Deconstructing InvITs REITs NEW 11 Oct PDF
Deconstructing InvITs REITs NEW 11 Oct PDF
Deconstructing InvITs REITs NEW 11 Oct PDF
2nd Edition
De’constructing InvITs and REITs
2nd Edition
e period since the release of the first investment option for long term pools of
edition of our handbook (in January 2017) capital, providing an alternative avenue for
has been marked by important changes in investment in infrastructure and real estate
relation to InvITs (the Indian equivalent of a and providing an option to relieve the stress
business trust) and REITs in India. On the on the banking sector, the InvIT Regulations
commercial front, two InvITs have listed and the REIT Regulations were notified.
through the public offer route, three InvITs Furthering this agenda, on the legal and
have listed through the private placement regulatory front, the government and various
route, the first REIT has been listed, and regulators (in addition to SEBI and RBI)
quite recently, the first PIPE deal by one ohe have put in place important and positive
listed InvITs has concluded, which would changes to ensure the success of InvITs and
also amongst other things ultimately, likely REITs. Pursuant to such changes, various
result in the change of control of the persons resident outside India, domestic
investment manager. ese changes have financial investors (such as, insurance
acted as catalysts for the growth of InvITs and companies, SCBs, FPIs, pension funds and
REITs. However, it is important to note that provident funds) can now invest in units of
such changes have also, in some measure, InvITs and REITs; InvITs and REITs can now
been due to the acceptance and appreciation issue debt securities (including, ECBs and
of InvITs and REITs as optimum and efficient Masala Bonds); InvITs can leverage up to
options for financing two of the most 70%, subject to compliance with certain
important sectors of the Indian economy – conditions; and listed InvITs can now raise
infrastructure and real estate. further equity capital through a preferential
issue of units. Recently, the Minister of
In line with the agenda of SEBI, which Finance while presenting the Union Budget
included attracting international finance into has indicated that FPIs will be permitted to
Indian infrastructure, creating a popular subscribe to listed debt securities issued by
NOTE: All information given in this handbook has been compiled om credible and reliable sources.
Although reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information in this handbook is true and
accurate, such information is provided ‘as is’, without any warranty, express or implied as to the
accuracy or completeness of any such information. Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas shall not be liable for
any losses incurred by any person om any use of this publication or its contents. is handbook does
not constitute legal or any other form of advice om Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. Readers should
consult their legal, tax and other advisors before making any investment or other decision with regard
to any business in India.
India’s position as one of the fastest growing financial crisis, and its sustained ability to
economies in the world is undisputed today. attract global investments has been the
Infrastructure and real estate are two dynamic regulatory regime ushered in aer
important sectors that underpin sustained the economic liberalization process which
economic growth and development, and started in 1991. Introduction of InvITs
have critical importance for India’s growth and REITs is a testimony to that dynamic
both on economic and social parameters. e regulatory regime. It could not have been
importance of these two sectors is also introduced at a more opportune time as it
evident from experience - the 2008 financial comes in the backdrop of increased focus on
crisis triggered primarily by stagnation or infrastructure and real estate development
deceleration of real estate sector in the US is a and increased challenges for financing that.
recent case in point. However, these two Historically, banks and financial institutions
sectors also need significant impetus from have been primarily saddled with the
the g overnment, perhaps more than responsibility of financing these sectors.
others, for sustained growth and orderly Lately, though, both these sectors have been
development and the reasons for that are not attracting private sources of financing, such
far to seek. ere are inherent barriers to as private equity investments in project SPVs.
growth of these sectors (such as high cost of InvITs and REITs provide an opportunity to
development, long gestation periods and participate in infrastructure and real estate
illiquid nature of assets), which can be financing through a stable and liquid
overcome only through constant innovation, instrument and also encourages better
both technical and financial, and governance structures. It also provides
government support. smaller and non-institutional investors an
opportunity to participate in infrastructure
A part of the reason for continued growth of
and real estate financing and reap the benefits
Indian economy, even in the midst of global
NOTE: All information given in this handbook has been compiled om credible and reliable sources.
Although reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information in this handbook is true and
accurate, such information is provided ‘as is’, without any warranty, express or implied as to the
accuracy or completeness of any such information. Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas shall not be liable for
any losses incurred by any person om any use of this publication or its contents. is handbook does
not constitute legal or any other form of advice om Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. Readers should
consult their legal, tax and other advisors before making any investment or other decision with regard
to any business in India.
An infrastructure investment trust is a trust For the purposes of the InvIT Regulations,
formed under the Trusts Act and registered “ Inf r a str u c t ure ” in c l u d e s a l l th e
under the Registration Act. In accordance infrastructure sub-sectors specified in the
with the Trusts Act, a trust is an obligation Harmonised Master List of Infrastructure
attached to the ownership of property. e Sub-sectors dated November 14, 2017 issued
obligation is created by the author of the by the Ministry of Finance, available at
trust, accepted by the owner of property and
owed to the beneficiaries identified in the 7/180317.pdf and updated from time to
Trust Deed. In the context of an InvIT, the time. Such infrastructure sub-sectors include
trust is created by the Sponsor, the ownership roads and bridges, ports, airports, metros,
of the property vests in the Trustee and the electricity generation, transmission or
beneficiaries of the trust are the Unitholders distribution, telecommunication services,
of the InvIT. telecommu-nication towers, capital stock of
hospitals and educational institutions,
An InvIT can only invest in Holders or SPVs, certain categories of hotels and convention
infrastructure projects or securities in India centres and common infrastructure for
within the framework provided under the industrial parks or other parks with
InvIT Regulations and the investment industrial activity (such as, special economic
strategy of the InvIT. zones).
