ENG34 Q2 Week 4
ENG34 Q2 Week 4
ENG34 Q2 Week 4
Grades 3 and 4
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Performance Standard Oral Language Listening Comprehension
Creatively presents information in varied ways Recalls details, sequence of events, and shares ideas on texts
listened to
Study Strategy Oral Language
Uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related Actively creates and participates in oral theme-based activities
Listening Comprehension Fluency
Uses information from texts viewed or listened to in preparing Reads aloud text with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody
logs and journals
Writing Comprehension Reading Comprehension
Composes three-to-five sentence paragraph Uses strategies to decode the meaning of words
Phonological Awareness Vocabulary Development
Uses familiar sight and irregularly -spelled words in meaningful Speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of
oral and written tasks standard
Phonics and Word Recognition Study Strategy
Uses word recognition techniques to read and understand words Uses library skills to gather appropriate and relevant information
that contain complex letter combinations, affixes and contractions
through theme-based activities
Fluency Grammar
Fluently expresses ideas in various speaking tasks Speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of
Accurately and fluently reads aloud literary and informational standard
Study Strategy
Proficiency uses English vocabulary in varied and creative oral
and written activities
Uses information derived from texts in presenting varied oral and
written activities
Vocabulary Development
Demonstrates understanding of grammatical structures of English
to be able to communicate effectively in oral and written forms
Competencies Give one-to-three step directions Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative
EN3OLIId-e1.17.1 EN4LC-IIi-23
Follow one to-three step Directions EN4OL-IIe-1.1
EN3SS-IIc-3.6 Relate story events to one’s experience
Listen to a variety of literary and expository texts and retell some Read words, phrases, poems, and stories with accuracy and
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
parts of the story appropriate expression
EN3LCIIa-j-2.6 EN4F-IId-15
Write at least three sentences from various familiar sources Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative
EN3WCIId-h-3 EN4RC-IIi-36
Show how spoken words are represented by written letters that Identify meanings of unfamiliar words through structural analysis
are arranged in a specific order (words and affixes)
EN3PAIIa-d-2 EN4V-IIc-32
Read words with final blends (-st, -lt, -nd, -nt, -ft) preceded by Classify related words, ideas, and concepts according to certain
short e, a, i, o and u words (belt, sand, raft) characteristics and similarities
EN3PWRIId-e-1.1 EN4SS-IIa-7
Read with accuracy, speed and proper Use correct time expressions to tell an action in the present
phrasing sentences and stories consisting of words with ending EN4G-IIf-10
consonant blends and other words previously studied
Spell words with ending consonant blends
Revisit favorite books, songs, rhymes
Derive meaning from repetitive language structures review
Make simple predictions
Identify meanings of unfamiliar words through structural analysis
(words and affixes)
Classify related words, ideas, and concepts according to certain
characteristics and similarities
Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring regular verbs
(walk – walked, etc.)
Day 1
Lesson Objectives To give one-to-three step directions To distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative
To follow one to-three step directions To relate story events to one’s experience
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
To listen to a variety of literary and expository texts and retell To read words, phrases, poems, and stories with accuracy and
some parts of the story appropriate expression
To write at least three sentences from various familiar sources
To show how spoken words are represented by written letters that
are arranged in a specific order
Subject Matter Giving one- to- three step directions Distinguishing fact from opinion in a narrative
Following one-to-three step directions Relating story events to one’s experience
Listening to a variety of literary and expository texts and retell Reading words, phrases, poems, and stories with accuracy and
some parts of the story. appropriate expression
Writing at least three sentences from various familiar sources Distinguishing fact from opinion in a narrative
Showing how spoken words are represented by written letters
that are arranged in a specific order
Learning Materials TM, TG, LM, BOW
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
Use these letter icons to show Whole Class
methodology and assessment Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the Ability Groups
activities. introduction), where you may address all grade Friendship Groups
T Direct Teaching levels as one group. Other (specify)
Mixed Ability Groups Combination of Structures
G Group Activity
Grade Groups
I Independent Learning Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
A Assessment T
Say: I have here some words with their corresponding meanings from the story that I am going to read to you.
