Sapkale Sandspit 2020
Sapkale Sandspit 2020
Sapkale Sandspit 2020
Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (6) June (2020)
biodiversity which is significantly a need of conservation tombolo etc. Due to the destructive tidal currents and the
strategies2. In the study area, it is seen that continuous strong monsoon winds at the western coast, the landforms
variability in such land forms is required for some strategic are attacked inherently. The current shoreline sand spits at
planning for their conservation. In view of this, it is true that Phanase, Tambaldeg and Tondavali where the study
the coastal resource management of degraded areas with conducted is under threat due to various factors discussed
significant ecological importance are essential for earlier. Primarily data from the fieldwork and then the
sustainable development4. Therefore, present study in terms google images were procured and analysis was carried out.
of change detection and the shifts in location will help to
protect the shifted margins of the sand spits. The development, shift and degradation of the sand spits at
the coast of Phanase, Tondavali and Tambaldeg are studied
Here, it is a study of the western coastal land across the through the satellite images captured in the year 2003, 2011
Maharashtra State of India, which is underlying towards the and 2019 respectively. It is observed that sand accumulation
Western Ghats declared as UNESCO World Heritage Site having one side towards sea and other towards the mainland
having varied diversity of biological and geomorphological has changed their shape and area with a gradual shift in their
features with various coastal landforms. Coastal landforms places.
are developed as a result of stabilized condition of
depositional and erosional activity taking place at sea shore
with the help of tidal energy over a period of time. A sand
spit is a depositional landform emerging in where the re-
entrance of water occurs due to linear accumulation of mixed
sediments. The present research study portrays the
geomorphological studies and its retrospective analysis with
the help of remote sensing data through Google earth and
field work.
Major objective is to study the spits with the Remote Sensing
images. Nowadays multi spectral images are available for
good resolutions. The images are very costly and not
available for each year. In Indian scenario LISS IV with
5.8m resolution is last option for these type of the study. So,
use of Google Earth Images for change detections of the
coastal spits is the most appropriate option. The specific
image was cropped from Google Earth and took coordinates
points for georeferancing purpose. Then all data has been Figure 1: Location Map
imported in ArcGIS software and georeferancing the images. (Source: Based on survey of India)
More than two images were mosaic in one image. The
process has been adopted for all years i.e. 2003, 2011 and Phanase Spit: This spit has changed very rapidly during the
2019. The spits were digitized and assessed. Google Earth year 2003 to 2019. Specially its area in 2003 was 0.06,
Images are available from 2003 to till date. For the study of it was increased by 0.08 in 2011. In year 2019 it was
the spits Google Earth Images taken i.e. January 2003, decreasing area and the area was 0.03 This also
February 2011 and February 2019. Selected spits are shows that the circular bar was emerged towards the
Phanase, Tambaldeg and Tondavali (tip). northern side of the spit. It is mainly viewed in the pursuit
that the strong offshore currents and the south western winds
Results and Discussion it have occurred. The encroachment in the estuary also
depicts the human intervention helping in the decline of the
The coastal line of the Maharashtra is noticeable with
sand spit proving threat to the ecosystem of estuary.
headlands, steep cliff, sand bars, beaches, sand spits,
Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (6) June (2020)
There is a significant and rapid shift during 2011 to 2019. Tambaldeg Spit: The north side of Tambaldeg spit has not
Especially, the area declined more than 50 % i.e. upto 0.03 shown any changes. The southern side was more changed. It
sq. kms. This is drastic change observed in the sand spit and was shifted 131.72 m from 2003 to 2019. West side shift has
the rapid shift vertically towards the northern side showing seen 32.19 m during the year 2003 to 2019, western side shift
a thumb like structure and again in opposite side towards the occurs for a distance of 22.87 m from 2003 to 2019. This spit
sea side i.e. 26.91 mtrs. was more and rapidly changed on southern direction. The
area of this spit was 0.20 in 2003, 0.16 sq. km in 2011
The spit has shifted to north side for a distance of 152.63 m and 0.15 in 2019.
from 2003 to 2011 and southern side shift was observed in
year 2019. The eastern side shift was 64.41m from year 2003
to 2019. West side of the spit shifted 91.32 m toward eastern
direction. The west side gradually changed towards east side.
Phanase spit looked like a thumb up shape in year 2019. The
Phanase spit of 2019 was reduced in size i.e. half the size of
2011 spit.
Figure 2: Google Image of Sand Spits from year 2003 Figure 3: Variations in sand spits
to 2019.
Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (6) June (2020)
Table 1
Locations of the Sand Spits
S. N. Location Name Latitude Longitude
1 Phanase 16°26'35.19"N 73°21'25.32"E
2 Tambaldeg 16°16'43.02"N 73°24'39.41"E
3 Tondavali 16°05’19.16"N 73°27'43.67"E
Table 2
Area of the Sand Spits in
S. N. Location Name Area 2003 (Sq. Km) Area 2011 (Sq. Km) Area 2019(Sq. Km)
1 Phanase 0.06 0.08 0.03
2 Tambaldeg 0.20 0.16 0.15
3 Tondavali 0.33 0.32 0.29
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