Plant Optimizer: Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio
Plant Optimizer: Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio
Plant Optimizer: Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio
Plant Optimizer
for Combined Cycle and Steam Power Plants
Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio Solutions suitable for any plant
Waste Combined District Heat
Incineration Cycle Plants Plants
By itself, Big Data doesn’t generate insight. Insight Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio is running on
requires an expert knowledge and understanding of MindSphere, our cloud-based, open IoT operating
how best to leverage those analytics. system that combines new developments in data
analytics, connectivity, and cyber security with proven Industrial Biomass
Using our powerful new digital toolbox, our Siemens Power Plants Plants
capabilities for remote maintenance and optimization.
Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio team provides data-
driven, tailored services, so your operations and For utilities looking to increase revenue and reduce Solar
maintenance teams will have the information and costs, Siemens Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio Power Plants
confidence they need to make timely, insightful provide insights based on data to help you operate more
decisions. flexibly and respond quickly to a rapidly changing Fossil fired Desalination Coal
Power Plants Gasification
market. Plants Plants
Analyze Advise Optimize
Expertise in Content Expertise in Context Expertise in Implementation Basic automation third-party DCS
Provides full transparency With our advisor solutions, With our solutions for
for your plant. Our monitor we help you to find the performance optimization,
solution aggregates and best measures to improve we can help to increase the Partial modernization incl. optimization for third-
visualizes your machine data. your plant. Our data-driven efficiency, availability or party DCS
Functions for analytics, KPIs, recommendations help you flexibility of your assets,
dashboards and trends are in your descision-making or lower your emissions.
part of the solution. process.
The importance of
Performance Optimization
In the competitive power-generation market, power Using the data from the DCS for advanced control
utilities are focused on optimizing performance while concepts without major changes to mechanical
minimizing operational costs to deliver low-cost, high- equipment is one of the options to increase your plants
quality energy to their customers. profitability.
However, there needs to be a balance in the trade-offs With Siemens Plant Optimizer – part of the Siemens
between performance, operational costs and risks. Omnivise Digital Services Suite, you can adapt plant
When it comes to fossil generation, performance operations to your current requirements.
optimization is directly related to operations cost.
Low Emissions
part of the Omnivise Risk
and Compliance suite
Efficiency part of Flex-Power
High Efficiency Solutions
Select your
plant type Solutions for SPP
Low Loss Start Temperature Best Point Combustion Sootblower Low Throttling
Cost-optimized Increased steam Optimum steady- through laser-based Optimized operation Reduced throttling
startup temperatures state plant operation optimization of sootblowers losses
L ow
Move your mouse over page elements to explore interactive content. When highlighted, click to learn more.
Solution Benefits
Low Loss Start for SPP
Minimizes fuel consumption during the startup • Model-based creation of set points for
process while ensuring that thermal stresses main steam pressure, temperatures and Stress Steam Start-up Turbine Turbine stress
measurement quality valve Valve calculator
for thick-walled components donot violate firing rate, making maximum use of
permissible limits. In most cases, a further permitted thermal stresses for thick-
bonus in addition to reduced fuel consumption walled components
is a significant reduction in startup time. TI
• Automatic startup of boiler and turbine HP-
with bumpless transition to coordinated bypass
power operation Drains
High Availability Solutions
Select your
plant type Solutions for SPP
Increased availability
through loss-stress
Move your mouse over page elements to explore interactive content. When highlighted, click to learn more.
Solution Benefits
Life Time Plus for SPP
Regardless of all the demands for high efficiency • Adherence to permitted thermal stress Feedback from
and flexibilty, low-stress operation remains a limits on startup Thermal Steam process
stress limits pressure
fundamental requirement. Effect of Life
• Optimized soot blowing TM T HD
Time Plus
Thanks to its model-based and predicitve TI
feedforward control, this solution enables stable • Laser-based measurement of
and precise load changes with minimum fuel concentrations critical for fire-side temperatures Turbine
overshoot. This minimizes wear and tear on corrosion and optimal combustion
plant components. control based on this information Injection
temperatures and
Fuel / Air
Low Emission Solutions
Select your
plant type Solutions for SPP
Move your mouse over page elements to explore interactive content. When highlighted, click to learn more.
