Twenty Pages in The Life of Scheussler Cell Salts Final

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Scheussler’s Biochemistry:
An Exploration into the Benefits of Cell Salt Remedies
Hillary Barrera
Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education

A breakthrough researcher in the investigation of the many roles that minerals play in the

human body was a medical doctor from Germany who was fascinated by the idea that natural

substances could cure disease. This doctor’s name was Wilhelm. H Scheussler, a man

responsible for what we know today as cell salt therapy. Scheussler was interested in

biochemistry, the study of chemical and physiochemical processes that go on inside the human

body. This is the study that encompasses the science of cell salts. Cell salts, also known as tissue

salts in some circles, were recognized and then created as remedies by Schuessler as a

culmination of two major ideas that resonated deeply with him. To fully understand this inspired

work of Dr. Scheusslar and his development of cell salt therapy, it must be understood from

where, or whom rather, his inspiration came from. Enter homeopathy, cell theory, also known as

cell doctrine, and two men by the names of Samuel Hahnemann and Rudolph Virchow.

Homeopathy was first conceptualized and evolved by a German physician and scientist

named Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann performed extensive research with thousands of organic

and inorganic substances to prove his theory of “like cures like.” Homo, meaning same, and

pathy, denoting feeling or suffering. Evidence of same or like suffering materialized as

Hahnemann performed provings time and time again that the same substances that cause a

disease in a healthy patient, actually resulted in curing the same symptoms of disease in a patient

who was ill. Additionally, Hahnemann made the revolutionary discovery that “the very smallest

dosage of a particular remedy- less than one part per million- was more effective than the large

doses commonly given. In his day, large quantities of medical substances were routinely

dispensed to patients.” (Lennon & Rolfe, 2004. P. 7). Remedies could, and would, be diluted

down until there was no amount of the raw material left. Depending on the symptoms of disease,

these levels of dilution and forms of preparation actually stimulated the body to heal itself fully

instead of traditional treatments simply blocked symptoms. This homeopathic approach to

treatment was “Like Hippocrates before him, Hahnemann saw his patient as a whole being- one

who is joined in the body, mind, spirit, and emotions. And only by taking into account the whole

being can the patient be healed of all disease.” (McCabe, 2009. P. 11). For Hahnemann and

homeopaths after him, the disease diagnosis is almost completely useless if the uniquity and state

of wholeness of a patient is not considered. This means that symptoms of disease are not treated,

patients are treated based on the entire spectrum of their symptoms, including their behaviors,

personalities, and who they are as people. The basic understanding of homeopathic principal is

important to recognize, as it influenced the preparation and manufacturing of cell salts.

Schuessler, who first became a homeopathic physician, builds his theories upon these principles.

As Schuessler studied homeopathy, he too studied and found understanding in the works

of Rudolph Virchow, a theorist and scientist who came to be known as the Father of Cell Theory

and the Chief Founder of Modern Scientific Medicine. As stated by McCabe (2009, p.180),

Virchow’s earlier publications on cell theory can basically be summed up by one comment he

made in one of his first publications: “life is essentially cell activity.” As Virchow’s work

progressed, it became largely developed from the work of Theodor Schwann, a scientist known

for discovering that all animal tissues are made of cells. Schwann held tight to the preconceived

notion that cells were of a spontaneous nature, that they just appeared from a fluid recognized

then as blastema, and diseased cells came from diseased blastema. Through Virchov’s own

studies, he separated himself from spontaneous genesis and boldly stated “All cells come from

cells.” (as cited in McCabe, 2009, p. 22). This statement came to be known as biogenic law and

continued to shape scientists and physicians of pathology for generations to come. As Virchow’s

work began to develop, his work gave rise to arguably the most influential statement on

Schuesslar and the cell salts yet. “Every form of suffering is only based on a disorder in the cells.

Only the cell can become sick- the cell, the smallest functioning unit of the human body.” (as

cited in McCabe, 2009, p. 22). Deeply affected by and closely following the development of cell

theory, the final catalyst to the turning point of Schuessler’s career happened with a conclusion

reached by a fellow cell theory and Virchow follower, a man name Moleschott. “’ The structure

and vitality of organs are conditioned by the necessary amounts of inorganic constituents.’ In

other words, in order to be healthy, cells need to be nourished. And, as Virchow had already

concluded that the life of the body was dependent upon the life of its cells, it could therefore be

concluded that the health of the whole body was to a great part dependent upon the proper

nourishment of the cells.” (McCabe, 2009. P. 22). This aforementioned nourishment is the

inorganic material recognized as absolute necessities to the human body; also known as minerals.

These essential minerals come together in chemical compounds to create cell salts.

