True Drummer Magazine

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Welcome to the first issue of TRUE DRUMMER MAGAZINE.
I am the editor, Tuan Nguyen, and drummer for the local

THE NEWS!................................................PG. 3 Hardcore/Metal band, Constructs. This magazine is basically

about me. It also includes articles on famous and local
drummers, advertisements for drum gear and much more!

LARS ULRICH......................................PG. 5-6 What inspired me to make this magazine was my passion
for drumming. I’ve been playing drums for about 6 years
now and I’ve improved dramatically. Now I start to see what
it takes to be a real drummer. I’m not saying that I think I
MY FIRST BANDS............................PG. 7-8 am, but I’ve noticed how a lot of my earlier influences aren’t
as good as I thought they were. I’m also very into the local
Burlington Hardcore/Metal music scene so I included pictures

WORST ALBUM....................................PG. 9 and information on some of the talented local drummers out
there. I hope you enjoy reading the articles in this magazine,
and checking out the sweet advertisements I created.

Tuan Nguyen

Photography by:

Gray Richter

Samantha Armstrong

Lauren Mazzotta

Taylor Cooke

Kayla Bates


A N C H O R S A W AY C L O T H I N G L I N E P r e s e n t s :

i s t e n to !
ums to l



Tuan Nguyen @ 242 Main, Burlington, VT


After lead vocalist, Geoff Daniel, left The “Foot in the Grave” E.P. made a huge
Constructs in August 2010, they went on impact on the Burlington hardcore/metal -CONSTRUCTS, DECOMPOSER
hiatus. Since then, guitarist, Thoai Nguyen, music scene. Caulfield were few of the first
and drummer, Tuan Nguyen, have been local bands to actually go into a professional
writing new material and trying to recruit studio for high quality recordings. Jordan
new members to Constructs. Shortly Speer brought back the heaviness and
agility of metal drumming in the local scene
after a few jam sessions, they decided
when it died out for awhile. He has gone
on “the perfect sound”, and added three
back into the studio to track Caulfield’s full-
new members to the band. They’re very
length so stay tuned, and be super stoked!
much excited to show off the new material
because according to them, the old stuff URIAN HACKNEY // ALIVE & WELL
was crap. Critics said that on Constructs’ -THE GHOST INSIDE, RETURNERS
It has been nearly a year now, and Urian’s 2/4 Burlington, VT @ 242 Main 2/13 Boston, MA @ Paradise Rock Club
Decomposer E.P. Tuan didn’t put enough band, Alive & Well are still in the studio
effort into writing the drum parts and that recording their full-length. People are 2/5 S.Burlington, VT @ Higher Ground 2/15 Boston, MA @ Revolution Rock Bar
they were too “boring”. Well, when new wondering why it’s taking them so long.
Constructs comes out with their demo E.P. The answer is, they want to make it perfect 2/6 Manchester, NH @ Rocko’s 2/16 S.Norwalk, CT @ Bar Eleven
people will be greatly surprised by how and will not settle for good. Clips from the
much the writing of the drums and music new un-mastered album are phenominal. 2/8 Manchester, NH @ JFK Coliseum 2/17 New Haven, CT @ Drop Zone
have improved. As of right now, the new Urian Hackney set the highest standard for
line-up stays unknown, but the music is said local drummers in Vermont. His style is so 2/9 Suncook, NH @ Ground Zero 2/18 New Haven, CT @ Lounge 215
to be more heavy and melodic hardcore. unique and creative that it absolutely blew
Stream Constructs’ entire E.P. here! my mind. Alive & Well should be releasing -FOR THE FALLEN DREAMS, RELENTLESS 2/10 Dover, NH @ Dover Brick House 2/20 Bristol, RI @ Gillary’s Tavern their untitled full-length in April of 2011.
2/12 Worcester, MA @ The Palladium 2/21 Providence, RI @ The Living Room
into their band as soon as they did. People listened to What really gets

them for the heaviness of their music, and how their music to me is the fact that
stood out from the other music that was around at their Lars has so many really
time. What people didn’t realize, or cared to realize was good endorsements. I
how Lars was obviously bad at what he did. I mean, I guess mean, people consider
it’s easy to look past that when the guitarists, bassist, and him like an icon to the
vocalist were good, but that’s how lame it is. Normally, metal music industry,
the band depends on their drummer. In Metallica, they but he’s so bad that it
depended on the guitarists. The thing is, their guitarists doesn’t even make sense to me. I’m glad that nowadays

