E-Policing in The PNP Laoag City Police Station Case Study
E-Policing in The PNP Laoag City Police Station Case Study
E-Policing in The PNP Laoag City Police Station Case Study
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study illustrates how the PNP Laoag City neighborhood watch groups, promoting crime prevention
Police Station implement their PNP e-projects with the events, developing crime prevention blog, hosting a crime
adaptation of modern policing system or the e-policing prevention web chat, creating a crime prevention podcast.
and problems arise during its implementation. The
awareness of the community was also determined to test Meanwhile, e-Policing was adopted for community
the reliability of the study. This research relied on the policing to promote better involvement of the public since
literatures and survey questionnaires to collect data. community policing aims at enhancing police-community
Hence, it was found out that the PNP e-project through partnerships in crime prevention within their localities. With
the use of modern e-policing has effectively implemented community policing, service delivery can be improved:
in conducting investigation; crime reduction and; problems can be jointly identified and solved; interactions
improved organizational communication. However, between the police force and the public increase; and trust of
intermittent internet connection and lack of trained the public in the police force can be enhanced (Dominique,
personnel were the primary problems encountered by W. 2010). However, Zambia's strategic adoption of this
the Police Station during its implementation. Therefore, concept has been very slow with a concentration on internal
the study recommends that the Regional Philippine police modernization for improved case analysis. The key
National Police Training Unit may provide enhancement stakeholders such as the public still face challenges to
training for the PNP personnel before the appointment contact the Police through mobile technology despite having
on specific PNP e-projects and may assign at least one IT phones and other mobile terminals (Joel, et al., 2016).
expert personnel who will be in-charge in monitoring the
internet connection when needed and maintain the (Colvin and Goh 2005) proves that the information
performance flow of the system to avoid clogging of the quality and timeless are two important components that are
system. effective in terms of achieving acceptance by the patrol
officer. Wright (1978, p. 306) commented that the aim of
Keywords:- E-Policing, PNP E-Projects, Implementation. technology as used in law enforcement is to facilitate and
provide efficiency in policing. As well as to lift the
I. INTRODUCTION perception of the police and changed the character of
traditional policing. Thus, similarly represents changes in
E-Policing is defined as a transaction of services and police management and organization and adaptation to the
information between the police and citizens using the new technologies. As such, police may enhance their
internet (Royal Canadian Mounted Police, no date; Boondao professional status and organizational legitimacy as well
and Tripathi, 2007; Lebeuf, 2006). As cited in the articles (Manning 1992a; Ericson and Haggerty 1997).
(Koper et al. 2009), e-Policing systems enable Law
Enforcement agencies to be ahead of criminals in terms of As agreed by Hanson, W. (2011), Community Policing
utilization of sophisticated crime prevention and reduction today has also expanded through social networking to locate
technology as well as to enhance the security police records missing, alert neighbors of suspicious activity and even
and could result in improved crime detection, analysis, and inform the public about crimes committed in their
investigation. neighbors.
Evolving computerized and mobile technologies are The Philippine Constabulary Data Processing Unit
also changing the face of policing, from department and (PCDPU) was established on October 18, 1965, 3 years later
emergency communication systems to surveillance and renamed Crime Information and Data Processing Center
investigation of criminal activity. To sum it up, the same (CRIDPC), concentrated mainly on collating crime-related
tools that facilitate criminal communications also enable law data from the field. It was March 1, 1972, became
enforcement to engage in new crime prevention efforts Constabulary Computer Center wherein the main task is a
(International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2012), to nationwide crime data bank for use in crime studies
locate, monitor, and apprehend offenders, and to prepare accessible to law enforcement agencies on a direct inquiry
cases for prosecution. The International Association of basis. On January 13, 1988, the Constabulary Computer
Chiefs of Police (IACP) suggests a social media strategy in Center (CCC) was renamed PC/INP Computer Center. It
which law enforcement agencies can use a variety of tactics was January 1991, under the creation of RA 6975 PNP
to “promote and enhance crime prevention efforts, Computer Service was officially organized. Through
“including: posting crime prevention tips, supporting Resolution Number 2008-532 dated November 11, 2008, as
Data Gathering Instrument the dean of the College of Criminal Justice Education. Upon
In data gathering, the researcher used the survey approval, the researcher administered the distribution of
questionnaire. According to Check & Schutt, 2012, p. 160, survey questionnaires to the participants of the said police
Survey research is defined as the collection of information station and an informal follow-up interview may be
from a sample of individuals through their responses to conducted when needed. For the validation of the reliability
questions. This type of research allows a variety of methods of the data, a survey questionnaire is distributed to the
to recruit participants, collect data, and utilize various resident of the City as well thru the use of google forms.
