We Should Protect Our Environment: What Will Happen If We Do Not Protect Them

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What will happen if we do not protect them?

We Should
Protect our
Environment Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer,
Why we need to protect our nature? among other problems and diseases, due to the inhalation of
all the harmful chemicals. Water pollution can lead to typhoid,
because it is one of the things we need in our life without the The 3R’s Reduce,Re-use,Recycle it saves energy. Helps
diarrheal diseases, and other waterborne/water-related
environment where we will live? how can we live without them? sustain the environment for future generations. Avoid
diseases, due to the intake of bacteria and parasites.
where do we get food when they are gone, that is one of the dumping garbages,burning some plastics,and dumping
reasons we protect them so we take care of them as long as they chemicals on the body’s of water like river.
are not completely depleted and lost. The environment helps in
protecting the ecosystem: Changes affecting the ecosystem put
multiple species in the danger of extinction necessitating the need
of protecting the environment. Ecosystems are deeply connected to
one another.

What should we do to save our environment?

The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate

Save water can save you money and diverts less water from change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding,
increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host
our rivers, bays, and estuaries, which helps keep the
of problems for indigenous people. The loss of species like
environment healthy. It can also reduce water and gorillas, chimps, and elephants undercuts the seed dispersal
wastewater treatment costs and the amount of energy used and slows the recovery of damaged forest. Loss of habitat in
to treat, pump, and heat water. the tropics also affects the regeneration of temperate species.

One is planting trees, because trees gives us oxygen that we need

to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which
reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the
effects of flooding.

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