Queue the melding of two very different developments of science and medicine in the

time of Schuesslar’s practice and research. From one end of the spectrum, cell theory, he took

the idea that health and vitality could uattained and maintained through the nourishing of cells

through the use of specific inorganic substances in specific doses. From the other end of the

spectrum, homeopathy, he took the preparation of homeopathic remedies, the practice of

prescribing in low dilutions, and further argued that the active ingredients in homeopathic

remedies that affect cell metabolism are the inorganic minerals in the organic matter used to

make the homeopathic remedies. Schuessler carried on in his studies with the analyzing of

human blood, as well as, human ashes after death. He began to isolate minerals from these

various tissues and discovered twelve mineral compounds that he referred to as cell salts. He

theorized that when the body became deficient in (or fell out of balance with) any of these

important minerals, an abnormal or diseased condition occurred; and when correct minerals were

supplied to the cells, abnormal or diseased symptoms decreased or disappeared and the body

healed itself. It is important to recognize, as Schuessler himself did, that there are far more than

twelve various mineral compounds present in the body at any given time. The twelve identified

in Schuessler’s series were deemed the most important by him because he believed they were

what actually made up the tissues of the human body and occurred naturally. (Lennon & Rolfe,

2004, p.9, McCabe, 2009, p. 23).

Schuessler’s discoveries led him to adopt a nutritional approach to medicine. Thus, the

new issue became a question of how the various mineral compounds could be supplied to and

readily and easily assimilated by depleted cells that had been weakened by a starved or restricted

supply. As aforementioned, a homeopathic approach was settled on for his not so homeopathic

notion. “He began to create these essential minerals, the cell salts, in potentized form of

homeopathic remedies, using the same methods of dilution that Hahnemann set forth in the

creation of homeopathic remedies. In doing this, he created what where in essence homeopathic

remedies, and their physical form at least, although he did not intend to use them in accordance

with the law of similar, as Hahnemann did. Instead, Schuessler worked by the theory of

deficiency.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 32). Often times, the most powerful homeopathic remedies, of

organic or inorganic nature, are diluted to a high potency and there is no raw material left in the

remedy itself. Schuessler, however, decided on a form of low potency for administering his cell

salts. The low potency dosages provided actual readily and easily available presence of an

essential mineral, but were administered in a form that also “stimulated the body to absorb and

utilize them in the optimal amounts needed to maintain balance and health.” (McCabe, 2009, p.


All of these ideas linked together form the full ideas of Schuessler’s biochemical cell salt

therapy. Unlike, homeopathy, the successes of cell salt therapy is entirely relied upon by linking

a person’s symptoms with the appropriate tissue cell salts. “Symptoms occur in a variety of

forms and our guide to the nature of the body’s deficiency into the correct treatment required.

How and where they occur will help you decide the correct tissue cell salt. Often, you need more

than one. The proper dose replenishes the cell salt supply and restores tissue or organ function.”

(Weintraub, 1999, p. 12). Cell salt therapy a safe and beneficial way to treat any form of

nutritional deficiencies; they help the body maintain balance and nourish it during times of

disease and distress. The twelve cell salts are given their name based on traditional periodic table

elemental names. In the following summaries, additional names will be identified as well as

common conditions suggesting a need for a particular cell salt, mental symptoms, emotional

symptoms, physical symptoms, and key components that might lead one to a specific remedy; to

start, the 12 cell salts remedies are Calcarea Fluorica, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea

Sulphorica, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Kali Muriaticum, Kali Phosphoricum, Kali Sulphuricum,

Magnesia Phosphorica, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Phosphoricum, Natrum Sulphuricum, and


Calcarea Fluorica, Calc. Fluor., is a remedy made using the chemical compound calcium

fluoride. It is known as a natural producer of suppleness and elasticity, is found in the bone

covering, teeth enamel, blood vessel walls, skin cells and is a prime ingredient in elastic fibers of

the body. Ailments suggesting the need for Calcarea Fluorica are aneurysms, bone diseases and

bone pain, cataracts, cold sores, colds, coughs, postnasal drip, flatulence, gout, hardening of

tissue, herpes, hemorrhoids, Hodgkin’s disease, low back pain, nodes and any part of the body,

strains, varicose veins, and wrinkles. Calc. Fluor is essential to the connective tissue of the body;

it is used in all cases of tissue weakness, excessive hardness, and prolapse. This remedy helps the

tendons, ligaments, and joints of the body. It is often seen used extensively for fluoride

treatments to strengthen tooth enamel. Calc. Fluor. is unique in two ways; it is excellent in

remedying ailments of long-standing and also ailments that have a certain vagueness or even

sluggishness to them. The latter of its uniquity can be fully expressed in the mental and

emotional symptoms of the Calcarea Fluorica patient. These patients typically blend a sense of

freeform anxiety with a sense of indecision. These patients can fixate on specific fears, have

