NN47205-500!09!01 Configuring Systems

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Configuring Systems on Avaya Ethernet

Routing Switch 4000 Series

Release 5.7
Issue 09.01
November 2013
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2 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 3

4 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013
Comments? [email protected]

Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................... 15
Purpose..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Related resources..................................................................................................................................... 16
Support...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 2: New in this release........................................................................................... 19
Features.................................................................................................................................................... 19
802.3at LLDP based discovery........................................................................................................ 19
Boot partial-default command.......................................................................................................... 21
Change RADIUS Password............................................................................................................. 21
Default IP or BootP........................................................................................................................... 21
EDM improved download support.................................................................................................... 22
EDM inactivity time out..................................................................................................................... 22
show ip netstat................................................................................................................................. 23
Jumbo frames................................................................................................................................... 23
Link-state tracking............................................................................................................................ 23
RO User access to Telnet................................................................................................................ 23
Run scripts....................................................................................................................................... 24
Show Flash History.......................................................................................................................... 24
Stack operation modes..................................................................................................................... 24
Other changes........................................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 3: System fundamentals...................................................................................... 27
ACLI command modes.............................................................................................................................. 27
Feature licensing....................................................................................................................................... 28
Hardware features..................................................................................................................................... 29
Cooling fans..................................................................................................................................... 30
Redundant power supply.................................................................................................................. 30
DC-DC Converter Module................................................................................................................ 31
Stacking capabilities.................................................................................................................................. 31
Stack operation modes..................................................................................................................... 32
Auto Unit Replacement............................................................................................................................. 33
AUR function.................................................................................................................................... 35
Agent Auto Unit Replacement.......................................................................................................... 41
Stack Forced Mode................................................................................................................................... 42
IPv6 management..................................................................................................................................... 43
The IPv6 header............................................................................................................................... 44
IPv6 addresses................................................................................................................................. 44
Address formats............................................................................................................................... 45
IPv6 extension headers.................................................................................................................... 45
Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6........................................................................................................... 46
ICMPv6............................................................................................................................................. 47
Neighbor discovery........................................................................................................................... 47
Router discovery.............................................................................................................................. 51
Path MTU discovery......................................................................................................................... 51
Jumbo frames........................................................................................................................................... 52

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 5

Flash memory storage.............................................................................................................................. 52
Switch software image storage........................................................................................................ 52
Configuration parameter storage...................................................................................................... 53
Show FLASH.................................................................................................................................... 53
Show FLASH History........................................................................................................................ 53
Policy-enabled networking........................................................................................................................ 54
Power over Ethernet................................................................................................................................. 54
PoE power priority and limit for IP Phone................................................................................................. 55
Port mirroring............................................................................................................................................ 56
Auto-MDI/X................................................................................................................................................ 56
Auto-polarity.............................................................................................................................................. 56
Time Domain Reflectometer..................................................................................................................... 57
Autosensing and autonegotiation.............................................................................................................. 57
Custom Autonegotiation Advertisements.................................................................................................. 57
Configuring CANA using ACLI......................................................................................................... 58
Viewing current autonegotiation advertisements.............................................................................. 58
Viewing hardware capabilities.......................................................................................................... 59
Setting default advertisements......................................................................................................... 59
Silencing advertisements................................................................................................................. 59
ASCII configuration file.............................................................................................................................. 60
Sample ASCII configuration file........................................................................................................ 61
ASCII Download Enhancements...................................................................................................... 62
Backup configuration file........................................................................................................................... 66
Displaying unit uptime............................................................................................................................... 67
Port naming............................................................................................................................................... 67
Port error summary................................................................................................................................... 67
IP address for each unit in a stack............................................................................................................ 67
BootP automatic IP configuration and MAC address................................................................................ 68
Default BootP setting........................................................................................................................ 68
DHCP client............................................................................................................................................... 69
Web Quick Start........................................................................................................................................ 69
NTP Fundamentals................................................................................................................................... 69
NTP terms........................................................................................................................................ 70
NTP system implementation model.................................................................................................. 70
Time distribution within a subnet...................................................................................................... 71
Synchronization................................................................................................................................ 72
NTP modes of operation.................................................................................................................. 72
NTP authentication........................................................................................................................... 73
Simple Network Time Protocol.................................................................................................................. 74
Link-state tracking..................................................................................................................................... 74
Ping enhancement.................................................................................................................................... 78
New unit Quick configuration.................................................................................................................... 78
Updating switch software.......................................................................................................................... 78
LED activity during software download............................................................................................ 79
Agent and diagnostic software status display.................................................................................. 79
Software download progress on EDM.............................................................................................. 79
Agent and diagnostic software status display........................................................................................... 80

6 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Asset ID string configuration..................................................................................................................... 80
Avaya Energy Saver................................................................................................................................. 80
Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP over SSH)............................................................................. 81
EDM inactivity time out.............................................................................................................................. 82
Run Scripts................................................................................................................................................ 82
IP Office Script................................................................................................................................. 83
ADAC script...................................................................................................................................... 84
LLDP Script...................................................................................................................................... 84
Chapter 4: Power over Ethernet........................................................................................ 87
PoE overview............................................................................................................................................ 87
LLDP support for PoE+............................................................................................................................. 89
Port power priority..................................................................................................................................... 90
Viewing PoE ports using EDM.................................................................................................................. 91
Chapter 5: Link Layer Discovery Protocol (802.1ab)....................................................... 93
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (IEEE 802.1AB) Overview........................................................................ 93
LLDP operational modes.................................................................................................................. 94
Connectivity and management information............................................................................................... 94
Basic management TLV set............................................................................................................. 95
IEEE 802.1 organizationally-specific TLVs....................................................................................... 95
IEEE 802.3 organizationally-specific TLVs....................................................................................... 96
Organizationally-specific TLVs for MED devices.............................................................................. 96
802.1AB MED network policies........................................................................................................ 97
Transmitting LLDPDUs..................................................................................................................... 97
802.1AB integration.......................................................................................................................... 98
Chapter 6: System configuration using ACLI................................................................... 101
Setting user access limitations using ACLI............................................................................................... 101
Setting the read-only and read/write passwords.............................................................................. 101
Enabling and disabling passwords................................................................................................... 102
Configuring RADIUS authentication................................................................................................. 102
Run script configuration using ACLI.......................................................................................................... 104
Configuring IP Office script using ACLI............................................................................................ 104
Configuring ADAC script using ACLI................................................................................................ 106
Configuring LLDP script using ACLI................................................................................................. 107
Changing switch software using ACLI...................................................................................................... 108
Setting TFTP parameters.......................................................................................................................... 110
Setting a default TFTP server.......................................................................................................... 110
Displaying the default TFTP server.................................................................................................. 111
Clearing the default TFTP server..................................................................................................... 111
SFTP configuration using ACLI................................................................................................................. 111
Clearing the default SFTP server IP address using ACLI................................................................ 112
Configuring a default SFTP server IP address using ACLI.............................................................. 112
Displaying the default SFTP server IP address using ACLI............................................................. 113
Configuration files in ACLI......................................................................................................................... 113
Displaying the current configuration................................................................................................. 113
Storing the current configuration in ASCII file.................................................................................. 119
Storing configuration in binary file.................................................................................................... 123
Restoring configuration from an ASCII file....................................................................................... 125

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 7

Restoring configuration from a binary file......................................................................................... 129
Saving the current configuration....................................................................................................... 131
Automatically downloading a configuration file................................................................................. 131
Viewing USB files............................................................................................................................. 134
Viewing USB host port information................................................................................................... 135
Viewing FLASH files using ACLI...................................................................................................... 135
Viewing FLASH History using ACLI................................................................................................. 137
Setting up a terminal................................................................................................................................. 138
Setting Telnet access................................................................................................................................ 139
Setting boot parameters using ACLI......................................................................................................... 141
Viewing the agent and image software load status using ACLI................................................................ 143
BootP or Default IP................................................................................................................................... 144
Customizing ACLI banner......................................................................................................................... 146
ACLI Help.................................................................................................................................................. 147
Configuring AUR....................................................................................................................................... 148
Agent Auto Unit Replacement.......................................................................................................... 150
Setting Stack Forced Mode....................................................................................................................... 152
Configuring stack forced-mode........................................................................................................ 152
Displaying complete GBIC information..................................................................................................... 153
Displaying hardware information............................................................................................................... 153
Shutdown command................................................................................................................................. 153
Reload command...................................................................................................................................... 155
IPv4 socket information............................................................................................................................. 156
Configuring IPv6........................................................................................................................................ 158
Enabling IPv6 interface on the management VLAN......................................................................... 158
Configuring IPv6 interface on the management VLAN..................................................................... 159
Displaying the IPv6 interface information......................................................................................... 159
Displaying IPv6 interface addresses................................................................................................ 160
Configuring an IPv6 address for a switch or stack........................................................................... 161
Displaying the IPv6 address for a switch or stack............................................................................ 162
Configuring IPv6 interface properties............................................................................................... 163
Disabling IPv6 interface.................................................................................................................... 164
Displaying the global IPv6 configuration.......................................................................................... 164
Configuring an IPv6 default gateway for the switch or stack............................................................ 165
Displaying the IPv6 default gateway................................................................................................ 165
Configuring the IPv6 neighbor cache............................................................................................... 165
Displaying the IPv6 neighbor information......................................................................................... 166
Displaying IPv6 interface ICMP statistics......................................................................................... 166
Displaying IPv6 interface statistics................................................................................................... 167
Displaying IPv6 TCP statistics.......................................................................................................... 168
Displaying IPv6 TCP connections.................................................................................................... 169
Displaying IPv6 TCP listeners.......................................................................................................... 169
Displaying IPv6 UDP statistics and endpoints.................................................................................. 169
Configuring PoE using ACLI..................................................................................................................... 169
PoE configuration for IP phones using ACLI............................................................................................. 173
Configuring PoE priority for IP Phone using ACLI............................................................................ 173
Disabling PoE priority and power limit using ACLI........................................................................... 174

8 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

NTP configuration using ACLI................................................................................................................... 175
Prerequisites to NTP configuration................................................................................................... 175
NTP configuration procedures.......................................................................................................... 175
Setting clock source using ACLI....................................................................................................... 176
Enabling NTP globally using ACLI................................................................................................... 177
Creating authentication keys using ACLI......................................................................................... 178
Adding or deleting an NTP server using ACLI.................................................................................. 179
Modifying options for an NTP server using ACLI............................................................................. 180
Show NTP settings using ACLI........................................................................................................ 181
Link-state configuration using ACLI.......................................................................................................... 182
Enabling link-state tracking.............................................................................................................. 183
Disabling link-state tracking.............................................................................................................. 183
Assigning default values to link-state tracking.................................................................................. 184
Displaying link-state tracking............................................................................................................ 184
Configuring link-state tracking with ACLI.......................................................................................... 184
General switch administration using ACLI................................................................................................ 185
Multiple switch configurations........................................................................................................... 185
Configuring system IP addresses and boot mode............................................................................ 187
Assigning and clearing IP addresses for specific units.................................................................... 192
Displaying Interfaces........................................................................................................................ 194
Configuring Link-state tracking......................................................................................................... 194
Displaying configuration information for ports.................................................................................. 196
Setting port speed............................................................................................................................ 196
Initiating a cable diagnostic test using ACLI..................................................................................... 199
Enabling Autotopology..................................................................................................................... 200
Enabling flow control........................................................................................................................ 201
Enabling rate-limiting........................................................................................................................ 205
Using Simple Network Time Protocol............................................................................................... 207
Configuring local time zone.............................................................................................................. 210
Configuring daylight savings time..................................................................................................... 211
Configuring recurring daylight savings time..................................................................................... 212
Clock configuration........................................................................................................................... 214
Custom Autonegotiation Advertisements......................................................................................... 214
Connecting to Another Switch.......................................................................................................... 215
Domain Name Server (DNS) Configuration..................................................................................... 217
Serial Security.................................................................................................................................. 220
Configuring LLDP using ACLI................................................................................................................... 220
lldp command................................................................................................................................... 221
lldp port command............................................................................................................................ 221
lldp med-network-policies command................................................................................................ 222
lldp tx-tlv command.......................................................................................................................... 223
lldp tx-tlv dot1 command.................................................................................................................. 224
lldp tx-tlv dot3 command.................................................................................................................. 225
lldp tx-tlv med command.................................................................................................................. 225
default lldp command....................................................................................................................... 226
default lldp port command................................................................................................................ 227
default lldp med-network-policies command.................................................................................... 227

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 9

default lldp tx-tlv command............................................................................................................... 228
default lldp tx-tlv dot1 command....................................................................................................... 229
default lldp tx-tlv dot3 command....................................................................................................... 229
default lldp tx-tlv med command....................................................................................................... 230
no lldp port command....................................................................................................................... 231
no lldp med-network-policies command........................................................................................... 231
no lldp tx-tlv command..................................................................................................................... 232
no lldp tx-tlv dot1 command............................................................................................................. 232
no lldp tx-tlv dot3 command............................................................................................................. 232
no lldp tx-tlv med command............................................................................................................. 233
show lldp command.......................................................................................................................... 233
show lldp port command.................................................................................................................. 235
show lldp med-network-policies command....................................................................................... 237
Configuring the PoE conservation level request TLV using ACLI.................................................... 238
Viewing the switch PoE conservation level request TLV configuration using ACLI......................... 239
Viewing PoE conservation level support TLV information using ACLI............................................. 240
Configuring the switch call server IP address TLV using ACLI........................................................ 240
Viewing the switch call server IP address TLV configuration using ACLI........................................ 241
Viewing Avaya IP phone call server IP address TLV information using ACLI.................................. 242
Configuring the switch file server IP address TLV using ACLI......................................................... 242
Viewing the switch file server IP address TLV configuration using ACLI......................................... 243
Viewing Avaya IP phone file server IP address TLV information using ACLI................................... 244
Configuring the 802.1Q framing TLV using ACLI............................................................................. 245
Viewing the switch 802.1Q Framing TLV configuration using ACLI................................................. 246
Viewing Avaya IP phone 802.1Q Framing TLV information using ACLI.......................................... 246
Enabling Avaya TLV transmit flags using ACLI................................................................................ 247
Disabling Avaya TLV transmit flags using ACLI............................................................................... 248
Viewing the Avaya TLV transmit flag status using ACLI.................................................................. 248
Viewing Avaya IP phone IP TLV configuration information using ACLI........................................... 249
LLDP configuration example............................................................................................................ 250
Detailed configuration commands.................................................................................................... 252
Asset ID string configuration using ACLI.................................................................................................. 256
Configuring Asset ID string............................................................................................................... 256
Disabling asset ID string................................................................................................................... 257
Setting the asset ID string to default................................................................................................ 258
AES configuration using ACLI................................................................................................................... 258
Configuring global AES using ACLI.................................................................................................. 258
Configuring port-based AES using ACLI.......................................................................................... 260
Activating or deactivating AES manually using ACLI....................................................................... 260
Configuring AES scheduling using ACLI.......................................................................................... 261
Disabling AES scheduling using ACLI.............................................................................................. 262
Configuring AES scheduling to default using ACLI.......................................................................... 263
Viewing AES scheduling using ACLI................................................................................................ 264
Viewing AES savings using ACLI..................................................................................................... 264
Viewing the global AES configuration using ACLI............................................................................ 265
Viewing port-based AES configuration using ACLI.......................................................................... 266
Enabling the Web server for EDM............................................................................................................. 267

10 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Configuring the EDM inactivity time out using ACLI................................................................................. 267
Configuring jumbo frames using ACLI...................................................................................................... 268
Chapter 7: System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager............................. 271
Configuring Quick Start using EDM.......................................................................................................... 271
Configuring remote access using EDM..................................................................................................... 272
Configuring the IPv4 remote access list using EDM................................................................................. 273
Configuring the IPv6 remote access list using EDM................................................................................. 274
Run script configuration using EDM.......................................................................................................... 275
Configuring IP Office script using EDM............................................................................................ 275
Configuring ADAC Script using EDM............................................................................................... 277
Configuring LLDP Script using EDM................................................................................................ 279
Viewing switch unit information using EDM.............................................................................................. 281
Managing PoE for a switch unit using EDM.............................................................................................. 282
Power management using EDM............................................................................................................... 283
Viewing PoE for multiple switch units using EDM............................................................................ 283
Configuring PoE for multiple switch units using EDM...................................................................... 285
Configuring PoE priority for IP Phone using EDM.................................................................................... 286
Configuring system parameters using EDM.............................................................................................. 287
Configuring asset ID using EDM............................................................................................................... 291
Selecting the ACLI banner type using EDM.............................................................................................. 292
Customizing ACLI banner using EDM....................................................................................................... 293
Configuring AUR using EDM..................................................................................................................... 294
Configuring a switch stack base unit using EDM...................................................................................... 295
Renumbering stack switch units using EDM............................................................................................. 296
Interface port management using EDM.................................................................................................... 297
Viewing switch interface port information using EDM...................................................................... 297
Changing the configuration for specific interface ports using EDM.................................................. 299
PoE configuration for switch ports using EDM.......................................................................................... 302
Viewing PoE information for specific switch ports using EDM......................................................... 302
Configuring PoE for specific switch unit ports using EDM................................................................ 304
Configuring PoE for switch or stack ports using EDM...................................................................... 306
Configuring Rate Limiting using EDM....................................................................................................... 307
Managing switch software using EDM...................................................................................................... 308
ASCII configuration file management using EDM..................................................................................... 311
Storing the current ASCII configuration file using EDM.................................................................... 312
Retrieving an ASCII configuration file using EDM............................................................................ 313
Automatically downloading a configuration file using EDM.............................................................. 314
Managing the license file using EDM........................................................................................................ 315
Loading a license file from TFTP...................................................................................................... 315
Loading a license file from SFTP..................................................................................................... 316
Loading a license file from a USB drive........................................................................................... 317
Saving the current configuration using EDM............................................................................................. 318
Viewing flash information using EDM........................................................................................................ 319
Configuring IPv6 global properties using EDM......................................................................................... 320
IPv6 interface management using EDM................................................................................................... 321
Viewing IPv6 interfaces using EDM................................................................................................. 321
Creating an IPv6 interface using EDM............................................................................................. 322

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 11

Deleting an IPv6 interface using EDM.............................................................................................. 323
Graphing IPv6 Interface Statistics using EDM.......................................................................................... 324
Configuring an IPv6 address using EDM.................................................................................................. 327
Configuring IPv6 static routes using EDM................................................................................................ 328
IPv6 neighbor cache management using EDM......................................................................................... 329
Viewing the IPv6 neighbor cache using EDM.................................................................................. 329
Configuring the IPv6 neighbor cache using EDM............................................................................. 331
Deleting the IPv6 neighbor cache using EDM.................................................................................. 332
Graphing IPv6 interface ICMP statistics using EDM................................................................................. 332
Viewing ICMP message statistics using EDM........................................................................................... 333
Displaying IPv6 TCP global properties using EDM................................................................................... 334
Displaying IPv6 TCP connections using EDM.......................................................................................... 335
Displaying IPv6 TCP listeners using EDM................................................................................................ 335
Displaying IPv6 UDP endpoints using EDM............................................................................................. 336
Viewing SFP GBIC ports using EDM........................................................................................................ 337
Initiating a cable diagnostic test using EDM............................................................................................. 337
Viewing basic system bridge information using EDM............................................................................... 342
Viewing transparent bridge information using EDM.................................................................................. 343
Viewing forwarding bridge information using EDM................................................................................... 344
Graphing port bridge statistics using EDM................................................................................................ 345
NTP configuration using Enterprise Device Manager............................................................................... 346
Enabling NTP globally using EDM................................................................................................... 347
Adding or removing an NTP server using EDM............................................................................... 347
Configuring authentication keys using EDM..................................................................................... 349
Configuring SNTP using EDM................................................................................................................... 350
Configuring the local time zone using EDM.............................................................................................. 352
Configuring daylight savings time using EDM........................................................................................... 352
Configuring recurring daylight saving time using EDM............................................................................. 354
Enabling or disabling UTC timestamp in ACLI show command outputs................................................... 357
Link-state configuration using EDM.......................................................................................................... 357
Viewing network topology information using EDM.................................................................................... 359
Viewing the topology table using EDM..................................................................................................... 359
LLDP configuration using EDM................................................................................................................. 361
Configuring LLDP globally using EDM............................................................................................. 361
Configuring port LLPD using EDM................................................................................................... 363
Viewing LLDP TX statistics using EDM............................................................................................ 365
Graphing LLDP transmit statistics using EDM................................................................................. 366
Viewing LLDP RX statistics using EDM........................................................................................... 366
Graphing LLDP RX statistics using EDM......................................................................................... 368
Viewing LLDP local system information using EDM......................................................................... 368
Viewing LLDP local port information using EDM.............................................................................. 370
Viewing LLDP local management information using EDM............................................................... 371
Viewing LLDP neighbor information using EDM.............................................................................. 373
Viewing LLDP neighbor management information using EDM........................................................ 374
Viewing LLDP unknown TLV information using EDM...................................................................... 376
Viewing LLDP organizational defined information using EDM......................................................... 376
LLDP Port dot1 configuration using EDM................................................................................................. 378

12 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Viewing local VLAN Id information using EDM................................................................................. 378
Viewing LLDP local protocol VLAN information using EDM............................................................. 379
Viewing LLDP local VLAN name information using EDM................................................................. 380
Viewing LLDP local protocol information using EDM....................................................................... 381
Viewing LLDP neighbor VLAN ID information using EDM............................................................... 381
Viewing LLDP neighbor protocol VLAN information using EDM...................................................... 382
Viewing LLDP neighbor VLAN name information using EDM.......................................................... 383
Viewing LLDP neighbor protocol information using EDM................................................................. 384
LLDP Port dot3 configuration using EDM................................................................................................. 385
Viewing LLDP local port auto-negotiation information using EDM................................................... 385
Viewing LLDP local PoE information using EDM............................................................................. 386
Viewing Local Link Aggregate tab using EDM................................................................................. 387
Viewing LLDP local maximum frame information using EDM.......................................................... 388
Viewing LLDP neighbor port auto-negotiation information using EDM............................................ 388
Viewing LLDP neighbor PoE information using EDM....................................................................... 389
Viewing LLDP neighbor link aggregation information using EDM.................................................... 391
Viewing LLDP neighbor maximum frame information using EDM.................................................... 392
LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM................................................................................................ 393
LLDP MED policy management using EDM..................................................................................... 393
Local location information management using EDM........................................................................ 397
Viewing local PoE PSE information using EDM............................................................................... 400
Viewing neighbor capabilities using EDM........................................................................................ 401
Viewing neighbor policies using EDM.............................................................................................. 402
Neighbor location information management using EDM.................................................................. 403
Viewing neighbor PoE information using EDM................................................................................. 405
Viewing neighbor PoE PSE information using EDM........................................................................ 406
Viewing neighbor PoE PD information using EDM........................................................................... 407
Viewing neighbor inventory using EDM............................................................................................ 409
Enabling or disabling Avaya TLV transmit flags using EDM..................................................................... 410
Viewing the Avaya TLV transmit flag status using EDM.................................................................. 411
Configuring the PoE conservation level request TLV using EDM............................................................. 412
Configuring the 802.1Q framing TLV using EDM............................................................................. 413
Viewing the PoE conservation level request and 802.1Q framing TLV configuration using EDM.... 414
Configuring the switch call server IP address TLV using EDM................................................................. 415
Viewing the switch call server IP address TLV configuration using EDM........................................ 416
Configuring the switch file server IP address TLV using EDM.................................................................. 416
Viewing the switch file server IP address TLV configuration using EDM......................................... 417
Viewing Avaya IP phone power level TLV information using EDM........................................................... 418
Viewing remote call server IP address TLV information using EDM......................................................... 419
Viewing remote file server IP address TLV information using EDM......................................................... 420
Viewing PoE conservation level support TLV information using EDM...................................................... 420
Viewing remote 802.1Q Framing TLV information using EDM................................................................. 421
Viewing remote IP TLV information using EDM........................................................................................ 422
Global AES configuration using EDM....................................................................................................... 423
Enabling global AES using EDM...................................................................................................... 423
Disabling global AES using EDM..................................................................................................... 424
Enabling global AES PoE power save mode using EDM................................................................. 424

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 13

Disabling global AES PoE power save mode using EDM................................................................ 425
Enabling AES efficiency mode using EDM....................................................................................... 426
Disabling AES efficiency mode using EDM...................................................................................... 426
AES schedule configuration using EDM................................................................................................... 427
Configuring the AES schedule off time using EDM.......................................................................... 428
Modifying an AES schedule on and off time status using EDM....................................................... 429
Port-based AES configuration using EDM................................................................................................ 430
Enabling AES on individual ports using EDM................................................................................... 430
Disabling AES on individual ports using EDM.................................................................................. 430
Viewing AES information using EDM........................................................................................................ 431
Chapter 8: Configuration reference................................................................................... 433
Factory default configuration..................................................................................................................... 433
Glossary............................................................................................................................... 439

14 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Chapter 1: Introduction

This document provides the information and procedures required to configure the software for
the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series.
Unless otherwise indicated, this information applies to:
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4524GT
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4524GT-PWR
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526FX
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526GTX
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526GTX -PWR
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526T
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526T-PWR
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4550T
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4550T-PWR
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4548GT
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4548GT-PWR
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4550T-PWR+
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526T-PWR+
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4850GTS
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4850GTS-PWR+
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4826GTS
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4826GTS-PWR+
The term "Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series" is used in this document to describe
the features common to the switches mentioned in the preceding list.
A switch is referred to by its specific name while describing a feature exclusive to the switch.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 15


The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series switches operate in the Standalone Mode
and Stacking Mode in this product release. A switch can be in Standalone Mode or in Stacking
Mode, not both.

Related resources

For a list of the documentation for this product, see Documentation Reference for Avaya
Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205–101.

Ongoing product training is available. For more information or to register, see http://avaya-
Enter the course code in the Search field and click Go to search for the course.

Course code Course title

8D00020E Stackable ERS and VSP Products Virtual Campus Offering

Avaya Mentor videos

Avaya Mentor is an Avaya-run channel on YouTube that includes technical content on how to
install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya products.
Go to http://www.youtube.com/AvayaMentor and perform one of the following actions:
• Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product
or topic.
• Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos
posted on the site.

Searching a document collection

On the Avaya Support website, you can download the documentation library for a specific
product and software release to perform searches across an entire document collection. For
example, you can perform a single, simultaneous search across the collection to quickly find

16 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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all occurrences of a particular feature. Use this procedure to perform an index search of your
documentation collection.
Before you begin
• Download the documentation collection zip file to your local computer.
• You must have Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

1. Extract the document collection zip file into a folder.

2. Navigate to the folder that contains the extracted files and open the file named
<product_name_release>.pdx, for example, ers4000_5.7x.pdx.
3. In the Search dialog box, select the option In the index named
4. Enter a search word or phrase.
5. Select any of the following to narrow your search:
• Whole words only
• Case-Sensitive
• Include Bookmarks
• Include Comments
6. Click Search.
The search results show the number of documents and instances found. You can
sort the search results by Relevance Ranking, Date Modified, Filename, or
Location. The default is Relevance ranking.

Visit the Avaya Support website at http://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release
notes, downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create
a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to
connect you to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 17


18 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Chapter 2: New in this release

The following sections detail what is new in Configuring Systems on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000
Series, NN47205–500 for Release 5.7.

See the following sections for information about feature changes:

802.3at LLDP based discovery

ERS 4000 Series PWR+ devices support the IEEE 802.3at-2009 standard for an Link Layer
Discovery Protocol (LLDP) configuration with a Powered Device (PD). The LLDP support for
PoE+ is added by extending the existing standard LLDP DOT3 Power via MDI TLV defined
by the IEEE 802.1ab with the new fields and values defined in the IEEE 802.3at-2009 standard.
Information for power negotiation between PD and Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) is
described in Power via MDI, which is the optional TLV.
The PoE PD communicates through the Data Link Layer (DLL) classification instead of
Physical Layer (high power mode). Hence, the PoE+ capable devices can deliver power
greater than 15.4 watts for each port.
You can configure the PoE PD detection type (802.3at or 802.3at_and_legacy) to support a
DLL classification for communication. The Data Link Layer classification provides finer power
resolution and the ability for PSE and PD to participate in dynamic power allocation. The
allocated power to the PD can change one or more times during PD operation.

This feature is available only on the ERS 4000 series PWR+ models.
Following are the changes in the behavior and default values of the ACLI commands:

1 Command poe poe-pd-detect-type [unit <1-8>] {802dot3af

| 802dot3af_and_legacy | 802dot3at |
Prior to High power mode is enabled for 802dot3at and
Release 802dot3at_and_legacy commands.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 19

New in this release

default lldp [port <portList>] status {rxOnly |

txAndRx | txOnly}] [config notification]
In Release Data Link Layer Classification is enabled for 802dot3at and
5.7 802dot3at_and_legacy commands.
Default detection type for PWR+ models is
2 Command lldp [port <portList>] status <status> {rxOnly
| txAndRx | txOnly}] [config notification]
show lldp [port <portList>]
Prior to LLDPDUs transmission and reception (txAndRx) is not enabled on all
Release DUT ports by default.
In Release For LLDP Support for PoE+ to be enabled on a given port, both
5.7 LLDPDUs transmission and reception must be enabled on the given
port (txAndRx).
By default, LLDPDUs transmission and reception (txAndRx) are
enabled on all DUT ports.
3 Command lldp tx-tlv [port <portList>] dot3 mdi-power-
no lldp tx-tlv [port <portList>] dot3 mdi-
default lldp tx-tlv [port <portList>] dot3 mdi-
show lldp [port <portList>] tx-tlv dot3
Prior to Sets the optional IEEE 802.3 organizationally-specific TLVs to be
Release included in the transmitted LLDPDUs.
In Release Power via MDI TLV is extended with three fields which enable the
5.7 discovery and advertisement of MDI power support capabilities. The
newly added fields provide Data Link Layer classification capabilities.
4 Command show lldp [port <portList>] local-sys-data dot3
show lldp [port <portList>] neighbor dot3
In Release Additional output is provided through the DOT3 local and remote data
5.7 show commands so the new fields from Power-via-MDI TLV are

For more information, see the following sections:

• PoE overview on page 87
• LLDP support for PoE+ on page 89

20 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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• 802.1AB integration on page 98

• lldp port command on page 221
• Configuring port LLPD using EDM on page 363

Boot partial-default command

Use the boot partial-default command to restore the switch to factory default configuration
without losing the IP information, license information, and passwords for console and Telnet/
WEB. SPBM Global Enable state is also retained.
For more information, see the following:
• boot command on page 141

Change RADIUS Password

You can allow the users to change RADIUS account passwords when they expire.

Change RADIUS password is available only in secure software builds.
You can enable or disable the Change RADIUS password feature. By default, this feature is
When Change RADIUS password feature is enabled, the server reports the password expiry
and system prompts you to create a new password.
For more information, see Configuring RADIUS authentication on page 102.

Default IP or BootP
Default IP or BootP configuration is a mode to inform the switch to send a BootP request when
the switch IP address stored in non-volatile memory is the factory default value. If the stored
IP address differs from the factory default value, the switch uses the stored network
parameters. If the switch cannot find a BootP server, it tries five more times to find one and
then defaults to the factory settings.
From Feature Pack Release 5.6.3, the default operational mode for BootP on the switch is
BootP or Default IP. The switch requests an IP address from BootP only if one is not already
set from the console terminal (or if the IP address is the default IP address

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 21

New in this release

For more information, see the following:

• BootP mode on page 68
• BootP or Default IP on page 68
• Configuring system parameters using EDM on page 287
• Factory default configuration on page 433

EDM improved download support

EDM displays the following status messages while downloading a software:
• Software download progress percentage to indicate the time taken to download the
software to the switch.
• The "Download successfully completed" appears after software is downloaded to the
switch. Also, a message to reboot the switch appears with an option to reboot the switch
immediately or later.
• If you are downloading software using “NoReset” option, EDM displays the estimated time
for rebooting the switch.
• After rebooting, when the EDM tries to reconnect to the switch and if it is not able to
reconnect immediately, the estimated reattempting time is displayed. For example, the
time taken to reconnect the switch can be 30 seconds.
For more information, see Software download progress on EDM on page 79.

EDM inactivity time out

A session becomes inactive if there is no interaction with the EDM interface for more than 15
minutes. After the session becomes inactive, you must login again with your user name and
Using the ACLI command edm inactivity-timeout, you can configure the time period
for which an EDM session remains active. After the specified time period, the EDM session
becomes inactive. The EDM inactivity time out period configuration does not affect the open
EDM sessions. The configuration is applied only on the future EDM sessions. By default, an
EDM session becomes inactive after 15 minutes. You can now configure inactivity time out
with a value between 30 and 65535 seconds.
For more information, see the following:
• EDM inactivity time-out on page 82
• Configuring the EDM inactivity timeout using ACLI on page 267

22 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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show ip netstat
The show ip netstat command displays the IPv4 socket information.

For more information, see Viewing IPv4 socket information on page 156.

Jumbo frames
A jumbo frame is an Ethernet frame that is larger than 1518 bytes. Following are the benefits
when the jumbo frames are enabled:
• Each frame carries a larger payload as the header sizes remain the same.
• There are fewer interrupts on the server due to less frames and a smaller CPU load.
• Larger frames provide better buffer utilization and forwarding performance in switches.
By default, the jumbo frames are enabled. The default frame size is 9216 bytes. When jumbo
frames are disabled, the frame size is 1518.
For more information about jumbo frames and configuration details, see the following:
• Jumbo frames on page 52
• Configuring jumbo frames using ACLI on page 268
• Configuring system parameters using EDM on page 287

Link-state tracking
Link-state tracking (LST) binds the link state of multiple interfaces to create redundancy in the
network. For more information about LST and configuration details, see the following:
• Link-state Tracking on page 74
• Link-state configuration using ACLI on page 182
• Configuring link-state tracking using EDM on page 357

RO User access to Telnet

You can access telnet commands with read-only permissions. In previous software releases
you could access telnet commands only with read-write permissions.
For more information, see telnet command on page 217.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 23

New in this release

Run scripts
According to Avaya best practices for converged solutions, you can use the scripts to configure
the parameters for an Avaya stackable Ethernet Switch. The scripts can be executed in a
default or verbose mode.
In the automated or non-verbose mode, the switch is configured using predetermined
parameter values. In the verbose mode, the script guides you to configure the parameters
where the values must be provided as inputs when the script is executed.
In this release, run scripts are available in non-verbose and verbose mode for IP Office, and
verbose mode for Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Auto Detect Auto Configuration
For more information, see the following:
• Run scripts on page 82
• Run Script configuration using ACLI on page 104
• Run script configuration using EDM on page 275

Show Flash History

The FLASH history provides the current status of the FLASH device. Use the show flash
history command to view the FLASH writes and erase history on a standalone unit or stack.
The FLASH history does not record programming done from the diagnostics or bootloader.
FLASH history is stored in system FLASH. The data does not get corrupted during an upgrade
or downgrade. FLASH History is automatically enabled and does not require any
For more information, see the following:
• Show Flash History on page 53
• Viewing Flash History using ACLI on page 137

Stack operation modes

The Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 series supports pure or mixed modes of stack operation.
In a pure mode, you can create a pure stack with up to eight Ethernet Routing Switches from
either 4500 or 4800 series cabled together. In a mixed mode, you can create a mixed stack
with up to eight Ethernet Routing Switches from both 4500 or 4800 series cabled together. You
can view and change the stack operation mode only on the ERS 4800 series. By default, the
stacking mode on ERS 4800 series is mixed.

24 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Other changes

You can configure Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) only on the ERS 4800 series and the
stack operation mode must be pure.

After upgrading to Release 5.7, the stack operation mode can be changed from mixed to
pure on the ERS 4800 series.
For more information about the stacking modes, see Stacking capabilities on page 31.

Other changes
See the following section for information about changes that are not feature-related.
New Introduction chapter
The Introduction chapter replaces the Purpose of this document and Customer service

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 25

New in this release

26 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Chapter 3: System fundamentals

This chapter describes the system configuration fundamentals for the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch
4000 Series.

ACLI command modes

ACLI provides the following command modes:
• User EXEC
• Privileged EXEC
• Global Configuration
• Interface Configuration
• Router Configuration
• Application Configuration
Mode access is determined by access permission levels and password protection.
If no password is set, you can enter ACLI in User EXEC mode and use the enable command
to move to the next level (Privileged EXEC mode). However, if you have read-only access, you
cannot progress beyond User EXEC mode, the default mode. If you have read-write access
you can progress from the default mode through all of the available modes.
With sufficient permission, you can use the rules in the following table to move between the
command modes.
Table 1: ACLI command modes

Command mode and Entrance commands Exit commands

sample prompt
User EXEC No entrance command, exit
4548GT-PWR> default mode or
Privileged EXEC enable exit
4548GT-PWR# or
Global Configuration configure terminal mode, enter:
4548GT-PWR(config)# end

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 27

System fundamentals

Command mode and Entrance commands Exit commands

sample prompt
To exit ACLI completely,
Interface Configuration From Global Configuration To return to Global
4548GT-PWR(config- mode: To configure a port, Configuration mode, enter:
if)# enter: interface Exit
You can configure the ethernet <port To return to Privileged EXEC
following interfaces: number> mode, enter:
To configure a VLAN, enter: end
• Ethernet
interface vlan To exit ACLI completely,
• VLAN <vlan number> enter:
Router Configuration From Global or Interface To return to Global
4548GT- Configuration mode: To Configuration mode, enter
(configrouter)# configure RIP, enter exit. To return to Privileged
You can configure the router rip. To configure EXEC mode, enter end. To
following routers: OSPF, enter router exit ACLI completely, enter
ospf. To configure VRRP, logout.
enter router vrrp. To
• OSPF configure IS-IS, enter
• VRRP router isis.

Application Configuration From Global, Interface or To return to Global

4850GT-(config-app) Router Configuration mode, Configuration mode, enter
enter application. exit. To return to Privileged
EXEC mode, enter end. To
exit ACLI completely, enter

Feature licensing
You require either an Advanced License or a Trial license to enable certain features. These
software licenses support the following features:
• Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
• Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP)
• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)

28 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Hardware features

Trial license
The switch offers a Trial License which enables OSPF and/or ECMP for a period of 30 days.
At the end of the 30 day trial period, the system disables the features.
For more information about licenses, see Using ACLI and EDM on Avaya Ethernet Routing
Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-102.

Hardware features
This section provides information about the hardware features of the Avaya Ethernet Routing
Switch 4000 Series switch platforms.
Table 2: Hardware description by model

Model Key Features

4526FX 24 100BaseFX ports (MTRJ connector) plus 2 10/100/1000
SFP combo ports
Redundant power slot for DC/DC converter installation.
4526T 24 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 ports plus 2 10/100/1000/SFP
combo ports
Redundant power slot for DC/DC converter installation.
4526T-PWR 24 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 ports with PoE plus 2 10/100/1000/
SFP combo ports
Integrated redundant power connector for RPS 15 cable
4550T 48 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 ports plus 2 10/100/1000 SFP
combo ports
Redundant power slot for DC/DC converter installation.
4550T-PWR 48 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 ports with PoE plus 2 10/100/1000
SFP combo ports
Integrated redundant power connector for RPS 15 cable
4524GT 24 10/100/1000Base TX RJ-45 ports and 4 shared SFP ports
Redundant power slot for DC/DC converter installation.
4524GT-PWR 24 10/100/1000BaseTX RJ-45 ports with PoE and 4 shared
SFP ports
Integrated redundant power connector for RPS 15 cable
4526GTX 24 10/100/1000BaseTX RJ-45 ports and 4 shared SFP ports
plus 2 10GE XFP slots
Redundant power slot for DC/DC converter installation.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 29

System fundamentals

Model Key Features

4526GTX-PWR 24 10/100/1000BaseTX RJ-45 ports with PoE and 4 shared
SFP ports plus 2 10GE XFP slots
Integrated redundant power connector for RPS 15 cable
4548GT 48 10/100/1000BaseTX RJ-45 ports and 4 shared SFP ports
Redundant power slot for DC/DC converter installation.
4548GT-PWR 48 10/100/1000BaseTX RJ-45 with PoE and 4 shared SFP
Integrated redundant power connector for RPS 15 cable
4550T-PWR+ 48 10/100 PoE+ PLUS 2 10/100/1000/SFP
4526T-PWR+ 24 10/100 PoE+ PLUS 2 10/100/1000/SFP
4850GTS 48 GIG & 2 SFP PLUS 2 SFP+
4850GTS-PWR+ 48 GIG PoE+ & 2 SFP PLUS 2 SFP+
4826GTS 24 GIG & 2 SFP PLUS 2 SFP+
4826GTS-PWR+ 24 GIG PoE+ & 2 SFP PLUS 2 SFP+

Cooling fans
When you install the switch, always allow enough space on both sides for adequate air flow.
For more information about installation, see Installing Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000
Series, NN47205-300.

Redundant power supply

The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series Power over Ethernet (PoE) switches, Avaya
Ethernet Routing Switch 4548GT-PWR, and Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4550T-PWR, can
use an optional 470-Watt (W) Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch RPS 15 redundant power supply.
The RPS 15 power supply chassis is two units high and can accommodate up to three RPS
modules, each supporting up to four devices, to provide redundant power and uninterrupted
operation in power failure. One RPS module connected to a PoE switch can provide up to 15.4
W for each port on all 48 ports. The RPS modules fit into the rear of the RPS 15 chassis. The
UPS and associated battery pack module fit into the front of the chassis.
The non-PoE switches, Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4548GT, 4550T, and 4526FX, can use
an optional 150W Avaya Ethernet Switch Power Supply Unit 10 and require the DC-DC
Converter Module. The Avaya Ethernet Switch Power Supply Unit 10 provides scalable power

30 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Stacking capabilities

redundancy and protection to low-wattage networking equipment. The PSU modules slide into
the front of the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch RPS 15 chassis.
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526T-PWR+, 4550T-PWR+, 4826GTS-PWR+ and
4850GTS-PWR+ all have 1000W available power from the Primary power supply (145W is for
switch use and the remainder of 855W is available power for PoE devices). These PWR+
models support a 1000W Redundant power supply that would be used for PoE. Both primary
and secondary power supplies are swappable and mount inside the switch chassis.
Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526GTS and 4850GTS support 300W primary and redundant
power supply. Both primary and secondary power supplies are swappable and mount inside
the switch chassis.

DC-DC Converter Module

The DC-DC Converter Module for the non-PoE switches operates with the optional Avaya
Ethernet Switch Power Supply Unit 15. The PoE switches do not require a DC-DC Converter
The 100 W DC-DC Converter Module provides a Plug and Play redundant power supply unit
for the Ethernet Routing Switch Series 4000 non-PoE switches. Contact your Avaya sales
representative to order the converter module.
For further information about the DC-DC converter module, see DC-DC Converter Module for
the BayStack 5000 Series Switch (215081-A).

Stacking capabilities
You can use the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series switches in either of the following
• stand-alone
• stack
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series switches have a built-in cascade port to stack
up to eight units. The cascade port provides an 40-Gigabit (Gb) cascading mechanism for the
A stack can consist of any combination of Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series

All units in the stack must use the same software version.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 31

System fundamentals

To set up a stack, perform the following procedure.

1. Power down all switches.
2. Set the Unit Select switch in the back of the non base units to the off position.
3. Set the Unit Select switch in the back of the base unit to base position.
4. Ensure all the cascade cables are properly connected and screwed into the unit.
5. Power up the stack.

In a mixed stack of Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 switches, any switch
type can act as the base unit.

Stack operation modes

The Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 series stack supports the following modes of operation:
• Pure
• Mixed
You can configure Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) only on the ERS 4800 series and the
stack operation mode must be pure. For more information about changing and viewing the
stack operation mode on the ERS 4800, see Configuring Avaya VENA Fabric Connect on
Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-507.

Pure mode
You can create a pure stack with up to eight Ethernet Routing Switches from either 4500 or
4800 series cabled together. You can view and change the stack operation mode only on the
ERS 4800 series. By default, the stack operation mode on ERS 4800 series is mixed.
The following points must be checked before adding ERS 4800 series to a stack containing
ERS 4800 series switches:
• The stack operation mode of all the ERS 4800 series must be pure. Else, the non-base
units of the switches are rebooted automatically to the base unit mode. If the base unit
goes down, the next unit in the downstream direction takes over as the temporary base
• If an ERS 4800 configured in mixed mode is added to a pure ERS 4800 series stack, the
switch reboots in pure mode to join the stack.

32 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Auto Unit Replacement

ERS 4500 series switch cannot be added to a pure ERS 4800 series stack. If ERS 4500
series is added to a stack containing ERS 4800 series switches in pure mode, the mode
must be changed from pure to mixed and the switch must be rebooted.

Mixed mode
You can create a mixed stack with up to eight Ethernet Routing Switches from both 4500 and
4800 series cabled together. You can view and change the stack operation mode only on the
ERS 4800 series switches. By default, the stack operation mode on ERS 4800 series is
The following points must be checked before adding ERS 4800 or 4500 series switches to an
existing stack:
• The stack operation mode must be mixed on each ERS 4800 series switch.
• If the stack operation mode on base unit is set to mixed or the base unit is an ERS 4500
series switch, but the stack operation mode is set to pure on a ERS 4800 non-base unit,
it is rebooted in mixed mode in order to join the stack. It is recommended that one of the
ERS 4800 series switch must be the base unit.
• If ERS 4800 series base unit goes down for any reason, the next ERS 4800 in the
downstream direction becomes the temporary base unit. If there are no other ERS 4800
series switches in the stack, the next downstream 4500 switch becomes the temporary
base unit.

After upgrading to Release 5.7, the stack operation mode can be changed from mixed to
pure on the ERS 4800 series.

Auto Unit Replacement

You can use the Auto Unit Replacement (AUR) feature to replace a unit from a stack while
retaining the configuration of the unit. This feature requires the stack power to be on during
the unit replacement.
The main feature of the AUR is the ability to retain the configuration (CFG) image of a unit in
a stack during a unit replacement. The retained CFG image from the old unit is restored to the
new unit. Because retained CFG images are kept in the DRAM of the stack, the stack power
must be on during the procedure.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 33

System fundamentals

For Auto Unit Replacement to function properly, the new unit and the existing units in the
stack must all run the same version of software. In case of a two high stack, only replacing
a non-base-unit is currently supported.
You can manually restore an associated configuration (same unit number) of a unit in a stack
including base unit (if the stack is of 3 units or bigger).

If the base unit is reset before you restore the configuration, the base unit erases the saved
configuration information for non-base units.
The following information also relates to this feature:
• The new unit must be the same hardware configuration as the old, including the same
number of ports.
• If the administrator adds a new unit with a different hardware configuration, the
configuration of this unit is used.
• If the administrator adds a new unit with the same hardware configuration, the previous
configuration of the new unit is lost. The configuration is overwritten with the restored
configuration from the stack.
• You can enable or disable this feature at any time using ACLI. The default mode is
• Customer log messages are provided.

After booting a stack, use ACLI command show stack auto-unit-replacement from
a unit console to find out if that unit is ready for replacement.
The ACLI command show stack auto-unit-replacement provides the following

Table 3: show stack auto-unit-replacement fields

Field Definition
Auto Unit Replacement Auto-Restore Enable: During a unit replacement, the
configuration is automatically restored to the
new unit.
Disable: During a unit replacement, the
configuration is not restored automatically.

34 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Auto Unit Replacement

Field Definition
Auto Unit Replacement Auto-Save Enable: The current configuration of a unit in
stack including base unit (if the stack is of 3 units
or bigger) is automatically saved to the base
Disable: The current configuration of a unit in
stack including base unit (if the stack is of 3 units
or bigger) is not automatically saved to the base
Last Configuration-Save Time-Stamp The system-up time of the non base unit
recorded when the non base unit sends
configuration to the base unit.
Ready for Replacement Yes: The current configuration of the non base
unit is saved to the base unit. This unit is
currently ready for replacement.
No: The current configuration of the non base
unit is not saved to the base unit. The latest
changes of the configuration of the non base
unit is lost if the unit is replaced with a new

For information about configuring AUR with ACLI, see Configuring AUR on page 148. For
information about configuring AUR with Enterprise Device Manager (EDM), see Configuring
AUR using EDM on page 294.

AUR function
The CFG mirror image is a duplicate CFG image (stored in the flash drive) of a unit in a stack.
The mirror image does not reside in the same unit with the CFG image. The unit that contains
the CFG image is called the Associated Unit (AU) of the CFG mirror image. The MAC Address
of the AU is called the Associated MAC Address (AMA) of the CFG mirror image.
An active CFG Mirror Image is a CFG mirror image that has its AU in the stack. An INACTIVE
CFG Mirror Image is a CFG mirror image for which the associated AU is removed from the
stack. When a CFG mirror image becomes INACTIVE, the INACTIVE CFG mirror image is
copied to another unit.
The stack always keeps two copies of an INACTIVE CFG mirror image in the stack in case
one unit is removed—the other unit can still provide the backup INACTIVE CFG mirror

CFG mirror image process

The CFG mirror image process is triggered by specific events.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 35

System fundamentals

Power Cycle
After a power cycle, all the CFG images in a stack are mirrored. Figure 1: CFG mirror process
in stack on page 36 illustrates the CFG mirror images in a three-unit stack after the stack is
powered on. Unit 1 is the Base Unit (BU) and all other units are Non-Based Units (NBU).
• Unit 1 (BU) contains mirror images for unit 2 (CFG 2) and unit 3 (CFG3).
• Unit 2 (NBU), is the TEMP-BU. It contains a mirror image of unit 1 (CFG1), in case the
BU (unit 1) is removed from the stack.
• All three mirror images (CFG 1, CFG 2, and CFG 3) are active.
• Unit 2 is the AU of the CFG 2 mirror image.
• The Mac Address 2 is the AMA of the CFG2 mirror image.

Figure 1: CFG mirror process in stack

Adding a unit
In a stack that has no INACTIVE CFG mirror images, a new unit causes the CFG image of the
new unit to be mirrored in the stack. For example, in Figure 2: CFG mirror images in the stack

36 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Auto Unit Replacement

after adding unit 4 on page 37, after you add unit 4 to the stack, the CFG 4 mirror image is
created in the BU (unit 1).

Figure 2: CFG mirror images in the stack after adding unit 4

Removing an NBU
When you remove an NBU from a stack, the related CFG mirror image in the stack becomes
The AUR feature ensures that the stack always has two copies of an INACTIVE CFG mirror
image. These two copies must not reside in the same unit in the stack.
For example, after you remove unit 4 from the stack shown in Figure 2: CFG mirror images in
the stack after adding unit 4 on page 37, the CFG 4 mirror image becomes INACTIVE (see
Figure 3: CFG mirror images after removing unit 4 on page 38). Another copy of the
INACTIVE CFG 4 mirror image is also created in unit 2.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 37

System fundamentals

Figure 3: CFG mirror images after removing unit 4

Removing a BU
When you remove a BU, the TEMP-BU assumes the role of the BU. Because all the CFG mirror
images of the NBUs reside in the removed BU, the TEMP-BU mirrors all the CFG images of
the NBUs in the stack.
After you remove the BU from the stack shown in Figure 2: CFG mirror images in the stack
after adding unit 4 on page 37, the TEMP-BU (unit 2) must mirror all the CFG images in the
stack (see Figure 4: CFG mirror images in the stack after removing the BU (unit 1) on
page 39). The feature also ensures that the stack always has two copies of an INACTIVE
CFG mirror image.

38 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Auto Unit Replacement

Figure 4: CFG mirror images in the stack after removing the BU (unit 1)

As shown in Figure 4: CFG mirror images in the stack after removing the BU (unit 1) on page 39
• Unit 2 becomes the TEMP-BU.
• The CFG 1 mirror image (residing in unit 2) becomes INACTIVE.
• A second copy of the INACTIVE CFG 1 mirror image is created in unit 3.
• The TEMP-BU (unit 2) contains all CFG mirror images of the NBUs in the stack.
• The CFG 2 mirror image is created in unit 3. Unit 3 becomes the next TEMP-BU in case
you remove the current TEMP-BU.

Restoring a CFG image

Restoring a CFG image overwrites the CFG image of a new unit in a stack with an INACTIVE
mirror image stored in the stack.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 39

System fundamentals

Restore a CFG image to a new unit happens only if you meet the following conditions.
• The AUR feature is enabled.
• At least one INACTIVE CFG mirror image exists in the stack.
• The MAC Address of the new unit is different from all the AMA of the INACTIVE CFG
mirror images in the stack.
The image restore process consists of the following steps.
Add a new unit to a stack:
a. If more than one INACTIVE CFG mirror image is in the stack, select the one
with the smallest unit ID for restoration.
b. Send the INACTIVE CFG mirror image in the stack to the new unit. The
INACTIVE CFG mirror image becomes ACTIVE.
c. The new unit saves the received CFG image to the flash drive.
d. The new unit resets itself.
For example, if you add a unit 5 (MAC Address 5) to the stack shown in Figure 4: CFG mirror
images in the stack after removing the BU (unit 1) on page 39, the following occurs (see Figure
5: CFG mirror images in the stack after adding unit 5 on page 41):
• The INACTIVE CFG 1 mirror image is copied to the CFG 5 image. Unit5 now has the
configuration of unit 1, which is no longer in the stack.
• The INACTIVE CFG 1 mirror image in unit 2 becomes ACTIVE.
• The INACTIVE CFG 1 mirror image in unit 3 is removed.
• The MAC Address 5 of the unit 5 becomes the new AMA of the CFG1 mirror image.

40 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Auto Unit Replacement

Figure 5: CFG mirror images in the stack after adding unit 5

Synchronizing the CFG mirror images with CFG images

A CFG mirror image is updated whenever a CFG flash drive synchronization occurs in the

Agent Auto Unit Replacement

Use the enhancement to the Auto Unit Replacement functionality, known as Agent Auto Unit
Replacement (AAUR), to ensure that all units in a stack have the same software image by
inspecting units joining a stack and downloading the stack software image to any unit that has
a dissimilar image. AAUR is enabled by default.
Agent Auto Unit Replacement functions in the following manner:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 41

System fundamentals

1. When a stand-alone switch joins an AAUR-enabled stack, the switch software

image is inspected.
2. If the switch software image differs from the stack software image, the AAUR
functionality downloads the stack software image to the joining unit.
3. The joining unit is then reset and becomes a member of the stack upon a reboot.
The log file displays the following messages when AAUR completes successfully:
I 2 00:01:56:40 13 AAUR - Info: Receive request for agent image, start
I 2 00:01:56:48 14 AAUR - Info: Agent transfer finished

Stack Forced Mode

Stack Forced Mode allows one or both units to become stand-alone switches if a stack of two
units breaks. The Stack Forced Mode allows you to manage one of the stand-alone devices
from a broken stack of two with the previous stack IP address.
If you enable Stack Forced Mode on a stack, you enable Stack Forced Mode on all units in the
stack. Stack Forced Mode becomes active only if the stack fails.
You can configure Stack Forced Mode through ACLI.
See Setting Stack Forced Mode on page 152 for procedures to set the Stack Forced Mode
on a switch.
Stack Forced Mode applies to a stand-alone switch that is part of a stack of two units. When
functioning in this mode, the stand-alone switch keeps the previous stack IP settings (IP
address, netmask, gateway), and the administrator can reach the device through an IP
connection by telnet or EDM.
If one unit fails, the remaining unit ( base or non-base unit) keeps the previous stack IP settings.
The remaining unit issues a gratuitous ARP packet when it enters Stack Forced Mode, in order
for other devices on the network to update their ARP cache.
If the stack connection between the two units fails (a stack cable failure, for example), both
stand-alone units retain the IP settings. To detect if the other stack partner is also using the
previous stack IP settings, each device issues an ARP request on the IP address.
When a failure occurs in a stack of 2 units when forced stack mode is enabled, the previous
non-base unit sends out a gratuitous ARP onto the management network. The purpose of
sending out this gratuitous ARP is so that the non-base unit of a failed 2 unit stack can
determine if the base unit is still operational and using the stack IP address. Such a failure
situation in which both the base unit and non-base unit were operational, but not part of a stack
could be possible if the 2 units in a stack were connected by a single stack cable and that stack
cable were then removed or failed. If the previous non-base unit receives a reply from the
previous base unit of the stack, the previous non-base unit knows that the previous base unit

42 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 management

is still operational and does not take over ownership of the stack IP address, but instead will
use the local switch IP address if configured. If on the other hand the previous non-base unit
does not receive a response from the previous base-unit; the previous non-base unit will now
take over ownership of the stack IP address and issue a gratuitous ARP with its own MAC
address to ensure that all devices on the management VLAN have their ARP caches
appropriately updated.
Stack Forced Mode allows non-EAP clients connected to the device to still authenticate
themselves and maintain connectivity to the network. Non-EAP clients authenticate by the
device with RADIUS, which is based on the stack IP address. In Stack Forced Mode, the device
retains the IP settings of the stack of two.
The functional unit stays in Stack Forced Mode until either a reboot or it joins a stack.
A settlement timer prevents several stack failures that occur at an interval of a few seconds to
lead to a device entering Stack Forced Mode after it was part of a stack larger than two units.
A device enters Stack Forced Mode if and only if it was part of a stack of two for 30 seconds
or longer.
If the switch is in Stack Force mode and you want to set a switch IPv6 address, you must first
delete the active IPv6 interface and then configure the switch IPv6 address. If you use Telnet,
SSH or EDM to change the settings, the switch will lose IPv6 connectivity to the switch. Avaya
recommends that you change the settings with the Console Interface to switch or use an IPv4
address for management.

IPv6 management
This module provides information about the IPv6 management feature of the Avaya Ethernet
Routing Switch 4000 Series switch platform.
IPv6 Management allows the user to configure an IPv6 address on the management VLAN.
This enables IPv6 connectivity. The management VLAN can have both an IPv4 and an IPv6
address configured simultaneously (Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 functions as a dual
stack network node).
There is no IPv6 routing support in the current phase and therefore only one IPv6 interface is
associated to the management VLAN. You can only perform IPv6 interface configuration
(enabling, assigning IPv6 address and prefix, changing other parameters, querying interface
statistics) from ACLI or through SNMP (EDM).
IPv6 Management adds support for new standard MIBs (IP-MIB—RFC 4293, TCP-MIB—RFC
4022, UDP-MIB—RFC 4113) as well as the enterprise MIB rcIpv6.
If the switch is in Stack Force mode and you want to set a switch IPv6 address, you must first
delete the active IPv6 interface and then configure the switch IPv6 address. If you use Telnet,
SSH, or EDM to change the settings, the switch will lose IPv6 connectivity to the switch. Avaya
recommends that you change the settings with the Console Interface to switch or use an IPv4
address for management.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 43

System fundamentals

The IPv6 header

The IPv6 header contains the following fields:
• a 4-bit Internet Protocol version number, with a value of 6
• an 8-bit traffic class field, similar to Type of Service in IPv4
• a 20-bit flow label that identifies traffic flow for additional Quality of Service (QoS)
• a 16-bit unsigned integer, the length of the IPv6 payload
• an 8-bit next header selector that identifies the next header
• an 8-bit hop limit unsigned integer that decrements by 1 each time a node forwards the
packet (nodes discard packets with hop limit values of 0)
• a 128-bit source address
• a 128-bit destination address

IPv6 addresses
IPv6 addresses are 128 bits in length. The address identifies a single interface or multiple
interfaces. IPv4 addresses, in comparison, are 32 bits in length. The increased number of
possible addresses in IPv6 solves the inevitable IP address exhaustion inherent to IPv4.
The IPv6 address contains two parts: an address prefix and an IPv6 interface ID. The first 3
bits indicate the type of address that follows.
Figure 6: IPv6 address format on page 44 shows the IPv6 address format.

