Annual Report: Lifting Standards Worldwide

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2018 Lifting Standards Worldwide

Annual Report
2 LEEA Annual Report

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is committed
to upholding high standards of quality. Our vision is ‘To promote
enhanced standards and sustainable development for the
Worldwide Lifting and Safety Industry’.
Chairman’s Report 5

CEO Report 6

Annual Report 2018 8

Company Highlights 10

Learning, Development and Training 11

Technical Support 12

Member Engagement 14

Business Support 15

Raising Awareness 16

Financial Information 18

LEEA Board Members 19

4 LEEA Annual Report
LEEA Annual Report  5

Chairman’s Report
I am delighted to introduce the LEEA Annual Report for 2018. From the perspective of the
Chairman and a consistent Board member for over 20 years, I feel that LEEA now stands at a
point as if it is the beginning of another phase in its development.

This, as mentioned in my welcome address at last year’s AGM not a trade association that is measured simply by the size
can only really be appreciated by looking long term at the past of its membership.
achievements of the Association.
This in itself is illustrative of the Board’s vision for LEEA. As we
I am grateful to chair a Board who are committed and unified in move forward we want a trade association that speaks with its
driving forward the performance of LEEA. We work hard together members but also on behalf of its members. Whilst LEEA provides
for the betterment and improvement of the industry, globally. training and support services, they are part of the whole.

A significant part of the new phase in LEEA’s development In particular I look at this report and see that we are strengthening
is directly related to the stability of the Board, the loyalty, our performance in long established areas of LEEA ‘s operations.
commitment and abilities of the LEEA senior management team
The team is delivering more member engagement, more training
and the appointment of a new CEO.
and more technical support than before. Clearly this is impressive.
I am sure members would agree that the appointment of a new But we also see changes and innovations which are helping the
CEO should make a difference. This has proven to be the case with LEEA vision to become a reality.
the appointment of Dr Ross Moloney. The new CEO and senior
2019 promises to be an exciting year for LEEA. More engagement
management team has enabled the Board to work with a greater
with governments and their agencies, campaigns and tools to
collaborative spirit and total transparency.
attract new recruits for members, training solutions in languages
We recognise that LEEA has many strengths but we also see that other than English, member benefits, reducing overheads to re-
to reach our potential we must look at things differently and find focus the team on member impact are things that we want to see
new approaches. and that the team are planning to deliver.

We have members across the globe and the LEEA team continue In summary, the team has delivered a year they can look back
to report significant interest in joining the association. But our on with satisfaction. The entire team has risen admirably to the
priority is not to grow member numbers, but rather to secure challenges brought about by a significant change process, which
outstanding service for current members. has seen the company refocus its staff resources to support a
busy delivery programme and look to deliver more value and
Ross Moloney and his team have many targets, but membership
impact for members.
growth is not one. We want a LEEA of which we can be proud,

Paul Fulcher
6 LEEA Annual Report

CEO Report
It was a huge honour to join LEEA in January 2018. Ours is an association with a proud history
and many clear strengths on which we can build as we take LEEA into the future. Our vision is
clear, and our focus is set. The Board of Directors, our members and the LEEA team have a real
passion for all things LEEA.
LEEA Annual Report  7

My personal determination is for LEEA to become the best trade heart of everything we do is an utter commitment to our members
association in the world and by this, I mean that LEEA will deliver and this is underpinned by an approach to delivery based on
enormous impact and benefit for our members. I hope that what planning and tight management. I have included some insights
follows shows that we are on that path. Just as there are strengths, into our year on year performance, there were others, but the data
we have areas where we know that can improve. paints a picture of industry and diligence. As an association we
believe that delivering for our members comes when we have a
As you will see from the remainder of this report, in 2018 LEEA has
clear vision and carefully managed plans.
successfully undertaken some remarkable work across the globe.
Changes this year have included refocusing our resources to
By the end of 2018 we will have completed over eighty projects,
deliver for members. Where possible we have cut overheads
all of which deliver against our organisational vision and our three
and brought in additional capacity. Consequently, we have new
strategic priorities.
members of the team in training, member engagement and soon
Highlights for me include: in the technical support team.

• LEEA has conducted more audits and member visits than The Board have been clear, they want LEEA to engage and support
any previous year. members at every turn. So, we are working to that brief.

• We have delivered more technical advice to our membership Whilst we can look at 2018 with some satisfaction, we understand
than ever before. that we have lots more to do.

