ML and Deep Learning Syllabus

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Course: Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Duration: 40-50 Hours

Course Fee: 25000/-
Course Description
Machine learning is a rapidly growing field in Computer science, to the extent that it
became a very popular buzz word. It seems it is everywhere today - from self-driving cars
to automatic cancerous tumours detection. Deep learning is a sub field in the world of
Machine learning mainly based around neural networks - a conceptual model of the human
brain that has been around for decades but is getting more and more attention in the last
several years. Using this model, we are capable of achieving wonderful results in solving
complex problems that were once out of our reach.
Based on fundamental knowledge of computer science principles and skills,
probability and statistics theory, and the theory and application of linear algebra. This
course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition
and deep learning. In this course we will start our journey in the world of deep learning -
we will start by getting familiar with basic concepts and theory, all the way down to actual
hands-on practice.

Course Requirements
1. Regular class attendance is the main requirement of this course.
2. Active class participation, this means you must spend some quality time preparing for
your next class.
3. Regular practice will be required using either laptop or desktop.

Course Syllabus
Machine Learning

 Introduction
 What is Machine Learning
 What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
 Machine Learning vs AI
 Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
 Required Maths
o Linear Algebra
o Probability
 Probability distributions (Continuous and Discrete)
 Central Limit Theorem
o Statistics
 Types of Machine Learning
o Supervised
o Unsupervised
o Reinforcement
 Tool Kit
o Python Basics
o Numpy
o Pandas
o Matplotlib
o Scikit-learn or sklearn Library
 Dimension Reductionality
o Data Analysis Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
 Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Orthogonality
 For image
 For Iris Dataset
 Data Visualization
o Concepts of Size, Shape, Color
o Various Visualization types
o Heat map
 Text processing to features
o Sentence Splitting and Tokenization
o Punctuations and Stop words
o Lemmatization
o Bag-of-words
 Supervised algorithms
o Linear Regression
o Logistic Regression
o Decision Tree
o Bagging
o Random Forest
 Unsupervised algorithms
o K means
o Clustering
 Distance measures
 Different clustering methods (Distance, Density, Hierarchical)
 Feature Extraction and selection
 Bias-Variance
 Under fitting and over fitting
Deep Learning
 Perceptrons: What is a Perceptron, XOR Gate
 Activation Functions
o Sigmoid
o ReLU, Hyperbolic Fns,
o Softmax

 Artificial Neural Networks

o Introduction
o Perceptron Training Rule
o Gradient Descent Rule

 Gradient Descent and Backpropagation

o Gradient Descent
o Stochastic Gradient Descent
o Backpropagation
o Overfitting
o Cross Validation
o Feature Selection
o Regularization
o Hyper parameters
o Dropout
 Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks:
o Introduction to CNNs
o Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
 Deep Learning applications
o Image Processing
o Natural Language Processing
o Speech Recognition
o Video Analytics
 Tools
o Tensor flow
o Pytorch
 Sample projects
 Interview Questions

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
 Develop an appreciation for what is involved in learning models from data.
 Understand a wide variety of learning algorithms.
 Understand how to evaluate models generated from data.
 Apply the algorithms to a real-world problem, optimize the models learned and report on
the expected accuracy that can be achieved by applying the models.

Name: Padmini
Contact Number: 8500900654

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