The Wild Fauna of The Empire (1903-1925 and 1926-1950) or in Oryx, The Journal of
The Wild Fauna of The Empire (1903-1925 and 1926-1950) or in Oryx, The Journal of
The Wild Fauna of The Empire (1903-1925 and 1926-1950) or in Oryx, The Journal of
the Wild Fauna of the Empire (1903-1925 and 1926-1950) or in Oryx, the journal of
Fauna and Flora International (from 1951).
The PDF is reproduced with permission from the CD version of The Centenary
Archive 1903-2003, a fully searchable database of 100 years of the publications of
Fauna and Flora International.
More information on:
The Society was founded in 1903 as the Society for the Preservation of the Wild
Fauna of the Empire, and subsequently named the Fauna and Flora Preservation
Society. Fauna & Flora International is conserving the planet’s threatened species and
ecosystems – with the people and communities who depend on them.
The Rhino Resource Center posted this PDF in June 2009. We are grateful for the
venturing 1 km away from the fish, and the construction of
release sites within 3 months. Protection follows turtles' dams, which are especially
failure to breed
Source: Psitta Scene, November damaging to the hill stream
1997,3-4. The 35-km-long Gahirmatha fishes. The present status and
coast in the Bhitara Kanika distribution of freshwater fish
Sanctuary, Orissa District, in the Western Ghats is
Lemurs released
India, is the world's largest unknown and the Bombay
Black-and-white ruffed lemurs rookery for olive ridley sea Natural History Society has
Varecia variegata variegata, bred turtles Lepidochelys olivacea. In initiated a research project to
at Duke University Primate 1997, however, the mass collect information needed for
Centre in the USA, were nesting events, which normally fish conservation in the area.
released into the Betampona take place in early January and Source: Species, December 1997,
Natural Reserve in Madagascar April, failed to occur. Mating 13-14.
during November 1997 as part aggregations took place off the
of a model programme to coast of the sanctuary in
Tiger predation of
manage a small geographically October 1996, as normal, but
restricted population. The five the turtles did not lay their
animals were released into the eggs. Offshore fishing is As for rhinoceroses elsewhere
2000-ha reserve, which is one of thought to be partly to blame poaching is a major threat to
the few remaining fragments of and, despite a ban on fishing the greater Indian one-horned
lowland rain forest in eastern within 20 km of the coast rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis
Madagascar and is surrounded between October and April, in Kaziranga National Park,
by rice fields. The lemurs will hundreds of trawlers and gill- Assam, India. Conservation
enhance the gene pool of the netters operated illegally in the efforts in recent years have
small population of c. 30-35 area throughout the closed reduced this threat and during
black-and-white ruffed lemurs season of 1996-97. Thousands 1997 only 12 rhinos were killed
in the park. The project's of turtles were entangled in by poachers in the park.
international sponsor, the these nets and more than 4000 However, data collected from
Madagascar Fauna Group, dead turtles, and several 1985 to 1995 has revealed that
plans to introduce as many as dolphins, were washed ashore tiger Panthera tigris predation is
20 lemurs over the next 3 years. during the nesting season. The the second largest threat to the
Source: Wildlife Conservation, Orissa Government has rhino population after
January/February 1998,14. recently declared Gahirmatha poaching. In the 11-year period
Beach a marine sanctuary with 178 rhinos were killed by tigers
the hope of providing this in the park, 149 (83.7 per cent)
SOUTH & SOUTH EAST endangered turtle with safe of them calves. Studies on tiger
ASIA habitat. predation are continuing.
Source: Marine Turtle Newsletter, Source: Bibhab Kumar Talukdar
January 1998, No. 79,1-4 & 32. and Nilom Bora, Aaranyak
Goral killed by mushrom Nature Club, EVER GREEN,
Samanwoy Path (survey), PO
collectors Fish in the Western Ghats
Beltola, Guwahati-781 028,
The Himalayan goral Freshwater fish populations in Assam, India.
Naemorhedus goral is the most the Western Ghats of India
frequently encountered have been devastated by an
New frogs in India ...
mammal in the Great outbreak of disease (Epizootic
Flimalayan National Park, Ulceraic Syndrome). Many Three new species of frog have
India, and numbers are species have been affected and been described from India:
estimated at c. 600. However, Channa striatus has been almost Limnonectes orissaensis from
these ungulates are being killed wiped-out from the wetlands of Orissa State, Nyctibatrachus
illegally by people and their Kerala. Fish have also suffered vasanthi from Tamil Nadu, and
dogs entering the park to losses due to large-scale Philautus sanctisilvaticus from
collect wild mushrooms deforestation, which has the headwaters of the Narmada
between April and June. lowered the water-carrying and Sone rivers in Madhya
Source: Caprinae (IUCN/SSC capacity of the forested areas, Pradesh State.
Caprinae Specialist Group the use of explosives, poisons Source: Hamadryad, July 1997,22
Newsletter), August 1997,5-6. and small-mesh nets to catch (1), 1-8,9-12,21-27.
96 ©1998FFI, Oryx, 32 (2)