tendencies towards hypochondria, have depressions great and small, have tendencies to look on

the dark side of life or any present situation, and have an incapability to focus on any given

situation at hand. Calc. Fluor. Patients may have trouble verbally conveying his or her ideas, they

can forget what they are saying midsentence, and confuse their words all while exhibiting a

certain dullness and indecision. They can be hard to treat. They do not seem to actively resist

treatment, but can have a tendency to be passive aggressive in an unwillingness to do anything to

relieve them of chronic illness. These patients may also feel at the mercy of their disease

symptoms which may cause anxiety. Whether they exhibit an anxious state or an apathetic state,

a Calc. Fluor. mentality is often presented as a block against treatment. These sluggish and vague

symptoms play out in physical complaints as well as the mental and emotional, and can be seen

in its listing of common ailments. Soft tissues throughout the body will tend toward a lack of

elasticity, fibers are relaxed instead of being supple, there may be malnutrition of the bones, and

poor ossification. A need for Calcarea Fluorica can generally be linked to a poor diet.

The second cell salt is Calcarea Phosphorica. Calc. Phos., the abbreviation, is made from

calcium phosphate, and is also called phosphate of lime. Calcarea Phosphorica is found in bones,

cartilage, tendons, inner parts of teeth, and digestive fluid. Constituting about 57% of bone

tissue, this cell salt is used like cement when combined with protein. Prominent in bone tissue, it

is also a main constituent of all the cells and fluids in the body. Recognized as a good general

tonic for all cellular activity, this cell salt will promote feelings of overall wellness. This overall

feeling of wellness can be attributed not only to its vast omnipresence throughout the human

body, but also to the profound effect the cell salt has on assimilation. This is why Calc. Phos. is

often added to treatments along with other cells salts, it intensifies their action by restoring

proper tone to tissues through structural integrity and reinforcing the opportunity for healthy

cellular activity. Calcarea Phosphorica is often used with very young and very old patients. It

supports healthy bones and teeth during times of rapid growth in the young and supports the

elderly during recovery from severe ailments and as an exceptional tonic for the nervous system.

Common uses of and conditions that suggests Calcarea Phosphorica are anemia, arthritis, bone

inflammation, brittle or soft bones, fractures of all kinds, broken bones, colds with a sore throat,

colic, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, eczema, gout, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, joint

pain, backache, palpitation, teething problems, tonsillitis, weakness with exhaustion, trembling

and delayed recovery, cavities of teeth, and weight gain and obesity. A mental symptom of a

person who may need Calc. Phos. is the displaying of an overall fogginess, slowness, or

incapacity to concentrate; children may be slow to learn and elderly may have problems with

short-term memory with clear long-term memory. Emotionally, persons who need this cell salt

tend to be deeply emotional, appreciate solitary existence, and dread doing required tasks,

whatever the tasks may be. Calcarea Phosphorica can be used to help cope with grief and bad

news or to help manage the emotional corollaries of the loss of a loved one. Some specifically

clear indicators for this remedy are terribly sensitive or throbbing and burning headaches

accompanied by symptoms of rheumatism, inability to sleep late in the morning with lingering

sleepiness upon awaking, overly vivid dreams or nightmares, creeping sensations of the skin

with limb numbness, cataracts when they are accompanied by a right-sided headaches and eye

pain, acquisition of constant colds and mucosal conditions especially when nasal discharge is

reminiscent of a raw egg, cases of constipation accompanied by depression, vertigo, and

headaches in the elderly, an aching or hurting of the bones around the ear accompanied by a cold

feeling of the outer ear, a flabby abdomen even if there is an overall general thinness, and when

there is chilling in us, pain in the liver, and soreness after or during eating or motion.

The third of cells salts is calcarea Sulphurica. Calc. Sulph. is the abbreviation, it is made

from calcium sulfate, and is also known as plaster of Paris or gypsum. It is found in epithelial

tissue and in the blood for clotting. Calc. Sulph. is known as a powerful healer and purifier of the

blood, and because of this, it is used for infections, pus, and general toxicity of the body. Its

detoxifying qualities are showcased as it eliminates waste materials and prevents new infection.