- reach- able to touch
- dropped- fell
- pebbles- small stones
- pitcher- container
Say: Let us see how these words are represented by written letters that are arranged in a specific order.
r e a c h
d r o p p e d
p e b b l e s
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
p i t c h e r
Say: Let us spell the words so we can see how written letters are arranged in a specific order.
Ask: Do you want to listen to a story?
What will you do so that you can understand the story well?
(Pupils give standards for listening)
Listen to the story entitled “ The Crow and the Pitcher”, (Appendix 1 for the story)
Where did he find the water?
Could he drink right away? Why not?
What do you think the crow feel when he could not drink?
Are there some steps he did to be able to drink water? What are those steps?
If you were the crow, would you do the same? Why?
Activity: Have you ever experienced the way the crow had
1. Group pupils into 3. Choose your leader. experienced? Retell your experiences to class.
2. Recall the best part of the story “The Crow and
the Pitcher”. (Appendix 2 for the rubrics)
3. Retell some parts of the story using strategies
and groupings: Which among the sentences from the story tells fact
and Opinion?
Group 1- Poster
Fact is something that is true and supported by
Group 2- Role Playing
Opinion is only a belief. It is only an expression of a
person’s feelings. Clue words like “think”, “believe”,
Group 3- Song “feel”, “probably”, or seems signal an opinion.
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Example of Fact:
Mother is very happy because her children are
very industrious.
Example of Opinion:
I think she is the most active in their class.
Can you give other examples of Fact and Opinion?
Say: Say:
Let us see how well have you done with your work.
I am going to group you into 3. Select your own
Let them listen as reporting is done by each group.
Group I will be called APITONG, group II will be
named NARRA and group III will be GMELINA.
Let us again look at your outputs.
Follow the instructions carefully.
- Based from the work of group 1, they were APITONG GROUP
able to retell correctly the best part of the story Give a Fact and an Opinion from the story you have
through a poster. heard.
- In group 2, they were also able to act out the NARRA GROUP
part of the story well. Act a pantomime that tells an opinion
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
In our day to day living, there are steps to follow in order for us Say:
to be of the right track. Let us again look at your outputs.
Get a piece of paper and follow the directions carefully.
1. Make a circle. Put two small circles inside the circle. - Based from the work of group 1, they were
Draw a small triangle below the small circles. able to give Fact and Opinion from the story
they heard.
2. Get a piece of paper. Cut the paper into 4 then form
them into petals of a flower.
- In group 2, they were able to act a pantomime
that tells opinion.
What lessons can you derive from the story? What is a Fact?
How do you follow direction or procedure? What is an Opinion?
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Day 2
Lesson Objectives To read words with final blends (-st, -lt, -nd, -nt, -ft) preceded by To identify meanings of unfamiliar words through structural
short e, a, i, o and u words (belt, sand, raft) analysis (words and affixes)
To read with accuracy, speed and proper To classify related words, ideas, and concepts according to certain
phrasing sentences and stories consisting of words with ending characteristics and similarities
consonant blends and other words previously studied
To spell words with ending consonant blends To distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative
To revisit books, songs, rhymes
Subject Matter Reading words with final blends (-st, -lt, -nd, -nt, -ft) preceded by Identifying meanings of unfamiliar words through structural
short e, a, i, o and u words (belt, sand, raft) analysis (words and affixes)
Reading with accuracy, speed and proper phrasing sentences and Classifying related words, ideas, and concepts according to
stories consisting of words with ending consonant blends and certain characteristics and similarities
other words previously studied
Spelling words with ending consonant blends Distinguishing fact from opinion in a narrative
Revisiting favorite books, songs, rhymes
Deriving meaning from repetitive language structures review
Making simple predictions
Identifying meanings of unfamiliar words through structural
analysis (words and affixes)
Learning Materials TM, TG, BOW, LM, pictures
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Use these letter icons to show Say:
methodology and assessment I have here some lollipops. Do you want lollipops? Why?
T Direct Teaching I am going to read to you another story entitled “A Jar of Lollipops”. (Appendix 4)
G Group Activity Let us read the words from the story. Let us try to find the meaning of these words in the box.
I Independent Learning
A Assessment
Morning meal
breakfast Fastened/ not easy to move
tightly Starving
After reading the story present the following questions for discussion.
