Numerical Investigation of Cone Angle Effect On The Flow Field
Numerical Investigation of Cone Angle Effect On The Flow Field
Numerical Investigation of Cone Angle Effect On The Flow Field
Numerical investigation of cone angle effect on the flow field and separation
efficiency of deoiling hydrocyclones
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Abstract In this study, the effect of cone angle on the flow Qi Inlet volume flow rate (m3/h)
field and separation efficiency of deoiling hydrocyclones is R Flow split (Qoverflow/Qinlet) (%)
investigated taking advantage of large eddy simulation. The Re Reynolds number (–)
_ __
dynamic Smagorinsky is employed to determine the residual Lij Lij ¼ ui uj ui uj (m2/s2)
stress tensor of the continuous phase. The method of 2 _ _
Mij _ _
Lagrangian particle tracking with an optimized search algo- 2
Mij ¼ D S Sij D S Sij (m2/s2)
rithm (closest cell) is applied to evaluate the separation effi-
PDR Pressure differential ratio (–)
ciency of deoiling hydrocyclone. Simulations are performed
Sij Strain tensor (1/s)
on a 35-mm deoiling hydrocyclone with the three different
Ud Droplet velocity (m/s)
cone angles of 6, 10 and 20 degree. The numerical results
Vd Droplet diameter (m3)
revealed that the changes in the cone angle would affect the
Xd Droplet coordinate (m)
velocity and pressure distribution inside hydrocyclone, and
Z Axial distance from the top wall (mm)
lead to changes in the separation efficiency. However, the
large cone angle increases the tangential velocity and pressure Greek letters
gradient inside the hydrocyclone, but reduces the separation h Cone angle (deg)
efficiency. The reasons behind the decrease in the separation l Viscosity (kg/ms)
efficiency are the flow structure and reduction of oil droplets m Kinematic viscosity (m2/s2)
residence time in hydrocyclones with large cone angles. q Density (kg/m3)
s Stress tensor (N/m2)
List of symbols D Filter width (m)
CD Drag coefficient (–)
CS Smagorinsky constant (–)
d Droplet
D Hydrocyclone diameter (m)
f Fluid phase (water)
d Droplet diameter (m)
i, j, k, l Coordination index
FD Drag force (kg/m2 s2)
FP Pressure gradient force (kg/m2 s2) Superscripts
FV Virtual mass force (kg/m2 s2) 0
Time fluctuation quantity
k Density ratio (k = qd/qf) (–) Filtered quantity
p Static pressure (kg/ms2) _ Test filtered quantity
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hydrocyclones in offshore platforms has been developed in The oil–water flow in deoiling hydrocyclones was simu-
the recent years. The need for a high-efficiency compact lated by Hargreaves and Silvester [14] taking advantage of
oil–water separator, especially in platforms where there is Eulerian–Lagrangian method. They employed Algebraic
space limitation, is one of the main reasons for develop- Stress Model with a 2-D cylindrical coordinate system. The
ment of deoiling hydrocyclones. effects of particle–particle interaction, slip and droplet
The swirling flow inside hydrocyclones induces a cen- coalescence are ignored. The obtained results were in
trifugal force and leads to separation owing to the density acceptable agreement with the experimental data. The idea
difference between phases. The major differences between of using Lagrangian Particle Trajectory (LPT) method for
the separation processes occurring in deoiling and desander estimation of efficiency was also implemented by Wolbert
hydrocyclones were reported by Thew [1] and Caldenty et al. [15]. The flow field, velocity distribution and sepa-
[2]. The density difference in solid–liquid mixture is ration efficiency of a 10-mm deoiling hydrocyclone was
greater than liquid–liquid types. Therefore, separating solid obtained by Grady et al. [16] using Algebraic Slip Mixture
from liquid is easier than liquid from liquid. The solid (ASM) and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) multiphase
particles migrate to the wall region in desander hydro- model. Petty and Park [17] employed direct numerical
cyclones while oil droplets move to center in deoiling simulation to simulate a miniature hydrocyclone. Their
hydrocyclones. Thus, the near wall region is of particular results showed that a 3g centrifugal acceleration is created
significance in desander hydrocyclones, whereas the center in the 5 mm miniature hydrocyclones for the estimated
flow features become the predominant area of study in the pressure drop and flow rates of 1 l/s and 1 kPa, respectively.