Sponsor Unitholders
Manager Trustee
02 What are the various types of Units’ offerings that can be undertaken
by an InvIT?
An InvIT can undertake listing through public issue; (b) a preferential allotment; (c) a
either an initial public issue or a private qualified institutions placement; (d) a rights
placement of its Units. An InvIT can also Issue; and (e) a bonus Issue; and (f ) offer for
undertake an offering of Units without sale or any other mechanism specified by
listing of Units on a private placement basis SEBI. However, other than for a preferential
and subject to certain conditions. e issue, the extant InvIT Regulations do not
minimum size of such offerings should be ` provide the operational rules or guidelines
2,500 million. for undertaking such offerings of Units by an
A listed InvIT can undertake the following
types of offerings of its Units: (a) a follow-on
A public issue of Units by an InvIT is an offer (a) Minimum 80% of the value of the InvIT
of Units in which any person eligible to invest Assets shall be invested in completed
can participate and is not restricted to and revenue generating infrastructure
participation by Institutional Investors and projects; and
Bodies Corporate only. Further, any offer to
more than 1,000 persons (even if restricted to (b) Maximum 20% of the value of the
QIBs and Bodies Corporate) shall constitute InvIT Assets shall be invested in other
a public issue. A public issue can only be e l i g i b l e i nv e s tm e nt s i n c l u d i n g
undertaken by an InvIT that complies with investments in under-construction
the following investment conditions: projects, which shall not exceed 10% of
the value of InvIT Assets.
08 What is the minimum holding period for Units forming a part of the
‘offer for sale’ in a public issue or private placement of Units?
e Units, forming a part of the ‘offer for sale’ equity shares, compulsorily convertible
in a public issue or private placement of securities or partnership interest in the
Units, should have been held for a period of Holdco or the Project SPV against which
at least one year prior to the filing of the Dra such Units have been received shall be
Offer Documentor Preliminary Placement considered for the purposes of such
Memorandum. e holding period for calculation of one year period.
(a) If the post-Issue capital of the InvIT In the event initial public shareholding is less
calculated at the offer price is less than than 25% in accordance with (b) or (c) above,
` 16,000 million, then, at least 25% of the InvIT shall be required to increase its
the Units shall be offered to the public; public shareholding to 25% within a period
of three years from the date of initial listing.
(b) If the post-Issue capital of the InvIT For the above purposes, “public” refers to
calculated at the offer price is equal to or Unitholders other than the Sponsor, the
more than `16,000 million and less Investment Manager, the Project Manager
than ` 40,000 million, then, such and each of their related parties and
percentage of Units equivalent to associates as defined under the InvIT
`4,000 million shall be offered to the Regulations.
public; and
14 What are the corporate approvals required for Issue of Units in India?
A public issue or a private placement of Units directors of the Investment Manager and the
of an InvIT requires approval of the board of Sponsor to undertake an Issue of Units.
An InvIT, being a trust, the Sponsor of an (b) e Sponsor or its associates should
InvIT is the author and is required to transfer have a sound track record of at least five
the initial portfolio of assets to an InvIT. years in development of infrastructure
or fund management in the
A Sponsor may be a company, an LLP or a infrastructure sector. Further, if the
Body Corporate. Sponsor is an infrastructure developer,
e key eligibility requirements for a it should have developed at least two
Sponsor are: projects; and
(a) If the Sponsor is a Body Corporate or a (c) e Sponsor should be a fit and proper
company, its net worth should not be person based on the criteria specified
less than `1,000 million. If the Sponsor under S che du le I I of the S EB I
is an LLP, it net tangible assets should Intermediaries Regulations.
not be less than `1,000 million.;
© Entering into various agreements on (g) Ensuring the activities of the InvIT are
behalf of the InvIT, including the carried out in accordance with the
Tr u s t D e e d , t h e I n v e s t m e n t InvIT Regulations, the Trust Deed and
Management Agreement and the the Offer Document.
Proj e ct Imp lementation and
Management Agreement amongst other
transaction documents;
07 Who is a Project Manager? What 08 What are the duties, roles and
are the eligibility requirements responsibilities of a
for a Project Manager? Project Manager?
For any entity to act as the Project Manager, it e duties, roles and responsibilities of the
should be identified in the registration Project Manager include:
application and shall be appointed in terms
of the Proj e ct Implementation and (a) Un d e r t a k i n g o p e r a t i o n s a n d
Management Agreement submitted along management of the InvIT Assets,
with the Dra Offer Document or the including making arrangements for
Placement Memorandum, as applicable. appropriate maintenance, including
Further, the Project Manager should be a fit appointment and super vision of
and proper person based on the criteria appropriate agents; and
specified under Schedule II of the SEBI (b) Discharg ing the o b l ig ations in
Intermediaries Regulations. respect of achieving timely completion
e Project Manager is responsible for of the infrastructure project including
achieving the execution or management of the implementation, operation,
the project. In respect of PPP, the Project maintenance and management of the
Manager should be the entity responsible for infrastructure project.
execution of infrastructure projects and
achievement of project milestones in
accordance with the concession agreement
or other relevant project documents.
Provided below are the indicative steps and (i.e. Share Purchase Agreement or Asset
process for public issue of Units, which has Purchase Agreement) will be executed
been divided into six stages: pri or to th e fi l ing o f th e Dra
Offer Document, the closing of the
(a) Pre- ling of the Draft Offer
Document transaction would occur subsequently,
however price to allotment of Units.
