Dom 1 MCQ
Dom 1 MCQ
Dom 1 MCQ
46. Calculate the thrust in connecting rod, if piston effort is 200 kN and crank makes an angle of
45o from TDC. Assume obliquity ratio = 3.5
a. 900.80 kN
b. 204.20 kN
c. 195.87 kN
d. 970.02 kN
47. The difference between which two factors denotes the correction couple?
a. Difference between force required to accelerate non dynamically equivalent system and
dynamically equivalent system
b. Difference between torque required to accelerate non dynamically equivalent system
and dynamically equivalent system
c. Difference between torque required to decelerate dynamically equivalent system and non
dynamically equivalent system
d. none of the option
48. According to D' Alembert's principle, the body is in equilibrium position if
a. inertia force is applied in the direction opposite to the resultant force
b. inertia force is applied in the same direction of the resultant force
c. inertia force is applied
d. only resultant forces applied
49. What is the equivalent length of simple pendulum, when compound pendulum is converted
into simple pendulum?
a. le = (k + l ) / l
b. le = l2 / (k2 + l2)
c. le = (k2 + l2) / l
d. none of the option
50. A connecting rod has periodic time of 1.5 sec/cycle for one oscillation. Calculate radius of
gyration, when centre of gravity is at a distance of 500 mm from the small end.
a. 0.1325 m
b. 0.1719 m
c. 0.0295 m
d. 0.555 m
51. Trifilar suspension system is used to determine mass moment of inertia of
a. disc
b. flywheel
c. disc and flywheel
d. none of the option
52. Which formula is used to calculate correction couple?
a. Tc = ml1 (l3 - l2) α
b. Tc = ml1 (l3 - l2) α2
c. Tc = ml1 (l3 + l2) α
d. Tc = ml1 (l3 - l2) α3
53. On which factors does law of friction depend?
a. Nature of material
b. Area of contact between surfaces
c. Velocity of sliding
d. Acceleration of sliding
54. What are crank effort diagrams?
a. Turning moment diagram is drawn on cartesian co-ordinates
b. Turning moment diagram is drawn on polar co-ordinates
c. Turning moment (T) is plotted against crank angle θ for various crank positions
d. All the option
55. Calculate torque acting on the crank, if tangential force acting on the engine is 150 kN and
300 mm is the crank radius.
a. 45 kN.m
b. 500 kN/m
c. 2 kN/m
d. none of the option
56. Match the following Group 1 items with Group 2 items
1. Piston effort (FP) ----------------------------------- A. FQ sin (θ + Φ)
2. Thrust in connecting rod (FQ) ------------------- B. FQ cos (θ + Φ)
3. Tangential force on crank shaft (FT) ------------ C. Fg – F1 + FF + WR
4. Radial force along crank shaft (FR) ------------- D. FP / cos Φ
a. 1 – A, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – B
b. 1 – B, 2 – D, 3 – C, 4 – A
c. 1 – C, 2 – D, 3 – A, 4 – B
d. 1 – B, 2 – A, 3 – D, 4 – C
57. Which of the following conditions should be satisfied for a two point mass statistically
equivalent system?
1. m = m1 + m2
2. m1 l2 = m2 l1
3. m1 l1 = m2 l2
4. IG = IG1 + IG2
a. Condition 1 and condition 2
b. Condition 1 and condition 3
c. Condition 2 and condition 4
d. All the above conditions should be satisfied
58. Torsional pendulum is used to determine mass moment of inertia of
a. flywheel
b. rigid bar
c. flywheel and rigid bar
d. none of the option
59. For a steam engine, the following data is given:
Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of
reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m ;
centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an
axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m
calculate inertia force at θ=30 degrees from IDC.
a) 19000 N
b) 19064 N
c) 19032 N
d) 20064 N
60. When mass of the reciprocating parts is neglected then the inertia force is _____
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) 0
d) Not defined
61. Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of
reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m;
centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an
axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m
Find the equivalent length L of a simple pendulum swung about an axis.
a) 1.35 m
b) 1.42 m
c) 1.48 m
d) 1.50 m
62. From the data given:
Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of
reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m ;
centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an
axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m. Find the correcting couple in N-m?
a) 52.7
b) 49.5
c) 59.5
63. Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of
reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m;
centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an
axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m. Find angular acceleration of connecting rod in
a) 16.782
b) 17.824
c) 15.142
d) 17.161
64. If a force has a line of action at a distance h from the centre of gravity, then the value of h is
given by _____
a) I. α/F
b) I. α/m.g
c) I/m.k
d) m.k/I
65. In the expression F – m.a = 0, the term – m.a is called _______
a) Reversed effective force
b) Net force
c) Coriolis force
d) Resultant force
66. Why the inertia torque acts in the opposite direction to the accelerating couple?
a) Bring the body in equilibrium
b) To reduce the accelerating torque
c) Acts as a constraint torque
d) Increase the linear acceleration
67. A body remains in equilibrium if ________
a) Inertia force is applied in the same direction to the resultant force
b) Inertia force is applied in the direction opposite to the resultant force
c) Inertia force is applied in the direction Perpendicular to the resultant force
d) Inertia force is applied in the direction Parallel to the resultant force
68. Considering a four bar chain with each link having linear and angular acceleration, applying
D-Alembert’s principle will never result in which of the following member?
a) 2- force member
b) 3- force member
c) 4 – force member
d) Non accelerating member
69. Correction couple is applied when masses are placed arbitrarily and to maintain _________
a) Static equilibrium
b) Dynamic equilibrium
c) Stable equilibrium
d) Unstable equilibrium
70. The correction couple does not depend on _________
a) Distance between arbitrary masses
b) Distance between the two masses for a true dynamically equivalent system
c) Radius of gyration of equivalent system
d) Distance between fixed masses