• Our monthly LEEA Bulletin delivers updates and insights So, in 2019 we will raise our game still further. There will be more
to employers around the world. working with and on behalf of our members. The requirements
of membership will be fiercely protected, with one expected
• Our quarterly The Lifting Engineer reaches stakeholders,
consequence being to make it harder to join and remain as a
end users, influencers and decision makers in every corner
member of LEEA. Across the world this has been the number one
of the globe.
wish of LEEA members.
• We have delivered a record amount of training in 2018 both in
End users will more fully understand the value of working with
person and on our e-learning platform.
LEEA members. We will conduct more training, hold more member
• I have personally met with numerous trade associations in events and give more technical advice.
end user markets pushing the messages of LEEA members
But we will also support our members in new and innovative
out across the relevant supply chains.
ways. We will conduct monthly webinars for our members. We
• We are developing important relationships with end will work to address the difficulty in recruiting new recruits into
users, ensuring that they see the benefit of working the sector by encouraging and supporting school and college
with LEEA members. engagement. We will look to provide enhanced member benefits
and support in HR, legal and others.
• We are increasing our profile with politicians and
governmental agencies across the world. On a personal note, I owe a thank you to the Board, members and
staff of LEEA. I have met with many members and gained their
• LEEA is growing the team to respond to members’ needs
views on LEEA and what the future might look like. I am grateful
and requests.
for their time and frankness!
The association’s impact this year has been delivered because of
Consequently, we are excited about our plans for 2019 and we are
our committed and expert staff. I have asked them to do things
committed to delivering against your expectations.
differently, and they have responded with real enthusiasm. At the

Dr Ross Moloney, FCILT

8 LEEA Annual Report

Report 2018
The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA)
has a long history of working to promote enhanced
standards and sustainable development for the
worldwide lifting and safety industry. It is this vision
that continues to guide and underpin the work of the

The LEEA Board works with the Chief Executive Officer to develop
organisational strategy, set and monitor key performance indicators, act as
representatives of the membership and also ensure good governance across
the association.

In 2018, LEEA delivered 85 projects on behalf of its members. Using a project

management approach based on PRINCE 2 principles, LEEA plans and delivers
in a cost effective and structured way, continually reflecting on the value for
its members and the impact we have on the industry. What follows are some
highlights of the work LEEA has completed to the end of September 2018.

LEEA is established across the globe as the respected

and authoritative representative body for all those
involved in the lifting industry worldwide.
LEEA Annual Report  9
10 LEEA Annual Report

Highlights 2018
LEEA is actively involved in all aspects of the industry, promoting the highest technical
and safety standards and offering a wide range of services and support to our worldwide
membership, including: Training Services, Official Industry Representation, Publications,
Technical Support, Health and Safety, Standards Setting and Marketing.
We have over 1,170 member companies based in 69 countries. We hold a database of 12,000+
practitioners who have qualified as testers and examiners through our Diploma/Advanced
Programme Training Schemes.
LEEA Annual Report  11

Learning, Development and Training

days of face-to-face training
online students have been
studying online in 2018.
online learning modules have been completed so far this year.

delivered by LEEA trainers.

Instructor led training has been delivered in We have begun the process of developing an Apprenticeship.
We have arranged and
17 countries (12 in 2017)

Over 1.3 million

Combined Member Training minutes (22000 hours or 900 days, 2.5 years) has been
events have been delivered in Qatar, spent on LEEA studies by our e-learners
Trinidad, Australia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. (increase of 48% on 2017 figures).

LEEA assessment events

across the globe (321 in 2017).
LEEA has recruited 2 new trainers to respond to the demand for training.

483 1,659
LEEA qualified technicians (170
in 2017) have completed 1681
assessment papers have
been submitted, marked and
returned (up 25% on 2017).

TEAM Card refresher courses.

The Learning and Development team at LEEA is an integral part of the value of membership.
As the Chair of the Learning and Development Committee, I support the team to ensure that
the curriculum and training LEEA delivers is absolutely in line with what members need now
and in the future. I have been delighted to be involved in this process, and look forward to
seeing LEEA continue its work in this area.
Kat Moss, Chair of the Learning and Development Committee
12 LEEA Annual Report

Technical Support

We have introduced a new system to manage and respond to technical queries. In the initial 16
weeks the LEEA Technical Triage process received and dealt with 116 technical enquiries, with
60% being fully resolved within 48 hours.

13 159 33
In 2018 we had In 2018 we had

technical meetings will have

attendees (in 2017 we had 122) representing
been held in 2018.
77 member companies (2017 - 44) at our attendees representing
Technical Committee and sub-committee 18 member companies at our
events in the UK. working group meetings.
We are currently
recruiting a new
The technical team is currently working on the
member of the team
development of 7 standards and 8 guidance documents.
to add capacity and
additional expertise.

As promised, 2018 has been a year of progress. The Technical Support team have
worked tirelessly to roll out the additional Technical sub-committees to enable
engagement with a greater number of our members than ever before. All these
results brings an even greater need for competent advice, and we are in the process
of actively recruiting more technical resource to support these endeavours.
Derek Buck, Chairman of the Technical Committee.
LEEA Annual Report  13
14 LEEA Annual Report

Member Engagement

We have received Monthly LEEA Bulletin for members is
content-led and is delivered to

completed audits (331 in 2017).

834 visits to members
(348 in 2017).
new member applications. 12% of applicants were
refused membership at the first hurdle.
recipients. Open rate is 29.9% v
sector average of 16.5%.