deoiling types. The liquid droplets may be broken up to the Huang [18] simulated the three dimensional turbulent flow
smaller ones due to the shear rate increasing to a critical in deoiling hydrocyclones using Eulerian–Eulerian
level. In addition to the mentioned differences, the flow approach and Reynolds Stress Model. The obtained results
splits of desander and deoiler hydrocyclones are distinct, so showed accumulation of oil near the axis. The separation
the flow feature of the continuous phase is not the same. efficiency was also estimated based on phase concentra-
The discussed differences have led to difficulties in the tion. The separation curve for Colman type hydrocyclones
design of deoiling hydrocyclones. was in good agreement with the measured ones. The effect
Although the application of common hydrocyclones in of various inlet types and inlet chamber body profiles on
oil–water separation was suggested by Simkin and Olney [3] the separation efficiency of deoiling hydrocyclones was
and Sheng et al. [4], fundamental studies on deoiling studied by Noroozi and Hashemabadi [19, 20]. The sepa-
hydrocyclones were started by Colman and Thew [5]. The ration efficiency was improved by 10 and 8 % with
experimental investigations of Colman et al. [6] and Colman application of a helical inlet and an exponential body
and Thew [7] indicated the independency of separation profile. Kharoua et al. [21] simulated the Colman type
efficiency from the flow split if it is in the range 0.5 to 10 %. hydrocyclone making use of the slip mixture model. They
Moreover for constant droplet size distribution in the inlet, revealed that Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) can better
the size distribution in the outlet is independent of the flow predict the separation efficiency in comparison with
split. The migration probability curves are also independent Renormalization Group (RNG) k - e. The velocity field
of the flow split. A new design of hydrocyclone for water and the effective parameters on turbulence inside deoiling
treatment was proposed by Thew [1]. High swirl flow, hydrocyclones, such as oil droplet diameter, flow rate and
smaller size preventing large pressure drop and minimum inlet oil concentration, were investigated. The complete
instability, and turbulence near the axis were the specific review of hydrocyclones for the deoiling purpose can be
features of the new design. The operation curves, principle of found in [22]. The first application of LES turbulence
operations and the first field study of hydrocyclones were model for simulation of the continuous velocity field inside
obtained by Meldrum [8]. Young et al. [9] tried to optimize deoiling hydrocyclones was introduced by Saidi et al. [23].
the 35-mm hydrocyclone designed by Colman and Thew [5]. They illustrated the capability and potential of large eddy
They studied the effects of operational and geometrical simulation in prediction of deoiling hydrocyclones’ flow
parameters, such as inlet size, cylindrical diameter, cone field providing a comparison between LES, LRR and
angle, straight section length, flow rate, and droplet diameter standard k - e models. They also calculated the separation
on the separation efficiency. Based on their experimental efficiency with different drag correlations.
results, a new geometry was proposed for hydrocyclones. The literature review discloses the lack of information
The recent investigations on hydrocyclones focus on oper- about the effect of geometrical parameters such as cone
ational parameters [10, 11], velocity field [12] and distribu- angle, underflow diameter and etc. on the velocity field and
tion of oil droplets [13] in deoiling hydrocyclones. separation efficiency of deoiling hydrocyclones. In this
Among the numerous investigations on deoiling hydro- regard, the authors tried to shed some light on this subject
cyclones, only few numerical studies have been conducted. using the advantages of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) in
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Further details of the turbulence model can be found in where Red is the droplet Reynolds number and defined as
Germano et al. [32] and Lilly’s [34] studies. follows:
qf Uf Ud d
2.2 Dispersed phase Red ¼ ð14Þ
The oil droplets are considered as the dispersed phase in
the deoiling hydrocyclone. In order to estimate the sepa- 3 Geometry of the problem
ration efficiency of the deoiling hydrocyclone, the
Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) method is applied with The simulations are performed on 35-mm hydrocyclones
the following assumptions [2, 15]: with two symmetrical inlets (5 9 10 mm) entering tan-
– The particle–particle interaction, coalescence or break gentially from top of its cylindrical section. The hydrocy-
up is ignored. clone has two outlets, one at its top and the other at its end,
– The concentration of oil droplets is assumed to be named overflow and underflow, respectively. Overflow is
sufficiently dilute so that Lagrangian approach can be continued to the inside of the hydrocyclone with the length
applied. of LO and called vortex finder. The three different hydro-
– Droplets are considered rigid, and their deformation cyclone designs are labeled (A), (B) and (C) having cone
due to shear forces is ignored [35]. angles of 6, 10 and 20 degrees, respectively. The geomet-
rical parameters of designs are displayed in Fig. 1.
The density difference between the continuous and dis- Flow split is defined as the ratio of the volume flow from
persed phases is small. Therefore in addition to the drag overflow to that of the inlet. The flow split varies in the
force, the pressure gradient and virtual mass forces should be range of 0.04–0.06 in the present work. Outlet pressures are
taken into account as well [36]. Table 1 summarizes the changed to reach the flow split value. Table 2 presents the
forces acting upon oil droplets in the deoiling hydrocyclones. operational parameters of the deoiling hydrocyclone. This
In the Lagrangian reference frame for unsteady flows, hydrocyclone is designed for oily waste water refinement
the force balance on oil droplets results in:
~d X
qd V d ¼ ~
F ð11Þ
By substituting forces from Table 1 in Eq. (11) we have:
1 dU ~d 3 1
1þ ¼ CD ðU ~ d ÞU
~f U ~d
~f U
2k dt 4Dd k
! !