Figure 6: IPv6 address format

An example of a unicast IPv6 address is 1080:0:0:0:8:8000:200C:417A

Interface ID
The interface ID is a unique number that identifies an IPv6 node (a host or a router). For
stateless autoconfiguration, the ID is 64 bits in length.
In IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration, the interface ID is derived by a formula that uses the link
layer 48-bit MAC address. (In most cases, the interface ID is a 64-bit interface ID that contains
the 48-bit MAC address.) The IPv6 interface ID is as unique as the MAC address.

44 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 management

If you manually configure interface IDs or MAC addresses (or both), no relationship between
the MAC address and the interface ID is necessary. A manually configured interface ID can
be longer or shorter than 64 bits.

Address formats
The format for representing an IPv6 address is n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n n is the hexadecimal
representation of 16 bits in the address.
An example is as follows: FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:43
Each nonzero field must contain at least one numeral. Within a hexadecimal field, however,
leading zeros are not required.
Certain classes of IPv6 addresses commonly include multiple contiguous fields containing
hexadecimal 0. The following sample address includes five contiguous fields containing zeroes
with a double colon (::): FF01::43
You can use a double colon to compress the leading zero fields in a hexadecimal address. A
double colon can appear once in an address.
An IPv4-compatible address combines hexadecimal and decimal values as follows:
x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d x:x:x:x:x:x is a hexadecimal representation of the six high-order 16-bit pieces
of the address, and d.d.d.d is a decimal representation of the four 8-bit pieces of the
For example: 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 extension headers

IPv6 extension headers describe processing options. Each extension header contains a
separate category of options. A packet can include zero or more extension headers. For more
information, see Figure 7: IPv6 header and extension headers on page 45.

Figure 7: IPv6 header and extension headers

IPv6 examines the destination address in the main header of each packet it receives; this
examination determines whether the router is the packet destination or an intermediate node
in the packet data path. If the router is the destination of the packet, IPv6 examines the header

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 45

System fundamentals

extensions that contain options for destination processing. If the router is an intermediate node,
IPv6 examines the header extensions that contain forwarding options.
By examining only the extension headers that apply to the operations it performs, IPv6 reduces
the amount of time and processing resources required to process a packet.
IPv6 defines the following extension headers:
• The hop-by-hop extension header contains optional information that all intermediate IPv6
routers examine between the source and the destination.
• The end-to-end extension header contains optional information for the destination
• The source routing extension header contains a list of one or more intermediate nodes
that define a path for the packet to follow through the network, to its destination. The
packet source creates this list. This function is similar to the IPv4 source routing
• An IPv6 source uses the fragment header to send a packet larger than fits in the path
maximum transmission unit (MTU) to a destination. To send a packet that is too large to
fit in the MTU of the path to a destination, a source node can divide the packet into
fragments and send each fragment as a separate packet, to be reassembled at the
• The authentication extension header and the security encapsulation extension header,
used singly or jointly, provide security services for IPv6 datagrams.

Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6

The following table compares key differences between IPv4 and IPv6.
Table 4: IPv4 and IPv6 differences

Feature IPv4 IPv6

Address length 32 bits 128 bits

IPsec support1 Optional Required

QoS support Limited Improved

Fragmentation Hosts and routers Hosts only
Minimum MTU (packet size) 576 bytes 1280 bytes
Checksum in header Yes No
Options in header Yes No
Link-layer address resolution ARP (broadcast) Multicast Neighbor
Discovery Messages

46 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 management

Feature IPv4 IPv6

Multicast membership IGMP Multicast Listener Discovery

Router discovery2 Optional Required

Uses broadcasts Yes No

Configuration3 Manual, DHCP Manual

1 Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series does not support IPsec.
2 Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series does not perform Router discovery or advertise as
a router.
3 Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series does not implement any form of automatic

configuration of IPv6 address in release 5.2.

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) version 6 maintains and improves upon features
from ICMP for IPv4. ICMPv6 reports the delivery of forwarding errors, such as destination
unreachable, packet too big, time exceeded, and parameter problem. ICMPv6 also delivers
information messages such as echo request and echo reply.

ICMPv6 plays an important role in IPv6 features such as neighbor discovery, Multicast
Listener Discovery, and path MTU discovery.

Neighbor discovery
IPv6 nodes (routers and hosts) on the same link use neighbor discovery (ND) to discover link
layer addresses and to obtain and advertise various network parameters and reachability
information. ND combines the services provided for IPv4 with the Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) and router discovery. Neighbor discovery replaces ARP in IPv6.
Hosts use ND to discover the routers in the network that you can use as the default routers,
and to determine the link layer address of their neighbors attached on their local links. Routers
also use ND to discover their neighbors and their link layer information. Neighbor discovery
also updates the neighbor database with valid entries, invalid entries, and entries migrated to
different locations.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 47

System fundamentals

Neighbor discovery protocol provides you with the following:

• Address and prefix discovery: hosts determine the set of addresses that are on-link for
the given link. Nodes determine which addresses or prefixes are locally reachable or
remote with address and prefix discovery.
• Router discovery: hosts discover neighboring routers with router discovery. Hosts
establish neighbors as default packet-forwarding routers.
• Parameter discovery: host and routers discover link parameters such as the link MTU or
the hop limit value placed in outgoing packets.
• Address autoconfiguration: nodes configure an address for an interface with address
• Duplicate address detection: hosts and nodes determine if an address is assigned to
another router or a host.
• Address resolution: hosts determine link layer addresses (MAC for Ethernet) of the local
neighbors (attached on the local network), provided the IP address is known.
• Next-hop determination: hosts determine how to forward local or remote traffic with next-
hop determination. The next hop can be a local or remote router.
• Neighbor unreachability detection: hosts determine if the neighbor is unreachable, and
address resolution must be performed again to update the database. For neighbors you
use as routers, hosts attempt to forward traffic through alternate default routers.
• Redirect: routers inform the host of more efficient routes with redirect messages.
Neighbor discovery uses three components:
• host-router discovery
• host-host communication component
• redirect
For more information, see Figure 8: Neighbor discovery components on page 48 for the ND

Figure 8: Neighbor discovery components

ND messages
The following table shows new ICMPv6 message types.

48 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 management

Table 5: IPv4 and IPv6 neighbor discovery comparison

IPv4 neighbor function IPv6 neighbor function Description

ARP Request message Neighbor solicitation A node sends this message
message to determine the link-layer
address of a neighbor or to
verify that a neighbor is still
reachable through a cached
link-layer address. You can
also use neighbor
solicitations for duplicate
address detection.
ARP Reply message Neighbor advertisement A node sends this message
either in response to a
received neighbor
solicitation message or to
communicate a link layer
address change.
ARP cache Neighbor cache The neighbor cache contains
information about neighbor
types on the network.
Gratuitous ARP Duplicate address detection A host or node sends a
request with its own IP
address to determine if
another router or host uses
the same address. The
source receives a reply from
the duplicate device. Both
hosts and routers use this
Router solicitation message Router solicitation (required) The host sends this message
(optional) upon detecting a change in a
network interface operational
state. The message requests
that routers generate router
advertisement immediately
rather than at the scheduled
Router advertisement Router advertisement Routers send this message
message (optional) (required) to advertise their presence
together with various links
and Internet parameters
either periodically or in
response to a router
solicitation message. Router
advertisements contain
prefixes that you use for on-

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 49

System fundamentals

IPv4 neighbor function IPv6 neighbor function Description

link determination or address
configuration, and a
suggested hop limit value.
Redirect message Redirect message Routers send this message
to inform hosts of a better first
hop for a destination.

Neighbor discovery cache

The neighbor discovery cache lists information about neighbors in your network.
The neighbor discovery cache can contain the following types of neighbors:
• static: a configured neighbor
• local: a device on the local system
• dynamic: a discovered neighbor
The following table describes neighbor cache states.
Table 6: Neighbor cache states

State Description
Incomplete A node sends a neighbor solicitation
message to a multicast device. The multicast
device sends no neighbor advertisement
message in response.
Reachable You receive positive confirmation within the
last reachable time period.
Stale A node receives no positive confirmation
from the neighbor in the last reachable time
Delay A time period longer than the reachable time
period passes since the node received the
last positive confirmation, and a packet was
sent within the last
reachability confirmation is received within
entering the DELAY state, neighbor
solicitation is sent and the state is changed
Probe Reachability confirmation is sought from the
device every retransmit timer period.

50 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 management

The following events involve Layer 2 and Layer 3 interaction when processing and affect the
neighbor cache:
• flushing the Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) media access control (MAC)
• removing a VLAN
• performing an action on all VLANs
• removing a port from a VLAN
• removing a port from a spanning tree group (STG)
• removing a multi-link trunk group from a VLAN
• removing an Multi-Link Trunking port from a VLAN
• removing an Multi-Link Trunking port from an STG
• performing an action that disables a VLAN, such as removing all ports from a VLAN
• disabling a tagged port that is a member of multiple routable VLANs

Router discovery
IPv6 nodes discover routers on the local link with router discovery. The IPv6 router discovery
process uses the following messages:
• Router advertisement
• Router solicitation

Router advertisement
Configured interfaces on an IPv6 router send out router-advertisement messages. Router-
advertisements are also sent in response to router-solicitation messages from IPv6 nodes on
the link.

Router solicitation
An IPv6 host without a configured unicast address sends router solicitation messages.

Path MTU discovery

IPv6 routers do not fragment packets. The source node sends a packet equal in size to the
maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the link layer. The packet travels through the network to
the source. If the packet encounters a link to a smaller MTU, the router sends the source node
an ICMP error message containing the MTU size of the next link.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 51

System fundamentals

The source IPv6 node then resends a packet equal to the size of the MTU included in the ICMP
The default MTU value for a regular interface is 1500.

Jumbo frames
Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames larger than the maximum Ethernet frame size, or maximum
transimission unit (MTU) specified in the IEEE 802.3 standard. For untagged frames, the
maximum standard size is 1518 bytes. For tagged frames, the maximum standard size
increases by 4 bytes to 1522 bytes.
Enabling jumbo frames on an ERS 4000 series switch sets the MTU size to 9216 bytes (9220
bytes for tagged frames). By default, the jumbo frames are enabled.
Jumbo frames are used to improve network throughput and decrease CPU load. Following are
the benefits when the jumbo frames are enabled:
• Each frame carries a larger payload as the header sizes remain the same.
• There are fewer interrupts on the server due to less frames and a smaller CPU load.
• Larger frames provide better buffer utilization and forwarding performance in switches.

Flash memory storage

The sections in this module describe flash memory for software image upgrades.

Switch software image storage

The switch software image storage; uses FLASH memory to store the switch software
You can update the software image with a new version from FLASH memory.
You must have an in-band connection between the switch and the TFTP load host to the
software image.

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the TFTP server address

52 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Flash memory storage

Configuration parameter storage

All configuration parameters in the configuration parameter storage; are stored in FLASH
These parameters are updated every 60 seconds if a change occurs, or upon execution of a
reset command.

Do not power off the switch within 60 seconds of changing configuration parameters.
If the switch is powered down within 60 seconds, changes made to the configuration
parameters can be lost.

The Show FLASH feature displays information about the FLASH capacity and current usage,
• total FLASH capacity
• size and version of boot image
• size and version of agent image
• size and version of diagnostic image
• size and version of secondary agent image (if supported)
• size of binary configuration
• size of automatic backup configuration
• size of secondary configuration
• size of reserved space on FLASH
• size of available space on FLASH
This feature is available on both single and stacked switches.

Show FLASH History

The Show FLASH History feature displays information about the number of writes or
modification to the following sections:
• Diagnostics Image
• Primary Image

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 53

System fundamentals

• Secondary Image
• Configuration Area 1
• Configuration Area 2
• Auxiliary Configuration Area
• MCFG Block
• Audit Log Area

Recording of FLASH history begins after upgrading the ERS 4000 to Release 5.7. FLASH
events that occurred prior to Release 5.7 remain unknown.

Policy-enabled networking
With the policy-enabled networking, you can implement classes of services and assign priority
levels to different types of traffic. You can also configure policies to monitor the characteristics
of traffic.
For example, in policy-enabled networking, you can determine the sources, destinations, and
protocols used by the traffic. You can also perform a controlling action on the traffic when
certain user-defined characteristics match.
The policy-enabled networking; supports Differentiated Services (DiffServ). DiffServ is a
network architecture through which service providers and enterprise network environments
can offer various levels of services for different types of data traffic.
You can use DiffServ Quality of Service (QoS) to designate a specific level of performance on
a packet-by-packet basis. If you have applications that require high performance and reliable
service, such as voice and video over IP, you can use DiffServ to give preferential treatment
to this data over other traffic.

Power over Ethernet

The Power over Ethernet; 4524GT-PWR, ERS 4548GT-PWR and 4526GTX-PWR routing
switches provide IEEE 802.3af-compliant Power over Ethernet or PoE on all 10/100/1000
RJ-45 ports.
The Power over Ethernet; 4526T-PWR and the 4550T-PWR routing switches provide IEEE
802.3af-compliant power or PoE on all 10/100 RJ-45 ports.
The Power over Ethernet 4826GTS-PWR+ and ERS 4850GTS-PWR+ routing switches
provide IEEE 802.3at-compliant power or PoE+ on all 10/100/1000 RJ-45 ports.

54 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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PoE power priority and limit for IP Phone

The Power over Ethernet 4526T-PWR+ and the 4550T-PWR+ routing switches provide IEEE
802.3at-compliant power or PoE+ on all 10/100 RJ-45 ports.
The PoE capable devices can deliver between 3 and 15.4(16) Watts of power, supporting IEEE
802.3af or IEEE 802.3af and legacy PD detection, whereas the PoE+ capable devices can
deliver between 3 and 32 Watts, with the added ability to detect IEEE 802.3at and legacy
PoE refers to the ability of the switch to power network devices over an Ethernet cable. Some
of these devices include IP Phones, Wireless LAN Access Points, security cameras, and
access control points.
The PoE switches automatically detect the network device requirements and dynamically
supply the required DC voltage at a set current to each appliance.
To configure and manage the PoE features, you must use either ACLI or EDM.

You must use a four-pair Category 5 UTP cable for PoE. A standard two-pair UTP Cable
does not support PoE.

PoE power priority and limit for IP Phone

The ERS 4000 switch allows the provisioning of PoE priority levels and power limits when an
IP Phone is discovered. Before connecting any phone to the switch, you have the option to set
two global PoE variables: the IP phone port power limit and the IP phone port power priority.
After the switch detects an IP Phone, the PoE priority and the power limit settings are
configured dynamically with the predefined values (if present). The dynamic settings are
applied regardless of the discovery mechanism for IP phones (ADAC, 802.1ab, 802.1x or any
other future discovery mechanism). The dynamic settings are not applied without a proper
configured IP phone discovery method.
You can configure the power limit for the IP Phone in the range of 3 to 32W. The ERS4000
switch supports a maximum of 16 watts power (on models 4524GT-PWR, 4526GTX-PWR,
4526T-PWR, 4550T-PWR, 4548GT-PWR) or a maximum of 32 watts (on models 4550T-PWR
+, 4526T-PWR+, 4850GTS-PWR+, 4826GTS-PWR+) PoE power for each IP Phone. The
actual power allocated, however, is limited by the power available from the system power
Once the system applies the IP phone dynamic values, they are read-only until the IP phone
disconnects from the supplying power port. You can change the global IP phone settings for
the next IP phone connection or the PoE settings of the port for the next consuming power
device. The port settings will be kept, even it they are not applied, while an IP phone is
connected on the particular port.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 55

System fundamentals

The dynamic values of IP phone power priority and power limit per port are available only if
an IP phone is connected on the port. When the IP phone disconnects, the PoE port power
priority and power limit return to previously configured values.

Port mirroring
With port mirroring, also referred to as conversation steering, you can designate a single switch
port as a traffic monitor for a specified port.
You can specify port-based mirroring for ingress and egress at a specific port, or address based
mirroring, either source or destination. You also can attach a probe device, such as an Avaya
StackProbe*, or equivalent, to the designated monitor port.
For more information about port mirroring, see Configuring System Monitoring on Avaya
Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-502.

Use ACLI to configure port mirroring.

The term auto-MDI/X refers to automatic detection of transmit and receive twisted pairs.
When auto-MDI/X is active, straight or crossover category 5 cables can provide connection to
a port. If autonegotiation is disabled, auto-MDI/X is not active.

Auto-polarity refers to the ability of the port to compensate for positive and negative signals
being reversed on the receive cables.
With autonegotiation enabled, auto-polarity automatically reverses the polarity of a pair of pins
from positive to negative or negative to positive. This corrects the polarity of the received data,
if the port detects that the polarity of the data is reversed due to a wiring error. If autonegotiation
is disabled, auto-polarity is not active.

56 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Time Domain Reflectometer

Time Domain Reflectometer

The Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR), is used to test Ethernet cables connected to switch
ports for defects (such as short pin and pin open), and display the results.
When you use the TDR to test a cable with a 10/100 MB/s link, the link is interrupted for the
duration of the test and restored when the test is complete. Because ports that operate at
slower speeds do not use all of the connected pins, test results for a port with a 10/100 MB/s
link can be less detailed than test results for a port with a 1Gb/s link.
You can use the TDR to test cables from 5 to 120 meters in length with a margin of accuracy
between 3 and 5 meters.
The TDR cannot test fibre optic cables.

Autosensing and autonegotiation

The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series are autosensing and autonegotiating devices:
• The term autosense refers to the ability of a port to sense the speed of an attached
• The term autonegotiation refers to a standard protocol (IEEE 802.3u or 802.3z or 802.3ab)
that exists between two IEEE-capable devices. Autonegotiation enables the switch to
select the best speed and duplex modes.
Autosensing occurs when the attached device cannot autonegotiate or uses a form of
autonegotiation that is not compatible with the IEEE 802.3z autonegotiation standard. If it is
not possible to sense the duplex mode of the attached device, the Avaya Ethernet Routing
Switch 4000 Series reverts to half-duplex mode.
When autonegotiation-capable devices are attached to the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch
4000 Series, the ports negotiate down from 1000 Mb/s and full-duplex mode until the attached
device acknowledges a supported speed and duplex mode.

Custom Autonegotiation Advertisements

In the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, you can use the Custom Autonegotiation
Advertisements (CANA) feature to control the speed and duplex settings that each Ethernet
port of the device advertises as part of the autonegotiation process.
Without CANA, a port with autonegotiation enabled advertises all speed and duplex modes
supported by the switch and attempts to establish a link at the highest common speed and
duplex setting. By using CANA, you can configure the port to advertise only certain speed and

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 57

System fundamentals

duplex settings, thereby establishing links only at these settings, regardless of the highest
commonly supported operating mode.
CANA provides control over the IEEE802.3x flow control settings advertised by the port, as
part of the autonegotiation process. You can set flow control advertisements to Asymmetric or
You might not want a port to advertise all supported speed and duplex modes in the following
• If a network can support only a 10 Mb/s connection, you can configure a port to advertise
only 10 Mb/s capabilities. Devices that uses autonegotiation to connect to this port
connect at 10 Mb/s, even if both devices are capable of higher speeds.
• If you configure a port to advertise only 100 Mb/s full-duplex capability, the link becomes
active only if the link partner can autonegotiate a 100 Mb/s full-duplex connection. This
prevents mismatched speed or duplex settings if autonegotiation is disabled on the link
• For testing or network troubleshooting, you can configure a link to autonegotiate at a
particular speed or duplex mode.

Configuring CANA using ACLI

Use the auto-negotiation-advertisements command to configure Custom
Autonegotiation Advertisements (CANA).
To configure port 5 to advertise the operational mode of 10 Mb/s and full duplex, enter the
following command:
auto-negotiation-advertisements port 5 10-full

The following example displays sample output for the auto-negotiation-advertisements

command to set port 5 to 10 Mb/s and full duplex.
auto-negotiation-advertisements command sample output

4548GT-PWR<config>#interface ethernet 5
4548GT-PWR<config-if>#auto-negotiation-advertisements port 5 10-full

Viewing current autonegotiation advertisements

To view the autonegotiation advertisements for the device, enter the following command:
show auto-negotiation-advertisements [port <portlist>]

The following example displays sample output for the show auto-negotiation-advertisements
command after port 5 is set to 10 Mb/s and full duplex.

58 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Custom Autonegotiation Advertisements

show auto-negotiation-advertisements command sample output

4548GT-PWR#show auto-negotiation-advertisements port 5

Unit/Port Autonegotiation Advertised Capabilities
--------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1/5 10Full

Viewing hardware capabilities

To view the operational capabilities of the device, enter the following command:
show auto-negotiation-capabilities [port <portlist>]

The following example displays sample output for the show auto-negotiation-capabilities
command for port 5.
show auto-negotiation-capabilities command sample output

4548GT-PWR#show auto-negotiation-capabilities port 1/5

Unit/Port Autonegotiation Capabilities
--------- ----------------------------------------------
1/5 10Full 10Half 100Full 100Half 1000Full

Setting default advertisements

To set default autonegotiation advertisements for the device, enter the following command in
the Interface Configuration command mode:
default auto-negotiation-advertisements [port <portlist>]

To set default advertisements for port 5 of the device, enter the following command:
default auto-negotiation-advertisements port 5

The following example displays sample output for the default auto-negotiation-advertisements
command to return port 5 to default auto-negotiation-advertisements status.
default auto-negotiation-advertisements command sample output

4548GT-PWR<config>interface ethernet all

4548GT-PWR<config-if>#default-auto-negotiation-advertisements port 1/5

Silencing advertisements
To set a port transmit no autonegotiation advertisements, enter the following command in the
Interface Configuration command mode:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 59

System fundamentals

no auto-negotiation-advertisements [port <portlist>]

To silence the autonegotiation advertisements for port 5 of the device, enter the following
no auto-negotiation-advertisements port 5

The following example displays sample output for the no auto-negotiation-advertisements

command to silence the auto-negotiation-advertisements for port 5.
no auto-negotiation-advertisements command sample output

4548GT-PWR<config-if>#no auto-negotiation-advertisements port 1/5


ASCII configuration file

With the ASCII configuration file; you can download a user-editable ASCII configuration file
from a TFTP or SFTP server.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address.
Load the ASCII configuration file automatically at boot time or on demand by using ACLI.
ACLI Command syntax :
4526GTX#script ?
run Run an ASCII configuration script
upload Upload the current ASCII configuration using an entry in the
ASCII configuration script table.
After you download the file, the configuration file automatically configures the switch or stack
according to ACLI commands in the file.
With this feature, you can generate command configuration files that can be used by several
switches or stacks with minor modifications.
The maximum size for an ASCII configuration file is 500 KB; split large configuration files into
multiple files.
Use a text editor to edit the ASCII configuration. The command format is the same as that of
Download the ASCII configuration file to the base unit by using ACLI commands. The ASCII
configuration script completes the process.

60 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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ASCII configuration file

Sample ASCII configuration file

This section shows a sample ASCII configuration file. This file is an example only and shows
a basic configuration for a stand-alone switch that includes Multi-Link Trunking, VLANs, port
speed and duplex, and SNMP configurations.
The following text represents a sample ASCII configuration file:

! -------------------------------------------------------
! example script to configure different features from ACLI
! -------------------------------------------------------
configure terminal
! -------------------------------------------------------
! add several MLTs and enable
! -------------------------------------------------------
mlt 3 name seg3 enable member 13-14
mlt 4 name seg4 enable member 15-16
mlt 5 name seg5 enable member 17-18
! -------------------------------------------------------
! add vlans and ports
! -------------------------------------------------------
! create vlan portbased
vlan create 100 name vlan100 type port
! add Mlts created above to this VLAN
vlan members add 100 17
! create vlan ip protocol based
vlan create 150 name vlan150 type protocol-ipEther2
! add ports to this VLAN
! in this case all ports
vlan members add 150 ALL
vlan ports ALL priority 3
! igmp
! you could disable proxy on vlan 100
vlan igmp 100 proxy disable
! -------------------------------------------------------
! Examples of changing interface parameters
! -------------------------------------------------------
! change speed of port 3
interface ethernet 3
speed 10
duplex half
! change speed of port 4
interface ethernet 4
speed auto
duplex auto

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 61

System fundamentals

! -------------------------------------------------------
! SNMP configuration
! -------------------------------------------------------
snmp-server host private
snmp-server community private
! -------------------------------------------------------
! Finished
! -------------------------------------------------------

To add comments to the ASCII configuration file, add an exclamation point (!) to the
beginning of the line.

ASCII Download Enhancements

The purpose of the ASCII Download Log feature is to log all the failed commands from the
ASCII configuration file as informational customer messages.
1. Connection error (ACG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR)

The message describes the situation in which the connection failed, therefore the
ASCII Configuration File could not be accessed or used. The IP and the filename
will be in the message in case of a TFTP server usage, or the filename in case of
a USB usage. The message also contains the cause of the error the same as the
one displayed to the CLI. An ACG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR error message is logged
only in the following situations:
• Transfer Timed Out
• Invalid TFTP Server address
• File not found
• Configuration failed
• Switch IP not set
• Stack IP not set
• TFTP Server address not set
• Mask not set
• File too large
• Invalid Configuration File
• Invalid Configuration File or File not found

62 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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ASCII configuration file

• Error accessing USB/ASCII file

It does not matter from which interface you start the ASCII file download, the
logged message will be the ones from the CLI.
Example message for TFTP server usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:30 5 ASCII transfer
failed, Addr:, File:
config.txt. File
not found.

Example message for USB usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:30 6 ASCII transfer
failed, from USB,
File: config.txt.
Error accessing

2. Connection error on load on boot

The message describes the situation in which the connection failed at load on boot,
therefore the ASCII Configuration File could not be accessed or used. The IP and
the filename will be in the message in case of a TFTP server usage, or the filename
in case of a USB usage. The message also contains the cause of the error the same
as the one displayed to the CLI. There are some cases in which the IP number is
unknown, therefore the “?” sign will be used.
Example message for TFTP server usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:30 5 ASCII transfer
failed at load on

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 63

System fundamentals

boot, Addr:, File:
config.txt. File
not found.

Example message for USB usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:30 6 ASCII transfer
failed at load on
boot, from USB,
File: config.txt.
Error accessing

3. Connection OK (ACG_DOWNLOAD_OK)

The message describes the situation in which the connection was successful, the
ASCII Configuration File could be accessed and it can be used. The IP and the
filename will be in the message in case of a TFTP server usage, or the filename in
case of a USB usage.
Example message for TFTP server usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:45 10 ASCII transfer
OK, Addr:,

Example message for USB usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:45 10 ASCII transfer
OK, from USB,

4. Connection OK on load on boot (ACG_DOWNLOAD_OK_ON_ BOOT)

64 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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ASCII configuration file

The message describes the situation in which the connection was successful at load
on boot, the ASCII Configuration File could be accessed and it can be used. The
IP and the filename will be in the message in case of a TFTP server usage, or the
filename in case of a USB usage.
Example message for TFTP server usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:45 10 ASCII transfer OK
at load on boot,

Example message for USB usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:45 10 ASCII transfer OK
at load on boot,
from USB,

5. Execution OK (ACG_EXECUTION_OK)

The message describes the situation in which the execution of the ASCII
Configuration File was successful, no error occurred at any line.
Example message for both TFTP server usage and USB usage:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:45 10 ASCII finished

6. Execution OK on load on boot (ACG_EXECUTION_OK_ON_ BOOT)

The message describes the situation in which the execution of the ASCII
Configuration File was successful at load at boot, no error occurred at any line.
Example message for both TFTP server usage and USB usage:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 65

System fundamentals

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:00:45 10 ASCII finished
successfully at
load on boot.

7. Failed command (ACG_CMD_ERR)

The message describes the situation in which a command from the ASCII
Configuration File failed. The failed command text line number will be in the
message. In the case that the cause of the error is one of the following, the cause
will also be in the message: “Invalid input detected”, “Ambiguous command”,
“Incomplete command”, “Permission denied”, “Not allowed on slave”. In other
words, if one of these messages is displayed in the CLI, it will be in the
ASCII_CMD_ERR message.

In some cases, the ASCII file download is programmed to stop when the first error
is found. Therefore, only this error will be logged.
Example error message:

Type Unit Time Src Message
---- ---- ------------ ------ ---------------
I 1 00:00:09:33 21 ASCII failed at
line 4. Invalid
input detected.

Backup configuration file

When the switch writes a configuration file to FLASH, the switch writes to the primary
configuration block, updates the CRC16 checksum in the multi configuration area, and then
saves the information to the auxiliary configuration block. This prevents the corruption of the
configuration file if power failure occurs during the write process.
When you boot the switch, if the switch detects corruption in the primary configuration file
(checksum mismatch), the switch sends a message to the system log. The switch then
attempts to load the secondary configuration file from the auxiliary configuration block if the
checksum is correct, and then sends a message to the system log. If both primary and auxiliary
configurations blocks are corrupted, the switch resets the settings to default and sends a
message to the system log.

66 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Displaying unit uptime

The auxiliary configuration block is a mirror of the active configuration block. The backup
configuration feature is transparent to the user.
You can check the system log for messages if you suspect corruption in a configuration file.
This feature is enabled by default. There are no configuration commands for this feature.

Displaying unit uptime

You can display the uptime for each unit in a stack. Unit stack uptime collects the stack uptime
for each unit in a stack and reports this information when requested. You can determine how
long each unit is connected to the stack. You can use ACLI commands to display the unit

Port naming
You can name or specify a text string for each port. This feature provides easy identification
of the connected users.
Use ACLI or EDM to name ports.

Port error summary

You can view all ports that have errors in an entire stack.
If a particular port has no errors, it is not displayed in the port error summary.

IP address for each unit in a stack

You can assign an IP address to each unit in a stack. Use ACLI to configure the IP addresses
for each unit within a stack.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 67

System fundamentals

BootP automatic IP configuration and MAC address

The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series supports the Bootstrap protocol (BootP).
You can use BootP to retrieve an ASCII configuration file name and configuration server
With a properly configured BootP server, the switch automatically learns its assigned IP
address, subnet mask, and the IP address of the default router (default gateway).
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series has a unique 48-bit hardware address, or
MAC address, that is printed on a label on the back panel. Use this MAC address when you
configure the network BootP server to recognize the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000
Series BootP requests.
The BootP modes supported by the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series are
• BootP or Last Address mode
• BootP or Default IP
• BootP Always
• BootP Disabled

Whenever the switch is broadcasting BootP requests, the BootP process eventually times
out if a reply is not received. When the process times out, the BootP request mode
automatically changes to BootP or Default IP mode. To restart the BootP process, change
the BootP request mode to any of the following modes:
• always
• disabled
• last
• default-ip

Default BootP setting

The default operational mode for BootP on the switch is BootP or Default IP. The switch
requests an IP address from BootP only if one is not already set from the console terminal (or
if the IP address is the default IP address:

68 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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DHCP client

DHCP client
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, uses either DHCP or BootP to assign
an IPv4 address to the management VLAN. Using the DHCP client, the switch can retrieve IP
address, netmask, default gateway, and Domain Name Server (DNS) information for a
maximum of three DNS servers.

Web Quick Start

You can use the Web Quick Start feature to enter the setup mode through a single screen.
This feature is supported only by the Web interface.
During the initial setup mode, all ports in the switch or stack are assigned to the default
You can use the Web Quick Start screen to configure the following information:
• stack IP address
• subnet mask
• default gateway
• SNMP Read community
• SNMP Write community
• Quick Start VLAN

NTP Fundamentals
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronizes the internal clocks of various network devices
across large, diverse networks to universal standard time. NTP runs over the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), which in turn runs over IP. The NTP specification is documented in Request
For Comments (RFC) 1305. Every network device relies on an internal system clock to
maintain accurate time. On local devices, the internal system clock is usually set by eye or by
a wristwatch to within a minute or two of the actual time and is rarely reset at regular intervals.
Many local clocks are battery-backed devices that use room temperature clock oscillators that
can drift as much as several seconds each day. Network Time Protocol solves this problem
by automatically adjusting the time of the devices so that they are synchronized within a
millisecond (ms) on LANs and up to a few tens of milliseconds on WANs relative to Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 69

System fundamentals

The current implementation of NTP supports only unicast client mode. In this mode, the NTP
client sends NTP time requests to other remote time servers in an asynchronous fashion. The
NTP client collects four samples of time from each remote time server. A clock selection
algorithm determines the best server among the selected samples based on stratum, delay,
dispersion and the last updated time of the remote server.
The System Clock is adjusted to the selected sample from the chosen server.

NTP terms
A peer is a device that runs NTP software. However, this implementation of NTP refers to peers
as remote time servers that provide time information to other time servers on the network and
to the local NTP client. An NTP client refers to the local network device, a switch which accepts
time information from other remote time servers.

NTP system implementation model

NTP is based on a hierarchical model that consists of a local NTP client that runs on the switch
and on remote time servers. The NTP client requests and receives time information from one
or more remote time servers. The local NTP client reviews the time information from all
available time servers and synchronizes its internal clock to the time server whose time is most
accurate. The NTP client does not forward time information to other devices running NTP.
Two types of time servers exist in the NTP model: primary time servers and secondary time
servers. A primary time server is directly synchronized to a primary reference source, usually
a wire or radio clock that is synchronized to a radio station providing a standard time service.
The primary time server is the authoritative time source in the hierarchy, meaning that it is the
one true time source to which the other NTP devices in the subnet synchronize their internal
A secondary time server uses a primary time server or one or more secondary time servers to
synchronize its time, forming a synchronization subnet. A synchronization subnet is a self-
organizing, hierarchical master-slave configuration with the primary servers at the root and
secondary servers of decreasing accuracy at successive levels.
The following figure shows NTP time servers forming a synchronization subnet.

70 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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NTP Fundamentals

Figure 9: NTP time servers forming a synchronization subnet

In the NTP model, the synchronization subnet automatically reconfigures in a hierarchical

primary-secondary (master-slave) configuration to produce accurate and reliable time, even if
one or more primary time servers or the path between them fails. This feature applies where
all the primary servers on a partitioned subnet fail, but one or more backup primary servers
continue to operate. If all of the primary time servers in the subnet fail, the remaining secondary
servers synchronize among themselves.

Time distribution within a subnet

NTP distributes time through a hierarchy of primary and secondary servers, with each server
adopting a stratum. A stratum defines how many NTP hops away a particular secondary time
server is from an authoritative time source (primary time server) in the synchronization subnet.
A stratum 1 time server is located at the top of the hierarchy and is directly attached to an
external time source, typically a wire or radio clock; a stratum 2 time server receives its time
through NTP from a stratum 1 time server; a stratum 3 time server receives its time through
NTP from a stratum 2 time server, and so forth.
Each NTP client in the synchronization subnet chooses as its time source the server with the
lowest stratum number with which it is configured to communicate through NTP. This strategy
effectively builds a self-organizing tree of NTP speakers. The number of strata is limited to 15
to avoid long synchronization loops.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 71

System fundamentals

NTP avoids synchronizing to a remote time server whose time is inaccurate. NTP never
synchronizes to a remote time server that is not itself synchronized. NTP compares the times
reported by several remote time servers.

Unlike other time synchronization protocols, NTP does not attempt to synchronize the internal
clocks of the remote time servers to each other. Rather, NTP synchronizes the clocks to
universal standard time, using the best available time source and transmission paths to that
time source.
NTP uses the following criteria to determine the time server whose time is best:
• The time server with the lowest stratum.
• The time server closest in proximity to the primary time server (reduces network
• The time server offering the highest claimed precision.
NTP accesses several (at least three) servers at the lower stratum level because it can apply
an agreement algorithm to detect a problem on the time source.

NTP modes of operation

NTP uses unicast client mode to enable time servers and NTP clients to communicate in the
synchronization subnet. The ERS 4000 Series switch supports only unicast client mode.
After you configure a set of remote time servers (peers), NTP creates a list that includes each
time server IP address. The NTP client uses this list to determine the remote time servers to
query for time information.
After the NTP client queries the remote time servers, the servers respond with various
timestamps, along with information about their clocks, such as stratum, precision, and time
The NTP client reviews the list of responses from all available servers and chooses one as the
best available time source from which to synchronize its internal clock.
The following figure shows how NTP time servers operate in unicast mode.

72 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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NTP Fundamentals

Figure 10: NTP time servers operating in unicast client mode

NTP authentication
You can authenticate time synchronization to ensure that the local time server obtains its time
services only from known sources. NTP authentication adds a level of security to your NTP
configuration. By default, network time synchronization is not authenticated.
If you select authentication, the ERS 4000 Series switch uses the Message Digest 5 (MD5)
algorithm to produce a message digest of the key. The message digest is created using the
key and the message, but the key itself is not sent. The MD5 algorithm verifies the integrity of
the communication, authenticates the origin, and checks for timeliness.
To authenticate the message, the client authentication key must match that of the time server.
Therefore, the authentication key must be securely distributed in advance (the client
administrator must obtain the key from the server administrator and configure it on the

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 73

System fundamentals

While a server can know many keys (identified by many key IDs) it is possible to declare only
a subset of these as trusted. The time server uses this feature to share keys with a client that
requires authenticated time and that trusts the server, but that is not trusted by the time

Simple Network Time Protocol

The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) feature synchronizes the Universal Coordinated
Time (UTC) to an accuracy within 1 second. This feature adheres to the IEEE RFC 2030 (MIB
is the s5agent). With this feature, the system can obtain the time from any RFC 2030-compliant
NTP/SNTP server.
Use SNTP to provide a real-time timestamp for the software, shown as Greenwich Mean Time
If you run SNTP, the system synchronizes with the configured NTP server at boot-up and at
user-configurable periods thereafter (the default synchronization interval is 24 hours). The first
synchronization does not occur until network connectivity is established.
SNTP supports primary and secondary NTP servers. The system tries the secondary NTP
server only if the primary NTP server is unresponsive.
For more information, see Using Simple Network Time Protocol on page 207.

Link-state tracking
Link-state tracking (LST) binds the link state of multiple interfaces. The Link-state tracking
feature identifies the upstream and downstream interfaces. The associations between these
two interfaces form link-state tracking group.
To enable link-state tracking, create a link-state group, and specify the interfaces that are
assigned to the link-state group. An interface can be an aggregation of ports, multi link trunks
(MLT) or link aggregation groups (LAG). In a link-state group, these interfaces are bundled
together. The downstream interfaces are bound to the upstream interfaces. Interfaces
connected to servers are referred to as downstream interfaces, and interfaces connected to
distribution switches and network devices are referred to as upstream interfaces.
For example, in an application, link-state tracking can provide redundancy in the network with
two separate switches or stacks when used with server NIC adapter teaming. The following
diagram is a sample scenario. If interface 1 goes down on either switch, the server continues
to send traffic through interface 2 and the traffic is dropped. If interfaces 1 and 2 are coupled
in a link-state group (as upstream and downstream ports respectively), when interface 1 is
unavailable, interface 2 is disabled prompting the server to choose the other path as target.

74 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Link-state tracking

Figure 11: Sample scenario for Link-state tracking

In a link-state group, if the upstream ports become unavailable or lose connectivity when the
Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP) is disabled, cables are disconnected, or
the link is lost.
The following are the interactions between the downstream and upstream interfaces when link-
state tracking is enabled:
• If any of the upstream interfaces are in link-up state, the downstream interfaces are in
link-up state.
• If all of the upstream interfaces become unavailable, link-state tracking automatically
disables the downstream interfaces.
The following table provides an overview about the link-state feature interactions with other

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 75

System fundamentals

Feature Interaction
Interface link status The show interface command displays the link status for
ports or trunk members.
For upstream interfaces with VLACP disabled, the link status is
identical to the one kept by link-state tracking. A port with link
and a trunk with at least one link amongst its members are
considered up.
Interface administrative • An administrator can enable or disable interfaces that are in
status link-state tracking downstream set by issuing shutdown or no
shutdown commands.
• Link-state tracking does not enable ports which are
administratively disabled.
• If a port is disabled by link-state tracking, an administrator
cannot enable port and only the administrative status
changes. The port can be recovered either by LST
(convergence) or by removing the port from the downstream

STP BPDU-Filtering, Mac • Link-state tracking managed interfaces can be configured with
Security Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Bridge Protocol Data Units
(BPDU) Filtering or Mac Security Intrusion Detection.
• The port can be enabled or disabled administratively similar
to interface administrative status feature.
• The port is enabled only if it is enabled in both LST and BPDU-
Filtering or Mac Security. If one of them is disabled, the port
remains operationally-down and does not link up.

SLPP-Guard • Link-state tracking managed interfaces can be configured with

Simple Loop Prevention Protocol (SLPP) Guard.
• When link-state tracking disables a port that is already
disabled by SLPP-Guard, the interface is unblocked by SLPP-
Guard and the blocking timer is cleared. The show slpp-
guard command displays the details.

VLACP If enabled on interfaces, VLACP displays the upstream interface

link status.
MLT Multi-link trunks are valid members of tracking groups. However,
a disabled trunk cannot be added or disabled when it is a
member of a tracking group. This could allow the trunk to change
its member list and can lead to various inconsistencies.
LACP – LAGs as link- • LAG interfaces can be added to link-state tracking by
state tracking members specifying their trunk ID.
• If several LAGs de-aggregate, during re-aggregation they can
get different IDs. For example, after switch or stack reset or
after each stack composition change, the LAGs are not saved

76 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Link-state tracking

Feature Interaction

into binary or ASCII configurations and are removed from

tracking groups whenever de-aggregation occurs. Also, when
in downstream, LAG ports must be shut down according to
their LACP operational key, which is not directly under user
control. An administrative key to a trunk ID can be used to
ensure LAGs are persistent and maintained in LST binary or
ASCII configurations and to shut down the downstream LAG
member ports.
• Until the enhancement is implemented, we prevent users from
adding LAGs to link-state tracking groups.

LACP You cannot add ports with link-aggregation enabled or enable

link-aggregation on ports which are already in a tracking
Stack • When entering stack, the base unit sends the LST
configuration to all units. The non-base units erase their own
configuration and assume the base unit configuration.
• When leaving stack, the units keep a local version of LST
configuration containing all trunks but only local ports.
• When a unit becomes inactive in stack, the local ports remain
in a back-up configuration and become visible if the unit rejoins
or are replaced. Adding or removing interfaces erases all
back-up configuration. If a unit is replaced in stack by another
unit with fewer ports, the extra ports are removed from LST

Link-state tracking configuration guidelines

The following are the guidelines to avoid configuration problems:
• You can configure up to two link-state groups per switch.
• You can configure up to eight upstream members and 384 downstream members.
• An interface cannot be a member of more than one link-state group.
• A trunk-member port cannot be added to a link-state tracking group by itself.
• Only enabled trunks can be tracking group members. A trunk which is a tracking group
member cannot be disabled. If you disable and change the membership, error 6
• Ports with link aggregation enabled cannot be added to a tracking group member port.
• Operational state for interfaces or tracking groups is not saved in binary or ASCII
configuration, they are dynamically determined during switch operation.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 77

System fundamentals

Ping enhancement
Using ACLI you can specify ping parameters, including the number of Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) packets to be sent, the packet size, the interval between packets, and the
timeout. You can also set ping to continuous, or you can set a debug flag to obtain extra debug
In this release, you can specify any source IPv4 address for the outgoing ICMP requests if the
source address is one of the router’s active layer 3 interfaces. This is useful to test all routing
functionality between two routers from a single place.
For more information about ping command, see ping command on page 215.

New unit Quick configuration

From Software Release 5.2, the New Unit Quick Configuration feature, you can create a default
configuration to apply to any new unit entering a stack configuration. You can add new units
to the stack without resetting the stack.
For more information about New Unit Quick Configuration, see Installing Avaya Ethernet
Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-300.

Updating switch software

Updating switch software is a necessary part of switch configuration and maintenance. You
can update the version of software running on the switch through either EDM or ACLI.
Before you attempt to change the switch software, ensure that the following prerequisites are
in place:
• The switch has a valid IP address.
• A Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server is on the network that is accessible by the
switch and that has the desired software version loaded.
• If you change the switch software on an Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series using
a USB Mass Storage Device, ensure that the Mass Storage Device has the desired
software version and is inserted into the front panel USB port.
• If you use ACLI, ensure that ACLI is in Privileged EXEC mode.
• If you use EDM, ensure that SNMP is enabled.

78 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Updating switch software

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the TFTP server address.
See the following sections for details about updating switch software:
• Changing switch software using ACLI on page 108
• Managing switch software using EDM on page 308
• LED activity during software download on page 79

LED activity during software download

During the software download, the port LEDs light one after another in a chasing pattern,
except for ports 35, 36, 47, and 48 on an Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4548GT.
This chasing pattern is initially fast as the software image is downloaded but gradually slows
as the switch erases the flash memory. This pattern speeds up again as the switch programs
the new image into the flash memory.
When the process is complete, the port LEDs are no longer lit and the switch resets.

Agent and diagnostic software status display

You can display the currently loaded and operational switch or stack software status for both
agent and diagnostic loads. With the show boot ACLI command and variables, you can view
the agent or diagnostic load status individually, or together. The Boot Image, EDM tab displays
agent and diagnostic load status information together.

Software download progress on EDM

EDM displays the following status messages while downloading a software:
• Software download progress percentage to indicate the time taken to download the
software to the switch.
• Transferring download progress percentage to indicate the time taken to transfer the
software to stack units.
• Programming percentage to indicate the time taken to write the software on the switch.
• If you are downloading software using NoReset option, the Status field is updated to
"success" after software download.
• Estimated remaining time until the EDM interface will be operational again, after switch
reboot. The EDM tries to reconnect to the switch after the estimated time. If it is not able

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 79

System fundamentals

to reconnect immediately, the estimated reattempting time is displayed. For example, the
time taken to reconnect the switch can be 30 seconds.

Agent and diagnostic software status display

You can display the currently loaded and operational switch or stack software status for both
agent and diagnostic loads. With the show boot ACLI command and variables, you can view
the agent or diagnostic load status individually, or together. The Boot Image, EDM tab displays
agent and diagnostic load status information together.

Asset ID string configuration

You can define an Asset ID, which provides inventory information for the switch, stack or each
unit within a stack. An asset ID consists of an alphanumeric string up to 32 characters in length
for the switch or stack. An Asset ID is useful for recording your company specific asset tracking
information, such as an asset tag affixed to the switch. The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch
4000 allows you to configure the asset-ID by ACLI commands and EDM.

Avaya Energy Saver

You can use Avaya Energy Saver (AES) to reduce network infrastructure power consumption
without impacting network connectivity. AES uses intelligent switching capacity reduction in
off-peak mode to reduce direct power consumption by up to 40%. AES can also use Power
over Ethernet (PoE) port power priority levels to shut down low priority PoE ports and provide
more power savings.
The power consumption savings of each switch is determined by the number of ports with AES
enabled and by the power consumption of PoE ports that are powered off. If AES for a port is
set to disabled, the port is not powered off, irrespective of the PoE configuration. AES turns
off the power to a port only when PoE is enabled globally, the port AES is enabled, and the
PoE priority for the port is configured to low.
You can schedule AES to enter lower power states during multiple specific time periods. These
time periods (a maximum of 42) can be as short as one minute, or last a complete week,
complete weekend, or individual days.

If a switch is reset while energy-saver is activated, the PoE power saving calculation might
not accurately reflect the power saving, and in some cases might display zero savings. This
is because the switch did not have sufficient time to record PoE usage between the reset of

80 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP over SSH)

the switch and energy-saver being reactivated. When energy saver is next activated, the
PoE power saving calculation is correctly updated.
When AES is active and you replace a unit, that unit will not be in energy save mode. At the
next deactivate/activate cycle, the unit will be in the correct state. You can issue the energy-
saver deactivate and activate command directly after replacing a unit to place the unit into
the appropriate energy savings mode.
Table 7: Energy savings

Switch model Typical power Typical power Savings per Savings per
consumption in consumption in switch (in port (in Watts)
Normal Mode Energy Saver Watts)
(in watts) (in watts)
4548GT 103 63 40 0.83
4548GT-PWR ¹ 98 58 40 0.83
4524GT 68 45 23 0.96
4524GT-PWR ¹ 62 41 21 0.87
4526GTX 76 53 23 0.96
4526GTX-PWR¹ 71 49 22 0.91
4526T 43 37 6 0.25
4526T-PWR¹ 40 35 5 0.2
4550T 50 40 10 0.21
4550T-PWR¹ 55 45 10 0.21
4526FX¹ 63 61 2 1
¹The power consumption values in this table can vary by up to 10%. Power consumption
values can differ if a switch operates at different voltages. Power supplies operating at higher
voltages are generally more efficient.

Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP over SSH)

With this feature, you can securely transfer a configuration file from a switch or stack to an
SFTP server or from an SFTP server to the switch or stack using the SFTP protocol with SSH
version 2.
Beginning with Release 5.6, the switch supports the following SFTP features:
• A binary configuration file upload to an SFTP server
• A binary configuration file download from an SFTP server
• ASCII configuration file upload to an SFTP server

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 81

System fundamentals

• ASCII configuration file download from an SFTP server

• DSA-key authentication support
• RSA-key authentication support
• Password authentication support
• Host key generation support
• 512–1024-bit DSA-key use for authentication
• 1024–2048-bit RSA-key use for authentication
• Agent and diagnostic software download from an SFTP server
• SNMP and EDM support

EDM inactivity time out

A session becomes inactive if there is no interaction with the EDM interface for more than the
15 minutes. After the session becomes inactive, you must login again with your user name and
Using the ACLI command edm inactivity-timeout, you can configure the time period
for which an EDM session remains active. After the specified time period, the EDM session
becomes inactive. The EDM inactivity time out period configuration does not affect the open
EDM sessions. The configuration is applied only on the future EDM sessions. By default, an
EDM session becomes inactive after 15 minutes. You can configure inactivity time out with a
value between 30 and 65535 seconds.

Run Scripts
According to the Avaya best practices for converged solutions, you can use scripts to configure
the parameters for an Avaya stackable Ethernet switch.
The script executes a set of CLI commands in either a fully automated or user prompted
configuration. In a fully automated or non-verbose mode, the scripts are executed with the
predefined default values. In a user prompted or the verbose mode, the script guides you to
configure the values.
While executing the script using EDM, do not run other commands while the script is in
progress, because this slows down the execution. EDM can time-out while waiting for a
response; even when a time-out occurs, the script execution continues on the switch.

82 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Run Scripts

The run scripts delete the VLANs with the name Voice or Data, the specified IDs 42, 44 or the
IDs specified in the verbose mode, and the default routes that were applied during the previous
script execution or settings applied on the switch.

Currently, only IPv4 configuration is supported.
The run script commands are only available from base unit. If you use the Telnet or SSH
connection, you can lose the connection if the Management IP is changed during the script
In this release, run scripts are available in both verbose and non-verbose mode for IP Office,
and only verbose mode is available for Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Auto Detect
Auto Configuration (ADAC).

IP Office Script
The Run IP Office script can be used to configure parameters for the Ethernet Routing Switch
4000 according to the Avaya best practices for converged solutions. You can execute the script
in any of the two modes using ACLI or EDM:
• Non-verbose mode — configures the switch using predetermined parameters
• Verbose mode — configures the switch using the parameters provided through ACLI
The configuration is optimized for solutions with Run IP Office that support a maximum of 250
users. You can quickly set up an ERS 4000 with Avaya IP Office.
The script sets VLAN IDs, IP addresses, QoS rules and tagging modes on switch ports to
specific values, and sets PoE priorities for PWR units. The LLDP for IP Phone detection is set
automatically and switch ports are configured for the Run IP Office call server to connect.

The default subnet mask created by the Run IP Office script supports only 252 hosts. You
can use the verbose mode to change the subnet mask to to allow 508 hosts
for each subnet.
Table 8: Default parameters for Run IP Office script

Voice VLAN ID 42
Voice VLAN 42 gateway IP
Data VLAN ID 44
Data VLAN 44 gateway IP
Data VLAN Gateway IP/mask

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 83

System fundamentals

IP Route to Gateway Modem-Router

IP Office Call server address
IP Office File server address
Switch port 1 (or 1/1) IP Office
Switch port 2 (or 1/2) Gateway Modem-Router port

ADAC script
The Run ADAC script optimizes the switch configuration for IP Telephony and Unified
Communications solutions to support any number of users. The Run ADAC script saves time
in configuring best practice configuration of the switching parameters in a setup where ADAC
is used for detection and provisioning of IP Phones connected to an Avaya Ethernet switch or
stack. Also, where LLDP is used for all configurations for voice communications over the data
Use the Run ADAC script to detect IP Phones using ADAC call server communication. LLDP-
based detection is also possible using the Run ADAC script. ADAC is able to detect phones
using MAC range detection, but it can also configure IP phones (from Avaya or from other
vendors) as long as the phones send LLDPDUs.
The ADAC script prompts the user for the Uplink, Call-Server and Telephony ports.Some of
the VLAN tagging settings, LLDP network policy parameters for voice, or QoS rules are
configured in background by ADAC.
The following configurations can be completed using the Run ADAC script:
• setting the port trust mode
• setting the DSCP values for Voice data and control plane (signaling)
• applying VLAN tagging modes on switch ports to specific values for accommodating
tagged (IP Phone) and untagged VLAN ( laptop or desktop PC device) behind the IP
• Setting call server and file server IP address to provision on the IP Phone.

LLDP Script
The Run LLDP script optimizes the switch configuration for IP Telephony and Unified
Communications solutions to support any number of users. Run LLDP script saves time in
configuring best practice configuration of the switching parameters in a setup where LLDP is
used for detection and provisioning of IP Phones connected to an Avaya Ethernet switch or

84 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Run Scripts

Use the Run LLDP script to optimize the switch configuration for a specific deployment that
does not use ADAC. ADAC-based detection is not enabled using the Run LLDP script.
The following configurations can be completed using the Run LLDP script:
• Setting the port trust mode.
• Setting the DSCP values for Voice data and control plane (signaling).
• Applying VLAN tagging modes on switch ports to specific values for accommodating
tagged (IP Phone) and untagged VLAN ( laptop or desktop PC device) behind the IP
• Setting call server and file server IP address to provision on the IP Phone.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 85

System fundamentals

86 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Chapter 4: Power over Ethernet

The Power over Ethernet 4524GT-PWR, ERS 4548GT-PWR and 4526GTX-PWR routing switches
provide IEEE 802.3af-compliant Power over Ethernet or PoE on all 10/100/1000 RJ-45 ports.
The Power over Ethernet 4526T-PWR and the 4550T-PWR routing switches provide IEEE 802.3af-
compliant power or PoE on all 10/100 RJ-45 ports.
The Power over Ethernet 4826GTS-PWR+ and ERS 4850GTS-PWR+ routing switches provide IEEE
802.3at-compliant power or PoE+ on all 10/100/1000 RJ-45 ports.
The Power over Ethernet 4526T-PWR+ and the 4550T-PWR+ routing switches provide IEEE 802.3at-
compliant power or PoE+ on all 10/100 RJ-45 ports.
The PoE capable devices can deliver between 3 and 15.4(16) W of power, supporting IEEE 802.3af or
IEEE 802.3af and legacy PD detection, whereas the PoE+ capable devices can deliver between 3 and
32 W, with the added ability to detect IEEE 802.3at and legacy devices.
PoE refers to the ability of the switch to power network devices over an Ethernet cable. Some of these
devices include IP Phones, Wireless LAN Access Points, security cameras, and access control points.
For more information about power supplies, see Installing Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series,
You can configure PoE from ACLI, SNMP, Enterprise Device Manager (EDM). For details, see the
following sections.

PoE overview
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series 4550T-PWR, 4548GT-PWR,4526T-PWR,
4526GTX-PWR, 4524GT-PWR, and the PWR+ models 4550T-PWR+, 4526T-PWR+,
4850GTS-PWR+, and 4826GTS-PWR+ are ideal to use with Avaya Business Communication
Manager system, IP phones, hubs, and wireless access points. You can use these switches
with all network devices.
By using the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series PWR and PWR+ units, you can plug
any IEEE802.3af-compliant (and IEEE802.3at-compliant for PWR+ ) powered device into a
front-panel port and receive power in that port. Data also can pass simultaneously on that port.
This capability is called PoE.
For more information about PoE and power supplies, see Installing Avaya Ethernet Routing
Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-300.
The IEEE 802.3af draft standard regulates a maximum of 15.4 W of power for each port,
meaning that a powered device cannot request more than 15.4 W of power. As different

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 87

Power over Ethernet

network devices require different levels of power, the overall available power budget of the
switch; depends on your power configuration and the particular connected network devices. If
you connect an IP device that requires more than 16 W of power, you see an error on that port
notifying you of an overload.
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series 4550T-PWR,4548GT-PWR, 4526T-PWR and
4526GTX-PWR automatically detect each IEEE 802.3af-draft-compliant powered device
attached to each front-panel port and immediately sends power to that appliance. The switches
also automatically detect how much power each device requires and supply the required DC
voltage at a set current based on the load conditions and current availability. The switches
support both PoE and standard LAN devices.
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series 4526T-PWR+, 4550T-PWR+, 4826GTS-
PWR+ and 4850GTS-PWR+ automatically detect any IEEE 802.3at-compliant powered device
attached to any PoE front panel port and immediately sends power to that appliance.
The power detection function of the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series 4500/4800
PWR and PWR+ models operate independently of the data link status. A device that is already
operating the link for data or a device that is not yet operational can request power. That is,
the switches provide power to a requesting device even if the data link for that port is disabled.
The switches monitor the connection and automatically disconnect power from a port when
you remove or change the device, as well as when a short occurs.
The switches automatically detect devices that require no power connections from them, such
as laptop computers or other switching devices, and send no power to those devices. You
control the supply of power to specific ports by setting the maximum allowed power to each
port in 1 W increments, from 3 W to 16 W for PWR models and 3 W to 32 W for PWR+

Allow 30 seconds between unplugging and replugging an IP device to the switch to enable
the IP device to discharge. If you attempt to connect earlier, the switch may not detect the
IP device.
From Release 5.7, the Data Link Layer (DLL) classification provides finer power resolution and
the ability for Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) and Powered Device (PD) to participate in
dynamic power allocation. This is done by configuring the PoE PD detection type (802.3at or
802.3at_and_legacy) to support a DLL classification for communication.
The PWR+ devices support the IEEE 802.3at-2009 standard for an Link Layer Discovery
Protocol (LLDP) configuration with a PD. The LLDP support for PoE+ is added by extending
the existing standard LLDP DOT3 Power via MDI TLV defined by the IEEE 802.1ab with the
new fields and values defined in the IEEE 802.3at-2009 standard.
For more information, see LLDP support for PoE+ on page 89.

88 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP support for PoE+

The LLDP support for the PoE+ feature is available only on the ERS 4000 series PWR+
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 provides the capability to set a PoE power threshold,
which lets you set a percentage of the total PoE power usage at which the switch sends a
warning trap message. If the PoE power usage exceeds the threshold and S NMP traps are
appropriately configured, the switch sends the pethMainPowerUsageOnNotification trap. If
the power consumption exceeds and then falls below the threshold, the switch sends the
pethMainPowerUsageOffNotification trap.

