ML and Deep Learning Syllabus
ML and Deep Learning Syllabus
ML and Deep Learning Syllabus
Course Requirements
1. Regular class attendance is the main requirement of this course.
2. Active class participation, this means you must spend some quality time preparing for
your next class.
3. Regular practice will be required using either laptop or desktop.
Course Syllabus
Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Machine Learning vs AI
Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
Required Maths
o Linear Algebra
o Probability
Probability distributions (Continuous and Discrete)
Central Limit Theorem
o Statistics
Types of Machine Learning
o Supervised
o Unsupervised
o Reinforcement
Tool Kit
o Python Basics
o Numpy
o Pandas
o Matplotlib
o Scikit-learn or sklearn Library
Dimension Reductionality
o Data Analysis Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Orthogonality
For image
For Iris Dataset
Data Visualization
o Concepts of Size, Shape, Color
o Various Visualization types
o Heat map
Text processing to features
o Sentence Splitting and Tokenization
o Punctuations and Stop words
o Lemmatization
o Bag-of-words
Supervised algorithms
o Linear Regression
o Logistic Regression
o Decision Tree
o Bagging
o Random Forest
Unsupervised algorithms
o K means
o Clustering
Distance measures
Different clustering methods (Distance, Density, Hierarchical)
Feature Extraction and selection
Under fitting and over fitting
Deep Learning
Perceptrons: What is a Perceptron, XOR Gate
Activation Functions
o Sigmoid
o ReLU, Hyperbolic Fns,
o Softmax
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
Develop an appreciation for what is involved in learning models from data.
Understand a wide variety of learning algorithms.
Understand how to evaluate models generated from data.
Apply the algorithms to a real-world problem, optimize the models learned and report on
the expected accuracy that can be achieved by applying the models.
Name: Padmini
Contact Number: 8500900654