• Ap p o intm ent o f Merc ha nt Similarly, typically the closing of
Bankers and legal counsels Debenture Subscription Agreement or
• Kick-off meeting where the Loan Agreement between the InvIT and
senior management provides an Project SPVs would occur aer receipt
overview of the Sponsor and its of final listing and trading approval for
business to the Merchant Bankers the Units.
and the legal counsels and the (b) Filing of the Draft Offer Document
InvIT Timelines are discussed
• Execution of the Issue Agreement
• Identification of the InvIT Assets,
• Execution of the standard
the Trustee, the Investment
certificates are provided by the
Manager and the Project Manager
Trustee, the Investment Manager
• Preparation of data room and the Sponsor and executed
• Commencement of due diligence comfort letter is provided by the
exercise, simultaneously with auditors
commencement of draing of the • Filing of the Dra Offer
Dra Offer Document Document with SEBI along with
• Submission of application (along due diligence certificate by the
with executed version of the Merchant Bankers
Trust Deed and the Investment • Filing of application with the
Management Agreement) for Stock Exchanges for grant of in-
grant of certification of principle approval for listing and
registration by SEBI trading of the Units
• Execution of structure related (c) SEBI review and receipt of nal
transaction documents (for SEBI Observations
details please see Section IV,
• Replying to the interim observations
Question 2)
received from SEBI
Typically, whilst the agreement for
• Receipt of final observations from
acquisition of initial portfolio of assets
03 Are the investors categorized? If yes, how are Units allocated amongst
different categories?
(a) In terms of the Issue, 75% of the Issue (e) If the price fixed as a result of book
shall be available for allocation building is higher than the price at
to Insti tuti ona l Inve stor s on a which the allocation is made to Anchor
proportionate basis. e Investment Investors, the Anchor Investor shall
Manager, in consultation with the bring in the additional amount within
Merchant Bankers, may allocate up to two days of the date of closure of the
60% of the Institutional Investor Issue. However, if the price fixed as a
portion to Anchor Investors. result of book building is lower than the
price at which the allocation is made to
(b) A Strategic Investor shall also be
Anchor Investors, the excess amount
included in the category of Anchor
shall not be refunded to the Anchor
Investors ey shall, either jointly or
Investor and the Anchor Investor shall
severally, invest not less than 5% and
take allotment at the price at which
not more than 25% of the total Issue
allocation was made to it.
(f ) Neither the Merchant Bankers nor
(c) An Anchor Investor shall make an
associates of the Merchant Bankers
application of a value of at least `100
other than mutual funds sponsored
million in the public issue. In case of
entities which are associates of the
Strategic Investors, the application
Merchant Bankers or insurance
value shall be subject to the threshold
companies promoted by entities which
mentione d under the InvI T
are associates of Merchant Bankers or
pension funds which are associates of
(d) Allocation to Anchor Investors shall be Merchant Bankers or alternative
on a discretionary basis and subject to investment funds sponsored by the
the following: entities which are associates of
Merchant Bankers or foreign portfolio
(i) minimum of two Anchor
investors other than Category III FPIs
Investors for allocation up to
sponsored by the entities which are
`2,500 million; and
associates of the Merchant Bankers
(ii) m i n i m u m o f fi v e A n c h o r shall apply as Anchor Investors.
investors for allocation of more
than `2,500 million.
16 What are the lock-in requirements applicable to any person other than
Sponsor who has been holding Units of the InvIT prior to the initial
e lock-in requirement for any person other period of 30 days from the date of allotment
than the Sponsor who has been holding in the public issue. Further, the Units allotted
Units of the InvIT prior to initial offer is one to Strategic Investors, are required to be
year from the date of listing of the Units. locked in for a period of one year from the
date of allotment in the public issue.
Additionally, Units allotted to Anchor
Investors are required to be locked in for a
e InvIT Regulations do not prescribe infused debt to pare down external lending.
detailed requirements for disclosures related InvIT are expected to frame similar use of
to objects. Listed trust structures typically proceeds and would accordingly need to
utilize issue proceeds for payment of include disclosures regarding consideration
consideration for acquisition of the initial for acquisition of the initial portfolio of
portfolio of assets and infusing debt into the assets and details of external loans that would
Project SPVs. Such Project SPVs utilize the be repaid or pre-paid by the Project SPVs.
04 What are the disclosure requirements for the directors and key managerial
personnel of the Sponsor(s), the Investment Manager and the Trustee?
e InvIT Regulations do not specify any (a) Trustee: Names and profiles of the
disclosure requirement in relation to directors.
directors and key managerial personnel of the
(b) Investment Manager: Brief profiles of
Sponsor and the Project Manager.
directors of the Investment Manager
In relation to the Trustee and the Investment and the Units held or proposed to be
Manager, the following details are required held by them in InvIT.
to be disclosed:
In a Public Issue, the Merchant Bankers, are under which they are registered with SEBI.
required (under the InvIT Regulations) to
submit a due diligence certificate to SEBI at e InvIT Regulations further provide that
various stages of the listing process in a public any contravention of any provisions of
issue and at the time of filing of the final any of these regulations or guidelines or
Placement Memorandum, in a private circulations thereof, issued by SEBI, by the
placement with respect to the contents intermediaries, shall be liable for one or more
therein and could therefore be held liable by actions as specified therein and any action
SEBI. Moreover, the responsibility of the provided under the SEBI Intermediaries
Merchant Bankers with respect to due Regulations and the Merchant Banker
diligence shall continue even aer the Regulations.
completion of the Issue process.