LLDP support for PoE+

LLDP is a link (point-to-point) MAC protocol which is used to allow switches and routers to
automatically discover a network topology. Under IEEE 802.3at, LLDP is extended to perform
a link configuration function related to power negotiation between a PSE and PD.
The DLL scheme uses a PoE-specific LLDP specified in the Clause 79 (IEEE 802.3) with
additional protocol rules defined in Clause 33 (IEEE 802.3at). According to Clause 33, there
are two power entities, PD and PSE. These entities allow devices to draw or supply power over
the sample generic cabling as used for data transmission.
You can configure the PoE PD detection type (802.3at or 802.3at_and_legacy) to support a
DLL classification for communication. The Data Link Layer classification provides finer power
resolution and the ability for PSE and PD to participate in dynamic power allocation. The
allocated power to the PD can change one or more times during PD operation.
The following configurations must be enabled on a PoE capable port for applying LLDP support
for PoE+:
• LLDPDUs for transmission and reception
• Power-via-MDI TLV transmit flag
• PD detection type must be 802.3at or 802.3at_and_legacy
By default, the LLDPU transmission and reception are enabled on all DUTs ports.
For more information about the power via MDI TLV, see 802.1AB integration on page 98.
Class PoE Management Mode
In class PoE management mode, the maximum power for an interface is determined by the
class of the connected powered device.
The following table lists the classes of powered devices and associated power levels.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 89

Power over Ethernet

Standard Class Maximum Power Power Range of

Delivered by PoE Powered Device
IEEE 802.3af (PoE) 0 15.4 W 0.44 through 12.95W
and IEEE 802.3at
1 4.0 W 0.44 through 3.84W
2 7.0 W 3.84 through 6.49W
3 15.4W 6.49 through 12.95W
IEEE 802.3at (PoE+) 4 30.0W 12.95 through 25.5W
Due to line loss, the power range of the PD is less than the maximum power delivered at the
PoE port for each class. Line loss is influenced by cable length, quality, and other factors and
is typically around 10 to 25 percent.
The powered device communicates to the PoE controller which class it belongs to when it is
connected. The PoE controller then allocates to the interface the maximum power required by
the class. It does not allocate power to an interface until a powered device is connected. Class
0 is the default class for powered devices that do not provide class information. Class 4
powered devices are supported only by PoE ports that support IEEE 802.3at (PoE+).
The default detection type for PWR+ models is 802.3at_and_legacy. If the 802.3af and
802.3af_and_legacy detection types are used, the switch operates as a Type 1 Power Sourcing
Equipment (PSE), even when the high power mode is enabled.

Port power priority

You can configure the power priority of each port by choosing low, high, or critical power priority
The switch automatically drops low-priority ports when the power requirements exceed the
available power budget. When the power requirements becomes lower than the switch power
budget, the power returns to the dropped port. When several ports have the same priority and
the power budget is exceeded, the ports with the highest interface number are dropped until
the consumption is within the power budget.
For example, assume the following scenario:
• Ports 1 to 40 are configured as low priority.
• Port 41 is configured as high priority.
• Ports 1 to 41 are connected to powered devices.
The devices connected to the ports consume the available Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch
4000 Series 4550T-PWR,4548GT-PWR, 4526T-PWR and 4526GTX-PWR switch power.
The device connected to port 41 requests power from the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch
4550T–PWR or the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4548GT–PWR. The switch provides the

90 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing PoE ports using EDM

required power as port 41 is configured as high priority. However, to maintain the power budget,
the switch drops one of the ports configured as low priority. In this case, the switch drops power
to port 40 and provides power to port 41. If another port drops power, the system automatically
reinstates power to port 40.

Viewing PoE ports using EDM

The front panel view of Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) provides additional information for
PoE ports on the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4548GT–PWR. This additional information
is in the form of a colored P that appears inside the graphic representation of the port. This
colored P represents the current power aspect of the PoE port.
Table 9: Power Aspect color codes on page 91 explains the different colors displayed by the
power aspect.
Table 9: Power Aspect color codes

Color Description
Green The port is currently delivering power.
Red The power and detection mechanism for the port is
Orange The power and detection mechanism for the port is
enabled. The port is not currently delivering power.
White/Gray The power and detection mechanism for the port is

The data and power aspect coloring schemes are independent of each other. You can view
the initial status for both data and power aspect for the port. To refresh the power status,
right-click the unit, and select Refresh PoE Status from the shortcut menu.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 91

Power over Ethernet

92 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Chapter 5: Link Layer Discovery Protocol

This chapter describes the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) (IEEE 802.1ab).

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (IEEE 802.1AB) Overview

From Release 5.1 and on, switch software supports the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
(IEEE 802.1AB), which enables stations connected to a LAN to advertise their capabilities to
each other, enabling the discovery of physical topology information for network management.
LLDP-compatible stations can consist of any interconnection device including PCs, IP Phones,
switches, and routers. Each LLDP station stores LLDP information in a standard Management
Information Base (MIB), making it possible for a network management system (NMS) or
application to access the information.
Each LLDP station:
• advertises connectivity and management information about the local station to adjacent
stations on the same 802 LAN (802.3 Ethernet with 4000 Series).
• receives network management information from adjacent stations on the same LAN.
LLDP also makes it possible to discover certain configuration inconsistencies or malfunctions
that can result in impaired communications at higher layers. For example, it can be used to
discover duplex mismatches between an IP Phone and the connected switch.
LLDP is compatible with IETF PROTO MIB (IETF RFC 2922).
Figure 12: LLDP How it works on page 94 shows an example of how LLDP works in a

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 93

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (802.1ab)

Figure 12: LLDP How it works

1. The Ethernet Routing Switch and LLDP-enabled router advertise chassis/port IDs
and system descriptions to each other.
2. The devices store the information about each other in local MIB databases,
accessible by using SNMP.
3. A network management system retrieves the data stored by each device and builds
a network topology map.

LLDP operational modes

LLDP is a one-way protocol. An LLDP agent can transmit information about the capabilities
and current status of the system associated with its MAC service access point (MSAP)
identifier. The LLDP agent also can receive information about the capabilities and current
status of the system associated with a remote MSAP identifier. However, LLDP agents cannot
solicit information from each other.
You can set the local LLDP agent to transmit only, receive only, or to both transmit and receive
LLDP information. You can configure the state for LLDP reception and transmission using
SNMP or ACLI commands.

Connectivity and management information

The information fields in each LLDP frame are in a Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data Unit
(LLDPDU) as a sequence of short, variable length information elements known as TLVs (type,
length, value).

94 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Connectivity and management information

Each LLDPDU includes the following four mandatory TLVs:

• Chassis ID TLV
• Port ID TLV
• Time To Live TLV
The chassis ID and the port ID values are concatenated to form a logical MSAP identifier that
the recipient uses to identify the sending LLDP agent and port.
A non-zero value in the Time to Live (TTL) field of the TTL TLV indicates to the receiving LLDP
agent how long the LLDPDU information from the MSAP identifier remains valid. The receiving
LLDP agent automatically discards all LLDPDU information, if the sender fails to update it in
a timely manner. A zero value in TTL field of Time To Live TLV tells the receiving LLDP agent
to discard the information associated with the LLDPDU MSAP identifier.
From Release 5.1 and on, in addition to the four mandatory TLVs, switch software supports
the TLV extension set consisting of Management TLVs and organizationally-specific TLVs.
Organizationally-specific TLVs are defined by either the professional organizations or the
individual vendors that are involved with the particular functionality being implemented. You
can specify which of these optional TLVs to include in the transmitted LLDPDUs for each

Basic management TLV set

The basic management TLV set contains the following TLVs:
• Port Description TLV
• System Name TLV
• System Description TLV
• System Capabilities TLV (indicates both the capabilities and current primary network
function of the system, such as end station, bridge, or router)
• Management Address TLV
Beginning with Release 5.5 the switch supports IPv4 and IPv6 management addresses and
the transmission of all TLVs from the basic management TLV set is enabled by default.

IEEE 802.1 organizationally-specific TLVs

The optional IEEE 802.1 organizationally-specifc TLVs are:
• Port VLAN ID TLV contains the local port PVID.
• Port And Protocol VLAN ID TLV contains the VLAN IDs of the port and protocol VLANs
that contain the local port.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 95

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (802.1ab)

• VLAN Name TLV contains the VLAN names of the VLANs that contain the local port.
• Protocol Identity TLV advertises the protocol supported. The following values are used
for supported protocols on the 4000 Series:
- Stp protocol {0x00,0x26,0x42,0x42,0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
- Rstp protocol string {0x00,0x27,0x42,0x42,0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02}
- Mstp protocol string {0x00,0x69,0x42,0x42,0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03}
- Eap protocol string {0x88, 0x8E, 0x01}
- Lldp protocol string {0x88, 0xCC}

IEEE 802.3 organizationally-specific TLVs

The optional IEEE 802.3 organizationally-specifc TLVs are:
• MAC/PHY Configuration/Status TLV indicates the autonegotiation capability and the
speed and duplex status of IEEE 802.3 MAC/PHYs.
• Power-Via-MDI TLV indicates the capabilities and current status of IEEE 802.3 PMDs
that either require or can provide power over twisted-pair copper links.
• Link Aggregation TLV indicates the current link aggregation status of IEEE 802.3
• Maximum Frame Size TLV indicates the maximum supported 802.3 frame size.

Organizationally-specific TLVs for MED devices

The optional organizationally-specific TLVs for use by Media Endpoint Devices (MED) and
MED network connectivity devices are:
• Capabilities TLV enables a network element to advertise the LLDP-MED TLVs it is
capable of supporting.
• Network Policy Discovery TLV is a fixed length TLV that enables both network
connectivity devices and endpoints to advertise VLAN type, VLAN identifier (VID), and
Layer 2 and Layer 3 priorities associated with a specific set of applications on a port. In
addition, an LLDP-MED endpoint advertises this TLV for supported application types to
enable the discovery of specific policy information and the diagnosis of network policy
configuration mismatch issues.
• Location Identification TLV allows network connectivity devices to advertise the
appropriate location identifier information for an endpoint to use in the context of location-
based applications. The Location Identification Discovery extension enables the
advertisement of location identifier information to Communication Endpoint Devices
(Class III), based on the configuration of the Network Connectivity Device to which it is
connected. This is expected to be related to wiremap or similar network topology data,

96 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Connectivity and management information

such that the configuration of the Network Connectivity Device can uniquely identify the
physical location of the connected MED Endpoint, and hence the correct location identifier
information for it to use.
• Extended Power-via-MDI TLV enables advanced power management between an
LLDP-MED endpoint and network connectivity devices. The Extended Power-via-MDI
TLV enables the advertisement of fine grained power requirement details, endpoint power
priority, and power status for both endpoint and network connectivity devices.
• Inventory TLVs are important in managed VoIP networks. Administrative tasks in these
networks are made easier by access to inventory information about VoIP entities. The
LLDP Inventory TLVs consist of the following:
- LLDP-MED Hardware Revision TLV allows the device to advertise its hardware
- LLDP-MED Firmware Revision TLV allows the device to advertise its firmware
- LLDP-MED Software Revision TLV allows the device to advertise its software
- LLDP-MED Serial Number TLV allows the device to advertise its serial number.
- LLDP-MED Manufacturer Name TLV allows the device to advertise the name of its
- LLDP-MED Model Name TLV allows the device to advertise its model name
- LLDP-MED Asset ID TLV allows the device to advertise its asset ID

802.1AB MED network policies

You can configure 802.1AB MED network policies to dynamically configure voice VLAN,
DSCP, priority, and VLAN tagging on the switch for voice traffic received from an IP phone.
When you enable LLDP and configure the MED network policies on the switch, the switch
sends the network policies to the IP Phone. The IP phone processes the data in the LLDP PDU
and transmits the voice traffic with the appropriate VLAN ID, VLAN tagging, DSCP and priority
You can configure MED network policies on a switch port that has ADAC enabled. The network
policies that you configure have priority over automatically configured ADAC network policies
on a port.

Transmitting LLDPDUs
When a transmit cycle is initiated, the LLDP manager extracts the managed objects from the
LLDP local system MIB and formats this information into TLVs. TLVs are inserted into the

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 97

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (802.1ab)

LLDPDU are regularly transmitted at a user-configurable transmit interval (tx-interval) or when

any of the variables in the LLPDU is modified on the local system (such as system name or
management address).
Tx-delay is "the minimum delay between successive LLDP frame transmissions.".
From Release 5.7, the transmission and reception of LLDPDUs on all DUTs ports are enabled
by default.

TLV system MIBs

The LLDP local system MIB stores the information for constructing the various TLVs to be sent.
The LLDP remote systems MIB stores the information received from remote LLDP agents.

LLDPDU and TLV error handling

LLDPDUs and TLVs that contain detectable errors are discarded. TLVs that are not
recognized, but that also contain no basic format errors, are assumed to be validated and are
stored for possible later retrieval by network management.

802.1AB integration
802.1AB integration provides a set of LLDP TLVs for Avaya IP telephone support.
You can select which Avaya IP phone support TLVs can be transmitted from individual switch
ports by enabling or disabling TLV transmit flags for the port. The TLV transmit flags and TLV
configuration operate independently of each other. Therefore, you must enable the transmit
flag on a switch port for a specific TLV, before the port can transmit that TLV to an Avaya IP
A switch port does not transmit Avaya IP phone support TLVs unless the port detects a
connected Avaya IP phone.
PoE conservation level request TLV
With the PoE conservation level request TLV, you can configure the switch to request that an
Avaya IP phone, connected to a switch port, operate at a specific power conservation level.
The requested conservation level value for the switch can range from 0 to 255, but an Avaya
IP Phone can support only maximum 243 levels. If you request a power conservation level
higher the maximum conservation level an Avaya IP Phone can support, the phone reverts to
its maximum supported power conservation level. If you select a value of 0 for the PoE
conservation level request, the switch does not request a power conservation level for an
Avaya IP phone.
If you set the PoE conservation level request TLV on a port and you enable energy-saver for
the port, the TLV value is temporarily modified for maximum power savings by the switch. When
you disable energy-saver for the port, the switch automatically restores the power conservation
level request TLV to the previous value.

98 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Connectivity and management information

If you set the PoE conservation level on a port while AES is active on the port and the maximum
PoE Conservation level for the switch is 255, the switch replaces the PoE conservation level
stored for AES restoration with the new value you set for the port.
By default, the transmission of PoE conservation level request TLV is enabled on all PoE
capable switch ports.
You can only configure the PoE conservation level request TLV on switches that support
PoE conservation level support TLV
With the PoE conservation level support TLV, an Avaya IP phone transmits information about
current power save level, typical power consumption, maximum power consumption, and
power conservation level of the IP phone, to a switch port.
Call server TLV
With the call server TLV, you can configure the switch to advertise the IP addresses of a
maximum of 8 call servers to connected Avaya IP phones. Avaya IP phones use the IP address
information to connect to a call server.
Avaya IP phones use the call server TLV to report which call server it is connected to back to
the switch.
The call server TLV supports IPv4 addresses only.
By default, the transmission of the call server TLV is enabled for all ports.
File server TLV
With the file server TLV, you can configure the switch to advertise the IP addresses of a
maximum of 4 file servers to connected Avaya IP phones. Avaya IP phones use the IP address
information to connect to a file server.
Avaya IP phones use the call server TLV to report which file server it is connected to back to
the switch.
The file server TLV supports IPv4 addresses only.
By default, the transmission of the file server TLV is enabled for all ports.

If your Avaya IP Handset uses SIP, 802.1AB (LLDP) TLVs do not provide all information for
the IP Phone. You must specify a fileserver IP address TLV so the IP phone can download
the SIP configuration information, because the IP Phone retrieves information related to the
SIP domain, port number and transport protocol from the file server.
802.1Q framing TLV
With the 802.1Q framing TLV, you can configure the switch to exchange Layer 2 priority tagging
information with Avaya IP phones.
Because the 802.1Q framing TLV operates as an extension of the LLDP Network Policy TLV,
you must enable the LLDP MED Capabilities and LLDP MED Network Policy TLVs for the
802.1Q framing TLV to function.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 99

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (802.1ab)

By default, the transmission of the 802.1Q Framing TLV is enabled for all ports.
Phone IP TLV
Avaya IP phones use the phone IP TLV to advertise IP phone IP address configuration
information to the switch.
The phone IP TLV supports IPv4 addresses only.
Power via MDI TLV
The Power via MDI TLV allows network management to advertise and discover the MDI power
support capabilities. From Release 5.7, this TLV also performs Data Link Layer classification
using PoE-specific LLDP specified in the Clause 79 of IEEE 802.3 with additional protocol rules
defined in Clause 33 (IEEE 802.3at). Clause 33 defines two power entities, Powered Device
(PD) and Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE). These entities allow devices to draw or supply
power over the sample generic cabling as used for data transmission.
The following fields are added to provide Data Link Layer classification capabilities:
• Power type/source/priority—contains the power type, power source, and priority bit-map.
The power type is set according to the device generating the LLDPPDU. The power
source describes the different definitions for PD and PSE. Power priority indicates the
configured PoE priority. When the power type is PD, this field is set to the power priority
configured for the device. If a PD is unable to determine its power priority or it is not
configured, then this field is set to 00.
• PD Requested Power—contains the PD requested power value. The PD requested power
value is the maximum input average power which the PD wants to draw and as measured
at the input to the PD.
• PSE Allocated Power—contains the PSE allocated power value. The PSE allocated
power value is the maximum input average power which the PSE expects the PD to draw
at the input to the PD.

100 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Chapter 6: System configuration using

The modules in this section provide procedures to configure the switch or stack with ACLI.

Setting user access limitations using ACLI

The administrator can use ACLI to limit user access by creating and maintaining passwords
for Web, Telnet, and Console access. This is a two-step process that requires that you first
create the password and then enable it.
Ensure that Global Configuration mode is entered in ACLI before you start these tasks.

Setting the read-only and read/write passwords

The first step to requiring password authentication when the user logs in to a switch is to edit
the password settings. To complete this task, perform the following steps:
1. Access ACLI through the Telnet protocol or a Console connection.
2. From the command prompt, use the cli password command to change the
desired password.
cli password {read-only | read-write} <password>

Table 10: cli password parameters on page 101 explains the parameters for the
cli password command.

Table 10: cli password parameters

Parameter Description
{read-only | read-write} This parameter specifies if the password
change is for read-only access or read/write
<password> If password security is disabled, the length can
be 1-15 chars. If password security is enabled,
the range for length is 10-15 chars.

3. Press Enter.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 101

System configuration using ACLI

Enabling and disabling passwords

After you set the read-only and read-write passwords, you can individually enable or disable
them for the various switch-access methods. To enable passwords, perform the following
1. Access ACLI through the Telnet protocol or a Console connection.
2. From the command prompt, use the cli password command to enable the
desired password.
cli password {telnet | serial} {none | local | radius |

The following table explains the parameters for the cli password command.

Table 11: cli password parameters

Parameter Description
{telnet | serial} Specify whether the password is enabled or
disabled for Telnet or the console. Telnet and
Web access are connected so that enabling or
disabling passwords for one enables or
disables passwords for the other.
none | local | radius | tacacs Specifies the password type to modify:
• none: disables the password.
• local: uses the locally defined password for
serial console or Telnet access.
• radius: uses RADIUS authentication for serial
console or Telnet access.
• tacacs : uses TACACS+ authentication,
authorization, and accounting (AAA) services
for serial console or Telnet access.

3. Press Enter.

Configuring RADIUS authentication

The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol is a means to authenticate
users through a dedicated network resource. This network resource contains a list of eligible
user names and passwords and their associated access rights. When RADIUS is used to
authenticate access to a switch, the user supplies a user name and password and this
information is checked against the existing list. If the user credentials are valid they can access
the switch.

102 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Setting user access limitations using ACLI

If you select RADIUS Authentication when you set up passwords through ACLI, you must
specify the RADIUS server settings to complete the process. Ensure that you enter Global
Configuration mode in ACLI before you start this task.
To enable RADIUS authentication through ACLI, follow these steps.
1. Access ACLI through the Telnet protocol or a Console connection.
2. From the command prompt, use the radius-server command to configure the
server settings.
radius-server host <address> [secondary-host <address>] port
<num> key <string> [password fallback] timeout
3. Press Enter.
4. From the command prompt, enter the following command to enable change
RADIUS password.
radius-server encapsulation <MS-CHAP-V2>
Table 12: radius-server parameters on page 103 explains the parameters for the
radius-server commands.
Table 12: radius-server parameters

Parameter Description
host <address> The IPv6 or IP address of the RADIUS server that
is used for authentication.
[secondary-host The secondary-host <address> parameter is
<address>] optional. If you specify a backup RADIUS server,
include this parameter with the IPv6 or IP address
of the backup server.
port <num> The UDP port number the RADIUS server uses to
listen for requests.
key <string> A secret text string that is shared between the switch
and the RADIUS server. Enter the secret string,
which is a string up to 16 characters in length.
[password fallback] An optional parameter that enables the password
fallback feature on the RADIUS server. This option
is disabled by default.
timeout The RADIUS timeout period.
encapsulation <MS- Enables Microsoft Challenge-Handshake
CHAP-V2> Authentication Protocol version 2 (MS-CHAP-V2).
MSCHAP-V2 provides an authenticator controlled
password change mechanism also known as the
change RADIUS password function.
DEFAULT: disabled

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 103

System configuration using ACLI

Parameter Description

Change RADIUS password is available only in
secure software builds.

When you disable MS-CHAP-V2, RADIUS
encapsulation is set to password authentication
protocol (PAP) by default. PAP is not considered
a secure encapsulation.

Related RADIUS Commands

When you configure RADIUS authentication, three other ACLI commands are useful to the
1. show radius-server
The command has no parameters and displays the current RADIUS server
2. no radius-server
This command has no parameters and clears any previously configured RADIUS
server settings.
3. radius-server password fallback
This command has no parameters and enables the password fallback RADIUS
option if it you did not set the option when you initially configured the RADIUS

Run script configuration using ACLI

Use the procedures in this section to configure using IP Office, LLDP, and ADAC run scripts.

Configuring IP Office script using ACLI

Use this procedure to automatically configure or modify VLAN IDs and port memberships,
VLAN IP addresses, default route, QoS, and LLDP settings.

104 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Run script configuration using ACLI

Avaya recommends you to execute the ACLI command run ipoffice on an ERS 4000
switch operating in a factory default state.


1. Log on to ACLI in User EXEC command mode.

2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
run ipoffice [verbose]

The following is a sample output of the run ipoffice command script
4548T-PWR+#run ipoffice

% The Voice VLAN ID has been set to 42

% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP address has been set to
% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP network mask has been set to
% The Data VLAN ID has been set to 44
% The Data VLAN IP address has been set to
% The Data VLAN IP network mask has been set to
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% IP Offie LAN port is set to plug into switch port 1
% Gateway Modem-Router port is set to plug into switch port 2
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Default IP Route set to (Gateway Modem-Router interface)
% IP Office Call-Server IP address is set to
% IP Office File-Server IP address is set to
% ** Switch QoS and Unified Communications policies setup and saved **
% ** IP Office solution automated switch setup complete and saved **
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% To manage this Avaya switch, enter in your Web browser.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

The following is sample output of the run ipoffice verbose command script
4548GT-PWR+# run ipoffice verbose

*** This script will guide you through configuring the ***
*** Avaya switch for optimal operation with IP Office. ***
*** ---------------------------------------------------***
*** The values in [] are the default values, you can ***
*** input alternative values at any of the prompts. ***
*** Warning: This script may delete previous settings. ***
*** If you wish to terminate or exit this script ***
*** enter ^C <control-C> at any prompt. ***
Voice VLAN ID [42] :
Voice VLAN Gateway IP Address [] :
Voice VLAN Gateway IP Mask [] :
Data VLAN ID [44] :
Data VLAN Gateway IP Address [] :
Data VLAN Gateway IP Mask [] :
IP Route to Gateway Modem-Router (Internet/WAN) [] :
IP Office Call-Server IP address [] :

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 105

System configuration using ACLI

IP Office File-Server IP address [] :

% The Voice VLAN ID has been set to 42
% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP address has been set to
% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP network mask has been set to
% The Data VLAN ID has been set to 44
% The Data VLAN IP address has been set to
% The Data VLAN IP network mask has been set to
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% IP Office LAN port is set to plug into switch port 1
% Gateway Modem-Router port is set to plug into switch port 2
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Default IP Route set to (Gateway Modem-Router interface)
% IP Office Call-Server IP address is set to
% IP Office File-Server IP address is set to
% ** Switch QoS and Unified Communications policies setup and saved **
% ** IP Office solution automated switch setup complete and saved **
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% To manage this Avaya switch, enter in your Web browser.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

If there is an error, the script execution is stopped and message is displayed.

Configuring ADAC script using ACLI

Use the following procedures to configure ADAC script in User EXEC mode.

VLAN 1 (default) cannot be set as the voice VLAN ID.


1. Log on to ACLI in User EXEC command mode.

2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
run adac
3. Enter the information requested at each prompt.

The following is the sample output for run adac command script.
4548GT-PWR+# run adac

*** This script will guide you through configuring the ***
*** Avaya switch for optimal operation using ADAC. ***
*** ---------------------------------------------------***
*** Input required values at each prompts. ***
*** If you wish to terminate or exit this script ***
*** enter ^C <control-C> at any prompt. ***
*** Warning: This script may delete previous settings. ***

106 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Run script configuration using ACLI

Data VLAN ID [2-4094 or Enter to skip]:

Do you want to use the Data VLAN as the management VLAN [yes/no]?
Default IP Route [A.B.C.D]:
Data VLAN Gateway IP address [A.B.C.D or Enter to skip]:
Data VLAN Gateway IP netmask [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx]:
Management IP address [A.B.C.D or Enter to skip]:
Management IP netmask [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or Enter to skip]:
Voice VLAN ID [2-4094]:
Voice VLAN Gateway IP address [A.B.C.D or Enter to skip]:
Voice VLAN Gateway IP netmask [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx]:
LLDP Call-Server IP address [A.B.C.D]:
LLDP File-Server IP address [A.B.C.D]:
Do you want to configure a MLT Trunk as Uplink port? [yes/no]
Uplink Trunk port members [slot/port,slot/port...]:
ADAC Uplink ports [slot/port,slot/port...]:
ADAC Call Server ports [slot/port,slot/port...]:
ADAC Telephony ports [slot/port,slot/port...]:
% The Data VLAN ID is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Data VLAN [according to the provided input] is set as Management VLAN
% The Default IP Route is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Data VLAN Gateway IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Data VLAN Gateway IP netmask is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Management IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Management IP netmask is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Voice VLAN ID is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP netmask is set to [according to the provided input]
% LLDP Call Server IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% LLDP File Server IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% The ADAC Uplink ports are set to [according to the provided input]
% The ADAC Call Server ports are set to [according to the provided input]
% The ADAC Telephony ports are set to [according to the provided input]
% ** ADAC operating mode is set to tagged frames **
% ** ADAC is now enabled **
% ** Switch QoS and Unified Communications policies setup and saved **
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% To manage this Avaya switch, enter [MGMT VLAN IP entry] in your Web browser.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Configuring LLDP script using ACLI

Use this procedure to configure or modify LLDP and Voice VLAN using VLAN ID, IP addresses,
LLDP MED policies, and QoS rules.


1. Log on to ACLI in User EXEC command mode.

2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
run lldp

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 107

System configuration using ACLI

3. Enter the information requested at each prompt.

The following is a sample output of the run lldp command script
*** This script will guide you through configuring the ***
*** Avaya switch for optimal operation using LLDP. ***
*** ---------------------------------------------------***
*** Input required values at each prompts. ***
*** If you wish to terminate or exit this script ***
*** enter ^C <control-C> at any prompt. ***
*** Warning: This script may delete previous settings. ***
Data VLAN ID [2-4094 or Enter to skip]:
Do you want to use the Data VLAN as the management VLAN [yes/no]?
Default IP Route [A.B.C.D]:
Data VLAN Gateway IP address [A.B.C.D or Enter to skip]:
Data VLAN Gateway IP netmask [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx]:
Data VLAN Uplink ports [unit/port, unit/port..]:
Management IP address [A.B.C.D or Enter to skip]:
Management IP netmask [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx]:
Voice VLAN ID [2-4094]:
Voice VLAN Gateway IP address [A.B.C.D or Enter to skip]:
Voice VLAN Gateway IP netmask [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx]:
LLDP Call-Server IP address [A.B.C.D]:
LLDP File-Server IP address [A.B.C.D]:
% The Data VLAN ID is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Data VLAN [according to the provided input] is set as Management VLAN
% The Default IP Route is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Data VLAN Gateway IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Data VLAN Gateway IP netmask is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Data VLAN Uplink ports [according to the provided input] tagging is set to
% The Management IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Management IP netmask is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Voice VLAN ID is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% The Voice VLAN Gateway IP netmask is set to [according to the provided input]
% LLDP Call Server IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% LLDP File Server IP address is set to [according to the provided input]
% ** Switch QoS and Unified Communications policies setup and saved **
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% To manage this Avaya switch, enter [MGMT VLAN IP entry] in your Web browser.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Changing switch software using ACLI

Perform the following procedure to change the software version that runs on the switch with

108 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Changing switch software using ACLI

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the assigned default TFTP or SFTP server address.
1. Access ACLI through the Telnet protocol or through a Console connection.
2. From the command prompt, use the download command with the following
parameters to change the software version:
download [sftp] [address <A.B.C.D> | <WORD>] {image <image
name> | image-if-newer <image name> | diag <image name> |
poe_module_image <image name>} [no-reset] [usb]

The following table describes the parameters for the download command.

Table 13: download parameters

Parameter Description
sftp Download from the SFTP server.
address <A.B.C.D> | The IPv6 or IP address of the TFTP or SFTP server
<WORD> you use. The address <A.B.C.D> | <WORD>
parameter is optional and if you omit it, the switch
defaults to the TFTP or SFTP server specified by
the tftp-server or sftp-server command
unless software download is to occur using a USB
Mass Storage Device.
image <image name> The name of the software image to be downloaded
from the TFTP or SFTP server.
image-if-newer <image This parameter is the name of the software image
name> to be downloaded from the TFTP server if it is newer
than the currently running image. This option is not
supported for SFTP in Release 5.6.
diag <image name> The name of the diagnostic image to be downloaded
from the TFTP or SFTP server.
poe_module_image The name of the Power over Ethernet module image
<image name> to be downloaded from the TFTP server. This option
is available only for 4000 Series switches that
support Power Over Ethernet. This option is not
supported for SFTP in Release 5.6.
no-reset This parameter forces the switch to not reset after
the software download is complete.
usb In the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series
switch, this parameter specifies that the software
download is performed using a USB Mass Storage
Device and the front panel USB port.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 109

System configuration using ACLI

Parameter Description
The image, image-if-newer, diag, and poe_module_image
parameters are mutually exclusive; you can execute only one at a time.
The address <ip> and usb parameters are mutually exclusive; you can execute
only one at a time.

3. Press Enter.
The software download occurs automatically without user intervention. This process deletes
the contents of the flash memory and replaces it with the desired software image. Do not
interrupt the download. Depending on network conditions, this process can take up to 10
When the download is complete, the switch automatically resets unless you used the no-
reset parameter. The software image initiates a self-test and returns a message when the
process is complete. See the following graphic for an example of this message.
Table 14: Software download message output

Download Image [/]

Saving Image [-]

Finishing Upgrading Image

During the download, the switch is not operational.

You can track the progress of the download by observing the front panel LEDs. For more
information about this topic, see LED activity during software download on page 79.

Setting TFTP parameters

Many processes in the switch can use a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server. You can
set a default TFTP server for the switch and clear these defaults through ACLI.

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the assigned default TFTP server address.

Setting a default TFTP server

To save time and prevent input errors, you can store a default TFTP server IP address on the
switch so that the system can use that address automatically for the tftp parameter in TFTP
server-related procedures. For example:

110 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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SFTP configuration using ACLI

• Changing switch software using ACLI

• Copy running-config tftp command
• Copy config tftp command
Specify a default TFTP server for the switch with the tftp-server command. The syntax of
this command is
tftp-server [<ipv6_address> | <XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX>]

To complete the command, replace either ipv6_address with the IPv6 address or
<XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> with the IPv6 or IP address of the default TFTP server. You must run
this command in Global Configuration command mode.

Displaying the default TFTP server

You can display the default TFTP server configured for the switch in ACLI at any time by using
the show tftp-server command. This command has no parameters and you run it in
Privileged EXEC mode.

Clearing the default TFTP server

You can clear the default TFTP server from the switch and reset it to with the following
two commands:
• no tftp-server
This command has no parameters and you run it in Global Configuration command
• default tftp-server
This command has no parameters and you run it in Global Configuration command

SFTP configuration using ACLI

To save time and prevent input errors, you can store a default SFTP server IP address on the
switch so that the system can use that address automatically for the sftp parameter in SFTP
server-related procedures. For example:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 111

System configuration using ACLI

• Changing switch software using ACLI

• Copy running-config sftp command
• Copy config sftp command
Use the information in this section to configure the switch to use an SFTP server.

Clearing the default SFTP server IP address using ACLI

Use this procedure to clear the SFTP server IP address and reset it to
• Use the following command from Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter either of the following commands:
no sftp-server
default sftp-server

Configuring a default SFTP server IP address using ACLI

Use this procedure to specify a default SFTP server IP address.
• Use the following command from Global configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
sftp-server [<ipv6_address> | <A.B.C.D>]

Variable definitions

Variable Value
<ipv6_address> Specifies an IPv6 address for the SFTP
<A.B.C.D> Specifies an IPv4 address for the SFTP

112 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

Displaying the default SFTP server IP address using ACLI

Use this procedure to display the default SFTP server IP address configured for the switch.
• Use the following command from Privileged EXEC mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
show sftp-server

Configuration files in ACLI

ACLI provides many options for working with configuration files. Through ACLI, you can
display, store, and retrieve configuration files.

Displaying the current configuration

To display the current configuration of switch or a stack, use the show running-config
command, with the following syntax, in Privileged EXEC command mode with no parameters:
The syntax of this command is:
show running-config [verbose] [module <value>]
You can enter [module <value>] parameters individually or in combinations.

If the switch CPU is busy performing other tasks, the output of the show running-
config command can appear to intermittently stop and start. This is normal operation to
ensure that other switch management tasks receive appropriate priority.

The ASCII configuration generated by the show running-config command produces a
file in which the IP address of the switch is inactive by being commented out using the '!'
character. This enables customers to move the configuration between switches without
causing issues with duplicate IP addresses.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 113

System configuration using ACLI

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you can enter after the show running-
config command.

Variable Value
module <value> Display configuration of an application for
any of the following parameter values:
[802.1ab] [aaur] [adac] [arp-inspection]
[asset-id] [aur] [banner] [core] [dhcp-relay]
[dhcp-snooping] [eap] [energy-saver]
[interface] [ip] [ip-source-guard] [ipfix] [ipmgr]
[ipv6] [l3] [l3-protocols] [lacp] [logging] [mac-
security] [mlt] [port-mirroring] [qos] [rate-limit]
[rmon] [rtc] [snmp] [ssh] [ssl] [stack] [stkmon]
[stp] [vlacp] [vlan]
verbose Display entire configuration, including
defaults and non-defaults.

Job aid: show running-config command output

The following tables show sample output for variations of the show running-config
Table 15: show running-config module mlt command output

ERS-4524GT# show running-config module mlt

! Embedded ASCII Configuration Generator Script

! Model = Ethernet Routing Switch 4524GT
! Software version = v5.7.0.078
! Displaying only parameters different to default
configure terminal
! *** MLT (Phase 1) ***
! *** MLT (Phase 2) ***

114 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

Table 16: show running-config module ip mlt command output

ERS-4524GT# show running-config module ip mlt

! Embedded ASCII Configuration Generator Script

! Model = Ethernet Routing Switch 4524GT
! Software version = v5.7.0.057
! Displaying only parameters different to default
configure terminal
! *** IP ***
ip default-gateway
ip address switch
ip address netmask
! *** MLT (Phase 1) ***
! *** MLT (Phase 2) ***

Table 17: show running-config command output

ERS-4524GT# show running-config

! Embedded ASCII Configuration Generator Script

! Model = Ethernet Routing Switch 4850GTS-PWR+
! Software version = v5.7.0.078
! Displaying only parameters different to default
configure terminal
! *** CORE (Phase 1) ***
edm help-file-path "ERS4500help_" tftp address
! *** SNMP ***
snmp-server disable
! *** IP ***
ip default-gateway
ip address switch

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 115

System configuration using ACLI

! *** IP Manager ***
! *** ASSET ID ***
! *** IPFIX ***
! *** System Logging ***
! *** STACK ***
! *** Custom Banner ***
! *** STP (Phase 1) ***
! *** VLAN ***
vlan ports 2 tagging unTagPvidOnly
! *** EAP ***
! *** EAP Guest VLAN ***
! *** EAP Fail Open VLAN ***
! *** EAP Voip VLAN ***
! *** 802.1ab ***
! *** 802.1ab vendor-specific Avaya TLVs config ***
! *** 802.1AB MED Voice Network Policies ***
! *** QOS ***
! *** RMON ***
! *** SPBM ***

116 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

! *** Interface ***
interface Ethernet ALL
auto-negotiation-advertisements port 49-50 1000-full
! *** Rate-Limit ***
! *** MLT (Phase 1) ***
! *** MAC-Based Security ***
! *** LACP ***
! *** ADAC ***
! *** STP (Phase 2) ***
! *** Port Mirroring ***
! *** VLAN Phase 2***
! *** MLT (Phase 2) ***
! *** PoE ***
! *** RTC ***
! *** Avaya Energy Saver ***
! *** AUR ***
! *** AAUR ***
! *** L3 ***

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 117

System configuration using ACLI

! --- ECMP ---

! No license for ECMP.
! Contact [email protected] to update Software license.
! *** Brouter Port ***
! *** CORE (Phase 2) ***
! *** IPV6 ***
! *** VLACP ***
! *** DHCP Relay ***
! *** L3 Protocols ***
! --- IP Directed Broadcast ---
! --- Proxy ARP ---
! --- UDP Broadcast Forwarding ---
! --- VRRP ---
! --- Route Policies ---
! --- OSPF ---
router ospf
! --- RIP ---

118 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

! *** IGMP ***
! *** SLPP-guard ***
! *** CFM ***
! *** SLAMON ***

Storing the current configuration in ASCII file

For all switches in the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, you can store the
configuration file to a TFTP server, a SFTP server, or a USB Mass Storage Device through
the front panel USB drive. You can store the current configuration into ASCII file type.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address.

copy running-config tftp command

To copy contents of the current configuration file to another file on the TFTP server, use the
following command in Privileged EXEC command mode.
copy running-config tftp [verbose] [module <applicationModules>]
[filename <WORD>] [address {<A.B.C.D> | <WORD>}]

You can enter [module <applicationModules>] parameters individually or in

You can also execute this command in the Global Configuration command mode.
Variable definitions
The following table defines the parameters that you enter with the copy running-config
tftp command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 119

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Value
address <A.B.C.D> | Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server.
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IP address
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address

filename <WORD> Specifies the filename to store configuration commands on the

TFTP server.
module Display configuration of an application for any of the following
<applicationModules> parameter values: [802.1ab] [aaur] [adac] [arp-inspection]
[asset-id] [aur] [banner] [core] [dhcp-relay] [dhcp-snooping]
[eap] [energy-saver] [interface] [ip] [ip-source-guard] [ipfix]
[ipmgr] [ipv6] [l3] [l3-protocols] [lacp] [logging] [mac-security]
[mlt] [port-mirroring] [qos] [rate-limit] [rmon] [rtc] [snmp] [ssh]
[ssl] [stack] [stkmon] [stp] [vlacp] [vlan]
verbose Copies the entire configuration, including defaults and non-

Use the copy running-config tftp command only from the base unit in a stack.

copy running-config usb command

To copy the contents of the current configuration file to a USB storage device, use the following
command in Privileged EXEC command mode.
copy running-config usb [filename <WORD>] [module
<applicationModules>] [verbose]
You can enter [module <applicationModules>] parameters individually or in
You can also execute this command in the Global Configuration command mode.
Variable definitions
The following table defines the parameters that you enter with the copy running-config
usb command.

Variable Value
filename <WORD> Specifies the filename to store configuration commands on the
TFTP server.
module Display configuration of an application for any of the following
<applicationModules> parameter values: [802.1ab] [aaur] [adac] [arp-inspection]
[asset-id] [aur] [banner] [core] [dhcp-relay] [dhcp-snooping]
[eap] [energy-saver] [interface] [ip] [ip-source-guard] [ipfix]
[ipmgr] [ipv6] [l3] [l3-protocols] [lacp] [logging] [mac-security]

120 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

Variable Value
[mlt] [port-mirroring] [qos] [rate-limit] [rmon] [rtc] [snmp] [ssh]
[ssl] [stack] [stkmon] [stp] [vlacp] [vlan]
verbose Copies the entire configuration, including defaults and non-

copy running-config sftp command

To copy contents of the current configuration file to another file on the SFTP server, use the
following command in Privileged EXEC command mode.
copy running-config sftp [verbose] [module <applicationModules >]
([address {<A.B.C.D> | <WORD> }]) filename <WORD> username <WORD>

You can enter [module <applicationModules>] parameters individually or in combinations.

You can also execute this command in the Global Configuration command mode.
Variable definitions
The following table defines the parameters that you enter with the copy running-config
sftp command.

Variable Value
address <A.B.C.D> > | < Specifies the address of the SFTP server to be used:
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IPv4 address.
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address.

filename <WORD> Specifies the name of the file that is created when the
configuration is saved to the TFTP or SFTP server or USB Mass
Storage Device.
username <WORD> Specifies the username.
password In case sshc password authenticatioan is enabled, then
password parameter is mandatory.
module Displays the configuration of an application for any of the
<applicationModules> following parameter values: [802.1ab] [aaur] [adac] [arp-
inspection] [asset-id] [aur] [banner][brouter] [core] [dhcp-relay]
[dhcp-snooping] [eap] [energy-saver] [interface] [ip] [ip-source-
guard] [ipfix][ipmc] [ipmgr] [ipv6] [l3] [l3-protocols] [lacp]
[logging] [mac-security] [mlt] [poe] [port-mirroring] [qos] [rate-
limit] [rmon] [rtc] [slpp] [snmp] [ssh] [sshc] [ssl] [stack] [stkmon]
[stp] [vlacp] [vlan]
verbose Copies the entire configuration for the switch or stack (defaults
and non-defaults).

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 121

System configuration using ACLI

script command
Use the script command to create an entry (either a TFTP, a SFTP or an USB entry) in the
ASCII configuration script table.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address.
The syntax for the script command is:
script <1-127> {bootp | load-on-boot <1-127> | tftp <A.B.C.D >|
<WORD> <filename> | sftp <A.B.C.D> | <WORD> <filename> username
<WORD> [password]| usb [unit<1-8>] <filename>}

The script command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.

The following table outlines the parameters for this command.

Table 18: script parameters

Parameters Description
<1-127> The index of the entry to be used.
bootp Indicates script from the TFTP server,
filename, and IP address obtained using
load-on-boot Specifies the load-on-boot priority. Values
range from 1 to 127. If you omit this
parameter, the entry is created or modified
for manual upload and downloads only.
filename The name of the file to be saved.
tftp Creates a TFTP entry. Script from TFTP
sftp Creates a SFTP entry. Script from SFTP
A.B.C.D >| <WORD> Specifies the hostname or IPv4 address, or
the IPv6 address of the TFTP or SFTP
username <WORD> Specifies the username.
password Specifies the password.
usb Creates an USB entry.

122 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

Parameters Description
unit <1-8> The unit number in which the USB device is
inserted in, if the unit is a part of the stack.

Use the script upload command to save the contents of the current configuration. The
syntax for the script upload is:
script upload <1-127>

The script upload command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.

The following table outlines the parameters for this command.

Table 19: script upload parameters

Parameters Description
<1-127> The index of the entry to be used and must
correspond with the index used to create an

show script status command

Use the show script status command to view the status of one or all the entries. The
syntax for the show script status command is:
show script status [<1-127>]

The show script status command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command
Table 20: show script status parameters on page 123 outlines the parameters for this
Table 20: show script status parameters

Parameters Description
<1-127> The index of the entry to be used.

Storing configuration in binary file

For all switches in the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, you can store the
configuration file to a TFTP server, a SFTP server, and a USB Mass Storage Device through
the front panel USB drive. You can store the current configuration into binary configuration file
types. You can store the configuration in binary files using the copy config {tftp | sftp
| usb} command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 123

System configuration using ACLI

copy config tftp command

Use the copy config tftp command to store configuration in a binary file to a TFTP server.
The syntax for the copy config tftp command is:
copy config tftp {address <A.B.C.D> | <WORD> | filename <filename>}

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the TFTP server address.
The copy config tftp command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.
The following table outlines the parameters for the copy config tftp command.
Table 21: copy config tftp command parameters

Parameters Description
address <A.B.C.D> | <WORD> Specifies the IP address of the TFTP
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IP address
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address

filename <WORD> The name of the file to be retrieved.

copy config sftp command

Use the copy config sftp command to store configuration in a binary file to a SFTP server.
The syntax for the copy config sftp command is:
copy config sftp address <A.B.C.D>| <WORD> filename <filename>
username <WORD> [password <WORD>]

When you use the SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the SFTP server address.
The copy config sftp command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.
The following table outlines the parameters for the copy config sftp command.

124 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

Table 22: copy config sftp command parameters

Parameters Description
address <A.B.C.D>| <WORD> Specifies the address of the SFTP server:
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IPv4 address.
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address.

filename <filename> Specifies the name of the configuration file

on the SFTP server.
username <WORD> Specifies the username.
password <WORD> Specifies the password — mandatory when
password authentication is enabled

copy config usb command

Use the copy config usb command to store a configuration file to a USB Mass Storage
Device. The syntax for the copy config usb command is:
copy config usb {filename <filename> | unit <1-8>

The copy config usb command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.

Table 23: copy config usb command parameters on page 125 outlines the parameters for the
copy config usb command.

Table 23: copy config usb command parameters

Parameters Description
<filename> The name of the file to be retrieved.
<1-8> The unit number in which the USB device is
inserted in, if the unit is a part of the stack .

Restoring configuration from an ASCII file

You can restore the configuration from an ASCII file using the following commands:
• configure { network usb sftp} command on page 126
• script command on page 126

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 125

System configuration using ACLI

configure { network | usb | sftp} command

Use the configure {network | usb | sftp} command to restore contents of the
current configuration from an ASCII file. The syntax for the configure {network | usb
| sftp} is:
configure {network [address <A.B.C.D>| <WORD> ] filename <WORD> | usb
filename <WORD> [unit <1-8>] | sftp [address <A.B.C.D>| <WORD> ]
filename <WORD> [username <WORD>] [password]}
The configure {network | usb | sftp} command is executed in the Privileged EXEC
command mode.
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
Table 24: Config {network | usb | sftp} command parameters

Parameter Description
network Retrieve the configuration from a TFTP
usb Retrieve the configuration from an USB
mass storage device.
sftp Retrieve the configuration from a SFTP
<1-8> The unit number in which the USB device is
inserted in, if the unit is a part of the stack.
address <A.B.C.D>| <WORD> Specifies the address of the SFTP server:
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IP address
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address

filename <WORD> The name of the file to be retrieved.

username <WORD> Specifies the username.
password Specifies the password.

script command
Use the script command to create an entry (either a TFTP, a SFTP or an USB entry) in the
ASCII configuration script table.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address.

126 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

The syntax for the script command is:

script <1-127> {bootp | load-on-boot <1-127> | tftp <A.B.C.D >|
<WORD> <filename> | sftp <A.B.C.D> | <WORD> <filename> username
<WORD> [password]| usb [unit<1-8>] <filename>}
The script command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
Table 25: script parameters

Parameters Description
<1-127> The index of the entry to be restored.
bootp Indicates script from the TFTP server,
filename, and IP address obtained using
load-on-boot Specifies the load-on-boot priority. Values
range from 1 to 127. If you omit this
parameter, the entry is created or modified
for manual upload and downloads only.
filename The name of the file to be restored.
username <WORD> Specifies the username.
tftp Restores a TFTP entry
sftp Restores a SFTP server.
A.B.C.D > | <WORD> Specifies the address of the SFTP or TFTP
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IPv4 address.
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address.

usb Restores an USB entry.

unit <1-8> The unit number in which the USB device is
inserted in, if the unit is a part of the stack.

show script status command

Use the show script status command to view the status of one or all the entries. The
syntax for the show script status command is:
show script status [<1-127>]

The show script status command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 127

System configuration using ACLI

By default, a script table index is present as a bootp entry. If a bootp server is connected to
the stack or switch, you can automatically configure the switch using an ASCII file present
on the bootp server.
The following is an example output for show script command:

4526T-PWR(config)#show script 2
Table index: 2
Load script on boot: Yes
Boot priority: 1
Script source: bootp://

Table 26: show script status parameters

Parameters Description
<1-127> The index of the entry to be used.

script run command

Use the script run command to load the script from an ASCII file to a tftp server, sftp server,
or USB Mass Storage Device.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address.
The syntax for the script run command is:
script run { <1-127> | tftp <A.B.C.D> | <WORD> <filename> | sftp
<A.B.C.D> | <WORD> <filename> username <WORD> [password]| usb [unit
<1-8> <filename>]}

The script run command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.

The following table outlines the parameters for this command.

Table 27: script run command parameters

Parameters Description
<1-127> The index of the ASCII configuration script
table entry to be used.

128 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuration files in ACLI

Parameters Description
<filename> The name of the file to be restored.
username <WORD> Specifies the username.
unit <1-8> The unit number in which the USB device is
inserted in, if the unit is a part of the stack.
sftp Restores a SFTP server.
tftp Restores a TFTP server.
<A.B.C.D> | <WORD Specifies the address of the SFTP or TFTP
server to load the script.
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IPv4 address.
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address.

Restoring configuration from a binary file

You can restore the configuration from a binary file.

The IP of the management VLAN does not change after the binary configuration of the
device. As a result, the VRRP configuration for the management VLAN will not be saved or
retrieved from the binary configuration file.

copy tftp config command

Use the copy tftp config to restore a configuration from a binary file from a TFTP server.
You can also use this command to copy the configuration of a switch in a stack to a stand-
alone switch and to replace units in the stack.

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the TFTP server address.
The syntax for the copy tftp config file is:
copy tftp config address <XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> filename <name> unit <unit
The copy tftp config command is executed in Privileged EXEC command mode.
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 129

System configuration using ACLI

Table 28: copy tftp config parameters

Parameter Description
address The IP address of the TFTP server.
filename <name> The name of the file to be retrieved.
unit <unit number> The number of the stack unit.

copy sftp config command

Use the copy sftp config to restore a configuration from a binary file from a SFTP

When you use the SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the SFTP server address.
The syntax for the copy sftp config file is:
copy sftp config [ address <A.B.C.D>|<WORD>] filename <WORD> username
<WORD> [password]
The copy sftp config command is executed in Privileged EXEC command mode.
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
Table 29: copy sftp config parameters

Parameter Description
address <A.B.C.D>| Specifies the address of the SFTP or TFTP server to load the
<WORD> script.
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IPv4 address.
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address.

filename <WORD> Specifies the name of the file to be retrieved.

username <WORD> Specifies the username.
password Specifies the password.

copy usb config command

Use the copy usb config command to restore a configuration file from a USB Mass Storage
Device. The syntax for the copy usb config command is:

130 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

copy usb config filename <name>

The copy usb config command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode. The
only parameter for this command is the name of the file to be retrieved from the USB device.

Saving the current configuration

The configuration currently in use on a switch is regularly saved to the flash memory
automatically. However, you can manually initiate this process using the copy config
nvram command. This command takes no parameters and you must run it in Privileged EXEC
mode. If you have disabled the AutosaveToNvramEnabled function by removing the default
check in the AutosaveToNvRamEnabled field, the configuration is not automatically saved to
the flash memory.

write memory command

The write memory command copies the current configuration to NVRAM. The syntax for the
write memory command is:
write memory

The write memory command is in the exec command mode.

The write memory command has no parameters or variables.

save config command

The save config command copies the current configuration to NVRAM. The syntax for the
save config command is:
save config

The save config command is in the exec command mode.

The save config command has no parameters or variables.

Automatically downloading a configuration file

Enable this feature through ACLI by using the configure network and script load-
on-boot command. Use these commands to immediately load and run a script and to
configure parameters to automatically download a configuration file when the switch or stack
is booted.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 131

System configuration using ACLI

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the TFTP server address.
The syntax for the configure network command is
configure network load-on-boot {disable | use-bootp | use-config}
[address <A.B.C.D> | <WORD>] [filename <WORD>]

Table 30: configure network parameters on page 132 outlines the parameters for this
Table 30: configure network parameters

Parameter Description
load-on-boot {disable | use-bootp | The settings to automatically load a configuration file
use-config} when the system boots:
• disable: disable the automatic loading of config file
• use-bootp: load the ASCII configuration file at boot
and use BootP to obtain values for the TFTP or
SFTP address and file name
• use-config: load the ASCII configuration file at boot
and use the locally configured values for the TFTP
or SFTP address and file name

If you omit this parameter, the system immediately
downloads and runs the ASCII configuration file.
address <A.B.C.D | WORD> Specifies the address of the TFTP server:
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IPv4 address.
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address.

filename <WORD> Specifies the name of the configuration file to use in

this process.

You must run this command in the Privileged EXEC mode.

You can view the current switch settings for this process using the show config-network
command. This command takes no parameters.
The syntax for the script load-on-boot command is
script <1-127> load-on-boot <1-127> [usb [unit <1-8>] <filename> |
tftp { <A.B.C.D> | <WORD>} <filename> | sftp {<A.B.C.D> | <WORD> }
filename <WORD> [username <WORD> [password]]| bootp]

132 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

Table 31: script load-on-boot parameters on page 133 outlines the parameters for this
Table 31: script load-on-boot parameters

Parameter Description
script <1-127> The index of the ASCII configuration script
table entry to be used.
load-on-boot <1-127> The boot priority of the ASCII configuration
script table entry.
[usb | tftp | sftp | bootp] The settings to automatically load a
configuration file when the system boots:
• usb: load the configuration file at boot from
an USB mass storage device
• tftp: load the ASCII configuration file at
boot from a TFTP server
• sftp: load the ASCII configuration file at
boot from a SFTP server
• bootp: load the ASCII configuration file at
boot and use BootP to obtain values for the
TFTP address and file name

unit <1-8> The number of the unit in which the USB

mass storage device is inserted in.
tftp Retrieve the configuration from a TFTP
sftp Retrieve the configuration from a SFTP
address <A.B.C.D | WORD> Specifies the address of the SFTP or TFTP
• A.B.C.D—specifies the IPv4 address.
• WORD—specifies the IPv6 address.

filename <WORD> The name of the configuration file to use in

this process.
username <WORD> Specifies the username.

You must run this command in the global configuration mode.

You can view the current switch settings for this process using the show script [status]
<1-127> command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 133

System configuration using ACLI

Viewing USB files

Use the following procedure to view the USB files. You can display configuration files stored
on a USB device in a unit in a stack.

Log on to the User EXEC mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

Enter the following command:

show usb-files [ascii <WORD> | binary <WORD> | dir <WORD> | tree
| unit <1-8>]
Table 32: show usb-files parameters

Parameter Description
ascii <WORD> Specifies to display the ASCII contents of a
binary <unit> Specifies to display the binary contents of a
dir <WORD> Specifies a directory in which to locate USB
files to display.
tree Specifies subdirectories. .
unit <1-8> The number of the switch unit within a

Job aid
Following is an output example for the show usb-files command:

ERS4000#show usb-files
USB file list - Stand-alone
Listing Directory USB_BULK:
657 Feb 17 2009 IP.CFG
6217432 Mar 3 2009 4000_53044.img

134 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

1589514 Feb 25 2009 4000_5303.bin

2048 Mar 4 2009 ABC/

Viewing USB host port information

Use this procedure to view USB host port information. You can display the USB host port
information for a unit in a stack.

Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

Enter the following command:

show usb-host-port [unit <1-8>]
Table 33: show usb-host-port parameters

Variable Description
unit <1-8> Specifies a specific switch unit within a stack. Values
range from 1 to 8.

Viewing FLASH files using ACLI

Use this procedure to view information about the FLASH capacity and current usage. You can
display FLASH information on both single and stacked switches. You can also display FLASH
information for a specific unit.
• Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
show flash [unit <1 – 8 >]
The following is an example for a single unit.
FLASH Memory Usage :

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 135

System configuration using ACLI

Section Version Bytes Used Bytes Allocated
Total Flash: 16777216
Boot Image: ver. 311632 524288
Diag Image: ver. 1932309 2097152
Agent Image: ver. 8679792 10485760
Binary Conf: 478208 1048576
Auxiliary Conf: 478208 1048576
Reserved Space: 1572864
Available Space: Available Space:

The following is an example for stacked units.
FLASH Memory Usage 1:
Section Version Bytes Used Bytes Allocated
Total Flash: 16777216
Boot Image: ver. 524288 524288
Diag Image: ver. 1589514 2097152
Agent Image: ver. 8679792 10485760
Binary Conf: 467456 1048576
Auxiliary Conf: 467456 1048576
Reserved Space: 1572864
Available Space: 1572864
FLASH Memory Usage 2:
Section Version Bytes Used Bytes Allocated
Total Flash: 16777216
Boot Image: ver. 311624 524288
Diag Image: ver. 1932309 2097152
Agent Image: ver. 8679792 10485760
Binary Conf: 484352 1048576
Auxiliary Conf: 484352 1048576
Reserved Space: 1572864
Available Space: 1572864

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the show flash command.
Variable definition

Variable Value
unit <1 –8 > Provides information from the specified unit
1 to 8.

136 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuration files in ACLI

Viewing FLASH History using ACLI

Use this procedure to view information about the number of writes or modifications on the
FLASH device. You can display FLASH information on both single and stacked switches. You
can also display FLASH information for a specific unit.
• Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
show flash history [unit <1 – 8 >]

The Flash History does not record programming done from the diagnostics or bootloader.
The following is an example for a single unit.
FLASH Write History Unit:
Section Number of writes
Diagnostics Image: 7
Primary Image: 44
Secondary Image: 28
Config Area 1: 1,345
Config Area 2: 99
Auxiliary Config Area: 1,444
MCFG Block : 4,568
Audit log Area: 77,123
* Number of minimum guaranteed writes: 100 000

The following is an example for stacked units.
FLASH Write History Unit 1:
Section Number of writes
Diagnostics Image: 17
Primary Image: 54
Secondary Image: 10
Config Area 1: 1,649
Config Area 2: 199
Auxiliary Config Area: 1,848
MCFG Block : 6,569
Audit log Area: 68,345
* Number of minimum guaranteed writes: 100 000
FLASH Write History Unit 2:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 137

System configuration using ACLI

Section Number of writes
Diagnostics Image: 10
Primary Image: 24
Secondary Image: 19
Config Area 1: 2,567
Config Area 2: 20
Auxiliary Config Area: 2,587
MCFG Block : 5,179
Audit log Area: 98,978
* Number of minimum guaranteed writes: 100 000

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the show flash history command.
Variable definition

Variable Value
unit <1 –8 > Provides information from the specified unit
1 to 8.