It has been seen as a protector of stomach walls, eyeballs, nasal passages, mouth, throat, bladder

and other organs that need protection against moisture; it will hold water but resist acid as it

coats surfaces. This cell salt is needed to destroy old red blood cells when their life cycles have

ended. Without it a liver may become overloaded and congested. Common uses and conditions

that suggests the need for the cell salt are abscesses, burns, acne, colds, costs, sore throat

glandular swelling, hemorrhaging, herpes, injuries, cuts, bruises, conjunctivitis, skin conditions,

and tendencies towards infection and reinfection. A person in need of Calc. Sulph. often has an

emotional temperament that develops with the day. Beginning in the morning with a lighthearted

happiness, it all begins to wane as the day seems to yield a steady progression of difficulty and

depression; the worst time being from 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM. Along with a shifting daily

temperament, the need for the cell salt might be indicated by silent broadening, contrary and self-

contradictory behavior, disdain for being disagreed with are patronized, a loss of motivation as

they begin their tasks, and a sensation of suffocation and craving for air. A clear indicator for the

need of Calc. Sulph. is, first and foremost, the color yellow. A sick yellow coat will be present

on the tongue. The skin may take on a yellow tinge as it becomes dry. All accompanying puss

will be yellow; in ulcers, pimples, and wounds; as well as, the mucosal discharges from the nose.

Other indicators for this remedy are pains associated with symptoms will also have burning

sensations or sensations of numbness, chronic acne of the face, back, and shoulders, dandruff,

fever due to infection, a hot and sweaty head during sleep, chronically swollen glands,

sensitivities to both cold and heat, aggravation by lifting or bending, a ravenous urgency to eat or

total lack of appetite, salts, sweet, and greasy cravings, and tendencies towards a slow recovery


The fourth cell salt remedy is Ferrum Phosphoricum and is abbreviated by Ferrum Phos.

It is made from iron phosphate and is found in blood, vein and artery walls, and capillaries.

Ferrum Phos. is known as the preeminent biochemical remedy for common acute conditions.

This cell salt is important for oxygenating of the blood as it carries oxygen to all parts of the

body. A lack of oxygen in the blood increases circulation and creates excess heat, this is what

makes Ferrum Phos. extremely valuable in times of controlling fever and inflammation. This

remedy is often needed by children and young people and especially by those going through

puberty. It is the principal remedy for neurology pain. Common uses and conditions that suggests

the need for Ferrum Phos. are anemia, arthritis, bedwetting, bronchitis, diabetes, cystitis,

diarrhea, earache and infection, headaches, fever, inflammations, injuries, measles, mumps,

nosebleeds, rheumatism, incontinence, morning sickness, stiff neck, painful periods, pneumonia,

prolapse, and tinnitus. Ferrum Phos. is profoundly useful for balancing iron in the body whether

it is too high or too low. It is also arguably the most important remedy to combat anemia. Often

times, the need of this cell salt remedy is accompanied by a relaxed view of one’s own illness,

“their reaction to their condition is more or less appropriate to that condition, nothing more,

nothing less.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 83). The origins of the illness may seem confusing or unknown

and have a lack of specificity. Situations indicating the need are often accompanied by the color

red. Affected parts will display a bright redness, discharges may be bloody, and when blood is

present it will be very bright red. Other indicators for the need of this remedy are whooping

cough that is leading to vomiting, painful coughing, short, dry, and spasmodic coughing, the

wanting to rest or lie down accompanied by a trouble to sleep, right shoulder pain in all ages, and

a tightness in the right side of the neck. An interesting idea is that “some biochemists believe a

lack of ferrum phos. is often the cause of the common cold. When there is an iron deficiency, the

blood is drawn away from the skin and outlying parts of the body so that it can concentrate

important areas such as the heart, lungs, liver, brain, and stomach. The pores of the skin are

consequently closed, and there is an accumulation of nonfunctional matter thrown out by the

mucous membranes. This accumulation is the cause of the characteristic discharges of colds,

pneumonia, and pleurisy.” (Lennon & Rolfe, 2004, p.71). Hence the preeminent value for the

common acute condition. This remedy should always be remembered at the first sign of a cold or

illness as the oxygenating effect does not hold as much value when disease has fully set in.

The fifth cell salt is Kali Muriaticum, Kali Mur is the abbreviation. It is made from

potassium chloride and is found in blood fibrin. “Kali Mur is the worker of the blood that forms

fibrin and properly defuses it through the tissues of the body. It keeps body fluids and correct

thickness, including blood, and works on mucous conditions.” (Card, 2007, p.11). Kali Mur. is

known as the remedy for sluggish, run down conditions. It can be quite subtle in its action. This

cell salt is an essential component in muscle tissue, as well as, nerve cells and brain cells. Kali

Mur. can be a powerful cleanser, it plays cleanup while helping to destroy wastes as the body

fights fever or infection. This cell salt is most commonly given as a secondary remedy after the

first remedies have been distributed. It quite literally heightens the effects of preceding cell salt

remedies and aids in the completion of healing. In other words, Kali Mur. is best for second

stages of illness. It is also a favorable option when symptoms have been slow in developing.