Solution Benefits
NOX Reduction for SPP
Reduce NO X emissions without running the risk • Laser-based measurement of Temperature profile in combustion zone over boiler cross-section
of fire-side corrosion due to localized lack of air. temperature and concentration (e.g.
H2O, O2, CO) averages directly in the Before After
combustion zone
High Flexibility Solutions
Select your
plant type Solutions for SPP
Get back on the grid primary frequency Larger load window increased to above Reduced minimum
faster control for grid dispatcher 100% load level
Move your mouse over page elements to explore interactive content. When highlighted, click to learn more.
Solution Benefits
Fast Start for SPP
Get the unit back on the grid in the shortest • Model-based formation of set points for
possible time without allowing thermal stresses main steam pressure, temperatures and S tre ss
me as urement
S te am
S tart-up
V alve
Turbine stress
in thick-walled components to violate firing rate, making maximum use of
permissible limits. permitted thermal stresses for thick-
walled components of boiler and turbine TM T HD
• Automatic startup of boiler and bypass
turbine with bumpless changeover Drains
Inje ction
to coordinated power operation
Fue l
V alve Feedback from process
Effect of Fast Start
The Fast Start solution optimizes and coordinates the components essential for
power plant startup.
Process Optimization Monitor and Advisor Fast and Easy
The cloud-based Process Optimization Monitor and
Advisor uses thermodynamic analysis of flue gas data to
Free dashboards provide a quick overview of plant
health and benchmark position. With our premium Our 4-step approach:
indicate optimization potential with respect to efficient services you get an analysis of your plant data and
and stable plant operation with reduced CO/NOX recommendations for improved operation, e.g.
emission and excess O2. setpoints as well as the optimization potential.
Initial Assessment
Determine solution modules to fit individual
needs / requirements
Data Analysis
Identify, localize and quantify existing potential
Present proposed solution including estimates of
potential return on investment (RoI)
Engineering based on comprehensive process and
ower plant know-how
Our performance optimization solutions have been implemented in more than 270 plants in 29 countries worldwide. Move your mouse over one of the
reference highlights to see details, and use
the buttons below to show references for
specifically each solutions.
9 All Solutions High Efficiency High Availability Low Emissions High Flexibility
Published by and copyright © 2018:
Siemens AG
Power Generation Services Division
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Printed in Germany
and solution
for print
Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio
Power Plant
for Steam Power Plants
Published by and copyright © 2018: Siemens AG | Power Generation Services Division | Freyeslebenstrasse 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Article-No. PSCD-B10011-00-7600 | Printed in Germany | AL=N, ECCN=N
Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not always specifically
reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further development of the products. The requested performance features are binding only when
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.
Omnivise Digital Services Portfolio
Power Plant
for Combined Cycle Power Plants
Published by and copyright © 2018: Siemens AG | Power Generation Services Division | Freyeslebenstrasse 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Article-No. PSCD-B10011-00-7600 | Printed in Germany | AL=N, ECCN=N
Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not always specifically
reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further development of the products. The requested performance features are binding only when
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.
DREWAG - Stadtwerke
Dresden GmbH
solutions Coordinated Unit Control for more flexibility
The latter has been retained and the pressure set- „The new coordinated unit control has pro-
point has been piloted such that the steam turbine ven successful in practice, permitting a dy-
throttles and generates the required output in the namic operating mode which can be adjus-
event of a primary frequency response (PFR) event.
Siemens Performance Optimization models are used
ted in line with the requirements but which
here which calculate the throttling and the dynamic is nevertheless stable and incurs low stres-
pressure characteristic in the event of a primary fre- ses. The implemented capabilities and the
quency response event based on the gas turbines increase in flexibility have future-proofed
that are in operation and the required PFR quantity. the plant and enabled it to adapt better to
With the future-proof Siemens Unit Control, plants changing market conditions.“
operated under heat extraction control can also sa-
tisfy the flexible requirements of the power market. Axel Pechstein, Power Plant Manager, DREWAG -
Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH
The Results
• Increased plant efficiency
Siemens AG
Power Generation Services Division
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Article-No. PSCD-B10014-01-7600
Printed in Germany
Flex-Power Services
The global energy market is rapidly Your benefits These measures are all part of Flex-
changing due to increasing renewable Carrying out a site specific assessment Power Services and can in many
power generation and decreasing can provide you with recommended cases be provided as a retrofit for the
power prices in the electricity markets options for cost-effectively upgrading Siemens service fleet and combined
in many countries. This leads to new your power plant to increase its opera- with other Siemens’ modernizations.
