Response of A Digital Filter. Filter Design. or Matrix.: Theta Angle (Z)

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Syntax in MATLAB: _____ uses an FFT-based algorithm to calculate the z-transform frequency
response of a digital filter. freqz
2. Syntax in MATLAB: _____ implements the classical method of windowed linear-phase FIR digital
filter design. Fir1
3. Syntax in MATLAB: _____, with a single input argument x, computes the DFT of the input vector
or matrix. fft
4. A digital filter’s output y(k) is related to its input x(k) by ____ with its impulse response h(k).
5. Sometimes called the periodic sinc or aliased sinc function, for an input vector or matrix x.
Dirichlet Function
6. The ___ of a digital filter is the output arising from the unit impulse input sequence defined as
x(n) = 1, n =1 and x(n) = 0 impulse response
7. The ____ is a basic z-domain representation of a digital filter, expressing the filter as a ration of
two polynomials. Z-transform
8. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ Lists all files in current directory. dir
9. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ terminates for, while, and if statements break
10. ____is implemented as the transposed direct-form II structure, where n-1 is the filter order.
11. The central data construct in MATLAB is the ___, an ordered collected of real or complex
numeric data with two or more dimensions. Numeric array
12. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ applies a digital filter to a data sequence. FILTER
13. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ returns the phase angle in radians. theta = angle(z)
14. ____ are characterized by a magnitude response that is maximally flat in the passband and
monotonic overall. Butterworth filters
15. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ suppresses screen printing. Echo off
16. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ puts text at top of plot. text(x,y,txt)
17. The ___ is the continuous inverse Fourier transform of the rectangular pulse of width 2pi and
height 1.
18. The ___ functions are algorithms, expressed mostly in m-files, that implement a variety of
processing tasks. Signal Processing Toolbox
19. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ removes variables from memory. clear
20. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ stops MATLAB. Ctrl+C
21. ___ filters offer steeper roll-off characteristics but are equiripple in both the pass- and
stopbands. Elliptic
22. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ Generates normally distributed random numbers. randn
23. Syntax in MATLAB: The function ___ returns the magnitude of the response. abs
24. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ calculates the discrete Fourier transform of a sequence. fft
25. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ Displays contents of an array or string. disp(X)
26. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ Displays current directory. filebrowser
27. ____ filters are equiripple in the passband and monotonic in the stopband. Chebyshev Type I
28. The ___ function plots poles and zeros of a linear system. p
29. Syntax in MATLAB: ___ Searches help entries for a keyword. Look for
30. ___ filters are monotonic in the passband and equiripple in the stopband. Chebyshev Type II
For Matlab syntax, use small letters  in
you  answer otherwise use CAPITAL letters.

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