The Lifting Engineer has been refreshed, is content led, issued

quarterly and its first edition was distributed alongside LHI magazine,
reaching 12,000 in print and a further 18,000 in digital.

Member numbers

Region Total 2017 New for 2018 Total 2018 Growth vs. 2017
members 2018

Rest of World 692 58 19 731 5.64%

UK 417 26 9 434 4.08%

Total 1109 84 28 1165 5.05%

LEEA Annual Report  15

Business Support

3,473 2,300 646

We have sent out

inbound emails for LEEA

enquiries about general LEEA business were actioned. pieces of correspondence to our members. assessments were actioned.

1,123 3,651
The team processed 542 requests for publications.

certificates were printed and issued for successful LEEA Academy enrolment and
candidates (832 in 2017). support emails were processed.
16 LEEA Annual Report

Raising Awareness
Over the last 6 months LEEA has been featured in at least 32 publications. These have a mix
of UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South African and International readership. The
publications are in Lifting, Construction, Manufacturing, Ports, Logistics, Materials Handling,
Recycling, Energy, Training and Plant Maintenance. Titles include:

American Journal of Transportation Informed Infrastructure North American Clean Energy

Apprenticeships Directory Inside Construction Plant Engineer

CILT Logistics Focus International Cranes Ports Strategy

Crane and Hoist Lift & Hoist International Rock Road and Recycle

EEDesignIt Logistics Handling Storage Handling & Distribution

Engineering News Logistics Voices The Manufacturers Success Connection

Forklift Action Warehouse Magazine

Forklift Revolution Material Handling Network Warehousing & Logistics International

Handling & Storage Solutions Material Handling Wholesaler Wire Rope News

Industrial Plant & Equipment Materials Handling World

LEEA Annual Report  17

We are developing relationships with end Met with governmental agencies, politicians
user trade associations and other relevant and stakeholders raising awareness of LEEA
stakeholders. These include: members across the globe.
• Chartered Institute of • Abu Dhabi Quality and
Logistics and Transport Conformity Council LEEA has exhibited across a number of
supply chains and countries.

38 59
• Confederation of British • Bahrain Ministry of
Metalformers Labour

• Royal Society for the • Emirates National

Prevention of Accidents Accreditation System

• British Plastics Federation • Singapore Ministry of

• Cogent Skills
• Institute of Manufacturing

• Construction Products companies applied for the applications across 8

Association LEEA Awards from categories for inaugural
14 countries. LEEA Awards.
18 LEEA Annual Report

Statement of income and retained earnings
for the year ended 31 December 2017

2017 (£) 2016 (£)

Turnover 2,676,673 2,608,047

Gross profit 2,676,673 2,608,047

Administrative expenses (2,652,509) (2,745,613)

Operating profit/(loss) 24,164 (137,566)

Interest receivable and similar income 2,412 5,278

Interest payable and expenses (2,455) (3,800)

Profit/(loss) before tax 24,121 (136,088)

Tax on profit/(loss) (1,393) 8,138

Profit/(loss) after tax 22,728 (127,950)

Retained earnings at the beginning of the year 1,309,734 1,437,684

Profit/(loss) for the year 22,728 (127,950)

Retained earnings at the end of the year 1,332,462 1,309,734

LEEA Annual Report  19

Balance sheet as at 31 December 2017 LEEA Board Members

Note 2017 (£) 2016 (£) Paul Fulcher, Chairman

Rigging Services
Fixed assets
Richard Money, Vice Chairman
Tangible assets 5 895,860 1,008,603 Sahm-Splice Ltd

Oliver Auston, Past Chairman

Current assets
Checkmate Lifting & Safety Ltd
Stocks 6 24,056 22,769
Derek Buck, Technical Committee Chair
Debtors: amounts falling due Delmark Lifting Equipment Ltd
7 150,101 168,558
within one year
Kat Moss, L&D Committee Chair
Cash at bank and in hand 8 791,331 674,812 Catena Inspection & Engineering
Services Ltd
965,488 866,139
Tim Burgess
Creditors: amounts falling due William Hackett Ltd
9 (405,609) (412,915)
within one year
Kevin Smith
Net current assets 559,879 453,224 Certex UK

Total assets less current Tony Longmire

1,455,739 1,461,827
liabilities FLG Services part of ‘A’ plant plc

Creditors: amounts falling due Stewart Allister

10 (112,915) (127,457)
after more than one year Select Plant Hire Co Ltd

1,342,824 1,334,370 Ashley Thacker

Ranger - Lifting | Rigging | Safety
Provisions for liabilities
Yassin A. Al-Hussain
Deferred taxation 12 (10,362) (24,636) Central Plant Services Arabia Co.

Net assets 1,332,462 1,309,734 Austin Joseph

JC International Ltd
Capital and reserves
Santosh Gupte
Profit and loss account 1,332,462 1,309,734 ICO Asiapacific Group
3 Ramsay Court,
Business Park,
PE29 6FY

Tel. +44 (0) 1480 432801

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