Common uses and conditions that suggest the need for the cell salt are chronic bronchitis,

chickenpox, colds and coughs, autoimmune diseases, eustachian tube earaches, cystitis, deafness,

measles, mumps, nodes, obesity, wandering joint or muscle pain, rheumatism associated with

cracking joints, sore throats with laryngitis, swelling, and ill effects of vaccinations. A person in

need of Kali Mur. will be hungry; they will eat regardless of the illness, they will eat foods they

cannot digest, and they will eat beyond making themselves sick. This person might exhibit a

desire to suffer in silence, experience no humor or pleasure of any kind, and a disinclination to

speak and an irritability-causing inability to find comfort in anything. Kali Mur. need is

represented by the color white. A thick white or gray coating tends to be present on the base of

the tongue, discharges are milky white, as well as, thick, lumpy and/or slimy. The moment these

discharges appear is indicative of exactly when this remedy should be given. Other symptoms

that are strong indicators for this remedy are cracking noises, particularly in the joints of fingers

and hands, presence of stallings in recovery, chronic pain of an unidentifiable nature, a

worsening state beginning around 5:00 PM that hits its peak of discomfort typically around

midnight and remaining in a goaded state until 4:00 PM, a worsening state from coldness in any

form, a worsening state when in a damp environment, and a sense of relief from rubbing. It

should be noted that “this is a remedy that is to be thought of as being for acute and chronic

conditions equally. It works well with all other cell salts and can be used in concert with any of

them, especially in stubborn cases that are slow heal.” (McCabe, 2009, p.93). A reiteration is of

invaluable importance that this is the remedy needed for injury after vaccinations; when a person

becomes languid and weak after vaccinations, Kali Muriaticum can bring back a sense of

strength and vitality to an overloaded system.

Schuessler’s sixth cell salt is Kali Phosphoricum. Kali Phosphoricum is also recognized

as Kali. Phos. and Potassium Phosphate. This cell salt is known for its impact on nerves; a sort of

tranquilizer for irritable tempers, depression of every degree, worry, insomnia, and anxiety.

Kali Phos. is found, as previously alluded to, in the nerves of the central nervous system and gray

matter of the brain. The origin of function for these nerves and brain matters is of this cell salt’s

jurisdiction. Common uses and conditions that suggest the need for Kali Phos. are allergies,

asthma, bedwetting, concussion, chilblains, depression, bad breathe, canker sores, croup,

diarrhea, epilepsy, neuralgia, gangrene, nervous headaches, headaches associated with

menstruation, hysteria, insomnia, nosebleeds, sciatica, nightmares and night terrors, sensitive

teeth, toothaches that are accompanied by frontal headaches, varicose veins, tinnitus, and

whooping cough. The person who needs this cell salt will often lack an ability to independently

stay warm, they may suffer immensely from becoming too cold, but will also suffer from

becoming too warm. Kali Phos. need is always accompanied by oversensitivity-physical, mental,

and/or emotional. This cell salt will help restore energy to a person who seems to be in a never-

ending state of exhaustion caused by a constant worry and quest to find both physical and

emotional warmth, a person who is affected deeply by daily pragmatics and pieces of less-than-

ideal news, the child who can only find solace in the arms of an adult, and the elderly who have

lost muscle tone and their desire to go on further in life. Key indicators that help to determine the

need for Kali Phos. are the expression of sluggishness, a certain smell comparable to old onions

as the body and mind become more sluggish, and the presence of the color golden yellow in

bodily discharges. One of the main physiological applications of Kali Phos. is when heart

troubles are present.. “Everything connected with heart trouble can be treated with this cell salt-

in conjunction of course, with whatever your physician prescribes. When the heart is full of fat or

is degenerating, the lungs are inflamed, or there is pain in the chest, this wonderful soother

should be taken on a regular basis.” (Lennon & Rolfe, 2004, p. 96).

The seventh of the cell salts is Kali Sulphuricum. This remedy is taken from potassium

sulfate and is called Kali. Sulph. for short. Kali. Sulph. is quite a powerful carrier of oxygen,

carrying it to all cells of the body. Because of the oxygen carrying abilities, it is significant to

new cell growth, overall cellular nutrition, and has an impact upon respiration. Kali Sulph. has

an impact on and an attraction for mucosal membranes throughout the body, as well as, the hair,

nails and especially the skin. This cell salt is particular to the third and final stages of

inflammation or resolve of disease. Common uses and conditions that suggest the use of Kali

Sulph. are allergies and sinusitis, asthma, baldness, colds, coughs, rattling mucous in chest, flu,

colic, constipation, dandruff, diarrhea, digestive upset, eczema, flatulence, irritable bowel

syndrome, pain in limbs, neck and shoulders, wandering pains, psoriasis, rheumatism, ring

worm, vertigo, vitiligo, and whooping cough. Skin conditions are considerably most common

among the Kali Sulph. deficient because “there is breakdown of the skin and high fevers from

infections or inflammations. This is the body getting rid of self-inflicted toxins from a poor diet

or polluted conditions of living in the modern world.” (Card, 2007, p. 13). Kali Sulph. is believed

to help with these conditions by destroying worn out cells as it delivers oxygen. The mood of a

person in need of Kali Sulph. is extremely susceptible to change. They can be crying in one

moment and satisfied by the next with no indication as to what caused this variable. A Kali

Sulph. requirement might show as a tendency to “be agitated. They are hurried, always rushing

from one place to another from one task to another. They say they are tired, that they want to lie

down and rest, yet they never seem to. As soon as they lie down, they are back up again.”