Approval of board of directors of the Sponsor Offer Document, in case of a public issue, or
shall be required for setting-up an InvIT, Placement Memorandum, in case of a private
appointing the Trustee and filing of the p l a c em ent , a n d e xe c uti o n o f va ri o us
application with SEBI for registration of the agreements in relation to the transaction. ese
InvIT. Approval of the board of directors of the authorizations will be required at various stages
Sponsor and the Investment Manager shall be in the transaction, including at the time of
required for undertaking an Issue of Units of making the application to SEBI for registration
the InvIT. Further, approval of the board of of the InvIT, filing the Dra Offer Document,
directors (or a duly constituted committee the Offer Document and the Final Offer
thereof ) of the Investment Manager shall be Document, in case of a public issue, or
required for various activities related to Issue of Placement Memorandum, in case of a private
Units, such as approval of the Dra Offer placement and listing or allotment of Units on
Document, the Offer Document and the Final the Stock Exchanges.
02 What are the approvals required for transfer of assets by the Sponsor
to the InvIT?
Each Sponsor would require approval from its
board of directors for transfer of the initial
portfolio assets. Moreover, depending
upon the materiality of the assets being
transferred by the Sponsor, shareholders’
approval may also be required by the Sponsor.
e transfer of the initial portfolio assets may
also require third party approvals, depending
upon regulatory restrictions, if any, and
contractual arrangements entered into by the
Sponsor. Such approvals would include those
related to any transfer restrictions applicable to
the assets or the Project SPVs, imposed by
relevant regulatory authorities, any restrictions
under licenses and approvals applicable to the
assets or the Project SPVs, any restrictions
un d er fi na n c i n g a g r e em ent s a n d a ny
restrictions imposed by the private equity
investors, if any, in the Sponsor or the Project
ere are no specific corporate governance independent decision making, which is in the
requirements applicable to the InvIT. In best interest of all Unitholders, and to
accordance with the InvIT Regulations, 50% address any conflicts of interest with the
of the board of directors of the Investment S p o n s o r. e s e s t r u c t u r e s i n c l u d e
Manager should comprise of independent constitution of various committees with
directors and such directors should not be majority of independent directors, such as
directors or members of the governing body audit committee and investment committee,
of another InvIT. However, typically the and implementing policies, such as those
Investment Manager is expected to put in covering related party transactions and
place governance structures to ensure conflicts of interest.
(b) the Sponsor, the Investment Manager, the (e) the Merchant Bankers, Connected
Trustee and the Project Manager of the Analysts, Syndicate Members and their
InvIT, as well as their respective directors respective affiliates and Associates.
and Associates;
(a) e Units of the InvIT being offered in (c) e InvIT should be in compliance
the preferential issue should be of the with the conditions for continuous
same class as the Units issued in the listing and disclosure obligations
initial offer by the InvIT, and should provided in the InvIT Regulations and
have been listed on a recognised stock the Continuous Disclosures Circular,
exchange for at least six months and should also be in compliance with
preceding the date of issuance of notice the minimum public unitholding
to Unitholders for a resolution requirements prescribed in the InvIT
authorising the preferential issue; Regulations; and
Under the InvIT Regulations, an Investment accordance with the InvIT Regulations.
Manager is required to disclose details of the Further, an additional issue of Units by an
outcome of meetings of Unitholders. InvIT is required to be disclosed to such stock
Accordingly, the Investment Manager will exchanges. However, the InvIT Regulations
make disclosure to the stock exchanges where and the Continuous Disclosures Circular do
the Units of the InvIT are listed, upon the not provide any guidance on the timing of
Unitholders approving a preferential issue in such disclosure.
Under the Preferential Issue Guidelines, Preferential issues of Units are required to be
allotment of Units in a preferential issue priced above a floor price fixed with reference
cannot be made, directly or indirectly, to to the Relevant Date. Such floor price is the
Parties to the InvIT or their related parties. average of the weekly high and low of the
However, Units may be allotted to a Sponsor closing prices of the listed Units of the InvIT
only in order to enable such Sponsor to meet during the two weeks preceding the Relevant
the minimum unitholding requirements Date.
applicable to Sponsors under the InvIT
04 Are there any provisions of the InvIT Regulations that are not applicable
to a privately placed unlisted InvIT?
Provisions in relation to change in the up of InvITs, borrowing and reporting are not
investment manager, change of control of the applicable to privately placed unlisted InvITs
investment manager, requirement of a in the manner applicable to listed InvITs.
merchant banker, timing of audits, winding
Yes, a privately placed listed InvIT can delist its Unitholders by value. e dissenting
units and be converted to an unlisted privately Unitholders shall be provided with an exit
placed InvIT subject to approval of 90% of the opportunity.
