Method Statement - Turfing and Landscape

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Method Statement -Turfing and Landscape

This method statement covers the following work activities associated with the requirement of the contract
document for (your project's name).

It is intended to assist site personnel in carrying out the performance of the activities. It also serves to demonstrate to
the client that we as the contractor understand the work scope and is capable of undertaking it.

2.1   Construction Drawing
2.2   Contract Specification

3.1 Back Pusher
3.2 Water Pump and Pipe
3.3 Drum / Water Tank
3.4 Lorry
3.5 One Tonne Roller Compactor


The materials should come from approved sources by the client/consultant. The Contractor shall arrange the nursery
visit with the client/consultant to get the approved material before delivered to the site.

4.1 Topsoil
Topsoil is the original surface layer or soil from cultivated land or forest area. It does not generally include soil from
swampy area, padi field or tin mining areas.

It is usually a darker shade of brown, grey or red than the subsoil that lies immediately beneath it. Topsoil tends to
be friable and show some degree of porosity. It should be free from subsoil, admixture of stones, lumps, plants or
roots and other extraneous matter. Topsoil shall not deliver or used while in a muddy condition.

4.2 Axonupus Compressus (Cow Grass)

The grass should come from approved sources. The grass sod shall be cut and supplied at the approximate size
300mm square and minimum thickness shall be 50mm with original soil adhering to the roots.

The sods shall be free from weeds and shall be delivered to site and planted promptly to avoid desiccation.

5.1 Site Preparation
The Main Contractor is required to grade the planting area to finish grades and allowed for a smooth and uniform to
the consultant approval. The Main Contractor is required to roll, scarify, rake and level so to obtain the even
planting area. All loose stones, gravel, tree stumps in which is not desirable is required to cart away from site to the
approved dumping area. To lay 50mm thick layer of approved black vegetable soil / top soil before turf.

5.2     Close Turfing
Turfing shall be carried out at all the terrace and slope area as specified (refer to the construction drawing).

The grass sod used for close turfing shall be cut and supplied at approximate size of 300mm square and minimum
thickness 50mm with original sod adhering to the roots. The sods shall be 50% pure comprised of Axonupus
Compressus. Close turfing shall consist of approximately 300mm square turfing laid side by side with gaps not
exceeding 30mm. If necessary, each sod shall be stack with 200mm peg through the sod into the soil base, to prevent
soil erosion.
The sods shall be laid onto the surface of the prepared ground with leaf turfs upwards, but jointed as closed as
possible to achieve a uniform cover. The turf shall be laid off planks working over turns previously laid. The whole
area should present an even smooth surface when completed. Top dressing of the turf area shall be carried out
immediately after the turf is laid and monthly intervals thereafter.

5.3     Spot Turfing       
Turfing shall be carried out to all the flat area as specified. The grass sod used for turfing shall be cut and supplied at
approximate size of 300mm square and minimum thickness 50mm with original sod adhering to the roots.

The sods shall be 50% pure comprised of Axonupus Compressus. Spot turfing shall consists of approximately
300mm square turfing laid side by side with gaps on all sides of the turfing not exceeding 300mm. If necessary, each
sod shall be stack with 200mm peg through the sod into soil base, to prevent soil erosion.

The sods shall be laid onto the surface of the prepared ground with leaf turfs upwards, but jointed as closed as
possible to achieve a uniform cover. The turf shall be laid off planks working over turns previously laid. The whole
area should present an even smooth surface when completed. Top dressing of the turf area shall be carried out
immediately after the turf is laid and monthly intervals thereafter.

5.4       Planting of Bucida Molineti

The plant shall be of approved species shown on drawing and in healthy growing condition obtained from an
approved source. Black earth shall consist of fertile top soil obtained from an approved source.  Generally all pits for
planting of trees shall not be less than 750mm x 750mm deep, spaced at intervals as shown in the drawings or
approved by E.R. the bottom and side of pits shall first be filled with layer of black earth before transplanting.

5.5       Watering
Watering shall be carried out immediately after the completion of planting. The completed areas shall be lightly
sprayed with water and keep the areas moist.

5.6       Maintenance
Maintenance shall begin immediately after each portion of turfed and planting area is installed and shall continue for
the period of maintenance as specified commencing from the date of acceptance. Maintenance is including watering,
fertilizing, spraying and mowing.

·         Watering (Cow Grass and Bucida Molineti)

Watering is required to soak and penetrate the soil at a rate that will prevent saturation of the soil. The rate of
application shall be not less than 2.7 litre per square meter and on no account shall turf be watered sparingly. During
dry weather, shall be watered within 2 days of laying and subsequently once a week.

·         Weeding (Cow Grass)

Keep all planting area free from weed and undesirable grasses, by a method and by materials approved by client /
E.R / Consultant.

·         Mowing (Cow Grass)

Mowing on newly established turfed areas should be delayed until it is obvious that the grass is growing strongly.
The grass should be cut when they are about 50mm – 75mm in height can be gradually lowered at subsequent
mowing until the height of 25mm to 40mm is achieved. Remove the grass clipping during or immediately after

·         Top Dressing (Cow Grass)

After established turfed areas, determine the evenness of the ground level and if any uneven ground level the top
dressing shall be applied. Mixed river sand and topsoil will be filled up to the uneven area and also to any visible
gap between sods.

·         Protection (Cow Grass)

Maintenance shall include all temporary protection of all turfing areas from trespassing and damage at all times. If
any portion of turfed area is damaged, it shall be treated and replace.

·         Fertilizer Application (Cow Grass)

Fertilizer shall be Christmas Island Rock Phosphate or its equivalent applies at the rate of 34gms per square meter
with the approval of Consultant after planted until 6 months.
NPK 15:15:15 shall be used after 3 months planted at the rate of 100gms per square meter and continue the
application every 3 months.

·         Fertilizer Application (Bucida Molineti)

Fertilizer shall be Christmas Island Rock Phosphate or its equivalent applies at the rate of 0.3kg per square meter
with the approval of Consultant prior to planting, spread evenly in pit base.

NPK 15:15:15 shall be used at the rate of 200gms for each plant every month for the first year period. For the next
year after, fertilizing shall be continued every 4 months. This fertilizer must be applied around the plant, outside the
canopy area.

·         Supporting Wood (Bucida Molineti)

Supporting wood shall be used to support the plant, depend on the plant size.

·         Pruning (Bucida Molineti)

Pruning shall apply from surface area.

·         Control Diseases and Pests (Bucida Molineti)

Watering and cleaning the affected area at the plant. Cut and remove branches that were attacked by worms and

5.7       Handing Over

Main Contractor shall arrange joint site inspection for handing over after the end of the period maintenance. Main
Contractor shall be carried out rectification works for any defect works.

6.0   SAFETY

6.1       Safety
1)            The workers shall provide with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and shall be worn all the time.
2)            During fertilizer work, the workers shall provide additional equipment such as safety goggles and mouth and nose
filters to avoid contact with fertilizer.
3)            Site safety member should be available at all the time.

6.2       Environmental
1)                 The Contractor shall ensure no open burning is allowed at the site.
2)                 All the waste shall be collected and disposed correctly.

3)                 The Contractor shall ensure there is no oil leakages from machinery (cutting machine) which is could harm the

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