(McCabe, 2009, p. 102). This agitation will often translate into reactions to emotional and

physical upsets, they are driven back up as soon as thy lay down to rest. Overreactions to

anything perceived as threatening are common, yet these perceptions seem to be affected by

inconsistency as well. This deficiency is given the particular fear of falling, the cause of this is

said to be the inclination towards afflictions of vertigo. “They feel their whole world fly out of

control when they are in high places.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 103). Other indications that might

point one towards Kali a remedy are watery yellow discharges, as well as, painful red

eruptions, lack of sweating, and an irritable bowel that alternates between constipation and

diarrhea often linked to food allergies.

Cell salt number eight is Magnesia Phosphorica. Alternatively, Mag. Phos. or magnesium

phosphate. This cell salt is known as an amazing antispasmodic remedy. Magnesia Phosphorica

“is abundant in the human body. It is found in bones and teeth and in the spine marrow itself, and

in the muscles, the nerves, and the gray matter of the brain. Human sperm is especially rich in

phosphate of Magnesia.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 106). As the only cell salt that is a magnesium based

remedy, it is importance of vital importance for remedying irritability of the nervous system.

Common uses and conditions that suggest the need for Mag. Phos. are colic, convulsions,

cramps, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, pain, PMS, sciatica, toothache and teething pains,

writer’s cramp, darting pains, whooping cough, nightly aggravations, and spasms of all kinds.

“Mag Phos is, by and large, a remedy associated with pain. Those needing it are in the grip of

pain, and are therefore, complaining, lamenting, and wishing the pain on someone else. They can

be self-pitying, angry, or changeable in their moods-- alternating between anger and self-pity.”

(McCabe, 2009, p. 107). Other words to describe the mental and emotional capacity of a person

in need of the cell salt might be anxious, fretful, forgetful, and drowsy. They may be meditative

and stoic in their pain, or conversely, very talkative about their own problems. They may be

affected by fears connected to their physical pain and experience depression that they have

succumbed to because of it. The stand out key physical symptom for this cell salt is pain. These

pains are in the realm of crampy, radiating, shooting, order out check. These pains can run along

nerves in the body and shift from place to place. Pains specific to this remedy will often manifest

on the right side of the body and are worse at night. Resting seems to make pains worse while

warmth and pressure improve them. Any symptoms of a violent nature point directly to Mag.

Phos. “Finally, here are two more indications of a magnesium phosphate deficiency: a thirst for

cold drinks and sugar with an aversion to coffee and a feeling of drowsiness. If from ten to

eleven in the morning and four to five in the afternoon you suffer from headaches, mag. phos.

Can help you. If your brain feels as if it were swishing about and you feel a tightness in your

head, consider trying mag fosse.” (Lennon & Rolfe, 2004, p. 82).

Natrium Muriaticum, Nat. Mur., or sodium chloride is the ninth cell salt. This remedy is

known as nature’s cure for headaches as it is called for in all headaches as at least one of the

remedies in a cure. Nat Mur is found in the digestive system, kidney, bladder, and the moisture

components of both blood and skin. This remedy is highly versatile because of the simple

abundance already required and present in the human body. “Sodium chloride’s great quality is

its creation of osmotic pressure.” (Lennon & Rolfe, 2004, p. 116). It is a water distributor. It will

carry water to where it needs to be and keep it in the right proportions. Sharing the chemical

name with table salt, sodium chloride prepared as a cell salt remedy actually helps to resolve

issues that table salt may cause, including high blood pressure, bloating, and an extended craving

for the taste of salt. “The primary indication of sodium chloride deficiency is either an

exceptional dryness anywhere in the body or, conversely, an overabundance of water. If you

need natrum mur., you will probably appear bloated, feel languid and drowsy and suffer from

chilly extremities. You’ll most likely have a pronounced craving for salt- because even though

you may be eating many more times the required amount with your meals, it cannot be absorbed

by the body and less is taken in minute doses.” (Lennon & Rolfe, 2004, p. 117). Common uses

and conditions that call for the use of the cell salt are anemia, bone and joint pain, back pain,

claustrophobia, colds, coughs, flu, constipation, depression, salt cravings, diabetes, deafness,