methods of instrumentation. The data gathering instrument
of the researcher will initially subject to validation by the Treatment of Data
adviser and approval by the Chief of Police of Laoag City The researcher used the descriptive type of data
Police Station. analysis to describe the extent and problems encountered in
implementing the e-policing of the PNP Laoag City Police
Data Gathering Procedures Station. The treatment shows or summarized data in a
In conducting the study, the researcher requested for meaningful way which allows simpler interpretation of the
the approval of the Laoag City Police Station with the aid of data. The study used the weighted mean and a four-point
a letter to be given to them duly signed by the adviser and Likert scale to analyze and describe the data gathered.
As gleaned on the table 3, the highest mean of the perceived in the table, the PNP has been effectively
level of awareness of the community on e-policing disseminating information to raise the awareness of the
has2.47on the variable of CIRAS/e-Blotter which interprets public regarding the PNP e-Projects pursuant to the
as slightly awarewhile on the e-Warrant System has the Memorandum Circular Number 2011-001.
lowest mean of 2.10 as slightly aware. The result proved that
this could help the public to understand the programs of the The Extent of Implementation of e-Policing in the PNP
PNP, as cited by John Ray, 2012, “community involvement Laoag City Police Station.
counts in police matters”. Dominique, W. 2010 further Table 4 shows that the implementation of e-policing is
stated that e-Policing was adopted for community policing Strongly Implemented on all variables provided. PNP e-
to promote better involvement of the public since projects policies and objectives were well observe up to its
community policing aims at enhancing police-community implementation specifically to those who were assigned in
partnerships in crime prevention within their localities.As handling the account or system accordingly.
Table 4, The Extent of Implementation of e-Policing of the PNP Laoag City Police Station.
Mean Interpretation
1. The complaint or information of citizen is encoded directly to the computer. 3.77 Strongly Implemented
2. the complainant can get update by showing the incident record transaction receipt. 3.77 Strongly Implemented
4. Police stations have crime registrars whose main responsibility would be to encode
crime information into the e-blotter system 3.77 Strongly Implemented
Case Information and Database Management System
1. Records of case by digitizing case folder to have a case folder repository/backup 3.86 Strongly Implemented
2. Conduct case folder cross-referring cases to aid in solving cases 3.68 Strongly Implemented
3. Conduct case monitoring and reports Implemented
4. Check criminal records for reference 3.86 Strongly Implemented
5. Update all case records and add the recipient Investigator with date handled from being
the date of turnover and the date handled to as To Present.