Setting up a terminal
You can customize switch terminal settings to suit the preferences of a switch administrator.
You must perform this operation in the Command Line Interface.
The terminal command configures terminal settings. These settings include terminal length
and terminal width.
The syntax of the terminal command is:
terminal {length <0-132> | width <1-132>}

Run the terminal command in User EXEC command mode. The following table describes the
for the terminal command.
Table 34: terminal parameters

Variable Description
length Set the length of the terminal display in lines; the
default is 23.

138 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Setting Telnet access

Variable Description

If you set the terminal length to 0, the pagination is
disabled and the display scrolls continuously.
width Set the width of the terminal display in characters; the
default is 79.

Once you modify the terminal configuration, the new settings are applied to the current active
session and to all future sessions (serial, telnet or ssh). Concurrent sessions already opened
when the terminal configuration was changed, will not be affected.
The terminal setting are saved across login sessions. To change the terminal length and width
to the default values, use the default terminal command from the Global Configuration
command mode. The default terminal length command sets the length to 23 lines,
and the default terminal width command sets the width to 79 characters.

You can use the show terminal command at any time to display the current terminal
settings. This command takes no parameters and you must run it in the EXEC command

Setting Telnet access

You can access ACLI through a Telnet session. To access ACLI remotely, the management
port must have an assigned IP address and remote access must be enabled.

Multiple users can simultaneously access ACLI system through the serial port, a Telnet
session, and modems. The maximum number of simultaneous users is 4, plus 1 each at the
serial port for a total of 12 users on the stack. All users can configure the switch

telnet-access command
The telnet-access command configures the Telnet connection that you use to manage the
switch. Run the telnet-access command through the console serial connection.
The syntax for the telnet-access command is:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 139

System configuration using ACLI

telnet-access [enable | disable] [login-timeout <1-10>] [retry

<1-100>] [inactive-timeout <0-60>] [logging {none | access | failures
| all}] [source-ip <1-50> <XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> [mask <XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX>]

Run the telnet-access command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the telnet-access command.

Table 35: telnet-access parameters

Parameters Description
enable | disable Enable or disable Telnet connection.
login-timeout <1-10> Specify in minutes the time for the Telnet connection
to be established after the user connects to the switch.
Enter an integer from 1–10.
retry <1-100> Specify the number of times the user can enter an
incorrect password before the connection closes.
Enter an integer from 1–100.
inactive-timeout <0-60> Specify in minutes the duration before an inactive
session terminates.
logging {none | access | failures | Specify the events for which you want to store details
all} in the event log:
none: Do not save access events in the log.
access: Save only successful access events in the
failure: Save failed access events in the log.
all: Save all access events in the log.
[source-ip <1-50> Specify the source IP address from which connections
<XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> [mask can occur. Enter the IP address in dotted-decimal
<XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX>] notation. Mask specifies the subnet mask from which
connections can occur; enter IP mask in dotted-
decimal notation.

no telnet-access command
The no telnet-access command disables the Telnet connection. The no telnet-
access command is accessed through the console serial connection.

The syntax for the no telnet-access command is:

no telnet-access [source-ip [<1-50>]]

Run the no telnet-access command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the no telnet-access command.

140 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Setting boot parameters using ACLI

Table 36: no telnet-access parameters

Variables Description
source-ip [<1-50>] Disable the Telnet access.
When you do not use the optional parameter, the source-ip list
is cleared, which means the first index is and
the second to fiftieth indexes are
When you specify a source-ip address, the specified pair is

These same source IP addresses are in the IP Manager list.
For more information about the IP Manager list, see Chapter

default telnet-access command

The default telnet-access command sets the Telnet settings to the default values.

The syntax for the default telnet-access command is

default telnet-access

Run the default telnet-access command in Global Configuration command mode.

Setting boot parameters using ACLI

The command described in this section is used to boot the switch or stack and to set boot

boot command
Use the boot command to perform a soft-boot of the switch or stack.

The syntax for the boot command is

boot [default] [partial-default] [unit <unit no>]

Run the boot command in Privileged EXEC command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the boot command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 141

System configuration using ACLI

Table 37: boot parameters

Variables Description
default Restores switch or stack to factory-default settings after rebooting.
partial-default Reboots the stack or switch and use factory partial-default

You can use the boot partial-default command on a standalone
switch or on an entire stack. You cannot reset individual units in
a stack to partial-default.
unit <unit no> Specifies which unit of the stack is rebooted. This command is
available only in stack mode. Enter the unit number of the switch you
want to reboot.

When you reset the switch or stack to factory default, the switch or stack retains the stack
operational mode, the last reset count, and the reason for the last reset; these three
parameters are not reset to factory defaults.

When you reset the switch or stack to factory partial-default, the switch or stack retains the
following settings from the previous configuration:
• IP information
- IP address
- subnet mask
- default gateway
- bootp mode
- last bootp IP address
- last bootp subnet mask
- last bootp gateway
- IPV6 management interface address
- IPV6 default gateway
• software license files
• passwords for console and Telnet/WEB
• SPBM Global Enable state

142 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing the agent and image software load status using ACLI

RADIUS and TACACS authentication settings are not retained. If the console password type
is set to local, RADIUS, or TACACS+, after reset, the console password type is set to

Viewing the agent and image software load status using

The command described in this section is used to display the currently loaded and operational
software status for agent and image loads, either individually or combined, for an individual
switch or a stack.

show boot command

The show boot command displays the currently loaded and operational software load
The syntax for the show boot command is
show boot [diag] [image]

Run the show boot command in User EXEC command mode.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the optional parameters you can enter with the show boot
[diag] [image] command.

Variable Value
diag Displays only information for the agent load.
image Displays only information for the image load.

When the currently loaded and operational software status is displayed for a stack, the unit
number is replaced by the word All.

Job aid: show boot command output

The following figures show sample individual switch output for variations of the show boot
[diag] [image] command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 143

System configuration using ACLI

Figure 13: show boot command output

Figure 14: show boot diag command output

Figure 15: show boot image command output

BootP or Default IP
BootP or Default IP mode (the default mode) operates as follows:
• After the switch is reset or power cycled, if the switch is configured with an IP address
other than or the default IP address, then the switch uses the configured IP
• If the configured IP address is or the default IP address is, then
the switch attempts BootP for 1 minute.
• If BootP succeeds, then the switch uses the IP information provided.
• If BootP fails and the configured IP address is the default, then the switch uses the default
IP address (
• If BootP fails and the configured IP address is, then the switch retains this

With the features introduced in release 5.6.3, the switch contains default value for IP as
mentioned in this feature. You can access the Quick Install feature previously available by
default from CLI using install command.

144 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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BootP or Default IP

Configuring with the command line interface

This section covers ACLI commands needed to configure BootP parameters.

ip bootp server command

The ip bootp server command configures BootP on the current instance of the switch or
server. Use this command to change the value of BootP from the default value, which is Default
The syntax for the ip bootp server command is:
ip bootp server {always | disable | last | default-ip}

Run the ip bootp server command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the ip bootp server command.

Table 38: ip bootp server parameters

Parameters and Description

always | disable | last | Specify when to use BootP:
• always: Always use BootP.
• disable: Never use BootP.
• last: Use BootP or the last known address.
• default-ip: Use BootP or the default IP.

The default value is to use default-ip.

no ip bootp server command

The no ip bootp server command disables the BootP/DHCP server.

The syntax for the no ip bootp server command is

no ip bootp server

Run the no ip bootp server command in Global Configuration command mode.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 145

System configuration using ACLI

default ip bootp server command

The default ip bootp server command uses Default IP.

The syntax for the default ip bootp server command is:

default ip bootp server

Run the default ip bootp server command in Global Configuration command mode.

Customizing ACLI banner

You can configure the banner that is presented when a user logs in to the switch through ACLI
to a user-defined value. The banner cannot exceed 1539 bytes, or 19 rows by 80 columns plus
line termination characters.
The banner control setting is saved to NVRAM, and both the banner file and control setting
are distributed to all units within a stack.

show banner command

The show banner command displays the banner.

The syntax for the show banner command is:

show banner [static | custom]

Run the show banner command in Privileged EXEC command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the show banner command.

Table 39: show banner parameters

Parameters and Description

static | custom Specify which banner is currently set to be displayed:
• static
• custom

146 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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banner command
The banner command specifies the banner that is displayed at startup; either static or
The syntax for the banner command is:
banner {static | custom} <line number> "<LINE>"<disabled>

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 40: banner parameters

Parameters and Description

static | custom Set the display banner as
• static
• custom

line number Enter the banner line number you are setting. The range is 1–
LINE Specify the characters in the line number.
disabled Disable the banner display.

Run the banner command in Global Configuration command mode.

no banner command
The no banner command clears all lines of a previously stored custom banner. This
command sets the banner type to the default setting (STATIC).
The syntax for the no banner command is
no banner

Run the no banner command in Global Configuration command mode.

To obtain help on the navigation and use of the Command Line Interface (ACLI), use the
following command:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 147

System configuration using ACLI

help {commands | modes}

Use help commands to obtain information about the commands available in ACLI organized
by command mode. A short explanation of each command is also included.
Use help modes to obtain information about the command modes available and ACLI
commands used to access them.
These commands are available in any command mode.

Configuring AUR
This section describes ACLI commands used in AUR configuration.

show stack auto-unit-replacement command

The show stack auto-unit-replacement command displays the current AUR
The syntax for this command is
show stack auto-unit-replacement

The show stack auto-unit replacement command is in all command modes.

No parameters or variables are available for the show stack auto-unit replacement

stack auto-unit-replacement enable command

The stack auto-unit-replacement enable command enables AUR on the switch.

The syntax for this command is

stack auto-unit-replacement enable

Run the stack auto-unit-replacement enable command in Global Configuration

No parameters or variables are available for the stack auto-unit-replacement
enable command.

148 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring AUR

no stack auto-unit-replacement enable command

The no stack auto-unit-replacement enable command disables AUR on the
The syntax for this command is
no stack auto-unit-replacement enable

Run the no stack auto-unit-replacement enable command in Global Configuration

No parameters or variables are available for the no stack auto-unit-replacement
enable command.

default stack auto-unit-replacement enable command

The default stack auto-unit-replacement enable command restores the default
AUR settings.
The syntax for this command is
default stack auto-unit-replacement enable

Run the default stack auto-unit-replacement enable command in Global

Configuration mode.
No parameters or variables are available for the default stack auto-unit-
replacement enable command.

stack auto-unit-replacement config save enable

The stack auto-unit-replacement config save enable command enables
automatic configuration saves for non-base units.
No parameters or variables are available for the stack auto-unit-replacement config
save enable command.

1. Enter Global Configuration mode.

2. Enter stack auto-unit-replacement config save enable.
3. Press Enter.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 149

System configuration using ACLI

stack auto-unit-replacement config save disable

The stack auto-unit-replacement config save disable command disables
automatic configuration saves for non-base units.
No parameters or variables are available for the stack auto-unit-replacement config
save disable command.

1. Enter Global Configuration mode.

2. Enter stack auto-unit-replacement config save disable.
3. Press Enter.

stack auto-unit-replacement config restore unit

The stack auto-unit-replacement config restore unit <1-8> command
restores the saved configuration to a non-base unit. Use the base unit console in Privileged
Mode to enter this command.
1. Enter Privileged Mode.
2. Enter stack auto-unit-replacement config restore unit with the unit
number <1-8> to restore.
3. Press Enter.

stack auto-unit-replacement config save unit

The stack auto-unit-replacement config save unit <1-8> command saves the
configuration of the selected non-base unit to the base unit, regardless of the state of the AUR
feature. Use the base unit console in Privileged Mode to enter this command.
1. Enter Privileged Mode.
2. Enter stack auto-unit-replacement config save unit with the unit
number <1-8> to save.
3. Press Enter.

Agent Auto Unit Replacement

Use ACLI commands in the following sections to manage and configure AAUR. You can
currently manage this functionality only through ACLI.

150 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring AUR

stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command

Use the stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command to enable AAUR.
Because AAUR is enabled by default, use this command only if this functionality was previously
The syntax for this command is
stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable

Run the stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command in Global

Configuration command mode.

no stack auto-unit-replacement-image-enable command

Use the no stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command to disable
AAUR. Because AAUR is enabled by default, you must run this command if you do not want
AAUR functionality on a switch.
The syntax for this command is
no stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable

The no stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command is executed in the

Global Configuration command mode.

default stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command

Use the default stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command to set the
AAUR functionality to the factory default of enabled.
The syntax of this command is
default stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable

Run the default stack auto-unit-replacement-image enable command in Global

Configuration command mode.

show stack auto-unit-replacement-image command

Use the show stack auto-unit-replacement-image command to view the current
status of the AAUR functionality.
The syntax of this command is
show stack auto-unit-replacement-image

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 151

System configuration using ACLI

Run the show stack auto-unit-replacement-image command in User EXEC

command mode.

Setting Stack Forced Mode

This section describes the procedures and commands to configure Stack Forced Mode on a
two unit stack.
Use ACLI Global Configuration command mode to configure Stack Forced Mode.
This section contains the procedures to configure stack forced-mode.

Configuring stack forced-mode

Use the following procedure to configure stack forced-mode:

1. Enter <no | default | show> stack forced-mode.

2. Press Enter.

Job aid
The following table defines the options for the stack forced-mode command.

Table 41: Options for stack forced-mode

Option Definition
<> Enable Stack Forced Mode.
no Disable Stack Forced Mode.
default Return to the default setting for Stack Forced Mode.
show Show Stack Forced Mode status for the switch. The following
list shows the possible responses:
• Forced-Stack Mode: Enabled Device is not
currently running in forced Stack Mode.
• Forced-Stack Mode: Enabled Device is
currently running in forced Stack Mode.
• Forced-Stack Mode: Disabled Device is
not currently running in forced Stack

152 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Displaying complete GBIC information

Displaying complete GBIC information

You can obtain complete information for a GBIC port using the following command:
show interfaces gbic-info <port-list>

Substitute <port-list> with the GBIC ports for which to display information. If no GBIC is
detected, this command shows no information.
This command is available in all command modes.

Displaying hardware information

To display a complete listing of information about the status of switch hardware in ACLI, use
the following command:
show system [verbose]

The [verbose] option displays additional information about fan status, power status, and
switch serial number.
Switch hardware information is displayed in a variety of locations in EDM. You need no special
options in these interfaces to display the additional information.

Shutdown command
The switch administrator can use this feature to safely shut down the switch without interrupting
a process or corrupting the software image.
After you issue the command, the configuration is saved and blocking is performed, and the
user is notified that it is safe to power off the switch.
The syntax for the shutdown command is
shutdown [force][minutes-to-wait <1-60>] [cancel]

Substitute <minutes-to-wait> with the number of minutes to wait for user intervention
before the switch resets. If this parameter is not specified, the switch waits for 10 minutes
before resetting.
Use the shutdown command to safely shut down and power off the switch. After you initiate
the shutdown command, the switch saves the current configuration which allows users to

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 153

System configuration using ACLI

power off the switch within the specified time period (1 to 60 minutes); otherwise, the switch
performs a reset.
When you initiate the shutdown command in ACLI, the following message appears: Shutdown
(y/n) ?

Enter yes at this prompt to shut down the switch.

The following warning message appears:

Warning the switch/stack has been set to reboot in <xx> minutes. Current
configuration has been saved, no further configuration changes can be saved until
reboot occurs or 'shutdown cancel' command is issued.

The syntax for the shutdown command is

shutdown [force] [minutes-to-wait <1-60>] [cancel]

After you initiate the shutdown command, all existing and subsequent sessions display the
following message:
Stack will reset in <xxxx> seconds.

While existing ACLI sessions do not receive a warning message, all subsequent ACLI sessions
display the following message:
The shutdown process is in progress. It is safe to poweroff the stack. Configuration
changes will not be saved. Shutdown has blocked the flash. Autoreset in <xxxx>

EDM does not receive any shutdown warning messages.

The following table describes the variables for the shutdown command.

Table 42: Shutdown command variables

Variables Description
force Instruct the switch to skip the shutdown confirmation prompt.
minutes-to-wait <1-60> Specify the number of minutes that pass before the switch resets
itself The default wait time is 10 minutes.
cancel Cancel all scheduled switch shutdowns.

Any configurations or logins performed on the switch after you initiate the shutdown
command are not saved to NVRAM and are lost after the reset.
Run the shutdown command in privExec command mode.

154 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Reload command

Reload command
The reload ACLI command provides you with a configuration rollback mechanism to prevent
loss of connectivity to a switch, typically for remote configurations.
Use the reload command to temporarily disable the autosave feature for a specified time
period, so you can make configuration changes on remote switches without affecting the
currently saved configuration.
During the interval in which the autosave feature is disabled by the reload command, you
must use the copy config nvram command to manually save your configurations.
Initiate the reload command before you start the switch configuration commands. After you
initiate the command in ACLI, the following message appears:
Reload (y/n) ?
Enter yes at this prompt to set the switch reload.
The following warning message appears:
Warning the switch/stack has been set to reload in <xx> minutes.
Current configuration has NOT been saved. Configuration must be
explicitly saved.
After the reload timer expires, the switch resets, reloads the last saved configuration, and re-
enables the autosave feature.
The syntax for the reload command is
reload [force] [minutes-to-wait] [cancel]
The following table describes the variables for the reload command.
Table 43: Reload command variables

Variables Description
force Instruct the switch to skip the reload confirmation prompt.
minutes-to-wait Specify the number of minutes that pass before the switch resets
itself. The default wait time is 10 minutes.
cancel Cancel all scheduled switch reloads.

To abort the switch reload before the timer expires, you must enter the reload cancel
The reload command provides you with a safeguard against any misconfigurations when you
perform dynamic configuration changes on a remote switch.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 155

System configuration using ACLI

The following example describes how you can use the reload command to prevent
connectivity loss to a remote switch:
• Enter ACLI command reload force minutes-to-wait 30. This instructs the switch
to reboot in 30 minutes and load the configuration from NVRAM. During the 30-minute
period, autosave of the configuration to NVRAM is disabled.
• Execute dynamic switch configuration commands, which take effect immediately. These
configurations are not saved to NVRAM.
• If the configurations cause no problems and switch connectivity is maintained, you can
perform one of the following tasks:
• Save the current running configuration using the copy config nvram, command.
• Cancel the reload using the reload cancel command.
If you make an error while executing the dynamic switch configuration commands that results
in loss of switch connectivity (for example, if you make an error in the IP address mask, in the
Multi-Link Trunking configuration, or in VLAN trunking), the reload command provides you
with a safeguard. When the reload timer expires, the switch reboots to the last saved
configuration, and connectivity is re-established. Consequently, you need not travel to the
remote site to reconfigure the switch.

restore factory-default command

The restore factory-default command resets both switch and stack NVRAM blocks to
the default configuration. The first NVRAM block will be active after the switch and stack
The syntax for the restore factory-default command is:
restore factory-default [-y]

• the [-y] parameter instructs the switch not to prompt for confirmation.

IPv4 socket information

Use the following procedures to view the IPv6 information.

156 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv4 socket information

Displaying information for TCP and UDP connections

Use the following procedure to display the IPv4 socket information for TCP and UDP
Log on to the Global Configuration mode.
Use the following command to display IPv4 socket information:
show ip netstat
Job aid
The following example shows the results of the show ip netstat command
4548GT-PWR(config)#show ip netstat
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
----- ------ ------ --------------------- --------------------- -----------
UDP 0 0
UDP 0 0
UDP 0 0
UDP 0 0
Proto Port Service
----- ----- -------

Displaying information for TCP connections

Use the following procedure to display the IPv4 socket information for TCP connections:
Log on to the Global Configuration mode.
Use the following command to display IPv4 socket information for TCP connections:
show ip netstat tcp
Job aid
The following example shows the results of the show ip netstat tcp command
4548GT-PWR(config)#show ip netstat tcp
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 157

System configuration using ACLI

----- ------ ------ --------------------- --------------------- -----------

Proto Port Service
----- ----- -------

Displaying information for UDP connections

Use the following procedure to display the IPv4 socket information for UDP connections:
Log on to the Global Configuration mode.
Use the following command to display IPv4 socket information for UDP connections:
show ip netstat udp
Job aid
The following example shows the results of the show ip netstat udp command
4548GT-PWR(config)#show ip netstat udp
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
----- ------ ------ --------------------- --------------------- -----------
UDP 0 0
UDP 0 0
UDP 0 0
UDP 0 0
Proto Port Service
----- ----- -------

Configuring IPv6
You can only execute ACLI commands for IPv6 interface configuration on the base unit of a
stack. Use the Global Configuration mode to execute IPv6 commands.
Use the following procedures to configure IPv6.

Enabling IPv6 interface on the management VLAN

Use the following procedure to enable an IPv6 interface to the management VLAN:

158 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring IPv6

ipv6 interface enable

1. At the config prompt, enter interface vlan 1.
2. Enter ipv6 interface enable.
3. Enter exit to return to the main menu.
Use the following procedure to enable ipv6 admin status:
ipv6 enable
Enter ipv6 enable.

Job aid
The following table lists the variables and definitions for ipv6 enable:

Table 44: IPv6 variables and definitions

Variable Definition
enable Default admin status: disable

Configuring IPv6 interface on the management VLAN

Use the following procedures to assign an IPv6 address to a VLAN:
config vlan
1. Go to the config prompt in ACLI.
2. Enter interface vlan 1.
3. Enter ipv6 interface enable.
4. Enter exit to return to the main menu.

Displaying the IPv6 interface information

Use the following procedure to display the IPv6 interface information:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 159

System configuration using ACLI

show ipv6 interface

Enter show ipv6 interface.

Job aid
The following graphic shows the results of the show ipv6 interface command.

Displaying IPv6 interface addresses

View IPv6 interface addresses to learn the addresses.
Log on to the User EXEC mode in ACLI.
Display IPv6 interface addresses
Use the following command to display IPv6 interface addresses:

160 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring IPv6

show ipv6 address interface [vlan <1-4094> | <WORD 0–45>]

Variable definitions
The following table list the variables and definitions.

Variable Definition
address-type <1-2> Address type
name <1-255> Name: integer from 1–255
link-local <WORD 0-19> Local link
mtu <1280-9600> Default status: MTU 1280
reachable-time <0-3600000> Time in milliseconds neighbor is considered
reachable after a reachable confirmation
message. Default: 30000
retransmit-timer <0-3600000> Time in milliseconds between
retransmissions of neighbor solicitation
messages to a neighbor. Default: 1000
enable Enables the interface administrative status.

Configuring an IPv6 address for a switch or stack

Use the following procedure to configure an IPv6 address for a switch or stack:
ipv6 address
Enter the following command:
ipv6 address {[<ipv6_address/prefix_length>] [stack
<ipv6_address/prefix_length>] [switch <ipv6_address/
prefix_length>] [unit <1-8> <ipv6_address/prefix_length>]}

Variable definitions
The following table defines the variables used to configure an IPv6 address for a switch or

Variable Definition
stack IP address of stack

switch IP address of switch

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 161

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Definition
unit Unit number: 1-8

Displaying the IPv6 address for a switch or stack

Use the following procedure to display the IPv6 address for a switch or stack:
show ipv6 address
Enter the following command:
show ipv6 address
show ipv6 address interface
Enter the following command to display all or a specific ipv6 interface address.
show ipv6 address interface <ipv6_address>

Job aid
The following graphic shows the results of theshow ipv6 address interface

4526(config)#show ipv6 address interface


Address Information





3000:0:0:0:0:0:0:99 V-1 UNICAST MANUAL PREFERRED

fe80:0:0:0:211:f9ff:fe34:8800 V-1 UNICAST OTHER UNKNOWN

2out of 2Total Num of Address Entries displayed.

162 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring IPv6

Configuring IPv6 interface properties

Use the following procedure to configure the IPv6 interface, create the VLAN IPv6 interface,
and set the parameters
Enter the following command:
ipv6 interface [address <ipv6_address/prefix_length>]

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to help you use the show ipv6 address interface

Variable Definition
vlan <1-4094> Specifies a specific VLAN for which to
display IPv6 addresses.
<WORD 0–45> Specifies the IPv6 address and prefix to be

The following table shows the field descriptions for this command.
Table 45: show ipv6 address interface command field descriptions

Field Description
IPV6 ADDRESS Specifies the IPv6 destination address.
TYPE Specifies Unicast, the only supported type.
ORIGIN Specifies a read-only value indicating the
origin of the address. The origin of the
address is other, manual, DHCP, linklayer, or
STATUS Indicates the status of the IPv6 address. The
values of the status are as follows:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 163

System configuration using ACLI

Field Description
VID/BID/TID Specifies the VLAN ID corresponding with
the IPv6 address configured.

Disabling IPv6 interface

Use the following procedure to disable the IPv6 interface:
Enter the following command to disable IPv6.
no ipv6 interface [address <ipv6_address>] [all] [enable]

Displaying the global IPv6 configuration

Use the following procedure to display the IPv6 global configuration:
Enter the following command to display the global IPv6 configuration.
show ipv6 global

Job aid
The following graphic shows a possible result of the show ipv6 global command.
4850GTS-PWR+(config)#show ipv6 global
1970-01-01 20:31:47 GMT+00:00

forwarding : disabled
default-hop-cnt : 30
number-of-interfaces : 1
admin-status : disabled
icmp-error-interval : 1000
icmp-redirect-msg : disabled
icmp-unreach-msg : disabled
multicast-admin-status : disabled
icmp-error-quota : 50
block-multicast-replies : disabled

The following table describes the default settings for the fields in the show ipv6 global.

Field Default setting

forwarding disabled
default-hop-cnt 30
number-of-interfaces 1
admin-status enabled
icmp-error-interval 1000

164 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring IPv6

Field Default setting

icmp-error-quota 50
icmp-redirect-msg disabled
icmp-unreach-msg disabled
multicast-admin-status disabled
block-multicast-replies disabled

Configuring an IPv6 default gateway for the switch or stack

1. Enter the following command to configure a default gateway.

ipv6 default-gateway <ipv6_gateway address>
2. Enter the following command to disable a default gateway.
no ipv6 default-gateway

Displaying the IPv6 default gateway

Use the following procedure to display the IPv6 address for the default gateway:
Enter the following command:
show ipv6 default-gateway

Configuring the IPv6 neighbor cache

Use the following procedure to add or remove a static neighbor cache entry:
1. Enter the following command to add a static neighbor cache entry.
ipv6 neighbor <ipv6_address> port <unit/port> mac <H.H.H>
2. Enter the following command to remove a static neighbor cache entry.
no ipv6 neighbor <ipv6_address>

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 165

System configuration using ACLI

Displaying the IPv6 neighbor information

Use the following command to display IPv6 neighbor information:
Enter the following command to display the address and status of the neighbor
show ipv6 neighbor [interface {tunnel <1-2147483647>| vlan
<1-4094> }] [summary] [type {other | dynamic | static | local}]
[WORD type {dynamic | local | other | static}]

Job aid
The following graphic shows the output of the show ipv6 neighbor command.

4526(config)#show ipv6 neighbor


Neighbor Information





3000:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/ 00:11:F9:34:88:00 V-1 LOCAL REACHABLE 0

3000:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/ 00:01:02:03:04:05 1/5 STATIC REACHABLE 387452

3000:0:0:0:0:0:0:99/ 00:11:f9:34:88:00 V-1 LOCAL REACHABLE 385251

fe80:0:0:0:211:f9ff:fe34:8800/ 00:11:f9:34:88:00 V-1 LOCAL REACHABLE 385193

Displaying IPv6 interface ICMP statistics

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 interface ICMP statistics:
Enter the following command:

166 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring IPv6

show ipv6 interface icmpstatistics [<1-4094>]

Job aid
The following graphic shows a sample of the results from the show ipv6 interface
icmpstatistics command.

4526(config)#show ipv6 interface icmpstatistics


Icmp Stats


Icmp stats for IfIndex = 10001

IcmpInMsgs: 1
IcmpInErrors: 1
IcmpInDestUnreachs: 1
IcmpInAdminProhibs: 0
IcmpInTimeExcds: 0
IcmpInParmProblems: 0
IcmpInPktTooBigs: 0
IcmpbInEchos: 0
IcmpInEchoReplies: 0

Displaying IPv6 interface statistics

Enter the following command:
show ipv6 interface statistics

Job aid
The following graphic shows a sample of the results from the show ipv6 interface
statistics command.

4526(config)# show ipv6 interface statistics

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 167

System configuration using ACLI


Interface Stats


IF stats for IfIndex = 10001

InReceives: 0
InHdrErrors: 0
InTooBigErrors: 0
InNoRoutes: 0
InAddrErrors: 0
InUnknownProtos: 0
InTruncatedPkts: 0
InDiscards: 0
InDelivers: 20

Displaying IPv6 TCP statistics

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 TCP statistics:
show ipv6 tcp
Enter show ipv6 tcp to display the TCP statistics for IPv6.

Job aid
The following graphic shows a sample result from the show ipv6 tcp command.

4526(config)# show ipv6 tcp

show ipv6 tcp global statistics:


ActiveOpens: 0
PassiveOpens: 0
AttemptFails: 0
EstabResets: 0
CurrEstab: 1

168 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring PoE using ACLI

InSegs: 24
OutSegs: 20
RetransSegs: 2
InErrs: 0
OutRsts: 0
HCInSegs: 24
HCOutSegs: 20

Displaying IPv6 TCP connections

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 TCP connections:
Enter the following command:
show ipv6 tcp connections

Displaying IPv6 TCP listeners

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 TCP listeners:
Enter the following command:
show ipv6 tcp listener

Displaying IPv6 UDP statistics and endpoints

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 UDP statistics and endpoints:
1. Enter the following command to show UDP statistics.
show ipv6 udp
2. Enter the following command to show UDP endpoints.
show ipv6 udp endpoints

Configuring PoE using ACLI

The following sections describes the commands necessary to configure PoE using ACLI.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 169

System configuration using ACLI

Set port power enable or disable

Use the poe-shutdown command to disable PoE to a port.

The syntax for the poe-shutdown command is

poe poe-shutdown [port <portlist>]

Use the no poe-shutdown command to enable PoE to a port.

The syntax for the no poe-shutdown command is

no poe-shutdown [port <portlist>]

In either command, substitute <portlist> with the ports on which PoE is enabled or
Run the poe-shutdown and no poe-shutdown commands in Interface Configuration
command mode.

Set port power priority

The poe-priority command sets the port power priority.

The syntax for the poe-priority command is

poe poe-priority [port <portlist>] {critical | high | low}

Table 46: poe-priority parameters on page 170 outlines the parameters for this command.
Table 46: poe-priority parameters

Parameter Description
port <portlist> The ports to set priority for
{low | high | critical} The PoE priority for the port

Run the poe-priority command in Interface Configuration command mode.

Set power limit for channels

The poe-limit command sets the power limit for channels.

The syntax for the poe-limit command is

poe poe-limit [port <portlist>] <3-16> for PoE units and

170 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring PoE using ACLI

poe poe-limit [port <portlist> ] <3-32> for PoE+ units.

Following table outlines the parameters for the preceding command.

Table 47: poe-limit parameters

Parameter Description
port <portlist> The ports to set the limit on
<3 - 16> The power range for PoE units is 3 to 16 W
<3 - 32> The power range for PoE+ units is 3 to 32 W

Run the poe-limit command in Interface Configuration command mode.

Displaying PoE main configuration

Use this procedure to display the main PoE configuration.
• Log on to the Privileged Exec mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
show poe-main-status [unit <1-8>]

Variable definitions

Variable Value
unit <1-8> Displays main PoE configuration of the
specified unit in the stack.

Set power usage threshold

The poe-power-usage-threshold command sets the power usage threshold in
percentage on individual units.
By setting the PoE power threshold, you can set a percentage of the total PoE power usage
at which the switch sends a warning trap message. If the PoE power usage exceeds the
threshold and SNMP traps are configured appropriately, the switch sends the
pethMainPowerUsageOnNotification trap. If the power consumption exceeds and then falls
below the threshold, the switch sends the pethMainPowerUsageOffNotification trap.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 171

System configuration using ACLI

The syntax for the poe-power-usage-threshold command is

poe poe-power-usage-threshold [unit <1-8>] <1-99>

Table 48: poe-power-usage-threshold parameters on page 172 outlines the parameters for
this command.
Table 48: poe-power-usage-threshold parameters

Parameter Description
unit <1 - 8> The unit for which to set the power threshold.
<1 - 99> 1—99 percent

Run the show poe-main-configure command in Global Configuration command mode.

Setting PoE detection method

The poe-pd-detect-type command enables either 802.3af or Legacy compliant PD
detection methods, as well as 802.3at or Legacy compliant PD detection methods for PWR+
The syntax for the poe-pd-detect-type 802dot3af_802dot3at_and_legacy
command is
poe poe-pd-detect-type [unit <1-8>] {802dot3af | 802dot3af_and_legacy
| 802dot3at | 802dot3at_and_legacy}

Run the poe-pd-detect-type command in Global Configuration command mode.

Displaying PoE port configuration

Use this procedure to display port PoE configuration.
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:

172 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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PoE configuration for IP phones using ACLI

show poe-port-status [<portlist>]

Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a specific port or list of ports.

Show port power measurement

The show port power measurement command displays the power configuration.

The syntax for the show port power measurement command is:
show poe-power-measurement [<portlist>]

Substitute <portlist> with the ports for which to display configuration.

Run the show poe-power-measurement command in Global Configuration command


PoE configuration for IP phones using ACLI

Configuring PoE priority for IP Phone using ACLI

Use this procedure to set the PoE priority for the IP Phone and the power limit to the PoE port
for power consumption.
• Log on to the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 173

System configuration using ACLI

poe ip-phone [poe-limit <3-32>] [poe-priority <low | high |


This command is not supported on ERS 4000 non-PoE models (e.g 4524GT, 4526FX,
4526GTX, 4526T, 4550T, 4548GT, 4850GTS, 4826GTS).

Variable definitions
Use the information in the following table to set the PoE priority for the IP Phone and the power
limit to the PoE port for power consumption.
Variable definition

Variable Value
poe-limit <3–32> The power limit, range is from 3 to 32 W,
The maximum for ERS 4000 PoE models is
16W, and 32W for PoE+ models
Poe-priority <low | high | critical> The PoE priority for the port.

Disabling PoE priority and power limit using ACLI

Use this procedure to disable the PoE priority and power limit settings.
• Log on to the global configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
no poe-ip-phone [poe-limit] [poe-priority]

Variable definitions
Use the information in the following table to disable the PoE priority and power limit settings.
Variable definition

Variable Value
poe-limit <3–32> The power limit, range is from 3 to 32 W.
Poe-priority <low | high | critical> The PoE priority for the port.

174 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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NTP configuration using ACLI

NTP configuration using ACLI

Use these procedures to configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) using the Avaya
command line interface (ACLI). Perform the procedures in the order they are provided.

Prerequisites to NTP configuration

Unless otherwise stated, to perform the procedures in this section, you must log on to the
Global Configuration mode in the ACLI. For more information about using ACLI, see Using
ACLI and EDM on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-102.
Before you configure NTP, you must perform the following task:
Configure an IP interface on the Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series switch and ensure that
the NTP server is reachable through this interface. For instructions, see Configuring IP Routing
and Multicast on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-506.

NTP server MD5 authentication does not support passwords (keys) that start with a special
character or that contain a space between characters.

NTP configuration procedures

Use the task flow shown in the following figure to determine the sequence of procedures to
perform to configure NTP.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 175

System configuration using ACLI

Figure 16: NTP configuration procedures in ACLI

Setting clock source using ACLI

Use this procedure to set the clock source as ntp.
• Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:

176 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
NTP configuration using ACLI

[default] clock source {ntp | sntp | sysUpTime}

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the clock source command.
Variable definition

Variable Value
default Resets the clock source to the default
Clock source {ntp | sntp | Sets the clock source as one of:
sysUpTime} • ntp
• sntp
• sysUpTime

Enabling NTP globally using ACLI

Use this procedure to enable NTP globally. Default values are in effect for most parameters.
You can customize NTP by modifying parameters.
• Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
[no] [default] ntp [interval <10-1440>]

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the ntp command.
Variable definition

Variable Value
Interval <10-1440> Specifies the time interval, in minutes,
between successive NTP updates using an
integer within the range of 10 to 1440.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 177

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Value
To reset this option to the default value, use
the default operator with the command.

If NTP is already activated, this
configuration does not take effect until you
disable NTP, and then re-enable it.
no Disables NTP globally.
default Resets NTP interval to the default interval of
15 minutes.

Creating authentication keys using ACLI

Use this procedure to create authentication keys for MD5 authentication. You can create a
maximum of 10 keys.
• Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following command:
[no] [default] ntp authentication-key <1-2147483647> <word>
1. Create the authentication key:
ERS-4000(config)# ntp authentication-key 5 test
2. Enable MD5 authentication for the NTP server:
ERS-4000(config)# ntp server auth-enable
3. Assign an authentication key to the NTP server:
ERS-4000(config)# ntp server authentication-
key 5

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the ntp command.

178 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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NTP configuration using ACLI

Variable definition

Variable Value
authentication-key <1-2147483647> Creates an authentication key for MD5
no Disables all NTP authentication keys.
default Returns NTP authentication keys to the
default value.
<word> Specifies an alphanumeric secret key with a
maximum of 8 characters.

Adding or deleting an NTP server using ACLI

Use this procedure to add or delete an NTP server. You can configure a maximum of 10 time
• Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following commands:
[no] [default] ntp server <A.B.C.D>
ERS-4000(config)# ntp server

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the ntp server command.
Variable definition

Variable Value
no Deletes the NTP server.
default Resets the NTP server to the default.
DEFAULT: Not enabled, No Authentication,
No Authentication keys

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 179

System configuration using ACLI

Modifying options for an NTP server using ACLI

Use this procedure to modify the existing options for an NTP server that is identified by its IP
• Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following commands:
[default] [no] ntp server <A.B.C.D.> [auth-enable]
[authentication-key <1-2147483647>] [enable]
ERS-4000(config)# ntp server

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the ntp server command.
Variable definition

Variable Value
auth-enable Activates MD5 authentication on this NTP
DEFAULT: no MD5 authentication
To set this option to the default value, use the
default operator with the command.
authentication-key <1-2147483647> Specifies the key ID value used to generate
the MD5 digest for the NTP server within the
range of 1 to 2147483647.
If this parameter is omitted, the key defaults
to 1 (disabled authentication).
To set this option to the default value, use the
default operator with the command.
default Sets the NTP server to the default.
DEFAULT: No MD5 authentication. Disabled
no Deletes the NTP server.

180 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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NTP configuration using ACLI

Show NTP settings using ACLI

Use this procedure to view the NTP, NTP key, and NTP server settings, as well as the NTP
• Use this command in the EXEC mode.
Procedure steps
Enter the following commands:
show ntp [key] [server] [statistics]
Example of show ntp command
ERS-4000:5#show ntp

NTP Client global configuration

NTP Client enabled : true
Update Interval : 15 minutes

Example of show ntp key command

ERS-4000:5#show ntp key

Key ID Key
1 test 1
1911 test 2

Example of show ntp server command

ERS-4000:5#show ntp server

Server IP Enabled Auth Key ID true true 1911

Example of show ntp statistics command

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 181

System configuration using ACLI

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the show ntp command.
Variable definition

Variable Value
server Display NTP server information.
key Display NTP authentication keys.
statistics To view information about the status of the
NTP server:
• Number of NTP requests sent to this NTP
• Number of times this NTP server updated
the time
• Number of times this NTP server was
rejected attempting to update the time
• Stratum
• Version
• Sync Status
• Reachability
• Root Delay
• Precision

Link-state configuration using ACLI

The Link-state (LST) tracking feature identifies the upstream and downstream interfaces. The
associations between these two interfaces form link-state tracking group. To enable link-state
tracking, create a link-state group, and specify the interfaces that are assigned to the link-state
group. An interface can be an aggregation of ports, multi link trunks (MLT) or link aggregation
groups (LAG). In a link-state group, these interfaces are bundled together.

182 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Link-state configuration using ACLI

Enabling link-state tracking

Use the following procedure to enable link-state tracking group with upstream or downstream
Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Enter the following command to enable link-state tracking:
link-state group <1-2> {{upstream | downstream>} interface
<interface-type><interface-id> | enable}

Variable Definition

Name Description
link-state group <1-2> Specifies the link-state group. Only two link-
state tracking groups are supported.
upstream | downstream Specifies if the set is upstream or
downstream and adds the interface to the
specific set.
<interface-type> Specifies the interface type. It can be an
aggregation of ports, multi link trunks (MLT)
or link aggregation groups (LAG).
<interface-id> Specifies the interface ID.
enable Enables the tracking group.

Disabling link-state tracking

Use the following procedure to disable link-state tracking group with upstream or downstream
Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Enter the following command to disable link state tracking:
no link-state group <1-2> {{upstream | downstream>} interface
<interface-type><interface-id> | enable}

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 183

System configuration using ACLI

Assigning default values to link-state tracking

Use the following procedure to assign default values to link-state tracking.
Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Enter the following command to assign default values to link-state tracking.
default link-state group <1-2> [upstream | downstream]

Displaying link-state tracking

Use the following procedure to view link-state tracking details.
Use this command in the Global Configuration mode.
Enter the following command to display the link-state tracking details:
show link-state [group <1-2>] [detail]

Variable Definition

Name Description
link-state group <1-2> Specifies the link-state group. Only two link-
state tracking groups are supported.
detail Specifies to display detailed tracking group

Configuring link-state tracking with ACLI

Before you begin
Ensure you are in Global Configuration command mode.
About this task
To configure link-state tracking group 1 with ports 1/1, 2/1 and MLT 1 as upstream members
and ports 1/2, 2/2 and MLT 2 as downstream members.

184 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI


1. Set ports 1/1 and 2/1 as upstream interfaces for LST group 1.
link-state group 1 upstream interface Ethernet 1/1,2/1
2. Add MLT 1 to LST group 1 upstream members.
link-state group 1 upstream interface mlt 1
3. Define ports 1/2 and 2/2 as downstream members for LST group 1.
link-state group 1 downstream interface Ethernet 1/2, 2/2
4. Add MLT 2 to LST group 1 downstream members.
link-state group 1 downstream interface mlt 2
5. Enable LST group 1.
link-state group 1 enable


General switch administration using ACLI

This section describes the ACLI commands used in general switch administration.

Multiple switch configurations

The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series supports the storage of two switch
configurations in flash memory. The switch can use either configuration and must be reset for
the configuration change to take effect.
A regular reset of the switch synchronizes configuration changes to the active configuration,
whereas a reset to defaults sets configuration to factory defaults. The inactive block is not
In stack configurations, all units in the stack must use the same active configuration. If a unit
joins a stack, a check is performed between the unit active configuration and the stack active
configuration. If the two differ, the new stack unit resets and loads the stack active
The following considerations apply to NVRAM commands:
• The Nvram block that is not active is not reset to default after downgrade.
• You can save the switch binary configuration to the non-default NVRAM block.
• When you perform an agent code downgrade on the switch, only the configuration from
the default block resets to default.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 185

System configuration using ACLI

show nvram block command

This command shows the configurations currently stored on the switch. The syntax for this
command is
show nvram block
show nvram block

Block Active Name Last Saved

1 True Configuration_Block_1
2 False α

The Last Saved time is not available even if SNTP is active. ERS4000 switch does not have
a RTC (Real Time Clock).
Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

copy config nvram block command

This command copies the current configuration to one of the flash memory locations. The
syntax for this command is
copy config nvram block <1-2> name <block_name>

Table 49: copy config nvram block parameters on page 186 outlines the parameters for this
Table 49: copy config nvram block parameters

Parameter Description
block <1—2> The flash memory location to store the configuration.
name <block_name> Name to attach to this block. Names can be up to 40 characters
in length with no spaces.

Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

copy nvram config block command

This command copies the configuration stored in flash memory at the specified location and
makes it the active configuration. The syntax for this command is

186 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

copy nvram config block <1-2>

Substitute <1-2> with the configuration file to load.

This command resets the switch to reset so that the new configuration load.
Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

Configuring system IP addresses and boot mode

Configure, clear, and view IP addresses, gateway addresses, and boot mode information .

ip address command
The ip address command sets the IP address and subnet mask for the switch or a stack,
and selects BootP or DHCP as the boot mode for the next switch reboot.
The syntax for the ip address command is
ip address <A.B.C.D> [netmask <A.B.C.D>] source {bootp-always|bootp-
last-address|dhcp-when-needed} [stack|switch|unit]

Run the ip address command in Global Configuration command mode.

If the stack or switch parameter is not specified, the system automatically modifies the stack
IP address when in stack mode and modifies the switch IP address when in standalone
The following table describes the parameters for the ip address command.

Table 50: ip address parameters

Parameters Description
A.B.C.D Specifies the IP address in dotted-decimal notation.
netmask Specifies the IP subnet mask for the stack or switch. The
netmask is optional.
source Specifies whether to use the BootP or DHCP server to assign
an IPv4 address for the management VLAN at the next switch
reboot. Values include:
• bootp-always—always use the BootP server
• bootp-last-address—use the BootP server last used
• bootp-when-needed—use the BootP server when needed
• configured-address—use configured server IP address
• dhcp-always—always use the DHCP server

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 187

System configuration using ACLI

Parameters Description

• dhcp-last-address—use the DHCP server last used

• dhcp-when-needed—use the DHCP server when needed

stack | switch | unit Specifies the IP address and netmask of the stack or the switch,
or another unit in at a stack.

When you change the IP address or subnet mask, connectivity to Telnet and the Web can
be lost.

default ip address command

The default ip address command sets the IP address, subnet mask, and boot mode for
the switch or a stack to default.
The syntax for the default ip address [source] command is
default ip address

Run the default ip address command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the default ip address command.

Table 51: default ip address parameters

Variable Value
source Configures the BootP and DHCP boot mode to default for the
next system reboot.

When the IP gateway changes, connectivity to Telnet and the Internet can be lost.

no ip address command
The no ip address command clears the IP address and subnet mask for a switch or a stack.
This command sets the IP address and subnet mask for a switch or a stack to all zeros (0).
The syntax for the no ip address command is
no ip address {stack | switch | unit}

Run the no ip address command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

188 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

Table 52: no ip address parameters

Parameters Description
stack | switch Zeroes out the stack IP address and subnet mask or the switch
IP address and subnet mask.
unit Zeroes out the IP address for the specified unit.

When you change the IP address or subnet mask, connectivity to Telnet and the Web
Interface can be lost. Any new Telnet connection can be disabled and must connect to the
serial console port to configure a new IP address.

show ip address source command

The show ip address source command displays the configured boot mode for the next
switch reboot.
The syntax for the show ip address source command is
show ip address source

Run the show ip address source command in User EXEC or Privileged EXEC command

ip dhcp client lease command

The ip dhcp client lease command configures the DHCP client lease time in seconds,
minutes, hours, days, and weeks.
The syntax for the ip dhcp client lease <time> command is
ip dhcp client lease

Run the ip dhcp client lease command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the ip dhcp client lease command.

Table 53: ip dhcp client lease parameters

Variable Value
<time> Specifies the DHCP client lease time. Values include:
• seconds—from 10–4294967295
• minutes—from 1–71582788
• hours—from 1–1193046

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 189

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Value

• days—from 1–49710
• weeks—from 1–7101

When you change the IP address or subnet mask, connectivity to Telnet and the Web can
be lost.

default ip dhcp client lease command

The default ip dhcp client lease command configures the DHCP client lease time
(seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks) to default values.
The syntax for the default ip dhcp client lease command is
default ip dhcp client lease

Run the default ip dhcp client lease command in Global Configuration command

When you change the IP address or subnet mask, connectivity to Telnet and the Web can
be lost.

no ip dhcp client lease command

The no ip dhcp client lease command deletes the DHCP client lease time.

The syntax for the no ip dhcp client lease command is

no ip dhcp client lease

Run the no ip dhcp client lease command in Global Configuration command mode.

show ip dhcp client lease command

The show ip dhcp client lease command displays the configured and granted DHCP
client lease time.
The syntax for the show ip dhcp client lease command is
show ip dhcp client lease

190 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

Run the no ip dhcp client lease command in User EXEC or Privileged EXEC command

renew dhcp command

The renew dhcp command renews the DHCP client lease.

The syntax for the renew dhcp command is

renew dhcp

Run the renew dhcp command in Global Configuration command mode.

ip default-gateway command
The ip default-gateway command sets the default IP gateway address for a switch or a
stack to use.
The syntax for the ip default-gateway command is
ip default-gateway <XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX>

Run the ip default-gateway command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the ip default-gateway command.

Table 54: ip default-gateway parameters

Parameters Description
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Enter the dotted-decimal IP address of the default IP gateway.

When you change the IP gateway, connectivity to Telnet and the Web Interface can be

no ip default-gateway command
The no ip default-gateway command sets the IP default gateway address to zero (0).

The syntax for the no ip default-gateway command is

no ip default-gateway

Run the no ip default-gateway command in Global Configuration command mode.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 191

System configuration using ACLI

When you change the IP gateway, connectivity to Telnet and the Web Interface can be

show ip command
The show ip command displays the IP configurations, BootP mode, stack address, switch
address, subnet mask, and gateway address. This command displays these parameters for
what is configured, what is in use, and the last BootP. The sub command, Display DNS
configuration, provides information about the DNS configuration.

The syntax for the show ip command is

show ip [bootp] [default-gateway] [address]

Run the show ip command in User EXEC or Privileged EXEC command mode.

If you do not enter any parameters, this command displays all IP-related configuration
The following table describes the variables for the show ip command.

Table 55: show ip parameters

Variables Description
bootp BootP-related IP information.
default-gateway The IP address of the default gateway.
address The current IP address.

Assigning and clearing IP addresses for specific units

You can use ACLI to assign and clear IP addresses for a specific unit in a stack. For details,
see the following sections:
• ip address unit command on page 192
• no ip address unit command on page 193

ip address unit command

The ip address unit command sets the IP address and subnet mask of a specific unit in
the stack.

192 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

The syntax for the ip address unit command is

ip address unit <1-8> [A.B.C.D]

Run the ip address unit command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters this command.

Table 56: ip address unit parameters

Parameters and Description

unit <1—8> Sets the unit you are assigning an IP address.
A.B.C.D Enter IP address in dotted-decimal notation.

When the IP address or subnet mask changes, connectivity to Telnet and the Internet can
be lost.

no ip address unit command

The no ip address unit command sets the IP address for the specified unit in a stack to
zeros (0).
The syntax for the no ip address unit command is
no ip address unit <1-8>

Run the no ip address unit command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters this command.

Table 57: no ip address parameters

Variable Value
unit <1—8> Zeroes out the IP address for the specified unit.

When you change the IP address or subnet mask, connectivity to Telnet and the Internet
can be lost.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 193

System configuration using ACLI

Displaying Interfaces
You can view the status of all interfaces on the switch or stack, including MultiLink Trunk
membership, link status, autonegotiation, and speed.

show interfaces command

The show interfaces command displays the current configuration and status of all
The syntax for the show interfaces command is
show interfaces [<portlist>] [admin-disabled] [admin-enabled] [gbic-
info] [LINE] [link-down] [link-up] [names] [verbose]

Run the show interfaces command in User EXEC command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the show interfaces command.

Table 58: show interfaces variables

Variables Description
admin-disabled Displays the admin disabled interfaces.
admin-enabled Displays the admin enabled interfaces.
gbic-info Displays the GBIC details.
LINE Display a list of existing ports with names (displays interface
link-down Displays the interfaces with the link down.
link-up Displays the interfaces with the link up.
names <portlist> Displays the interface names; enter specific ports to see only
those ports.
verbose Displays the port status information for several applications.

Configuring Link-state tracking

The following sections describes the commands necessary to configure Link-state tracking
using ACLI. The command listed below allows a user to enable or disable tracking groups and
to specify the interfaces from upstream and downstream sets.
The following configuration commands have been added for Link-state tracking:

194 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

1. link-state group <1–2> {{upstream | downstream>} interface

<interface-type><interface-id> | enable}.

Variable Description
<interface-type>:<interface-id> This can be Ethernet: LINE or mlt:<1-32>.
upstream/downstream Adds the interface to a specific set.
enable This enables the tracking group.

2. link-state group <1–2> {{upstream | downstream>} interface

<interface-type><interface-id> | enable}.

Variable Description
<interface-type>:<interface-id> This can be Ethernet: LINE or mlt:<1-32>.
upstream/downstream Removes the interface from a specific set.
enable This disables the tracking group.

3. default link-state group <1-2> [upstream | downstream].

Variable Description
upstream/downstream Clears the respective set of interfaces.
no-upstream/downstream Disables the group and clears the upstream and
downstream sets.

4. show link-state [[group] <1–2>] [detail]

Variable Description
without detail This displays the tracking group status (enabled/
disabled) and operational status (up/down).
with detail This displays tracking group detailed information.

When the group is enabled, interface states for both upstream and downstream interfaces are
displayed . When the group is down, all downstream interfaces are listed as Dis (disabled).
When the group is up, states for both upstream and downstream interfaces are displayed (Up/

For downstream interfaces, the state corresponds directly with the link status. If VLACP is
globally enabled, upstream interfaces with VLACP enabled will be shown. When the group
is disabled, no states for upstream/downstream interfaces are shown; also, no VLACP
enabled interfaces are shown.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 195

System configuration using ACLI

Displaying configuration information for ports

The show port enhancement provides the ability to show all the configuration information for
a specific port through ACLI.
The syntax for the show port enhancement command is: .
show interfaces <portlist> config

The command displays information related to port configuration, VLAN interface, VLAN port
member, and Spanning-Tree configuration.
The following example displays sample output for the show port enhancement:
show interfaces 1/22 config

Setting port speed

To set port speed and duplexing using ACLI, see the following sections.

speed command
The speed command sets the port speed.

The syntax for the speed command is

speed [port <portlist>] {10 | 100 | 1000 | auto}

Run the speed command in Interface Configuration command mode.

196 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

The following table describes the variables for the speed command.

Table 59: speed variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> Specify the port numbers to configure the speed. Enter the port
numbers you want to configure.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the port number
you specified in the interface command.

10|100|1000|auto Set the speed to:

• 10: 10 Mb/s
• 100: 100 Mb/s
• 1000: 1000 Mb/s or 1 GB/s
• auto: autonegotiation

Enabling or disabling autonegotiation for speed also enables or disables it for duplex
When you set the port speed for autonegotiation, ensure that the other side of the link is
also set for autonegotiation.

default speed command

The default speed command sets the port speed to the factory default speed.

The syntax for the default speed command is

default speed [port <portlist>]

Run the default speed command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 60: Default speed variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> Specify the port numbers for which to set the speed to factory
default. Enter the port numbers to set.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 197

System configuration using ACLI

Variables Description

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the port number
you specified in the interface command.

duplex command
The duplex command specifies the duplex operation for a port.

The syntax for the duplex command is

duplex [port <portlist>] {full | half | auto}

Run the duplex command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 61: Duplex variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> Specify the port numbers to reset the duplex mode to factory
default values. Enter the port number to configure. The default
value is autonegotiation.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the ports you
specified in the interface command.

full | half | auto Set duplex to

• full: full-duplex mode
• half: half-duplex mode
• auto: autonegotiation

Enabling or disabling autonegotiation for speed also enables or disables it for duplex
When you set the duplex mode for autonegotiation, ensure that the other side of the link is
also set for autonegotiation.

198 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

default duplex command

The default duplex command sets the duplex operation for a port to the factory default
duplex value.
The syntax for the default duplex command is
default duplex [port <portlist>]

Run the default duplex command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 62: Default duplex variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> Specify the port numbers for which to reset the duplex mode to
factory default values. Enter the port numbers to configure. The
default value is autonegotiation.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the ports you
specified in the interface command.

Initiating a cable diagnostic test using ACLI

Use the information in this section to initiate and display results for a cable diagnostic test
globally, or for one or more specific switch ports, using the Time Domain Reflectometer

tdr test command

The tdr test command initiates a cable diagnostic test globally, or for one or more specific
switch ports.
The syntax for the tdr test command is
tdr test <portlist>
Run the tdr test command in Privileged EXEC command mode.
Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you can enter after the tdr test

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 199

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Value
<WORD> Specifies a port or list of ports.

show tdr test command

The show tdr test command displays cable diagnostic test results globally, or for one or
more specific switch ports.
The syntax for the show tdr test command is
show tdr test <portlist>
Run the show tdr test command in Privileged EXEC command mode.
Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you can enter after the show tdr
test command.

Variable Value
<WORD> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Enabling Autotopology
Use ACLI to configure the Enterprise Autotopology protocol.
For more information about Autotopology, see http://www.avaya.com. (The product family for
Enterprise and Autotopology is Data and Internet.)

autotopology command
The autotopology command enables the Autotopology protocol.

The syntax for the autotopology command is


Run the autotopology command in Global Configuration command mode.

no autotopology command
The no autotopology command disables the Autotopology protocol.

The syntax for the no autotopology command is

200 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

no autotopology

Run the no autotopology command in Global Configuration command mode.

default autotopology command

The default autotopology command enables the Autotopology protocol.

The syntax for the default autotopology command is

default autotopology

Run the default autotopology command in Global Configuration command mode.

The default autotopology command has no parameters or values.

show autotopology settings command

The show autotopology settings command displays the global autotopology settings.

The syntax for the show autotopology settings command is

show autotopology settings

Run the show autotopology settings command in Privileged EXEC command mode.

The show autotopology settings command has no parameters or values.

show autotopology nmm-table command

The show autotopology nmm-table displays the Autotopology network management
module (NMM) table.
The syntax for the show autotopology nmm-table command is
show autotopology nmm-table

Run the show autotopology nmm-table command in Privileged EXEC command

The show autotopology nmm-table command has no parameters or values.

Enabling flow control

Gigabit Ethernet, when used with the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, can control
traffic on this port using the flowcontrol command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 201

System configuration using ACLI

Due to Quality of Service (QoS) interaction, the switch; cannot send pause-frames.

flowcontrol command
Use the flowcontrol command only on Gigabit Ethernet ports to control the traffic rates
during congestion.
The syntax for the flowcontrol command is
flowcontrol [port <portlist>] {asymmetric | auto | disable}

Run the flowcontrol command in Interface Configuration mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 63: Flowcontrol parameters

Parameters and Description

port <portlist> Specify the port numbers to configure for flow control.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the ports you
specified in the interface command but only those ports
that have speed set to 1000/full.
asymmetric | auto | Set the mode for flow control:
• asymmetric: PAUSE frames can flow only in one direction (the
switch cannot send pause-frames).
• auto: Enables autonegotiation on the port.
• disable: Disable flow control on the port.