Allotment and e Guidelines for determination of allotment and trading lot size
Trading Lot Guidelines for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure
Investment Trusts (InvITs) issued by SEBI through a circular bearing
number SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS/CIR/P/2019/59 dated April
23, 2019
Anchor Investor A QIB who makes an application for a value more than `100 million
in a book built Issue
Anchor Investor One Working Day prior to the Issue Opening Date, on which Bids by
Issue Period Anchor Investors are to be submitted and allocation to Anchor
Investors shall be completed
Bidder Any prospective investor, other than an Anchor Investor who makes a
Bid in the Issue
Bodies Corporate Bodies corporate, as defined under Section 2(11) of the Companies
Act, 2013, as amended from time to time
Book Building Process A process undertaken by which a demand for the Units proposed to
be issued by the InvIT is elicited and built up and the price for such
Units is assessed for the determination of the quantum of such Units
to be issued by means of a notice, circular, advertisement, document
or offer document
Draft Offer Document A dra offer document, issued in accordance with the InvIT
Regulations and filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges including
any addenda or corrigenda thereto filed with SEBI and the Stock
Final Offer Document Final Offer Document, filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges aer
the Pricing Date in accordance with the InvIT Regulations and the
SEBI Guidelines and includes any addenda or corrigenda thereto
filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges
Holdco or holding A company or an LLP (i) in which the InvIT holds or proposes to
company hold controlling interest and not less than 51% of the equity share
capital or interest and which in turn has made investments in other
Project SPVs, which ultimately hold the infrastructure assets; and (ii)
which is not engaged in any other activity other than holding of the
underlying Project SPVs, holding of infrastructure projects and any
other activities pertaining to and incidental to such holdings.
Institutional Investors Institutional Investor means: (i) a QIB; or (ii) family trust or
systemically important nonbanking financial companies registered
with the Reserve Bank of India or intermediaries registered with
SEBI, all with net-worth of more than ` 5,000 million, as per the last
audited financial statements
Investment Manager A company, a Body Corporate or an LLP which manages the InvIT
Assets, manages the investments of the InvIT and such other activities
as specified under the InvIT Regulations
InvIT Guidelines e Guidelines for Public Issue of Units of InvITs issued by SEBI
through a circular bearing number CIR/IMD/DF/55/2016, dated
May 11, 2016
Issue Closing Date Except in relation to any Bids received from the Anchor Investors, the
date aer which the Designated Intermediaries will not accept any
Issue Opening Date Except in relation to any Bids received from the Anchor Investors, the
date on which the Designated Intermediaries shall start accepting
Issue Period Period between the Issue Opening Date and the Issue Closing Date,
inclusive of both days, during which Bidders, other than Anchor
Investors, can submit their Bids, including any revisions thereof
Merchant Banker Merchant bankers, associated with the Issue and responsible for due
diligence and other Issue related activities
Offer Document An offer document issued in accordance with the provisions of the
InvIT Regulations and the InvIT Guidelines, including any addenda
or corrigenda thereto filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges
Parties to the InvIT e Sponsor, the Trustee, the Investment Manager and the Project
Placement Memorandum A document filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges for a privately
placement undertaken by an InvIT
Project Implementation and Project Implementation and Management Agreement entered into
Management Agreement between the Trustee (acting on behalf of the InvIT ), the Investment
Manager, the Project Manager and the Project SPVs
Project Manager A person designated as the project manager of the InvIT, responsible
for execution and management of the project.
Project SPVs A company or an LLP in which either the InvIT or the Holdco holds
or proposes to hold controlling interest and not less than 51% of the
equity share capital or interest. However, in case of PPP projects
where such acquiring or holding is disallowed by government or
regulatory provisions under the concession agreement or such other
agreement, the above requirement shall not apply and shall be subject
to provisions of the InvIT Regulations. It also includes a company or
an LLP (i) which holds not less than 99% of its assets directly in
infrastructure projects and does not invest in other Project SPVs; and
(ii) which is not engaged in any other activity other than activities
pertaining to and incidental to the underlying infrastructure projects
QIBs or Quali ed Qualified institutional buyers shall mean (i) a mutual fund, venture
Institutional Buyers capital fund, alternative investment fund and foreign venture capital
investor registered with SEBI, (ii) a foreign portfolio investor, other
than individuals, corporate bodies and family offices, (iii) a public
financial institution, (iv) a scheduled commercial bank, (v) a
multilateral and bilateral development financial institution,(vi) a
state industrial development corporation, (vii) an insurance company
registered with the IRDAI, (viii) a provident fund with minimum
corpus of ` 250 million, (ix) a pension fund with minimum corpus of
` 250 million, (x) National Investment Fund set up by resolution no.
F. No. 2/3/2005 - DDII dated November 23, 2005 of the
Government of India published in the Gazette of India,(xi) insurance
funds set up and managed by army, navy or air force of the Union of
India, (xii) insurance funds set up and managed by the Department of
Registered Brokers Stock Brokers registered with the stock exchanges having nationwide
terminals, other than the Members of the Syndicate, eligible to
procure Bids in terms of Circular No. CIR/CFD/14/2012 dated
October 4, 2012 issued by SEBI
Registrar A registrar to the issue registered under the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents)
Regulations, 1993
Registrar and Transfer Registrar and transfer agents registered with SEBI and eligible to
Agents or RTAs procure Bids at the designated RTA locations in terms of circular no.
CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/11/2015 dated November 10, 2015
issued by SEBI
SEBI Research Analyst e Securities and Exchange Board of India (Research Analysts)
Regulations Regulations, 2014, as amended from time to time
Self Certi ed Banks registered with SEBI, offering services in relation to ASBA, a
Syndicate Bank/SCSB list of which is available on the website of SEBI at
nisedFpi=yes&intmId=34 and updated from time to time
Sponsor A company, Body Corporate or an LLP which sets up the InvIT and is
designated as such at the time of making an application for
registration of the InvIT
Stock Exchanges Any stock exchange where the Units of an InvIT are proposed to be
Strategic Investor An infrastructure finance company registered with the Reserve Bank
of India, a scheduled commercial bank , an international mutilatera l
financial institution, a systematically important non banking
financial companies registered with the Reserve Bank of India and
foreign portfolio investors. ese investors together shall invest not
less than five per cent of the total issue size of the InvIT or such
amount as may be specified by SEBI from time to time
Syndicate Members Intermediaries, registered with SEBI who are permitted to carry out
activities as an Underwriter
Transaction Documents Documents, including but not limited to agreements, entered into by
or on behalf of the InvIT
Trust Deed A trust deed entered into between the InvIT, Sponsor and the Trustee
Trustee A trustee is a person who holds the InvIT Assets for the benefit of the
Unitholders and is registered with SEBI under the SEBI Debenture
Trustee Regulations
Unit A unit represents beneficial interest in the InvIT, and such Units
together represent the entire beneficial interest in the InvIT
Working Day Working Day, with reference to (a) announcement of Price Band;
and (b) Bid/Issue Period, shall mean all days, excluding Saturdays,
Sundays and public holidays, on which commercial banks in Mumbai
are open for business; and (c) the time period between the Bid/
Issue Closing Date and the listing of the Equity Shares on the Stock
Exchanges, shall mean all trading days of Stock Exchanges,
excluding Sundays and bank holidays, as per the SEBI Circular
SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL/CIR/P/2016/26 dated January 21, 2016
A REIT or a real estate investment trust is an income generating properties within the
investment vehicle set up as a trust under the framework provided under the REIT
Trusts Act and reg istered under the Regulations.
Registration Act. In accordance with the
Trusts Act, a trust is an obligation attached to For the purposes of the REIT Regulations,
the ownership of property. e obligation is ‘re a l e s tat e ’ i n c l u d e s l a n d a n d a ny
created by the author of the trust, accepted by permanently attached improvements to it
the owner of property and owed to the whether leasehold or freehold but excludes
beneficiaries identified in the trust deed. In mortgage. Assets falling under the purview of
the context of a REIT, the trust is created by ‘infrastructure’ are not considered as ‘real
the Sponsor, the ownership of the property estate’ for the purposes of the REIT
vests in the REIT and the beneficiaries of the Regulations, though exceptions have been
Trust are the Unitholders of the REIT. made with respect to (i) hotels, hospitals and
convention centers forming part of
A REIT can only invest in real estate composite real estate projects, whether rent
properties located in India either directly or generating or income generating; and (ii)
through Holdcos or SPVs, with at least 80% common infrastructure for composite real
of the value of the REIT Assets being estate projects, industrial parks and SEZs.
invested in completed and rent and/or
03 Who are the parties to a REIT? Reg
Manager Trustee
e Sponsor is required to transfer the real At least 51% of the consolidated revenues of
estate assets (which constitute the initial the REIT, Holdco and the SPV, other than
assets of the REIT) to the REIT prior to the gains arising from disposal of properties,
allotment of Units in the public Issue. should arise from rental, leasing and letting
real estate assets or any other income
incidental to the leasing of such assets.
A REIT can undertake listing only through (c) qualified institutions placements; (d)
an initial public offer of its Units. e rights issues; and (e) bonus issues.
minimum size of such public offer should However, the REIT Regulations presently
be ` 2,500 million. do not provide the operational rules or
guidelines for undertaking such offerings
A listed REIT can undertake the following of Units by a listed REIT.
types of offerings of its Units: (a) follow-on
public offers; (b) preferential allotments;
A public Issue of Units by a REIT is an issue (a) e REIT should be registered with
of Units to the public in which any person SEBI;
who is eligible to invest can participate. A
public Issue may be either a fresh issue or a (b) e value of REIT Assets should be at
combination of a fresh issue and an offer least `5,000 million; and
for sale. A REIT can only undertake a (c) e offer size should be at least `2,500
public Issue if it complies with the million.
following conditions :
(b) Not less than 80% of the value of the (v) unlisted shares of companies
REIT Assets shall be invested in deriving at least 75% of their
completed and rent and/or income operating income from real
generating properties. estate activities;
(c) Not more than 20% of the value of the (vi) government securities;
REIT Assets shall be invested in:
(vii) TDR/unutilized FSI of a project
(i) under-construction properties where the REIT has already
or completed and not rent made investment; and
generating properties whether
directly or through a company or (viii) money market instruments or
LLP; cash equivalents.
(ii) l iste d or un l iste d debt of (d) A REIT shall not invest in Units of
companies or Body Corporates other REITs.
in the real estate sector, excluding Further, additional investment conditions
investments made in the debt of may be applicable in case of foreign owned
the Holdco and/or SPV; and controlled REITs in accordance with
(iii) mortgage backed securities; the extant foreign exchange regulations.
08. What are the corporate approvals required for public issue of Units in
A public Issue of Units of a REIT requires the prior approval of the board of directors of the
e key intermediaries involved in the operation of a REIT are the Valuers and Auditors.
09 What is an SPV/Holdco?
A REIT may hold assets directly, through an (b) which has made investments in other
SPV or through a two tier structure SPVs which ultimately hold the REIT
comprising of a Holdco and an SPV. assets;
A Holdco is an entity: (c) in which the REIT (acting through the
Manager) appoints such number of
(a) in which the REIT holds or proposes to
nomine e dire ctors which are in
hold at least 50% of the equity share
proportion to the shareholding or
capital or interest;
holding interest of the REIT in the
Holdco; and
e duties, roles and responsibilities of the (b) Ensuring that the accounts and the
Auditor include: financial statements provide a true and
fair picture of the state of affairs of the
(a) Conducting an audit of the accounts of
REIT; and
the REIT and draing the audit report
based on the examination of such (c) Ensuring that the financial statements
accounts; comply with the applicable accounting
Investors are categorized into: (a) Institutional Investors and (b) other investors. e allocation
in the public offer shall be made as follows:
(a) Not more than 75% to Institutional Investors.