3.81 Strongly Implemented
6. The Chief Investigator will submit a memo to RIDMD, DIDMD, PIDMB, CIDMB
signed by the Chief of Police/ Head of unit, indicating the name of the outgoing
Investigator, his previous unit and his new unit 3.77 Strongly Implemented
7. All information are treated confidential. 3.81 Strongly Implemented
e-Subpoena System
1. Ensure concerned personnel faithfully attend court duties. 3.86 Strongly Implemented
2. Ensure the use and utilization of the e-Subpoena System in the police station. 3.81 Strongly Implemented
3. Concerned police officer is properly informed and that they personally report to the
Police Station to receive the subpoena. 3.77 Strongly Implemented
4. Subpoena is forwarded to the concerned police station where the PNP personnel 3.86 Strongly Implemented
5. Maintain an official logbook where the concerned PNP personnel signs as a
confirmation of receipt of the issued subpoena. 3.77 Strongly Implemented
e-Rouge gallery System
1.The police station provide access to data on criminals to include pictures that are in the
files of police units in the country. 3.90 Strongly Implemented
e-Warrant System
1. The system automate the issuance of arrest warrants by our courts for a speedier and
more effective service by our law enforcement agents. 3.86 Strongly Implemented
As gleaned in table 4, among the five indicators the However, under the PNP Memorandum Circular
highest has a mean of 3.90 on the e-Rouge Gallery System Number 2014-019, the Test and Evaluation Procedures and
as interpreted Strongly Implemented, while in the Case Guidelines on PNP Internet Connectivity for Voice and Data
Information and Management System particularly on Communications are established to monitor the internet
indicators 1 and 2 has the lowest mean of 3.68 is likewise connection of each PNP office. This is to ensure compliance
interpreted as Strongly Implemented. Hence, the result of to requirements on internet connectivity subject for
the study supports the work of Wright (1978, p. 306), that procurement, evaluation, and/or acceptance by the
technology used in law enforcement aims to facilitate and Philippine National Police. Besides, the conduct of different
provide efficiency in policing and will also lift the test under the Terms Reference of Internet subscription for
perception of the police and changed the character of the Directorate for Information and Communications
traditional policing. Although, in the case of Zambia this Technology Management (DICTM) is provided to support
concept has been very slow with a concentration on internal effective, efficient, and innovative services according to the
police modernization for improved case analysis (Joel, et al., Integrated Transformation Program-Performance
2016). (Manning 1992a; Ericson and Haggerty 1997) argued Governance System (ITP-PGS) or the PNP Peace and Order
that police may only enhance their professional status and Agenda for Transformation and Upholding of the Rule of
organizational legitimacy by adopting the new technologies Law (P.A.T.R.O.L.) Plan 2030 envisions a more
focused on police management, flexibility, and key modes professional, effective, and credible police service by the
of organizing. year 2030 (Command Memorandum Circular 28-13 (PNP
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
As seen in the result, Koper et al. 2009, relates that e- Management Eligibility).
policing system specifically the PNP e-projects is an
innovative approach not only in crime prevention and Lack of trained personnel
reduction technology further could result in improving crime In the case of Laoag City Police Station reported that
detection, analysis and investigation. These e-projects these trained personnel were usually reassigned to another
upgrade the PNP’s investigative equipment, installation of unit or station therefore, systems/accounts were not updated
case tracking system, institutionalize the crime reporting on time.
from all PNP units reflecting the true crime situation in real-
time, the implementation enhanced crime reporting system Participants stated that:
in the country. “The programs are progressing, however; the station needs
IT expert or trained personnel to continuously update and
According to Stewart et. Al., 2008, Implementation is monitor the systematic flow of the program accordingly.”
a means of the execution of the law in which stakeholders,
organizations, procedures, and techniques work together to E-Policing applications bring a substantial
put policies into effect to attain goals. improvement to an institution but often face challenges in
implementation and functionality problems with the new
Problems encountered during the implementation of e- system. One of the major concerns within an organization
Policing by the PNP personnel. implementing technological policing is the lack of technical
The following are the common problems encountered support or a lack of trained personnel. This may not only
by the PNP personnel during the implementation of e- affect the effectiveness of these e-policing programs but will
policing: (a) Intermitted connection and; (b) Lack of trained likely create a negative impact on job satisfaction and
personnel. productivity. Concerning this, frontline implementers are the
focal resources in policy implementation. They need a
Intermitted Connection commitment to policy objectives and necessary skills in
In this time of modern policing, the internet has using available resources to achieve policy objectives since
become a vital part of policing nowadays. It became a the incompetency of frontlines implementers may lead to
necessity for every institution or organization especially in implementation failure (Mazmanian & Sabatier, 1989).
law enforcement in terms of monitoring, reducing crime but
also for records purposes. However, the PNP personnel Findings
reported that one of the problems in implementing e- The awareness of the community on e-policing is
policing is the internet connection. Participants reported: perceived as slightly aware specifically of the PNP e-
projects of the Laoag City Police Station. It is deemed that
“The internet connection is weak which causes the delay of CIRAS/e-Blotter is primarily well-observed although the e-
sending reports or encoding data on the database system.” warrant system is the least observe among the five PNP e-