operating profiles with higher flexibility tional flexibility. Implementing these state-of-the-art
requirements for many fossil power features can help power plant compo-
Flex-Power Services measures can
plants. nents, such as steam and gas turbines
offer you quantifiable technical and
and generators, remain reliable and
To answer this demand, Siemens financial benefits. These can help you
increase the competitiveness of the
developed Flex-Power Services™ to improve the overall performance and
plant in the changing energy market
offer you solutions for a wide range operational flexibility of your power
within your region.
of aspects of the changed operational plant by integrating various technical
requirements, such as power on solutions in a cost effective manner.
demand and grid services.*
Depending on your technical require-
ments, Siemens Energy can offer you
Our product
the Flex-Power Services designed to:
Flex-Power Services provides hard-
• Reduce minimum part load
and software solutions as well as
• Increase efficiency in part load
studies and plant assessments which
focus on improved plant flexibility.
• Allocate peak power
Due to the nature of the changing
• Optimize load gradients Flex-Power Services™
operational requirements, the solu-
• Provide faster start-up and enhanced
tions will often be influenced by the
start & stop performance
overall plant rather than individual
• Increase maintenance flexibility
components only. Therefore, Siemens
• Optimize use of component life time &
Energy develops flexibility solutions er s
• Shorten outage duration w ien t Em
for fossil power plants considering the d
a v ic e s
Mi n
dG o
Loa ak P
cycle power plant. of Flex-Power
ib i l
St a r f o r
wn &
Do als
m St o d te n v
Mai n er
an p
ce I nt ol
Aspects of Flex-Power Services
Standard Flex
Operation Line Operation Line
Power on Demand Grid Services Min. Part Load Maintenance Flexibility / Power on Demand
Start Performance Load Gradients Peak Power Emissions Intervals & Cool Down / Start Performance
by at least 20 %. Such a step usually involves a two-dimensional distribution calculation
high investment in plant equipment. EDF which forms the basis for the optimization
was committed to finding the most cost-ef- itself. Closed-loop set point corrections are
fective way to meet the new requirement. calculated for existing combustion controls.
at Cottam The challenge was to reduce NOx emissions
Power Station in Cottam while simultaneously increasing These corrections manage, among other
plant efficiency and leveraging cost savings things, the individual balancing of the air
to improve their market position in a highly and fuel mixture for small groups of burners
competitive environment. and where applicable – of over-fire air. In
this way, the combustion process of the
hard-coal-fired power station can run with
higher efficiency, lower coal consumption
and, of particular importance, with signifi-
cantly reduced primary NOx emissions.
Cottam, EDF, England
Siemens AG
Power Generation Services Division
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Article-No. PSCD-B10011-00-7600
Printed in Germany
Drax Power Ltd., UK
Combustion optimization for extremely
heterogeneous fuels
of units
Services Omnivise suite of solutions. information on the combustion situation
forms the basis for optimizing the combus-
660 MW of
The Task tion parameters in real time. The additional
measurements of local O2 and CO concen-
For the last ten years Drax has been devel- trations over and above the temperature
Climate-neutral oping the capability to provide renewable distribution, are an important contribution
power generation electricity through upgrading almost half to the improved use of the SNCR installations.
of the power station to run on biomass.
with 100 % In addition to reducing NOx emissions, Drax
Combustion optimization is made possible
sustainable biomass. by the individual adaptation of the existing
wanted to cut operating costs by using
air-fuel controlled variables, especially the
biomass more efficiently. Key requirements
air staging and excess air, in accordance
were the fast implementation of the solu-
with requirements. Classic, model-based
tion, the integration of the measurement
control concepts are used here to ensure
signals into the secondary deNOx process
transparency and long-term maintainability
(SNCR) and guaranteed reduction targets
by trained customer personnel.
for NO x and excess air.
Drax Power Ltd., UK
Siemens AG
Power Generation Services Division
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Article-No. PSCD-B10010-00-7600
Printed in Germany