1 DU ~f 1 DU ~f
þ þ ð12Þ
k Dt 2k Dt
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Drag force 2
F D ¼ ðpr 2Þqf CD ðU
~ ~ d ÞU
~f U ~d
~f U
Pressure gradient force ~ DU
F P ¼ qf Vd Dt f
Virtual mass force ~ qV DU ~d
F V ¼ f2 d Dt f DU
– Inlet
The uniform inlet velocity of 4.167 m/s, equivalent to
1.5 m3/h flow rate (Reinlet ¼ 27;777), with 5 % of turbulent
intensity is implemented for both inlets.
– Wall
No-slip condition is assumed on the walls. The grid is
fine enough near the lateral wall for the non-dimensional
wall distance (y?) of the first node to be below 1. There-
fore, no wall function is used for the lateral wall.
– Outlet
The gauge static pressure, determined based on the
desired split ratio, is assumed to be fixed at the overflow and
underflow. The implemented pressures at the boundaries for
Fig. 2 Generated mesh for hydrocyclone simulation the three different designs are reported in Table 4. The
Heat Mass Transfer
Table 4 Boundary pressure and PDR for three designs Table 5 Stopping distance, initial Reynolds number and time to
travel 95 % of the stopping distance for standard density sphere
Design Overflow Underflow Inlets PDR
Pmean (kPa) Pmean (kPa) Pmean (kPa) Particle Re0 Stopping Time to travel
diameter distance, 95 % of
A 0 0 150 1.000 (lm) V0 = 10 m/s stopping
B -50 0 220 1.227 (mm) distance (s)
C -163 0 327 1.498
1 0.66 0.035 1.1 9 10-5
10 6.6 2.3 8.5 9 10-4
100 66 127 0.065
reference pressure is located at underflow and the pressures
at the other boundaries are measured from underflow. Reference Hinds [43]
The split ratio of the deoiling hydrocyclone is controlled
by Pressure Differential Ratio (PDR) defined as follows:
Pinlet Poverflow
PDR ¼ ð15Þ
Pinlet Punderflow
The values of PDR for the three different designs are also
reported in Table 4.
5 Numerical method
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The obtained tangential velocity is compared with experi- Fig. 7 Tangential velocity profile versus radial position in a top,
mental measurements of Bai et al. [12] and is presented in b middle and c bottom of cone section
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Fig. 5. There is a good agreement between experimental and bottom of hydrocyclone cone. As outlined before, the
and computed numerical results. The general trend of the higher tangential velocities are associated with design (C).
curve can be predicted in numerical simulations. The The radial variation of axial velocity at different dis-
Rankine vortex can be distinguished with a sharp forced tances from the top wall of hydrocyclone is depicted in
vortex tangential velocity profile in the hydrocyclone’s Fig. 8. The swirling flow inside the deoiling hydrocyclone
core and the free vortex one in the outer region. It is is composed of two vortices. The outer vortex near the wall
notable that due to the anisotropic behavior of the flow, of hydrocyclone moves downward to the underflow while
selecting an appropriate turbulence model is crucial to the inner vortex moves upward toward the overflow. The
come by accurate results. upward velocity near the axis and downward velocity near
There is not any experimental or numerical result the walls are due to the secondary vortex which occurs in
available for the separation efficiency of the studied hy- hydrocyclone. The secondary vortexes arising as a result of
drocyclone, therefore in order to validate the results of radial pressure gradient can be characterized by positive
separation efficiency, the developed Lagrangian Particle upward velocity.
Tracking (LPT) code is verified through injection of par- The maximum axial distance which has positive upward
ticles with different diameters in a stationary fluid and velocity occurs at the positions of 200, 100 and 70 mm
calculating the stopping distances. The results were com- from the top wall of design (A), (B) and (C), respectively.
pared with Hinds [43] and provided in Table 5. The This position is in agreement with the experimental mea-
agreement is observed between the computed results and surements of Bai et al. [12] for design (A). It can be
the reported data. concluded that the recirculation zone is greater in design
(A) in comparison with the other designs. By precise
6.2 Velocity distribution observation into Fig. 8, we notice that there is a second
recirculation zone at the end of the cone for design (C).
Tangential velocity distributions for the three designs are This region is created due to severe pressure gradient at the
presented in Fig. 6. The general Rankine tangential cone end. The schematic of recirculation zones inside
velocity profile can be observed for the three designs. deoiling hydrocyclones is illustrated in Fig. 9 for the three
Although the inlet flow rate is the same for different cases, designs.
design (C) demonstrates the higher tangential velocity. The The detailed comparison between the axial velocities for
peak of velocity is in the order of 8, 12 and 18 (m/s) for 6, the top, middle and bottom of the cone is presented in
10 and 20 degree cone angles, respectively. The radial Fig. 10. It can be noticed in Fig. 10c that the second
position of the peak which specifies the ratio of forced to recirculation zone affects the distribution of the axial
free vortex tangential velocity profile remains nearly con- velocity in the bottom of the cone.
stant in the first cylindrical and the following conical sec-
tions, but increases along the axis in lower cylindrical 6.3 Pressure distribution
section of hydrocyclone.
The detailed comparison of tangential velocities can be The swirling motion creates a pressure gradient across the
seen in Fig. 7. The velocities are reported for top, middle radial position which causes migration of lighter phase
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