diarrhea, eyestrain, fainting spells, dryness, fever, goiter, gout, grief, headaches, heart disorders,

herpes, introversion, indigestion, fever blisters, canker sores, involuntary urination, parasites,

sexual version, shyness, greasy skin, loss of sense of smell, loss of sense of taste, sunstroke,

varicose veins, eczema, ringworm, menopause and menstrual disorders, and irritable bowel

syndrome. Mccabe perfectly describes the type that needs this cell salt the most as stubborn (just

like the typical physical symptoms). Headaches and chronic complaints, such as allergies, can

come to rule a patient’s life. The people who respond best to this remedy have the peculiar

keynote of having allergies to the things that they love most, i.e. beloved pets, favorite foods, or

favorite vacation spots, especially if they are by the sea. (p. 114). A good time for the use of the

cell salt is for the lack of fully healed ailments that periodically return with symptoms after a

false but seemingly period of health. An emotional pattern representative of a Nat. Mur.

deficiency is grief; for long-term grief or that that has become confused with betrayal. The Nat.

Mur. deficient may have a hard time processing love, they may crave it and avoid it equally.

These types will experience their emotions in silence and do not want to be consoled for fear of

speaking about the emotions may cause them an involuntary relinquish of control. These types

desire to laugh; a crying, tear filled, belly aching, bladder emptying laugh. Laughter is the most

effective release for the Nat. Mur. type. Distant but deeply desiring a connection to the world

around them is commonplace. They often expect those around them to know exactly what it is

they need. Key physical indications are as followed, but simply cannot be limited to, the need to

lay down from headaches, no matter the cause, dry mucous membranes, skin that is greasy in

some parts and very dry and others, dry and cracked lips, a constant thirst for cold things

especially cold water, those who specifically get heartburn from overeating, love of bread, salt,

sugar, alcohol, and processed foods, a deep insatiable hunger, painful dryness of the vagina, and

arthritic pain of the arms, legs and knees with tingling and numbness that is accompanied by dry

skin in corresponding areas. This type generally feels better from not doing what it is that they

desire to do, but and instead doing what is good for them.

Natrum Phosphoricum is the tenth cell salt. It can be called Nat. Phos., sodium

phosphate, and sometimes phosphate of soda. Sodium Phosphate is the antacid of the cell salts;

not only in digestion, but also in bodily fluids. A build up and overabundance of acid is a clear

indicator for the need for this cell salt. “Natrum Phosphoricum does not have the widest range of

uses of any of the cell salts. Its uses are rather narrow in terms of range, as they tend to fall into

one of two camps: either the patient suffers from chronic digestive disorders that are based upon

an abundance of acid and his or her system, or the patient is suffering from pain that can be

lumped within the diagnosis of arthritis or, more commonly gouty arthritis. Either way, over

acidity plays an important part in the cause of the symptoms, making Natrum Phosphoricum a

vital remedy among the cell salts.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 123). This type has a mental and

emotional state of indifference, with sensitivities reflecting in their physical reactions to weather.

They will be very susceptible to changes in temperature and tend to have a lack of vital heat.

They can be deeply affected by music, often times being moved to tears. This type can have a

tendency to be fearful of the future, of the dark, and of intruders. A Nat. Phos. Can be

represented by the need to sit when resting, and to do so quietly. They will not want to exercise

or walk, they will have an air of sluggishness about them. Conditions and symptoms that suggest

the need for this cell salt are acidosis, arthritis, chronic constipation, goiter, gout, heartburn,

indigestion, chronic postnasal drip, rheumatism, stomach upset, worms and other parasites, acne,

conjunctivitis, and jaundice. Matt sauce deficiency is represented by the color yellow. The

persons tongue will have a thick yellow coating. Some key indicators that will point towards this

remedy are pain that originates or as worst on the left side of the body, an increased pain when

the left side of the body is laid upon, when pain is improved by warmth when pain is

concentrated in the ribs, when chronic indigestion is followed by belching and a desire to fall

asleep seated in front of the television, and if symptoms are made worse by the coming of a


The eleventh remedy is Natrum Sulphuricum. It is also recognized as sodium sulphate or

an abbreviated Nat. Sulph. “This cell salt is found in intercellular fluids and regulates water by

eliminating any excess from the tissues, blood and fluids.” (Card, 2007, p.18). Nat. Sulph.