(b) Not less than 25% to other investors.
e allotment of Units and their listing on Stock Exchanges should be completed within 12
Working Days of the Issue Closing Date.
e lock-in requirement for any person other period of 30 days from the date of allotment
than the Sponsor, and Sponsor Group who in the public offer. Further, the Units allotted
has been holding Units of the REIT prior to to Strategic Investors, are required to be
initial offer is one year from the date of listing locked in for a period of 180 days from the
of the Units. date of listing in the public offer.
Additionally, Units allotted to Anchor
Investors are required to be locked in for a
03 What are the disclosure requirements for the objects for which the
Issue is proposed?
e REIT Regulations do not prescribe the object, the issuer will be required to
detailed requirements for disclosures related provide comprehensive details of the
to objects. Listed business trust structures utilization of funds proposed to be raised in
typically utilize issue proceeds for the the Issue and the basis on which such amount
acquisition of Assets. REITs are expected to has been determined so as to ensure that the
frame similar use of proceeds and would substantive disclosure norms of SEBI are
accordingly need to include disclosures satisfied in letter and spirit.
regarding consideration for acquisition of
the initial portfolio of assets. Regardless of
04 What are the disclosure requirements for the directors and key managerial
personnel of the Manager and the Trustee?
Any misstatements in the Offer Documents more actions specified therein, including any
are considered as a contravention by the action provided under the Securities and
Manager, the Sponsor(s) and the Merchant Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries)
Bankers of the REIT Regulations and REIT Regulations, 2008.
Guidelines, and they may be liable for one
Approval of the board of directors of the activities related to the public issue of Units
Sponsor shall be required for setting up the of the REIT, such as approval of the Dra
REIT, appointing the Trustee and Manager Offer Document, the Offer Document and
and filing of the application with SEBI for the Final Offer Document and execution of
registration of the REIT. Approval of the various agreements in relation to the Issue.
board of directors of the Sponsor and the ese authorizations will be required at
Manager shall be required for undertaking a various stages in the transaction, including at
public issue of Units of the REIT. Further, the time of making the application to SEBI
the approval of the board of directors (or a for registration of the REIT, filing the Dra
duly constituted committee thereof ) of the Offer Document, the Offer Document and
Manager shall be required for various the Final Offer Document or allotment of
Units .
Each Sponsor would require the approval of development authorities, SEZ BoA etc. and
its board of directors for transfer of the initial issuance of Units by the REIT may require
portfolio of assets. Moreover, depending approvals from the RBI. Such approvals
upon the materiality of the assets being would include those related to any transfer
transferred by the Sponsor, shareholders’ restrictions applicable to the assets or the
approval may also be required by the SPVs, imposed by relevant regulatory
Sponsor. e transfer of the initial portfolio authorities, any restrictions under licenses
of assets may also require third party and approvals applicable to the assets or the
approvals, depending upon regulatory SPVs, any restrictions under financing
restrictions, if any, and contractual agreements and any restrictions imposed by
arrangements entered into by the Sponsor. the private equity investors, if any, in the
Transfer of assets may additionally require Sponsor or the SPVs.
a p p r o va l s f r o m sp e c i fi c r e g u l a t o r y
authorities such as the state specific land
In accordance with the REIT Regulations, of all Unitholders, and to address any
50% of the board of directors of the Manager conflicts of interest with the Sponsor. ese
should comprise of independent directors structures include constitution of various
and such directors should not be directors or committees such as audit committee and
members of the governing body of another investment committee, and instituting
REIT. Further, though not mandated, the policies in relation to related part y
Manager may be expected to put in place transactions and conflicts of interest.
governance structures to ensure independent
decision making, which is in the best interest
A REIT is required to distribute at least 90% year in the manner disclosed in the Offer
of its net distributable cash flows to its Document.
Unitholders. Furthermore, the SPVs are
In addition to the periodic distributions
required to distribute at least 90% of their net
specified above, if any real estate asset is sold
distributable cash flows to the REIT, or, if
by the REIT or holdco or SPV or if the equity
applicable to the Holdco. In case of a two-
shares or interest in the holdco/SPV are sold
tiered structure of a REIT, the Holdco is
by the REIT, then, at least 90% of the
required to distribute to the REIT (i) 100%
proceeds of such sale are required to be
of the cash flows received by it from the SPVs;
distributed to the Unitholders, unless such
and (ii) 90% of the net distributable cash
proceeds are proposed to be re-invested in
flows generated by it.
other real estate assets within a period of 1
Such distributions shall be declared and year.
made once every 6 months in every financial
(a) All public communications should only (g) One-on-one meetings with investors,
contain factual information and should especially at conferences should not be
not contain conjectures or any matter conducted;
extraneous to the contents of the Dra (h) ere should not be participation in the
Offer Document, the Offer Document preparation and distribution of
and the Final Offer Document; research reports or analysis;
(b) No interviews with the media should be (i) It should be ensured that there is no
scheduled, nor any responses should be mention of the Issue in any form on
made to queries from the media, their websites; and
without consulting the legal counsels;
(j) All information on their websites
( c) In case of any previously scheduled s h o u l d b e c o n s i s t e nt w i t h t h e
interviews, no information regarding disclosures in the Dra Offer
the public Issue should be discussed; Document, the Offer Document and
(d) Any public communication should not the Final Offer Document.
contain statements which promise or
guarantee rapid increase in profits,
yields or returns;
(e) All advertisements issued by the REIT
from the period of filing the Dra Offer
Document until the listing of the Units
04 What are the additional disclosure requirements for a REIT which has
issued debt securities?