With auto-negotiation enabled, you must use the "auto-negotiation-advertisements"
command to set the mode for flow control.
The default value for flowcontrol is asymmetric (asymm-pause-frame for auto-negotiation
enabled). When upgrading from an older software version that has symmetric/pause-frame
as default, the symmetric/pause-frame settings are changed to asymmetric/asymm-pause-

202 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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General switch administration using ACLI

If you select the auto mode for flow control on a port, make sure that the desired
autonegotiation advertisements are set on the port.
The following is an example of flow control disabling with autonegotiation enabled:
4850GTS-PWR+#configure terminal
4850GTS-PWR+(config)#interface ethernet 7-8
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#auto-negotiation-advertisements port 7 1000-full
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#show auto-negotiation-advertisements port 7-8
Port Autonegotiation Advertised Capabilities
---- -----------------------------------------------------------------
7 1000Full
8 10Full 10Half 100Full 100Half 1000Full AsymmPause
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#show interfaces 7-8
Status Auto Flow
Port Trunk Admin Oper Link Negotiation Speed Duplex Control
---- ----- ------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------ -------
7 Enable Up Up Custom 1000Mbps Full Disable
8 Enable Up Up Enabled 1000Mbps Full Disable

The following is an example of flow control enabling with autonegotiation enabled:
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#auto-negotiation-advertisements port 7 1000-full asymm-
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#show auto-negotiation-advertisements port 7-8
Port Autonegotiation Advertised Capabilities
---- -----------------------------------------------------------------
7 1000Full AsymmPause
8 10Full 10Half 100Full 100Half 1000Full AsymmPause
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#show interfaces 7-8
Status Auto Flow
Port Trunk Admin Oper Link Negotiation Speed Duplex Control
---- ----- ------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------ -------
7 Enable Up Up Custom 1000Mbps Full Asymm
8 Enable Up Up Enabled 1000Mbps Full Asymm

The following is an example of flow control disabling with autonegotiation disabled:
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#speed port 7-8 1000
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#duplex port 7-8 full
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#flowcontrol port 7-8 disable
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#show interfaces 7-8
Status Auto Flow
Port Trunk Admin Oper Link Negotiation Speed Duplex Control
---- ----- ------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------ -------
7 Enable Up Up Disabled 1000Mbps Full Disable
8 Enable Up Up Disabled 1000Mbps Full Disable

The following is an example of flow control enabling with autonegotiation disabled:
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#flowcontrol port 7-8 asymmetric
4850GTS-PWR+(config-if)#show interfaces 7-8
Status Auto Flow
Port Trunk Admin Oper Link Negotiation Speed Duplex Control
---- ----- ------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------ -------

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 203

System configuration using ACLI

7 Enable Up Up Disabled 1000Mbps Full Asymm

8 Enable Up Up Disabled 1000Mbps Full Asymm

no flowcontrol command
Use the no flowcontrol command only on Gigabit Ethernet ports to disable flow control.

The syntax for the no flowcontrol command is

no flowcontrol [port <portlist>]

Run the no flowcontrol command in Interface Configuration mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 64: No flowcontrol parameters

Parameters and Description

port <portlist> Specify the port numbers for which to disable flow control.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the ports you
specified in the interface command, but only those ports
that have speed set to 1000/full.

default flowcontrol command

Use the default flowcontrol command only on Gigabit Ethernet ports to set the flow
control to automatic, which automatically detects the flow control.
The syntax for the default flowcontrol command is
default flowcontrol [port <portlist>]

Run the default flowcontrol command in Interface Configuration mode.

The following table describes the parameters for the command.

Table 65: Default flowcontrol parameters

Parameters and Description

port <portlist> Specify the port numbers to default to automatic flow control.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the port number
you specified in the interface command.

204 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Enabling rate-limiting
The percentage of multicast traffic, or broadcast traffic, or both, can be limited using ACLI.

show rate-limit command

The show rate-limit command displays the rate-limiting settings and statistics.

The syntax for the show rate-limit command is

show rate-limit

Run the show rate-limit command in Privileged EXEC command mode.

rate-limit command
The rate-limit command configures rate-limiting on the port.

The syntax for the rate-limit command is

rate-limit [port <portlist>] {multicast <pct> | broadcast <pct> |
both <pct>}

Run the rate-limit command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 66: Rate-limit parameters

Parameters and values Description

port <portlist> Specify the port numbers to configure for rate-limiting. Enter the
port numbers to configure.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the port number
you specified in the interface command.

multicast <pct> | Apply rate-limiting to the type of traffic. Enter an integer from 1–
broadcast <pct> | both 10 to set the rate-limiting percentage:
• multicast: Apply rate-limiting to multicast packets.
• broadcast: Apply rate-limiting to broadcast packets.
• both: Apply rate-limiting to both multicast and broadcast

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 205

System configuration using ACLI

no rate-limit command
The no rate-limit command disables rate-limiting on the port.

The syntax for the no rate-limit command is:

no rate-limit [port <portlist>]

Run the no rate-limit command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 67: No rate-limit parameters

Parameters Description
port <portlist> Specify the port numbers to disable for rate-limiting. Enter the
port numbers to disable.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the port number
you specified in the interface command.

default rate-limit command

The default rate-limit command restores the rate-limiting value for the specified port
to the default setting.
The syntax for the default rate-limit command is
default rate-limit [port <portlist>]

Run the default rate-limit command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 68: Default rate-limit parameters

Parameters Description
port <portlist> Specify the port numbers to reset rate-limiting to factory default.
Enter the port numbers to set rate-limiting to default.

If you omit this parameter, the system uses the port number
you specified in the interface command.

206 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Using Simple Network Time Protocol

The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) feature synchronizes the Universal Coordinated
Time (UTC) to an accuracy within 1 second. This feature adheres to the IEEE RFC 2030 (MIB
is the s5agent). With this feature, the system can obtain the time from any RFC 2030-compliant
NTP/SNTP server.

If problems occur when you use this feature, try various NTP servers. Some NTP servers
can be overloaded or currently inoperable.
The system retries connecting with the NTP server a maximum of three times, with 5 minutes
between each retry.

Show SNTP command

The show SNTP command displays the SNTP information, as well as the configured NTP
The syntax for the show SNTP command is
show sntp

Run the show SNTP command in Privileged EXEC command mode.

show sys-info command

The show sys-info command displays the current system characteristics.

The syntax for the show sys-info command is

show sys-info

Run the show sys-info command in Privileged EXEC command mode.

You must have SNTP enabled and configured to display GMT time.

SNTP enable command

The SNTP enable command enables SNTP.

The syntax for the SNTP enable command is

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 207

System configuration using ACLI

sntp enable

Run the SNTP enable command in Global Configuration command mode.

The default setting for SNTP is Disabled.

No SNTP enable command

The no SNTP enable command disables SNTP.

The syntax for the no SNTP enable command is

no sntp enable

Run the no SNTP enable command in Global Configuration command mode.

SNTP server primary address command

The SNTP server primary address command specifies the IP addresses of the primary
NTP server.
The syntax for the SNTP server primary address command is
sntp server primary address [<ipv6_address> | <A.B.C.D>]

Run the SNTP server primary address command in Global Configuration command
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
Table 69: SNTP server primary address parameters

Parameters and Description

ipv6_address Enter the IPv6 address of the primary NTP server.
<A.B.C.D> Enter the IP address of the primary NTP server in dotted-
decimal notation.

SNTP server secondary address command

The SNTP server secondary address command specifies the IP addresses of the
secondary NTP server.
The syntax for the SNTP server secondary address command is

208 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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sntp server secondary address [<ipv6_address> | <A.B.C.D>]

Run the SNTP server secondary address command in Global Configuration command
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
Table 70: SNTP server secondary address parameters

Parameters Description
ipv6_address Enter the IPv6 address of the secondary NTP server.
<A.B.C.D> Enter the IP address of the secondary NTP server in dotted-
decimal notation.

No SNTP server command

The no SNTP server command clears the NTP server IP addresses. The command clears
the primary and secondary server addresses.
The syntax for the no SNTP server command is
no sntp server {primary | secondary}

Run the no SNTP server command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the parameters for this command.

Table 71: no SNTP server parameters

Parameters Description
primary Clear the primary SNTP server address.
secondary Clear the secondary SNTP server address.

SNTP sync-now command

The SNTP sync-now command forces a manual synchronization with the NTP server.

The syntax for the SNTP sync-now command is

sntp sync-now

Run the SNTP sync-now command in Global Configuration command mode.

SNTP must be enabled before this command can take effect.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 209

System configuration using ACLI

SNTP sync-interval command

The SNTP sync-interval command specifies recurring synchronization with the secondary
NTP server in hours relative to initial synchronization.
The syntax for the SNTP sync-interval command is
sntp sync-interval <0-168>

Run the SNTP sync-interval command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the for this command.

Table 72: SNTP sync-interval parameters

Parameters and Description

<0-168> Enter the number of hours for periodic synchronization with the
NTP server.

0 is boot-time only, and 168 is once a week.

Configuring local time zone

Use the following procedure to configure your switch for your local time zone.
1. In ACLI, set the global configuration mode.
2. Enable sntp server.
3. Set clock time zone using the clock command.
clock time-zone zone hours [minutes]

Parameters Description
zone Time zone acronym to be displayed
when showing system time (up to 4
hours Difference from UTC in hours. This can
be any value between -12 and +12.
minutes Optional: This is the number of minutes
difference from UTC. Minutes can be
any value between 0 and 59.

210 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Setting time zone example

clock time-zone PST -8
This command sets the time zone to UTP minus 8 hours and the time zone will be displayed
as "PST."

Configuring daylight savings time

Use the following procedure to configure local daylight savings time recurring change dates.
1. In ACLI, set the global configuration mode.
configure terminal
2. Enable sntp server.
3. Set the date to change to daylight savings time.
clock summer-time zone date day month year hh:mm day month
year hh:mm [offset]

Variables Description
date Indicates that daylight savings time you
set to start and end on the specified
days every year.
day Date to start daylight savings time.
month Month to start daylight savings time.
year Year to start daylight savings time.
hh:mm Hour and minute to start daylight
savings time.
day Date to end daylight savings time.
month Month to end daylight savings time.
year Year to end daylight savings time.
hh:mm Hour and minute to end daylight
savings time.
offset Number of minutes to add during the
summer time.
zone The time zone acronym to be displayed
when daylight savings time is in effect.
If it is unspecified, it defaults to the time
zone acronym set when the time zone
was set.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 211

System configuration using ACLI

set daylight savings time example

clock summer-time BST date 28 Mar 2007 2:00 30 Aug 2007 15:00 +60
This command sets the daylight savings time to begin at 02:00 on March 28, 2007 and end on
August 30th, 2007 at 15:00. The change to daylight savings moves the clock forward by 60
minutes and "BST" will be displayed as the time zone acronym. These changes to and from
daylight savings time will happen automatically.

Configuring recurring daylight savings time

Use this procedure to configure the daylight saving time start and end times for a single
occurrence or to recur annually.
1. In ACLI, set the global configuration mode.
2. Enable the SNTP server.
3. Set the date to change to daylight savings time.
clock summer-time recurring (<startWeek:1-5>|last}
<start:DAY> <start:MONTH> <start:hh:mm> {<endWeek:1-5>|last}
<endDAY> <end:MONTH> <end:hh:mm> [offset <1-1440>]
Variable definitions

Variable Value
startWeek <1-5>|last> Specifies the week of the month (starting on
a Sunday) you want recurring daylight
savings time to start. Values include:
• <1-5>—the first to the fifth week for months
of the year that include five Sundays
• last—the last week of months of the year
that do not include five Sundays

For the <1-5> parameter, weeks are
counted starting from the first day of the
month, not calendar weeks; so, weeks 1-4
would not always apply. Week 5 may not
apply in certain years. In that case,
summer time start/end falls back to the
'last' option.
Years with no Sunday in the fifth week of
For years without a Sunday in the fifth week
of March, summer time will start on the last
Sunday of March.

212 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Variable Value
<start:DAY> Specifies the day of the particular month you
want recurring daylight savings time to
<start:MONTH> Specifies the month of each year you want
recurring daylight savings time to start.
<start:hh:mm> Specifies the hour and minutes of the
particular day you want recurring daylight
savings time to start.
endWeek <1-5>|last> Specifies the week of the month (starting on
a Sunday) you want recurring daylight
savings time to end. Values include:
• <1-5>—the first to the fifth week for months
of the year that include five Sundays
• last—the last week of months of the year
that do not include five Sundays

For the <1-5> parameter, weeks are
counted starting from the first day of the
month, not calendar weeks; so, weeks 1-4
would not always apply. Week 5 may not
apply in certain years. In that case,
summer time start/end falls back to the
'last' option.
<end:DAY> Specifies the day of the particular month you
want recurring daylight savings time to end.
<end:MONTH> Specifies the month of each year you want
recurring daylight savings time to end.
<end:hh:mm> Specifies the hour and minute of the
particular day you want recurring daylight
savings time to end.
offset <1-1440> Specifies the time in minutes by which you
want to change the time when recurring
daylight savings begins and ends. The offset
is added to the current time when daylight
saving time begins and subtracted from the
current time when daylight saving time ends.
Values range from 1 to 1440 minutes.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 213

System configuration using ACLI

Clock configuration
In addition to SNTP time configuration, a clock provides the switch with time information. This
clock provides the switch information in the instance that SNTP time is not available.
Use the Clock source command to view and configure the clock.

Clock source command

This command sets the clock source for the switch.
The syntax for this command is
[default] clock source {ntp | sntp | sysUpTime }

Substitute {ntp | sntp | sysUpTime} with the clock source selection.

Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

Custom Autonegotiation Advertisements

Custom Autonegotiation Advertisement (CANA) customizes the capabilities that are
advertised. It also controls the capabilities that the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series
advertises as part of the auto negotiation process.

Configuring CANA
Use the auto-negotiation-advertisements command to configure CANA.

To configure port 5 to advertise the operational mode of 10 Mb/s and full duplex enter the
following command:
auto-negotiation-advertisements port 5 10-full

Viewing current auto-negotiation advertisements

To view the autonegotiation advertisements for the device, enter the following command:
show auto-negotiation-advertisements [port <portlist>]

Viewing hardware capabilities

To view the available operational modes for the device, enter the following command:

214 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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show auto-negotiation-capabilities [port <portlist>]

Setting default auto-negotiation-advertisements

The default auto-negotiation-advertisements command makes a port advertise
all auto negotiation capabilities.
The syntax for the default auto-negotiation-advertisements command is
default auto-negotiation-advertisements [port <portlist>]

To set default advertisements for port 5 of the device, enter the following command:
default auto-negotiation-advertisements port 5

Run the default auto-negotiation-advertisements command in Interface

Configuration mode.

no auto-negotiation-advertisements command
The no auto-negotiation-advertisements command makes a port silent.

The syntax for the no auto-negotiation-advertisements command is

no auto-negotiation-advertisements [port <portlist>]

Run the no auto-negotiation-advertisements command in Interface Configuration


Connecting to Another Switch

Use ACLI to communicate with another switch while maintaining the current switch connection,
by running the ping and telnet commands.

ping command
Use this procedure to determine whether or not you can establish communication between two
switches. The ping command tests the network connection to another network device by
sending an Internet Command Message Protocol (ICMP) packet from the local IP address
(ipv6 or dns host name) or a specified source ipv4 address. The ping command waits for a
reply within a predetermined time period. If the reply arrives within the established timeout
interval, the host is considered to be reachable.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 215

System configuration using ACLI

• Use this command in the User EXEC mode or any of the other command modes.
• To ping from the local IP address, set the local IP address before you issue the ping
Enter the following command:
ping <ipv6_address | dns_host_name> [datasize <64-4096>] [{count
<1-9999>} | continuous] [{timeout | -t} <1-120>] [interval <1-60>]
[debug][source <WORD>]

Variable definitions
The following table describes the parameters for the ping command.
Variable definition

Parameter Description
ipv6_address | dns_host_name Specifies the IPv6 address or DNS host
name of the unit to test.
datasize <64–4096> Specifies the size of the ICMP packet to be
sent within a range of 64 to 4096 bytes.
DEFAULT: 64 bytes
count <1–9999> | continuous Sets the number of ICMP packets to be sent
within a range of 1 to 9999 packets. The
continuous mode sets the ping running until
the user interrupts it by entering Ctrl+C.
DEFAULT: 5 packets
timeout | -t | <1–120> Sets the timeout using either the timeout with
the –t parameter followed by the number of
seconds the switch must wait before timing
out. Range is within 1 to 120 seconds.
DEFAULT: 5 seconds
interval <1–60> Specifies the number of seconds between
transmitted packets within a range of 1 to 60
DEFAULT: 1 second
debug Provides additional output information such
as the ICMP sequence number and the trip
source <WORD> Specifies the source 1Pv4 address of the
outgoing ICMP request message. Must be
one of the device’s layer 3 active interfaces.
If no source address is specified, the address

216 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Parameter Description
of the interface used to send out the packets
is used as the source address.

telnet command
Use the telnet command to establish communications with another switch during the current
ACLI session. Communication can be established to only one external switch at a time using
the telnet command.

The syntax for this command is

telnet <ipv6_address | dns_host_name | ipv4_address>

Substitute <ipv6_address | dns_host_name | ipv4_address> with either the IPv6 /

IPv4 address or the DNS host name of the unit with which to communicate.
Run this command in User EXEC or Privileged EXEC command mode.

Domain Name Server (DNS) Configuration

Use domain name servers when the switch needs to resolve a domain name (such as
avaya.com) to an IP address.

show ip dns command

Use the show ip dns command to display DNS-related information. This information
includes the default switch domain name and any configured DNS servers.
The syntax for this command is
show ip dns

Run this command in User EXEC command mode.

ip domain-name command
Use the ip domain-name command to set the default DNS domain name for the switch. This
default domain name is appended to all DNS queries or commands that do not already contain
a DNS domain name.
The syntax for this command is
ip domain-name <domain_name>

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 217

System configuration using ACLI

Substitute <domain_name> with the default domain name. A domain name is deemed valid
if it contains alphanumeric characters and at least one period (.).
Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

no ip domain-name command
Use the no ip domain-name command to clear a previously configured default DNS domain
name for the switch.
The syntax for this command is
no ip domain-name

Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

default ip domain-name command

Use the default ip domain-name command to set the system default switch domain
name. Because this default is an empty string, this command has the same effect as the no
ip domain-name command.

The syntax for this command is:

default ip domain-name

Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

ip name-server command
Use the ip name-server command to set the domain name servers the switch uses to
resolve a domain name to an IP address. A switch can have up to three domain name servers
specified for this purpose.
The syntax of this command is
ip name-server [<ipv6_address> | <ip_address_1> ip name-server
[<ipv6_address> | <ip_address_2>] ip name-server [<ipv6_address> |

To enter all three server addresses, you must enter the command three times, each with a
different server address.
Table 73: ip name-server parameters on page 219 outlines the parameters for this

218 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Table 73: ip name-server parameters

Parameter Description
ipv6_address The IPv6 address of the domain name server used by
the switch.
<ip_address_1> The IP address of the domain name server used by
the switch.
<ip_address_2> Optional. The IP address of a domain name server to
add to the list of servers used by the switch.
<ip_address_3> Optional. The IP address of a domain name server to
add to the list of servers used by the switch.

Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

no ip name-server command
Use the no ip name-server command to remove domain name servers from the list of
servers used by the switch to resolve domain names to an IP address.
The syntax for this command is
no ip name-server <ip_address_1> no ip name-server [<ip_address_2>]
no ip name-server [<ip_address_3>]

To remove all three server addresses, you must enter the command three times, each with
a different server address.
Table 74: no ip name-server parameters on page 219 outlines the parameters for this
Table 74: no ip name-server parameters

Parameter Description
<ip_address_1> The IP address of the domain name server to
<ip_address_2> Optional. The IP address of a domain name server to
remove from the list of servers used by the switch.
<ip_address_3> Optional. The IP address of a domain name server to
remove from the list of servers used by the switch.

Run this command in Global Configuration command mode.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 219

System configuration using ACLI

Serial Security
This feature involves logout event when serial console is pulled out.
The commands for serial security are:
4548GT-PWR(config)#serial-security enable

- Enable serial security

4548GT-PWR(config)#no serial-security enable

- Disable serial security

4548GT-PWR(config)#default serial-security enable

By default this feature is disabled, the show serial-security command displays the
status of the serial security.
Following is an example for show serial-security command:
4548GT-PWR#show serial-security
Serial security is disabled

The following message should be logged during the logout event:

I 00:02:39:52 23 #0 Session closed (console cable disconnected),
serial connection, access mode: no security

When loading an ASCII configuration file on switch, removing the console cable does not
involve a logout event.

Configuring LLDP using ACLI

You can enable and configure LLDP using ACLI. For more information about LLDP, see Link
Layer Discovery Protocol (IEEE 802.1AB) Overview on page 93.

220 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

lldp command
The lldp command sets the LLDP transmission parameters. The syntax for the lldp
command is
lldp [tx-interval <5-32768>] [tx-hold-multiplier <2-10>] [reinit-
delay <1-10>] [tx-delay <1-8192>] [notification-interval <5-3600>]
[med-fast-start <1-10>] [vendor-specific avaya {call-server | file-

Run the lldp command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the lldp command.

Table 75: lldp command variables

Variables Description
Set the interval between successive
tx-interval <5-32768>
transmission cycles.
Set the multiplier for the tx-interval used to
tx-hold-multiplier <2-10> compute the Time To Live value for the TTL
Set the delay for the reinitialization attempt if
reinit-delay <1-10>
the adminStatus is disabled.
Set the minimum delay between successive
tx-delay <1-8192>
LLDP frame transmissions.
med-fast-start <1-10> Set value for med-fast-start.
Set the interval between successive
notification-interval <5-3600>
transmissions of LLDP notifications.
Sets the vendor specific details for
vendor-specific avaya {call-server | file-
advertising the call server or file server
details to the Avaya IP phones.

lldp port command

The lldp port command sets the LLDP port parameters. The syntax for the lldp port
command is
lldp port <portlist> [status {rxOnly | txAndRx | txOnly}] [config

Run the lldp port command in Interface Configuration command mode.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 221

System configuration using ACLI

The following table describes the variables for the lldp port command.

Table 76: lldp port command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> Specify the ports affected by the command.
Set the LLDPU transmit and receive status on the
• rxonly: enables LLDPU receive only
status {rxOnly | txAndRx | txOnly} • txAndRx: enables LLDPU transmit and receive
For LLDP support for PoE+, transmission and
reception must be enabled.
• txOnly: enables LLDPU transmit only

Enable notification when new neighbor information is

config notification stored or when existing information is removed. The
default value is enabled.

lldp med-network-policies command

The lldp med-network-policies command configures LLDP Media Endpoint Devices
(MED) policies for switch ports. The syntax for the lldp med-network-policies
command is
lldp med-network-policies [port <portList>] {voice|voice-signaling}
[dscp <0-63>] [priority <0-7>] [tagging {tagged|untagged}] [vlan-id

Run the lldp med-network-policies command in Interface Configuration command


As a safeguard, a LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV is not sent in the LLDPDUs if the policy
has the vlan-id set to value 0 (prority tagged frames).
The following table describes the variables for the lldp med-network-policies
Table 77: lldp med-network-policies command variables

Variable Value
Specifies the port or ports on which to configure LLDP
port <portlist>
MED policies.

222 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

Variable Value
Specifies voice network policy. The default value is
voice-signaling Specifies voice signalling network policy.
Specifies the value of the Differentiated Service Code
Point (DSCP) as defined in IETF RFC 2474 and RFC
dscp <0-63> 2475 that is associated with the selected switch port
or ports. Values range from 0–63. The default value is
Specifies the value of the 802.1p priority that applies
priority <0-7> to the selected switch port or ports. Values range from
0–7. The default value is 6.
Specifies the type of VLAN tagging to apply on the
selected switch port or ports.
• tagged—uses a tagged VLAN

tagging {tagged | untagged} • untagged—uses an untagged VLAN or does not

support port-based VLANs.
If you select untagged, the system ignores the VLAN
ID and priority values, and recognizes only the DSCP
Specifies the VLAN identifier for the selected port or
ports. Values range from 0–4094 (0 is for priority
tagged frames). If you select priority tagged frames,
vlan-id <0-4094>
the system recognizes only the 802.1p priority level
and uses a value of 0 for the VLAN ID of the ingress

lldp tx-tlv command

The lldp tx-tlv command sets the optional Management TLVs to be included in the
transmitted LLDPDUs.
The syntax for the lldp tx-tlv command is:
lldp tx-tlv [port <portlist>] [local-mgmt-addr] [port-desc] [sys-cap]

Run the lldp tx-tlv command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the lldp tx-tlv command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 223

System configuration using ACLI

Table 78: lldp tx-tlv command variables

Variables Description
The local management address TLV. This TLV is
enabled by default.
The port description TLV This TLV is enabled by
default. This TLV is enabled by default.
port <portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.
sys-cap The system capabilities TLV.
The system description TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The system name TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The Media Endpoint Device (MED) for a specific

lldp tx-tlv dot1 command

The lldp tx-tlv dot1 command sets the optional IEEE 802.1 organizationally-specifc
TLVs to be included in the transmitted LLDPDUs. The syntax for the lldp tx-tlv dot1
command is
(config)#lldp tx-tlv [port <portlist>] dot1 [port-protocol-vlan-id
<vlanlist>] [port-vlan-id ] [protocol-identity < [EAP] [LLDP] [STP]>]
[vlan-name <vlanlist>]

The lldp tx-tlv dot1 command is in the Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the lldp tx-tlv dot1 command.

Table 79: lldp tx-tlv dot1 command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> The ports affected by the command.
port-protocol-vlan-id <vlanlist> The port and protocol VLAN ID TLV.
port-vlan-id The port VLAN ID TLV.
protocol-identity <[EAP] [LLDP]
Protocol Identity TLV
vlan-name <vlanlist> The VLAN name TLV.

224 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

lldp tx-tlv dot3 command

The lldp tx-tlv dot3 command sets the optional IEEE 802.3 organizationally-specifc
TLVs to be included in the transmitted LLDPDUs. The syntax for the lldp tx-tlv dot3
command is
(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv [port <portlist>] dot3 [link-aggregation]
[mac-phy-config-status] [maximum-frame-size][mdi-power-support]

Run the lldp tx-tlv dot3 command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the lldp tx-tlv dot3 command.

Table 80: lldp tx-tlv dot3 command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> The ports affected by the command.
link-aggregation The link aggregation TLV.
mac-phy-config-status The MAC/Phy configuration or status TLV.
maximum-frame-size Maximum Frame Size TLV.
Power via MDI TLV is sent only on ports where
transmission is enabled. The power via MDI TLV,
mdi-power-support transmission of this TLV is enabled by default on all
POE ports. The transmission can be enabled only on
PoE ports.

lldp tx-tlv med command

The lldp tx-tlv med command sets the optional organizationally specific TLVs for use by
MED devices to be included in the transmitted LLDPDUs. The syntax for the lldp tx-tlv
med command is:
lldp tx-tlv [port <portlist>] med [extendedPSE] [inventory]
[location] [med-capabilities] [network-policy]

The lldp tx-tlv med command is in the config-if command mode.

The following table lists the variables for the lldp tx-tlv med command.

Table 81: lldp tx-tlv med command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> specifies the ports affected by the command

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 225

System configuration using ACLI

Variables Description
med-capabilities MED Capabilities TLV (MED TLVs are
transmitted only if MED Capabilities TLVs
are transmitted). This TLV is enabled by
extendedPSE Extended PSE TLV, the transmission of this
TLV is enabled by default only on POE port
inventory Inventory TLVs This TLV is enabled by
location Location Identification TLV This TLV is
enabled by default.
network-policy Network Policy TLV This TLV is enabled by

default lldp command

The default lldp command sets the LLDP transmission parameters to their default values.
The syntax for the default lldp command is
default lldp [tx-interval ] [tx-hold-multiplier ] [reinit-delay] [tx-
delay] [notification-interval] [med-fast-start]

If no parameters are specified, the default lldp sets all parameters to their default
Run the default lldp command in Global Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the default lldp command.

Table 82: default lldp command variables

Variables Description
tx-interval Set the retransmit interval to the default value (30).
Set the transmission multiplier to the default value
reinit-delay Set the reinitialize delay to the default value (2).
tx-delay Set the transmission delay to the default value (2).
notification-interval Set the notification interval to the default value (5).
Set the MED fast start repeat count to the default

226 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

default lldp port command

The default lldp port command sets the port parameters to their default values. The
syntax for the default lldp port command is
default lldp port <portlist> [status] [config notification]

Run the default lldp port command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the default lldp port command.

Table 83: default lldp port command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> The ports affected by the command.
Set the LLDPU transmit and receive status to the
default value (txAndRx).
Set the config notification to its default value
config notification

default lldp med-network-policies command

The default lldp med-network-policies command configures LLDP MED policies
for switch ports to default values. The syntax for the default lldp med-network-
policies command is:
default lldp med-network-policies {voice|voice-signaling} [port

If no parameter is used, both voice and voice-signaling lldp network policies are restored to
default Starting with release 5.5, a default network policy for voice id defined on all switch
ports. This have L2 priority 6, DSCP 46, tagging parameter set to untagged and vlan ID 0.

As a safeguard, a LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV is not sent in the LLDPDUs if the policy
has the vlan-id set to value 0 (prority tagged frames).
Run the default lldp med-network-policies command in Interface Configuration
command mode.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 227

System configuration using ACLI

The following table describes the variables for the default lldp med-network-
policies command.

Table 84: default lldp med-network-policies command variables

Variable Value
Specifies the port or ports on which to configure
port <portlist>
default LLDP MED policies.
Specifies the default voice network policy. The default
value is 46.
voice-signaling Specifies the default voice signalling network policy.

default lldp tx-tlv command

The default lldp tx-tlv command sets the LLDP Management TLVs to their default
values. The syntax for the default lldp tx-tlv command is
default lldp tx-tlv port <portlist> local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-cap
sys-desc sys-name

Run the default lldp tx-tlv command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the default lldp tx-tlv command.

Table 85: default lldp tx-tlv command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> The ports affected by the command.
The port description TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The system name TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The system description TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The system capabilities TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The local management address TLV. This TLV is
enabled by default.

228 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

default lldp tx-tlv dot1 command

The default lldp tx-tlv dot1 command sets the optional IEEE 802.1 organizationally-
specifc TLVs to their default values. The syntax for the default lldp tx-tlv dot1
command is
default lldp tx-tlv port <portlist> dot1 [port-protocol-vlan-id]
[port-vlan-id] [protocol-identity [EAP] [LLDP] [STP]] [vlan-name]

Run the default lldp tx-tlv dot1 command in Interface Configuration command
The following table describes the variables for the default lldp tx-tlv dot1
Table 86: default lldp tx-tlv dot1 command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> The ports affected by the command.
The port VLAN ID TLV (default value is false: not
vlan-name The VLAN Name TLV (default value is none).
The port and protocol VLAN ID TLV (default value is
protocol-identity [EAP] [LLDP]
The protocol identity TLV (default value is none).

default lldp tx-tlv dot3 command

The default lldp tx-tlv dot3 command sets the optional IEEE 802.3 organizationally-
specifc TLVs to their default values. The syntax for the default lldp tx-tlv dot3
command is
default lldp tx-tlv port <portlist> dot3 link-aggregation mac-phy-
config-status maximum-frame-size mdi-power-support

Transmission of MDI TLVs can be enabled only on POE switch ports.
Run the default lldp tx-tlv dot3 command in Interface Configuration command

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 229

System configuration using ACLI

The following table describes the variables for the default lldp tx-tlv dot3
Table 87: default lldp tx-tlv dot3 command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> The ports affected by the command.
The MAC/Phy Configuration/Status TLV (default value
is false: not included).
The power via MDI TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The link aggregation TLV (default value is false: not
The maximum frame size TLV (default value is false:
not included).

default lldp tx-tlv med command

The default lldp tx-tlv med command sets default values for the optional
organizationally specific TLVs for use by MED devices to be included in the transmitted
LLDPDUs. The syntax for the default lldp tx-tlv med command is:
default lldp tx-tlv port <portlist> med extendedPSE inventory
inventory location med-capabilities network-policy

Transmission of ExtendedPSE TLVs can be enabled only on POE switch ports.
The default lldp tx-tlv med command is in the config-if command mode.

The following table lists the variables for the default lldp tx-tlv med command.

Table 88: default lldp tx-tlv med command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> specifies the ports affected by the command
med-capabilities MED Capabilities TLV (MED TLVs are
transmitted only if MED Capabilities TLVs
are transmitted). This TLV is enabled by
extendedPSE Extended PSE TLV This TLV is enabled by

230 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

Variables Description
inventory Inventory TLVs This TLV is enabled by
location Location Identification TLV This TLV is
enabled by default.
network-policy Network Policy TLV This TLV is enabled by

no lldp port command

The no lldp port command disables LLDP features on the port. The syntax for the no
lldp port command is
no lldp [port <portlist>] [status] [config-notification]

Run the no lldp port command in Interface Configuration command mode.

no lldp med-network-policies command

The no lldp med-network-policies command disables LLDP MED policies for switch
ports. The syntax for the no lldp med-network-policies command is
no lldp med-network-policies [port <portList>] {voice|voice-

Run the no lldp med-network-policies command in Interface Configuration command

The following table describes the variables for the no lldp med-network-policies
Table 89: no lldp med-network-policies command variables

Variable Value
Specifies the port or ports on which to disable LLDP
port <portlist>
MED policies.
voice Specifies the voice network policy to disable.
Specifies the voice signalling network policy to

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 231

System configuration using ACLI

no lldp tx-tlv command

The no lldp tx-tlv command specifies the optional Management TLVs not to include in
the transmitted LLDPDUs. The syntax for the no lldp tx-tlv command is
no lldp tx-tlv port <portlist> local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-cap sys-
desc sys-name

Run the no lldp tx-tlv command in Interface Configuration command mode.

The following table describes the variables for the no lldp tx-tlv command.

Table 90: default lldp tx-tlv command variables

Variables Description
port <portlist> The ports affected by the command.
The port description TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The system name TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The system description TLV. This TLV is enabled by
The system capabilities TLV (default value is false: not
The local management address TLV. This TLV is
enabled by default.

no lldp tx-tlv dot1 command

The no lldp tx-tlv dot1 command specifies the optional IEEE 802.1 TLVs not to include
in the transmitted LLDPDUs. The syntax for the no lldp tx-tlv dot1 command is
no lldp tx-tlv [port <portlist>] dot1 [port-vlan-id] [vlan-name]
[port-protocol-vlan-id] [protocol-identity [EAP] [LLDP] [STP] ]

Run the no lldp tx-tlv dot1 command in Interface Configuration command mode.

no lldp tx-tlv dot3 command

The no lldp tx-tlv dot3 command specifies the optional IEEE 802.3 TLVs not to include
in the transmitted LLDPDUs. The syntax for the no lldp tx-tlv dot3 command is

232 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

no lldp tx-tlv port <portlist> dot3 link-aggregation mac-phy-config-

status maximum-frame-size mdi-power-support

Run the no lldp tx-tlv dot3 command in Interface Configuration command mode.

no lldp tx-tlv med command

The no lldp tx-tlv med command specifies the optional LLDP MED TLVs that are not
included in the transmitted LLDPDUs.
The syntax for the no lldp tx-tlv med command is:
no lldp tx-tlv port <portlist> med extendedPSE inventory location
med-capabilities network-policy
Run the no lldp tx-tlv med command in Interface Configuration command mode.

show lldp command

The show lldp command displays the LLDP parameters. The syntax for the show lldp
command is
show lldp [local-sys-data {dot1 | dot3 | detail | med }] [mgmt-sys-
data] [rx-stats] [tx-stats] [stats] [pdu-tlv-size] [tx-tlv {dot1 |
dot3 | med }] [neighbor { dot1 [vlan-names | protocol-id] } | [dot3]
| [detail] | med [capabilities | extended-power | inventory |
location | network-policy]} [neighbor-mgmt-addr]

Run the show lldp command in Privileged EXEC command mode.

The following table describes the show lldp command variables.

Table 91: show lldp command variables

Variables Description
The organizationally-specific TLV properties on the local
• dot1: displays the 802.1 TLV properties
• dot3: displays the 802.3 TLV properties
local-sys-data {dot1 | dot3 | • detail: displays all organizationally specific TLV
detail | med} properties
• med: displays all med specific TLV properties
To display the properties of the optional management
TLVs, include only the local-sys-data parameter in the

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 233

System configuration using ACLI

Variables Description
mgmt-sys-data The local management system data.
The neighbor TLVs:
• dot1: displays 802.1 TLVs:
- vlan-names: VLAN Name TLV
- protocol-id: Protocol Identity TLV

neighbor { dot1 [vlan-names | • dot3: displays 802.3 TLVs

protocol-id] } | [dot3] [detail] | • detail: displays all TLVs
med [capabilities | extended-
power | inventory | location | • med: displays MED TLVs
network-policy] • capabilities: Displays Capabilities TLVs
• extended-power: Displays extended power TLV
• inventory: Displays Inventory TLVs
• location: Displays Location TLV
• network-policy: Displays Network Policy TLV

neighbor-mgmt-addr Display 802.1ab neighbors management addresses.

The different TLV sizes and the number of TLVs in an
port Port list.
rx-stats The LLDP receive statistics for the local system.
stats The LLDP table statistics for the remote system.
tx-stats The LLDP transmit statistics for the local system.
Display which TLVs are transmitted from the local switch
• dot1: displays status for 802.1 TLVs
• dot3: displays status for 802.3 TLVs
tx-tlv {dot1 | dot3 | med}
• med: displays status for med TLVs
To display the transmission status of the optional
management TLVs, include only the tx-tlv parameter in
the command.

Job aid: show lldp mgmt-sys-data command

The following figure displays sample output for the show lldp command with the mgmt-sys-
data variable.

234 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

show lldp port command

The show lldp port command displays the LLDP port parameters.
The syntax for the show lldp port command is:
show lldp [port <portlist> | all][local-sys-data {dot1 | dot3 |
detail | med }][rx-stats] [tx-stats] [pdu-tlv-size] [tx-tlv {dot1 |
dot3 | med | vendor-specific}] [neighbor-mgmt-addr] [neighbor {dot1 |
dot3 | detail | med }
Run the show lldp port command in Privileged EXEC command mode.
Table 92: show lldp port command variables

Variables Description
The organizationally-specific TLV properties on the
local switch:
• dot1: displays the 802.1 TLV properties
• dot3: displays the 802.3 TLV properties
local-sys-data {dot1 | dot3 | detail • detail: displays all organizationally specific TLV
| med } properties
• med: displays all med specific TLV properties
To display the properties of the optional management
TLVs, include only the local-sys-data parameter in the
rx-stats The LLDP receive statistics for the local port.
tx-stats The LLDP transmit statistics for the local port.
The different TLV sizes and the number of TLVs in an
Specifies an individual port, a list of specific ports, or all
port <portlist> | all
ports on the switch.
tx-tlv {dot1 | dot3 | med | vendor- Display which TLVs are transmitted from the local port
specific} in LLDPDUs:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 235

System configuration using ACLI

Variables Description

• dot1: displays status for 802.1 TLVs

• dot3: displays status for 802.3 TLVs
• med: displays status for med TLVs
• vendor-specific:displays vendor specific TLV
To display the transmission status of the optional
management TLVs, include only the tx-tlv parameter in
the command.
The port neighbor TLVs:
• dot1: displays 802.1 TLVs:
• dot3: displays 802.3 TLVs
neighbor {dot1 | dot3 | detail |
med } • detail: displays all TLVs.
• med: displays MED TLVs
• vendor-specific:displays vendor specific TLV

The port neighbor LLDP management address.

[neighbor-mgmt-addr] The switch supports IPv4 and IPv6 management

Job aid: show lldp port command output

The following is the sample output for show lldp port command with the tx-tlv variable.
4548GT-PWR(config)#show lldp port 1-5 tx-tlv
LLDP port tlvs
Port PortDesc SysName SysDesc SysCap MgmtAddr
1 true true true true true
2 true true true true true
3 true true true true true
4 true true true true true
5 true true true true true

The following is the sample output for show lldp port command with the local-sys-data
dot3 variable.
ERS4500(config)# show lldp port 7 local-sys-data dot3
LLDP local-sys-data chassis
ChassisId: MAC address 00:1c:9c:af:60:00
SysCap: rB / B (Supported/Enabled)
Ethernet Routing Switch 4526GTX-PWR HW:0B FW: SW:v5.6.1.022

236 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

LLDP local-sys-data port
Port: 7
Dot3-MAC/PHY Auto-neg: supported/enabled OperMAUtype: 1000BaseTFD
PSE MDI power: supported/enabled Port class: PSE
PSE power pair: signal/not controllable Power class: 0
PoE+ power type: Type 2 PSE
PoE+ power priority: High
PoE+ PD requested power: 26.2w
PoE+ PSE allocated power: 26.2w
LinkAggr: not aggregatable/not aggregated AggrPortID: 0
MaxFrameSize: 9216
PMD auto-neg: 10Base(T, TFD), 100Base(TX, TXFD), (FdxS)Pause,
Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router;
T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only.

The following is the sample output for show lldp port command with the neighbor dot3
ERS4500(config)# show lldp port 7 neighbor dot3
LLDP neighbor
Port: 7 Index: 3 Time: 0 days, 03:31:38
ChassisId: Network address IPv4
PortId: MAC address 00:0a:e4:0c:05:ac
SysCap: TB / TB (Supported/Enabled)
PortDesc: Nortel IP Phone
SysDescr: Nortel IP Telephone 2002, Firmware:0604DAD

Dot3-MAC/PHY Auto-neg: supported/enabled OperMAUtype: 100BaseTXFD

PSE MDI power: not supported/disabled Port class: PD
PSE power pair: signal/not controllable Power class: 1
PoE+ Power type: Type 2 PD
PoE+ Power priority: High
PoE+ PD requested power: 26.2w
PoE+ PSE allocated power: 26.2w
LinkAggr: not aggregatable/not aggregated AggrPortID: 0
MaxFrameSize: 1522
PMD auto-neg: 10Base(T, TFD), 100Base(TX, TXFD)
Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router;
T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only.
Total neighbors: 2

show lldp med-network-policies command

The show lldp med-network-policies command displays LLDP MED policy
information for switch ports. The syntax for the show lldp med-network-policies
command is:
show lldp med-network-policies [port <portList>] {voice|voice-

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 237

System configuration using ACLI

Run the show lldp med-network-policies command in Privileged EXEC command

Default med-network-policy for voice have L2 priority 6, DSCP 46, tagging parameter set to
untagged and vlan ID 0
The following table describes the variables for the show lldp med-network-policies
Table 93: show lldp med-network-policies command variables

Variable Value
Specifies the port or ports for which to display LLDP
port <portlist>
MED policy information.
Displays the voice network policy for which to display
information. The default value is 46.
Specifies the voice signalling network policy to

The default DSCP value is 46 and the default priority value is 6.

Configuring the PoE conservation level request TLV using ACLI

Use this procedure to request a specific power conservation level for an Avaya IP phone
connected to a switch port.
• Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
1. Configure PoE conservation level TLVs for connected Avaya IP phones by using
the following command:
lldp [port <portList>] vendor-specific avaya poe-
conservation-request-level <0-255>
2. Set PoE conservation level TLVs for connected Avaya IP phones to the default
value by using the following command:
default lldp port <portList> vendor-specific avaya poe-

238 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

Only Ethernet ports on switches that support PoE can request a specific power conservation
level for an Avaya IP phone.
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<0-255> Specifies the power conservation level to
request for a vendor specific PD. Values
range from 0 to 255. With the default value
of 0, the switch does not request a power
conservation level for an Avaya IP phone
connected to the port.
<portList> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Viewing the switch PoE conservation level request TLV

configuration using ACLI
Use this procedure to display Poe conservation level request configuration for local switch
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display the PoE conservation level request configuration for one or more switch ports
by using the following command:
show lldp [port <portlist>] vendor-specific avaya poe-
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Job aid: show lldp vendor-specific avaya poe-conservation-request-level

command output
The following figure displays sample output for the show lldp vendor-specific avaya
poe-conservation-request-level command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 239

System configuration using ACLI

Viewing PoE conservation level support TLV information using

Use this procedure to display PoE conservation level information received on switch ports from
an Avaya IP phone. To delete all call-server ip addresses configured on DUT use command
default lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server.
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display the received PoE conservation level information for one or more switch ports
by using the following command:
show lldp [port <portlist>] neighbor vendor-specific avaya poe-
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Configuring the switch call server IP address TLV using ACLI

Use this procedure to define the local call server IP addresses that switch ports advertise to
Avaya IP phones.
You can define IP addresses for a maximum of 8 local call servers.

The switch does not support the advertisement of IPv6 addresses to Avaya IP phones.

240 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

• Log on to the Global Configuration mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
1. Define the local call server IPv4 addresses the switch advertises to Avaya IP phones
by using the following command:
lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server [<1-8>] <A.B.C.D>
[[<1-8>] <A.B.C.D>] [[<1-8>] <A.B.C.D>]
2. Delete call server IPv4 addresses configured on the switch by using the following
default lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server <1-8>
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<1-8> Specifies the call server number.

When you advertise the IPv4 address of
call server 1 only, you do not have to enter
a call server number before you enter the
IP address.
<A.B.C.D> Specifies the call server IPv4 address.

Viewing the switch call server IP address TLV configuration using

Use this procedure to display information about the defined local call server IP address that
switch ports advertise to connected Avaya IP phones.
The switch supports a maximum of 8 local call servers.
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display call server TLV configuration information for the local switch by using the
following command:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 241

System configuration using ACLI

show lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server

Job aid: show lldp vendor-specific call-server command output
The following figure displays sample output for the show lldp vendor-specific avaya
call-server command.

Viewing Avaya IP phone call server IP address TLV information

using ACLI
Use this procedure to display call server IP address information received on switch ports from
an Avaya IP phone.
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display call server TLV configuration information received on specific switch ports from
connected Avaya IP phones by using the following command:
show lldp [port <portlist>] neighbor vendor-specific avaya
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Configuring the switch file server IP address TLV using ACLI

Use this procedure to define the local file server IP addresses that switch ports advertise to
Avaya IP phones.
You can define IP addresses for a maximum of 4 local file servers.

If your Avaya IP Handset uses SIP, 802.1AB (LLDP) TLVs do not provide all information for
the IP Phone. You must specify a file server IP address TLV so the IP phone can download

242 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

the SIP configuration information, because the IP Phone retrieves information related to the
SIP domain, port number and transport protocol from the file server.

The switch does not support the advertisement of IPv6 addresses to Avaya IP phones.
• Log on to the Global Configuration mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
1. Enable file server IPv4 address advertisement to Avaya IP phones by using the
following command:
lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server [<1-4>] <A.B.C.D>
[[<1-4>] <A.B.C.D>] [[<1-4>] <A.B.C.D>]
2. Delete file server IPv4 addresses configured on the switch by using the following
default lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server <1-4>

To delete all file-server ip addresses configured on DUT use command default
lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server.
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<1-4> Specifies the file server number.

When you advertise the IPv4 address of file
server 1 only, you do not have to enter a file
server number before you enter the IP
<A.B.C.D> Specifies the file server IPv4 address.

Viewing the switch file server IP address TLV configuration using

Use this procedure to display information about the defined local file server IP address that
switch ports advertise to connected Avaya IP phones.
You can define IP addresses for a maximum of 4 local file servers.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 243

System configuration using ACLI

The switch does not support the advertisement of IPv6 addresses to Avaya IP phones.
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display file server TLV configuration information for the switch by using the following
show lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server
Job aid: show lldp vendor-specific file-server command output
The following figure displays sample output for the show lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server

Viewing Avaya IP phone file server IP address TLV information

using ACLI
Use this procedure to display information about file server IP address received on switch ports
from Avaya IP phones.
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display file server advertisement configuration information received on specific switch
ports from connected Avaya IP phones by using the following command:
show lldp [port <portlist>] neighbor vendor-specific avaya
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

244 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring LLDP using ACLI

Configuring the 802.1Q framing TLV using ACLI

Use this procedure to configure the frame tagging mode for exchanging Layer 2 priority tagging
information between the switch and an Avaya IP phone.
• Enable LLDP MED capabilities.
• Enable LLDP MED network policies.
• Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
1. Configure the Layer 2 frame tagging mode by using the following command:
lldp [port <portlist>] vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing
[tagged | non-tagged | auto]
2. Set the Layer 2 frame tagging mode to default by using the following command:
default lldp [port <portlist>] vendor-specific avaya dot1q-
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.
[tagged | non-tagged | auto] Specifies the frame tagging mode. Values
• tagged—frames are tagged based on the
tagging value the Avaya IP phone receives
with the LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV.
• non-tagged—frames are not tagged with
802.1Q priority.
• auto—an attempt is made to tag frames
based on the tagging value the Avaya IP
phone receives with the LLDP-MED
Network Policy TLV. If there is no LLDP-
MED Network Policy information available,
an attempt is made to tag frames based on
server configuration. If that fails, traffic is
transmitted untagged.
The default tagging mode is auto.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 245

System configuration using ACLI

Viewing the switch 802.1Q Framing TLV configuration using ACLI

Use this procedure to display the configured Layer 2 frame tagging mode for switch ports.
• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display the configured Layer 2 frame tagging mode for one or more switch ports by
using the following command:
show lldp [port <portlist>] vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Job aid: show lldp vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing command output

The following figure displays sample output for the show lldp vendor-specific avaya dot1q-
framing command.

Viewing Avaya IP phone 802.1Q Framing TLV information using

Use this procedure to display Layer 2 frame tagging mode information received on switch ports
from connected Avaya IP phones.

246 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring LLDP using ACLI

• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display the received Layer 2 frame tagging mode information for one or more switch
ports by using the following command:
show lldp [port <portlist>] neighbor vendor-specific avaya
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Enabling Avaya TLV transmit flags using ACLI

Use this procedure to enable the transmission of optional proprietary Avaya TLVs from switch
ports to Avaya IP phones.

The switch transmits configured Avaya TLVs only on ports with the TLV transmit flag
• Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Select the Avaya TLVs that the switch transmits by using the following command:
default lldp tx-tlv [port <portList>] vendor-specific avaya
{[call-server] [dot1q-framing] [file-server] [poe-
Variable definitions

Variable Value
call-server Enables the call server TLV transmit flag.
default Sets the TLV transmit flag to the default value of
true (enabled).
dot1q-framing Enables the Layer 2 priority tagging TLV transmit

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 247

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Value
file-server Enables the file server TLV transmit flag.
poe-conservation Enables the PoE conservation request TLV
transmit flag.
<portList> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Disabling Avaya TLV transmit flags using ACLI

Use this procedure to disable the transmission of optional proprietary Avaya TLVs from switch
ports to Avaya IP phones.
The switch transmits configured Avaya TLVs only on ports with the TLV transmit flag
• Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Disable Avaya TLVs that the switch transmits by using the following command:
no lldp tx-tlv [port <portList>] vendor-specific avaya {[call-
server] [dot1q-framing] [file-server] [poe-conservation]}
Variable definitions

Variable Value
call-server Disables the call server TLV transmit flag.
dot1q-framing Disables the Layer 2 priority tagging TLV transmit
file-server Disables the file server TLV transmit flag.
poe-conservation Disables the PoE conservation request TLV
transmit flag.
<portList> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Viewing the Avaya TLV transmit flag status using ACLI

Use this procedure to display the status of transmit flags for switch ports on which Avaya IP
phone support TLVs are configured.

248 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring LLDP using ACLI

• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display Avaya TLV transmit flag configuration information for one or more switch ports
by using the following command in the Interface Configuration mode for one or more
show lldp [port <portlist>] tx-tlv vendor-specific avaya
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

Job aid: show lldp tx-tlv vendor-specific avaya command output

The following figure displays sample output for the show lldp tx-tlv vendor-specific
avaya command.

Viewing Avaya IP phone IP TLV configuration information using

Use this procedure to display IP address configuration information received on switch ports
from connected Avaya IP phones.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 249

System configuration using ACLI

• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.
Procedure steps
Display the received IP address configuration information for one or more switch ports
by using the following command:
show lldp [port <portlist>] neighbor vendor-specific avaya
Variable definitions

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or list of ports.

LLDP configuration example

By default, LLDP is enabled for Tx and Rx on all switch ports. The default value for the LLDP
Tx interval is 30 seconds (LLDPDUs are sent at 30 seconds). With the default settings, only
the default enabled for transmission TLVs are sent, but the switch can receive any LLDP Core,
DOT1, DOT3 TLV, or Med-capabilities TLV from its peers.
The following figure shows an example of LLDP configuration. For this example, the router is
connected to the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series port 1 and the IP Phone uses
port 13.

Figure 17: LLDP configuration example

250 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring LLDP using ACLI

To configure the example shown in the preceding figure, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Modify the default LLDP Tx interval from (the default 30 second value) to 60
Note that if any modification is detected in the LLDP local-sys-data before the Tx
interval expires, an LLDPDU is immediately sent on all active links to update the
peers neighbor tables.
2. Enable the Port Description TLV for transmission. (contains the description of the
LLPD sending port)
3. Enable the System Name TLV for transmission. (contains the name of the LLDP
4. Enable the System Description TLV for transmission. (contains the description of
the LLDP device)
5. Enable the System Capabilities TLV for transmission. (contains the capabilities of
the LLDP device)
6. Enable the Management Address TLV for transmission. (contains the management
address of the LLDP device)
7. Enable the Port VLAN ID TLV for transmission. (contains the PVID of the LLDP
sending port)
8. Enable the Port And Protocol VLAN ID TLV for transmission. (indicates the Port and
Protocol VLANs to which the LLDP sending port belongs to).
9. Enable the VLAN Name TLV for transmission. (indicates the names of the VLANs
to which the LLDP sending port belongs to)
10. Enable the Protocol Identity TLV for transmission. (indicates the supported
protocols by the LLDP sending port)
11. Enable the MAC/PHY Configuration/Status TLV for transmission. (indicates the
IEEE 802.3 duplex and bitrate capabilities and settings of the LLDP sending port)
12. Enable the Power Via MDI TLV for transmission. (indicates the MDI power support
capabilities of the LLDP sending port)
13. Enable the Link Aggregation TLV for transmission. (indicates the link aggregation
capability and status of the LLDP sending port)
14. Enable the Maximum Frame Size TLV for transmission. (indicates the maximum
frame size that can be handled by the LLDP sending port)
15. Enable the Location Identification TLV for transmission. (indicates the physical
location of the LLDP sending port; three coordinate sets are available to configure
and send)
16. Enable the Extended Power-via-MDI TLV for transmission. (provides detailed
informations regarding the PoE parameters of the LLDP sending device)

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 251

System configuration using ACLI

17. Enable the Inventory – Hardware Revision TLV for transmission. (indicates the
hardware revision of the LLDP sending device)
18. Enable the Inventory – Firmware Revision TLV for transmission. (indicates the
firmware revision of the LLDP sending device)
19. Enable the Inventory – Software Revision TLV for transmission. (indicates the
software revision of the LLDP sending device)
20. Enable the Inventory – Serial Number TLV for transmission. (indicates the serial
number of the LLDP sending device)
21. Enable the Inventory – Manufacturer Name TLV for transmission. (indicates the
manufacturer name of the LLDP sending device)
22. Enable the Inventory – Model Name TLV for transmission. (indicates the model
name of the LLDP sending device)
23. Configure the location information for the LLDP-MED Location Identification TLV.
(There are three coordinate sets available for location advertisement.)
24. Enable the LLDP-MED Capabilities TLV for transmission (indicates the supported
LLDP-MED TLVs and the LLDP-MED device type of the LLDP sending device)

Detailed configuration commands

The following section describes the detailed ACLI commands required to carry out the
configuration depicted by Figure 17: LLDP configuration example on page 250.

Modifying the default LLDP Tx interval

Enter configuration commands, one for each line. End with CNTL/Z.

4548GT-PWR#configure terminal
4548GT-PWR(config)#lldp tx-interval 60

Checking the new LLDP global settings

4548GT-PWR(config)#show lldp
802.1ab configuration:

252 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring LLDP using ACLI

Enabling all LLDP Core TLVs for transmission on the router and IP Phone

4548GT-PWR(config)#interface Ethernet 1/13

4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 port-desc
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 sys-name
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 sys-desc
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 sys-cap
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 local-mgmt-addr

Checking the LLDP settings of the router and IP Phone ports

The following represents screen output for the show lldp port 1/13 tx-tlv command:
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#show lldp port 1/13 tx-tlv

LLDP port tlvs

Port PortDesc SysName SysDesc SysCap MgmtAddr
1 true true true true true
13 true true true true true

Enabling all LLDP DOT1 TLVs for transmission on the router and IP Phone

4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot1 port-vlan-id

4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot1 port-protocol-vlan-
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot1 vlan-name
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot1 protocol-identity

Checking the LLDP settings of the router and IP Phone ports

The following represents screen output for the show lldp port 1/13 tx-tlv dot1
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#show lldp port 1/13 tx-tlv dot1

LLDP dot1 port tlvs

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 253

System configuration using ACLI

Dot1 protocols: STP,EAP,LLDP

Port PortVlanId VlanNameList PortProtocol Protocol
VlanId Identity
13 true 1,3,5,7,9,11 1,3,5,7,9,117 EAP,LLDP
7-118 -118

Enabling all LLDP DOT3 TLVs for transmission on the router and IP Phone

4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot3 mac-phy-config-

4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot3 mdi-power-support
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot3 link-aggregation
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 dot3 maximum-frame-size

Checking the LLDP settings of the router and IP Phone ports

The following represents screen output for the show lldp port 1/13 tx-tlv dot3
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#show lldp port 1/13 tx-tlv dot3

LLDP port dot3 tlvs

Port MacPhy MdiPower Link MaxFrameSize
ConfigStatus Support Aggregation
1 true true true true
13 true true true true

Enabling all LLDP MED TLVs for transmission on the router and IP Phone
The first three commands are required to configure the location identification for the LLDP-
MED Location Identification TLV.

4550T (config-if)#lldp location-identification civic-address

country-code US city Boston street Orlando
4550T (config-if)#lldp location-identification coordinate-base
altitude 234 meters datum WGS84
4550T (config-if)#lldp location-identification ecs-elin 1234567890
4550T (config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/12-13 med med-capabilities
4550T (config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/12-13 med network-policy
4550T (config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/12-13 med location

254 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring LLDP using ACLI

4550T (config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/12-13 med extendedPSE

4550T (config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/12-13 med inventory

Checking the new LLDP settings of the router and IP Phone ports
The following represents screen output for the show lldp tx-tlv med command:
4550T (config-if)#show lldp tx-tlv med

LLDP port med tlvs

Port Med Network Location Extended Inventory
Capabiliti Policy PSE
12 true true true true true
13 true true true true true

MED TLVs are transmitted only if Med-Capabilities TLV is transmitted

Enabling all the LLDP Vendor Specific Avaya TLVs for transmission on the
IP Phone ports
The following is an example of enabling all the LLDP Vendor Specific Avaya TLVs for
transmission on the IP Phone ports:
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 vendor-specific avaya call-server
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 vendor-specific avaya file-server
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 1/13 vendor-specific avaya poe-conservation

Checking the LLDP settings of the IP Phone port

The following is an example of checking the LLDP settings of the IP Phone port:
4548GT-PWR(config-if)#show lldp port 1/13 tx-tlv vendor-specific avaya
LLDP port Avaya Vendor-Specific TLVs
Unit/ POE Conservation Call File Dot1Q FA Element FA I-SID/
Port Request Server Server Framing Type VLAN Asgns
13 true true true true n/a n/a

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 255

System configuration using ACLI

Asset ID string configuration using ACLI

This section describes the procedures you can perform to configure an asset ID for the switch
or stack using ACLI commands.

Configuring Asset ID string

Perform this procedure to configure asset ID of a switch or stack.


• Log on to Global configuration mode.

Procedure steps

1. To configure asset ID enter the following command:

asset-id [stack|unit <1-8>] <WORD>
2. To verify the asset ID settings enter the following command:
show system

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to complete the command in this procedure.

Variable Value
Stack Sets the Asset ID of the stack.
Unit Sets the Asset ID of a specific unit.
WORD Sets the Asset ID of the unit on which it is the

256 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Asset ID string configuration using ACLI

Job aid
Use the following commands to view the configured Asset ID.
• show system
• show sys-info
• show tech
• show system verbose

Disabling asset ID string

Perform this procedure to disable the asset ID string.