1. What is the story about?
2. What can you say about the family in the story?
3. How did the jar of lollipops help the family?
4. How did the family stay safe?
5. What may happen if Andrei and Mylene did not insist to get the jar of lollipops?
6. What happened after Aling Gloria distributed the lollipops to the children?
7. If you were one of the members of the family, will you do the same? Why or why not?
8. What lesson can we derived from the story?
Say: listen as I read the following words with final 1. Group pupils into 3. Choose a leader in each
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
consonant blends and after that you will also read group.
them. 2. List down Facts and Opinions from the story
you read.
strongest board
drink last Group 1- Fill in the table below
breakfast ground Fact Opinion
hand heart
kept most
hold around
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Say: Let us all study the work of grade 4 about the story. Let us study some of the words they used.
1. Lifeless
Rootword is a basic word to which affixes are added because it forms the basis for a new word. It is also a
word in its own right.
Affixes are word elements added to a rootword thatchanges its meaning. There are affixes that are added at the
beginning or ending of a root word.
The affix un, dis, mis, im, in – means not
The affix less - means without
The affix ful means full of
2. Roofless
What is the root word of the word roofless?
What is the meaning of roof?
What is the meaning of less?
What is now the meaning of roofless?
3. Unsafe
What is the root word of the word unsafe?
What is the meaning of safe?
What is the meaning of un?
What is now the meaning of unsafe?
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4. Undo
What is the root word of the word undo?
What is the meaning of do?
What is the meaning of un?
What is now the meaning of undo?
Affixes are word elements added to a rootword thatchanges its meaning. There are affixes that are added at the
beginning or ending of a root word.
The affix un, dis, mis, im, in – means not
The affix less - means without
The affix ful means full of
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Give the meaning of the following words with affixes: Say:
Let us again go back to our story. Some of the
1. Helpful – words that I am going to present could be found there.
2. Impolite- Let us read them.
3. Unhappy- A B C
4. Careless- lollipops bus celphone
5. Misunderstanding- chocolates tricycle laptop
candies jeepney tablet
jelatin motorcycle desktop
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2. There is a strong wind. Trees are swaying hard Science Festival
and heavy rain poured.
Day 3
Lesson Objectives To form and use the past tense of frequently occurring regular To use correct time expressions to tell an action in the present
verbs (walk – walked, etc.)
Subject Matter Forming and using the past tense of frequently occurring regular Using correct time expressions to tell an action in the present
verbs (walk – walked, etc.)
Learning Materials TM, TG, BOW, LM (others)
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activites
Use these letter icons to show T
methodology and assessment Say:
activities. Last time, we studied all about verbs. What are verbs?
T Direct Teaching Give sentences based from our day- to- day activities in our school:
Use these in sentences:
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
G Group Activity walk write sing
draw write recite
I Independent Learning
These verbs are in the present tense. The action is being done in the present and it is also habitually done.
A Assessment I have here a picture. Tell something about it using verbs in the present.
(Appendix 5 for the picture)
Say: Say:
Let us review our past lesson on verbs. Remember that I am going to group you into 3.
verbs are action words. I will name group 1 as DAISY, group 2 as SANTAN
Examples of action words are the following: and group 3 as ROSE.
walk bake Choose your leader.
clean whistle Report the output after 10 minutes.
stay celebrate
pick share
climb share
fetch dance Daisy Group
These are in their present tense. Give 5 examples of verbs and use them in
Say: I have here a picture. Tell something about the
picture using verbs:
(Appendix 6 for the picture) Santan Group:
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Group II 1. What are the underlined words?
Make a simple drawing and be able to tell 2. What do they mean?
something about it using verbs.
The sentences tells action in the present with their present time
(See Appendix 3 for the Rubrics)
Say: What are the underlined words? Let us read them.
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-Based from the work of group 1, they were able to use the verbs Say:
in sentences. These words are present time expressions. They are use to express
-Based from the work of group 2, they were able to make simple present form of verbs. Can you give other examples?
drawings and they were able to tell something about it using
We are going to have a group activity. Look for your members. Each member shall have 5 members. This is a game entitled, ”I Say,
You Do”. I am going to say a word then each group will do the action.
Are you ready?
Here are the situations:
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5. Little Rey wants to play in the yard
In column 1, the verbbs are in their present tense while in
column 2, these are verbs in their past tense.
MJSR ‘87
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