Sample - Specialized Driving Privileges

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) SS:

[Petitioner]​, )
Petitioner, )
vs. )
PETER LACY, BMV commissioner, and )
[Prosecutor]​, Prosecutor of ​[County] ​County, )
Indiana, )
Respondents. )



COMES NOW, the Petitioner, ​[Petitioner Name]​, by Counsel, Nathan K. Vining, and

respectfully submits his/her ​Verified Petition for Specialized Driving Privileges​, and in support

thereof states as follows:

1. That the Petitioner is ​[Petitioner Name]​.

2. That the Petitioner is ​[Age]​ years old, having been born on ​[Date of Birth]​.

3. That the Petitioner resides at the following address: ​[Petitioner’s Address]​.

4. That the Petitioner and his family are suffering from hardship as a result of the

Petitioner’s inability to drive. Specifically, ​[Reason for hardship: - Example: “the

Petitioner drives for work in order to provide for his family and is unable to do so

due to a suspended license. Petitioner is in desperate need of his ability to drive

himself to and from work. Petitioner is also need of his ability to drive his children

to doctor appointments in school.”]

5. That the Petitioner is praying this Court permits him the ability to drive to and from his

residence at ​[Home Address]​, and the following locations during the times relevant and

enumerated times.

a. The Petitioner’s place of employment located at ​[Employment Location]​. The

Petitioner works between ​[Time of Work]​. Petitioner would be traveling during

the corresponding times.

b. His children's school located at ​[School Location]​. School starts at 7:30am and

ends at 3pm. Petitioner would be traveling during the corresponding times.

c. His children’s doctor appointments located at ​[Location of Doctor]​.

d. The Walmart located at ​[First Store Location] and the Kroger located at ​[Second

Store Location]​.

6. That the Petitioner’s driving privileges are currently suspended ​[Reason for


7. That the Petitioner had a valid Indiana operator’s License in the past, specifically drivers

license number ​[Drivers License Number]​.

8. That the Petitioner does not hold a Commercial Driver’s License.

9. That the Petitioner did not refuse to submit to a Certified Chemical Test offered under

Indiana Code § 9-30-6 that resulted in his current suspension.

10. That the Petitioner has not previously been granted Specialized Driving Privileges;

11. That the Petitioner agrees to the following:

a. Maintain proof of future financial responsibility insurance during the period of

Specialized Driving Privileges;

b. Carry a copy of the Order Granting Specialized Driving Privileges or have the

Order in the vehicle being operated by the Defendant; and,

c. Produce the copy of the Order Granting Specialized Driving Privileges upon the

request of a law enforcement officer.

12. That his Petition has been served upon the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the

[Name of County] ​County Prosecutor.

13. That the Petitioner respectfully requests this Court Stay any suspension and grant him/her

Specialized Driving Privileges pursuant to Indiana Code § 9-30-16-4.

WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, by Counsel, respectfully prays the Court issue an Order

STAYING the suspension of the Petitioner’s driving privileges; GRANT the Petitioner

Specialized Driving Privileges for a period of not less than one hundred eighty (180) days as

requested hereinabove; and for all other relief just and proper in the premises.

_________________ __________________________________________

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