A REIT which has issued debt securities is (i) Intimations to sto ck exchang es
required to comply with the following (Regulation 50 of the LODR);
additional continuous disclosure
(ii) Disclosure of information having
bearing on the performance/operation
Anchor Investor A QIB who makes an application for a value more than `100
million in a book built Issue during the Anchor Investor bid /
Issue period
Offer Document An offer document which does not have complete particulars
of the Issue issued in accordance with the provisions of the
REIT Regulations and the REIT Guidelines, including any
addenda or corrigenda thereto filed with SEBI and the Stock
Parties to the REIT e Sponsor, Sponsor Group, the Trustee and the Manager
QIBs or Qualified QIBs or qualified institutional buyers shall mean (i) a mutual
Institutional fund, venture capital fund, alternative investment fund and
Buyers foreign venture capital investor registered with SEBI,
(ii) a foreign portfolio investor, other than individuals,
corporate bodies and family offices, ( iii) a public
financial institution, (iv) a scheduled commercial bank,
(v) a multilateral and bilateral development financial
institution, (vi) a state industrial development corporation,
(vii) an insurance company registered with the IRDAI,
(viii) a provident fund with minimum corpus of `250 million,
(ix) a pension fund with minimum corpus of `250 million,
(x) National Investment Fund set up by GoI, (xi) insurance
funds set up and managed by army, navy or air force of the
Union of India, (xii) insurance funds set up and managed by
the Department of Posts, India, and (xiii) systematically
important non-banking financial companies
REIT(s) Real Estate Investment Trust(s)
REIT Assets Real estate assets and any other assets held by the REIT, on a
freehold or leasehold basis, whether directly or through a
holdco and/ or special purpose vehicle
REIT Guidelines e Guidelines for Public Issue of Units of REITs issued
by SEBI through a circular bearing number
CIR/IMD/DF/136/2016, dated December 19, 2016
REIT Regulations e Securities and Exchange Board of India (Real Estate
Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014, including any
amendments guidelines and circulars issued by SEBI from
time to time
Registered Brokers Stock Brokers registered with the Stock Exchanges having
nationwide terminals, other than the Members of the
Syndicate, eligible to procure Bids in terms of Circular No.
CIR/CFD/14/2012 dated October 4, 2012 issued by SEBI
Registrar A registrar to the issue registered under the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share
Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993
Registrar and Transfer Registrar and transfer agents registered with SEBI and
Agents or RTAs eligible to pure Bids at the designated RTA locations in terms
of circular no. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/11/2015 dated
November 10, 2015 issued by SEBI
Registration Act e Registration Act, 1908
SEBI e Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBI Debenture e Securities and Exchange Board of India (Debenture
Trustee Regulations Trustee) Regulations, 1993, as amended from time to time
SEBI Intermediaries e Securities and Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries)
Regulations Regulations, 2008
SEBI Research e Securities and Exchange Board of India (Research
Analyst Regulations Analysts) Regulations, 2014, as amended from time to time
SPVs A company or an LLP (i) in which either the REIT or the
Holdco holds or proposes to hold not less than 50% of the
equity share capital or interest; (ii) which holds not less than
80% of its assets directly in properties and does not invest in
other SPVs; and (iii) which is not engaged in any other activity
other than holding and developing property and any other
activity incidental to such holding or development
Self Certified Banks registered with SEBI, offering services in relation to
Syndicate Bank/SCSB ASBA, a list of which is available on the website of SEBI at
RecognisedFpi=yes&intmId=34 and updated from time to
Sponsor Any person(s) who sets up the REIT and is designated as such
at the time of making an application for registration of the
Sponsor Group Sponsor group includes (i) the sponsor; (ii) in case the sponsor
is a body corporate: (a) entities or person(s) which are
controlled by such Body Corporate, (b) entities or person(s)
who control such Body Corporate, (c) entities or person(s)
which are controlled by person(s) as referred at clause b; (iii) in
case sponsor is an individual: (a) an immediate relative of such
individual; and (b) entities or person(s) which are controlled
by such individual
Stock Exchanges Any stock exchange where the Units of a REIT are proposed to
be listed
Strategic Investor An infrastructure finance company registered with the
Reserve Bank of India, a scheduled commercial bank, an
international multilateral financial institution, a systematically
important non-banking financial companies registered with
the Reserve Bank of India and foreign portfolio investors
Syndicate Members Intermediaries, registered with SEBI who are permitted to
carry out activities as an Underwriter
TDR Transferable Development Rights
Transaction Documents, including but not limited to agreements, entered
Documents into by or on behalf of the REIT in connection with the Issue
and the formation of the REIT
Trust Deed A trust deed entered into between the REIT, Sponsor and the
Trustee pursuant to which the trust (REIT) is settled
Trustee A trustee is a person who holds the REIT Assets for the benefit
of the Unitholders and is registered with SEBI under the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Debenture Trustees)
Regulations, 1993
Trusts Act e Indian Trusts Act, 1882