Keeping The Beat Issue 3

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Issue 3 4th May 2020 [email protected].


Keeping the Beat...

Primary Age Music activities for your child!
Music for Bedford Borough is a Bedford County Council Service, providing whole-class
instrumental lessons and a wide variety of projects in schools.
We are reaching out to parents through this newsletter and our NEW WEBSITES to help you
find activities to keep your child active and creative!

Have you seen our 2 new ‘Keeping the Beat’ websites? Access is FREE and all
you need do is click on this link or
check out the Saturday Morning Music Centre website for activities created by your
instrumental teachers.

NEWS…We were pleased to see an 83% increase in use since last week, meaning that so
many children are experiencing musical activities during this time. One parent sent
feedback, “Brilliant resource, thank you for putting it together!”

This week why not try these 2 activities,

1. Doctor Who –find out more about the music of Doctor Who
and perhaps play along to the theme tune. You may even like
to make an alien creature and send us a photo!

2. How does a piano work? – go to this link to find out more

There are LOTS of other activities on the websites for

you to explore including creating music using
technology, exploring instruments, singing activities,
games and lots of fun things to do. Go and have a

Calling all singers…CHOIRANTINE is a new virtual choir. Each CHOIRANTINE session focuses
on learning a simple arrangement of a classic song. For more information on
how it works, visit the website

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