• Log on to the Global configuration mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

1. To disable the asset ID string enter the following command:

no asset-id [ stack | unit <1-8> | <cr> ]
2. To verify the asset ID string settings enter the following command:
show system

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to complete this procedure.

Variable Value
Stack Sets the Asset ID of the stack.
Unit <1-8> Sets the Asset ID for specified unit in the
stack. Unit number: 1–8.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 257

System configuration using ACLI

Setting the asset ID string to default

Perform this procedure to set the asset ID string to default mode.


• Log on to Global configuration mode.

Procedure steps

1. To set the asset ID string to default enter the following command:

default asset-id [ stack | unit <1-8> | <cr> ]
2. To verify the asset ID string settings enter the following command:
show system

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to complete this procedure.

Variable Value
Stack Sets the default Asset ID of the stack.
Unit <1-8> Sets the default Asset ID for specified unit. Unit number:

AES configuration using ACLI

You can use Avaya Energy Saver (AES) to configure the switch to utilize energy more

Configuring global AES using ACLI

Use the following procedure to enable or disable the energy saving feature for the switch.

258 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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AES configuration using ACLI


• Log on to the Global Configuration mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

Configure global AES by using the following command:

[no] [default] energy-saver [enable] [efficiency-mode] [poe-

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you can enter with the [no] [default]
energy-saver [enable] [efficiency-mode] [poe-power-saving] command.

Variable Value
[default] Configures AES efficiency mode, POE
power saving, or global AES to default values
efficiency-mode Enables AES efficiency mode.

You must ensure that SNTP is enabled
before you can enable AES efficiency

You must disable AES globally before you
can modify AES efficiency mode.

When enabled, AES efficiency mode
overrides custom AES scheduling and
PoE power saving mode. You will be
prompted to confirm that you want to
enable AES efficiency mode before
enable Enables AES globally.

[no] Disables AES efficiency mode, POE power

saving, or AES globally.
poe-power-saving Enables POE power saving.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 259

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Value

You must disable AES globally before you
can modify POE power saving.

Configuring port-based AES using ACLI

Use the following procedure to enable or disable energy saving for the accessed port, an
alternate individual port, or a range of ports.


• Disable AES globally.

• Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

Configure port-based AES by using the following command:

[default] [no] energy-saver [enable] [port <portlist> enable]

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the [default] [no]
energy-saver <enable> [port <portlist> enable] command.

Variable Value
<enable> Enables AES for the accessed port.

[no] Disables AES for the accessed port, an

alternate port, or list of ports.
port <portlist> enable Enables AES for a port or list of ports.

Activating or deactivating AES manually using ACLI

Use the following procedure to have AES enabled, but not activated. Activate AES to ensure
that AES is enabled and activated.

260 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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AES configuration using ACLI


• Disable AES globally.

• Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

1. Activate AES by using the following command:

energy-saver activate
2. Deactivate AES by using the following command:
energy-saver deactivate

Configuring AES scheduling using ACLI

Use the following procedure to configure an on and off time interval for the switch to enter lower
power states. The time interval can be a complete week, complete weekend, or individual


• Log on to the Global Configuration mode in ACLI.

• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

Configure AES scheduling by using the following command:

energy-saver schedule {weekday|weekend|monday|tuesday |
wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday} <hh:mm> {activate|

Variable definitions
The following table defines parameters that you can enter with the energy-saver schedule
{weekday|weekend|monday|tuesday |wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|
sunday} <hh:mm> {activate|deactivate} command.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 261

System configuration using ACLI

Variable Value
<activate> Specifies the AES on time.

<deactivate> Specifies the AES off time.

monday|tuesday|wednesday | Configures AES scheduling for a specific

thursday|friday|saturday| day.
<hh:mm> Specifies the scheduled AES start time (hour
and minutes).
weekday Configures AES scheduling for all
weekend Configures AES scheduling for Saturday and

Disabling AES scheduling using ACLI

Use the following procedure to discontinue using an on and off time interval for the switch to
enter lower power states.


• Log on to the Global Configuration mode in ACLI.

• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

Configure AES scheduling by using the following command:

no energy-saver schedule

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you can enter after the no energy-
saver schedule command.

Variable Value
friday|monday|saturday| Disables AES scheduling for a specific day.
sunday| thursday|tuesday|

262 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
AES configuration using ACLI

Variable Value
weekday Disables AES scheduling for all weekdays.

weekend Disables AES scheduling for Saturday and

<hh:mm> Specifies the scheduled AES start time (hour
and minutes).

Configuring AES scheduling to default using ACLI

Use the following procedure to completely disable scheduling for the switch or to disable
specific energy saver schedules.


• Log on to the Global Configuration mode in ACLI.

• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

Configure AES scheduling by using the following command:

default energy-saver schedule

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you can enter after the default
energy-saver schedule command.

Variable Value
friday|monday|saturday| Configures AES scheduling for a specific day
sunday|thursday|tuesday| to default (disabled).
weekday Configures AES scheduling for all weekdays
to default (disabled).
weekend Configures AES scheduling for Saturday and
Sunday to default (disabled).
<hh:mm> Specifies the scheduled AES start time (hour
and minutes).

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 263

System configuration using ACLI

Viewing AES scheduling using ACLI

Use the following procedure to review configured energy saving schedule information.


• Log on to the User EXEC mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

View AES savings by using the following command:

show energy-saver schedule

Job aid: show energy-saver schedule command output

The following figure displays sample output for the show energy-saver schedule

Figure 18: show energy-saver schedule command output

Viewing AES savings using ACLI

Use the following procedure to review the switch capacity energy saving (Watts) and the PoE
energy saving (Watts).

264 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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AES configuration using ACLI


• Log on to the User EXEC mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

View AES savings by using the following command:

show energy-saver savings

If a switch is reset while energy-saver is activated, the PoE power saving calculation may
not accurately reflect the power saving, and in some cases may display zero savings. This
is because the switch did not have sufficient time to record PoE usage between the reset of
the switch and energy-saver being reactivated. When energy saver is next activated, the
PoE power saving calculation will be correctly updated.

Job aid: show energy-saver savings command output

The following figure displays sample output for the show energy-saver savings

Figure 19: show energy-saver savings command output

Viewing the global AES configuration using ACLI

Use the following procedure to review the AES configuration for the switch.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 265

System configuration using ACLI


• Log on to the User EXEC mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

View the global AES configuration by using the following command:

show energy-saver

Job aid: show energy-saver command output

The following figure displays sample output for the show energy-saver command.

Figure 20: show energy-saver command output

Viewing port-based AES configuration using ACLI

Use the following procedure to review AES configuration for all ports on the switch, an
individual port, or range of ports.


• Log on to the User EXEC mode in ACLI.

Procedure steps

View AES savings by using the following command:

266 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Enabling the Web server for EDM

show energy-saver interface <portlist>

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you can enter after the show energy-
saver interface command.

Variable Value
<portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports.

Job aid: show energy-saver interface command output

The following figure displays sample output for the show energy-saver interface
command using the <portlist> variable.

Figure 21: show energy-saver interface command output

Enabling the Web server for EDM

You must enable the Web server before you can start Enterprise Device Manager. For
information about enabling the Web server using ACLI, see Using ACLI and EDM on Avaya
Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-102.

Configuring the EDM inactivity time out using ACLI

By default, a session becomes inactive if there is no interaction with the EDM interface for more
than 15 minutes. You can configure the time period for which an EDM session remains
edm inactivity-timeout
The edm inactivity-timeout command enables the EDM inactivity time out period.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 267

System configuration using ACLI

Following is the syntax for this command:

edm inactivity-timeout <30-65535>
Run edm inactivity-timeout command in Global Configuration mode.
default edm inactivity-timeout
The edm inactivity-timeout command sets the EDM inactivity time out period to factory
default. The default time out period is 15 minutes.
Following is the syntax for this command:
default edm inactivity-timeout
Run default edm inactivity-timeout command in Global Configuration mode.
show edm inactivity-timeout
The show edm inactivity-timeout command displays the EDM inactivity time out
period settings.
Following is the syntax for this command:
show edm inactivity-timeout
Run show edm inactivity-timeout command in Global Configuration mode.
no edm inactivity-timeout
The no edm inactivity-timeout command disables the EDM inactivity time out period
Following is the syntax for this command:
no edm inactivity-timeout
Run no edm inactivity-timeout command in Global Configuration mode.

Configuring jumbo frames using ACLI

This section describes the procedures you can perform to configure jumbo frames on a switch
or stack using ACLI commands.

Enabling jumbo frames using ACLI

Use the following procedure to enable jumbo frames on a switch or stack:


1. Enter Global Configuration mode:

268 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring jumbo frames using ACLI

configure terminal
2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
jumbo-frames [enable]

Disabling jumbo frames using ACLI

Use the following procedure to disable jumbo frames on a switch or stack.


1. Enter Global Configuration mode:

configure terminal
2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
no jumbo-frames [enable]

Resetting the state of jumbo frames using ACLI

Use the following procedure to reset the jumbo frames state to default on a switch or stack.


1. Enter Global Configuration mode:

configure terminal
2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
default jumbo-frames

Displaying the state of jumbo frames using ACLI

Use the following procedure to display the state of jumbo frames and MTU size.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 269

System configuration using ACLI


1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:

2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
show jumbo-frames

270 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Chapter 7: System configuration using
Enterprise Device Manager

This chapter provides procedures you can use to configure the switch or stack with Enterprise Device
Manager (EDM).

Configuring Quick Start using EDM

Perform this procedure to configure Quick Start to enter the setup mode through a single

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.
2. In the Administration tree, double-click Quick Start.
3. In the IP/Community/Vlan work area, type a switch or stack IP address in the In-
Band Stack IP Address dialog box.
4. In the In-Band Stack Subnet Mask dialog box, type a subnet mask.
5. In the Default Gateway dialog box, type an IP address.
6. In the Read-Only Community String box, type a character string.
7. In the Re-enter to verify dialog box immediately following the Read-Only
Community String box, retype the character string from Step 6.
8. In the Read-Write Community String dialog box, type a character string.
9. In the Re-enter to verify dialog box immediately following the Read-Write
Community String box, retype the character string from Step 8.
10. In the Quick Start VLAN dialog box, type a VLAN ID ranging from 1 to 4094.
11. Click Apply .

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 271

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Configuring remote access using EDM

Use this procedure to configure remote access for a switch.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.
2. In the Administration tree, double-click Remote Access.
3. In the work area, click the Setting tab.
4. In the Telnet Remote Access Setting section, select a value from the Access list.
5. In the Telnet Remote Access Setting section, select a value from the Use List
6. In the SNMP Remote Access Setting section, select a value from the Access list.
7. In the SNMP Remote Access Setting section, select a value from the Use List
8. In the Web Page Remote Access Setting section, select a value from the Use
List list.
9. In the SSH Remote Access Setting section, select a value from the Access list.
10. In the SSH Remote Access Setting section, select a value from the Use List list.
11. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure remote access for a switch.

Variable Value
Telnet Remote Access Setting Specifies the remote access settings for
telnet sessions.
• Access—allows or disallows telnet access
to the switch.
• Use List—enables (Yes) or disables (No)
the use of listed remote Telnet

SNMP Remote Access Setting Specifies SNMP remote access settings.

272 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring the IPv4 remote access list using EDM

Variable Value

• Access—allows or disallows SNMP

access to the switch.
• Use List—enables (Yes) or disables (No)
the use of listed remote SNMP

Web Page Remote Access Setting Specifies web page remote access
• Use List—enables (Yes) or disables (No)
the use of listed remote web page

SSH Remote Access Setting Specifies SSH remote access settings.

• Access—allows or disallows SSH access
to the switch.
• Use List—enables (Yes) or disables (No)
the use of listed remote SSH information.

Configuring the IPv4 remote access list using EDM

Use this procedure to configure a list of IPv4 source addresses for which to permit remote
access to a switch.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.
2. In the Administration tree, double-click Remote Access.
3. In the work area, click the Allowed List(IPv4) tab.
4. To select a source to edit, click the source row.
5. In the source row, double-click the cell in the Allowed Source IP Address
6. In the dialog box, type a value.
7. In the source row, double-click the cell in the Allowed Source Mask column.
8. In the dialog box, type a value.
9. Click Apply .

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 273

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure a list of IPv4 source addresses to permit access to the

Variable Value
Allowed Source IP Address Specifies the source IPv4 address to permit
remote access to the switch.
Allowed Source Mask Specifies subnet mask associated with the
source IPv4 address to permit remote
access to the switch.

Configuring the IPv6 remote access list using EDM

Use this procedure to configure a list of IPv6 source addresses for which to permit remote
access to a switch.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.
2. In the Administration tree, double-click Remote Access.
3. In the work area, click the Allowed List(IPv6) tab.
4. To select a source to edit, click the source row.
5. In the source row, double-click the cell in the Allowed Source IPv6 Address
6. In the dialog box, type a value.
7. In the source row, double-click the cell in the Allowed Prefix Length column.
8. In the dialog box, type a value.
9. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure a list of IPv6 source addresses for which to permit access
to the switch .

274 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Run script configuration using EDM

Variable Value
Allowed Source IPv6 Address Specifies the source IPv6 address to permit
remote access to the switch.
Allowed Prefix Length Specifies prefix length for the source IPv6
address to permit remote access to the
switch. Values range from 0 to 128.

Run script configuration using EDM

According to Avaya best practices for converged solutions, you can use the scripts to configure
the parameters for an Avaya stackable Ethernet Switch. The scripts can be executed in a
default or verbose mode. In this release, run scripts are available in non-verbose and verbose
mode for IP Office, and verbose mode for Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Auto
Detect Auto Configuration (ADAC).
Use the procedures in this section to configure using IP Office, LLDP, and ADAC scripts.

Configuring IP Office script using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure IP Office in default or verbose mode using run

When executing the script using EDM, do not run other commands while the script is in
progress, because this slows down the execution. EDM can time-out while waiting for a
response; even when a time-out occurs, the script execution continues on the switch.


1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.

2. In the Administration tree, double-click Run Scripts.
3. In the work area, click the IP Office Script tab.
4. In the Mode work area, from the Run Script Mode dialog box, select default to
execute the script in the default mode or select verbose to modify the predefined
If you select default, the parameters are automatically configured. If you select
verbose, proceed with the following steps to modify the parameters in verbose
5. In the Verbose work area, type the Voice VLAN ID in the Voice VLAN Id dialog

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 275

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

6. In the Voice VLAN Gateway dialog box, type the VLAN IP address.
7. In the Voice VLAN Gateway Mask dialog box, enter the VLAN IP mask address.
8. In the Data VLAN Id dialog box, type the data VLAN ID.
9. In the Data VLAN Gateway dialog box, type the data VLAN Gateway IP address.
10. In the Data VLAN Gateway Mask dialog box, type the data VLAN Gateway IP mask
11. In the IP Route to Gateway Modem-Router dialog box, type the IP route address
of the Gateway Modem-Router.
12. In the IP Office Call-Server dialog box, type the call server IP address.
13. In the IP Office File-Server dialog box, type the file server IP address.
14. Click Apply.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
Run Script Mode Specifies to run the script either in default or verbose
Voice VLAN ID Specifies the voice VLAN ID. By default, the voice
VLAN ID is 42.
Voice VLAN Gateway Specifies the Voice VLAN Gateway IP Address. By
default, the voice VLAN gateway IP address is
Voice VLAN Gateway Mask Specifies the voice VLAN gateway IP mask address.
By default, the voice VLAN gateway IP mask address
The default subnet mask created by the run IP Office
script supports a maximum of 250 hosts. You can
change the subnet mask to to allow
510 hosts for each subnet using the verbose mode.
Data VLAN ID Specifies the data VLAN ID. By default, the data VLAN
ID is 44.
Data VLAN Gateway Specifies the data VLAN Gateway. By default, the data
VLAN Gateway is
Data VLAN Gateway Mask Specifies the data VLAN Gateway Mask. By default,
the data VLAN Gateway Mask is
IP Route to Gateway Modem- Specifies the IP Route to gateway modem and router.
Router By default, the IP address is

276 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Run script configuration using EDM

Variable Value
IP Office Call-Server Specifies the IP Office call server IP address. By
default, the call server IP address is
IP Office File-Server Specifies the IP Office file server IP address. By
default, the file server IP address is
Status Displays the status of the last action that occurred
since the switch last booted. Values include:
• other—no action occurred since the last boot.
• inProgress—the selected operation is in progress.
• passed—the selected operation succeeded.
• failed—the selected operation failed.

Configuring ADAC Script using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure ADAC in verbose mode using Run Scripts.

When executing the script using EDM, do not run other commands while the script is in
progress, because this slows down the execution. EDM can time-out while waiting for a
response; even when a time-out occurs, the script execution continues on the switch.


1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.

2. In the Administration tree, double-click Run Scripts.
3. In the work area, click the ADAC Script tab.
4. In the Mode work area, by default, verbose is selected in the Run Script Mode
dialog box.
5. (Optional) In the Verbose work area, type the data VLAN ID in the Data VLAN Id
dialog box.
6. Select Management VLAN flag if you want the data VLAN as the management
7. (Optional) In the Data VLAN Gateway dialog box, type the data VLAN Gateway IP
address. In the Data VLAN Gateway Mask dialog box, type the data VLAN
Gateway mask address.
8. (Optional) In the Management IP address dialog box, type the management IP
address. In the Management IP Mask dialog box, type the management IP

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 277

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

9. In the Default IP Route dialog box, type the default IP route address.
10. In the Voice VLAN Id dialog box, type the voice VLAN ID.
11. (Optional) In the Voice VLAN Gateway dialog box, type the IP address. In the Voice
VLAN Gateway Mask dialog box, type the IP mask address.
12. In the LLDP Call-Server dialog box, type the LLDP call server IP address.
13. In the LLDP File-Server dialog box, LLDP file server IP address.
14. (Optional) Select the Uplink trunk flag to link ADAC uplink port as a member of
MLT trunk.
15. Click the ADAC Uplink Ports ellipsis (...).
16. From the ADAC Uplink Ports, select the uplink ports and then, click Ok.
17. Click the ADAC Call Server Ports ellipsis (...).
18. From the ADAC Call Server ports, select the call serevr ports and then, click Ok.
19. Click the ADAC Telephony Ports ellipsis (...).
20. From the ADAC Telephony Ports, select the telephony ports and then, click Ok.
21. Click Apply.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
Run Script Mode Specifies to run the script in verbose mode and it is
selected by default.
Data VLAN Id Specifies the data VLAN ID. The value ranges from 1
to 4096.
Management VLAN flag Specifies data VLAN ID as Management VLAN. This
is optional.
Data VLAN Gateway Specifies the data VLAN gateway IP address.
Data VLAN Gateway Mask Specifies the data VLAN gateway mask IP address.
Management IP address Specifies the management IP address.
Management IP Mask Specifies the management IP mask address.
Default IP Route Specifies the default IP route.
Voice VLAN Id Specifies the voice VLAN ID. By default, the voice
VLAN ID is 42.

278 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Run script configuration using EDM

Variable Value
Voice VLAN Gateway Specifies the Voice VLAN Gateway IP Address. By
default, the voice VLAN gateway IP address is
Voice VLAN Gateway Mask Specifies the voice VLAN gateway IP mask address.
By default, the voice VLAN gateway IP mask address
LLDP Call-Server Specifies the LLDP call server IP address.
LLDP File-Server Specifies the LLDP file server IP address.
Uplink trunk flag Links the ADAC uplink port to the MLT trunk.
ADAC Uplink Ports Specifies the ADAC uplink ports. A maximum of 50
ports are supported.
ADAC Call Server Ports Specifies the ADAC call server ports. A maximum of
50 ports are supported.
ADAC Telephony Ports Specifies the ADAC telephony ports. A maximum of
50 ports are supported.
Status Displays the status of the last action that occurred
since the switch last booted. Values include:
• other—no action occurred since the last boot.
• inProgress—the selected operation is in progress.
• passed—the selected operation succeeded.
• failed—the selected operation failed.

Configuring LLDP Script using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure LLDP in verbose mode using Run Scripts.

When executing the script using EDM, do not run other commands while the script is in
progress, because this slows down the execution. EDM can time-out while waiting for a
response; even when a time-out occurs, the script execution continues on the switch.


1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.

2. In the Administration tree, double-click Run Scripts.
3. In the work area, click the LLDP Script tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 279

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

4. In the Mode work area, by default, verbose is selected in the Run Script Mode
dialog box.
5. (Optional) In the Verbose work area, type the data VLAN ID in the Data VLAN Id
dialog box.
6. Select Management VLAN flag if you want the data VLAN as the management
7. (Optional) In the Data VLAN Gateway dialog box, type the data VLAN Gateway IP
address. In the Data VLAN Gateway Mask dialog box, type the data VLAN
Gateway mask address.
8. Click the Data VLAN Uplink Ports ellipsis (...).
9. From the Data VLAN Uplink Ports, select the uplink ports and click Ok.
10. (Optional) In the Management IP address dialog box, type the management IP
address. In the Management IP Mask dialog box, type the management IP
11. In the Default IP Route dialog box, type the default IP route address.
12. In the Voice VLAN Id dialog box, type the voice VLAN ID.
13. (Optional) In the Voice VLAN Gateway dialog box, type the IP address. In the Voice
VLAN Gateway Mask dialog box, type the IP mask address.
14. In the LLDP Call-Server dialog box, type the LLDP call server IP address.
15. In the LLDP File-Server dialog box, LLDP file server IP address.
16. Click Apply.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
Run Script Mode Specifies to run the script in verbose mode and it is
selected by default.
Data VLAN Id Specifies the data VLAN ID. The value ranges from 1
to 4096.
Management VLAN flag Specifies data VLAN ID as Management VLAN. This
is optional.
Data VLAN Gateway Specifies the data VLAN gateway IP address.
Data VLAN Gateway Mask Specifies the data VLAN gateway mask IP address.
Data VLAN Uplink Ports Specifies the data VLAN uplink ports.
Management IP address Specifies the management IP address.

280 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing switch unit information using EDM

Variable Value
Management IP Mask Specifies the management IP mask address.
Default IP Route Specifies the default IP route.
Voice VLAN Id Specifies the voice VLAN ID. By default, the voice
VLAN ID is 42.
Voice VLAN Gateway Specifies the Voice VLAN Gateway IP Address. By
default, the voice VLAN gateway IP address is
Voice VLAN Gateway Mask Specifies the voice VLAN gateway IP mask address.
By default, the voice VLAN gateway IP mask address
LLDP Call-Server Specifies the LLDP call server IP address.
LLDP File-Server Specifies the LLDP file server IP address.
Status Displays the status of the last action that occurred
since the switch last booted. Values include:
• other—no action occurred since the last boot.
• inProgress—the selected operation is in progress.
• passed—the selected operation succeeded.
• failed—the selected operation failed.

Viewing switch unit information using EDM

Use this procedure to display switch specific information.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Physical View, click a switch.
2. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
3. In the Edit tree, double-click Unit.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand the switch unit display.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 281

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Type Indicates the type number.
Descr Indicates the type of switch.
Ver Indicates the version number of the switch.
SerNum Indicates the number of the switch.
BaseNumPorts Indicates the base number of ports.
TotalNumPorts Indicates the total number of ports.

Managing PoE for a switch unit using EDM

Use this procedure to display and manage PoE for a single switch unit.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Physical View, click a switch unit with PoE ports.
2. From the navigation tree, choose Edit.
3. In the Edit tree, double-click Unit.
4. In the work area, click the PoE tab.
5. In the UsageThreshold%, type a value.
6. In the PowerDeviceDetectType section, click a radio button.
7. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to display and manage PoE for a switch unit.

Variable Value
Power(watts) Displays the total power (in watts) available to the switch.
OperStatus Displays the power state of the switch:
• on
• off
• faulty

282 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Power management using EDM

Variable Value
Consumption Displays the power (in watts) being used by the switch.
UsageThreshold% Lets you set a percentage of the total PoE power usage at which
the switch sends a warning trap message. If the PoE power usage
exceeds the threshold and SNMP traps are appropriately
configured, the switch sends the
pethMainPowerUsageOnNotification trap. If the power
consumption exceeds and then falls below the threshold, the switch
sends the pethMainPowerUsageOffNotification trap.
PowerDevice Lets you set the power detection type that the switch uses to detect
DetectType a request for power from a device connected to all ports on the
• 802.3af
• 802.3afAndLegacySupport
• 802.3at
• 802.3atAndLegacySupport

The default setting is 802.3af. Ensure that this setting matches
the setting for the detection type used by the powered devices
on this switch. The 802.3at and 802.3atAndLegacySupport
options are available only on PWR+ units.
PowerPresent Specifies the currently used power source. Available power
sources are AC and DC.
• A value of acOnly indicates that the only power supply is AC.
• A value of dcOnly indicates that the only power supply is DC.
• A value of acDc indicates that there are two power supplies; both
AC and DC are supplying power

Power management using EDM

Use the information in this section to display and manage Power over Ethernet (PoE) for a
standalone switch or switches in a stack.

Viewing PoE for multiple switch units using EDM

Use this procedure to display the PoE configuration for one or more switches in a stack.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 283

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, click PoE.
3. In the work area, click the PoE Units tab.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to help you understand the global PoE display.

Variable Value
Power(watts) Indicates the total power (in watts) available to the switch.
OperStatus Indicates the power state of the switch:
• on
• off
• faulty
This is a read-only cell.
Consumption Indicates the power (in watts) being used by the switch. This is a read-
Power(watts) only cell.
UsageThreshol Indicates the percentage of the total power usage of the preceding switch,
d% to which the system sends a trap.

You must enable the traps (NotificationControlEnable) to receive a
power usage trap.
PowerDevice Indicates the power detection type that the switch uses to detect a
DetectType request for power from a device connected to all ports on the switch.
Values include:
• 802.3af
• 802.3afAndLegacySupport
• 802.3at
• 802.3atAndLegacySupport

PowerPresent Indicates the currently used power source. Available power sources are
AC and DC.

284 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Power management using EDM

Variable Value

• acOnly—indicates that the only power supply is AC

• dcOnly—indicates that the only power supply is DC
• acDc—indicates that there are two power supplies; both AC and DC
are supplying power
This is a read-only cell.

Configuring PoE for multiple switch units using EDM

Use this procedure to configure PoE for one or more switches in a stack.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, click PoE.
3. In the work area, click the PoE Units tab.
4. To select a switch to edit, click the Unit.
5. In the Unit row, double-click the cell in the UsageThreshold% column.
6. Type a value.
7. In the Unit row, double-click the cell in the PowerDeviceDetectType column.
8. Select a value from the list.
9. To manage PoE for additional switch units in a stack, repeat steps 4 through 8.
10. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to configure PoE for one or more switches in a stack.

Variable Value
Power(watts) Indicates the total power (in watts) available to the switch. This is a read-
only cell.
OperStatus Indicates the power state of the switch:
• on
• off
• faulty

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 285

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
This is a read-only cell.
Consumption Indicates the power (in watts) being used by the switch. This is a read-
Power(watts) only cell.
UsageThreshol Specifies the percentage of the total power usage of the preceding
d% switch, to which the system sends a trap.

You must enable the traps (NotificationControlEnable) to receive a
power usage trap.
PowerDevice Specifies the power detection type that the switch uses to detect a
DetectType request for power from a device connected to all ports on the switch.
Values include:
• 802.3af
• 802.3afAndLegacySupport
• 802.3at
• 802.3atAndLegacySupport

The default setting is 802.3af for legacy PWR units. For PWR+ units
the default setting is 802.3at. Ensure that this setting matches the
setting for the detection type used by the powered devices on this
switch. The 802.3at and 802.3atAndLegacySupport options are
available only on PWR+ units.
PowerPresent Indicates the currently used power source. Available power sources are
AC and DC.
• acOnly—indicates that the only power supply is AC
• dcOnly—indicates that the only power supply is DC
• acDc—indicates that there are two power supplies; both AC and DC
are supplying power
This is a read-only cell.

Configuring PoE priority for IP Phone using EDM

Use this procedure to set the power priority and power limit for the IP Phone.

286 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring system parameters using EDM

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, click Power Management.
2. In the Power Management tree, click PoE.
3. In the work area, click the Globals tab
4. Double-click the PowerLimit box.
5. Type a value.
6. Click a radio button in the PowerPriority section.
7. On the toolbar, click Apply.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
PowerLimit Specifies the global power limit for IP
Phones. Valid range is 0 or 3–32W. Default
value: 0

A value of 0 implies that the Port
PowerLimit is used for the IP Phone.
PowerPriority Specifies the global power priority for IP
Phones. Valid priorities are critical, high,
low, and notApplicable.
Default value: notApplicable

If you choose the value as notApplicable,
it implies that the Port PowerPriority is
used by the IP Phone.

Configuring system parameters using EDM

Use this procedure to view and modify the system level configuration.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 287

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps
1. From the Configuration navigation tree, click the Edit arrowhead to open the Edit
navigation tree.
2. Double-click Chassis .
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Chassis.
4. In the work area, click the System tab.
5. In the sysContact field, type system contact information.
6. In the sysName field, type a system name.
7. In the sysLocation field, type a system location.
8. To enable authentication traps, select the Authentication Traps check box.
To disable authentication traps, clear the Authentication Traps checkbox.
9. In the ReBoot section, click a radio button.
10. In the AutoPvid section, click a radio button.
11. In the StackInsertionUnitNumber field, type a value.
12. To enable jumbo frames, select the JumboFramesEnabled check box.
To disable jumbo frames, clear the JumboFramesEnabled checkbox.
13. To enable forced stack mode, select the ForcedStackModeEnabled check box.
14. In the bsEdmInactivityTimeout field, type the time-out period.
15. In the BootMode section, click a radio button.
16. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to view and modify the system level configuration.

Variable Value
sysDescr Provides device specific information. This is
a read-only item.
sysUpTime Indicates the amount of time since the
system was last booted.

288 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring system parameters using EDM

Variable Value
sysObjectID Indicates the system object identification
number. This is a read-only item.
sysContact Specifies contact information for the system
administrator, which can include a contact
name or email address.
sysName Specifies a unique name to describe this
sysLocation Specifies the physical location of this
SerNum Indicates the serial number of this switch.
AuthenticationTraps Enables or disables authentication traps.
• When enabled, SNMP traps are sent to
trap receivers for all SNMP access
• When disabled, no SNMP traps are

Reboot Provides the action to reboot the switch.

• running—the switch remains in the running
• reboot—starts the reboot sequence

AutoPvid When enabled, a VLAN ID can be

automatically assigned to any port.
StackInsertionUnitNumber Specifies the unit number to assign to the
next unit added to the stack. Values range
from 0–8.
You cannot set the value to the unit number
of an existing stack member. When a new
unit joins the stack, and the value of this
object is used as its unit number, the value
reverts to 0. If the value of this object is 0, it
is not used to determine the unit number of
new units.
JumboFramesEnabled Enables or disables the jumbo frames. When
the jumbo frame is enabled, the jumbo frame
size configuration for each unit or stack is
JumboFrameSize Indicates the jumbo frame size. If the
JumboFramesEnabled check box is
selected, the jumbo frame size is displayed.
By default, the jumbo frame size is 9216

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 289

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
This is a read-only item.
ForcedStackModeEnabled Enables or disables the forced stack mode.
bsEdmInactivityTimeout Indicates the EDM inactivity time-out period.
The value ranges from 30 to 65535 seconds.
By default, the inactivity time-out period is
900 seconds.
NextBootMgmtProtocol Indicates the transport protocols to use after
the next switch restart. This is a read-only
CurrentMgmtProtocol Indicates the current transport protocols that
the switch supports. This is a read-only
BootMode Specifies whether to use the BootP or DHCP
server to assign an IPv4 address for the
management VLAN at the next switch
reboot. Values include:
• other—read only
• bootpDisabled—use configured server IP
• bootpAlways—always use the BootP
• bootpWhenNeeded—use the BootP
server by default
• bootpOrLastAddress—use the BootP
server last used
• dhcpAlways—use the DHCP server
• dhcpWhenNeeded—use the DHCP server
when needed
• dhcpOrLastAddress—use the DHCP
server last used

ImageLoadMode Indicates the source from which to load the

agent image at the next boot. This is a read-
only item.
CurrentImageVersion Indicates the version number of the agent
image that is currently used on the switch.
This is a read-only item.
LocalStorageImage Version Indicates the version number of the agent
image that is stored in flash memory on the
switch. This is a read-only item.

290 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring asset ID using EDM

Variable Value
NextBootDefaultGateway Indicates the IP address of the default
gateway for the agent to use after the next
time you boot the switch. This is a read-only
CurrentDefaultGateway Indicates the address of the default gateway
that is currently in use. This is a read-only
NextBootLoadProtocol Indicates the transport protocol that the
agent uses to load the configuration
information and the image at the next boot.
This is a read-only item.
LastLoadProtocol Indicates the transport protocol last used to
load the image and configuration information
about the switch. This is a read-only item.

Configuring asset ID using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure the asset ID of a switch or stack.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Chassis.
4. On the work area, click the Asset ID tab.
5. In the table, double-click the cell under the Asset ID column heading.
6. Type the desired value in the Asset ID field.
7. On the toolbar, click Apply.

Variable definitions
The following table is an example for a stack of 2 units and you can extend this up to 8 units.
Use the data in the following table to complete this procedure.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 291

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Stack Sets the Asset ID of the stack
Unit 1 Sets the Asset ID of unit 1 in the stack
Unit 2 Sets the Asset ID of unit 2 in the stack

Selecting the ACLI banner type using EDM

Use this procedure to select the type of banner that is displayed in the Avaya Command Line
(ACLI) Telnet screen.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Chassis.
4. On the work area, click the Banner tab.
5. In the BannerControl section, click a radio button.
6. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
Use the information in the following table to select the ACLI banner type.

Variable Value
BannerControl Specifies the banner to be displayed as soon as you connect to
an Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series device using
Telnet. Values include:
• static—uses the predefined static banner.
• custom—uses the previously set custom banner.
• disabled—prevents the display of any banner.

292 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Customizing ACLI banner using EDM

Customizing ACLI banner using EDM

Use this procedure to customize banner that is displayed on the Avaya Command Line (ACLI)
Telnet screen.

• Select custom for the ACLI banner type.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Chassis.
4. In the work area, click the Custom Banner tab.
5. To select a switch for which to customize the banner, click a row.
6. In the row, double-click the cell in the Line column.
7. Type a character string for the banner.
8. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to customize the ACLI banner.

Variable Value
Type Indicates whether the banner type is for a standalone (switch)
or a stack (stack).
Id Indicates the line of text within a custom banner.
Line Specifies the banner character string. The custom banner is 19
lines high and can be up to 80 characters long.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 293

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Configuring AUR using EDM

Use this procedure to configure automatic unit replacement (AUR).

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Chassis.
4. In the work area, select the AUR tab.
5. To enable automatic unit replacement, select the AutoUnitReplacementEnabled
check box.
To disable automatic unit replacement, clear the AutoUnitReplacementEnabled
check box.
6. To enable automatic unit replacement save, select the
AutoUnitReplacementSaveEnabled check box.
To disable automatic unit replacement save, clear the
AutoUnitReplacementSaveEnabled check box.
7. In the AutoUnitReplacementForceSave dialog box, type a value.
8. In the AutoUnitReplacementRestore dialog box, type a value.
9. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure AUR.

Variable Value
AutoUnitReplacementEnabled Enables or disables the auto-unit-
replacement feature.

294 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring a switch stack base unit using EDM

Variable Value
AutoUnitReplacementSaveEnabled Enables or disables the auto-unit-
replacement automatic saving of unit images
to the base unit.
AutoUnitReplacementForceSave Forcefully saves the configuration of a
particular non base unit configuration to the
base unit.
AutoUnitReplacementRestore Forcefully restores the configuration of a
particular unit from the saved configuration
on the base unit.

Configuring a switch stack base unit using EDM

Use this procedure to configure a stack base unit status and to display base unit

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis .
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Switch/Stack.
4. In the work area, click the Base Unit Info tab.
5. In the AdminStat section, click a radio button.
6. In the Location section, type a character string.
7. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the information in the following table to help you understand the base unit information

Variable Value
Type Indicates the switch type.
Descr Describes the switch hardware, including number of ports
and transmission speed.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 295

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Ver Indicates the switch hardware version number.
SerNum Indicates the switch serial number.
LstChng Indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time the interface
entered its current operational state. If you entered the
current state prior to the last reinitialization of the local
network management subsystem, the value is zero.
AdminState Specifies the administrative state of the base unit switch.
Values include enable or reset.

In a stack configuration, the reset command resets
only the base unit.
OperState Indicates the operational state of the switch.
Location Specifies the physical location of the switch.
RelPos Indicates the relative position of the switch.
BaseNumPorts Indicates the number of base ports of the switch.
TotalNumPorts Indicates the number of ports of the switch.
IpAddress Indicates the base unit IP address.
RunningSoftwareVer Indicates the version of the running software.

Renumbering stack switch units using EDM

Use this procedure to change the unit numbers of switches in a stack.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis .
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Switch/Stack.
4. In the work area, click the Stack Numbering tab.
5. To select a switch unit, click a unit row.
6. In the unit row, double-click the cell in the New Unit Number column.

296 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Interface port management using EDM

7. Select a value from the list.

8. Click Apply .
A warning message appears indicating that initiating the renumbering of switch units
in a stack results in an automatic reset of the entire stack.

Variable definitions
Use the information in the following table to change the unit numbers of switches in a stack.

Variable Value
Current Unit Number Indicates the current switch numbering sequence.
New Unit Number Specifies the updated switch numbering sequence.

Interface port management using EDM

Use the information in this section to display and manage switch interface port

Viewing switch interface port information using EDM

Use this procedure to display switch interface port configuration information.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
3. Double-click Ports.
4. In the work area, click the Interface tab.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand the interface port display.

Variable Value
Index A unique value assigned to each interface.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 297

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Name Specifies a name for the port.
Descr The description of the selected port.
Type The media type of this interface.
Mtu The size of the largest packet, in octets, that can be sent or
received on the interface.
PhysAddress The MAC address assigned to a particular interface.
AdminStatus The current administrative state of the device, which can be one
of the following:
• up
• down
When a managed system is initialized, all interfaces start with
AdminStatus in the up state. AdminStatus changes to the down
state (or remains in the up state) because either management
action or the configuration information available to the managed
OperStatus The current operational state of the interface, which can be one
of the following:
• up
• down
• testing
If AdminStatus is up then OperStatus should be up if the
interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic. If
AdminStatus is down then OperStatus should be down. It
should remain in the down state if and only if there is a fault that
prevents it from going to the up state. The testing state indicates
that no operational packets can be passed.
LastChange The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its
current operational state. If the current state was entered prior
to the last reinitialization of the local network management
subsystem, the value is zero.
LinkTrap Specifies whether linkUp/linkDown traps should be generated
for this interface.
AutoNegotiate Indicates whether this port is enabled for autonegotiation or

10/100BASE-TX ports can not autonegotiate correctly with
older 10/100BASE-TX equipment. In some cases, the older
devices can be upgraded with new firmware or driver
revisions. If an upgrade does not allow autonegotiation to

298 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Interface port management using EDM

Variable Value
correctly identify the link speed and duplex settings, you can
manually configure the settings for the link in question.
AdminDuplex The current administrative duplex mode of the port (half or
OperDuplex The current mode of the port (half duplex or full duplex).
AdminSpeed Set the port's speed.
OperSpeed The current operating speed of the port.
FlowControlAdminMode Specifies the flow control mode of the port.
Values include:
• disabled — flow control disabled
• enabledRcv — receive enabled
• enabledXmitAndRcv — transmit and receive enabled

FlowControlOperMode Indicates the current flow control mode of the port.

AutoNegotiationCapabilit Specifies the port speed and duplex capabilities that a switch
y can support on a port, and that can be advertised by the port
using auto-negotiation.
AutoNegotiation Specifies the port speed and duplex abilities to be advertised
Advertisments during link negotiation. Values include:
• 10Half
• 10Full
• 100Half
• 100Full
• 1000Full
• AsymmPauseFrame

MltId The MultiLink Trunk to which the port is assigned (if any).
IsPortShared Specifies whether a port is shared. Multiple ports that are
logically represented as a single port are shared. Only one
shared port can be active at a time.
PortActiveComponent Specifies the physical port components that are active for a
shared port.

Changing the configuration for specific interface ports using EDM

Use this procedure to modify configuration parameters for one or more interface ports.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 299

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps

1. From the Device Physical View, click one or more ports.

2. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
3. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
4. Double-click Ports.
5. In the work area, click the Interface tab.
6. To select an interface port to edit, click the Index.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the Name column.
8. Type a character string.
9. In the port row, double-click the cell in the AdminStatus column.
10. Select a value from the list.
11. In the port row, double-click the cell in the LinkTrap column.
12. From the list, enable or disable link traps for the port.
13. In the port row, double-click the cell in the AutoNegotiate column.
14. Select a value from the list—true to enable autonegotiation for the port, or false to
disable autonegotiation for the port.
15. In the port row, double-click the cell in the AdminDuplex column.
16. Select a value from the list.
17. In the port row, double-click the cell in the AdminSpeed column.
18. Select a value from the list.
19. In the port row, double-click the cell in the AutoNegotiationAdvertisments
20. Select or clear autonegotiation advertisement check boxes.
21. Repeat steps 6 through 20 to change the configuration for additional interface
22. Click Ok .
23. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to modify configuration parameters for one or more interface ports.

300 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Interface port management using EDM

Variable Value
Index A unique value assigned to each interface. The value ranges
between 1 and 512.
Name Specifies a name for the port.
Descr The description of the selected port.
Type The media type of this interface.
Mtu The size of the largest packet, in octets, that can be sent or
received on the interface.
PhysAddress The MAC address assigned to a particular interface.
AdminStatus The current administrative state of the device, which can be one
of the following:
• up
• down
When a managed system is initialized, all interfaces start with
AdminStatus in the up state. AdminStatus changes to the down
state (or remains in the up state) because either management
action or the configuration information available to the managed
OperStatus The current operational state of the interface, which can be one of
the following:
• up
• down
• testing
If AdminStatus is up then OperStatus should be up if the interface
is ready to transmit and receive network traffic. If AdminStatus is
down then OperStatus should be down. It should remain in the
down state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going
to the up state. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
LastChange The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current
operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last
reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, the
value is zero.
LinkTrap Specifies whether linkUp/linkDown traps should be generated for
this interface.
AutoNegotiate Indicates whether this port is enabled for autonegotiation or not.

10/100BASE-TX ports can not autonegotiate correctly with
older 10/100BASE-TX equipment. In some cases, the older
devices can be upgraded with new firmware or driver revisions.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 301

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
If an upgrade does not allow autonegotiation to correctly identify
the link speed and duplex settings, you can manually configure
the settings for the link in question.
AdminDuplex The current administrative duplex mode of the port (half or full).
OperDuplex The current mode of the port (half duplex or full duplex).
AdminSpeed Set the port speed.
OperSpeed The current operating speed of the port.
FlowControlAdminMo Specifies the flow control mode of the port. Values include:
• disabled — flow control disabled
• enabledRcv — receive enabled
• enabledXmitAndRcv — transmit and receive enabled

FlowControlOperMode Indicates the current flow control mode of the port.

AutoNegotiationCapab Specifies the port speed and duplex capabilities that a switch can
ility support on a port, and that can be advertised by the port using
AutoNegotiation Specifies the port speed and duplex abilities to be advertised
Advertisments during link negotiation.
MltId The MultiLink Trunk to which the port is assigned (if any).
IsPortShared Specifies whether a port is shared. Multiple ports that are logically
represented as a single port are shared. Only one shared port can
be active at a time.
PortActiveComponent Specifies the physical port components that are active for a shared

PoE configuration for switch ports using EDM

Use the information in this section to display and modify PoE configurations for switch ports.

The procedures in this section apply only to a switch with PoE ports.

Viewing PoE information for specific switch ports using EDM

Use this procedure to display the PoE configuration for specific switch ports.

302 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
PoE configuration for switch ports using EDM

Procedure steps

1. From the Device Physical View, select one or more ports.

2. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
3. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
4. Double-click Ports.
5. In the work area, click the PoE tab.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to display the PoE configuration for specific switch ports.

Variable Value
Unit Indicates the switch position in a stack.
Port Indicates the switch port number.
AdminEnable Lets you enable or disable PoE on this port.
By default, PoE is enabled.
DetectionStatus Displays the operational status of the power-device detecting mode on
the specified port:
• disabled—detecting function disabled
• searching—detecting function is enabled and the system is searching
for a valid powered device on this port
• deliveringPower—detection found a valid powered device and the port
is delivering power
• fault—power-specific fault detected on port
• test—detecting device in test mode
• otherFault

Avaya recommends against using the test operational status.
PowerClassifica Classification is a way to tag different terminals on the Power over LAN
tions network according to their power consumption. Devices such as IP
telephones, WLAN access points, and others can be classified according
to their power requirements.
PowerPriority Lets you set the power priority for the specified port to:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 303

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value

• critical
• high
• low

PowerLimit(watt Specifies the maximum power that the switch can supply to a port. The
s) maximum power and system default power is 32W per port for the
802.3at-compliant PoE+ model and 16W for the 802.3af-compliant PoE
Voltage(volts) Indicates the voltage measured in Volts.
Current(amps) Indicates the current measured in amps.
Power(watts) Indicates the power measured in watts.

Configuring PoE for specific switch unit ports using EDM

Use this procedure to modify the PoE configuration for a one or more ports on a specific switch

Procedure steps

1. From the Device Physical View, select one or more ports on a switch unit.
2. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
3. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
4. Double-click Ports.
5. In the work area, click the PoE tab.
6. In the unit port row, double-click the cell in the AdminEnable column.
7. Select a value from the list—true to enable PoE for the port, or false to disable PoE
for the port.
8. In the unit port row, double-click the cell in the PowerPriority column.
9. Select a value from the list.
10. In the unit port row, double-click the cell in the PowerLimit(watts) column.
11. Type a value.
12. To configure PoE for other selected ports, repeat steps 6 through 11 .
13. Click Apply .

304 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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PoE configuration for switch ports using EDM

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to modify PoE for a one or more specific ports.

Variable Value
Unit Indicates the switch position in a stack.
Port Indicates the switch port number.
AdminEnable Lets you enable or disable PoE on this port.
By default, PoE is enabled.
DetectionStatus Displays the operational status of the power-device detecting mode on
the specified port:
• disabled—detecting function disabled
• searching—detecting function is enabled and the system is searching
for a valid powered device on this port
• deliveringPower—detection found a valid powered device and the port
is delivering power
• fault—power-specific fault detected on port
• test—detecting device in test mode
• otherFault

Avaya recommends against using the test operational status.
PowerClassifica Classification is a way to tag different terminals on the Power over LAN
tions network according to their power consumption. Devices such as IP
telephones, WLAN access points, and others can be classified according
to their power requirements.
PowerPriority Lets you set the power priority for the specified port to:
• critical
• high
• low

PowerLimit(watt Specifies the maximum power that the switch can supply to a port. The
s) maximum power and system default power is 32W per port for the
802.3at-compliant PoE+ model and 16W for the 802.3af-compliant PoE
Voltage(volts) Indicates the voltage measured in Volts.
Current(amps) Indicates the current measured in amps.
Power(watts) Indicates the power measured in watts.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 305

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Configuring PoE for switch or stack ports using EDM

Use this procedure to modify the PoE configuration for a one or more switch or stack ports.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click PoE.
3. In the work area, click the PoE Ports tab.
4. To select a switch port to edit, click the unit row.
5. In the unit port row, double-click the cell in the AdminEnable column.
6. Select a value from the list—true to enable PoE for the port, or false to disable PoE
for the port.
7. In the unit port row, double-click the cell in the PowerPriority column.
8. Select a value from the list.
9. In the unit port row, double-click the cell in the PowerLimit(watts) column.
10. Type a value.
11. To configure PoE for additional ports, repeat steps 4 through 10 .
12. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to configure PoE for a one or more switch or stack ports.

Variable Value
Unit Indicates the switch position in a stack.
Port Indicates the switch port number.
AdminEnable Lets you enable or disable PoE on this port.
By default, PoE is enabled.
DetectionStatus Displays the operational status of the power-device detecting mode
on the specified port:
• disabled—detecting function disabled
• searching—detecting function is enabled and the system is
searching for a valid powered device on this port

306 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Configuring Rate Limiting using EDM

Variable Value

• deliveringPower—detection found a valid powered device and the

port is delivering power
• fault—power-specific fault detected on port
• test—detecting device in test mode
• otherFault

Avaya recommends against using the test operational status.
PowerClassifications Classification is a way to tag different terminals on the Power over
LAN network according to their power consumption. Devices such
as IP telephones, WLAN access points, and others can be classified
according to their power requirements.
PowerPriority Lets you set the power priority for the specified port to:
• critical
• high
• low

PowerLimit(watts) Specifies the maximum power that the switch can supply to a port.
The maximum power and system default power is 32W per port for
the 802.3at-compliant PoE+ model and 16W for the 802.3af-
compliant PoE model.
Voltage(volts) Indicates the voltage measured in Volts.
Current(amps) Indicates the current measured in amps.
Power(watts) Indicates the power measured in watts.

Configuring Rate Limiting using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure the Rate Limiting for a single port.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Chassis.
3. In the Chassis tree, double-click Ports.
4. On the work area, click the Rate Limit tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 307

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

5. To a rate limit, click a TrafficType row.

6. Double-click the cell in the AllowedRate column.
7. Select a value from the list.
8. Double-click the cell in the Enable column.
9. Select a value from the list—true to enable the traffic type, or false to disable the
traffic type.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure rate limiting.

Variable Value
Index Indicates the unique identifier.
TrafficType Specifies the two types of traffic that can be set with rate limiting:
broadcast and multicast.
AllowedRate Specifies the rate limiting percentage. The available range is from 0
percent (none) to 10 percent.
AllowedRatePps Allowed traffic rate packets/second. Values range from 0 to 262143.
Enable Enables and disables rate limiting on the port for the specified traffic
type. Options are true (enabled) or false (disabled).

Managing switch software using EDM

Use this procedure to change the binary configuration running on the switch, upload the
configuration file to a TFTP server, SFTP server, or USB storage device, or retrieve a binary
configuration file from a TFTP server, SFTP server, or USB storage device.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click File System.

308 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Managing switch software using EDM

3. On the work area, click the Config/Image/Diag file tab.

4. In the TftpServerInetAddressType section, click a radio button.
5. In the TftpServerInetAddress dialog box, type the TFTP server IP address.
6. In the BinaryConfigFileName dialog box, type the name of the binary configuration
7. In the BinaryConfigUnitNumber dialog box, type a unit number.
8. In the ImageFileName dialog box, type the name of the current image file.
9. In the FwFileName(Diagnostics) dialog box, type the name of the current
diagnostic file.
10. In the UsbTargetUnit dialog box, type a value.
11. In the Action section, click a radio button.
12. Click Apply.
The software download starts automatically after you click Apply. This process erases the
contents of flash memory, and replaces it with the new software image. Do not interrupt the
download. Depending on network conditions, this process can take up to 10 minutes. After the
download is complete, the switch automatically resets, and the new software image initiates a
self-test. During the download, the switch is not operational.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
TftpServerInetAddressType Specifies the type of IP address for the TFTP server.
Values include:
• IPv4
• IPv6

TftpServerInetAddress Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server on which the

new software images are stored for download.
BinaryConfigFileName Specifies the binary configuration file currently
associated with the switch.
Use this dialog box when you work with configuration
files; do not use this dialog box when you download a
software image.
BinaryConfigUnitNumber Specifies the binary configuration unit number. Values
range from 0 to 8. The default value is 0.
ImageFileName Specifies the name of the image file currently associated
with the switch. If needed, change this field to the name
of the software image to be downloaded.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 309

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
FwFileName (Diagnostics) Specifies the name of the diagnostic file currently
associated with the switch. If needed, change this field to
the name of the diagnostic software image to be
UsbTargetUnit Specifies the unit number of the USB port to be used to
upload or download a file. Values range from 0 to 9.
• 1 to 8—a USB port in a stack
• 9—a USB port in a standalone switch
• 0—TFTP server

Action Specifies the action to take during this file system

operation. The available options are as follows:
• other—read only
• dnldConfig—downloads a configuration to the switch.
• upldConfig—uploads a configuration from the switch to
a designated location.
• dnldConfigFromUsb—downloads a configuration to
switch using the front panel USB port.
• upIdConfigToUsb—uploads a configuration from the
switch to the server using the front panel USB port.
• dnldImg—downloads a new software image to the
switch. This option replaces the software image on the
switch regardless of whether it is newer or older than
the current image.
• dnldImgIfNewer—downloads a new software image to
the switch only if it is newer than the one currently in
• dnldImgNoReset—downloads a new software image to
the switch. This option replaces the software image on
the switch regardless of whether it is newer or older
than the current image. After the download is complete,
the switch is not reset.
• dnldImgFromUsb—downloads a new software image
to the switch using the front panel USB port.
• dnldFw—downloads a new diagnostic software image
to the switch. This option replaces the image regardless
of whether it is newer or older than the current image.
• dnldFwNoReset—downloads a new diagnostic
software image to the switch. This option replaces the
image regardless of whether it is newer or older than
the current image. After the download is complete, the
switch is not reset.

310 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
ASCII configuration file management using EDM

Variable Value

• dnldFwFromUsb—downloads a new diagnostic

software image to the switch from the front panel USB
port. This option replaces the image regardless of
whether it is newer or older than the current image.
• dnldImgFromSftp—downloads a new software image
to the switch from the SFTP server. This option
replaces the software image on the switch regardless
of whether it is newer or older than the current image.
• dnldFwFromSftp—downloads a new diagnostic
software image to the switch from the SFTP server.
This option replaces the image regardless of whether it
is newer or older than the current image.
• dnldConfigFromSftp—downloads a configuration to the
switch from the SFTP server.
• upldConfigToSftp—uploads a configuration to the
SFTP server.
• dnldImgFromSftpNoReset—downloads the agent
image from a SFTP server and does not reset the
• dnldFwFromSftpNoReset—downloads the diagnostic
image from a SFTP server and does not reset the

Status Displays the status of the last action that occurred since
the switch last booted. Values include:
• other—no action occurred since the last boot.
• inProgress—the selected operation is in progress.
• success—the selected operation succeeded.
• fail—the selected operation failed.

ASCII configuration file management using EDM

Use the information in this section to store or retrieve an ASCII configuration file.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 311

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

ASCII configuration file management prerequisites

• Read and understand the detailed information about ASCII configuration files in Using ACLI
and EDM on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-102.

Storing the current ASCII configuration file using EDM

Use the following procedure to store the current ASCII switch configuration file to a TFTP server
or USB storage device.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, click File System.
3. In the work area, click the ASCII Config Script Files tab.
4. To select a script file, click the script index.
5. In the script row, double-click the cell in the ScriptBootPriority column.
6. Type a value.
7. In the script row, double-click the cell in the ScriptSource column.
8. Type the IP address of the desired TFTP server and the name under which to store
the configuration file in the format— tftp://<ip address>/<filename>.
Type the IP address of the desired SFTP server and the name under which to store
the configuration file in the format— sftp://<ip address>/<filename>.
If the configuration file is saved to a USB storage device, type the name under which
to store the configuration file in the following format—usb://<filename>.
If the USB is inserted in a stand-alone unit, or if the USB device is inserted in a unit
of a stack, type usb://<unit number>/<filename>.
9. Double-click the cell under the ScriptManual header, and select Upload option to
transfer the file to a TFTP server or to a USB mass storage device.
10. On the toolbar, click Apply.
11. Check the ScriptLastStatusChange field for the file transfer status.

312 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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ASCII configuration file management using EDM

If the status of the file upload is manualUploadInProgress, wait for up to 2 minutes,

and then click Refresh to see any new status applied to the upload.
The file upload is complete when the status displays either manualUploadPassed
or manualUploadFailed.
12. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the information in the following table to help you to store the current ASCII switch
configuration file.

Variable Value
ScriptIndex Specifies the unique identifier for ASCII switch configuration
ScriptBootPriority Specifies the boot priority of the ASCII switch configuration file.
Value ranges from 0–127.
ScriptSource Specifies the address where to store the configuration file.
ScriptManual Specifies the operation that you want to perform—upload,
download, or other.
Applications Specifies the application.
ScriptOperStatus Specifies the script operation status.
ScriptLastStatusChange Specifies the time of the last status change as sysUpTime.

Retrieving an ASCII configuration file using EDM

Use the following procedure to retrieve an ASCII configuration file from a TFTP server or from
a USB storage device, and apply it to the switch.

When you use the TFTP or SFTP address parameter to perform copy or download
commands, the system overwrites the TFTP or SFTP server address.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, click File System.
3. On the work area, click the ASCII Config Script Files tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 313

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

4. In the table, double-click the cell under the ScriptSource heading for the parameter
you want to change.
5. Type the IP address of the desired TFTP server and the name under which to store
the configuration file in the format— tftp://<ip address>/<filename>.
Type the IP address of the desired SFTP server and the name under which to store
the configuration file in the format— sftp://<ip address>/<filename>.
If you retrieve the configuration file from a USB storage device, and the USB is
inserted in a stand-alone unit, type the name under which to store the configuration
file in the following format—usb://<filename>.
If the USB device is inserted in a unit of a stack, type usb://<unit number>/
6. Double-click the cell under the ScriptManual header, and select Download option
to transfer the file from a TFTP server or from a USB mass storage device.
7. On the toolbar, click Apply.
8. Check the ScriptLastStatusChange field for the file transfer status.
If the status of the file download is manualDownloadInProgress, wait for up to 2
minutes, and then click Refresh to see any new status applied to the upload.
The file download is complete when the status displays either
manualDownloadPassed or manualDownloadFailed.

Automatically downloading a configuration file using EDM

Use the following procedure to download a configuration file automatically.

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the TFTP server address.

Procedure steps
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click File System.
3. On the work area, click the ASCII Config Script Files tab.

314 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Managing the license file using EDM

4. In the table, double click the cell under the ScriptSource header.
• If you retrieve the configuration file from a TFTP server, type the IP address
of the desired TFTP server and the name under which the configuration file is
stored in the following format—tftp://<ip address>/<filename>.
• If you retrieve the configuration file from a USB storage device, and the USB
device is inserted in a stand-alone unit, type the name under which the
configuration file is stored in the following format—usb://<filename>.
• If you retrieve the configuration file from a USB storage device, and the USB
device is inserted in a unit of a stack, type the name under which the
configuration file is stored in the following format— usb://<unit number>/
• If you retrieve the file from a BOOTP server, type bootp://.
5. Double-click the cell under the ScriptBootPriority header.
6. Type the priority of the script (between 1 and 127, or 0 for not using the entry at
boot time).
7. On the toolbar, click Apply.

Managing the license file using EDM

Use this procedure to download, install, or remove a license file for the switch.

When you use the TFTP address parameter to perform copy or download commands, the
system overwrites the TFTP server address.