GOOD OR BAD DRUMMER? aren’t that great where you could tune out the drums if you
wanted to. The whole band together did not have the same
it’s harder to get endorsements unless you’re truly
good at what you do. Now getting back to Lars, he got
level of abilities, which made his drums stand out, but in a endorsements pretty much when Metallica wrote their
bad way. They got to where they are now because first record. He had, and still has TAMA Drums, Zildjian
back then not many people cared a whole lot Cymbals, AHEAD Drumsticks, TAMA Iron Cobra Hardware,
about abilities, and it was the fans who got them and Remo Drumheads endorsements. Those are all
By: Tuan Nguyen famous, not a big label. extremely hard to get endorsed by, unless you’re really
good at drums and have a purpose for endorsements,
or if you’re in a famous band. In his case, he got super
etallica is one of the biggest names in the he uses a completely different
Thrash Metal music scene, but it seems drum beat. To be a real
In an interview with Lars done by Hatebreed’s
as though people do not acknowledge the drummer, you have to excel
lead vocalist, Jamey Jasta, Lars quoted,
fact that their drummer lacks a bit too much in creativity, otherwise
compared to the rest of the band. Most people consider you’re just a person who “The ‘not-giving-a-[bleep]’ meter is as
Lars Ulrich to be one of the greatest metal drummers can hit things. far into the red-zone as ever before.”
ever. Do you want to know my opinion on Lars? I think Lars is a really lucky
Sometimes it’s almost as if he knows he’s not a
he gets way too much credit for his drumming, and his guy. He’s lucky that thrash
good drummer, but he enjoys doing it for the fun and
drumming isn’t good. I can honestly say that he’s a pretty metal wasn’t popular until
excitement, especially since his band got extrememly big
bad drummer, especially since he has been playing pretty Metallica started. He’s
in the metal music industry.
much all of his life. lucky that they
It’s pretty obvious to tell my opinion on Lars’
I’m going to start off by saying that he lacks recruited him
drumming. Though I could honestly admit that I used
the most in timing and creativity. If you listen to every
to think he was one of the greatest drummers and I
Metallica record, you’ll notice that he is slightly off time
considered him to be one of my favorites. But when
in almost every song, and some of the drum beats don’t
I started to play drums more and got better at it,
mash well with the guitars. He’ll do this thing where
I realized how bad he was. Looking up to him
he’ll make a drum beat a little off time to try making it
was probably the biggest joke ever and it
sound more interesting and “tricky”, but it just ends up
only helped me to become a bad drummer
sounding really bad because Metallica isn’t the type
and have bad drumming habits, so
of band to be technical metal, or write technical
that wasn’t much “help”. The bottom
parts. They’re clearly a thrash metal band, so
line is, Lars Ulrich, of Metallica, is
it’s all about speed and intensity. Lars sure
quite possibly one of the worst
does have the right drum beats for some
“famous” drummers of all time.
of the songs, but he overuses them too
much. I can’t think of one song where


By: Mark Callaway
Urian Hackney joined Black Night Vengeance in 2007, after
their drummer and close friend, Sam Cohn, passed away.
Urian joined in memory of Sam, and to keep that musis going.
BNV was pretty much the start of Forever They Said. They
played tons of locals shows, and even played with Our Last
Night (NH metalcore band), who are now very well known and
signed to Epitaph Records.Urian was one of the first drummers
in Burlington to be able to do “blast beats” on the drums very
well. In a lot of peoples eyes, he pinoneered the intense
death-core style drumming in Burlington’s scene. When BNV
broke up, Urian decided to try guitar out. He started playing
with Young Denver, a pop-punk band. Eventually, he missed
playing drums too much that he joined, The New Tony Bennet,
after their drummer was kicked out. In that band, he got to use
his death-core/death metal drum style to incorporate into their
music. After TNTB broke up in 2009, he formed Alive & Well.
Urian Hackney @ 242 Main, Burlington, VT

Jordan Speer @ Higher Ground, S. Burlington, VT

In the beginning of 2008, Jordan Speer and it weren’t for Forever They Said, Constructs
Geoff Daniel formed a band called, Forever and Caulfield probably wouldn’t be bands
They Said. They were one of Burlington’s right now. Jordan’s sense of style on At the age of thirteen, Rafe Bouchard joined a death metal band
first metalcore band that actually sounded drums attracted large crowds every time called Compassion Forsworn. He had been playing drums since
“legit”. They were a tight band, even though they played. All of the upcoming metal he was eight years old, but Compassion was his first “real” band.
a few of the members were still beginners. drummers wanted to be as good as him. Before he was their drummer, his brother, Keenan Bouchard,
In the summer of 2008, they kicked out both Soon after FTS ruled the music scene, played drums for them. When he left, they thought it’d be a great
of their guitarists and went on a search you they broke up because guitarist, Geoff idea for Rafe to take the spot. This was a great opportunity for
new band mates. Vocalist, Geoff Daniel, got Daniel and bassist, Kyle Dattilio, were him. They played tons of shows with popular bands like Emmure
on guitar and they recruited Dylan Hughes on unreliable. They had to find new members, and The Jonah Veil, and toured around New England for a week.
vocals and Thoai Nguyen on second guitar. so they recruited Ethan Burke on second It was almost a teenger’s dream come true until they had to let
From there on, they became one of the guitar and Chris Ward on bass. They then him go. Their music was going into a different direction and they
biggest names in the Burlington hardcore/ formed, The Things He Carried. THC were didn’t feel that Rafe could move along with them. After he was
metal music scene. they used to practice a more melodic and heavy version of FTS. kicked out from the band, he started a pop-punk band called
in Thoai’s basement about 4 times a week. They dominated the scene with their great Young Denver, with Nick Giordani and David Lagerstedt. He felt
Constructs’ drummer, Tuan Nguyen, who is live performances. They were just full of like his passion for music and drumming leaned more towards
also Thoai’s brother and band mate now, energy and really got the crowd going. pop-punk than any other genre so it kind of worked out for the
learned a lot of his technique from Jordan. Jordan improved dramatically when THC best in the long run. Now Young Denver is touring around the U.S.
started up to add a longer lasting affect Rafe Bouchard @ Boys & Girls Club, Burlington, VT
He used to hang out at their practices and
watch them write new songs and what not. If on people who came out to their shows.





...The future of electronic drums

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