight fabrics and no batting, you can use your favourite invisible stitching
method, like blind hem stitch. I have used a simple straight stitch on top of the fabric to get
through the layers of fabric and batting, plus, I like having visible stitching - it's up to you. If
you want the quilting to show on the back of the quilt, make sure you sew through all the
layers of fabric.
If you only want to sew through the top few layers, make sure to stitch the corners of each
window down through to the back - this will help keep all the layers of fabric in place.
Once you have stitched the 'frame' down, your quilt block should look like this:
Once you have completed a few of these blocks, you can then start stitching them together,
creating more and more 'windows' along the way. Your quilt grows and grows, with no
backing or quilting needed - once you have sewn enough pieces together - the quilt is done!
Хомеопатията е като помощник на психосоматичната медицина. Тя е една част от
науката, която дава възможност за терапия в много малки, сигнални количества на
принципа „Клин, клин избива", т.е. малко количество вещество, което обикновено е
токсично, може да осигури здраве на базата - взаимодействие с необходимите
рецептори в организма. Съвсем накратко се запознайте с някои варианти на фирмата
„БОАРОН", Франция.
Коризалия обвити таблетки - те се слагат 2x2 табл. под езика и са много подходящи
при всички видове хрема, алергични ринити и синуити, симптоматичен ранит и
риносинуит. При деца и възрастни се дава по 1 таблетка нав секи час до 12 час от
първия прием. След това 2x2 или 3x2 таблетки под езика.
Още по темата Новите медикаменти за сърдечни и ракови болестиРибеното масло
потиска болките, причинени от артритХомеопатия - Що е то – хомеопатия ?
Подагра (Хиперурикемия)Мента
Хомеожен 9 - таблетки при гърлобол, ларингити, пресипналост, глобус хистерикус 3x2
таблетки под езика при остри случаи по 1 таблетка на всеки час.
Рудистрол - крем в туба от 40 гр. много подходящ при артрози, артрити, миозити,
полиартроза, ревматоиден артрит, ревматични и мускулни болки. С него се намазва 3
пъти дневно с втриване на болното място.
Кокулин - таблетки в опаковка по 30 броя. Много добър резултат при гадене, виене на
свят, прилошаване, болест на пътуването, вертижен синдром. 3x2 таблетки за деца и
Женоверин гранули в опаковка по 125 гр. - при
възстановяване след заболявания, смущения в растежа,
физически дискомфорт, подобряване на водно солевия баланс.
За деца и възрастни от 1 до 6 чаени лъж. дневно. Това е само
част от помощта, която може да окаже хомеопатията на
психосоматично болните. Тя може да се комбинира с Монопрепаратите могат да бъдат
назначавани само от
класически медикаментозни средства и да се назначава само от специализирали
по хомеопатия лекари
лекари, специализирали хомеопатия.
2 яйца
1 и 1/ 2 ч.ч захар
1 ч.ч кисело мляко
2/ 3 ч.ч олио
1 ч. л. сода
3 ванилии
2 ч.ч брашно
5 с. л. какао
300 мл. вода
1/2 пакет краве масло
10 равни с.л захар
1 равна ч. лъж. канела
1 шоколад/ 100 гр/, разтопен с малко олио и краве масло.
За него идеята бе моя.
Сложих два цвята шоколадови пръчици- бели и кафяви и половинки шоко стафиди.
От изброените продукти се бърка смес, която се изпича в предварително нагорещена
фурна на 180 градуса. Самото печене трае около 30- 40 минути. Блатът трябва
задължително да изстине напълно. Сварява се сиропът и с него се сиропира сладкиша.
След вяколко минути се залива с разтопения шоколад, но побързайте, защото се стяга
много бързо.
Отгоре гарнирайте по желание.
Сложете в хладилник за няколко часа, за да се стегне добре глазурата и да изстине самия
сладкиш, нарежете на пастички и сервирайте