Loading a license file from TFTP

Use this procedure to load a license file from TFTP.
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit .
2. In the Edit tree, double-click File System.
3. In the work area, select the License File tab.
4. In the TftpServerInetAddressType section, click a radio button.
5. In the TftpServerInetAddress dialog box, type the TFTP server IP address.
6. In the LicenseFileName dialog box, enter the software license filename on the TFTP

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 315

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

The LicenseFileName dialog box is case sensitive and you can use a maximum
of 64 characters including the file extension. Numerals are allowed in the
LicenseFileName dialog box, but special characters like @, -, #, are not
7. In the UsbTargetUnit dialog box, type value 0.
8. In the LicenseFileAction section, click the dnldLicense radio button to download
license from TFTP.
9. In the Remove License section, select a value from the list, to remove one or all
10. Click Apply.
When the file installation is complete, a warning message appears prompting you
to restart the switch to activate the license.
For information about restarting the switch, see Configuring system parameters
using EDM on page 287.

Loading a license file from SFTP.

Use this procedure to load a license file from SFTP.
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit .
2. In the Edit tree, double-click File System.
3. In the work area, select the License File tab.
4. In the LicenseFileName dialog box, enter the software license filename on the SFTP

The LicenseFileName dialog box is case sensitive and you can use a maximum
of 64 characters including the file extension. Numerals are allowed in the
LicenseFileName dialog box, but special characters like @, -, #, are not
5. In the UsbTargetUnit dialog box, type value 10.
6. In the LicenseFileAction section, click the dnldLicenseFromSftp radio button to
download license from SFTP.
7. In the Remove License section, select a value from the list, to remove one or all
8. Click Apply.

316 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Managing the license file using EDM

To load a license file from an SFTP server, you must make the following
• set the SFTP server address
• set the SFTP user name
• set SFTP authentication to DSA, RSA, or password.
• if you select DSA or RSA authentication type, generate the DSA/RSA key
and upload it to SFTP server
• if you select password authentication, configure the password
When the file installation is complete, a warning message appears prompting you
to restart the switch to activate the license.
For information about restarting the switch, see Configuring system parameters
using EDM on page 287.

Loading a license file from a USB drive

Use this procedure to load a license file from a USB drive.
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit .
2. In the Edit tree, double-click File System.
3. In the work area, select the License File tab.
4. In the LicenseFileName dialog box, enter the software license filename on the USB

The LicenseFileName dialog box is case sensitive and you can use a maximum
of 64 characters including the file extension. Numerals are allowed in the
LicenseFileName dialog box, but special characters like @, -, #, are not
5. In the UsbTargetUnit dialog box, type the unit number on which the USB drive is
6. In the LicenseFileAction section, click the dnldLicense radio button to download
license from USB.
7. In the Remove License section, select a value from the list, to remove one or all
8. Click Apply.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 317

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

When the file installation is complete, a warning message appears prompting you
to restart the switch to activate the license.
For information about restarting the switch, see Configuring system parameters
using EDM on page 287.

Saving the current configuration using EDM

The configuration currently in use on a switch is regularly saved to the flash memory
automatically. However, you can manually initiate this process using the Save
Configuration tab.
Use the following procedure to save the current configuration manually.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click File System.
3. On the work area, click the Save Configuration tab.
4. Select the AutosaveToNvramEnabled check box to enable automatically saving
the configuration to the flash memory.
Clear the AutosaveToNvramEnabled check box to disable automatically saving
the configuration to the flash memory.
5. Choose copyConfigToNvram in the Action field.
6. On the toolbar, click Apply.
7. Click Refresh.

Variable definitions
Use the information in the following table to save the current configuration.

Variable Value
AutosaveToNvramEnable If selected, automatically saves the configuration to the flash
d memory.
Action Indicates the action that you want to perform. Available options

318 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing flash information using EDM

Variable Value

• other
• copyConfigToNvram

Status Indicates the current status.

Viewing flash information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display the currently loaded and operational agent, image, and
flash load status for an individual switch or a stack.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click File System.
3. In the work area, click the FLASH tab to view the software status.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand the currently loaded and operational software
status display.

Variable Value
Unit Indicates the unit
Type Indicates the type of
Version Indicates the software version.
UsedSize Indicates the used size.
CurSize Indicates the current size.
Description Indicates the description.
Age Indicates the age.

When the currently loaded and operational software status is displayed for a stack, the
unit number is replaced by the word All.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 319

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Configuring IPv6 global properties using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure IPv6 global properties.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the Globals tab.
4. Configure the IPv6 globally.
5. On the toolbar, click Apply to save the changes.
6. Click Refresh to display updated information.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you configure IPv6 globally.

Variable Value
AdminEnabled Enables or disables administration function.
OperEnabled Enables or disables the operation.
DefaultHopLimit Indicates the Hop Limit. Default number of hops— 30
IcmpNetUnreach Enables or disables the ICMP net unreach feature.
IcmpRedirectMsg Enables or disables ICMP redirect message feature.
IcmpErrorInterval Indicates the time to wait before sending an ICMP error
message. A value of 0 means the system does not send an
ICMP error message. Range is 0–2147483647 ms.
IcmpErrorQuota Indicates the number of ICMP error messages that can be sent
out during ICMP error interval. Default value: 1
MulticastAdminStatus Indicates the admin status for multicast for this interface.

320 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 interface management using EDM

IPv6 interface management using EDM

Use the information in this section to view, create, or delete IPv6 interfaces.

Viewing IPv6 interfaces using EDM

Use the following procedure to view an IPv6 interface ID to a VLAN to learn the ID.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.

2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the Interfaces tab.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand the Interfaces tab.

Variable Value
IfIndex Identifies a physical interface or a logical interface (VLAN).
For a VLAN, it is the Ifindex of the VLAN.
Identifier Specifies the IPv6 address interface identifier, which is a
binary string of up to 8 octets in network byte order.
IdentifierLength Specifies the length of the interface identifier in bits.
Descr Specifies a text string containing information about the
interface. The network management system also sets this
VlanId Identifies the Virtual LAN associated with the entry. This
value corresponds to the lower 12 bits in the IEEE 802.1Q
VLAN tag.
Type Specifies Unicast, the only supported type.
ReasmMaxSize(MTU) Specifies the MTU for this IPv6 interface. This value must be
same for all the IP addresses defined on this interface. The
default value is 1280.
PhysAddress Specifies the media-dependent physical address. The range
is 0 through 65535. For Ethernet, this is a MAC address.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 321

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
AdminStatus Specifies whether the administration status of the interface
is enabled (true) or disabled (false). The default is enabled
OperStatus Specifies whether the operation status of the interface is up
or down.
ReachableTime Specifies the time (3600000 ms) that a neighbor is
considered reachable after receiving a reachability
RetransmitTime Specifies the RetransmitTime, which is the time (3600000
ms) between retransmissions of neighbor solicitation
messages to a neighbor when resolving the address or when
probing the reachability of a neighbor.
MulticastAdminStatus Specifies the multicast status as either True or False.

Creating an IPv6 interface using EDM

Use the following procedure to create an IPv6 interface.


• Ensure that VLAN is configured before you assign an interface identifier, or an IPv6
address to the VLAN.
• The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 supports port-based and protocol-based
VLANs. For more information about configuring VLANs, see Configuring VLANs,
Spanning Tree, and Multi-Link Trunking on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series,

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.

2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the Interfaces tab.
4. On the toolbar, click Insert.
5. Configure the IPv6 interface.
6. Click Insert.
7. On the toolbar, click Apply.

322 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 interface management using EDM

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to create an IPv6 interface.

Variable Value
IfIndex Identifies a physical interface or a logical
interface (VLAN). For a VLAN, it is the Ifindex
of the VLAN.
Identifier Specifies the IPv6 address interface
identifier, which is a binary string of up to 8
octets in network byte order.
Descr Specifies a text string containing information
about the interface. The network
management system also sets this string.
ReasmMaxSize(MTU) Specifies the MTU for this IPv6 interface.
This value must be same for all the IP
addresses defined on this interface. Value:
AdminStatus Specifies whether the administration status
of the interface is enabled (true) or disabled
ReachableTime Specifies the time (in milliseconds) that a
neighbor is considered reachable after
receiving a reachability confirmation. Value:
0–36000000 ms
RetransmitTime Specifies the RetransmitTime, which is the
time (in milliseconds) between
retransmissions of neighbor solicitation
messages to a neighbor when resolving the
address or when probing the reachability of
a neighbor. Value: 0–36000000 ms

Deleting an IPv6 interface using EDM

Use the following procedure to delete an IPv6 interface.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.

2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 323

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

3. On the work area, click the Interfaces tab.

4. To select an interface to delete, click the IfIndex.
5. Click Delete .

Graphing IPv6 Interface Statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to display and graph IPv6 interface statistics for a switch or

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the Interfaces tab.
4. In the table, select the IfIndex you want to view.
5. On the toolbar, click Graph.

Variable definitions
The following table defines the variables for the Static Routes window

Variable Value
InReceives Indicates the total number of input
datagrams received from interfaces,
including those received in error.
InHdrErrors Indicates the number of input datagrams
discarded due to errors in their IP headers,
including bad checksums, version number
mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live
exceeded, errors discovered in processing
their IP options.
InNoRoutes Indicates the number of input IP datagrams
discarded because no route is found to
transmit them to their destination.
InAddrErrors Indicates the number of input datagrams
discarded because the IP address in their IP
header's destination field was not a valid

324 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Graphing IPv6 Interface Statistics using EDM

Variable Value
address to be received at this entity. This
count includes invalid addresses (for
example, and addresses of
unsupported Classes (for example, Class E).
For entities which are not IP Gateways and
therefore do not forward datagrams, this
counter includes datagrams discarded
because the destination address was not a
local address.
InUnknownProtos Indicates the number of locally-addressed
datagrams received successfully but
discarded because of an unknown or
unsupported protocol.
InTruncatedPkts Indicates the number of input IP datagrams
discarded because the datagram frame did
not carry enough data.
InDiscards Indicates the number of input IP datagrams
for which no problems were encountered to
prevent their continued processing, but
which were discarded (for example, for lack
of buffer space). Note that this counter does
not include any datagrams discarded while
awaiting reassembly.
InDelivers Indicates the total number of input
datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-
protocols (including ICMP).
OutForwDatagrams Indicates the number of datagrams for which
this entity was not their final IP destination
and for which it was successful in finding a
path to their final destination. In entities that
do not act as IP routers, this counter will
include only those datagrams that were
Source-Routed through this entity, and the
Source-Route processing was successful.
OutRequests Indicates the total number of IP datagrams
which local IP user-protocols (including
ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for
transmission. Note that this counter does not
include any datagrams counted in
OutDiscards Indicates the number of output IP datagrams
for which no problem was encountered to
prevent their transmission to their
destination, but which were discarded (for
example, for lack of buffer space).

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 325

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value

This counter includes datagrams counted
in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets
met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
OutFragOKs Indicates the number of IP datagrams that
are successfully fragmented.
OutFragFails Indicates the number of IP datagrams that
are discarded because they needed to be
fragmented but are not. This includes IPv4
packets that have the DF bit set and IPv6
packets that are being forwarded and exceed
the outgoing link MTU.
OutFragCreates Indicates the number of output datagram
fragments that are generated because of IP
ReasmReqds Indicates the number of IP fragments
received which needed to be reassembled at
this entity.
ReasmOKs Indicates the number of IP datagrams
successfully reassembled.
ReasmFails Indicates the number of failures detected by
the IP re-assembly algorithm (for whatever
reason: timed out, errors). Note that this is
not necessarily a count of discarded IP
fragments since some algorithms (notably
the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of
the number of fragments by combining them
as they are received.
InMcastPkts Indicates the number of IP multicast
datagrams received.
OutMcastPkts Indicates the number of IP multicast
datagrams transmitted.

You can also change the Poll Interval by selecting and clicking on a value from the drop
down list. The default value for the Poll Interval is 10ms.

326 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring an IPv6 address using EDM

Configuring an IPv6 address using EDM

Use this procedure to configure an IPv6 address for a switch or stack.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6 .
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. In the work area, click the Addresses tab.
4. Click Insert.
5. Accept the default IfIndex value.
Click Vlan to select a value from the list.
6. In the Addr box, type an IPv6 address.
7. In the AddrLen box, type the IPv6 prefix length.
8. In the Type section, click a radio button.
9. Click Insert.
10. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to help you configure an IPv6 address for a switch or

Variable Value
IfIndex This is the Ifindex of the VLAN.
Addr Indicates the interface IPv6 address.
AddrLen Indicates the interface IPv6 prefix length.
Type Specifies the interface address type. Values include:
• unicast
• anycast

Origin Indicates the origin of the interface address. Values include:

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 327

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value

• other
• manual
• dhcp
• linklayer
• random

Status Indicates the status of the interface address. Values include:

• preferred
• deprecated
• invalid
• inaccessible
• unknown
• tentative
• duplicate

Created Indicates the value of the system up time when this address was created.
A value of 0 indicates that this address was created before the last
network management subsystem initialization.
LastChanged Indicates the value of the system up time when this address was last
updated. A value of 0 indicates that this address was updated before the
last network management subsystem initialization.

Configuring IPv6 static routes using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure IPv6 static routes for a switch or stack.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the Static Routes tab.
4. On the toolbar, click Insert.
The Insert Static Routes dialog box appears.

328 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 neighbor cache management using EDM

5. Configure the parameter as required.

6. Click Insert to save the changes.

Variable definitions
The following table defines the variables for the Static Routes window.

Variable Value
Dest Specifies the destination IP address of this
route. An entry with a value of is
considered a default route. Multiple routes to
a single destination can appear in the table,
but access to such multiple entries depends
on the table-access mechanisms defined by
the network management protocol in use.
PrefixLength Indicates the number of leading one bits
which form the mask to be logical-ANDed
with the destination address before being
compared to the value in the
rcIpv6StaticRouteDestAddr field.
NextHop Specifies the IP address of the next hop of
this route. (In the case of a route bound to an
interface which is realized through a
broadcast media, the value of this field is the
agent's IP address on that interface).
IfIndex Specifies the index value which uniquely
identifies the local interface through which
the next hop of this route is reached. The
interface identified by a particular value of
this index is the same interface as identified
by the same value of ifIndex.
Status Used to create or delete entries.

IPv6 neighbor cache management using EDM

Use the information in this section to view and configure the IPv6 neighbor cache.

Viewing the IPv6 neighbor cache using EDM

View the neighbor cache to discover information about neighbors in your network. Neighbor
cache in IPv6 is similar to the IPv4 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table. The neighbor

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 329

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

cache is a set of entries for individual neighbors to which traffic was sent recently. You make
entries on the neighbor on-link unicast IP address, including information such as the link-layer
address. A neighbor cache entry contains information used by the Neighbor Unreachability
Detection algorithm, including the reachability state, the number of unanswered probes, and
the time the next Neighbor Unreachability Detection event is scheduled.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.

2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the Neighbors tab.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you view the Neighbors tab.

Variable Value
IfIndex Specifies a unique Identifier of a physical
interface or a logical interface (VLAN). For
the VLAN, the value is the Ifindex of the
NetAddress Indicates the IP address corresponding to
the media-dependent physical address.
PhysAddress Indicates the media-dependent physical
address. The range is 0–65535. For
Ethernet, this is a MAC address.
Interface Indicates either a physical port ID or the
Multi-Link Trunking port ID. This entry is
associated either with a port or with the Multi-
Link Trunking in a VLAN.
LastUpdated Specifies the value of sysUpTime at the time
this entry was last updated. If this entry was
updated prior to the last reinitialization of the
local network management subsystem, this
object contains a zero value.
Type Specifies the types of mapping.
• Dynamic type—indicates that the IP
address to the physical address mapping
is dynamically resolved using, for example,

330 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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IPv6 neighbor cache management using EDM

Variable Value

IPv4 ARP or the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery

• Static type—indicates that the mapping is
statically configured.
• Local type—indicates that the mapping is
provided for the interface address.
The default is static.
State Specifies the Neighbor Unreachability
Detection state for the interface when the
address mapping in this entry is used. If
Neighbor Unreachability Detection is not in
use (for example, for IPv4), this object is
always unknown. Options include the
• reachable—confirmed reachability
• stale—unconfirmed reachability
• delay—waiting for reachability
confirmation before entering the probe
• probe—actively probing
• invalid—an invalidated mapping
• unknown—state cannot be determined
• incomplete—address resolution is being

Configuring the IPv6 neighbor cache using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure the IPv6 neighbor cache.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.

2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6
3. On the work area, click the Neighbors tab.
4. On the toolbar, click Insert.
5. Configure the parameters as required.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 331

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

6. Click Insert.
7. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
The following table lists the fields in the Insert Neighbors dialog box.

Variable Value
IfIndex Indicates a unique identifier to a physical interface or a logical
interface (VLAN). For the VLAN, the value is the Ifindex of the
NetAddress Indicates the IP address corresponding to the media-dependent
physical address.
PhysAddress Indicates the media-dependent physical address. The range is 0–
65535. For Ethernet, this is a MAC address.
Interface Indicates either a physical port ID or the Multi-Link Trunking port ID.
This entry is associated either with a port or with the Multi-Link
Trunking in a VLAN.

Deleting the IPv6 neighbor cache using EDM

Use this procedure to delete the IPv6 neighbor cache.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.

2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the Neighbors tab.
4. To select an cache to delete, click the IfIndex.
5. Click Delete .

Graphing IPv6 interface ICMP statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to display and graph the IPv6 ICMP statistics.

332 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing ICMP message statistics using EDM

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the ICMP Stats tab.
4. Click Clear Counters to reset the statistics.
5. Configure the Poll interval as required.
6. Highlight a data column to graph.
7. On the toolbar, click Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, or Pie Chart.

Variable definitions
The following table lists the fields in the ICMP Stats tab.

Variable Value
InMsgs Indicates the number of ICMP messages received.
InErrors Indicates the number of ICMP error messages received.
OutMsgs Indicates the number of ICMP messages sent.
OutErrors Indicates the number of ICMP error messages sent.
Poll Interval Sets polling interval. Value: 2–60 s.

Viewing ICMP message statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to display the IPv6 interface ICMP message statistics.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click IPv6.
3. On the work area, click the ICMP Msg Stats tab.
4. On the toolbar, click Refresh to update the ICMP message statistics.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 333

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to display ICMP message statistics.

Variable Value
Type Indicates the type of packet received or
InPkts Indicates the number of packets received.
OutPkts Indicates the number of packets sent.

Displaying IPv6 TCP global properties using EDM

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 TCP global properties.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click TCP/UDP.
3. On the work area, click the TCP Globals tab.
4. Click Refresh to update the information.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to display IPv6 TCP global properties.

Variable Value
RtoAlgorithm Indicates the algorithm identifier.
RtoMin Indicates the minimum value in
RtoMax Indicates the maximum value in
MaxConn Indicates the maximum number of

334 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Displaying IPv6 TCP connections using EDM

Displaying IPv6 TCP connections using EDM

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 TCP connections.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click TCP/UDP.
3. On the work area, click the TCP Connections tab.
4. Click Refresh to update the information.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to display IPv6 TCP connections.

Variable Value
LocalAddress Indicates the local address.
LocalAddressType Indicates the type of the local address.
LocalPort Indicates the local port.
RemAddressType Indicates the type of the remote address.
RemAddress Indicates the remote address.
RemPort Indicates the remote port.
State Enables or disables the state.

Displaying IPv6 TCP listeners using EDM

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 TCP listeners.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 335

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click TCP/UDP.
3. On the work area, click the TCP Listeners tab.
4. Click Refresh to update the information.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to display IPv6 TCP listeners.

Variable Value
LocalAddressType Indicates the local IP address type. Values
include IPv4 or IPv6.
LocalAddress Indicates the local IPv4 or IPv6 address.
Local Port Indicates the local port.

Displaying IPv6 UDP endpoints using EDM

Use the following procedure to display IPv6 UDP endpoints.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click IPv6.
2. In the IPv6 tree, double-click TCP/UDP.
3. On the work area, click the UDP Endpoints tab.
4. Click Refresh to update the information.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to display IPv6 UDP endpoints.

336 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing SFP GBIC ports using EDM

Variable Value
LocalAddressType Indicates the local address.
LocalAddress Indicates the local address port.
Local Port Indicates the local port.
RemoteAddressType Indicates the remote address type.
RemoteAddress Indicates the remote address.
RemotePort Indicates the remote port.
Instance Indicates the instance.
Process Indicates the process.

Viewing SFP GBIC ports using EDM

Use the following procedure to view the SFP GBIC ports.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Physical View, click a unit.
2. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
3. In the Edit tree, double click Chassis.
4. In the Chassis tree, double-click Ports.

Initiating a cable diagnostic test using EDM

Use this procedure to initiate and display results for a cable diagnostic test on a specific switch
port, using the Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR).

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Physical View right-click a port.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the work area, click the TDR tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 337

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

4. Select the StartTest check box.

5. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to initiate a cable diagnostic test and help you understand the TDR

Variable Value
StartTest When selected, enables the cable diagnostic
TestDone Indicates whether the TDR test is complete
(true) or not (false).
CableStatus Indicates the status of the cable as a
summation of the status of the cable
conductor pairs.
• 1—Fail: the cable is experiencing any
combination of open and shorted pairs
• 2—Normal: the cable is operating normally
with no fault found

Pair1Status Indicates the status of the first pair in the

cable. Values include:
• 1—pairFail
• 2—pairNormal
• 3—pairOpen
• 4—pairShorted
• 5—pairNotApplicable
• 6—pairNotTested
• 7—pairForce
• 8—pinShort

If a 10MB or 100MB link is established
without autonegotiation, Pair 1 returns
Forced mode. The pair length is
meaningless in this case.
Pair1Length Indicates the length of the first pair in the
cable, in meters, measured by the TDR.

338 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Initiating a cable diagnostic test using EDM

Variable Value
Pair2Status Indicates the status of the second pair in the
cable. Values include:
• 1—pairFail
• 2—pairNormal
• 3—pairOpen
• 4—pairShorted
• 5—pairNotApplicable
• 6—pairNotTested
• 7—pairForce
• 8—pinShort

Pair2Length Indicates the length of the second pair in the

cable, in meters, measured by the TDR.
Pair3Status Indicates the status of the third pair in the
cable. Values include:
• 1—pairFail
• 2—pairNormal
• 3—pairOpen
• 4—pairShorted
• 5—pairNotApplicable
• 6—pairNotTested
• 7—pairForce
• 8—pinShort

Pair3Length Indicates the length of the third pair in the

cable, in meters, measured by the TDR.
Pair4Status Indicates the status of the fourth pair in the
cable. Values include:
• 1—pairFail
• 2—pairNormal
• 3—pairOpen
• 4—pairShorted
• 5—pairNotApplicable
• 6—pairNotTested
• 7—pairForce
• 8—pinShort

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 339

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Pair4Length Indicates the length of the third pair in the
cable, in meters, measured by the TDR.
CableLength Indicates the length of cable, in meters,
based on average electrical length of 4 pairs.
This measurement can be performed
whether or not network traffic is present on
the cable.
Pair1Polarity Indicates the polarity of the first pair in the
cable. This capability is available only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. Values include:
• 1—inversed
• 2—normal
• 3—invalid

Pair1Swap Indicates the status of the pin assignments

for the first pair in the cable. Values include:
• 1—normal
• 2—swapped
• 3—invalid
• 4—error

Pair1Skew Indicates the differential length, in meters, of

the first pair in the cable. The skew
measurement can be performed only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. A value of –1 means an error
occurred with the length measurement.
Pair2Polarity Indicates the polarity of the second pair in the
cable. This capability is available only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. Values include:
• 1—inversed
• 2—normal
• 3—invalid

Pair2Swap Indicates the status of the pin assignments

for the second pair in the cable. Values
• 1—normal
• 2—swapped

340 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Initiating a cable diagnostic test using EDM

Variable Value

• 3—invalid
• 4—error

Pair2Skew Indicates the differential length, in meters, of

the second pair in the cable. The skew
measurement can be performed only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. A value of –1 means an error
occurred with the length measurement.
Pair3Polarity Indicates the polarity of the third pair in the
cable. This capability is available only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. Values include:
• 1—inversed
• 2—normal
• 3—invalid

Pair3Swap Indicates the status of the pin assignments

for the third pair in the cable. Values include:
• 1—normal
• 2—swapped
• 3—invalid
• 4—error

Pair3Skew Indicates the differential length, in meters, of

the third pair in the cable. The skew
measurement can be performed only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. A value of –1 means an error
occurred with the length measurement.
Pair4Polarity Indicates the polarity of the fourth pair in the
cable. This capability is available only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. Values include:
• 1—inversed
• 2—normal
• 3—invalid

Pair4Swap Indicates the status of the pin assignments

for the fourth pair in the cable. Values
• 1—normal
• 2—swapped

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 341

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value

• 3—invalid
• 4—error

Pair4Skew Indicates the differential length, in meters, of

the fourth pair in the cable. The skew
measurement can be performed only when
the cable gigabit link is up, regardless of
traffic activity. A value of –1 means an error
occurred with the length measurement.

Viewing basic system bridge information using EDM

Use this procedure to display system bridge information, including the MAC address, type, and
number of ports participating in the bridge.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Bridge.
3. On the work area, click the Base tab.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
BridgeAddress Indicates the MAC address of the bridge when it is
uniquely referred to. This address must be the
smallest MAC address of all ports that belong to the
bridge. However, it must be unique. When
concatenated with dot1dStpPriority, a unique bridge
ID is formed that is then used in the Spanning Tree
Indicates the number of ports controlled by the
bridging entity.
Type Indicates the type of bridging this bridge can perform.
If the bridge is actually performing a certain type of

342 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing transparent bridge information using EDM

Variable Value
bridging, this fact is indicated by entries in the port
table for the given type.

Viewing transparent bridge information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display information about learned forwarding entry discards
and to configure the aging time and MAC learning.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Bridge.
3. On the work area, click the Transparent tab.
4. In the AgingTime dialog box, type a value.
5. To select a port to enable learning, click the MacAddrTableLearningPorts
6. To enable MAC learning, select one or more port numbers.
To disable MAC learning, deselect one or more port numbers.

If you disable or enable a port that is part of an active MLT trunk or has the same
LACP key, you also disable or enable the other ports in the trunk so that all ports
in the trunk share the same behavior.
7. Click Ok.
8. On the tool bar, click Apply.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
LearnedEntryDiscards Indicates the number of Forwarding Database entries learned
that are discarded due to insufficient space in the Forwarding

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 343

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Database. If this counter increases, it indicates that the
Forwarding Database is becoming full regularly. This condition
affects the performance of the subnetwork. If the counter has a
significant value and is not presently increasing, it indicates that
the problem has occurred but is not persistent.
AgingTime Indicates the time-out period in seconds for removing old
dynamically learned forwarding information.

The 802.1D-1990 specification recommends a default of 300
MacAddrTableLearningP Specifies the ports which are enabled for MAC learning.

Viewing forwarding bridge information using EDM

Use this procedure to display information about bridge forwarding status.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Bridge.
3. On the work area, click the Forwarding tab.
4. To select specific bridge port status information display criteria, click Filter.
5. Select filtering criteria.
6. Click Filter .

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to help you understand the bridge port status display.

Variable Value
Id Specifies the VLAN identifier.
Address Indicates the unicast MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding or
filtering information.

344 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Graphing port bridge statistics using EDM

Variable Value
Port Indicates the port number. The source address must be equal to the value of
the corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbAddress
A value of 0 indicates that the port number has not been learned, so the bridge
does have the forwarding or filtering information for this address (in the
dot1dStaticTable). You must assign the port value to this object whenever it
is learned even for addresses for which the corresponding value of
dot1dTpFdbStatus is not learned.
Status Indicates the values for this field include:
• invalid: Entry is no longer valid, but has not been removed from the table.
• learned: Value of the corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbPort was
learned and is being used.
• self: Value of the corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbAddress represents
an address of the bridge. The corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbPort
indicates that a specific port on the bridge has this address.
• mgmt(5): Value of the corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbAddress is
also the value of an existing instance of dot1dStaticAddress.
• other: None of the preceding. This includes instances where another MIB
object (not the corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbPort or an entry in the
dot1dStaticTable) is used to determine if frames addressed to the value of
dot1dTpFdbAddress are being forwarded.

Graphing port bridge statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to graph port bridge statistical information.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Physical View, click a port.
2. From the navigation tree, double-click Graph.
3. In the Graph tree, double-click Port .
4. In the work area, click the Bridge tab.
5. On the toolbar, select a value from the Poll Interval list.
6. To reset the statistics counters, click Clear Counters.
7. To select bridge statistical information to graph, click a data row under a column
8. On the toolbar, click Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, or Pie Chartcolumn.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 345

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to help you understand port bridge statistics.

Variable Value
DelayExceededDiscards Number of frames discarded by the port due to excessive
transit delays through the bridge. It is incremented by both
transparent and source route bridges.
MtuExceededDiscards Number of frames discarded by the port due to an excessive
size. It is incremented by both transparent and source route
InFrames The number of frames that have been received by this port
from its segment.
OutFrames The number of frames that have been received by this port
from its segment.
InDiscards Count of valid frames received which were discarded (filtered)
by the Forwarding Process.

NTP configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

This section describes how to configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) using Enterprise
Device Manager.

Prerequisites to NTP configuration using EDM

Before you configure NTP, you must perform the following tasks:
• Configure an IP interface on the ERS 4000 Series switch and ensure that the NTP server is
reachable through this interface. For instructions, see Configuring IP Routing and Multicast
on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, NN47205-506.

NTP server MD5 authentication does not support passwords (keys) that start with a special
character or that contain a space between characters.

346 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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NTP configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Enabling NTP globally using EDM

Use this procedure to enable NTP globally on the ERS 4000 Series switch. Default values are
in effect for most NTP parameters.

If NTP is already activated, this configuration does not take effect until you disable NTP, and
then re-enable it.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click NTP.
3. On the Globals tab, select the Enable check box.
4. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
The following table provides the parameters for the Globalstat tab fields.
Variable definition

Variable Value
Enable Activates or disables NTP.
DEFAULT: NTP is disabled.
Interval Specifies the time interval (in minutes)
between successive NTP updates within the
range of 10 to 1440 minutes.
DEFAULT: 15 minutes
ManualSyncRequest Specifies to immediately attempt a
synchronization with the NTP servers.

Adding or removing an NTP server using EDM

Use this procedure to add or remove a remote NTP server to the configuration by specifying
its IP address. NTP adds this IP address to a list of servers, which the local NTP client uses
when it queries remote time servers for time information. The list of qualified servers called to
as a peer list. You can configure a maximum of 10 time servers.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 347

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click NTP.
3. Click the Server tab.
4. Click Insert.
5. Specify the IP address of the NTP server.
6. Click Insert.
The IP address of the NTP server that you configured is displayed in the
ServerAddress tab of the NTP dialog box.

Variable definitions
The following table provides the parameters for the Server tab fields.
Variable definition

Variable Value
Address Specifies the IP address of the remote NTP
Enable Activates or disables the remote NTP
Authentication Activates or disables MD5 authentication on
this NTP server. MD5 produces a message
digest of the key. MD5 verifies the integrity of
the communication, authenticates the origin,
and checks for timeliness.
DEFAULT: no MD5 authentication
KeyId Specifies the key ID used to generate the
MD5 digest for this NTP server within the
range of 1 to 214743647.
DEFAULT: 1, which indicates that
authentication is disabled
AccessAttempts Specifies the number of NTP requests sent
to this NTP server.
AccessSuccess Specifies the number of times this NTP
server updated the time.
AccessFailure Specifies the number of times this NTP
server was rejected while attempting to
update the time.
Stratum This variable is the stratum of the server.

348 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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NTP configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Version This variable is the NTP version of the
RootDelay This variable is the root delay of the server.
Precision This variable is the NTP precision of the
server in seconds.
Reachable This variable is the NTP reach ability of the
Synchronized This variable is the status of synchronization
with the server.

Configuring authentication keys using EDM

Use this procedure to assign an NTP key to use MD5 authentication on the server.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click NTP.
3. Click the Key tab.
4. Click Insert.
5. Insert the key ID and the MD5 key ID in the Insert Key dialog box.
6. Click Insert.
The values that you specified for the key ID and the MD5 key ID are displayed in
the Key tab of the NTP dialog box.

Variable definitions
The following table provides the parameters for the Key tab fields.
Variable definition

Variable Value
KeyId Specifies the key id used to generate the
MD5 digest within a range of 1 to
DEFAULT: 1, which indicates that
authentication is disabled.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 349

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
KeySecret This field is the MD5 key used to generate
the MD5 Digest. The key can be an
alphanumeric string between 0 and 8.

You cannot specify the number sign (#) as
a value in the KeySecret field. The NTP
server interprets the # as the beginning of
a comment and truncates all text entered
after the #. This limitation applies to xntpd,
the NTP daemon, version 3 or lower.

Configuring SNTP using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click SNTP/Clock.
3. In the work area, click the Simple Network Time Protocol tab.
4. In the PrimaryServerInetAddressType section, click a radio button.
5. In the PrimaryServerInetAddress dialog box, type a value.
6. In the SecondaryServerInetAddressType section, click a radio button.
7. In the SecondaryServerInetAddress dialog box, type a value.
8. In the State section, click a radio button.
9. In the SyncInterval dialog box, type a value.
10. In the ManualSyncRequest section, click the requestSync radio button to
synchronize the switch with the NTP server.
11. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure SNTP.

350 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring SNTP using EDM

Variable Value
Specifies the primary SNTP server IP address type.
PrimaryServerInetAddress Type
Values include ipv4 and ipv6.
Specifies the IP address of the primary SNTP
Specifies the secondary SNTP server IP address
SecondaryServerInetAddress Type
type. Values include ipv4 and ipv6.
Specifies the IP address of the secondary SNTP
State Specifies if the switch uses SNTP to synchronize the
switch clock to the Coordinated Universal Time
• disabled—the device cannot synchronize its clock
using SNTP
• enabled (unicast)—the device synchronizes to
UTC shortly after start time when network access
becomes available, and periodically thereafter

SynchInterval Specifies the frequency, in hours, that the device

attempts to synchronize with the NTP servers.
Values range from 0 to 168. With a value of 0,
synchronization occurs only when the switch boots
Specifies that the device to immediately attempt to
synchronize with the NTP servers.
LastSyncTime Indicates the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
when the device last synchronized with an NTP
server. This is a read-only value.
LastSyncSourceInetAddress Type Indicates the IP source address type of the NTP
server with which this device last synchronized.
LastSyncSourceInetAddress Indicates the IP source address of the NTP server
with which this device last synchronized. This is a
read-only value.
NextSyncTime Indicates the UTC at which the next synchronization
is scheduled.
PrimaryServerSyncFailures Indicates the number of times the switch failed to
synchronize with the primary server address.
However, synchronization with the secondary server
address can still occur.
Indicates the number of times the switch failed to
synchronize with the secondary server address,
CurrentTime Indicates the current switch UTC.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 351

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Configuring the local time zone using EDM

Use the following procedure to set a local time zone.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click SNTP/Clock.
3. In the work area, click theTime Zone tab.
4. In the TimeZone box, select the time zone offset.
5. In the TimeZoneAcronym dialog box, type a time zone acronym.
6. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Time Zone screen fields.

Variable Value
TimeZone Specifies the time zone of the switch, measured as an offset
in 15-minute increments from Greenwich Mean Time
TimeZoneAcronym Specifies the time zone acronym.

Configuring daylight savings time using EDM

Use this procedure to configure the start and end of the daylight saving time period.

352 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring daylight savings time using EDM

• Disable the summer time recurring feature.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click SNTP/Clock.
3. In the work area, click the Daylight Saving Time tab.
4. In the Offset dialog box, type a value.
5. In the TimeZoneAcronym dialog box, type the time zone acronym.
6. In the StartYear dialog box, type a value.
7. In the StartMonth box, select a month.
8. In the StartDay dialog box, type a value.
9. In the StartHour box, select an hour.
10. In the StartMinutes dialog box, type a value.
11. In the EndYear dialog box, type a value.
12. In the EndMonth box, select a month.
13. In the EndDay dialog box, type a value.
14. In the EndHour box, select an hour.
15. In the EndMinutes dialog box, type a value.
16. Select the Enabled check box to enable daylight saving time for the switch.
Clear the Enabled check box to disable daylight saving time for the switch.
17. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure the start and end of the daylight saving time period.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 353

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
Offset Specifies the time in minutes by which you want to
change the time when daylight savings begins and
ends. The offset is added to the current time when
daylight saving time begins and subtracted from the
current time when daylight saving time ends.
TimeZoneAcronym Specifies a time zone acronym.
StartYear Specifies the year from when you want to start the
daylight savings time.
StartMonth Specifies the month of each year from when you want
to start the daylight savings time.
StartDay Specifies the day of the particular month from when
you want to start the daylight savings time.
StartHour Specifies the hour of the particular day from when you
want to start the daylight savings time.
StartMinutes Specifies the minutes of the particular hour from when
you want to start the daylight savings time.
EndYear Specifies the year when to end the daylight savings
EndMonth Specifies the month of each year when to end the
daylight savings time.
EndDay Specifies the day of the particular month when to end
the daylight savings time.
EndHour Specifies the hour of the particular day when to end the
daylight savings time.
EndMinutes Specifies the minute of the particular hour when to end
the daylight savings time.
Enabled Enables or disables day light saving time.

Before you enable daylight saving time, configure
the feature attributes.

Configuring recurring daylight saving time using EDM

Use this procedure to configure the daylight saving time start and end times for a single
occurrence or to recur yearly.

354 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring recurring daylight saving time using EDM

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click SNTP/Clock.
3. In the work area, click the SummerTimeRecurring tab.
4. Select the Recurring check box to enable recurring daylight saving time for the
Clear the Recurring check box to disable recurring daylight saving time for the
5. In RecurringStartMonth, make a selection from the drop-down list.
6. In RecurringStartWeek., click a button.
7. In RecurringStartDay, make a selection from the drop-down list.
8. In RecurringStartHour, make a selection from the drop-down list.
9. In the RecurringStartMinute dialog box, type a value from 0 to 59.
10. In RecurringEndMonth, make a selection from the drop-down list.
11. In RecurringEndWeek, click a button.
12. In RecurringEndDay, make a selection from the drop-down list.
13. In RecurringEndHour, make a selection from the drop-down list.
14. In the RecurringEndMinute dialog box, type a value from 0 to 59.
15. In the RecurringOffset dialog box, type a value from 1 to 1440.
16. On the tool bar, click Apply.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure recurring daylight saving time.

Variable Value
Recurring When selected, enables daylight saving time
to recur yearly.
RecurringStartMonth Specifies the month of each year you want
recurring daylight savings time to start.
RecurringStartWeek Specifies the week of the month you want
recurring daylight savings time to start. Week

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 355

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
5 may not apply in certain years. In that case
summer time start falls back to the 'last'
option. For example: in a year where there is
no Sunday in the fifth week of March,
summer time will start on the last Sunday of
RecurringStartDay Specifies the day of the particular month you
want recurring daylight savings time to
RecurringStartHour Specifies the hour of the particular day you
want recurring daylight savings time to
RecurringStartMinute Specifies the minutes of the particular hour
you want recurring daylight savings time to
RecurringEndMonth Specifies the month of each year you want
recurring daylight savings time to end.
RecurringEndWeek Specifies the week of the month you want
recurring daylight savings time to end. Week
5 may not apply in certain years. In that case
summer time start falls back to the 'last'
option. For example: in a year where there is
no Sunday in the fifth week of October,
summer time will end on the last Sunday of
RecurringEndDay Specifies the day of the particular month you
want recurring daylight savings time to end.
RecurringEndHour Specifies the hour of the particular day you
want recurring daylight savings time to end.
RecurringEndMinute Specifies the minutes of the particular hour
you want recurring daylight savings time to
RecurringOffset Specifies the time in minutes by which you
want to change the time when recurring
daylight savings begins and ends. The offset
is added to the current time when daylight
saving time begins and subtracted from the
current time when daylight saving time

356 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Enabling or disabling UTC timestamp in ACLI show command outputs

Enabling or disabling UTC timestamp in ACLI show

command outputs
Use this procedure to enable or disable the display of the UTC timestamp in ACLI show
command outputs. The default, the timestamp state is disabled.


1. Log on to ACLI in Global Configuration command mode.

2. To enable the display of the UTC timestamp, enter the following command:
cli timestamp enable
3. To disable the display of the UTC timestamp, enter the following command:
no cli timestamp enable

Link-state configuration using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure link-state using EDM.

Enabling link-state tracking

About this task
Link-state tracking (LST) binds the link state of multiple interfaces. The association between
the upstream and downstream interfaces form link-state tracking group.
To enable link-state tracking, create a link-state group, and specify the interfaces that are
assigned to the link-state group. The downstream interfaces are bound to the upstream
interfaces. After assigning the upstream and downstream interfaces, enable the link-state

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.

2. In the Administration tree, double-click Edit.
3. In the Edit tree, click Link State Tracking.
4. On the Link State Tracking tab, click the GroupId to select the group.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 357

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5. In the GroupId row, double-click the cell in the UpstreamPortList column.

6. Select the ports and click Ok.
7. Double-click the cell in the DownstreamPortList column.
8. Select the ports and click Ok.
9. Double-click the cell in the UpstreamMLTList column.
10. Select the trunks and click Ok.
11. Double-click the cell in the DownstreamMLTList column.
12. Select the trunks and click Ok.
13. Double-click the cell in the Enabled column.
14. Click true to enable the selected group.
15. The OperState displays if the tracking group configuration status.
16. Click Apply, to save the configuration.


Variable definitions
The following table defines the variables for the Link State Tracking window.

Name Description
GroupId Specifies the link-state tracking group ID.
Enabled Specifies if the link-state group is enabled or
not. Values are:
• true
• False

UpstreamPortList Specifies the ports that can be added to the

link-state group as up stream ports.
DownstreamPortList Specifies the ports that can be added to link-
state group as down stream ports.
UpstreamMltList Specifies the trunks that can be added to the
up stream MLT list.
DownstreamMltList Specifies the trunks that can be added to the
down stream MLT list.
OperState Displays the operating status of the link-state

358 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing network topology information using EDM

Viewing network topology information using EDM

Use this procedure to display network topology information.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, double-click Topology.
4. In the work area, click the Topology tab.
5. In the Status section, click a radio button..
6. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand the topology display.

Variable Value
IpAddr Indicates the IP address of the device.
Status Specifies whether Avaya topology is on (topOn) or off (topOff) for the
device. The default value is topOn.
NmmLstChg Indicates the value of sysUpTime the last time an entry in the network
management MIB (NMM) topology table was added, deleted, or modified.
If the table has not changed since the last cold or warm start of the
NmmMaxNum Indicates the maximum number of entries in the NMM topology table.
NmmCurNum Indicates the current number of entries in the NMM topology table.

Viewing the topology table using EDM

Use this procedure to display the topology table.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 359

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Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, double-click Topology.
4. In the work area, click the Topology Table tab.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand the topology table display.

Variable Value
Slot Indicates the slot number in the chassis in which the topology message
was received.
Port Indicates the port on which the topology message was received.
IpAddr Indicates the IP address of the sender of the topology message.
SegId Indicates the segment identifier of the segment from which the remote
agent sent the topology message. This value is extracted from the
MacAddr Indicates the MAC address of the sender of the topology message.
ChassisType Indicates the chassis type of the device that sent the topology
BkplType Indicates the backplane type of the device that sent the topology
LocalSeg Indicates if the sender of the topology message is on the same Ethernet
segment as the reporting agent.
CurState Indicates the current state of the sender of the topology message. The
choices are:
• topChanged—Topology information has recently changed.
• heartbeat—Topology information is unchanged.
• new—The sending agent is in a new state.

360 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

LLDP configuration using EDM

Use the information in this section to configure and view Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
global and transmit properties for local and neighbor systems:

Configuring LLDP globally using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure LLDP transmit properties and view remote table

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the Globals tab.
6. Edit global LLDP transmit properties.
7. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Globals tab fields.

Variable Value
lldpMessageTxInterval the Indicates interval, in seconds, at which LLDP
frames are transmitted on behalf of this LLDP agent.
lldpMessageTx HoldMultiplier Indicates the time-to-live value expressed as a
multiple of the object. The actual time-to-live value
used in LLDP frames, transmitted on behalf of this
LLDP agent, is expressed by the following formula:
TTL = min(65535, (lldpMessageTxInterval
*lldpMessageTxHoldMultiplier) For example, if the
value of lldpMessageTxInterval is 30, and the value of
lldpMessageTxHoldMultiplier is 4, the value 120 is
encoded in the TTL field in the LLDP header.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 361

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Variable Value
lldpReinitDelay Indicates the lldpReinitDelay indicates the delay (in
seconds) from when the LLDP Port AdminStatus of a
particular port is disabled until reinitialization begins.
lldpTxDelay Indicates the lldpTxDelay indicates the delay (in
seconds) between successive LLDP frame
transmissions initiated by value or status changes in
the LLDP local systems MIB. The recommended value
for the lldpTxDelay is set by the following formula: 1
<= lldpTxDelay <= (0.25 * lldpMessageTxInterval)
lldpNotificationInterval Controls the transmission of LLDP notifications. The
agent must not generate more than one
lldpRemTablesChange notification-event in the
indicated period, where a notification-event is the
"transmission of a single notification PDU type to a list
of notification destinations." If additional changes in
lldpRemoteSystemsData object groups occur within
the indicated throttling period, these trap-events must
be suppressed by the agent. An NMS must
periodically check the value of
lldpStatsRemTableLastChangeTime to detect any
missed lldpRemTablesChange notification-events, for
example, due to throttling or transmission loss. If
notification transmission is enabled for particular
ports, the suggested default throttling period is 5
RemTablesLast ChangeTime Indicates the value of the sysUpTime object (defined
in IETF RFC 3418) at the time an entry is created,
modified, or deleted in tables associated with the
lldpRemoteSystemsData objects, and all LLDP
extension objects associated with remote systems. An
NMS can use this object to reduce polling of the
lldpRemoteSystemsData objects.
RemTablesInserts Indicates the number of times the complete set of
information advertised by a particular MSAP is
inserted into tables in lldpRemoteSystemsData and
lldpExtensions objects. The complete set of
information received from a particular MSAP is
inserted into related tables. If partial information
cannot be inserted for a reason such as lack of
resources, all of the complete set of information is
removed. This counter is incremented only once after
the complete set of information is successfully
recorded in all related tables. Any failures occurring
during insertion of the information set, which result in
deletion of previously inserted information, do not
trigger any changes in lldpStatsRemTablesInserts
because the insert is not completed yet or in

362 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

Variable Value
lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes, because the deletion is
only a partial deletion. If the failure is the result of a
lack of resources, the lldpStatsRemTablesDrops
counter is incremented once.
RemTablesDeletes Indicates the number of times the complete set of
information advertised by a particular MSAP is deleted
from tables in lldpRemoteSystemsData and
lldpExtensions objects. This counter is incremented
only once when the complete set of information is
completely deleted from all related tables. Partial
deletions, such as a deletion of rows associated with
a particular MSAP, from some tables, but not from all
tables, are not allowed, and thus, do not change the
value of this counter.
RemTablesDrops Indicates the number of times the complete set of
information advertised by a particular MSAP can not
be entered into tables in lldpRemoteSystemsData and
lldpExtensions objects because of insufficient
RemTablesAgeouts Indicates the number of times the complete set of
information advertised by a particular MSAP is deleted
from tables in lldpRemoteSystemsData and
lldpExtensions objects because the information
timeliness interval has expired. This counter is
incremented only once when the complete set of
information is completely invalidated (aged out) from
all related tables. Partial aging, similar to deletion
case, is not allowed, and thus, does not change the
value of this counter.
FastStartRepeatCount Indicates the number of times the fast start LLDPDU
is sent during the activation of the fast start
mechanism defined by LLDP-MED.

Configuring port LLPD using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure the optional TLVs to include in the LLPDUs
transmitted by each port.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 363

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.

4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the Port tab.
6. To configure LLDP for a port, double-click a cell in a port row under a column
7. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Port tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number. This is a read-only cell.
AdminStatus Indicates the administratively desired status of the local LLDP
• txOnly: the LLDP agent transmits LLDP frames on this port and
does not store any information about the remote systems to which
it is connected.
• rxOnly: the LLDP agent receives but does not transmit LLDP
frames on this port.
• txAndRx: the LLDP agent transmits and receives LLDP frames
on this port.
To enable LLDP support for PoE+, this option must be enabled.
By default, this option is enabled on all the PWR+ switch ports.
• disabled: the LLDP agent does not transmit or receive LLDP
frames on this port. If the port receives remote systems
information which is stored in other tables before AdminStatus is
disabled, the information ages out.

NotificationEnable Controls, on a per-port basis, whether notifications from the agent

are enabled.
• true: indicates that notifications are enabled
• false: indicates that notifications are disabled.

TLVsTxEnable Sets the optional Management TLVs to be included in the

transmitted LLDPDUs:
• portDesc: Port Description TLV
• sysName: System Name TLV
• sysDesc: System Description TLV
• sysCap: System Capabilities TLV

364 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

Variable Value
Note: The Local Management tab controls Management Address
TLV transmission.
VLANTxEnable(dot1) Specifies whether the IEEE 802.1 organizationally defined port
VLAN TLV transmission is included in the transmitted LLDPDUs.
TLVsTxEnable(dot3) Sets the optional IEEE 802.3 organizationally defined TLVs to be
included in the transmitted LLDPDUs:
• macPhyConfigStatus: MAC/PHY configuration/status TLV
• powerViaMDI: Power over MDI TLV
• linkAggregation: Link Aggregation TLV
• maxFrameSize: Maximum-frame-size TLV.

CapSupported(med) Identifies which MED system capabilities are supported on the local
system. This is a read-only cell.
TLVsTxEnable(med) Sets the optional organizationally defined TLVs for MED devices to
include in the transmitted LLDPDUs.
• capabilities: Capabilities TLVs
• networkPolicy: Network Policy TLVs
• location: Emergency Communications System Location TLVs
• extendedPSE: Extended PoE TLVs with PSE capabilities
• inventory: Hardware Revision, Firmware Revision, Software
Revision, Serial Number, Manufacturer Name, Model Name, and
Asset ID TLVs.
The preceding list of TLVs are enabled by default.
NotifyEnable(med) Enables or disables the topology change traps on this port.

Viewing LLDP TX statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP transmit statistics by port.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the TX Stats tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 365

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable definitions
The following table describes the TX Stats tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number
FramesTotal Indicates the number of LLDP frames transmitted by
this LLDP agent on the indicated port

Graphing LLDP transmit statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to graph LLDP transmit statistics

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the TX Stats tab.
6. In the table, select the port for which you want to display statistics.
7. On the toolbar, click Graph.
8. Highlight a data column to graph.
9. On the toolbar, click a graph button.

Viewing LLDP RX statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP receive statistics by port.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.

366 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.

5. On the work area, click the RX Stats tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the RX Stats tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
FramesDiscardedTotal Indicates the number of LLDP frames received on the
port and discarded for any reason. This counter
provides an indication that LLDP header formatting
problems exist with the local LLDP agent in the
sending system, or that LLDPDU validation problems
exist with the local LLDP agent in the receiving
FramesErrors Indicates the number of invalid LLDP frames received
on the port, while the LLDP agent is enabled.
FramesTotal Indicates the number of valid LLDP frames received
on the port, while the LLDP agent is enabled.
TLVsDiscardedTotal Indicates the number of LLDP TLVs discarded for any
TLVsUnrecognizedTotal Indicates the number of LLDP TLVs received on a
given port that are not recognized by this LLDP agent
on the indicated port. An unrecognized TLV is referred
to as the TLV whose type value is in the range of
reserved TLV types (000 1001–111 1110) in Table 9.1
of IEEE 802.1ab-2004. An unrecognized TLV can be
a basic management TLV from a later LLDP version.
AgeoutsTotal Represents the number of age-outs that occurred on
a given port. An age-out is "the number of times the
complete set of information advertised by a particular
MSAP is deleted from tables in
lldpRemoteSystemsData and lldpExtensions objects
because the information timeliness interval has
expired." This counter is similar to
lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts, except that it is on a per-
port basis. This enables NMS to poll tables associated
with the lldpRemoteSystemsData objects and all
LLDP extension objects associated with remote
systems on the indicated port only. This counter is set
to zero during agent initialization. When the admin
status for a port changes from disabled to rxOnly,
txOnly or txAndRx, the counter associated with the
same port is reset to 0. The agent also flushes all

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 367

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
remote system information associated with the same
port. This counter is incremented only once when the
complete set of information is invalidated (aged out)
from all related tables on a particular port. Partial aging
is not allowed, and thus, does not change the value of
this counter.

Graphing LLDP RX statistics using EDM

Use the following procedure to graph LLDP receive statistics.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the RX Stats tab.
6. In the table, select the port for which you want to display statistics.
7. On the toolbar, click Graph.
8. Highlight a data column to graph.
9. On the toolbar, click a graph button.

Viewing LLDP local system information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP properties for the local system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the Local System tab.

368 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local System tab fields.

Variable Value
ChassisIdSubtype Indicates the type of encoding used to identify the local
system chassis:
• chassisComponent
• interfaceAlias
• portComponent
• macAddress
• networkAddress
• interfaceName
• local

ChassisId Indicates the chassis ID.

SysName Indicates the local system name.
SysDesc Indicates the local system description.
SysCapSupported Indicates the system capabilities supported on the
local system.
SysCapEnabled Indicates the system capabilities that are enabled on
the local system
DeviceClass Indicates the MED device class.
HardwareRev Indicates the vendor-specific hardware revision
FirmwareRev Indicates the vendor-specific firmware revision
SoftwareRev Indicates the vendor-specific software revision string.
SerialNum Indicates the vendor-specific serial number.
MfgName Indicates the vendor-specific manufacturer name.
ModelName Indicates the vendor-specific model name.
AssetID Indicates the vendor-specific asset tracking identifier
DeviceType Defines the type of Power-via-MDI (PoE).
• pseDevice
• pdDevice
• none

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 369

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
PDPowerSource Defines the type of PD Power Source.
PDPowerReq Specifies the value of the power required in 0.1 W
increments by a PD.
PSEPowerSource Defines the type of PSE Power Source (primary or
PDPowerPriority Defines the Powered Device (PD) power priority.
• critical
• high
• low

Viewing LLDP local port information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP port properties for the local system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the Local Port tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local Port tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
PortIdSubtype Indicates the type of port identifier encoding used in
the associated PortId object.
• interfaceAlias
• portComponent
• macAddress
• networkAddress

370 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

Variable Value

• interfaceName
• agentCircuitId
• local.

PortId Indicates the string value used to identify the port

component associated with a given port in the local
PortDesc Indicates the string value used to identify the 802 LAN
station port description associated with the local
system. If the local agent supports IETF RFC 2863,
the PortDesc object has the same value as the ifDescr

Viewing LLDP local management information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP management properties for the local system.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click LLDP.
5. In the work area, click the Local Management tab.
Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local Management tab fields.

Variable Value
AddrSubtype Indicates the type of management address identifier
encoding used in the associated Addr object.
Addr Indicates the string value used to identify the
management address component associated with the
local system. This address is used to contact the
management entity. The switch supports IPv4 and
IPv6 management addresses.

If you configure both IPv4 and IPv6 management
addresses, the switch displays each on a separate

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 371

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
AddrLen Indicates the total length of the management address
subtype and the management address fields in
LLDPDUs transmitted by the local LLDP agent. The
management address length field is needed so that
the receiving systems that do not implement SNMP
are not required to implement the family numbers/
address length equivalency table to decode the
management address.
AddrIfSubtype Identifies the numbering method used to define the
interface number associated with the remote system.
• unknown
• ifIndex
• systemPortNumber

AddrIfId Indicates the integer value used to identify the

interface number of the management address
component associated with the local system.
AddrOID Indicates the value used to identify the type of
hardware component or protocol entity associated
with the management address advertised by the local
system agent.
AddrPortsTxEnable Specifies the ports on which the local system
management address TLVs are transmitted in the

Enabling or disabling LLDP Management Address TLV transmission using

Use the following procedure to enable or disable the transmission of Management Address
TLVs on the local system.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click LLDP.
5. In the work area, click the Local Management tab.
6. Double-lick the cell in the AddPortsTxEnable column for an IPv4 or IPv6 row.
7. To enable the transmission of Management Address TLVs, select one or more port

372 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

To disable the transmission of Management Address TLVs, deselect one or more
port numbers.
8. Click Ok.
9. On the toolbar, click Apply.

Viewing LLDP neighbor information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP properties for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry. For more
information about TimeFilter, see the TimeFilter
textual convention in IETF RFC 2021.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
ChassisIdSubtype Indicates the type of encoding used to identify the
remote system chassis:
• chassisComponent
• interfaceAlias
• portComponent

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 373

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value

• macAddress
• networkAddress
• interfaceName
• local.

ChassisId Indicates the remote chassis ID.

SysCapSupported Identifies the system capabilities supported on the
remote system.
SysCapEnabled Identifies the system capabilities that are enabled on
the remote system.
SysName Indicates the remote system name.
SysDesc Indicates the remote system description.
PortIdSubtype Indicates the type of encoding used to identify the
remote port.
• interfaceAlias
• portComponent
• macAddress
• networkAddress
• interfaceName
• agentCircuitId
• local

PortId Indicates the remote port ID.

PortDesc Indicates the remote port description.

Viewing LLDP neighbor management information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP management properties for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, click 802.1AB.

374 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

4. In the 802.1AB tree, click LLDP.

5. In the work area, click the Neighbor Mgmt Address tab.

Variable definitions

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
AddrSubtype Indicates the type of encoding used in the associated
Addr object.
Addr Indicates the management address associated with
the remote system. The switch supports IPv4 and IPv6
management addresses.

If you configure both IPv4 and IPv6 management
addresses, the switch displays each on a separate
AddrIfSubtype Indicates the numbering method used to define the
interface number associated with the remote system.
• unknown
• ifIndex
• systemPortNumber

AddrIfId Indicates the integer value used to identify the

interface number of the management address
component associated with the remote system.
AddrOID Indicates the value used to identify the type of
hardware component or protocol entity associated
with the management address advertised by the
remote system agent.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 375

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Viewing LLDP unknown TLV information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display details about unknown TLVs received on the local

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the Unknown TLV tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Unknown TLV tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port which receives the remote
system information.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
UnknownTLVType Indicates the value extracted from the type field of the
unknown TLV.
UnknownTLVInfo Indicates the value extracted from the value field of the
unknown TLV.

Viewing LLDP organizational defined information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display organizational-specific properties for the remote

376 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP configuration using EDM

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click LLDP.
5. On the work area, click the Organizational Defined Info tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Organizational Defined Info tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port that receives the remote
system information.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
OrgDefInfoOUI Indicates the Organizationally Unique Identifier, as
defined in IEEE 802-2001, is a 24 bit (three octets)
globally unique assigned number referenced by
various standards, of the information received from the
remote system.
OrgDefInfoSubtype Indicates the integer value used to identify the subtype
of the organizationally defined information received
from the remote system. The subtype value is required
to identify different instances of organizationally
defined information that cannot be retrieved without a
unique identifier that indicates the particular type of
information in the information string.
OrgDefInfoIndex Represents an arbitrary local integer value used by
this agent to identify a particular unrecognized
organizationally defined information instance, unique
only for the OrgDefInfoOUI and
lldpRemOrgDefInfoSubtype of the same remote
system. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to new entries,
starting with one, after each reboot. It is unlikely that

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 377

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
the lldpRemOrgDefInfoIndex will wrap between
OrdDefInfo Indicates the string value used to identify the
organizationally defined information of the remote
system. The encoding for this object is the same as
that defined for SnmpAdminString TC.