Regulates water by absorbing it so that it can be eliminated, it plays a large role in the

disintegration and elimination of cells that are old or dead. This cell salt functions highly in

elimination organs, the bladder, pancreas, intestines, and liver; it helps to cleanse the body of

toxins. Conditions in common ailments that suggest the need for this remedy are asthma,

bedwetting, costochondritis, diabetes, chronic diarrhea, flu, chronic gout, head injury, headaches

and migraines, nephritis, overweight, rheumatism, sciatica, warts, liver problems, loose or huge

stools, suicidal tendencies, sun sensitivity, swelling, excessive urination, vomiting of bitter

matter, and seasonal affective disorder. The person needing this remedy will feel restless and

melancholy. They may be manic in response to overstimulation, will be quite subdued on foggy

days, and have a negative reaction to music. One of the most important symptoms representative

of this cell salts deficiency is a tendency to be extremely sensitive to dampness or being wet in

any way. This type will have watery discharges that will typically be greenish yellow and a Tom

that is coated with a stick greenish film. This coating might also have a grayish or brownish tint.

This type go night after night without comfortable night’s sleep, they will not fall or stay asleep

easy and will arise in the morning very early for no reason feeling very refreshed. This type will

often be overweight and have adverse emotions regarding the way they look and feel. This cell

salt, like the one before, will manifest on the left side of the body especially in the chest. This

cell salt is very good at ridding the body of over abundances of cholesterol. This remedy needs to

be thought of in all cases of asthma that is agitated by dampness, bronchitis and pneumonia. This

remedy is also a key remedy for sciatica that is crippling and incapable of any kind of soothing.

The twelfth and final cell salt in Scheussler’s cell salt therapies is Silicea. “Silica” is the

only alteration in spelling and it is also known as flint. “It can be found in traces in blood, bile,

and urine and is contained in connective tissues throughout the body, in the spine and brain itself,

in nerve tissues and membranes, in the skin, the hair, and the nails.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 137).

Silica provides the body with strength and support, and is known as somewhat of a universal

remedy because of the action it has on every single bodily system. It is also an amazing

eliminator and cleanser. This remedy is slow and deep acting, is more often used in chronic cases

than acute cases, and is needed by those who have lost the innate ability to nourish themselves.

The common conditions and symptoms of those needing silica are acne, AIDS, anemia,

bedwetting, body odor, boils, bone disease, bunions, carbuncles, cataracts, chronic fatigue,

conjunctivitis, constipation, especially chronic, cough, diabetes, fainting, splinters, fractures,

swollen glands, headaches, homesickness, infections that are slow to heal, hemorrhoids, joint

pain, all kinds of injuries, cuts, keloids and scar tissue , malnutrition, neuralgia, obesity from

malnutrition, passive-aggressive behavior, rheumatism, rickets, sinusitis, sweat on head and feet

that is smelly, tooth decay, vaccination reactions, whitlows, shyness, timidity, and ulcers. The

type needing this remedy tends to be strong mentally and emotionally, but may be weak in spirit

and mind. This type might be easy to startle and may become anxious and irritable in the event

that they are startled. This type might experience a difficulty in concentrating. They cling to

structure, they can be slightly stubborn and passive aggressive, they will dislike confrontation,

but silently hold to their beliefs and feel rebellious against an opposing authority. They are not

liars, but do tell lies as an act of survival and self-preservation. They will often have a keen sense

of hearing. The silica deficient will be full of anxieties and fears, often fearing being cut open,

and sometimes developing a fascination and desire to do just that. They will not like to travel,

they will feel guilty even when they’ve done nothing wrong, and they will become depressed if

they have to live or work alone. Key indicators for this cell salt are a head that sweats profusely

during sleep, a strong and enduring body odor that does not go away after bathing, feet and

hands that are always cold, abscesses or boils that are filled with white puss, in all cases of

malnutrition, and in situations where symptoms are improved by hot and humid weather.

The sheer magnitude of what cell salts do in the body and what cell salt remedies can do

for the body is overwhelming, and quite frankly, endless. There will never be a complete set of

writings to describe the biochemical power. There is no linear description of the effects and

benefits; as they work individually, they all work together. There is still so much that is not

understood. One thing that is evident is the importance that cell salts have on human processes,

and how cell salts, as remedies, can help restore balance, health, and well-being to any and all

individuals. With the help of Hahnemann and Homeopathy, Virchow and his cell theories, and

the twelve chemical compounds that Scheussler discovered as the main essential mineral salts,

Scheussler changed and revolutionized how disease can be viewed and treated. He created a safe,

and easy form of treatment that could benefit everyone. A form of treatment that is made up of

remedies that are made of what humans are built from. What could be more genius or beautiful?

Reference List

Card, David R. (2007). 12 Essential Minerals For Cellular Health: An Introduction to Cell Salts.

Chino Valley, AZ: Kalindi Press.

Lennon, Nigey & Rolfe, Lionel. (2004). Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies: Healing With

Nature’s 12 Mineral Compounds. Garden City Park, NY: Square One Publishers.

McCabe, Vinton. (20090). The Healing Echo: Discovering Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies.

North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications, Inc.

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