LLDP Port dot1 configuration using EDM

Use the information in this section to configure and view IEEE 802.1 LLDP information.

Viewing local VLAN Id information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP VLAN ID properties for the local system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.
5. On the work area, click the Local VLAN Id tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local VLAN Id tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
VlanId Indicates the local port VLAN ID. A value of zero is
used if the system does not know the PVID.

378 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port dot1 configuration using EDM

Viewing LLDP local protocol VLAN information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP local protocol VLAN properties for the local
system and to enable or disable the transmission of this information from a specified port.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.
5. On the work area, click the Local Protocol VLAN tab.
6. To select a port to edit, click the port row.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the ProtoVlanTxEnable column.
8. Select a value from the list—true to enable transmitting local port and protocol
VLAN information from the port, or false to disable transmitting local port and
protocol VLAN information from the port.
9. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local Protocol VLAN tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
ProtoVlanId Indicates the ID of the port and protocol VLANs
associated with the local port. A value of zero is used
if the system does not know the protocol VLAN ID
ProtoVlanSuported Indicates whether the local port supports port and
protocol VLANs.
ProtoVlanEnabled Indicates whether the port and protocol VLANs are
enabled on the local port.
ProtoVlanTxEnable Specifies whether the corresponding local port and
protocol VLAN information are transmitted from the

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 379

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Viewing LLDP local VLAN name information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP VLAN Name properties for the local system and
to enable or disable the transmission of this information from a specified port.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.
5. On the work area, click the Local VLAN Name tab.
6. To select a port to edit, click the port row.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the VlanNameTxEnable column.
8. Select a value from the list—true to enable transmitting local VLAN name
information from the port, or false to disable transmitting local VLAN name
information from the port.
9. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local VLAN Name tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
VlanId Indicates the integer value used to identify the IEEE
802.1Q VLAN IDs with which the given port is
VlanName Indicates the string value used to identify the VLAN
name identified by the VLAN ID associated with the
given port on the local system. This object contains the
value of the dot1QVLANStaticName object (defined in
IETF RFC 2674) identified with the given
VlanNameTxEnable Specifies whether the corresponding Local System
VLAN name instance is transmitted from the port.

380 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port dot1 configuration using EDM

Viewing LLDP local protocol information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP protocol properties for the local system and to
enable or disable the transmission of this information from a specified port.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.
5. On the work area, click the Local Protocol tab.
6. To select a port to edit, click the port row.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the VlanNameTxEnable column.
8. Select a value from the list—true to enable transmitting local protocol information
from the port, or false to disable transmitting local protocol information from the
9. Click Apply .

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local Protocol tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
ProtocolIndex Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular protocol identity.
ProtocolId Indicates the octet string value used to identify the
protocols associated with the given port of the local
ProtocolTxEnable Specifies whether the corresponding Local System
Protocol Identity instance is transmitted on the port.

Viewing LLDP neighbor VLAN ID information using EDM

Use the following procedure to view the LLDP VLAN ID properties for the remote system.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 381

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor VLAN Id tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor VLAN ID tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
VlanId Indicates the port VLAN identifier associated with the
remote system. If the remote system does not know
the PVID or does not support port-based VLAN
operation, the value is zero.

Viewing LLDP neighbor protocol VLAN information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP protocol VLAN properties for the remote

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.

382 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port dot1 configuration using EDM

4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.

5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Protocol VLAN tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Protocol VLAN tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
ProtoVlanId Indicates the ID of the port and protocol VLANs
associated with the remote port. A value of zero is
used if the system does not know the protocol VLAN
ProtoVlanSuported Indicates whether the remote port supports port and
protocol VLANs.
ProtoVlanEnabled Indicates whether the port and protocol VLANs are
enabled on the remote port.

Viewing LLDP neighbor VLAN name information using EDM

Using the following procedure to display LLDP VLAN name properties for the remote

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor VLAN Name tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 383

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor VLAN Name tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
VlanId Indicates the integer value used to identify the IEEE
802.1Q VLAN IDs with which the remote port is
VlanName Indicates the VLAN name identified by the VLAN ID
associated with the remote system.

Viewing LLDP neighbor protocol information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP protocol properties for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot1.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Protocol tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Protocol tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.

384 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port dot3 configuration using EDM

Variable Value
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
ProtocolIndex Represents an arbitrary local integer value used by
this agent to identify a particular protocol identity.
ProtocolId Indicates the protocols associated with the remote

LLDP Port dot3 configuration using EDM

Use the information in this section to configure and view IEEE 802.3 LLDP information.

Viewing LLDP local port auto-negotiation information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP auto-negotiation properties for the local

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Local Port Auto-negotiation tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local Port Auto-negotiation tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 385

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
AutoNegSupported Indicates whether the local port supports Auto-
AutoNegEnabled Indicates whether Auto-negotiation is enabled on the
local port.
AutoNegAdvertisedCap Contains the value (bitmap) of the
ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits object (defined in
IETF RFC 3636) associated with the local port on the
OperMauType Indicates the value that indicates the operational MAU
type of the given port on the local system.

Viewing LLDP local PoE information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP PoE properties for the local system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Local PoE tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local PoE tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
PowerPortClass Indicates the port Class of the local port.
PowerMDISupported Indicates whether MDI power is supported on the local
PowerMDIEnabled Indicates whether MDI power is enabled on the local
PowerPairControlable Indicates the value derived from the value of the
pethPsePortPowerPairsControlAbility object (defined

386 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port dot3 configuration using EDM

Variable Value
in IETF RFC 3621), this value is used to indicate
whether pair selection can be controlled on the local
PowerPairs Contains the value of the pethPsePortPowerPairs
object (defined in IETF RFC 3621) for the local port:
• signal
• spare

PowerClass Contains the value of the

pethPsePortPowerClassifications object (defined in
IETF RFC 3621) for the local port:
• class0
• class1
• class2
• class3
• class4

Viewing Local Link Aggregate tab using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP link aggregation properties for the local

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Local Link Aggregate tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local Link Aggregate tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 387

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
LinkAggStatus Specifies the link aggregation capabilities and the
current aggregation status of the link.
LinkAggPortId Contains the IEEE 802.3 aggregated port identifier,
aAggPortID (IEEE 802.3-2002,, derived
from the ifNumber of the ifIndex for the port component
in link aggregation. If the port is not in a link
aggregation state or does not support link
aggregation, this value is set to zero.

Viewing LLDP local maximum frame information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP maximum frame size properties for the local

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Local Max Frame tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local Max Frame tab fields.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port number.
MaxFrameSize Indicates the maximum frame size for the port.

Viewing LLDP neighbor port auto-negotiation information using

Use the following procedure to display LLDP auto-negotiation properties for the remote

388 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port dot3 configuration using EDM

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Port Auto-negotiation tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Port Auto-negotiation tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
AutoNegSupported Indicates the truth value used to indicate whether the
given port (associated with a remote system) supports
AutoNegEnabled Indicates whether Auto-negotiation is enabled on the
remote port.
AutoNegAdvertisedCap Contains the value (bitmap) of the
ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits object (defined in
IETF RFC 3636) associated with the remote port.
OperMauType Indicates the value that indicates the operational MAU
type of the given port on the remote system.

Viewing LLDP neighbor PoE information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP PoE properties for the remote system.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 389

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor PoE tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor PoE tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
PowerPortClass Indicates the port Class of the remote port.
PowerMDISupported Indicates whether MDI power is supported on the
remote port.
PowerMDIEnabled Indicates whether MDI power is enabled on the remote
PowerPairControlable Indicates the value derived from the value of the
pethPsePortPowerPairsControlAbility object (defined
in IETF RFC 3621), this value is used to indicate
whether pair selection can be controlled on the remote
PowerPairs Contains the value of the pethPsePortPowerPairs
object (defined in IETF RFC 3621) for the remote
• signal
• spare

390 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port dot3 configuration using EDM

Variable Value
PowerClass Contains the value of the
pethPsePortPowerClassifications object (defined in
IETF RFC 3621) for the remote port.
• class0
• class1
• class2
• class3
• class4

Viewing LLDP neighbor link aggregation information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP link aggregation properties for the remote

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Link Aggregate tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Link Aggregate tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 391

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
LinkAggStatus Specifies the link aggregation capabilities and the
current aggregation status of the remote link.
LinkAggPortId Contains the IEEE 802.3 aggregated port identifier,
aAggPortID (IEEE 802.3-2002,, derived
from the ifNumber of the ifIndex for the port component
in link aggregation. If the port is not in a link
aggregation state or does not support link
aggregation, this value is set to zero.

Viewing LLDP neighbor maximum frame information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display LLDP maximum frame size properties for the remote

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port dot3.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Max Frame tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Max Frame tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Indicates the local port on which the remote system
information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value used by this
agent to identify a particular MSAP. An agent is
encouraged to assign monotonically increasing index
values to new entries, starting with one, after each
MaxFrameSize Indicates the maximum frame size for the remote

392 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Use the information in this section to configure and view LLDP Media Endpoint Devices (MED)

LLDP MED policy management using EDM

Use the information in this section to view, create, and edit LLDP MED policies for the

Viewing LLDP MED policies using EDM

Use this procedure to view LLDP MED policy properties for the local system.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. In the work area, click the Local Policy tab.
Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to help you understand the LLDP MED local policy

Field Description
PortNum Indicates the port number
PolicyAppType Shows the policy application type.
PolicyVlanID Indicates the extension of the VLAN Identifier
for the port, as defined in IEEE 802.1P-1998.
A value of 1 through 4094 is used to define a
valid PVID. A value of 0 is used if the device
is using priority tagged frames, meaning that
only the 802.1p priority level is significant and
the default VID of the ingress port is being
used instead. A value of 4095 is reserved for
implementation use.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 393

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Field Description
PolicyPriority Indicates the value of the 802.1p priority
which is associated with the local port. The
default value is 6.
PolicyDscp Contains the value of the Differentiated
Service Code Point (DSCP) as defined in
IETF RFC 2474 and RFC 2475 that is
associated with the given port on the local
system. The default value is 46.
PolicyTagged Indicates whether the application is using a
tagged VLAN, untagged VLAN, or does not
support a port based VLAN operation.

Creating LLDP MED policies using EDM

Use this procedure to create a new LLDP MED policy for the local system.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. In the work area, click the Local Policy tab.
6. Click Insert .
7. To select a port to create a policy for, click the PortNum ellipsis.
8. Click Ok .
9. In the PolicyAppType section, select one or both checkboxes.
10. To select a VLAN identifier for the selected port, click the PolicyVlanID ellipsis.
11. Click Ok .
12. Double-click the PolicyPriority field.
13. Type a priority value.
14. Double-click the PolicyDscp field.
15. Type a DSCP value.
16. To use a tagged VLAN, select the PolicyTagged checkbox.
To use an untagged VLAN, clear the PolicyTagged checkbox.
17. Click Insert .

394 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to create a new LLDP MED policy for the local system.

Field Description
PortNum Specifies the port on which to configure
LLDP MED policies.
PolicyAppType Specifies the policy application type.
• voice—selects the voice network policy
• voiceSignaling—selects the voice
signalling network policy

PolicyVlanID Specifies the VLAN identifier for the selected

port or ports. Values range from 1–4094. If
you select priority tagged frames, the system
recognizes only the 802.1p priority level and
uses a value of 0 for the VLAN ID of the
ingress port.
PolicyPriority Specifies the value of the 802.1p priority that
applies to the selected switch port or ports.
Values range from 0–7. The default value is
PolicyDscp Specifies the value of the Differentiated
Service Code Point (DSCP) as defined in
IETF RFC 2474 and RFC 2475 that is
associated with the selected switch port or
ports. Values range from 0–63. The default
value is 46.
PolicyTagged Specifies the type of VLAN tagging to apply
on the selected switch port or ports.
• when selected—uses a tagged VLAN
• when cleared—uses an untagged VLAN or
does not support port-based VLANs.
If you select untagged, the system ignores
the VLAN ID and priority values, and
recognizes only the DSCP value.

Editing LLDP MED policies using EDM

Use this procedure to edit a previously configured LLDP MED policy for the local system.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 395

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. To select a policy to edit, click the PortNum.
6. In the policy row, double-click the cell in thePolicyVlanID column.
7. Select a VLAN from the list.
8. Click Ok .
9. In the policy row, double-click the cell in thePolicyPriority column.
10. Edit the policy priority value.
11. In the policy row, double-click the cell in thePolicyDscp column.
12. Edit the policy DSCP value.
13. In the policy row, double-click the cell in thePolicyTagged column.
14. Select a value from the list.
15. Click Apply .
Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to edit a previously configured LLDP MED policy for the
local system.

Variable Value
PortNum Indicates the port on which to configure
LLDP MED policies. This is a read-only cell.
PolicyAppType Indicates the policy application type. This is
a read-only cell.
• voice— voice network policy
• voiceSignaling— voice signalling network

PolicyVlanID Specifies the VLAN identifier for the selected

port or ports. Values range from 1–4094. If
you select priority tagged frames, the system
recognizes only the 802.1p priority level and
uses a value of 0 for the VLAN ID of the
ingress port.
PolicyPriority Specifies the value of the 802.1p priority that
applies to the selected switch port or ports.
Values range from 0–7. The default value is

396 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Variable Value
PolicyDscp Specifies the value of the Differentiated
Service Code Point (DSCP) as defined in
IETF RFC 2474 and RFC 2475 that is
associated with the selected switch port or
ports. Values range from 0–63. The default
value is 46.
PolicyTagged Specifies the type of VLAN tagging to apply
on the selected switch port or ports.
• true—uses a tagged VLAN
• false—uses an untagged VLAN or does
not support port-based VLANs.
If you select untagged, the system ignores
the VLAN ID and priority values, and
recognizes only the DSCP value.

Deleting LLDP MED policies using EDM

Use this procedure to delete a LLDP MED policy.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. In the work area, click the Local Policy tab.
6. To select a policy to delete, click the PortNum.
7. Click Delete .

Local location information management using EDM

Use the information in this section to view and add local location information for remote network
devices connected to a switch or stack.

Viewing device location information using EDM

Use this procedure to display local location information for remote network devices connected
to a switch or stack.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 397

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Local Location tab.
Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to help you understand the remote device local location
information display.

Field Description
PortNum Identifies the port number of the local system
to which the remote device is connected.
LocationSubtype Indicates the location subtype advertised by
the remote device.
• unknown
• coordinateBased—location information is
based on geographical coordinates of the
remote device
• civicAddress—location information is
based on the civic address of the remote
• elin—location information is based on the
Emergency Location Information Number
(ELIN) of the remote device

LocationInfo Displays local location information

advertised by the remote device. The
information displayed in this cell is directly
associated with the location subtype value.

Adding ELIN based device location information using EDM

Use this procedure to add information to the local location table for remote network devices
connected to a switch or stack, based on an Emergency Location Information Number
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.

398 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.

4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Local Location tab.
6. In the port row with elin as the location subtype, double-click the cell in the
LocationInfo column.
7. Type an alphanumeric value from 10 to 25 characters in length.
8. Click Apply .

Adding coordinate and civic address based device location information using
Use this procedure to add local location information to the local location table for remote
network devices connected to a switch or stack, based on geographical coordinates and a civic
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Local Location tab.
6. To add location information based on geographical coordinates for the remote
device, click the coordinateBased cell in the LocationSubtype column for a port.
7. To add location information based on the civic address for the remote device, click
the civicAddress cell in the LocationSubtype column for a port.
8. Click Location Detail.
9. Insert the local location information for the remote device.
10. Click Ok .
11. Click Apply .
Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to add coordinate-based location information for the remote

Field Description
Latitude Specifies the latitude in degrees, and its
relation to the equator (North or South).
Longitude Specifies the longitude in degrees, and its
relation to the prime meridian (East or

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 399

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Field Description
Altitude Specifies the altitude, and the units of
measurement used (meters or floors).
Map Datum Specifies the map reference datum. Values
• WGS84—World Geodesic System 1984,
Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich
• NAD83/NAVD88—North American Datum
1983/ North American Vertical Datum of
• NAD83/MLLW—North American Datum
1983/ Mean Lower Low Water

Viewing local PoE PSE information using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP PoE PSE information for the local system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Local PoE PSE tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Local PoE PSE tab fields.

Field Description
PortNum Indicates the port number.
PSEPortPowerAvailable Contains the value of the power available (in
units of 0.1 watts) from the PSE through this
PSEPortPDPriority Indicates the PD power priority that is
advertised on this PSE port:

400 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Field Description

• unknown: priority is not configured or

known by the PD
• critical: the device advertises its power
priority as critical, see RFC 3621
• high: the device advertises its power
priority as high, see RFC 3621
• low: the device advertises its power priority
as low, see RFC 3621

Viewing neighbor capabilities using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP capabilities for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Capabilities tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Capabilities tab fields.

Field Description
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote
system information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value
used by this agent to identify a particular
MSAP. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to
new entries, starting with one, after each
CapSupported Identifies the MED system capabilities
supported on the remote system.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 401

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Field Description
CapCurrent Identifies the MED system capabilities that
are enabled on the remote system.
DeviceClass Indicates the remote MED device class.

Viewing neighbor policies using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP policy information for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Policy tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Policy tab fields.

Field Description
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote
system information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value
used by this agent to identify a particular
MSAP. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to
new entries, starting with one, after each
PolicyAppType Shows the policy application type.
PolicyVlanID Indicates the extension of the VLAN Identifier
for the port, as defined in IEEE 802.1P-1998.
A value of 1 through 4094 is used to define a
valid PVID. A value of 0 is used if the device
is using priority tagged frames, meaning that
only the 802.1p priority level is significant and
that the default VID of the ingress port is

402 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Field Description
being used instead. A value of 4095 is
reserved for implementation use.
PolicyPriority Indicates the value of the 802.1p priority
which is associated with the remote system
connected to the port.
PolicyDscp Contains the value of the Differentiated
Service Code Point (DSCP) as defined in
IETF RFC 2474 and RFC 2475 that is
associated with the remote system
connected to the port.
PolicyUnknown Indicates whether the network policy for the
specified application type is currently
unknown or defined.
PolicyTagged Indicates whether the application is using a
tagged VLAN, untagged VLAN, or does not
support a port based VLAN operation.

Neighbor location information management using EDM

Use the information in this section to view and add neighbor location information for network
devices connected to a switch or stack.

Viewing neighbor location information using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP neighbor location information.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Location tab.
Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Location tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 403

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote
system information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value
used by this agent to identify a particular
MSAP. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to
new entries, starting with one, after each
LocationSubtype Indicates the location subtype advertised by
the remote device:
• unknown
• coordinateBased
• civicAddress
• elin

LocationInfo Indicates the location information advertised

by the remote device. The parsing of this
information depends on the location

Adding coordinate-based neighbor location information using EDM

Use this procedure to add coordinate-based location information to the neighbor location
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Location tab.
6. In the table, select a location with the LocationSubtype listed as
7. On the toolbar, click the Location Details button.
The Insert Local Location dialog box appears.
8. Click Close to close the dialog box.
9. Click Apply .

404 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Adding civic address location information using EDM

Use this procedure to add civic address-based location information to the neighbor location
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Location tab.
6. In the table, select a location with the LocationSubtype listed as civicAddress.
7. On the toolbar, click the Location Details button.
The Insert Local Location dialog box appears.
8. Click Close to close the dialog box.
9. Click Apply .

Viewing neighbor PoE information using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP PoE properties for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor PoE tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor PoE tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 405

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote
system information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value
used by this agent to identify a particular
MSAP. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to
new entries, starting with one, after each
PoeDeviceType Defines the type of Power-via-MDI (Power
over Ethernet) advertised by the remote
• pseDevice: indicates that the device is
advertised as a Power Sourcing Entity
• pdDevice: indicates that the device is
advertised as a Powered Device (PD).
• none: indicates that the device does not
support PoE.

Viewing neighbor PoE PSE information using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP PoE PSE information for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor PoE PSE tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor PoE PSE tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.

406 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Variable Value
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote
system information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value
used by this agent to identify a particular
MSAP. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to
new entries, starting with one, after each
PSEPowerAvailable Specifies the power available (in units of 0.1
watts) from the PSE connected remotely to
this port.
PSEPowerSource Defines the type of PSE Power Source
advertised by the remote device.
• primary: indicates that the device
advertises its power source as primary.
• backup: indicates that the device
advertises its power source as backup.

PSEPowerPriority Specifies the priority advertised by the PSE

connected remotely to the port:
• critical: indicates that the device advertises
its power priority as critical, see RFC
• high: indicates that the device advertises
its power priority as high, see RFC 3621.
• low: indicates that the device advertises its
power priority as low, see RFC 3621.

Viewing neighbor PoE PD information using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP PoE PD information for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor PoE PD tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 407

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor PoE PD tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote
system information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value
used by this agent to identify a particular
MSAP. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to
new entries, starting with one, after each
PDPowerReq Specifies the value of the power required (in
units of 0.1 watts) by a Powered Device (PD)
connected remotely to the port.
PDPowerSource Defines the type of Power Source advertised
as being used by the remote device:
• fromPSE: indicates that the device
advertises its power source as received
from a PSE.
• local: indicates that the device advertises
its power source as local.
• localAndPSE: indicates that the device
advertises its power source as using both
local and PSE power.

PDPowerPriority Defines the priority advertised as being

required by the PD connected remotely to the
• critical: indicates that the device advertises
its power priority as critical, see RFC
• high: indicates that the device advertises
its power priority as high, see RFC 3621.
• low: indicates that the device advertises its
power priority as low, see RFC 3621.

408 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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LLDP Port MED configuration using EDM

Viewing neighbor inventory using EDM

Use this procedure to display LLDP inventory information for the remote system.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.

2. In the Edit tree, double-click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostic tree, double-click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, double-click Port MED.
5. On the work area, click the Neighbor Inventory tab.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Neighbor Inventory tab fields.

Variable Value
TimeMark Indicates the TimeFilter for this entry.
LocalPortNum Identifies the local port on which the remote
system information is received.
Index Indicates the arbitrary local integer value
used by this agent to identify a particular
MSAP. An agent is encouraged to assign
monotonically increasing index values to
new entries, starting with one, after each
HardwareRev Indicates the vendor-specific hardware
revision string as advertised by the remote
FirmwareRev Indicates the vendor-specific firmware
revision string as advertised by the remote
SoftwareRev Indicates the vendor-specific software
revision string as advertised by the remote
SerialNum Indicates the vendor-specific serial number
as advertised by the remote device.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 409

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
MfgName Indicates the vendor-specific manufacturer
name as advertised by the remote device.
ModelName Indicates the vendor-specific model name as
advertised by the remote device.
AssetID Indicates the vendor-specific asset tracking
identifier as advertised by the remote

Enabling or disabling Avaya TLV transmit flags using EDM

Use this procedure to enable or disable the transmission of optional proprietary Avaya TLVs
from switch ports to Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Port Config tab.
6. To select a port, click the PortNum.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the TLVsTxEnable column.
8. Select a checkbox to enable a TLV.
Clear a checkbox to disable a TLV.
9. Click Ok.
10. On the toolbar, click Apply.
Variable definition

Variable Value
poeConservationLevel Enables or disables the TLV for requesting a
specific power conservation level for an Avaya IP
phone connected to the switch port.

410 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Enabling or disabling Avaya TLV transmit flags using EDM

Variable Value

Only Ethernet ports on switches that support
PoE can request a specific power conservation
level for an Avaya IP phone.
callServer Enables or disables the TLV for advertising call
server IPv4 addresses to an Avaya IP phone
connected to the switch port.
fileServer Enables or disables the TLV for advertising file
server IPv4 addresses to an Avaya IP phone
connected to the switch port.
framingTlv Enables or disables the frame tagging TLV for
exchanging Layer 2 priority tagging information
between the switch and an Avaya IP phone.

Viewing the Avaya TLV transmit flag status using EDM

Use this procedure to display the status of transmit flags for switch ports on which Avaya IP
phone support TLVs are configured.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Port Config tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
poeConservationLevel When displayed, indicates that the TLV for requesting
a specific power conservation level for an Avaya IP
phone is enabled on the switch port.

Only Ethernet ports on switches that support PoE
can request a specific power conservation level for
an Avaya IP phone.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 411

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
callServer When displayed, indicates that call server IPv4
address advertisement to an Avaya IP phone is
enabled on the switch port.
fileServer When displayed, indicates that file server IPv4 address
advertisement to an Avaya IP phone is enabled on the
switch port.
framingTlv When displayed, indicates that frame tagging is
enabled on the port, for exchanging Layer 2 priority
tagging information between the switch and an Avaya
IP phone.

Configuring the PoE conservation level request TLV using

Use this procedure to request a specific power conservation level for an Avaya IP phone
connected to a switch port.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Local Port tab.
6. To select a port, click the PortNum.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the PoeConsLevelRequest column.
8. Type a value in the box.
9. On the toolbar, click Apply.
Variable definition

Variable Value
PoeConsLevelRequest Specifies the power conservation level to request
for a vendor specific PD. Values range from 0 to
255. With the default value of 0, the switch does not
request a power conservation level for an Avaya IP
phone connected to the port.

412 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring the PoE conservation level request TLV using EDM

Configuring the 802.1Q framing TLV using EDM

Use this procedure to configure the frame tagging mode for exchanging Layer 2 priority tagging
information between the switch and an Avaya IP phone.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Local Port tab.
6. To select a port, click the PortNum.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the Dot1QFramingRequest column.
8. Select a value from the list.
9. On the toolbar, click Apply.

Variable definition

Variable Value
Dot1QFramingRequest Specifies the frame tagging mode. Values
• tagged—frames are tagged based on the
tagging value the Avaya IP phone receives
with the LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV.
• non-tagged—frames are not tagged with
802.1Q priority.
• auto—an attempt is made to tag frames
based on the tagging value the Avaya IP
phone receives with the LLDP-MED
Network Policy TLV. If there is no LLDP-
MED Network Policy information available,
an attempt is made to tag frames based on
server configuration. If that fails, traffic is
transmitted untagged.
The default tagging mode is auto.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 413

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Viewing the PoE conservation level request and 802.1Q framing TLV
configuration using EDM
Use this procedure to display the configuration status of the PoE conservation level request
and 802.1Q framing TLVs that the switch can transmit to Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Local Port tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
Dot1QFramingRequest Displays the frame tagging mode. Values
• tagged—frames are tagged based on the
tagging value the Avaya IP phone receives
with the LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV.
• non-tagged—frames are not tagged with
802.1Q priority.
• auto—an attempt is made to tag frames
based on the tagging value the Avaya IP
phone receives with the LLDP-MED
Network Policy TLV. If there is no LLDP-
MED Network Policy information available,
an attempt is made to tag frames based on
server configuration. If that fails, traffic is
transmitted untagged.
The default tagging mode is auto.
PoeConsLevelRequest Specifies the power conservation level to
request for a vendor specific PD. Values
range from 0 to 255. With the default value
of 0, the switch does not request a power
conservation level for an Avaya IP phone
connected to the port.

414 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring the switch call server IP address TLV using EDM

Configuring the switch call server IP address TLV using

Use this procedure to define the local call server IP addresses that switch ports can advertise
to Avaya IP phones.
You can define IP addresses for a maximum of 8 local call servers.

The switch does not support the advertisement of IPv6 addresses to Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Local Call Servers tab.
6. To select a port, click the CallServerNum.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the CallServerAddress column.
8. Type an IP address in the box.
9. On the toolbar, click Apply.

Variable definition

Variable Value
CallServerNum Displays the call server number.
CallServerAddressType Displays the call server IP address type.
CallServerAddress Defines the local call server IP address to

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 415

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Viewing the switch call server IP address TLV configuration using

Use this procedure to display information about the defined local call server IP addresses that
switch ports can advertise to Avaya IP phones.

The switch does not support the advertisement of IPv6 addresses to Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Local Call Servers tab.

Variable definition

Variable Value
CallServerNum Displays the call server number.
CallServerAddressType Displays the call server IP address type.
CallServerAddress Displays the defined call server IP address.

Configuring the switch file server IP address TLV using

Use this procedure to define the local file server IP addresses that switch ports can advertise
to Avaya IP phones.
You can define IP addresses for a maximum of 4 local call servers.

If your Avaya IP Handset uses SIP, 802.1AB (LLDP) TLVs do not provide all information for
the IP Phone. You must specify a file server IP address TLV so the IP phone can download

416 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Configuring the switch file server IP address TLV using EDM

the SIP configuration information, because the IP Phone retrieves information related to the
SIP domain, port number and transport protocol from the file server.

The switch does not support the advertisement of IPv6 addresses to Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Local File Servers tab.
6. To select a port, click the FileServerNum.
7. In the port row, double-click the cell in the FileServerAddress column.
8. Type an IP address in the box.
9. On the toolbar, click Apply.
Variable definition

Variable Value
FileServerNum Displays the file server number.
FileServerAddressType Displays the file server IP address type.
FileServerAddress Defines file server IP address to advertise.

Viewing the switch file server IP address TLV configuration using

Use this procedure to display information about the defined local file server IP addresses that
switch ports can advertise to Avaya IP phones.

The switch does not support the advertisement of IPv6 addresses to Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 417

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.

5. In the work area, click the Local File Servers tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
FileServerNum Displays the file server number.
FileServerAddressType Displays the file server IP address type.
FileServerAddress Displays the defined file server IP address.

Viewing Avaya IP phone power level TLV information using

Use this procedure to display power level information received on switch ports from an Avaya
IP phone.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Neighbor Devices tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
TimeMark Displays the time the latest TLV-based information
is received from an Avaya IP phone.
LocalPortNum Displays the number of the switch port on which the
TLV-based information is received.
Index Displays a unique identifier for the connected
Avaya IP phone.
CurrentConsLevel Displays the PoE conservation level configured on
the Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.
TypicalPower Displays the average power level used by the
Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.

418 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing remote call server IP address TLV information using EDM

Variable Value
MaxPower Displays the maximum power level for the Avaya IP
phone connected to the switch port.

Viewing remote call server IP address TLV information

using EDM
Use this procedure to display call server IP address information received on switch ports from
an Avaya IP phone.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Neighbor Call Servers tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
TimeMark Displays the time the latest TLV-based information
is received from an Avaya IP phone.
LocalPortNum Displays the number of the switch port on which the
TLV-based information is received.
Index Displays a unique identifier for the connected
Avaya IP phone.
PortCallServerAddressType Displays the call server IP address type used by the
Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.
PortCallServerAddress Displays the call server IP address used by the
Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 419

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Viewing remote file server IP address TLV information using

Use this procedure to display file server IP address information received on switch ports from
an Avaya IP phone.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Neighbor File Servers tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
TimeMark Displays the time the latest TLV-based information
is received from an Avaya IP phone.
LocalPortNum Displays the number of the switch port on which the
TLV-based information is received.
Index Displays a unique identifier for the connected
Avaya IP phone.
PortFileServerAddressType Displays the file server IP address type used by the
Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.
PortFileServerAddress Displays the file server IP address used by the
Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.

Viewing PoE conservation level support TLV information

using EDM
Use this procedure to display PoE conservation level information received on switch ports from
an Avaya IP phone.

420 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing remote 802.1Q Framing TLV information using EDM

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Neighbor PoE tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
TimeMark Displays the time the latest TLV-based information
is received from an Avaya IP phone.
LocalPortNum Displays the number of the switch port on which the
TLV-based information is received.
Index Displays a unique identifier for the connected
Avaya IP phone.
PoeConsLevelValue Displays the PoE conservation level supported by
the Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.

Viewing remote 802.1Q Framing TLV information using

Use this procedure to display Layer 2 frame tagging mode information received on switch ports
from connected Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Neighbor Dot1Q tab.
Variable definition

Variable Value
TimeMark Displays the time the latest TLV-based information
is received from an Avaya IP phone.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 421

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
LocalPortNum Displays the number of the switch port on which the
TLV-based information is received.
Index Displays a unique identifier for the connected
Avaya IP phone.
Dot1QFraming Displays the Layer 2 frame tagging mode for the
Avaya IP phone connected to the switch port.
Values include:
• tagged—frames are tagged based on the tagging
value the Avaya IP phone receives with the
LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV.
• non-tagged—frames are not tagged with 802.1Q
• auto—an attempt is made to tag frames based
on the tagging value the Avaya IP phone receives
with the LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV. If there
is no LLDP-MED Network Policy information
available, an attempt is made to tag frames
based on server configuration. If that fails, traffic
is transmitted untagged.
• The default tagging mode is auto.

Viewing remote IP TLV information using EDM

Use this procedure to display IP address configuration information received on switch ports
from connected Avaya IP phones.
Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Edit.
2. In the Edit tree, click Diagnostics.
3. In the Diagnostics tree, click 802.1AB.
4. In the 802.1AB tree, click Avaya.
5. In the work area, click the Neighbor IP Phone tab.

422 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Global AES configuration using EDM

Variable definition

Variable Value
TimeMark Displays the time the latest TLV-based information
is received from an Avaya IP phone.
LocalPortNum Displays the number of the switch port on which the
TLV-based information is received.
Index Displays a unique identifier for the connected
Avaya IP phone.
PortPhoneAddressType Displays the IP address type for the Avaya IP phone
connected to the switch port.
PortPhoneAddress Displays the IP address for the Avaya IP phone
connected to the switch port.
PortPhoneAddressMask Displays the IP address subnet mask for the Avaya
IP phone connected to the switch port.
PortPhoneGatewayAddress Displays gateway the IP address for the Avaya IP
phone connected to the switch port.

Global AES configuration using EDM

Use the information in this section to configure Avaya Energy Saver (AES) for an single switch
or a stack.

Enabling global AES using EDM

Use the following procedure to enable energy saving for the switch.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Globals tab.
4. Select the EnergySaverEnabled check box.
5. On the toolbar, click Apply.
6. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 423

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable definitions
The following table describes the Energy Saver Globals tab fields.

Variable Value
EnergySaverEnabled Enables or disables energy saving for the
PoePowerSavingEnabled Enables or disables AES PoE power save
mode for the switch.
EfficiencyModeEnabled Enables or disables AES efficiency mode for
the switch.
EnergySaverActive Activates or deactivates the Avaya Energy

Disabling global AES using EDM

Use the following procedure to disable energy saving for the switch.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Globals tab.
4. Clear the EnergySaverEnabled check box.
5. Click Apply.
6. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

Enabling global AES PoE power save mode using EDM

Use the following procedure to enable AES PoE power save mode for the switch.
When enabled, AES PoE power save mode provides the capability to control power
consumption savings for only ports that have AES enabled, and PoE priority configured to

424 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Global AES configuration using EDM


• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Globals tab.
4. Select the PoePowerSavingEnabled check box.
5. Click Apply.
6. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

Disabling global AES PoE power save mode using EDM

Use the following procedure to disable AES PoE power save mode for the switch.
When enabled, AES PoE power save mode provides the capability to control power
consumption savings for only ports that have AES enabled, and PoE priority configured to


• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Globals tab.
4. Clear the PoePowerSavingEnabled check box.
5. Click Apply.
6. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 425

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Enabling AES efficiency mode using EDM

Use the following procedure to enable AES efficiency mode for the switch.
When enabled, AES efficiency mode enables AES globally and for each port, enables AES
PoE power save mode, and configures AES scheduling to predetermined values (on time 18:00
and off time 07:30 daily).

AES efficiency mode overrides custom AES scheduling and PoE power saving mode. You
will be prompted to confirm that you want to enable AES efficiency mode before


• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Globals tab.
4. Select the EfficiencyModeEnabled check box.
5. Click Apply.
6. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

Disabling AES efficiency mode using EDM

Use the following procedure to disable AES efficiency mode for the switch.
When enabled, AES efficiency mode enables AES globally and for each port, enables AES
PoE power save mode, and configures AES scheduling to predetermined values (on time 18:00
and off time 07:30 daily).

426 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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AES schedule configuration using EDM


• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Globals tab.
4. Clear the EfficiencyModeEnabled check box.
5. Click Apply.
6. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

AES schedule configuration using EDM

Use the information in this section to configure a time interval for the switch to enter lower
power states.

Configuring the AES schedule on time using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure the start of a time interval for the switch to enter lower
power states. The time interval can span a complete week, a complete weekend, multiple days,
or be configured within an individual day.


• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Schedules tab.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 427

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

4. Click Insert.
5. To choose a day for the AES schedule on time, select a radio button in the
ScheduleDay section.
6. To choose an hour of the day for the AES schedule on time, type a value in the
ScheduleHour section.
7. To choose a portion of an hour for the AES schedule on time, type a value in the
ScheduleMinute section.
8. To configure the selected day, hour, and minutes as the AES schedule on time,
select the activate radio button in the ScheduleAction section.
Activate is selected by default.
9. Click Insert.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the fields of Insert Energy Saver Schedule screen.

Variable Value
ScheduleDay Indicates the day on which this schedule entry takes effect.
ScheduleHour Indicates the hour on which this schedule entry takes effect.
ScheduleMinute Indicates the Minute on which this schedule entry takes effect.
ScheduleAction Activates or deactivates the energy savings.

Configuring the AES schedule off time using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure the end of a time interval for the switch to enter lower
power states. The time interval can span a complete week, a complete weekend, multiple days,
or be configured within an individual day.


• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.

428 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
AES schedule configuration using EDM

3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Schedules tab.

4. Click Insert.
5. To choose a day for the AES schedule off time, select a radio button in the
ScheduleDay section.
6. To choose an hour of the day for the AES schedule off time, type a value in the
ScheduleHour section.
7. To choose a portion of an hour for the AES schedule off time, type a value in the
ScheduleMinute section.
8. To configure the selected day, hour, and minutes as the AES schedule off time,
select the deactivate radio button in the ScheduleAction section.
Activate is selected by default.
9. Click Insert.

Modifying an AES schedule on and off time status using EDM

Use the following procedure to change an existing schedule off time to on time or to change
an existing schedule on time to off time.


• Disable AES globally.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Saver Schedules tab.
4. To select a schedule time to edit, click a schedule day.
5. In the schedule day row, double-click the cell in the ScheduleAction column.
6. Select a value from the list—activate to configure the schedule time as the on time,
or deactivate to configure the schedule time as the off time.
7. Click Apply.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 429

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Port-based AES configuration using EDM

Configure port-based AES to enable or disable energy saving for individual ports, or all ports
on a switch or stack.

Enabling AES on individual ports using EDM

Use the following procedure to turn on AES for individual ports on a switch or stack.

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the ports tab.
4. Select a Port.
5. In the Port row, double-click the cell in the EnergySaverEnabled column.
6. Select true from the list.
7. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 to enable AES for additional ports as required.
8. Click Apply.
9. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

Variable definitions
The following table describes the fields of Ports tab.

Variable Value
Port Indicates the port.
EnergySaverEnabled Indicates whether the Avaya Energy Saver feature is
enabled for the port.

Disabling AES on individual ports using EDM

Use the following procedure to turn off AES for individual ports on a switch or stack.

430 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Viewing AES information using EDM

Procedure steps

1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.

2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the ports tab.
4. Select a Port.
5. In the Port row, double-click the cell in the EnergySaverEnabled column.
6. Select false from the list.
7. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 to disable AES for additional ports as required.
8. Click Apply.
9. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh to update the work area data display.

Viewing AES information using EDM

Use the following procedure to display energy saving information for an individual switch or
switches in a stack.

Procedure steps
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Power Management.
2. In the Power Management tree, double-click Energy Saver.
3. In the work area, click the Energy Savings tab.
4. On the toolbar, you can click Refresh update the data.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand the displayed AES information.

Variable Value
Total Indicates the total power saving values for all
switches in a stack.
UnitIndex Indicates the unit number of the switch.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 431

System configuration using Enterprise Device Manager

Variable Value
UnitSavings(watts) Indicates the total power capacity being
saved on the switch.
PoeSavings(watts) Indicates the total PoE power being saved on
the switch.

432 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Chapter 8: Configuration reference

The sections in this chapter provide information on the factory default configuration.

Factory default configuration

When you initially access a newly installed switch or you reset a switch to factory defaults, the
switch is in a factory default configuration. This factory default configuration is the base
configuration from which you build the switch configuration.
Table 94: Factory default configuration settings on page 433 outlines the factory default
configuration settings present in a switch in a factory default state.
Table 94: Factory default configuration settings

Setting Factory default configuration value

Unit Select switch non-Base
Unit 1
BootP Request Mode BootP or Default IP
In-Band Stack IP Address (no IP address assigned)
In-Band Switch IP Address (no IP address assigned)
In-Band Subnet Mask (no subnet mask assigned)
Default Gateway (no IP address assigned)
Read-Only Community String public
read/write Community String private
Trap IP Address (no IP address assigned)
Community String Zero-length string
Authentication Trap Enabled
Autotopology Enabled
sysContact Zero-length string
sysName Zero-length string
sysLocation Zero-length string
Aging Time 300 seconds

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 433

Configuration reference

Setting Factory default configuration value

MAC Address Security Disabled
MAC Address Security SNMP- Disabled
Partition Port on Intrusion Disabled
Partition Time 0 seconds (the value 0 indicates forever)
DA Filtering on Intrusion Disabled
Generate SNMP Trap on Disabled
Clear by Ports NONE
Learn by Ports NONE
Trunk blank field
Security Disabled
Port List blank field
Allowed Source - (blank field)
Management VLAN Yes (VLAN #1)
VLAN Type Port-based
Protocol ID (PID) None
User-Defined PID 0x0000
VLAN State Active (VLAN #1)
Port Membership All ports assigned as members of VLAN 1
Filter Untagged Frames No
Filter Unregistered Frames Yes
Port Name Unit 1, Port 1
Port Priority 0
Tagging Untag All
AutoPVID Enabled
Status Enabled (for all ports)
Linktrap On
Autonegotiation Enabled (for all ports)

434 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Factory default configuration

Setting Factory default configuration value

Speed/Duplex (Refer to Autonegotiation)
Trunk Members (Unit/Port) Blank field
STP Learning Normal
Trunk Mode Basic
Trunk Status Disabled
Trunk Name Trunk #1 to Trunk #32
Traffic Type Rx and Tx
Monitoring Mode Disabled
Rate Limit Packet Type Both
Limit None
Snooping Disabled
Proxy Disabled
Robust Value 2
Query Time 125 seconds
Set Router Ports Version 1
Static Router Ports - (for all ports)
Console Port Speed 9600 baud
Console Switch Password None
Telnet/Web Stack Password None
Console Read-Only Switch user
Console Read/Write Switch Passwords are user/secure for non-SSH SW images and
Password userpasswd/securepasswd for SSH SW images.
Console Read-Only Stack user
Console Read/Write Stack secure
Radius password/server secret
New Unit Number Current stack order
Group 1
Bridge Priority 8000
Bridge Hello Time 2 seconds
Bridge Maximum Age Time 20 seconds

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 435

Configuration reference

Setting Factory default configuration value

Bridge Forward Delay 15 seconds
Add VLAN Membership 1
Tagged BPDU on tagged port STP Group 1--No Other STP Groups--Yes
STP Group State STP Group 1--Active Other STP Groups--InActive
VID used for tagged BPDU 4001-4008 for STGs 1-8, respectively
STP Group 1
Participation Normal Learning
Priority 128
Path Cost 1
TELNET Access/SNMP/Web By default, SNMP access is disabled in the SSH image and
enabled in the non-SSH image. Telnet and Web are
enabled by default in both SSH and non-SSH images.
Use list: Yes
Login Timeout 1 minute
Login Retries 3
Inactivity Timeout 15 minutes
Event Logging All
Allowed Source IP Address Entry 51: ::/0 Entry 52: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128 Entry
(50 user-configurable fields) 53: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128
Entry 100: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128
Remaining 49 fields: (any address is
Allowed Source Mask(50 user- First field: (no IP address assigned)
configurable fields)
Remaining 49 fields: (any address is
Image Filename Zero-length string
Diagnostics image filename Zero-length string
TFTP Server IP Address (no IP address assigned)
Start TFTP Load of New Image No
Configuration Image Filename Zero-length string
Copy Configuration Image to No

436 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Factory default configuration

Setting Factory default configuration value

Retrieve Configuration Image No
from Server
ASCII Configuration Filename Zero-length string
Retrieve Configuration file No
from Server
Auto Configuration on Reset Disabled
EAPOL Security Configuration Disabled
High Speed Flow Control
VLAN Configuration Control Strict
Agent Auto Unit Replacement Enabled
PoE admin status Enabled
PoE Current status Detecting
PoE Limit 16W (PWR units)/32W (PWR+ units)
PoE Port Priority Low
PoE pd-detect-type 802dot2af_and_legacy (PWR) / 802dot3at_and_legacy
PoE Power Usage Threshold 80%
PoE Traps Control Status Enable

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 437

Configuration reference

438 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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ACLI Avaya Command Line Interface (ACLI) is a text-based, common command line
interface used for device configuration and management across Avaya products.

ACLI modes Differing command modes are available within the text-based interface, dependant
on the level of user permissions determined by logon password. Each successive
mode level provides access to more complex command sets, from the most
restrictive—show level only, to the highest configuration levels for routing
parameters, interface configuration, and security.

Agent Auto Unit Enabled by default, AAUR inspects all units in a stack and downloads the stack
Replacement software image to any joining unit with a dissimilar image.

Address Maps an IP address to a physical machine address, for example, maps an IP

Resolution address to an Ethernet media access control (MAC) address.
Protocol (ARP)

American A code to represent characters in computers. ASCII uses uppercase and lowercase
Standard Code for alphabetic letters, numeric digits, and special symbols.

Authentication, Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) is a framework used to control

Authorization, and access to a network, limit network services to certain users, and track what users
Accounting (AAA) do. Authentication determines who a user is before allowing the user to access the
network and network services. Authorization allows you to determine what you allow
a user to do. Accounting records what a user is doing or has done.

Auto-Detection Provides automatic switch configuration for IP phone traffic support and
and Auto- prioritization. ADAC can configure the switch whether it is directly connected to the
Configuration Call Server or uses a network uplink.

Auto MDIX The automatic detection of transmit and received twisted pairs. When Auto MDIX is
active, you can use any straight or crossover category 5 cable to provide connection
to a port. You must enable Autonegotiation to activate Auto MDIX.

Auto polarity Compensates for reversal of positive and negative signals on the receive cables.
When you enable autonegotiation, auto polarity can reverse the polarity of a pair of
pins to correct polarity of received data.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 439

Auto Unit Replacement (AUR)

Auto Unit Allows users to replace a unit from a stack while retaining the configuration of the
Replacement unit. Stack power must remain on during the unit replacement. AUR does not work
(AUR) in a stack of two units only.

Automatic PVID Automatically sets the port-based VLAN ID when you add the port to the VLAN. The
PVID value is the same value as the last port-based VLAN ID associated with the

Autonegotiation Allows the switch to select the best speed and duplex modes for communication
between two IEEE-capable devices.

Autosensing Determines the speed of the attached device if it is incapable of autonegotiation or

if it uses an incompatible form of autonegotiation. The switch reverts to half-duplex
mode if the duplex mode of the attached device cannot be determined.

Autotopology An Enterprise Network Management System (ENMS) protocol that automates and
simplifies discovery and collection of network topology information, presented in a

base unit (BU) When you connect multiple switches into a stack, one unit, and only one unit, must
be designated as a base unit to perform stack configuration tasks. The position of
the unit select switch, on the back of the switch, determines base unit designation.

Bootstrap A User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/Internet Protocol (IP)-based protocol that a

Protocol (BootP) booting host uses to configure itself dynamically and without user supervision.

Bridge Protocol A data frame used to exchange information among the bridges in local or wide area
Data Unit (BPDU) networks for network topology maintenance.

Bridging A forwarding process, used on Local Area Networks (LAN) and confined to network
bridges, that works on Layer 2 and depends on the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
or Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP). Bridging is also known as MAC

Custom An enhancement of the IEEE 802.3 autonegotiation process on the 10/100/1000

AutoNegotiation copper ports. Custom AutoNegotiation Advertisement offers improved control over
Advertisement the autonegotiation process. The system advertises all port capabilities that include,
(CANA) for tri-speed ports, 10 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s, 1000 Mb/s speeds, and duplex and half-
duplex modes of operation. This advertisement results in autonegotiation between
the local and remote end that settles on the highest common denominator. Custom
AutoNegotiation Advertisement can advertise a user-defined subset of the
capabilities that settle on a lower or particular capability.

daemon A program that services network requests for authentication and authorization. A
daemon verifies, identifies, grants or denies authorizations, and logs accounting

Differentiated A network architecture enabling service providers and enterprise network

Services (DiffServ) environments to offer varied levels of service for different traffic types.

440 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

Comments? [email protected]
Internet Protocol Flow Information eXport (IPFIX)

Differentiated Allows specific level of performance designation, on a packet-by-packet basis, for

Services Quality of high performance and reliable service for voice or video over IP, or for preferential
Service (DiffServ treatment of data over other traffic.

Differentiated The first six bits of the DS field. The DSCP uses packet marking to guarantee a fixed
Services Code percentage of total bandwidth to each of several applications (guarantees quality of
Point (DSCP) service).

Domain Name A system that maps and converts domain and host names to IP addresses.
System (DNS)

Duplicate Address A method used to discover duplicate addresses in an IPv6 network.

Detection (DAD)

Dynamic Host A standard Internet protocol that dynamically configures hosts on an Internet
Configuration Protocol (IP) network for either IPv4 or IPv6. DHCP extends the Bootstrap Protocol
Protocol (DHCP) (BOOTP).

equal cost Distributes routing traffic among multiple equal-cost routes.

multipath (ECMP)

Extensible A port-based network access control protocol. EAPoL provides security in that it
Authentication prevents users from accessing network resources before they are authenticated.
Protocol over LAN

flash memory All switch configuration parameters are stored in flash memory. If you store switch
software images in flash memory, you can update switch software images without
changing switch hardware.

gigabit Ethernet Ethernet technology with speeds up to 1 Gbit/s.


Gigabit Interface A hotswappable input and output enhancement component, designed for use with
Converter (GBIC) Avaya products, that allows Gigabit Ethernet ports to link with other Gigabit Ethernet
ports over various media types.

Internet Control A collection of error conditions and control messages exchanged by IP modules in
Message Protocol both hosts and gateways.

Internet Group IGMP is a host membership protocol used to arbitrate membership in multicast
Management services. IP multicast routers use IGMP to learn the existence of host group
Protocol (IGMP) members on their directly attached subnets.

Internet Protocol An IETF standard that improves the Netflow V9 protocol. IPFIX monitors IP flows.
Flow Information
eXport (IPFIX)

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 441

Internet Protocol Manager (IP Manager)

Internet Protocol Used to limit access to switch management features by defining IP addresses
Manager (IP allowed access to the switch.

Internet Protocol A secure version of the Internet Protocol (IP) that provides optional authentication
security (IPsec) and encryption at the packet level.

Internet Protocol The protocol used to format packets for the Internet and many enterprise networks.
version 4 (IPv4) IPv4 provides packet routing and reassembly.

Internet Protocol An improved version of the IP protocol, IPv6 improves the IPv4 limitations of security
version 6 (IPv6) and user address numbers.

Layer 2 Layer 2 is the Data Link Layer of the OSI model. Examples of Layer 2 protocols are:
Ethernet and Frame Relay.

Layer 3 Layer 3 is the Network Layer of the OSI model. An example of a Layer 3 protocol is
Internet Protocol (IP).

light emitting A semiconductor diode that emits light when a current passes through it.
diode (LED)

Link Aggregation Provides the mechanism to create and manage trunk groups automatically using
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP).

Link Aggregation A network handshaking protocol that provides a means to aggregate multiple links
Control Protocol between appropriately configured devices.

Link Layer Link Layer Discovery Protocol is used by network devices to advertise their
Discovery identities. Devices send LLDP information at fixed intervals in the form of Ethernet
Protocol (LLDP) frames, with each frame having one Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data Unit.

Local Area A data communications system that lies within a limited spatial area, uses a specific
Network (LAN) user group and topology, and can connect to a public switched telecommunications
network (but is not one).

management The MIB defines system operations and parameters used for the Simple Network
information base Management Protocol (SNMP).

mask A bit string that the device uses along with an IP address to indicate the number of
leading bits in the address that correspond with the network part.

maximum The largest number of bytes in a packet—the maximum transmission unit of the
transmission unit port.

442 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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Power over Ethernet (PoE)

media A substance that transmits data between ports; usually fiber optic cables or category
5 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) copper wires.

Media Access Arbitrates access to and from a shared medium.

Control (MAC)

media access unit The equipment in a communications system that adapts or formats signals, such as
(MAU) optical signals, for transmission over the propagation medium.

Message Digest 5 A one-way hash function that creates a message digest for digital signatures.

MultiLink Trunking A method of link aggregation that uses multiple Ethernet trunks aggregated to
(MLT) provide a single logical trunk. A multilink trunk provides the combined bandwidth of
multiple links and the physical layer protection against the failure of a single link.

Multiple Spanning Configures multiple instances of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) on the
Tree Protocol switch.

Network Time A protocol that works with TCP that assures accurate local time keeping with
Protocol (NTP) reference to radio and atomic clocks located on the Internet. NTP synchronizes
distributed clocks within milliseconds over long time periods.

nonbase unit A nonbase unit is any unit in a stack except the base unit.

NonVolatile Random Access Memory that retains its contents after electrical power turns off.
Random Access
Memory (NVRAM)

Open Shortest A link-state routing protocol used as an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP).
Path First (OSPF)

policy-enabled User-defined characteristics that can be set in policies used to control and monitor
networking traffic.

port A physical interface that transmits and receives data.

port mirroring A feature that sends received or transmitted traffic to a second destination.

port VLAN ID Used to coordinate VLANs across multiple switches. When you create a port-based
VLAN on a switch, assign a VLAN identification number (VLAN ID) and specify the
ports that belong to the VLAN.

Power over The capacity of a switch to power network devices, according to the 802.3af
Ethernet (PoE) standard, over an Ethernet cable. Devices include IP phones, Wireless LAN Access
Points (WLAN AP), security cameras, and access control points.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 443


prefix A group of contiguous bits, from 0 to 32 bits in length, that defines a set of

Protocol Data A unit of data that is specified in a protocol of a specific layer and that consists of
Units (PDUs) protocol-control information of the specific layer and possibly user data of that

Proxy Address Allows the switch to respond to an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request from
Resolution a locally attached host (or end station) for a remote destination.
Protocol (Proxy

quality of service QoS features reserve resources in a congested network, allowing you to configure
(QoS) a higher priority to certain devices. For example, you can configure a higher priority
to IP deskphones, which need a fixed bit rate, and, split the remaining bandwidth
between data connections if calls in the network are more important than the file

Rapid Spanning Reduces the recovery time after a network breakdown. RSTP enhances switch-
Tree Protocol generated Topology Change Notification (TCN) packets to reduce network
(RSTP) flooding.

rate limiting Rate limiting sets the percentage of traffic that is multicast, broadcast, or both, on
specified ports.

real time clock Provides the switch with time information if Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
time is unavailable.

redundant power Provides alternate backup power over a DC cable connection into an Avaya Ethernet
supply unit (RPSU) Routing Switch.

Remote A protocol that authenticates, authorizes, and accounts for remote access
Authentication connections that use dial-up networking and Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Dial-in User functionality.
Service (RADIUS)

request for A document series published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that
comments (RFC) describe Internet standards.

routing switch Virtualizes the physical router interfaces to switches. A virtual router port, or
interface, acts as a router port to consolidate switching and routing functions in the
broadcast domain, or between broadcast domains, and enable IP routing for higher
traffic volumes.

small form factor A hot-swappable input and output enhancement component used with Avaya
pluggable (SFP) products to allow gigabit Ethernet ports to link with other gigabit Ethernet ports over
various media types.

444 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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time-to-live (TTL)

Secure Shell (SSH) SSH uses encryption to provide security for remote logons and data transfer over
the Internet.

shortest path first A class of routing protocols that use Djikstra's algorithm to compute the shortest path
(SPF) through a network, according to specified metrics, for efficient transmission of packet

Simple Network Provides a simple mechanism for time synchronization of the switch to any RFC
Time Protocol 2030-compliant Network Time Protocol (NTP) or SNTP server.

spanning tree A simple, fully-connected active topology formed from the arbitrary physical topology
of connected bridged Local Area Network components by relaying frames through
selected bridge ports. The protocol parameters and states that are used and
exchanged to facilitate the calculation of the active topology and to control the bridge
relay function.

Spanning Tree A collection of ports in one spanning tree instance.

Group (STG)

Spanning Tree MAC bridges use the STP to exchange information across Local Area Networks to
Protocol (STP) compute the active topology of a bridged Local Area Network in accordance with
the Spanning Tree Protocol algorithm.

stack Stackable Avaya Ethernet Routing Switches can be connected in a stack

configuration of two or more units, up to eight units maximum. A switch stack
operates and is managed as a single virtual switch.

stack IP address An IP address must be assigned to a stack so that all units can operate as a single

stack unit Any switch within a stack.

stand-alone Refers to a single Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch operating outside a stack.

Terminal Access Terminal Access Controller Access Control System plus (TACACS+) is a security
Controller Access protocol that provides centralized validation of users who attempt to gain access to
Control System a router or network access server. TACACS+ uses Transmission Control Protocol
plus (TCP) for its transport to ensure reliable delivery and encrypts the entire body of the
packet. TACACS+ provides separate authentication, authorization, and accounting
services. TACACS+ is not compatible with previous versions of TACACS.

Time Domain Provides diagnostic capability on Ethernet copper ports to test connected cables for
Reflectometer defects. The TDR interrupts 10/100 MB/s links but does not affect 1 GB/s links.

time-to-live (TTL) The field in a packet used to determine the valid duration for the packet. The TTL
determines the packet lifetime. The system discards a packet with a TTL of zero.

Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013 445

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Transmission Provides flow control and sequencing for transmitted data over an end-to-end
Control Protocol connection.

Trivial File A protocol that governs transferring files between nodes without protection against
Transfer Protocol packet loss.

trunk A logical group of ports that behaves like a single large port.

type of service A field in the IPv4 header that determines the Class of Service prior to the
(TOS) standardization of Differentiated Services.

unit select switch Use the unit select switch on the back of a unit in the stack to designate the unit as
the base or nonbase unit.

unshielded A cable with one or more pairs of twisted insulated copper conductors bound in a
twisted pair (UTP) single plastic sheath.

User Datagram In TCP/IP, a packet-level protocol built directly on the Internet Protocol layer. TCP/
Protocol (UDP) IP host systems use UDP for application-to-application programs.

Virtual Local Area A Virtual Local Area Network is a group of hosts that communicate as if they are
Network (VLAN) attached to the same broadcast domain regardless of their physical location. VLANs
are layer 2 constructs.

Virtual Router A protocol used in static routing configurations, typically at the edge of the network.
Redundancy This protocol operates on multiple routers on an IP subnet and elects a primary
Protocol (VRRP) gateway router. When the primary router fails, a backup router is quickly available
to take its place.

Voice over IP The technology that delivers voice information in digital form in discrete packets
(VOIP) using the Internet Protocol (IP) rather than the traditional circuit-committed protocols
of the public switched telephone network (PSTN).

XFP A pluggable 10 gigabit transceiver capable of providing different optical media for a
switch. The XFP is similar to an SFP transceiver but is larger in size.

446 Configuring Systems on Avaya ERS 4000 Series November 2013

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